(egeral Commission Agent, For the Sale of rlenltnral Implements, - vifn Gtano, Dllon's Cotton Ties. 'ng and Rope, -u. ish Cigars, - Fine Groceries, And-PLANTATION SUPPLIES generally. " With regular correspondents among the iest houses in Charleston, Baltimore and Nef York, ho offers his services to the -Ewebants and planters for the shipment of r- redas'an&the purchase of supplies, nda i guaratee satisfaction. '1 Once rear of Grierson's Drug Store. ,September 4 36 tf Notice. - 4he mercantile business heretofore con ducted by G. D. Smith, agent for me, was termivated on the 20th of August ult., by matual consent. WM. YOUNG. Sep 4 St. Le JEFFERS & CO. FACTORS and 'nommission Merchants, S R' ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. ",ary! ena..Wm.H.Jefers-Thos.A.Jefibrs. * Oa dhtering open the business of the s. season, we beg leave to return our Einks for the patronage so kindly ex e udio us since the re-opening of our %d$tessa,the close of the war. With se ed , energy we- will continue to the interests of our friends, confin 'rs.ves as' heretofore to a legiti _. eommission Business. eral advances.will be made on Con ts, and careful attention paid to trders for Supplies. Oa?p atrons will be kept fully posted =a the Markets, free of charge, by our eely Prices Current. ILL.J.&CO. Cba reston, S. C., July 1, 1867. Set4 g m For Cash Only. .V eempelled to give notice that from 'a4 afr this date no- memorandum ac - 'swI be received. Buying my goods . Ar ho-eaah, and cash alone, no other e-w being recognized, [ must strict Jthe rule. Hereafter then no - - le delivered from this store until - . Memorandum accounts to this notice must ~be closed %dt.ey. - -- J. W.GBERSON., * ~4UANO, GUANO. - ~ udersigned will receive in a short time * 100Tens Pure Pernvian GUANO. *eih has been bought by one of the firm * hie-ony athorized agent of-the Peru j~'~.i~'ma 'o-~wish to receive Guano for en~wIes rop should call at once and ~a~.eD~a erns. It is weil-known tha.t det eal of Guano sold Tor "P'eruvian" * ~aihtter this that we offer is confi 4ulrecodnmendeds as * - Pure and Genuine,' 4 e-ooesdirectly from the Peruvian Gov T CARWILE & MCCAUGHIRIN. BILK & M'MUHIN * * r i- pepared 'at all times tO buy and sejl - BA GE e ChARLESTON, Northern Cities. 'And temyke -LIBER AL, CASH AD VAYCZSupon CO TT ON anad other PRO.D UCE * Assignd to-t heir Frien4is in Charles ton and New York. - -S.eptember 4 2mo. Hmuess. EnT :-You will please an,. mine L.. D. SMIT, as a candidate for the uSesof~ Tax Collector, Newberry District, ana oblige MANY FRIENDS. *My 2,l886. Minua Errous : You are authorized to an ===eeJOHN W. COUNTS as a candidate for b~e oeoe of Tax Collector for Newberry Dist., - At the aning election. Mr. Counts is a gentle 'a every way qualified for the offie. -DUTCH FORK. - ea TAx COLLRcTo.-Capt... JOHN WIL UaM&i regpestftfly nominated as a candidate. - -'ths0(oe of Tax Collector, Niewberry Dis adt,t m netlection.~ ~--Ma, 1866. . ---MANY FBIENDS. M .. Earrions-Please nominate Mr JOS. '.EL as amlable candidate for the offce of Tax Collector, for the ensuing term, and - 6 obie NEWBEREY. UZ~SEDrronS-Please announce Mr. JACR KIBLER as a candidate for the of'. Iee of Tax Collector, for the ensuing term, -a in every respect qualified and worthy of th offce, and oblge OLD TIMES. N- Musu EDITos.-You will please an,. mnnmoa TROMAS H. CROMER as a candi 'K.dae for Tax Collector Newbe'ry District, at the next election. MOLLO HON, - .sept12 En?3s83 EDITOs.-The friends of-- C PT. GUS. DCKFERT, of Pomaria, the brave - oMler ama hero of.many battles, respectfully -'mominate him as s candidate for thie office of -.Ta (Qolectof of~this District, believing that - -s seiastion will prove highly acceptable, MIach O0;p f. MANY FRIENDS. ..MaSSRS. EDITORS a. You will please ail udance Mr. R.-V.-GIST, as a-candidate for- a seqrt In the next session of onrh State -Legisla -F ARMERS OF NEWBERRY Mss. EDIToRs ;-You will -please an. nUneeC NATHAN F. JOHNISON as a can. -didate for the office of Clerk~of Court, of the District of Newberr'y,'for the next ensuing ,wm. - - MANY FRIENDS. MESSRS. EDIToRS-By nominating Mr. DANIEL B. WHEELER as a candidate for Tax Collector of Newberry District, you will ablige his many W ARM FRIENDS. .Jnly4. South Carolina, NEWBERRY DISTRICr, September 3d, 1867. Whereas, I did seize .ertain articles and property at Newberry C. II., August 20th, 1867, in possession of T. J. Withroe lar, for violation of the Internal Reven Laws of the United States, subject to forfeiture nnder the provisions of the act of July 13th, 1866, to-wit: Thirty.nine gallons of whiskey, one two horse wagon, and sheet saddle and aearing, two bridles, feed trough, water and tar buckets, one blaek mare mule, one bay horse, two bed quilts, spider.and skillet, and one axe; also four stills, on the 22d- of Aug., in Newberry District, for the same cause,two of them used by Wm-. Hatton, distiller, and the other two by George Felkman, and J. T. Calmes, distillers, Notice is hereby given to all persons claiming said property, or any part thereof, to appear before me and give Bond with ap, proved sureties for costs, In a suit in the United States Court, within thirty days from the date of the first publication of this no tice, or the above described property will be sold in ten days after the expiration of this notice. JAMES H. DENNIS, Deputy Collector, Sept 4 36 4 Newberry C. iI., So. Ca. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Newberry District-In Equity. Sally Werts, vs. J. Belton Werts, Thos. J. Maffett and Wife, and others. Bill for Partition. It appearing to the. satisfaction of the Commissioner that Enoch Cook and his wife Elizabeth, and Molly D. Holly man, three of theIefendants in the abovc stated case,reside without the limits of the State. It is or dered on motion of Garlington & Saber, Complainants Solicitors, that said absent de fendants do plead, answer or demur to said sill within forty days from the date hereof, >r the same will be taken pro confesso igainst,them. . 'Com's Office, SILAS JOHNSTONE, Sept. 2d, 36 6t. 12* c. E. N. D. R ECONSTR.IiT10N. Having consolidated my business by the remoral of my stock of CLOTHING . ' AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, TO MY CORNER STORE, , And tlereby reduced my expenses, I am prepared to offer inducements to the public. ky stgek embraces a ful line of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Clothing &c., o which are being added seasonable sup dies. CHEAP FOR CASH s my motto. Give me a Call. - W.' H. WEBB. Aug. 28-:35-tt. Abrams, Griffin , ANDI A argro, lave this day formed a PARTNERSHIP .For the purpose of carrying on a WHOLESALE AN]) RETAIL BOOT ? xuoE EUSINESS, LAd are now ready to exhibit a full a.ssort nent of Boots and Shocs to the public, Having precured the services of' an expierienced Boot and Shoe Dealer, we now that he can get up as good stock as ay one in the State. All our work is made to order and by the best workmen. Give us call and see for yourself. Aug 2134 3t ERRORS OF YOUJTJ. A Gentleman who sffered for years from ervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youtbful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cred. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertisers experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street New York. May 819 1y. TAX BETIERS, Take Notice. I hereby notify all persons in default for Taxes to come forward and pay the same to me, on or before THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, Otherwise a levy will be made and sale of property in No vemver to pay said taxes. This notice is positive. TflOS. M. PAYSINGER, - - Sheriff N. D. Aug. 28-35-tf. Advances on Cotton. -The undersigned will at an early day be prepared to make L1BERAL ADVANCES on CONSIGNMENTS of 'C4OTToN, made through hinm to Messrs. Geo. H. Walter & Co., Charleston, So. Ca. He solicits for the above well known firni, a share of patronage from the Farmers, Planters and Merchants of Newberry District. .' His office will be . found at the Corner Brick~Store occupied by' Messrs. WViskema.g & Wilber. G. T. SCOTT, ' * Agent. Newberry, A'ug. 28th 1867 35-4t. APPLICATION FOR CHA RTER. Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the ensuing seasion of Leg islature for a chartcr for a Ferry at Saluda Old -r- . Aug '28. MTOOL tiIIIIG! AT GOODGION'S MILLS. Laurens District, S. C. WOOL left with Mr. N. B. KNOX, at the Depot, Newberry, C. H., will be received and promptly returned carded, when pay, ment. or the usual toll, may be made foi carding-free frorA transportation. Having completed our NEW BUILDING, purchased additional First CUss Machinery, and employed the most skilled and'seienitific Operators that could be obtained from the North, OUR FACILITIES ARE UNEQUALLED, A part of our machinery is especially adaptedl to the mixing of Wool; and of Wool and Cotton. We warrant the fabric made from mixed cotton and wool to out last any woollen fabric. Prices samc as heretofore. Patronage solicited, and satisfaction guar anteed. Refer to Messrs. Carwile & Mc -Caughrin. R. S. & J, M. GOODGION. aug l4lm NEW MILLINERY. MRS, JENKINS, Respectfully in forms her numerous friends and the public, that she is just in receipt of a stock of Fresh Millinery, SUCH AS H.ATS,T'ONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, BRAIJ)S, VEILS, COIS ETS,.&C., In fact All articles usually found in a first class Millinery establishment. The ladies are particularly Invited to call and give my goods an exanhination, as I am convinced it will be to their satisfaction. . Store on Caldwell street South of Post Office. Aug. l4,-33--m. r THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminial Weakness, or Sperma torrhesa, induced by Selt-Abu;e; Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consump ,tion,.Epilepsy; and Fits; Mental and Phrsical Incapacity, &c.-By ROB J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the -.Green Book," &c. The worldarenowned author. in this admirable Lecture. clearly proves from his own experience thiat the awful conseguences of Self-Abuse may be effectually remnoved without medicine, and without dangerous surgicalI operations. bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials,_ pointing out a mode of cure at onlce certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what 'bis cond i tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousards and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers.. Also.Dr CULVER WELL'S "Marriage Guide,' price 25 cents. .Address the Publishers, CHAS.3.0. KLINE &CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4386. THE DUE WEST FEMALE T COLLEGE. T6W!MTER SESSION in this Institution will open on MOnday, 7th October. A full corps of Teae.hers has been provided, a;.- every effort will be made to retain the large patronage the College has enjoyed for years. The rates of Tuition and Boarding have been reduced so as tQ correspond with the circumstances of our- people. Boarding can be had at $12.00 a.month, in currency, exs lusive of washing and fuel. Tuition in Currency. A cademic Departmnent.per sessioni,5 mo.. .815 00 Collegiate - " - " " ::0.O) Extras. Music, Piano. Per session, 5 mo.,.......24 03 Use of "- " " -------. 20) Painting " ."---.-. .10 00 Waxwork " " -------10 (u Drawing -" " -- - ...5 01 Latin, French and Vocal Music are'taugh t free of charge. Young Ladies are recommended to .adopt the Uniform Dress prescribed by the Board>~ viz; "Dark Cali.co for school, and blue wor sted for church, with straiv hats trimmed with Olue." No correspondence allowed with youg men. Parents are requested*not to give permis sion to violate this rule. For further information address, J. I.- BONNER, Pres. Sept. 4-36-4t, STATE OF SOUTHI CAROLINA NEWBERRY DISTRICT. By John T. Peterson, Ordinary of Newberry District. Whereas, Sarah Werts has applied tc tne for Lett6is of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of David WVerse, Sr.,late of the district aforesaid, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonis1i all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Court for th< said District, to be holden att Newberry Cour: House, on the 13th day of Sept. inst., tc show cause, if any, why the said Administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 30t1 day of Aug., in the year of cur Lord on< thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. John T1. Peterson, 0. N. D). Sept. 4 30 2t. THE - CHRISTIAN NEIGHBOR: A WEEKLY PAPER AT TWO DOLLAR~ a year-in advance,-the eleventh cop3 gratis to any person sending ten subscribers It will be AN ADVOCATE, 1. Of CHRISTIANITY universal, and aIs( particular, as opposed to war, offensive o. defensive. 2. Of the INTERNAL UNITY of the Church as opposed to the pretentions of externalism 3. Of METHoDISM, as holding the Head and as consisting with the essentials, liberty ad charity of Christianity. . 4. Of Civil government and Patriotism, a they consist with the DIVINE Govcrnmen and general Benignity. 5. Of "Equality," as it consists witl Christian ized COMMON SENSE. 6. Of EDUCATIoN physical, mental, rec ligious, and moral, as of the first importance A RECORDER, Of GENER AL INTELLIG ENCE from the house hold, agricultural, scientific, artificial comn mercial and political world. And AN ADVERTISER, Of the RESPECTABLE and MORA L. Care will be-exercised to exclude imprope: mtter, and to put in that which will instruc the children and the School, and edify thu adults and the Church. Donations or Endowments will be used ex cluively for the benefit of the POOR. The arrival of the "NEIGIllIOlt" will in form Subscribers of the PLACE and TIME 0: pulcation, andl also that the subscripniol is then DUE . 'In the nmeanwhile, lay by TwV< Dollars, and send on siubscribers. - Address: SIDJI II. BitOWNE, Marion, S. C. Sent -t--tf. Charleston Ac Fall Goods! AT r "CI-IRLENTI s'JOii, w:" WHO LESAL E DRY ( At BANCROFT'S OLD Ve are now receiviHg a larg Special attention given to the selection of all also for Planters' rrade. Our Stocks are constantly replenished b; and Patterns of the Season. We keep always on .hand Full Lines of D Advance on Agents' prices, for CASH or CITY We al,o offer at Retail, the Largest Stock t N. 13.-Samples, with Price Lists, sent (fr< Refers to City Advertisements for prices. All Orders will be promptly attended to. Sto .April 17 TO CONSUMPTIVES. The. advertiser, having been restored IS" health is a few weeks by a very simpfe rem edy, after h:ving suffered for several yews with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption-is anxious to make ltnown to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used. (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SUitE CURE for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCIHITIS, COUGHS, COLDs, and- all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, andsprcad information which he conceives to- be invaluable. and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. .Parties wikhing the prescription, FREE, by return mail, will p'ease address . REV. E15WV AlU A.. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co.', Ncw York. May 8 19 1 GROCERIES - PRODUCE! Wiskeman & Wilber Take pleasure in announcing to their fiends, patrons and the public generally, that they will always keep on hand a select stock of .Groceries and Produce, at the Lowest Market Prices. CORN & BACON,. Will be sold Low for Cash, or Bartered for Cotton, as Cheap as it can to done in . the counitry. April 24 GEXERAL SUPERINTENDNT'S OFFICE, CIIARLOTTE & S. C. RAILROAD, CoLwEMuu, S. U.glMay 2, 1S6'7. On ad aterSunday, May 5, the schedule of teP ener Trains over this Road will be as rollowS: Leave Columbia, at.................5"0 a.mn. Arrive at Charlotte at ............... 12.15 a. mn. Leave Charlot te at....................12.2.' a. in. Arrive at Columbia at.............6.50 a mn. Close connections are made at Columbia and Charlotte with the mail trains on' the North Car olia and South Carolina Rtailroads. By this ai-rangemnent, passengers 'sy the Green ille lioad may go immediately through East ward. and have no detention in (Colunmbia. TIjHROUGI H flKEr0 ate sold at Columbia to R ichmond, Va.. Washington D. C., Baltimore, Md ..Philadelphia, Pa., and New York eity iving choice of routes via Portsmouth or Rich mnond-and baggage checked. Tickets -ere also sold at Charlotte for Charlestou-and Augusta. An Accommodation Train ,for freight and<, local passage, leaves Columbia at Tas m. ou Tuesdays, Thur.'days and Saturdays of eachx week. and Charlotte on the same days nd hour; arrivingat Columbia and Charlotte at 7 p. m.; May 3 C. 1BOUKNIGIH ', Sup't . FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION, 1867. ~RI~BONS, ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. IMPOR1ERS AND JOBBE aS OF BUNNET TIUlMMING VELVET RIBBONS, Bonnet Silks, Satins & Velvets, IFlowers, eathxers, Ornaments, STRAWT BONNETS AUD LADIES' HATS, TPIl'MED AND U-NTRIMMEDP, SHAKER HOODS, &c. 237 and 239 Baltimore St., MARYLAND, MD. Offer the largest Stock to be found in this country, and unequalled in choice va riety and cheapness, comprising the latest Parisian novelties. Orders solicd an'd 'prompt attention gven. aug 21 tf Executor's Sale. I wirl sell at the late residence of Rhoda N. Kilgore, dec'd, on Tcsday the 8th daU of October next. All the real and personal piroperty belong ing to the Estate of said dlecased. The Real Estate consists of the tract upon which the residence stands, and contains About Four Hfnndred Acres. The personal propert y consi-ts of hlorses, Cattle, IHogs, Plantation tools, Corn and Fodder, HIousehol anid Kitchien Fun:iture, &c., &c. Terms made known on the day of Sale. Sept. :3 36 3t. A. ,J. K( I GOR E, Ex'or. GENER A L SU i"rs OFFICE. Cn A rI.:s'ro, S. C., Nov 8, 1866. On an d after the 13th irist., the Through Muall Trin will run as follows, viz: LeaveCharleston........................8.0) a. mn. A rrive at Columbia..................5 2) p. mn. Lave Columbia........................ 6. a. mn. ArT-' at Cbarleton.. .... . ...-..4.i m. [vertisements. Fall Goods! [HE IX IIOUN." EBBL. &00 DEALERS IN 'OODS, STAND, 287 King-St. e STOCK of FALL GOOI)S, kinds of Goods, suited for~Country Stores, y every Steamer, with all the Newest Styles xnestic Goods, which we will sell at a Small ACCEPTANC J o Sclect'from in the City. e of charge) to any part of the State 11, Webb & C. 287 KING ST. September the First. From this date our business will be con ducted strictly upon Cash principles. All goods purchased from us must be paid or on deliv ry, and orders to receive attention must be accompanied with the cash. PRATT, JAES & Co. Sept. 4 St. Cotton Gins. IL L. JEFFERS & CO., FACTORS, NORTII ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. RE AGENTS FOR W, G CLEMONS, lj;ROWNE & CO.'s SUPERIOR CO.r TO N GINS. These Gins have been exten sively used by the Planters of the State, and have given great satisfaction.. .All information will bt oheertully given on application, either by letter, or through agents. Sept. 4-30-3m. - WANTED, AGENTS.-$2.50 per month Ti: Yf.R IlorN, Ot 900 P1'-R CENT PRO FITON CoMMssIoN.-Weguaranty the above salary or commission to active industrious agents at their owyn homes, to introduce an aricle of indispensable utility in every household. For full particulars call on, or address * G. W. JACKSON & CO , -11 South St., Bahlimore, Md. September 41 36 4 FRESH SUPPLIES OF -Comiprising All the latest Styles of DRESS GOODS~ PRINTS, MUSLINS, &c., And all the vairious articles to be found in a'Dry Goods establishnient, the who&e of w'hieb are offered at G'r%E A TL Y REDUCED PRICES! TO SUIT THE Stringency of the Times. Cotton Yarns, .Of all numbhers, on hand- for sale. Call and Examine Before P URCHAJLtSILYC. M. BARRE & SON. WILSON & WICKE~R: Are in receipt of a .choice and ?resitable stck of Misellaneous Goods and Notions'. 5LUCH AS GROCERIES, CHR CKEBY, IMiscllaneous Goods, AND NOTIONS. Junc 12 Bargains, Bargains. BY CALLING AND EXIMINIME YOU WILL FIND I'rices Greatly Reoduced!!! ggDoni't forget No. 2, MOLJLOHON ROW. B. J. SINGLETON. REMEMBER D. MOWER'S New Store! OX THlE CORNER, Where you will find a good ASSOrtment Of DBY DDS, AND G-ROCERIE1. g iY* ll and :'e the Priccs" be"i%or Puchasig.2 July,li 20 LADIES' FAIR For the Benefit OF TIHE ETIIODIST CHURCII AT NEWBERRY C. I[. The Ladies, members of this Church, re Iecfully announce to theL community genl prlly, that they propose giving a For the purpose of rai:+inr a small fund tQ be devoted to the necessities of the abov< named Church. 'The Fair will be held in October, con nenieing on the 1 st Mionday, (Sale-day,)atni is postponod until that time to avoid ton Hicring with other. charitable objects.. Further particulars will be published a another- time. Newberry FEMALE COLLEGE NEWBEI Y C. i.. S. C. FACUTTv. Rev. T. Taylor Zcalr, Principal. Prof. W. Grayson Zealy, Associate Prir :ipal. Miss A. E. Wottob, Inistrucess- Col Dep't. MIrs. L. Garrol, Principal.MusicaLhDep't. Itrs. --, Assistant -" " Mrs. S. S. McCully, Principal Primar Dep't. 3tiss C. S. Peake, Assi.tantPrimary Dep't Miss THE ensuing Session of thi School will commence on Wed - nesday, the 21st.day of Augus ne.xt. The Session- enmbracet SIxTEEN WEEKs, and pu1pils art harged fromi the mE. oF' TH.EIR ENTRANCI o THlE CLOSE OF'IJIE SESSIoN. The daughters of'3iinisters of the Gospel oardinig with the Principal, are educates ratuitously, the only charge against theq s for hoard.^' Each hoarder is required to furnisi owels, a pair of Sheets, Pillow-Cases, an< mech heavy covering as may be needed. Lerms-In Advance, in Curency, per Sessio2 of Sixteen'Weeks. Bloard, inelgding washing, fuel, lights. & ......-....................,.......... .50 Tuition in English Branches, CoI. Dept. 21 00 Do. " " Academic, 15 .0 Do. "- -' " Primary,.. 603 Incidental Expense,...................... 3 fl0 The above is required of each pupil; the follow ing are optional Tuition on Piano, including use of lI.stru mnent,............................ ...$20 fl Tnition on Guitars.....................20 0 Vocal Lessons, separate,.................. 15 O( Vocal Lessons, in class,................... 10 (C Tuition in Modern Languages each....20 ( Tnitidn in Drawing or Painting,..... 2) 00 -No other s3harges except for Books an private Stationery furnished. For further iniformation address, . REY'. ,. TAYLOR ZEA LY, Newbcrry C.-H., S. ('. July 17-29-t f. Greenvile & Columbia -R. R. Passenger Trains will run daily (Sundays e.xcep1 d> until further notice as flooss Leave Columbia at...... . ......,7.15 a. .n " Alston at..........2..... 9.15 " " Newberry . 10.35" Arrive at.A bbeville at---3 13 p n -'at Antlerson at - 510 " at Greenville at -5.A) . " Leave Greenville at 6. 0 a. xi " Anderson at-.--- .--- 6.3) " " A bbeville at .~8.35" " Newberry at 1.20 p. xi Arrive at AJston at- -----:2 46 " "at Colnmbia at------4 40" Supts Ollice N. C. R ailroad Co. COMPANY SHIOPS, MAY 14. 1867. UNXL Ftarther not ice, P'aesenger Trains Wi 3 odas f'ollo*s: -- . MaItTIAS -E.AST. - - .fare arie'~cdsity 12.19 a. mn.; Greensbor .5;Raleal 9.18. Arriye iu Gloldsboro 12.J Eease. Goldsboro 107 p. mn.; Raleih 35( eesboro 7.i8 Arrive in Charlotte 12 1 a. a ACoMODATION yRAIN, DAILY, (ScNDAYS E3 'CEPTED)-E.AST. Leave Charlotte 5.53 a. m ; Raleigh 10 40. Al rie at G oldeboro 3 '8 a mn. W FST. Leave G oldsbotro 2.30 a. mn.; flalelgh 6 0). At is ein Charjlolte la.40 p. m. Passengers by Mail Trains make Close througI .n nections-eithier way-at Charlotte, wit Charlotte and S. C. Railroaai; at Ujreensbort via Dauville and Richmond; at Raleigh, vi Weldon and Bay Line and A4nnamessic Line Also, connected at Golsboro with Mail train o Wilmington and Weldon Road, to and froi Wilmimrton. Time ?romn Charlotte to New York forty hour; by either route. JAS. ANDERSON, Sup-t. May 16th, 1867. Richmond & Danville Ri. B CHANGE OF SCHIEDULE. On and after Thursday, January 31, 1807, tla trains on this road will run as follows: Lynchburg and Danville and Way Acconmmt dation and Passenger Train Leaves Richmond daily (except Sunday a..-................--.-- .------...... 7 5 A. 3 Leave Danville daily-except Sunday at..............--...--.-..-..- ....63)A. 31 Passengers for Farmnville, Lynchburg, l{nox vile. Nashvile, Memphis, New Orleans, &c., vi Lynchburg, and for all way-stations on th Soutside railroad, will take this train. Through Express Train Going West Leaves Richmond daily at............2.10 P. 31 Leaves Danville at.....................9.5 1P. M1 Going East. Leaves Greensboro at.................2 3 P. 31 Leaves Daniville at....................4 45 P. 31 Pasengers from Itichimond for all statiou west of D)anville, Charlotte, Columbia. August1 Macon, Columbus, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, and Newv Orleans, via Columbra, will tak this train. THOMAS DODAMEAD. Feb. 6. Laurens Railroad. NEW SCIIEDULE. Offlee Lzurens R. R., Laurens C. HI., S. C , May 23, 1867. O N AND AFTER Monday next. 27th inst. the Trains will run as follows, unti further notice. The Road having been corn pleted through to Newberry, freight an< passage will be considerably reduced: Leave Laurens at 6 o'clock, A. M., o1 MONDAYS, WED)NESDAYS and FRI DAYS, andl arrive at Newberry at 12 o'clock Leave Newberry on TUESDAYS art H URSDAYS tat 12 o'clock,and o SA TU R1 DAYS, t 1 o'clock, connecting with the lwn train on the G. & C. R. R. JOSEPH CREWS. ayn -3, 15t3 7 ,,nerintcnaient CILL MEETEX~ In consequence of a Dull Trade, Originating from. a. scarcity of money, We propose to 'iLOSE OUT our large an$ excellent stock of CL9Tillh [Aii1 Furiiishiiig Goods, A t Aa Iy d e d u c e d ric es Yea, -at CO ST and LESS THAN COST if NECES, SARY to-effect sales. Our Stock cannot be-excelled in Style and Finish. We would call especial 4tentio to the following line; Black Alpacca Sacks, from...,...,... to $10 Brown Linen Sacks......... ...... 1 to 6 ad Cuss. Sacs; (all wool)......... 6to a'iinted and Striped Shearacca Sacks.2 to 4 Cars. Marseilles and Linen Vests,...,1 to 6 Boys Jackets and Suits for less than the mater rial costs. We are persuaded that none will fail to ft4 inducements to buy, who desire anything In etn line. J;espectfully, WRIGHT & COPPOCK: June 19 Newberry S.. Blease & Wright, Have now in -stare and are'constantI' reecivng a large assortment of tQ very best articles Qf COKING STOYs, Which they warrant to give entire gatiste tion. Also HAa, OFfICE & SHOP STOVE, They manufacture and sell at whlpsle'a retail the best article of Plain Tin Warer. They keep on hand a good assortment of Prezsed and Japanned Tin Ware ALSO, Generally. They do all kinds of JOB WORK. usaul Idone -in th'eir line, such as-ROOFNG.6U~ ITER IN,&c. -Jan 23 4J H ARNESS SADDLKS,&C.. The subscriber- would res etul h his friends, and the. public generally tbi$1 W has opened a conplete Saddlery and' flargeS -ESTABLISHMENT, At DL4EASE'S- OL.D STAN OVE R T HFE TIN SHOP, Whecre he will keep constantly on letd, Saddles -and Harnes's of every descridou - *A LSO REPAIRING done with Neatness .and Despatch. TE!EMS CASh, at moderate and popder prices. jan 10 ly .'J. BOYLE, Age. 1f You Want a Thorough NEWSPAPil - SSnDE 101 THE PIIENIX, DaIly-and Tri,W9ekly ; or 1 ThE WEEKLY GLEAiNR, -Published every Wednesday, in American, besides a vast amoxunt ~f -mniscel, a laneous reading, will be found iu thess'pub lications. The Phonix and Gleaner are Sthe only papers in the State oint Sof Charleston, which pay for and regularly publish nTelegraphie Intelligenee? ' Eiyerv issue of the Daily contains from Ten to Fourteen Columns of Reading Mate -ter; the Tri-Weekly from Twenty to Twbnty Four, and the Weekly Forty-eight Columns -ma:king it the Largest and Cheapest.paper in the South. Subscription reasonable. Specimens Furnished On application. An examination of their merits is solicited. Terms for Six Months--In Advance. Daily Phonix $4 ; Tri4Weekly $2j; ~Weekly Gleaner $1 JULIAN As SELDY, Proprietor, June 5 COLUMBIA, 8. C. J. B. E. SLOAN, Cotton Factor, and General Commission Merchant, CHARLESTON, S C., Rolleits Consignmecnts of Cotton and other produce, ilil give particu lar attention to the sale of Wheat and Flour. Refcr to Messrs. Mays & Martin, and Carwile & McCaughrin. July 10 29 rf. Daily Traifts on B. R. R. R. SUPTS OFFICE G. & C. R R.,j COLITMBI A. May ,18. On and after the 1st day of June, the trsins of Ithe Greenville and Columbia Railroad Coms Blue Ridge airod dbetwee nd)ro ar wValhalla, to connect with the up and down trains of the Greenvle ilrod. 5 .R .