Sheriff's Sales. By virtue 'f sundry writs of Fieri Facias, to me directed, I will sell on Wednesday, 'the 20th Feb., 1067, at the former resi dence of J. A. Bond, within the legal hours ,of Sale, the following property, viz: One goo-I Mule, 1 Sow and Pigs, 20 bushels of Corn, I Gin, I Thrasher and I Fan, and a good lot of fine furniture, at the suit of J. H. Wells and another, vs. J. A. Bond. Terms of Sale cash. T. M. PAYSINGER, s. N. D. Feb.6 6 3t. 3 BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell, on the first Monday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the ollowing property, to wit: One tract of land,containing three hundred and sixty acres, more or less, bounded by lands of J.P Kinard, Thomas Montgomery, Thomas W. Chalmers, and by Gilder's "Cr,"ek, levied on at the suit of E. K. John -son VS, Wm. McMorrics. 3 Also, one lot, bounded by .dnds of J. B. Smith, E. S. Coppock and others, and con rtaining four acres, levied on at the suit of H. Ralfacre vs. J. H. Hays. 3 Also, one lot, bounded by lands of H. H. Kinard, B. H. Lovelace, and others, and containing about I acre, at the suit of H. ;Ialfacre. 3 Also, one lot in Helena, bounded by lands of Bob't Scruggs, Isaac Bierfield, atd others ,containing about three and three quarter acres, at the suit of James Fenner vs. J. M. Plumer and others. 3 Also, one -House and lot, containing about half an acre, and bounded by land of N. A. Hunter and others, at the suit of. H. Halfacre vs. George Boland and ano ,btr. 3 Also, one Buggy, levied on at the suit of 'own Council of Newberry vs. Patrick Sallivaa. 3 Terms Cash. T. M. PAYSINGFR, Feb. 13-7-St. s. N. D. By order of J. T. Peterson, Ordinary, I will sell one tract of land, about 68 acres, and bounded hy lands of John Abrams, N. S. Abrams and others, the real estate of Martha Abrams, deceased. Terms of sale on a credit until 15th of Nov. next, with interest from date, payable in gold, cost to be paid in cash. The purchaser will be required to give bond and mortgage to the Ordinary, with approved sureties. T. M. PAYSINGER, S.N.D. Sheriff's office, Feb. 9, 7-t. 5 Agents Wanted For EHISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN TH STATES-TRACING ITS ORIGIN. BY ONS ALX II STEPHNS And for THE LIFE, LETTERS AND SPEECHES of HON. ALEX. H. STEPHENS. By Henry Clev'eland; .Sed fee Circulars and see our terms. )Addrhsu NATIONAL PUBLISHIING 00.. -Cormer 7th and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. * ob.1-7-4t. Schedule Laurens RI. R. The following is the Schedule of the Laurens Railroad for- the present, and will continue jantil furt her notice : Leave Laurens C. H., at 6 o'clock, A. M., en MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FR I Dl)YS for Jalapa, wrhere connection is made daht Backs to Newberry, seven miles. Leave Jalapa at 1 o'clock on TUESDA YS, TiURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. F b 13 7 tf. J. CREWS, Supt. . FRESH * RDERS BY MAIL AT TENDED TO ,AT * ~ E, B, J1MSON'S, 1eb.6 4 COLUMBIA, S. C. S. B. CH APMAN, MTORNEY AT LA W, NEWBE R RYCH.,f. C. R I attemd to bainess entruted to his care. - aBostore. Feb. 6 Notice. * NEwBEaRR, Jan. 26, 1867. SThe building of a Bridge over Little Riv -erst the place knoun as the Stephens or 1og Bridge will be let (at tha t place,) to the lowest bidder, oni Saturday the 23rd dAayof February next. JACKSON TEAGUE, tComn's A. J.LONGSHORE, Feb. 6 3t. Notice. - .C he Notes and Accounts belonging to th.e Estate of W. D. Goggans 'are in the hands of Jones & Jones for collection. A short tim wili be allowed after which they will be sued on, the small on es to be turned over to a magistrate. DANIEL GOGGANS, Feb. 8 6 St. A dm'r. Notice. All persons indebted to Isaac Keller, either by Note or Account are called upon to come forward and make a settlement before, return day. Feb. 6 6 St. ISAAC KELLER. Notice. The undersigned hereby notify the public that the note given by them, as principals, to Dr. W. F. Pratt, about the fifteenth of November, 1858. for abont three thousand,. three hundred dollars, will not be paid uns 1ess forced by law, because of a failure of the cosideration for which it was given. All parties are warned not to trade for the same. WILLIAM A. WILLIA MS, EDWARD B. FERGUSO N. -Newberry S. C., Feb. 5th, 1867. Notice. Tee subscriber respectfully requests all persons indebned to him either by note or acconnt to come forward and settle with him immediately. W. A. ELMORE. ,Fe b. 66 4t. Nails, Axes, &c. gM Kegs best quality cut Nails, from 3 to 404. 8. W. Collina' and other superior Axes. Arie's and Rowland's Shovels and Spades . Bo wiand's Mill and cut Saws. Tog'ether with a complete assortment of WRIGHT & JOPOfL Dealers in Men's, Boys' and Youths' CLOTHING, and Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Umbrellas, Valeses, . No. 4, Vollohon Row, NEWBERRY, S. C. Special Notice. We are now offering great inducements to all in need of goods in our line, by selling them for less than what they are worth. We are induced to do this, to prepare for our Spring Stock, and will sell at cost, and "less than cost," rather than carry over old stock. Now is the time to buy Winter Goods cheap. Come soon if you want the best bargains. Respectfully, Wright & Coppock. January 23 HAR NESS SADDLES,&C. The subscriber would respectfuliy inform his friends, and the public generally that he has opened a complete Saddlery and Harness ESTABLISHMENT, At BLEASE'S OLD STAND, OVER THE TIN SHOP, Where he will keep constantly on hand, Saddles and Harness of every description. ALSO REPAIRING done with Neatness and Despatch. TERMS CASII, at moderate and popular prices. jan 16 3 ly J. BOY. E, Agent. To Trespassers. I HEREBY forewarn all persons, white or black fromt trespassing on my plantation, either on foot, or on horseback, throwing down fences, hunting, or for any other pur pose. Any person found thereon in viola tion will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A. L. LARK. Jan. 23-4-1m. The Most Concentrated For Cutton, Corn, Wheat, Vegetable Crops, &c. Mapes' Nitrogenized Super Phosphate of Lime, stood drouth b tter than Peruvian, Ame, rican or any of the various guanos used in the vicinity. The cotton held its bolls better. KINSMAN & HOWELL, Sole Agents, Jan 23 153 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. FEMALE COLLEGE, SPARTANBURG, S.C. THlE Spring session wil open Feb. 18th and close first week in July. ITuition and Board, includ'ng lights, fuel and washing $100~ in currency. Music, French, Embroidery &c., at usual rates. Address: R ET. A. W. CUMMINGS, D. D., Feb. 6-6-3t. DR. T. GOUIN AT THE BRICK STORE, Opposite the Hotel, And next door to Paysinger's New Buildings, [as now in store one of the most complete and carefully selected stocks of FANCY CONFECTIONERIES, AND Choice Family Supplies, Segars, Smoking and Chew ing Tobacco, Ever before offered in this market, to an ex amination of which he respectfully invites public attention. feb 6 6 ISpecial Notice. ALL persons indebted to J. J1. REEDRR, individually, either by note or account, are notified that they must call upon him im mediately and settle up, or make some satisfactory arrangement, otherwise their notes and accounts will be placed in the hands of Maj. Baxter for collectio J. J. REER. ALSO, all parties indebted to the estate of JAS. REEDER, deceased, who do not settle forthwith will find their notes ir' the hands of the same Attorney. J. J. REEDER, Feb. 6-6-3t. A dm'r. IThe History of a Brigade of Carolinians, BY Lient. J. F. J. CALDIVLL Can be had at the Book store, Car wile & McCaughrin 's, Dr. Pope's and elsewhere. BLEASE'S RETREAT, NEAR AMAZOKIE. Restaurant and Lodgings. B. . ~RTEASE, Agent. GENUINE Peruvian Guano., The undersigned will receive in a few days, and offer for sale 100 Tons Peruvian Guano, Which was purchased by one of the firm, from the only authorized agent of the Pe ruvian Government in the United States. It is well known that a great deal of Gua no, sold for genuine Peruvian, is adultera ted, and therefore of little value. The undersigned now offer an article which they can confidently warrant as pure and genuine. Secure your Guano now for the next Cot ton crop. Make up for the deficiency of labor by enriching your land. CARWILE & McCAUCHRIN. Jan 30 Im Shad, Shad, &c. I WILL have Shad and Fresh Fiph of all kinds every Wednesday and Saturday, at the lowest Charleston prices. A. M. RISER. Jan. 30-5-t f. Special Notice. 'he Notes and Accounts of Robert B. Moore, are in my hands for settlement. All parties indebted will therefore come forward and settle on or before the 1st of March next, as indulgence cannot be granted after that date. ABRAM MOORE. Frog Level, Jan. 14, '67. * To Rent, THAT handsome and commodious resi dence, known as the NANCE house, and lately occupied by Rev. Dr. Brantly. The lot contains 14 acres more or less, and is very rich. On the premises are every convenience. For particulars apply to B. H. LOVELACE. Jan. 16, 3-tf. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE exercises of my SCHOOL were resumed Monday last. Terms, per quarter $6,00 for Primaty scholarsand $7 50 for those more advanced. A contingent charge will be made for fuel. Jan. 9. SUSAN ANDERSON. FINAL. THE Notes and Accounts of W. F. Pratt & Nance, that remain unpaid on Return day for the District Courts and the Courts of Common Pleas, next ensuing, will he placed in the hand'of Attorney for collection. WM. F. NANCE, for W. F. PRATT & NANCE, Dec. 25th, 1866. 2wr. In liquidation. Blease & Wright, Have now in store and are constar.dy receiving a large assortment of the very best articles of CQOKIN(G STUYES, Which they warrant to give entire satisfac tion. Also HALL, OFFICE & SHOP STOVES, They manufacture and sell at wholesale and retail the best article of Plain Tin Ware. They keep on hand a good assortment of Pressed and Japanned Tin Ware, ALSO, Bouse Furishing Goods, Generally. T do all kinds of JOB WORK. usually., done mn their line, such as ROOF[NG. GUT TERING. &c. Jan 23 1y U. S. Internal Revenue. Last Notice to Tax Payers. All persons liable to Tax under the Excise Laws of the United States must make returns to me by the 15th cf February. If they do not comply by that time I will be compelled to assess them to the full extent, and from this there can be no appeal. My office will be open for returns at Po maria until the 31st of January. On Sale day in February, I will open my office at Newberry, and remain until the 15th, when all will be Assessed for 1864 and 1865, who fail to make returns, wi:h heavy addi tonal per centum added. WM. SUMMER, Ass't. Assessor,. 11th Divis'n, 3d Coll. Dist. Jan. 9 26t. Notice. All persons having business with me, will take notice that I have sp4ointed L. J. Jones to act as my Agent and Attorney during my absence from the State. Jan. 22, 1867. J. H. WILLIAMS. Notice. THE undersigned will rent that very desirable Cottage formerly occupied by Col. I. F. Hunt, containing four rooms, with a good garden and all necessary out build ings attached. Terms reasonable. A pply to Y. J. POPE, Attorney at Law, office in Law Range. Jan. 30-5-4t. Notice. ALL persons indebted to me 'oy note or account must come forward and settle the same beforc the 1st day of March next, for a settlemeni, I must have, otherwise 1 will put every claim in the hands of a Lawyer for collection. I am in reality. L. C. KIBLER. Frog Level, Jan. 30-5-6t. Notice. BEING necessarily compelled to be absent very much from Newberry, I have for the convenience of the public and of myself placed my notes and accounts in the hands of Messrs. Jones & Jones for collection, and all'persons indebted to me are earnestly solicited to call and settle with themi. H. H. BLEASE. Jan. 30-5-St. Notice. T HE notes and accounts of H. H. Blease being placed in our hands for collection, we would hereby notify all persons indebted to him to call and settle as soon as possible. JONES & JONTES. Legal Advertisements. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity-Newberry District. John L. Renwick, Adm'r vs. Stephen Dugan, Sam. Dugan et al, Bill for partition &c. By order of the Court, I will sell before the Court House on the first Monday in March next, the real estate of Ben Dugan, freeman, deceased, as follows: A tract of land, situated in Ne,wberry District, containing seventy-four acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Dr. G. W. Glenn, deceased, J. B. Glymph and others. A tract of land, situated in Newberry District on waters of King Creek, contain ing forty-five acres, more or less, and bound ed by lands of John Glenn, J. S. Renwick and David Wicker. TERMS.-The purchaser will be required to give bond with at least two good sureties and a mortgage of the premises, to secure payment of we purchase money, payable on the first day of January 1867, with in terest from the day of sale, and to pay in cash the ost of these proceedings. SILAS JOHNSTONE, C.E.N.D. Com's office, 1st Feb, 1867. 4t*0 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity-Newberry District. John S. Renwick, Adm'r vs. Stephen Dugan, Sam. Dugan et al. The creditors of Ben Dugan, freeman, deceased, are required to render and es tablish on oath, their respective demands before the Commissioner on or before the first day of May next. SILAS JOHNSTONE, c.r.N.D. Cor's office, 1st Feb. 1867. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity-Newberry District. James R. Sheppard vs. Mary E. Schumpert and others. Bill for Injunction, &c. The creditors of Honorias Sheppard, dec'd, are requested to render and establish, on oath their respective demands before the Com missioner, oh or before the first day of May, 1867. SILAS JOHNSTONE, c. Z. N. D. Com's office. Feb. 1, 1867. 3mo. J12 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity-Newberry District. Elizabeth A. Higgins vs. C C. Higgins and others. The creditors of F. B. Higgins, deceased, are requested to render and estab!ish, on oath their respective demands before the Commissioner, on or before the fifteenth (lay of February next. S[LAS JOHNSTONE, Com's office, c. E. N. D. Feb 1, 1867. 2t. c2 50 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity-Newberry Distr-ict. Thos, S. Bllair, Adm'r, vs. Rebecca J. Thompson and others. The creditors of Thomas J. Thompson, deceased, are required to render and estab i sh on oath their respective demands be fore the Commissioner on or before the first ay of April next. SILAS JOHNSTONE, C. R. N. D.I Coin's office, Feb. 1st, 1867. 2mo. *S The State of South Carolina. Newberry District-In Equity. Thomas Hfayne Chalmers, Jane Chalmers and alvina Chalmers, vs. Martha A. W. Chalmers. Bill for Partition. The creditors of Thomas A. W. Chalmers, de eesed, are hereby required to render in on oatfh, ad establish before the Commissioner, their respective demands, on or before the first day of March next. SILAS JoH NsToNE, c E.wD. Com's. office, Nov 26, 2866. 3m t12 The State of South Carolina. Newberry District-In Equity. John C. Richards, admr. vs. P. W. Chick and thers. Bill for sale of land, relief, inunctionA The creditors of George Ashford, deceased, are hereby required to reader in on oath and estab ish before the Commiissioner, their respectite. emands, on or before the first of March next. SILAS JOHINsrONE, C.E.3.D. Cor's office, Nov 26,.1866. 3m t 12 Notice. TO GUA RDIANS, TRU TEES &C. Guardians, Trustee.s, Committees and Re eivera are required to make their annual returns to this office, by the first of Marcha next. SIL AS JOHNSTONE, Com's office. c. E. N. D. Newberry District, Feb. 1st 1867. 1mo. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA NEWBERRY SIETRI@1. y John T. Peterson, Ordinary of Newberry .District. Whereas, B. Mf Blease has applied to me or Letters of Administration, on all and sin., gular thbe goods and chattels,rights and cred,. its of Mark Glenn, late of the district aforesaid, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish ll and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before e. at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Newberry Court ouse,on the 13th day of Feb. inst, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 30th fay of Jan., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. Feb. 6, 2t. ______ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA NEWBERRY DISTRICT. By John T. Peterson, Ordinary of Newberry District. Whereas, Elijah A. Paysinger has applied to mc for Letters of Administration,. Debonis non on all and singular the goods and :attels, rights and credits of Elizabeth Paysinger, late of the district aforesaid, leceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred ahd creditors of ihe said deceased, to be and appear before ne, at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Newberry Court House on the 13th of February inst., to show cause, if any why the said Administration hould not be granted. Given under my hand and Seal, this 30th iy of January, in the year of our Lord ne thousand eight hundred and sixtys even. Feb. 662t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA NEWBERRY DISTRICT. By John T. Peterson, Ordinary of Newberry District. Whereas, John J. Gallman has applied to e for Letters of Administration, with Will annexed, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Henry Gall. nan, late of the district aforesaid, deceased: These are therefbre to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before e, at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Newberry Court Rouse, on the 23d day of Feb. next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under^my hand and seal, this 9th iay of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eig ht hundred and sixtyseven. JOHN T. PETERSON , o .n.d. Feb. 13-21. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS popular and well known Hotel has een newly furnished throughout by the present Proprietor, who has b3en sixteen - er connete with the establishment. WISKEMAN & ILBER, GROCERS, General Commission and Produce Merchants, Respectfully announce that they have now on hand a fresh assortment of articles in their line, to which they solicit early atten tion: Sugars, A B C. Powdcrcd and Crushed. Coffee, Rio, two qualities. Molasses, West India, S. H. Syrup, ' Bacon, Sides and S. C. Hams, Breakfast Strips. Lard, Country. Pickles, Gallon, half gallon, quatter gallon. Mustard, in Cans, French, (in bottlea Flour, Candles, Cheese, Salt, Candles. So p, Spices, Teas, Fruits. Wooden Ware, Mackerel, Dutch Her ring, Salmon, Oysters, Matches, and Crock ery ware. - Corn, Peas and Potatoes, Barley, and new Buckwheat Flour, Nuts and Fire Crackers, for the holidays. Above please find memorandum in part of our stock, which we trust is sufficient to warrant us a call. December 12 FRESH GROCERIES, &C., JUST RECEIVED, And consisting in part as follows: Sugars, all grades, from 15 ets. to 25 ets., coffee, bacon, lard, tea, cheese, mackerel in kits, half barrels and barreiL, Liverpool and table salt, flour in barrels, flour, new rice, soaps-bar, cas tile and toilet; candles, starch, indigo, madder, copperas,blue stone, pepper, ,pice, ginger, sod , pickles-all sorts and sizes; oysters, sardines, nutmegs, it ace, cloves, cinaotnn bark, yeast powders, mustard, blueinag, candies, raisins, lemons, oranges, apples, vinegar, mnohasses, concentrated lye. Tobacco, snuff and cigars. all grades; tubs, buckets, blue and brass bound, all sizes ; seives, brooms, water dippers,black ing and brushes, curry combs, cotton and wool cards, jim-crow cards, nails, axes, pocket and table cutlery, tacks, awls, spey ing needles, &c. Notions of all kinds, viz; Paper and linen collars. shirts and bosoms, hose and half hose, suspenders, belts, hand kerchiefs~, neck ties, pocket books, pass and spelling books. slates, lead and carpen ter's pencils, pens and ink, buttons, needles; and thread, of all kinds. hair oil, hair brushes, tooth br'-o .,, -havinsg brushes, dr essing comrbs, raszars, razor strops, shav ing boxes, looking glasses, with a variety of toys, &c. Bleached andJ brown shirting, domestle ginghams, tweeds, jeans and sati nets,w ith a splendid asaortmhent of crockery ware, glass, C. C. and grsuute, which we intend selling at a very short profit. All kinds country produce bought or bar tered for at market prices. WILSON & WICKER, Oct 31 ly Main-st., Newberry. For Sale or Rent. The House and Farm in Newberry, now the property of Alonzo J. White, Esq., and and formerly the residence and property of Dr WV. WV. McMorris. On the premises are a fine d welling house, all necessary out buildings, and a fine well of water. In the garden and lot, there is also a fine selection of Fruit T rees. Attached is a Farm of Twenty Acres, more or less, rece:.tly cultivated, and well drained and fenced. For ternms api4y at R. R. Depot. N. Bs MAZYCK, Agent. Jan. 16 3 tf. U. S. Interna1 Revenue. Notice to Tax Payers of 38th .Regt. ALL~ persons liable to Tax under the Excise Laws of the United States, must make returns to me by the 15th ofFebruarv. If they do not comply by that time, I will be forced to assess them to the full ext'ent, and from which there can be no appeal. My offce will be open at the following places during the month of January : January the 2st............John Glymphs a23d ....................Maybinton a 25th....................Whitmires " "26th ........ ...........Slighs " "27th................Cromers Store " 29th................Longhores " "31st............4 . Williams After that time at Newberry Court House until the 15th of February. J. C. WIL LIA MS, Assistant Assessor, 12th Collection District. Jan. 16-3-tf. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK.! WARNING IN TIME ! I AM COMPELLED through actual ne cessity to call on every one indebted to me, either by note or account, no matter how small the indebtedness, to come forward and settle up. I am willing to compromise on fair terms. This is the first time ever since my recent misfortune, that I have called upon any one indebted to me for a settlement, and only do so now through stern necessity to enable nme to continue business. Small favors thankfully received, and large ones in proportion. Jan 9 2tf A. M. WICKER. VALUABEHOTS Town of FROG LEVEL. THE Subscriber offers for sale, positively, 2* acres of Land, in the aforesaid town , on which there is at this time, a good dwelling house. with three goo4 roamua, two brick chimneys, good kitchen, meat house, stable and orib, also two offces fronting the street, 16 x 22, and room suffcient on the street to build two or three large store houses. I will sell on reasonable terms, and payments made easy to an approved purchaser. Jan 9 4t 2eow DAVID KIB3LER. C. H. KTNGSMORE A CARD. URGED, by the many changes which distress the community-among which is the fact that we have to pay cash for every thing purchased-we are compelled . to publish the following terms and conditions upon which we propose to practice medicine, viz: For visit and prescription - - - $2,00 prescription at office or in the street - - - - - - ----- -1,00 " obstetrical cases (simple) - - 20,00 consultation ---------10,00 " milage-per mile (day) - - 50 " " " " (night) - -1,00 Our terms are CASH. The above stated reason, alone, foices us to insist upon this. It is our intention to present bills, at the termination of every case, for services rendered; and no visits nor attention can be expected from us afterwards, until the amount of such bills is paid. P. B. RUFF 0. B. MAYER JAMES McINTOSH G. W.GARMANY. Dec. 12th, 186G.. WM. F. NANCE, CoIto Broker, Banking and COMMISSION AGENT, Newberry, S. C., OFFIcE IN REAR OF GRIERSON'S DRUG STORE Advances on Cotton to reliable houses in Charleston, S. C., New York and Liverpool. Exchange on Charleston and New York in sums u wanted. Jan. 23-4-tf. School Notice. N3SSES FANNIE and KATE LEA YELL will open a school on the 15th inst., at the school room, formerly occupied by Rev. J. J. Brandy, D. D., they will give their undivided attention to the uterest of the school. TERMs: Primary Department per session (5 months) $8,00 Academic - 1200 French and Latin each " 15.00 Lessons on the Piano%forte , 20,00 Newberry, Jan. 2, 1867 1mo. Fs's Melic Burial .c8ses THE subscriter has just received a supply of these Cases, from .the above celebrated manufacturer, w.2ich are of the latest and most improved patterns, and of elegant Rose wood finish, and which he offers at low rates to the public. He takes this occasion to say that they have been purchased exdusively for cash, and selling them at only a small advance on the cash price, that no orders for the above Cases will be attended to unless accompanied with the cash. R C. CHAPMAN. Newberry, S. C., July 25, 1866. 9mi. Carriage Shop, 0, M. JONES, Newberry C. H., So. Ca., Respectfully informs the citizens of New berry and surrounding country that having re-opened his carriage shop, and is now prepared ta execute all work in his line in the neatest manner, and with dispatch. Will make and repair Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,&c. Nov 71 amo WANTED. For ENGLISH ACCOUNT EXCLUSIVELY WO OL, Or Unshorn Sheep Skins. Market prices paid in ersh, or Cloth ex changed. WM. F. NANGE. Office in rear Grierson's Drug Store1 New berry, S. C. dec 12 6m LEWIS BUTLER, FASHIONABLE BARBER and HAIR DRESSER, RESPECTFULLY announces to the gen tlemen of Newberry, that he has opened at the old shop, opposite the Court House, and next to Messrs. I. M. Suber & Co., where he will be happy to wait upon all ,in the exercise of his profession. His object is to please the most fastidious taste,- and the keeping of his shop shall be af ter the most unexceptionable style. Shaving, Trimming, Shampooing, and airdying executed in the most approved manner, Jan. 23-4-tC. Win. H. WEBB, Of Newberry C. H., So. Ca., EIN, ALDRf H O., Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Nos. 80 &nd 82 Leonard-st., (West of Broadway,) New York. The subscriber w'ould state that his con nection with the above house enables him to sell his goods at a considerable reduction below present market prices, January 9 - WM- H. W. SMITH & CHRISTIAN'S SA LOON, OMAI T., NTEWBERRY, Exchange On CharlestoarAT PAR, in sums as wanted. Checks On NewYork in sums of $100 and upwards, remitted promptly to order. Liberal Advances Made on Cotton and other produce con signed to-relible house- in Charleston, S. 4., New York, and Liverpool. Plantation Supplies On liberal terms. Wm. F. NANCE, November 28 tf Agent. A New Carriage AND Buggy Factory. NEAR THE DEPOT IN ONE OF WM. LANGFORD'S 4UILDINGS. The subscriber being a practical Carriage maker by trade, having arranged with com petent workmen, for carrying on his bvs. ness in a workmanlike manner, he announ ces to the citizens of Newberry and surroun. ding country, that he is seady to. receive orders for new work, Carriagoe or Bug. gies, &c., of any. style or pattern. that par ties may wish. And it their work is not done acoording to order parties will not be under any obligation to take it, when done, Give him a trial, is all he asks. Old Car riages and Buggies renovated auil made to. look equal to new, at reasonable pricee. A liberal share of patronage is solicit. d. He is in monthly receipt of patterns of all the latest styles in vogue; parties order ing can have a fine selection to choose from. A few Buggies on hand for sale. Dec. 19 51 6mo. J. TAYLOR. RAILROADS. G ENERAL SUP'rS OFFICW. CH ARLEsTOI, S. C., Nov 3, 1868:. PASSENG ER Train will run as-follows, visz2 Leave Charleston...........,.........800 a. m. Arrive at Columbia.................S 2P- pm. L aave Columbia......................6.60 a. m,. Arrive at Charleston.................4;00 p. m, THROUGH MAIL TRALW Leave Augusta................5Wp. m. Arrive at Kingsville.................1:r6a. in, Arrive at Columbia.................800a. mn. Leave Columbia.....................2 00Op. m. Arrive at Kingeville. ............ .......... . m. Arrive at Augusta.................12 t. Nov. 6 HI. T. PEAK E, Gen'l Sa'. GENERAL SJJPERINTENDWT8 OFFICE. CHARLOTITE & S. C. RAIL ROAD,. COL.Uxm., S. C., Nov. 5, 1866a On and after WEDNESDAY,. 6th fat. Through Passenger Trains will be run over this road as follows: Leave Columbia at..... ...........310. i.* at Charlotte at..............9-~1 a. mn. Leave Charlotte at..............6.10 a. mn. Arrive at Columbia at. ..........- ---.- P- mn. Nov. 6. JAS. ANDERSON, Sup't. NORTHEASTERN RAIL RgB ShOrtest, q,uielfest a.nd Only direct routte to N~ew York' PhiladelpIha Baltimore Washington Richmond Petezsbtu-g -Weltion and Wilmington. Time through by Express Train to New' York 44 hours!! Faire $26if Tickets good by either of thle three f6llbw lng routes: Richmond and Washington Bay Line and Baltimore Norfolk an.d Delaware. Baggage Checked through to any point. Tickets good until used. S. S. SOLOMONIS, Dec. 29, 1866. . St(perintendent. To Travellers THE following is the traveling schedule on the route between Columbia, Richmond, Washington and New York, via the CTharlotto awl Cartolina RaH4roa.d:. Qoing North. Leave Columnbiasat 2.20 p. in.; arrive at - Charlotte, %20. p. m. Leave C6arlotte~ a', 9.40 p. mn.,; arrive a; Greensboro at 2*a.. mn. Leave 'Oeensboro, by Danvlls Rai'. road at 3.00 a. mn.; arrive at Richmood- at 8.00 p. mn. Arrive at Washington at &O0- a., mn.; arrive at New York at 6 00 p. mn. samea day. .Oct. dit Schedule, Blue Ridge Railroad. On and after Monday the.)7th inst.,the-Trains on the Blue Ridge Railroad will leave Anderson for l'endleto. and, WaIhalla, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, after the arrival of the Gzeen yille & Columbia Railroad Tra.ins. Will leave Walhalla on Mondays ;t 8 e' clock, a. in.. connecting with tis dowa'CraI ofi Greenville & Columbia Railroad.. Will leave Walhalla on Wednesdays at o'clock a m. W. UI. D). GAILLARD. Sept 50 Superintendent i Et E L Announcements. MESSRs. EDITORs: You will plea#e an nounce Mr. R. V. GIST', as a eandidaite for a, seat in the next session of oar #tate LegisIb ture. FARMERS OF NEWBERRY D5ST.E MEssRs. EnrITons:-You wifl please as nounce NAT H AN F. JO HNSON as a can didate for the office of Clerk of Court, of the District of Newberry, for the next ensutsg termi, MANY FEIENDa. IMEssRs. EDIRn-By nominatiag- Mr, DANIEL B. W HEELER as a candidate for Tax Collector of Newberry District, you w14 oblige his many W ARM FRIENM, July 4. MESSRs. EDITORS :-You wit please an, nounee J. D. SMITH, as a eandidate foothe office of Tax Collector, Newberry e)istrict, and oblige MANT FR ND. May 2, 180(. Massas Eanrroas : Ton ere authorized to sa noneJOHN W-. COUNTS as a candidate f'r the offce of Tax Collector for Newberry Dis., at the ensuing.election. Mr. Counts is a gentle man every way qualified for the emee. DUTCH FORK. FoE TAx COLLKcO.-CSpt. JOHN~ WII. LIAM8 is respectfully nominated as a candiate for the Offce of Tax Collector, NewLerry Dis .triet, at the next election. Oct. 8.1st, 1866. ANTX FIKDS. .. -XEssEs. EDrrosa-Plesenmnuie Mr JOS. W. HILL us a suitable candidate for the eBoe of Tax Collector, for. tbe B Yi~e~1D MESS EDITOS-Please announce nI, JACO B KIBLER as a eanddate for the of, flee of Tax Collector, for the ensitvterm.