The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 18, 1867, Image 1

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1~zDo B&S A Y FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF USEFUL INTEIENE [INI~L 77-lM' WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEEME 18, 187o - V n j i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~titfSERLD. ~'At Jeyberry C. R. * mg immx m cUtRNwCY pan Ma. ' 01e -wf the et ' e . Id e !. C. was h1 do eIem that be hbM elle good, bef t foreac *dmiie or.. se the BEST ad c that'the swra dte~ie eathft -wib '' hie we bae sel ' e ss mte eteet Ase -tt;isee" ie os ,Re.L coeKnva STOV E. jthe .oi6 sted, askere a to sa jU -~ -BK ef d?kiads & WRIGHT 75 Broad Street. p USTA, GA., - Attendor 'ale, I sP' Gidi*iGi0 e s ea iei0s, a. s s WWg dier essi bt j,~~c~bor-Richange seg will pay the 11GRiSPT an, ~W forlour, Graja RGEMINATIONIS. gi m g{y fgiends lbr the ~eernedoned: p77 u wbleetor. - 15 Jou W TLLIaMa JosZrW.W. HILL anos Kznm. <TEMA R A. CROMERt CAPT. Gus. DICKERT Danzar, B. WHEEL.BR For the Legislature. R. V. GIsT. For Clerk of Court. NATRAII F. JouxsoN. Guano. 100 tons warranted genuine Peruvian, from the Agent of the Peruvian Govern ment, on hand and for sale by S(LASR JOHINSTONE & Wx. F. NANCE, October 23 48 Notice. AU per-sons having demands against the estate of Janett Sloan, deceased, are hereby requested to render the same to the sub .oriber properly attested, and those in. debted to the same, will make payment 0n e.r before the tenth day of January next, as a settlement will be made on said estate at t,bat time. JAMES SLOAN, Nov. 21. 1887. 27-48 as. Ex'nr. Dr. J. D. Bruce Havlag resumed the practice of Medicine, tenders his professional services to the public. Office in the building formerly occupied by Xr. John A. Chapman, and opposite Mrs. harp's rsidence. Sept. 18 38 tf. The President's Message. -.Tbe following are the most im portant points of the President's m a, as arranged by the -Mer cury for those who may not have had the time or the patience to read the whole document. 1.-And in the first place above hdim , is the distinet:aeknowl edgment, that the Southern States laid dowi their arms, on the faith of the declaration of Congress, that the sole object of the late wsr on the part of the United States Government and the North ern States was a restoration of the Unioat- The President: says: "The oustitutiAonal duty is not the only one which requires the. State -to be resftred. There is another consideration which, though of minor importanee, is yetof great weight. On the 22d day of July, 1861, Congress de elai-ed,. by an almost' unaninons vote of both-houses, that the war .isad ie heenducted-sole}yc for the purpose of preserving the Union, :0d ma aiiig the supremacy of of the ideral constitution -and laws, without impairiag the digni ty equality and .ri hts of the StMeer of individ4 and -.that bed h was done thehwar should cease. I donot say :that this de personaily binding oih those whealined iu-making it, any iare't n individeral members of ogressare rona ly bound to py a pguie' ebt created,under a f'r ivbicr they oted. But it vasa sodknin, pultc, opiat pledge g the national honour, and I can .not imagine upon what gzounds the repudition of i is to be justi lied. Ift said that we are not bound to keep faitk with rebels, iet-It :be remembered that thia.. .pionise was- not made to rebels b.nly. 'tlhousands -Qf true ien in the South.were dra*n*tp our stand. ard by it, and huedreds of ,thous ands in the NortJbgave Iieir live in the belief that it would be ..ea ried out. It-was made on the day after-the ft*ieat battle of the war bad been fought and lost., Al ptiotie.. and intelligent men thi saw-tAe necessity of ivedw such asgarande, and bel'eyed that.w t -it theMwar wol end .idteraEte ur eause. Having Qien tat aesdranee in tAextremi ty of our peril, the 'viostion of it now, in the day of our power, wos14 be a rude reading of that faith which holds the moraI world together ; e'ur-eonntry woud cease to have any claim upon' the 'eace of. penJ.;it wouldd make the .war not bty~ a-filute but a fraud." 2E The 'next impeitant -point made in the message is, that seces sion was void3 adthUe.te:o'th ern States-are*now .as they have ever been' within the Union and under the Conistitution of the Uni. ted States with all its guaraRtees. It says : :t is clear to my apprehension ~that the States lately in rebellion are still members of the National Union. Whnen. did they cease to be so? The 'ordinanes~ of seces non,' adopted by a portion (in most of them a very small portion) of their estizens, were mere nuli ties If we admit now that they were valid and effectual for the purpose intended by their authors, we sweep from under our feet the whole ground upon which we justified the war. Were those States after wards expelled from the Union by the war? The direct contrary was averred by this government to be its purpose, and was so un derstood by all those who give their blood and treasure to aid in its prosecution. It cannot be that a successful war, waged for the preservation of the Union, had the legal effect of dissolving it. The victory of the nation's arms was not the disgrace of her policy ; the defeat of secession on the bat tle-field was not the tiumph of its lawless principles. 19or could Congress, with or without the consent of the Executive, do any thing which would have the ef fect, directly or indirectly, of sep aratin g the States from each other. To dissolve the Union is to repeal the constitution which holds it to gether, and that is a power which does not belong to any depart ment of this government, or to all of them united. "This is so plain that it has been acknowledged by all branch es of the Federal G-overnment. The Executive (my predecessor as wvell as myself) and the heads of all the departments have uni for.mly acterd upon the nrinciple. that the Union is not only undis solved but indissoluble." 3. The description in the mes sage of the nature of the military acts now ruling the Southern States is most forceable. "To demonstrate the unconsti tutional character of those acts, I need do no more than refer to .their general provisions. It must be seen at once that they are not authorized. To dictate what al terations shall be made in the constitutions of the several States ; to control the elections of State legislators and State officers, mem bers of Congress and electors of President and Vice-President, by arbitrarily declaring who shall be excluded from that privilege ; to dissolve State legislatures or prevent them from assembling; to dismiss judges and other civil functionaries of the State, and ap point others without regard to State law; to organize and operate all the political machinery of the State; to regulate the whole ad ministration of their domestic and local affairs according to the mere will of strange and irresponsible agents, sent among them for that purpose-these are powers. not granted to the Federal Govern ment or to any one of its branch es. Not beibg granted, we vio late our trust by assuming them as palpaby as we would by acting in the -face of.a positive interdiot ; for the constitution -forbids us- to do whatever it does not affirma tively authorizeeither, by expresa words or by clear implication. If the authority. we desire to use does not oorie to us through the constitution, we can exereise it nly by usurpation ; and ;us-fpa tion is the - most dangerous of po litical crimes. By that crime the. enemies of free government in all ages have worked out their de signs against public liberty and private right. It leads directly and immediately to the establish ment.of absolate rule; for' uniele gaWd:power is always unlimited and uorestraine4. "The acts of CoRgress- in ques tion are not only objectionable for their - assumption of ungranted poer, but many of their provi sdin* are in conflict with the direct phibitioias of the .coastitution. The -eonstitution eommands that a ublican form of government bi -i'e- guaranteed to all- the States; that no pe.on shall be- de. prived of life, Iibe y or property withlat due processof law, ar restedWithout judicial Warrant, o/puoished, without a fair -trial before an-impartial jury-; that the privilege of habeas corpus. shalt~ not be deaied in time^ of' peace.; and that do bill of attainder shall be passed,. even against a single, individual, Yet the system of' measures established' by these acts of Congress does totally subvert' and destroy the form- as welt as the substance - of republioan gov ernment 'in ' the ten States to which they apply. It binds them, hand and foot,. n absolute slavery, and eubjects them to a strange and hostile power, more unlimited and mdre likely to be abused than any other now known among civilized men. It tramples down all those rights in which the es sence of liberty con sists,anzd which a free government is always most careful to protect. It denies the habeas corpus and the trial by jury. Personal freedom, property, and life if assailed by the passion, the prejudice, or the rapacity of the ruler, have no security what ever. It has the effect of a bill of attainder, or bill of pains and pen alties, not upon a few individuals, but upon whole masses, including the millions who inhabit the sub ject States, and even their unborn children. These wrongs, being ex pressly forbidden, cannot be con stitutionally inflicted upon any portion of our people, no matter how they have come within our jurisdiction, and no matter wheth er they live in States, Territories, or Districts." 4. The object of the military despotism put over the Southern States is negro supremacy. "It is manifestly and avowedly the object of these laws to confer upon negroes the privilege of vo ting, and to disfranchise such a number of white citizens as will give the former a clear majority at all elections in the Southern. States. This, to the minds of some persons, is so important, that a violation of the constitution is jus tified as a means of bringing it about. The morality is always falsew.yk' i excuses a wrong be cause, iproposes to accomplish a desirable end. We are not per mitted tn do evil that srood may come. But in this case the end itself is evil, as well as the means. The subjugation of the States to negro domination would be worse than the military despotism under which they are now suffering. It was believed before hand that the people would endure any amount of military oppression, for any length of time, rather. than de grade themselves, by subjection .to the negro race. Therefore they have been left without a choice. Negro suffrage was established by act of Congress, and the military officers were commanded to super intend the process of clothing the negro raee with the political privileges torci from white men. The blacks in the South are en titled to be well and -humanely governed, and to have the .protec tion of just~laws for all their rights of person or.propdrty. If it were practicable at, this time to give them a government exclusively their own, under wfich they might manage their own affairs in their own way, it would become a grave qnestion whether we ought to do so, or whether common hu manity woul4 .not require us to save them from themselves. But, under the circumstances; this is only a speculative point. .It 1a not. proposed. 7merely_ that they shall govern themselves, but that they shall rale the white race, make and admiinister -State laws, elect Ptesident and members of Congress, and shape to .a greater or less extent the future destiny of the whole euatry. "We must not delude ourselves. It will require a strong standing army, and probably more than two hundred millons of dollars per annum to maintain the supre macy of negro governments after they are established. . The sum thus thrown away would, if prop erly used, form a siak$ng fund large enough to pay the whole national debt in loss, than fifteen years. It is in aii to hope that negroes. will maintain fheir ascn dancy themselves. WithOutmIli tary power they are wholly gnea pabl 6f h4fding in subjection the white people:,ofthe -South. 5. The President recoommends the repeal- of the Reconstrucfion acts. - . -Being sineeriy convinced that these views -are correot, I would. be unfaithful to my duty if I did ,not recommend the r.epeal of the, acts of Congress whie, phice ten of the Southern States under the dQmination of mlitary maters. If cealui reflection sh~all satisf~y a ma jority &f yowr honorable bodies that the acts referred to ai-e noZ only a violation of the' national faith, but in direct eenfiet 'with the constitution, I dare not permit mnyself to4doubt that you will im,~ mediately strik~e them from the statate book. 6. The last- important part of the message, to whielr we will call the atttention of our readers, is-where the President distinctly intimates his- determination, to re-a sist his being removed from office by the impeachers. "How far the duty of the Pres ident, 'to preserve, pro.tect and de fend the constitution,' requries him to go in opposing an uncon stitutional act of Congress, is a very serious and important ques tion, on which I have deliberated much, and felt extremely anxious to reach a proper conclusion. Where an act has been passed ac cording to the forms of the con stitution by the supreme Iegisla tive authority, and is regularly enrolled among the public statutes of the country, Executive resis tance to it, especially in times of high party excitement, would be likely to produce violent collision between the respective adherents of the two branches of the govern ment. "If Congress should pass an act which is not only in pal pable conflict with the constitu tion, but will certainly, if carried out, produce immediate and irre parable injury to the organic structure of the government, and if there be neither judicial remedy for the wrongs it inflicts, nor pow er in the people to protect them selves without the official aid of their elected defender ; if, for in stance, the Legislative Depart ment should pass an act even through all the forms of law to abolish a co-ordinate department of the government-in such a case the President must take the high re-. span sibilities of his office, and save the life of the nation at all hazards. The so-called Reconstruction acts, though as plainly unconstitutional as any that can be imagined ,were not believed to be withmn the class last mentioued." rFrom the New York Herald, of 7th inst. The Great Presidential Issue Negro Supremacy or Negro Subordination. In the rapid progress of events in this age of steam, electricity, general intelligence and an inde pendent public press, most of the political questions of the tithe as-1 sume new phases from day to day, and while-old issues are constant ly disappearing, new issues are constantly coming to the surface. For instance, from the agitation of the money question by the leading politicians and -party journals on both sides, it was only the other day apparent that. this imp6rtant issue of the reconstruction of our 1 national financial system wQuld [swal! w up, like Aaron's rod, arf other issues before the country in our coming Presidential contest. Since the meeting of congress, however, we perceive from -the di versity of opinions and theories among the leading minds of the Republican party and the. Demo oratic party,.among the. Radicals and Conservatives, that no defi- _ nite programme on our national finahces can .be expected frotm either party as a Presidential ptat form. In all -probability, there fore, we shat not have any broad ly defined lines of party demarea tion on the money question in this approaching. Presidential cam paign. - Btt there is -another question which looms so boldly and broad ly in the foreground, and which has.assumed a shape so definite and substantial, and so urgent and alarming, that it- cannot - be changed, evaded- or postponed. We allude to the negro question the question of negro supremacy or negro subordination. The. old slaveholding oligarchy, in its pride.. and insolence, for a long time con. trolled the government in all its departments, but, -failing at laat to control it, undertook the ex periment ofi''separato slavc:hold ing confederacy by force of arms. This rash experiment- resulted in the extinction of this.Southern oli gvrchy,_ with the institution upon which it rested. But now,.in its place, we are invited to the ex periment of its four millions of liberated African slaves as a new -Southern balance of power in our national polities on the basis of universal suffrage. This is the sum and substance of tho reconstru-tion policy ofthis Radical.Congress now in full opera-. tion. in.the ten unrecognized rebel States.' The experiment has been developed sufficiently to pro<fne already a popular reaction in* the North, so powerful, indeed, as to suggest the n ec-ssity to the Radi cal party .of -hurrying up their work of Southern reconstruction on this basis of- the negro vote, in order that these ten on-tside. rebel Stat-es may be restoired in season to turn the scale of the coming Presidential election against an apprehended Anti-Rladica' ,ari ty from the electoral collegs.1 of the North. We expect to see this par-j pose carried ont, and when carried ou; we expect a Noi-thern rea.ction hardly less decisive -than that which foreshadowed the speedy annihilation of the Demiocratic white oligarchy of the South in the first election of Abraham Lin coln to the White House. There is something so repulsive to the America~n nmind so antagon istic to the ge!ius, L.he spirit and the mianefest destiny of our politi cal and social system, in this thing of a Southern negro b9Ance of power, especially as it is estab lished on white disfranchisemnents, that in cannot last. It is a com pound of Asiatic despotism and African barbarism, so monstrous that its first submission to the general verdict of the country will result in a judgment decreeing the authority and the instruments for its overthrow, Put it to the test, and the majority of fifty thousand agamnst negro suffrage in Ohio, for example, will be main tained against this experitnent of a Southern balance of power in Congress and our Presidential elections, resting upon universal negro suffrage and white diAfran chisements. And so it will be in New York and throughout the North, excepting, perhaps. only Vermont and Massachusetts. It was supposed at the time that the suspension of Stanton and the removal of Sheridan and Sickles-three of the leading fig ures of the war-would operate to strengthen and solidify thbe iRepub.. lican p arty in our then impending fall elections. But the results have shown that the eyes of the people have been drawn for the time being from our heroes and the achievements Qf the war to the unuutliurized and unexpected re construction schemes.of a Radical Congress and tlcir dangerous ten dencies. In view of these facts, and of the election of 1852, when General Scott was overwhelming ly defeated by an obscure New Hampshire politician, on the bare suspicion that the leading men of the Whig party were not safe on the great Compromise measui-es of 1850, it may well' be doubted whether General Grant himself can -be elected if placed on this ob noxious platform of Southern ne gro supremacy, naint4itied by:a coercive miitarv despotism. We anticipate, then, from the present complexion and shapingof things, a politieal revolution - in 1868: against-this substituted negro oli garchy of: the South quite -as- re markable and effeetive as that of 1860, which decreed the extinetion of the old .egro sla'eholding white oligarchy. Important Communleation from our Immigration Agent. OLDENBUIto, Nov. 15, 1867. General Jos A. WAGENER, Com missioner: Dear Sir: By 'to-day's mail I send a- variety of papers. Among them you will notice-a paper from friend Herman Meier, which he is now publishing. I have written to him, and expect soon to see some articles about SonthCarolina in his paper. A new emigrant pa per has been started in Bremen. I sent an.advertisement, and the editor wrote-a small 'notice at the rate of six-grosehen per line. It is hardly worth it, as the paper seems to be almost entirely de the interest of California. Our,friend. Bechre's paper has al so been started in Hanover, and he has kept. his word and wrote an ecelleit article about South Carolina. I will send you a. copy by next tnail. I had again a few applications from people who de sire to go next Spring to Charles ton ; among others a young ma chine builder from Hanover apd a family from Ellwurden, who de sire to buy land-cash capital about $1500. The five tlousand pamphtets I 'had printed here have been nearly all distributed through dut Germany. One thousand of theni have been sent to five hun dred differen,t book:tores. I now have translated the supplement and wil -distribute them as soon as they are printed. The contin gent flund for printing, .acvertising, &., Of.frve.hundrgd.'dllars, - is drawiig 'to. a close, and still it would be very desirable to - a<fver tise more, especially in 'the small country papers, There sare over frve Ihundred of thenm, mad if we could give each two dellars' worth' of would be -return ed to the State a thousand fold, But I suppose nothfng.raore can be done thtis year until the legislature makes an other appropriation,:'ex eept ear 'liberal. Charl ton mer chan.ts~ contrib~ute somethip'g to wards it. The weather. at present' it, mild,. Spring like, but we have had a great dead of rain, and se very cold days,' although no frost as yet. To-day,. especially is, a beautiful day. I have n3y window open, and still some roses are blooming in tihe open air ; it re minds mec of our beautiful Caroli na. Respectfully, F. MELCHERS. VIOLENT TORNAD0 DL- BAN WELL.-On Friday the 29th ulti mo, one of the most violent tor-n: does that ever swept ovcr this section of country, wa3 experien-' eed about 21 miles above this vil lage. Its fury was coafGned to a very narrow scope, covermng n width about a quarter of r. mile. Trees, fences, out-houses, &c.. were levelled to the ground, and some three or four of our planting friends, on whom it vented its spleen, will not be able this year to clear their land. On one place there was not r. single tree left standing. A wagon was carried; some forty or ~ffy yards and stove into atoms, and a large tfree, after it was uprooted, was carried some twenty or thirty feet from where it grew. and lodged against a tree. Fortunately no lives were lost, but the extent of the damage cannot be estimated ; even the cotton left standing in the fields was spun out a yard ini length, and much of it twisted. Our in formant, Mr. S. C. Cave, a gentle man who can be relied on, states that he has never seen anything to equal it, and the oldest inhabi tant does nlot recollect ever witnes singr such a stormn.-Rarnedl &en How Impeachment Wa , " feated. The Washington eorr spond . . of the Richmond Dtspatd .itet. on Sunday : Immnediately after the. ofth4 jour'nal ia theHoe$ the impesohers eAdbi' stion to again resort--to tering, of forcing Thei'r to yield to the demandf discussion of the questibn P peach men t. From COW Jogiin of views, privately, it wxs- lbsaa that'Eaeh:party was:as determiVed as the other, and. that filbut- - ing would continue to, th4,%" of the Fortieth Congress un.eM.5em. compromise coad be mide meah time. Under the ' that meriyRepublicaasW vote' fr 1ayiig" the si-hjet the table would- Aot dari4 squarely against'the-iipesl t of the Presidetit; the- ssin proposed tht if abe-ndaoti 4s on the table shouk bewi i , and taken diee merits . of the case,; cease further fd proposition was at ofre by the Republicans wb o impachment, and a vo' takn, resuted in 571n 1 av' impeaching the ?resident and 108 against. If a fll Bose- ad "-e present-tbe-impeacbiers werdMe. -bad 60 votes .nd tTie op Ot 124. During the call-of ii' - day the most prefo aamdseb was- manifested by 1aember an - spectators." As- esm er's name was called" eyeswerecir him' uti. e le 'his' Dame.-No noiy i tion wa&nade,; but. Ueer :up a scene in Congress .moer eive, and sensational Ike9t and when the result of tha. was declared all seemed tobr freer, and 'all felt as a heavy weight had been --k the 'body politic. There is a geneYal re' ter night, sand membei*-O arecailing on the Proidet congratulations.. Vr.Jobn ,haves with eseedi . and becoming dignity .u- apr 4h circumstances.. The shington Star day eveinig says: - - "This decisive vote AAits_: to the matter, beyond of resaseitatioi: The:: Aess taken amidst much _.xitieet, and witft-profound sirene "'ethe part of the audience, save - en a buzz ran alIng the gateries:fol lowing upon some unexpecced ote being given po or con, The. fate of impeachment was pret.ty wson settled, when }nen of the promi nenc in. the Republican 'party of Messrs. Banks, Baldwin, Bin gham, Blain, Dawes, Eliot, Lailin, I riger soll, Garfield, PolandC Spalding, Van Wyck. the Wa~hburareWelk er, Woodbridge ami James F. Wils5n. weie found voOng ead aantit. Some vent too th~e escit~ie ing was afforded fr'omn time to tima by the laughter occasioned by odd ex cedses and explariations tuide' by .different meinbers. Mr.Dr6t0mall rose to say that his colWeague, Mr. .Schod$,was not here, bi if he Were here he had' noudobt' be would vote-right. [Great Iaugh ter.] .r.- Miller, of P?ennsylvna, said he should vote "no," onzth ground that the evide1i.ce was.not. strong enovgh to sustidn-:ipapoh men t. Mr. Eldridge (Dem.)..aid that wadpreelsely the reason why be voted against it. {Lengh4 Mr. Stevens was not in tieUall Wvhen -the vote was "tak bu came in subsequently, at<i was the last, or fifty-seventh man t& .rote aiiirmatively- for impeachment. All the four Wash burns (Cadwala der C., of Wisconsin, Elihu B., of Illinois, Henr'y 5., of Indiana, and Win.'B., o!Maisachusetts,) voted in a row against impeachment. T am S3Ionas ADJ!TrURE WrrH A DTo.-A gentleman about to trav el on a French railrod had, at the' time of entering the car, an un lighted cigar in his mouth. Ob serving that there was a lady in the compartment, he was about to replace the cigar in his case, when lo ! from the lady's feet there rose a fierce dog, in a threatening attitude. At the same time the lady snatched the cigar from the gentleman's mouth and threw it out of the window, with the remark : "I dislike smokers ; they make me ill." The gentleman. with a polite bow, re joined : "I do not like dos; they annoy me." Then seizing the animal back of the neck, he pitched him after the eigar. Menken created rnuch dissatisfaction in a London theatre by appearing with her c1rtham on