The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 24, 1867, Image 4

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THE COURSE BLOCKED oUT:--V reference to the provisions of the "Supplementary bill," to be found on the first page of this paper, it will he seen that the commanding General has charge of the re construction scheme, and that the irst election--for members of i' 3 Convention-will take place on " before September next. This '..:. give abundant opportu nity to thcse who desire to :-or ganize," preparatory to the elec tion. The colored population of Columbia and Charleston are mov ing on this line. Whilst we are opposed to antagonism between the two rac a nevertheless, to re main idle now is to give up the State to the control of ignorance and fanaticism. Shall we do it ? [Pickens (fourier. IIYMENIAL.-C(lpid has been playing havoc with hearts ir, the old North State. and has spared neither youth or age, but has even touched the dead with the tender passion. We commend a perusal of the following marriage noticcs to all who are in a state of single wretchedness. 3fARRIED.---Itz Granville coni;iv. on the 14th of March, 1S67, by Rev. Win. S. Hester, MAr. James Crews, (S2 years old) to Mrs. Sarah Currin. (66 years of age.) On the 17th ult., at the rcsi denee of the bride's mot her. in Johnson county, by Elder 3. G. Todd, Mr. M. R. Hood, to Ms Sarah J. Iinnant, Esq.. deceased. T.AI.-Mr. John Stoker. ne" Orkland Mills. Nicholas count v has at three-year old virgin heifer" that is giving two gallons of milk per lay. The calf was raised in the yard. and was brought up to milk by being continually foridled by the children, at first guiin but a small quantity, which grdu ally increased till she now gives two gallons per day.-Paris Ken tuckian. An odd bit of dialogue occurs in a novel nowv publishing in a French paper :--Where is your husband ?' asks a gentleman. 'He went out to buy a cigar,' replies the lady, 'Has he been gone long ?' 'Eight een y-ears.' 'He is quite right,' re marks the gentleman, philosop hi eally ; 'he wants to purchase a good one.' FEMALE PRINTERs.-The Mlacon Citizen is about, to employ female compositors. The Field and Fire aide is entirely set by young ladies. The Editor says ther- belong to the best families of that State. who. were ruined by the war. A number of girls are also employed on the Montgomery Adcertiser. Bill went into a hardware store. "You sell all sorts of nails here ? said he to the obliging gentleman behind the counter. "Yes, my little man. all sorts oC nails." Says Billy, "FIll take a pouind of toe-nails, if you please." Exit Billy, sharply followed 1by a set of toe-nails, doneo up in heavyi boots. A man in Evansville gave h-is daughter a terrible whipping for "shingling" her hair and refuising to lead in prayer. A correspondent of the New York,lerald savs that a full dress of a native lady of Colombo is a bair pin and a garter. An 01(d bachelor. seeing the words ''Families S:upplied,'" over the door of a shop. steppedl in an.d said lie would take a wife and two children. There seems to be a mistake about the President.' signing the bill paSSed by Congress to p)lace 10,00)0 stand of arms in the hiands~ of old Brownlow's bushwhackers. to enable them to crush out the last vestige of con:st.itutional re publicanism in Tennessee. It ap pears that the President killed the measure by a pocket veto. Jr.RsEY CITY, N. J., April 6.-The wi::dows and doors of the Church in which a series of lectures, in abuse of the Catnolics, has been in course of dehvery by the pastor, were badly damaged last night. In shoeing horses that are employed upon the pavements of Boston a cushion of india rubber has of late been placed1 between shoe ard hoof with very sit is factory results. Large quantities of the earth kaolin ren exported from South Cnrolina to New RAILROADS. Secretary's Office, G. & C. R. R. Co. COLU M BIA, A pril Sth, 1867. The annual meeting of the Stocklholders of the Greenville nd, Columbia Railroad Company, will be held in Columbia on Thurs. day, the second day of May next at 10 o'clock A. M. The following persons are entitled to a free ride over the road going to and from the neeting. Any Stockholder hoiding one or more shares for six months previous, is ais lowed to take his wife and children residing with him, but purchasers of Stock who were not original Stockholders, are required to I hold twenty,five shares to entitle them to take their families free. C. V CARRINGTON, Sec'y April 10 15 tf. Schedule Laurens R. R. Of!!ee L:mres . R. i Laurens ':. I., S. C., Feb. 7, 1. j The follov:ing is the Schedule of the Laurc ns :ilroad :or the lpre-ct, and w ill con:tinue until further notice Leave Lar vts C. II., at 6 o'clock, A. M., on MONDAYS, WEIDNESDAY, and FRI DAYS for Jalapa, where connection is made w ith Hic to Nebr, seven miles. Leave Jaltpa at I o'clock on TI[ESD YS, TH URSDAYS and SATURDAYS. Feb. 13 7 tf. J. CREWS, Sept. Laurens Railroad. The Freight on Corn, Cotton and Guano has been greatly redluced. Any person wish ing to ship will call on the Agent, Wm. L. Boyd, at Laurens. or N. B. Knox, :.t New berry. The cars are now running within 7 miles of Newberry, and will soon be run ning through. Frci,lht will be received and forwarded from either en I of the road, with, out detention. J. C[;EaWS, Sup't. Feb. 1 6 3t. Schedule, U.ue Ridge Railroad. Oa and after 3iorda'" the 17th inst.. the Trains 'n the I'ue Ridae ajilroad will leave Anderson for Pend'eto a::d W.a halla, on Wednesdays aid S'turdavs. aiter the arrival of the Green ville & Co!umbia lIajlroad Tra its.1 Will leave Walhula on Mondays at. 3 o' clcck, a. i.. ennu,ecting with the down Train of (reecvi!le & Columbia llailro'd. Will leave Walhailla on We:nesdays at o'c.oe , a Il. W II. D. GAILLAII,. Sept:0 urit metUn:c2t B i1:1 I.. Greeinville & Columbia R, R, P ce: r T rars will ran daily (Sundays except ed u ft furt:.r notic as olw. : Leave Columbia at...................15 a. in. Ai.ton at.....................9. 5 Newberrv Arrive at Abheiile at --3 13 p m. at A.:derson at 5 1) - at GrcenviWe at -S " i L"ave Greenv1Ie at 6. 0 1" m. - Arderson at (t3 Abbeville at -$85 " Nwberrv at --12p . Arrive at. A!ston at 2 ChARLOTE .......7AILR A,m Leav Coumbi ~t.............39.: 5 . Leae Carltteat...........5 1) a." Arrie atColubia t.........-1.25 i. mn. - -s atn Conbi art--e- olmiaa. ChoTEE wthdue of trail's ne Tan ovrths r oad s ad southClows: tiloa Leave i iKE' aesoda Columbia to......... . ...36a.m Le vCh rlo tte Ye .. ........o ...... ........, grivn cat c C o ftum i a ...............1.2 o . m.c Coden baneggnae hcad. Tatsluba ar.d Charlotte ont the mei dais n hur Norith Cat olua andot Carotlinat p.arods Ilichmoi:d, a..Lsnton, S. C., Baltimore86. mOnd-and aerate checked., th Thrkesuar alo soda hrtefrCharleston andme.) ta Lasae, oleaves 40 Tusays Arhurdy at e ~Saturdays...of.each 20ek, in. Chavle on tesame days.and.hour;.arri1.35 at.m Arri-v ad hrlte at 6uusa. p.. ......0p G.ENEA SURfS OFIE Leav Chcle~(Char..!enT.) Arrive at Kouingva0....................1 20 p. m. Leave Cohbatp........................8,.00 a. m. Arrive at Charlestou..................4.00 p. mn. March 13 it T. PEAKIE, Gen'l Sup't. Central Railroad .OFFICE OF' rTilE CEN TRAL R. 1t. SAv~AYxu. Ga. Jan.29,1S37. On and aftcr 3Ionday~ the 5th of February. two daily trainis will run b:tweenz Augusta and Sovannah, connectirg in both directious with tra ins on the Georgia Ratil road, as follows, viz: Leave Augusta, 9.30 A . M. and 8 4.5 P. 31 Arrive at Augusta, 5 P. M., and 5 45 A. 31. Leave Savannah 7.,30 P. M.. and 6 30 1P, M1. Arrive at S aanah iP. M1. and 6 35 A. M. Passage ......................... .. ..........6 . Freight to go by PaLssen ger train mnu4tbe pres paid ai.d deuvered at passelger shed thirty nun utes Lefore departure of train. J. 31. SELKIRK, 1 31arch~ 1. 3Muster of franspor-tation. Richmond & Daurille RI. R. CHANGE OF SCliXDULE. On and after Tlunrsdlay, January 31, 1807, ti.e traj:s cn this ro,.d will run as follows: Lynchburg and Danville and Way Accommno dutioni and P'assenger frai. Leaves IRicllhd daily- excep,t Sunday]J at.....................................7 15 A. 31. r Leave D.avil e daily-except Sunday at ....................... ....... .....3 l A. 3I. P~asceu;.:ers for F'armville, Lynchburg, Kinox ville Nashvile, MIemphis, New Orleans. &c , via4r Lynclhurg, rnd for- ail way-statious on the Southside rair.:!, will take this train. Through Expo~ss Train Going West Leaves Rtichmond daily at...........210 P. 31. Leaves Danymfe at.~.................9.35 P. 31 . C Going East. ( Leaves G reenshoro at..............23 P 31. Leaves Da:n ville at.....................4 45 P. 31. Passengers from l:ichmond for all stations wvest of Daa. ilIe, Charlotte, Columbia. Augusta, 31acon, Co;umbus. Atlanta, 3Ioutgomuery, 31o bile, andi New Orleans, via Columbia, wviii takea this trin i. TfIU3IAS DODA 31EBAD. Feb. 6. GROVESTEEN & Co,, PIANO FORTfE MANUFACTURERS 449 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. These PIANOS received the Highest Award of MIerit, at the World's Far. over the hest ma kers from Lot.don, Paris, Germany. the cities et New Yor k, Phiiladelphuia, Baltimore and Boston; also, the Gold MIedal at the Amerienu Inustit ute, i for Five Successive Years! Our Piano- contain ihe French (ranid Action, Harp Pedal, Over strung Bass. Full iron Frame, and all M1odern Improvements. Every .Instrument warranted FIVE years Mfade under the sup;ervision of Mir. J. U . C R OVES FIE EN, who has a practical expen rience of over thirty five years, and is tihe maker of over eleven thousand piano fortes. Our facil ities for mnanufacturing enable us tosell these in strumnents from $1:) I to $200 cheaper thani any first class piano forte. aug 15 ly -...$1,500 PER YEAR! we want agents every. whert to sell our IPR'OVED $20 Sewing Ma chines. Three new kinds. Under and up per feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above sal ' on inrge commissions paid. The-onsx achines sold in the Uni ted States for less than $40, which are fully licensed by Hlowe, Wheeler & Wilson, Gro ver & Baker, Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infrinzements, andi the selier or user arc liable to arrest, finet and imprisor.ment. Illustrated circulars sent : free. Al!dress, or call upon Shtaw~ & Clatrk, at Bid:leford, Maine, or Chicago, Ill. July 2.5 1v. Legal Advertisements. Fair Notice to Trespassers. The Subscriber forewarns all persons, white or black, fox hunters or others, who trespass upon his plantation,by letting down fences, or other violations, that they must hereafter do so at their risk, as he will pro ceed against them to the full extent that the law will allow, All persons will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. April 3 14 3m J. B. G LYMPH. The State of South Carolina. Nenberry District-In Equity. E11jth P. Lahe Adm'r. vs Mary C. Boozer & others. Bill for Sale of laud, and to pay deht=. The creditors of John C. Boozer dec'd are required to render and establi"'h their respective demands on oath, before the firtt day of June next. ('om's Otlice, SIL AS JOTNSTONE, M a rc h 2 5 th , 1 c;7 . 1 :; S .. c . N . Ti . The Stat e of South C'ar-olina. Newherry Ditrict-In Lqutry. J. M. Sen and others vs E. P. Lake, Adn'r, and others: Bil1 for account, relhef, &c. The creditors of Elijah M. Like, dcc'd, are required to render and establish their re spective demands, on oath, before the Com missioner on or before the first dat of June next. Coa's Oflice, SILAS JOINSTONE, March 25th, 1S67. 13 t9. C. . x. n. STAT EOF SOUTH CA.ROLINA. N cwbcrry I;itt et-In Equity. Agcns M. Caldwell & Susan Caldwell by next friend, rs William Wallace, Ex'or. Petition for S;le of Land. By order of the Court, dated Sth February, 1 S;7, I wi'l sell before the Court IIousc it Newberry, on the first Monday in M!av aext, the real estate of Howard II. Caldwell, leceased, as follows. A lot, in the town of Newberry, fronting m Pratt Street, twe'lty-two feet and run i to the rear forty two feet, bounded by ots of S. Montgomcry, George G. DeWalt, md lot heonLn_ to the estate of John II. -'eele, dee'd. Ti:axs-The purchaser w111 be requited 0 give hond( with at least awo go,d suretie? aun1 a Mr' ae'c of the property to secare he p:: urc hse money, payable in two cegnal annal in;starlmetnts, wit I intereest from the lay of'sle, and to pay the costs of these :orc'euings in cash. Comt's Oiiee, SILAS JOIINSTONE. 3h:rh 2,tlh 1807. 1N.' St. 112 c. E. N. n TAT E 0IF SOUT TI CAROLINA. In Eqri:v-Ne'herr. Ditrict. .ames A. Crotwell, Ado'r vs. Boozer and others. Bill for sale of~ land and payv ment of debts. The creditors of Freder ick Boozer, dee'd, .rc required itn thme order of the Court, to end'er on oath and vstablish their respective lenmatnds before ,the Commissioner, on or >efore the first day of June next. SILAS JOIINSTONE, C E. N. P. Comn's office, A pril 15-10-7r. * UrA TE 01F SOUTH C'ARO~LINA. In Equity-Newigerry D)istrict. L. C. Kibler and otherts vs Na ncyv Autll and others. Bill for account, injunction sale of land, to pay debts and to appoint Rece ivyer. It appearing to my satisfaction that John Itn Autll, on e of the~ defenrdantts to the lill resides beyond the limiits of this Srate. It is ordered, that be do plead, answer or [emzur to said Bill wit hi n thrt ee mnth ts from he publication of the rule, or te sanme vill be taken oro cotnfesso againtst bimt. SIL AS JOHINSTONE-, i.t.x.o. Comn's Office, F'eb. 25-3m--11. ST ATE OF SOUTI'I CA ROLINA. in Equitry-Newberry District. John S. Ren wick, Adtm'r vs. Stephen Dugan, Sim. Dugan et al. Thte creditors of Ben Dungatn, freemuan, li'ceased, are required to render and es a .lish on oath, their respective demands >efore the Cotimissioner on or before the ist day of May ntext. SILAS JOHINSTONE, c.E.N.D. Comt's offiee, 1st Feb. 1SG7. iTA TE 01" SOUTH C'AOLINA. In Equity-Newberry District. James RI. Sheppard vs. Mary E Schumpert and others. Bill for Injuntction, &c. The creditors of Honorias Sheppard, dec'd, re requested to render and establish, on oath beir respective demands before the Corn iissioner, oh or before the first day of May, 807. SIL AS JORTNS l'O NE, C. E. N. D. Corn's office, Feb. 1, 1807. 3mno. 412 ITA TE OF SOUTII CAROLIXA. Int Eqiuity-Newberry Disttrict. John S. Iletwick, Admt'r vs. S:ephen Dugan and others. B!ll for sale of real estate, re lief &e. By order of' the Court, I uail te-sell at the isk of the formter purchas~er o:t the first lo::dy i May, 1867, before the Court osea t Newberry, at public auction, the e!i est:t:ie of Ben ?)uganl, freemian, deceased, s follows: A tract of land, situ ted itt Newberry listrict, conmtaintingt, seven:t y-fourz amt es, mote r less, ar.d bounded by lands of Dr. G. WV. ilenn, deceased, J. B. Ghttmph atnd others. A tract of land, sitsttedl in Neni berry )istrict on waters, of Kinig Creek,- cotntain ig forty-five acres, more or less, titd bound d by lanids of Joltnt Glennt, J. S, Reu wick nd David Wicker. Totrs.-Thie purchaser will be r.equired o give bond with at least two good su rette; nd a n:ortgaze of the premmses, to secure :tnyment of the purchase mnone~y, plaable a the first day of Januar 18G8s;, withI in rest fromt the day of si le, and to pay in ash the cost of these proceeditngs. SI LA S JOHINSTONE, c. :. N. P. Comi s ofliee, April 3-14-4t. *9 TIlE subscriter has just receivod a supply f Cases, frotm the above celebrated ranufacturer, which are of the latest and aost impr-oved patterns, and of elegant Rose rood finish, and whicht he off'ers at low rates : the public, lie takes this occasion to say hat they have been purchased exclusively >r cash, and selling them at only a small dvance on the cash price, that no orders for be above Cases will be attended to unless ccompanied with the cash. CAMN Newberry, S. C., July 23, 18G0. Orm. Jacob Werts, Repairer of (Clocks. &c. THTE Subscriher will annoae to mend. on (olumbia Advertisements. R. L. BRYAN, WITH JMES J, 1'I1RTER, Opposite Columbia Court House, S. C. DEALER IN SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL & illSCELLANEO' BOOKS, Writting Paper, Blank Books. Stationery for Schools and Offices, LAW BLANKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Orr. b>y Ma"y l Promptly E;cutted. Mareb 6-10O-:3mo. JOHN C. DIAL, (Late ALLEN & DIAL,) Importer and Dealer in English and American HARDWARE - AND Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Castings. Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, Circular Saws, Mill Irons, Sugar Pans, India Rubber & Leather Belting, Carpenters', I3lacksim-iths' and Tanners' Tools, lo usekeceping and Eurnishiny 111(ITl w u' Agricuiltur"al Implements, Lime, Cement, Pla'er, Paints. Oils, French and Ame-ican Window Glass, ( un.. hrities. Pito,ls. ,SItt Belts. pou-deri F"lac. Pou-der, Shot, &C. Wholesale & Retail, At the Sign of the GOLDEN PAD LOCK Columbia, S, C. November 7 Gin. Dook8 ald 6iat0o0ry PLAIN-ST., (a few doors west of Main-st. COLUMBIA, S. C. Who1es-ale p u r elh a s o r s. Schools, and Libiraries supplied on Special I'ernis. Orders lby mail attended to carefully and >roniprly at New York prices. Blanik B3ooks made to any pa.ttern at low eUt prices. Nov 7 Gmno. H Otels. MILLS' HDWUSE, CORNER QUEEN AND MEETING STS, Char leston, S. C. This,well known.r first clais. IIotel la.s just been thoroir -bly repaired, refitted and re -urniished, arnd is now\ readyv for the aceo. nodaticn of rhe travelling public, whose >atronage is respectfully solicited. Coaches ahvarvs in readines~s to convey w1senger's to and from the Hontel. The Proprietor promises to (10 allin his ower for the comfort of his guests. JOSEPH P'URCELL, Nov '7 Proprietor. CHARLE8TON HOTEL, C HARLESTON, S. C. TIS popular and well known Hotel has een newly furnished throughout by the resent P roprietor, who has been sixteen ears connected with the establishmrent. W. WHITE, PHnPIE'TOR. GEORGE G. MIXER, Snperintendent, CHAntIAs A. il ILLER, Cashier. A pril 4, 1866-1-1. Central Hotel. From and after this date, the "'Shiver house,'' wi be known by the abhove name. he patronage received by tihe present~ pro rietress has been so gratifying that she is etermined to enilarge her business5 and ;ive to it a distinctive title. The travelling public wili be accommo ated promptly and well; an unexceptio.n ble tabile ailwayvs be kept -.attentive ser an ts wil a ttend to inidiv'iianil wants, and o effort be spared to preserve the: reputa ion which the present nianiagement has en evorcd to preserve. MRS. D. C. SPECK, Dec. 19 tf. Columbia, S. C. PLANTERS HOTEL) Augusta, Ga. Newly furnished and refitted, unsurpassed y nny hotel South, was resopened to the pblie October 8, 1866. T.j S. Nickerson. Proprietor. ate of the M[ills House, Charleston, and Proprietor of Nickerson's Hotel, Columns bia, S. C. Nickerson's Hotel. (coLm I3i. S. ('. PASSENG1ERS arriving in Columbia on he difYe'enit Ra ilroards will find Ommihuisses, arriages anid Baggage Wagons in rendiw: ss o con vey them to and fromn this lHotel tiree f chrarie. Gi-Responsible Persons in attendanice to eeive Checks and 1Haggage. T. S. NICKERSON, PnornicTon. Newberry Hotel. THIS HIOTE~L having changed hands, has een thoroughly renovated1 and refitted, and he subscriber earnestly solicits the attention f the public to the fact. A new and elegant BAR ROOM is at, ached to the house. Choicest wines, liquors ant eigars can always be had. C. C. CHASE, Ag. March 29 tf WAVERLY HOUSE, T~ ?i~YT1 I T'~ ri fir y~ I~ c"i'flrT"1 Baltimore Advertisements. Sp)ring JImlportIalica 1867. RIBBONS, And Straw Goods. ARMSTR0NG, CATOR & CO., -Importers and Jobbers of Ribbons. Bonnet Silks and Satins. B1'mnd.c. etts. Crap. I elets, Rui-ces . Flocr. eater STRA B01ETS AND LADIES' IATS, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Shaker I oods, &c., 237 and 239 Baltimore-St., BALTIMORE, MD.. Offer the largest Stock to be found in this Country, and unequalled in choice variety and cheapness. Orders solicited and prompt attention given. February 27 3 mo. Carriages, Buggies, W agons. A New Carriage AND BuggyF actor y. NEAR THE DEPOT IN ONE OF WM. LANGFORD'S BUILDINGS. The subscriber being a practical Carriage maker by trade, having arranged with com petent wornkmen, for carrying on his busi ness in a workmanlike inanner, he annonn ecs to the citiz,ns of Nev;berrv and surronn dinq country, that lie is ready to receive orders for new work, Car;iages, or I;g es, &e., of any style or p:i tern that par ties may wish. And if their work is not done aeoording to order parties will not he under any obligatior to take it, when done. Give him a trial, is all he asks. Old Car , and Bhig;,ies renovated and nmae to loo!k eqial to new, at reasonable prices. A liberal share of patronage is solicit d. Ie is in monthly receipt of patterns of all the itest styles in vogue: parties order ing can have a fine selection to choose from. A few~ Enggies on hand for sale'. Dec. 19) 51 Gino.. J. TATYLOR. ICarriage Shop, Newberry C. ir., S0. Ca.. Respect fully in forms the citii:ss f New berry~ and] sn ri on nd(ing coun try that ha vin~g re opened his carri;ige shop, and is now Iprepared ta~ excnte all work ini Ihis line in the nea.t est ma imer, aniid i:h i upatclh. WiVill inmake andl repa ir Carriiages, Buggies, Wag0ns,&c, Nov 7 fnmo * MiscellaneOus. REMOVAL. A .M.W\\ICKEIR'S C011feelionai'y alid G1'000ry STORE. I take pl'asure in calling the at t iition of my friends and customcrs to the fatct that I havie re.moved into my NEWl BRICK( BUILDING on the em,tner ini front of my; old store, and have fitted it up in an ele:a nt manner and have now on han.d the completest and Best Stook of any (onfecionary (Iidl (lonIs !i|)Ci'c/lly to hc fo'U)1(l The attention of little folks as well as big' ones is called to nmy beautiful assortmient. Hopiiig to receive a contimuation of the very liberal patronage heretofore extended, I return grateful thanks for past kimniness. March 2u 12 tf. A. M. WICKEI. J. HICKLING & CO.'S Great Sale of WatChes. On the popular one price pian, giving every patronrahandsomne and reliable watch for the low pr ice of Ten Dollars !Without regar d to value. and not to be p)aid fer unless 1:erfectly satisfactory! 50J Solid G old Hunting Watches $250 to $751 500 Magic Cased Gold Watches--2 0 to 500 510 Ladies' Watches. Enamaled-100O to 30) 1.'a.0 Gold Ht'g Chron. Watches--25) to 800 1.000t Gold Hlunt'g English Levers-.'0 to 25) 3,000 Gold Hlunt'g Duplex Watches--150 to 200 5,000 Gold-Bt'g American W atcbes-100 to 250 5.' 0 ) Silver H unting Levers 5 to J5) 5..0 0 Silver Hlunt'g Dupexes-- 75 to 25) 5,0n0 (old Ladies' Watche: 50 to 250 lo;.0 G;old Hunting Lepine 5) to 75 10.;0C Miscellaneous Silver Watches- 5) to 100 25,00' hunting Silver Watches-- 25 to 53 3'.0) Assorted Watches, all kinds- 10 to 75 Every patren obtains a Watch by this arrange ment, costing but $10, white it may be worth $750. No partiality shown. 3Iersrs J. lickling & Co.'s Great American Wuic Co.. New York City, wish to immediate,, lv dispose of the above mnagnitcent Stock. (er, tificates naming articles, are ptaced in sealed en velops. Ilders are entitled to the urtic!es named n their certificates, upon payment of Teni Dollars. whether it be a W atch wort h $750 or one worth less. The return om any of o rr cer tilicates entitles you to the articles named there on, upon payment, irrespective of its woi th, and a no article valued less thaii S'O is named on anycertificate, it will at once be seen that tnis inolottery, but a straight-forwardl le:gitimate transaction, which may be particip.ated in even by the most fastidious! A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post poid(. upon receipt of25 cents, live for $1, eleven for $2, thirty-:hbree and elegant premium for S5, sixty-six and mnor? valuable premium for $10, ore bundred and most superb W.ich fer $15. To Agents and those wishing employment this is a rare opportuiuity. it is a legitimately con ducted business, duly authorized by the Govern ment, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Try us. A ddress J1. HICKLING & CO.. 149 l;roadwav-Near P. O. Charleston Advertisements. J. R. READ & CO., NEW STORE. New Goods! 263 King Street, Having recovered from the effects of the late fire, and in the meantime repaired and improved 'our store, making large additions to the same, we are now prepared, after passing many weeks in carefully selecting Goods, to exhibit the most attractive and entire new stock of British and Continental DRY and FANCY GOODS ever offered in Charleston, S. C. J. R. READ & CO. 263 King-st., Charleston, S. C. New and Seasonable .Foreign Dry Goods, WHITE GOODS. Domestics and Linens, English Hosiery, Best Kid Gloves, Lace Mitts and Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, and Fancy Goods. J. R. READ & CO. 203 Kiug,st., Charleston, S. C. CLOAK and SHAWL Department. Our NEW DISPLAY ROOM being now completed, we take pleasure in inviting an inspection of our new and choice stock of Ladies Coverings, Comprising every new and choice novelty of the season. Black Silk Basques and Sacques, Black and White Lace Points, Grenadine and Barege Shawls, Plain and Fancy Shetland Shawls, Mozambique and Spun Silk Shawls, &:. J. R. READ & CO.. 263 King-st., Charleston, S. C. Our entire Stock is New, having been selected during the late 4epres, sion in the price of Goods generally, and with particular reference to its adaptability to the market. Goods shown with pleasure to all. Latest novelties received every steamer. Liberal discounts made "'to the Trade." for CASH BILLS or City acceptances. J. R. READ & CO., 263 King-st , Charleston, S. C. March 27. 3m Dr. N. A. PRATT, Suecessor to Pratt & Wilsona Dros. Analth:ialet:n Drnu ggiChmt, No 23 iiayn-sreet, CH ARLESTON, S. C. DEALER IN .Oi'uf. CI(Jl Hn iNaIs, A ND Analvsis of Ores, Soils, Fertilizers,&c..mnde with greatest care and accuracy.. Cherif cal advice given ~i all.h baichies of the science,.on moderate termns DR, F, OLIN DANNELLY, ISo well known throughout the State, is with' Ime, and would be glad to see his ol friends Ior till any order for go-ds. March 2R.3mo DaC .P N NN Chrlstn,S.C Decz:be 5ly JakonsUivra N Rlllg K.plllI Th washig fo a aiyo wnypr saved from wahig-a annvncesWh would notashto havesch ofrs Thishping Coraid poakngth dpc hesica preprao fno twnt plter delonte abe, wipted little rist, orhe! clohg ;ostvin ir the roei goodTA orde ndu i cotte or tuas, and tIl fnequite ol th ish tnaor isere tomfortshe Thie Comoundio rwapimlyas with the pbect of asoaps hrvritolcd ti eCoets eboligabutha fewiuest, ms dean btics,wiy littl i rubbing o withth hands tsaviding there upon TtAheN wAsF hbad t oes noA5 l!t inure thefar on the cotireandy,b is reuiresad toxes the colore anwlrmove ahiga p:ithh greasto stiof a. ns iv tatia n o RTOWIRT WS.I LEAELL Agent,F Alopris nee4-- boln f. fwmnts nd Hut L.r literfan tly,ig ih h Ion fe rr,it ervieservethe iies the Newbery, nwsnrroundi . H.soCts. all ogmay eoyhi, Arthects aedl wayssatsf urvethhiySrveso lns Teplats wilndbenp.ofectlygnDastr ndtun ecptional. De. 10, 1L6 5 1-tf. C. H. KINGSMORE Is still e,t the aldl et-mlfl Iiscellaneous. CRISPER3COMA. Oh! she was beautsful and fair, With starr eyes, and radiant hair, Whose cur!ing tendrils soft entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind. CRIS PER COMA, For ( trling te Hair of either Sex into J cy and Glossy Ringlets, Iv Ifeacy. .Massive Curls, By using this article Ladies and Gentle: men can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will cnrl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it ; is highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the utost complete article of the kind ever offer. ed to the American pubhc. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any addaess, sealed and postpaid for $1. Address all orders to W. L. CLARK CO., Chem ts, No. 3 West Fayette Street, SYRACUsE N. Y. Feb. 27, 1867-ly. AFFLICTED! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently and at a trifling cost. The astonishing success which has attend ed this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy, Impo tency, or any consequences of youthful in discretion, renders- it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement. incapacity to study or' business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of selfMdestruction, fears of insan ity, &c. It will restore the appetite, reneW the hcalh of thc6e who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practises. Younz Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doctors" and ignorant practitioners,, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every in stance. Price, $1, or four bottles to one ad dress, $3. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO. DI. JOINVILLE-S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure' of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all effections of the Kidneys an i Bladder. Cures effected in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is neces.ary while using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with' bnoiness pursuits. Price, $1 per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and po=t-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price. Afldress al! orders to BERGER, s H U rS & CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Feb. 27,1867. - l EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR! !! CHIASTELLAR'S 'Hair Exterminator! 4 For~ Roaoii.-y Su per fluious Hair. ? To the ladies especially, this invaluable dpilatory recommends itself as being an amiost indispensible article to feinale beauty, is e asi! applied. does not burn or injure the skin, bhut acts directly cn the roots. it is warranted to remove superfluous hair frotm lows foreheads, or from ant' part of the body, completely. totally and radically extirpating the snm, leaving the skin soft, smooth and naiturIl. hils is the only article used- by' the Frenchm, and is the only real effectual depilatory in existence Price 75 cents per packaae. sent post-paid, to any address, on. rceiot of ::n order, by 'UERGER, sH UrTrS & Co., Chemists, 283 St., Troy, N. T.. Feb 27, 18G7-17.~ ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished At the Wonderful Revelations. Made by the GreatAstrologist. Madame HI. A. PERRIGO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happmness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of rela tions and friends, loss of money, &c,have become despondent. She brings ogether those long separated, gives inform aton1 concerning absent friends or lovers,. res tores lost or stolen property, tells yot; the business you are best qualified to pursue and in wvhat you will be most successful, cau,ec speedy marriages and tells you the. very day you will marry, gives you the namie, likeness and characteristics of the pe son. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almo-t supernatural powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. Frm the stars we see in the firmament-the maetic stars that over-come or predominate in the configuration-from the aspects and, noitiotns of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to con sult tha. gre;itest Astrologist on earth. It. cots you hut a trifle, andi you may never attsin have so faivorable an opportunity, Cn-ntationi feL-, wi:h likeness and all de iedl inforrmation, S1. Parties living at a distance can con-alt the Madame by mail with cqual safety and satisfaction to them selves, as if in person. A full and expliest ch art, written out, with all inquiries answered and likeness enelosed, sent by mail on re ceipt of price above mentioned. The strict' est secr-esy will be maintained and all corrs podence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desirin. them. WVrite plainly the day of the month, and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, MADAME H. A PERRIGO, P. 0. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. Y. Feb. 27h, 1867. ly BEAUTY! Auburn, Golden, Flaxen & Silken Carls - P RODUCED by the use of Prof DEB% RtEUX' FRISER LE CHEVEUX. One application warranted to curl the most straigh t and stubborn hair of either set into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive eals. Has been used by the fashionable of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no inju:y to the hair..- Price by maD, sealed and postpaid $1. Descriptive Circu. hars mailed free. Address BERGER,SHUTT.S . & CO., Chemists, No. 285 River St. Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States, Feb. 27, 1867-ly.. Manhood :fHow Lost, how Re stored. Just published. s new edition of Dr Culverwell's CelebTr ~~ tad Essays on the radicalecure (without medioi es of8Spermatorrhea, or 8emie ral Weak-ness, Involuntary Seminal Lesses, In potency, Meutal and Physical Incapacity, in-I pedients to Marriage, etc. alo Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance . Price, in' a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celeb rated author. in this admirable essy, cearly demor.stratcs, from a thirty years' sue cesfuil practice, that the alarming consequences of self-a buse may be radically cm-ed without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appHl cation of the knife-puintingr out a mode ofeers at once simple, certain, and egbetual. byeans of which every sufferer-, nio matter whath coni diition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately and radically. - This LTure,- sonld be en the hanAd ofeery