THREE DOLLARS A YEARI] FOR TIE DISSEMINATION OF USEFUL INTELLIEME. [INVARIABLY Ix ADVANCE, VOL. III. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1867. NO. 11. THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY M0"INING, At Newberry C. H., By THOS. V. & R. H. GRENEKER, ImBES, 3 PER ANNUM. IN CUtI:ENCY OR PROVISIONS. Payment required invariably in advance. Xarriage notices, Funeral ?nvitatior. Obitu r[iw, and Communications subserving private Daisresta, are charged as adverti-ements. Miscellaneouis. w. B. McKellar, SURGEON DENTIST, W ould most respectfully state to the public that he has m oved in his new rooms over Captain McFa1l's store, on Main street, and can at all times be found ready to do any and everything in his line for cash. Mr. Edwin Jones will work at one-fourth price. At the same e I would say to all who are indebted to me, that they would find it very much to their interest to call and settle soon or they will be sucd. Feb 13 tf A CARD. URGED, by the many changes which distress the community-anlvi_ which i the fact that we have to nar caTh for everr thing purchased-we are co:t to publish the following terms anl.d col,Lu:is upon which we propose to practice medicine, Viz: For visit and prescription - - 810 prescription at office or in the street - - - - - - - - - - - 1,00 " obstetrical cases (si:nple) - - 11 consultation - - - - - - - - - " milage-per mile (day) - - 5 "t " " " (ntIht) -- ,0 Our terms are CASH. The "bove stated reason, alone, forces us to insist upon this. It is our intention to present bills, at the termination of every case, for services rendered; and no visits nor a:tention can be expected from us afterwards, until the amount of such bills is paid. P. B. RUFF 0. B. M AYEi JAMES .lcuINTOSI G. W. GA R M ANY. Dec. 12th, 1866. WM. F. NANCE. Colon Broke, Ba[kin and COMMISSION AGENT, Newberry, S. C., eyFIC! IN REAR OF GRIERSON'S DRUG STORE Advances on Cotton to reliable houses in Charleston, S. C., New York nd Liverpool. Exchange on Charleston and New York in suu,S as wanted. Jan. 23-4-tf. WANTED. For ENGLIsH ACCOUNT ENCLUSI VELT W OO L, Or Unshorn Sheep Skins. Market prices paid in essh, or Cloth ex changed. WM. F. NANGE. Offee in rear Grierson's Drug Store, New berry, s. C. dec 12 6m Exchange On Charleston AT PAR, in sums as wanted. Checks On New York in sums of $100 and upwards, remitted promptly to order. Liberal Advances Made on Cotton and other produce cotn signed to reliable houses in Charleston, S. C., New York. and Liverpool. Plantation Supplies On liberal terms. W\Vx. F. NANCR. November 28 tf Agent. LEWIS BUTLER, FASHIONABLE BARBER and( HAIR DRESSLl RESPECTFULLY announees to the gen slemen of Newberry, that he has opened at the old shop, opposite the Court Hlouse, and next to Messrs. I. M. Suber & Co., where he will be happy to wait npon all in the exercise of his profession. His objcCt is to please the most fastidiouis taste, and the keeping of his shop shall be al ter the most unexceptionable style. Shaving, Trimming, Shamtpooin:g, and Xairdying executed in the most approved manner. Jan. 23-4-tf. S. R. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KYEWBERRY<'. Hr... s. Will attend to business entrusted to his care fl7Offlce at Bookstore. Feb. 6 C. H. KINGSMORE Is still at the old staind, Prepared to Take Ambr0types & Photogwrapl1 And Paint Cabinet & Life size Portratits. From Life or any kind of Picture-. He wll visit the country or a neighboring town to) paint Porai:r. A clowly dr- as gaod - MISCELLANEOUS. The Bankrupt Bill. WX hlave h CIo re as ai (ii 11 o tllt lakrupnt bill a it 1a;-.i i let' - t a fe,w dagOaf. :an( nti1 s:ll i the E1Il,. 1u1e 1 l'epresn tatives. It is a douelllelt of sixtv eig^ht .pag'es. and i'll e rvfore of far too great lentlh for our colum1ns; but. inl view ot tle imjort:an(e O the il e"asure. we have prepared the Ibllowil' aib'.tract of its eon tents Se.1. Cl(othe the Uniited' states )istrict Courts with jiiiictioni in cases of bantiikruitey. Sec. ._. (ives Circuit Courts of the United States i general superin ten(dence a1 juriisdietii 1n, an1 au ti"'rizes them to act as cou1rts of etilltl'. See. 3. P'ovidS 1t r the ap1 int Im1elt he the diil'ct ee. . Autoirizes suitors toap pyal irlm tie registers to t' jud g'S in1 CaesC f di1pI as to the :!.See. 7. Provides for com pu)llsory attenudance of parties and WitnesS v ees. 8, f. anld 10. Providies fori appeals and1 precribes rules of pr'actie.1 See. 11. Prescrilbes the method of availinlg of the aet. Ainv debtor w"hose ldebts, prova ble under this act, amounting to over iliree llund red d(ol1lars. luay pietitionl thle district judgiLe ofi his distrieit, statiing is inssilveney,. his w\lilingness to surirenider is estate1 andl a schedule undler i athI of his1 debts andhi cred16 1 itr's. with the niatur of 0 the debt it fll.I. and :I an iventoryV. a1li under oathI. of his] as-et'-. >iich pet iion shatl Il e anj act of 1aupi~'i1t y, andl the })eti1 tienerCi he adjudgiLedl a hauikrupit.i Th e jiudgLe shall thlereupon11 issuie ai warrant. 'r thle r'eister' it ilhere I theL United Stat es miarshal of said the necessaryV nilKrS. to wit: 1. That. a warrant ini bank rup}t cy has been issued. 2. That ail paymen~lt oft d.ebts to Such debtors are for: bidden. 2. ThIat a meet ini if thle eredlitors to prove\' del is an 4 'ou lse assigLnees, will be lheld ini a counrt of laulkrnp})(e 11<) less thain ten nor1 mlOrec tinl niniety days after 1iluing (if the warrant. These not4 ices ate ti be publdished in a nie wppe and~I'Ut served oni >ee. 12. Provide.. fir a nieCting 0I creitors, at, whiich a reoister shall preside. See. i1 Pescribes that the ma 1(rity in iiterest oft theC credAito r. shiallt choose one or mfore ass5igneest2, who110 if appr)ioVedl by thejuge shall he quiahitied (il giving hond.11 See. 1 1. Directs that the jud'e (o I> i'i tllre bs nO (i osine'inhtres t he register ) shlall (tinvey to I lie assiLtnee or assigLlices thle elit ir( real and per'sonial e5tatie of tihe iankru}'t. huiii lr(ii 1lbis assigni Uilellt arc eNeellteli llousell<'id an hi tellelltoi u iiture. alldi su l ol i llt er articles as the assignece may i ndh cate otexeeutlino' live llnI e :eiC <>Ot lle lian ruptl iis Unlit; i fr allf armls, andi ai in >m atail lmeiCA or le'V\ I n t h i St ite laws. >'e(s. 1.1 I. 7. 1 *. PrieMHnt r ,.s S ndI po'j'. an 1 Sec.. 19. AnthorZs cel'ditolrs to assert and prove any cOingeni LC1it cIin they mI1av have agai nst the hallk1'lupt as drawer cIIor"seI' surety, hail or g1a1rantor, or as ten ant. Se. 20. Pro)vide' for set olis in all c"ases f' pr "t, ab1le c laims1. See. 21. Prohibits any credit ors of the bankrupt from sueing him after he avails himself of the act. See. 22. Provides the method of lr'ovmngs claimls-t hat is by preiu eilln lt'al evidence before any reg ister in his district. or, if the credli tm'r is a n1oll-residtent, before a tni ted States coinilissioner. Sect ions 23. 24, and 25. Pe s)ects details of practice in the 're2selttt in al(i puoot' of claims. See. 10. A\ut lorizes the examin atio;. 1f lie b ankrupt on oath .y Ie courts, as to his debts and as 4et . anl requires his wilc to at teinf deb ts. Sec. 29. Allows the bankrupt. lfter six montlhs firom the adjudi a'ution of b_ankru1pt cy o'r if no debts A' assets within sixty days, which h (urt, af'ter dte not ice. shal1 rant. it' the I ankr1upt has honest v exhibited his c"ondiitioI. .). . Pr'olibl its a second bank 'upteyc-, un1l.ess by consent of ered tors, except wihere the assets tilnount to seventy per cent. of the 1(ehts. se(es. 31 to 35. Concert details. ironlolnce aailst frauds, and the ike. See. 3O. Provides for involun :arv bankriptcy, (leelaring that m11 abscolndilg debto a debtor Alio makes ass iICmentS to defraud. iinst whiom1 an unsatisfied exe '-it ion for' over' One hunlfdred( dollars t and. who makes an assignment o give pr'eference to spe('ial creul (Irs. 0or wh'o has suspenided for' ouriteenI days the pavyment of his -)mmerlcial papers, shlll. on the ue. tliin of anmy criedIitor, be ad uged a hanukupt. Th'iie remaniiill L se't ion1s, eleven i nubr prescrie the proceed oi's in1 5m as and the var'ious cs and co(St s.- /rul'/iul. So'METnl N<; TIATI O)ccl'RRED. ni 1e8 a couple we re logally mar 'ed ini this city. and for' two longL nont1his livedl to'ether'l as manu and( ife. wvhien thiev hee:unel sat isfiedl hat ther 1had( miade a mistake in iing their f'or't umnes for life. Wit h )tt any formal divorce, t hey mu ualyx agri'eed 10 seperate, and fr'om hat t imen theiy ('01ntiiued to live s it' they had never been married. 'hti A ime ago Leai sntela xith I thle attr'actionms of' t he chiarm ng ra5s-wido0w, and becamie a uiter for her hear't and hand. t'ings wor'ked' favorably for the ne'css of hiis courtship, and last .rdav t hey' were mariedC(, thle ormer01 husl and acting as waiter t tile wedd(ing. -Peter'sbury E - irss. A WXisconisin oflicial who had irest ed a co(up~le of ras('als, was -iding~ with his pr'isonlers when at rairie chiickeni made its appear mel(e. andl the ofhicer drew his re elqe amnd f:red two or three shots i. it. Oine of thle prisoners sug estecd that he could (10 better, ni the revIlver was handed over o himi. The pr'isoner, howeveri, lid not tryi' his skill on the chlick n, b ut p resenited lie shoot ing r'on ait t lie ,Iicer and( -bI acked off," eving 5 the(. oti(eer to (ogit ate~ oin lie "'uncrtaint v of man.' and to -eturn in ius prisoners and a $20 Arch~deacon Mcarron is dlei. Mrs. Swenzro Shot heri hushand at a ia! im ew York. Cause jealousy. Ex.Gov. Brown, of Georgia,urges the r00' er f. tht .t:ct accc'pm the einuain Spice for the Ladies. The usual dullness of At1hens. Ga.. was ellIVenlieed the other (day by a womanllal Vhiippi1ng her llish alul thliroulh tthe streets with a large A g;entlemn:111 in Caliioriia hav ilg iade a lady a pre.sent of a pair of pistols, after several trials of skill, they concluded to go through the forms of a duel. They took their positions, fired at the word, and, to the terror of the lady. the gentleman fell. lle thlrew her self franticallv upon the corps. embracilig and kissing it with eve ry emotion of en(learlment. 111 (ler suc(11 magical iiifluence the genltilnan revived, and rose un hurt from the trroln(l. and-and -ther are to be married. A you lad in Texas who ad vertised for a husband, says she can talk philosonhy , well as rock the eradle. Startlin; toast : 'Woman-t he morning star of inifanlcy-tlhe day star of manhood-tlIe eVeiig star of age. Ptcs o;ur star:. At a printer's festival the follow ing was ole of the toasts : - men--econd oIIly to the pr1ess in the dissemination of the nevs. A Cotel.mpor:ary sugg"ests that a lady, on put ting1i On her (rsets. i1 like a manl who drinks to drown 1 his grief. because in so-lac'ing her self she is getting ti,rht ! If a pretty woman asks vou \vhat you will bet, a>sw\ver that you will lay your heaul to hers. A young and beautitul gi INri was one day asked : Do tell me why it is Cupid Con1tilnueS sO long after the invenitioni of powder to use ar rows ? To avoid the report of fire-arms, wvhich would attract thei jealous. In the Virginia Legislature last week a resolution was introdnced to tax bachelors for the support1 of widows alt old maids left with out protection by the wari'. Good ! Miss Violet Bii1r is said to be the prettiest girl in Washingi ton. An exchang.e says she has thle tiagrance of a rose-h ud alnd I lie flu)destyV of a violet. and is to b e A man in .ll)etroit advertises for a partner in thle nuiirsery businiess. f lie wants a wife, why hasn'mt he he maniniiess to say so? ITusiN(; Boys.-AX hly wh Iose iamne we dIlii ot learn. hiving' near Bamiiberg South Caro~l(linaI. ')ave irth. a few days ago to four chi1 iren,. all 1 oys. and dloing ais well s could be expect ed. Bill Ar tated s ome ime since that thle ()mnn of thle Soui h were go('" o raise boy chili Irenm. and this is ertainly a god b)eg3innhing". Woimen is a deltusion ; hut men ill hug delusions. A young lady dlown East adlver ised for a young imain that ''em-1 raced anh applortuity," and says . if lhe will com4e over to our' to snfl e cnn (10 let teri.' Warr A PIm: \ oMNs is LuK. A finte woman is l ike a locomot.ive. hecauiise she draws a t raini after i, scatteris thue sparks anid tran sports the males. A paper asks very innocently it' t is any harm to sit in the lapse )f ages. Another replies that it l depends on thle kind of ages Se eeted. Those fr'om eighltee to wenty..five it puts dlown as extr'a azardlous. Our youn g friendls-and l on es 0o--who are an xious to learn. owv many wveddhings a married 'ople may lawfully have will be pleasedI to know that one yearn af er1 marr'Iriag(e comeis t he paper~" .edd in g ;five vear's aft er mariage. he woodhen webdding : Iten yeair, hl' tin wedding : w'enity-live t ears. thme silver wediiin g ;fifty ears. the goldeni wedIding: -even -tive years, thle (diamond wed Tbc ree nt :narre of Mr. Iay with iss Fiel'd r.ent:o this singular arn m' y hat, altiiough he gaiaed the !!hl1, she The Vision of Confiscation] which Frightened Reverdy Johnson. The sudden and astounding sup port given b y 1ll every' .1olhnson1 to Sherman's Bill is at last explained le discovered, it is credlibly stated. that it was the purpose of the next Coigress. which is ten fold more relm)rseless, violent and proscriptive than the present. to press the passage of a whole-sale confiscation bill if the p)resent plan of reconstruction fails. le quailed before the revolution of this M A och spirit. and the vision of contis cationi and begr"arV of millions of' his Countlil vmei ext orted from Iim tile reluctant support of aln infa m11ousi5 meare11l'C. le saw an Un1 aned. nol le and defeated sectibn )owelleSs. in the grasp and at the mIereVot an Uinfeeling toe, more re morseless t han G oth. Ium. Iles sianl or Turk. andl he mnadle. as he ielieved. a tiimely sacrifice of opin io to save a people whom he loved, andi for whose wrong"s his heart bled. There may-il be men cast in un LISual andc heroic moulk, designed .loibtlees by God to play the part > tmartvrs. who find in this con lulet of Mtr. .Johnson1 'utficienlt o not. It !, t i xl ianati'lil of the l'e:SUi II'r ti rerdy .1ltitson s .hang, 1e is true. we think he has omilt ted one of those sins which he '-Reeor(ing. Ang-el will blot ut with a tear' for the weakness f a gienerous heart, when the Hooks of the Chaicery of Heaven re (pen for the final balaneing of ill cart hlv accounts. The S>oti has been scourged :erribly enough for all sane men o pray that contiscation. that last Za I vial of Apocalyptie wrathI shall ot 1) poured upon our heads. fhe world is suflcien ly full of the les of the heroism of this blight ( and im)poVerishe(l section. for is in the moment of extrene peril. o wish to protect our wives, our hild ren. andI ou r desolatedI tire ides froni the hoirroirs of absolute est it ution. Secure a.' lhe is ini his wn l itfe al h)rope't ro th nalee and the ureed of the mod rni Gohs the mnenaed South' houd sulrel v lii with eb Iiarity a the excuse wh ichl the ti-iend.s (It ort of tlie ''Slerlman Ill." < rate ly remuenmbering that ale gcen s during2, the wvar. and his heroic II t'equient dlenouneIiat ii ( thle miraes on the South fromi his eat ini th~e Senate, we r'egret thatlI r'c siioild hlave premua 'ilreI y de i uncedI himn to our readeirs ihri -leblinig to the dlictates of a heart nll of kindness for uls.--RfCifunod EuIIm: i3[:x.--T--hie Rich nond D4pj,'h says oni this subl e't :Shiould thle worst happen r th1is State, and a port innt of' our i izen s who have served in puNl'Iie m res h e rendie red in eligible, it b e '0mes2 a mat ter of in terest to conli iler who arue eligible and how l lie mportant officest~ are likely to be illed. H[aving looked about someW vhat, we feel quite c'heered( to find o many capable persons still left o take charge of public affairs. ie think. ourselves, that when ie j)prope time arrives for selee ion. if we onily manage rightly. bre will 1be no want of repre2sen ative men for' this State. We nay e t roubledl ab out Congr'ess. f we ever gett he privilege of rep esentat ion there. We think with I ie Disp&'fh. that one advantagei hih mflay grow" ou 0t I f disfranchise i neut will lhe the br:inging into ac- I in a number of Vlyung men, whot ae botih enerigy and hope to ake the places of' sonme who have ttle of either hope or energy. le men we need now are men of pit and' con udence in t heir abhi y to w\orkc out a prosperous muture1 r hcir count rv. Artomus rerc eitn.otlth For Ladies Exclusively. We "rise upon a pCrsonal exida nation. It has been gently intimated to us that certain of our lady readers were startled by our mention of stocking suspenders. Their deli cate sensibilities were shocked by the audacity of such a liberty such an invasion of the holy of ho lies of woman's attire. We have two or three things to say about it. 1-We thought we were giving infbrmation that was valuable. 2-For the last six months our unsophisticated and uninitiated eyes have been opened wider and wider as one -tyle of' tiltereens after another revealed more and more of the mv'steries of woman's under-garments. At first we con sidered these disclosures as acci dental and accordiuglv we shut our eyes and walked on faster. But style after style, lift after lift-from gaiter-boot to stocking. and from stocking to fancy elastic garter with ornamental tassel the mol') was tCndIfl towarls the extreme that suggested the idea that clothes were worn for the purpose of uncovering as much as possible of the human form divine, (or otherwise. as the case might chance to be.) So that. in the end. even our hitherto unsophisticated minds became open to the convic tion that all these nether beauties. so mercilessly thrust upon public attention upon the public streets. were designe(l and desired by their fair exhibitors to be sCn. We saw them accordingl,v as did also the rest of mankin(d. We thereupon took occasion to speak of some of these nether details of di ess in a direct war, so as to caution (Iur' lovely tiltareen-wearers that, un less they meant for these things to be "seen of all men," they must wear their graceful glories in some other style. This delicate sugges tionl was designed by us for only the few extremists who had ig nored the bright eunug glances that have leamned ini their wake at every stree t-cor'ner for the last iX mionths. :---Those whoi comment most upon our] item, we have one or two reasons5 for' knowing. are they who have worn the veritable over-shot hi gh - pres.-aure- pcrp indtienhl r -dum pl ex-andc -er'ythi ng-ex hibiting-n e plsura tiltar'een theumselves. [(I (ol '.r IEr//.ie En~ p 4r1r. ViHERE IS TIHE q;ER1 ?-We have of' inte been receiving a great numnber of papPers f'roa New Eng and1(. In looking ov-er them we very often find( something exceed ing by (elever. This for instance: One paper says :"WXe have had the l?epublican victory--now where's the nligger1 9" T.o which another "goe's in' at he following rapid r'ate: (0 to your' store, andl you get trom eighteen to t wontv-five cents vor1th of ingg~Ler' in (ev(ry vardI of nuslin yoUu' i romi ten to fit een ('entIs w or' th (If'1 nigger ini eve 'y- yard of1 calico your' wife and -h ild renunse ; fr'om six to eig'ht lollars w-orthi of inigger~ la cac'h >arrel of flour your family con ~umnes ; twenty-five cents worth of ligger in each pound of coffe you m)rehaSe ;pfrom eight to t welve ents worth of nigger in every >ound( of suga' you buy to sweet ~n it ;you'll find a small bit ofnig ;er in your box of matches, and .'onsiderable niggerC1 in y-our pi f tobacco. You eat nothing, wear ling, see nothing, taste noth ng, or have nothing, that is not aore or less affected be the mnisera le niggerism that has controlled he c'ountryV since "Old Abe"~ left pringfield for Washington. A letter writer says that South lorida is destined betore many ears to teem with the ichest Vest India product ion. The Pararna ste.amer w'hich arriver1 at ~ex York on the 19ith brought a sirgle at of golel valued at over 900,(000. It s aiit bak ike a "Tt Ofyel2eW "soap." IN A TIGHT PLACE.-At L-. on Sunday evening. fatigued by his long journey. a wagoner and his son John, drove his teani into a good range. and determined to piass the Sabbath enjoying a sea. son of worship with the good folks of the village. When the time of worship arrived. John was set to watch the team. while the wagon er went in with the crowd. The preacher had hardly announced his subject before the old mah fell sound asleep. lie sat against the partition in the centre of the body slip; while just against him, sepa rated only by the very low parti tion, sat a fleshy lady, Who seem ed tll-absorbed in the sermon. She struggled hard with her feel ings. until unable to control them any longer. she burst out with a loud scream, and shouted at the top of her voice, rousing the old man, half awake, who thrust his arm around her waist and cried out very soothingly -Wo, Nance !:wo: Nance wo ! Here John, cut the belly-band, and loose the breeching, quick, or she'll tear everything to pieces t" It was all the work of a mo ment, but the sister forgot to shout, the preacher lost the thread of his discourse. and the meeting come prematurely to an en'd while deeply mortified, the old man skulked away, determined not to go to meeting again until he could manage to keep his senses by re inaining awake.-Exchange. Items. A contemporary heads an article on "tilters," "Shocking Diselo sures." He probably meant "Stock, ing Disclosers." A kiss, says a French lady, costs less and gratifies more than any. thing else in existence.-Exchange, That's so, and we are surprised that our girls havn't found it out before now. If they will call at our sanctum they can have a chance to test the matter without money and without price.-Bran 'Ion Repubdlican. T he FederieM 'urg Ledger says : "We undlerstand there are no less than twenty-two beautiful and educated marriageable girls at. Port Royal. and noit one mnarriage alble man.' The Galveston C'icilian, P-eferring to the immigration of freedmen to Texas. fromn Georgia, say.s: "Wo would rather see one sober and inustrious white man come to Texas, thtan forty thousand freed= men."' St. Louis has 24 newspapers. W. W. Gates, of the West Tennia Whig. is the oldest living editor in thie States. The Central Texas Record dis with the departure of Mfaximilian, a large immiigration to Texas of the better and wealthier classes of Mexicans nmy be expected. Ther is a 'waterfall" in Cali fornia two t houisand feet high. Th is would be largze enough for the head of navigation. It makes one's moVuth water to r'eadI of thme low price of the "good things of this eart h," away out on the fringes of civilization, Who are the dishonest pcople Hardware merchans-they sell iron, and steecl fdr a living. A Baptist elergyman, in San Francisco, Rev. H. A. Sawtelle, has come out for open comnmunion, and drawn a large congregation with him. T he i\e England Dry Goods and Clothing Reporter, a newspaper started in this city a few weeks since, has been suspended for wa.nt >f patronage. The 3Mobile Ga:ette, published iv Ex-A dmiral Semmes, has ceased :o exist. The Baltimore evening Tran, gript in conseqjuence of bard times 2as suspended. The Rurc' Sodre will not me published-those who subscrib, ad wii! be retiundad