A JErv I LsRHoaa -Ra FFINDS A PAIR OF Bob's.-One of the lit tle episodes in life occurred nigLt before last that should be a lesson to all jealozi gbands. jhere is a family img in one of, the best located_hoises in South Memphis, whose worldr means are above the fear of want. The wife is one of those generous hearted women who loves her husband with all the devotion of a true heart but her lord is one of those mixtures of the brute, with an occasional good trait. Hc, - however, loves his better-half, but allows his love to be lost in.his jealonsy. The Ia dy has been in .the habit of meet ing his lordship at the door each evening with a welcome kiss. It so happens, that for over a month the green-eyed monster has inter rupted their- domestic bliss, al though the faithful wife never miss?d meeting her husband at the door with the usual greeting of a kiss. On Friday ught, however, the brute, went home later than usual-something near ten.q 'clock, and the wife had retired. Not meeting her at the d,or, his jeal ousy ruse to 'a fighting point; and he histantly- went to the back door, expecting to find a mare' nest ; and sure enough he did: The first. tliiig,hc sw, aft. en tering the house, was a pair of boots ' I have them, thought he. le next locked the boots in a clos et, and obtaining a light he enter ed his sleeping apartment, but to his astonishment, he found only his wife. He next searched the house from top to bottom, but no Don Juan could be seen. We need not say that the night was passed most unpleasantly to both husband and wife. The brute, however. told his better-half that he had her lover's boots, and through them he would yet know the scoun drel. Divorce was talked of, and the wife's protestation that she was innocent only brought the re py o"bots." She ried, "I am not guilty !" and he vociferated "boots." Morning at last came, and the enragred husband went for his siioe leather-he brouight them up stairs, shaking them in his wife's face, when upon a close ex amination, the discovery was made that they were his own boots ! forgave him. and she has only to say Tboots !'' to make her husbaud plead for merey.-Momphis Ap peal. A Curious Scene. The New York correspondent of the Chiarleston News relates a singular occurrence which took place a few day-s since at G reen wood Cemetery. A young widow er, whose first wife has been dead but three months, took unto him self a second spouse, and on the verf day after the knot was tied to'ok wife number two to Green wood Cemetery, to visit the grave; of wife number one. Standing over the grave, the grie?stricken man indulged himself in a burst of sorrow, and remarked to himself that no woman- lived who could :ompare with her who lay beneath the grass-covered sod. The live wife took exception at the spirit of the rematrk, as wVell' as at the remark itself about the spirit. She denied the truth of the statement, and added that she considered herself far superior, in: all respects, to the dead woman. The ex-widower assured her that she flattered herself, and that -she could not begin to compare with the defunct lady either in physical. ment al or moral excellen ce ;where upon a quarrel arose- -the live wife b)eat her bosom's ilord about the head withl an umbre!!la the man showed fight, and there wats a veritable contest at the grave. The twain have separated;: the lady has gon'~e home to her parents. and the ex-widower is, practially speaking, a widower again. That careful old money-mnaker, Stephecn Girard1. who was never known +o spend a dollar for less than a dollar's worth, thoroughly understood the advanmages of ad v-ertising. He often saidl that he never spent money more profit ably than when lie invested in printer~s ink during hard times. He con-: sidered it a golden oppor:unity never to be neglected. Those-who advertise liberally will always give the best bargains. The wife of Dr. C. F. Forbes was burn ed to death in Waltbam, Mass., Saturday i,ui~ht hv thr' hrp,,Wino. of a kcros~ne Hts Fronch"rociety become bet ter during the reigrn of its savior ? Let Louis Veullut be th,judge. Here are a few extracts. firm his . recentiv published bookILEs Ode uiide Paris. Spe .Lin of then-} trical exhibitions. he writes "What is dre:dfully shoeking is the means used to attract the pub lic. The bait is'a nakid woman. I do not speak of the horror of the soul at such a sight, bt- sim ply of the horro7 ofthe eye. Thej spectacle is more awful than un nianuerly. Th.e d.clascS exhibitod on the stage, not only have horrid ug- faces, but their figures are atrociously deformed'; some ar e bow-legged, others crooked, and every one of them are impudent and clumsy, not knowing how to walk or how to stand. Oh. dread ful deformations of;the- moulting crane." "Fancv you are in the drawing-room",of a provincial ac tress begining to decline-ajsmok ing lamp, stained silks, and .insels scattered upon the digny furniture, twenty rancid cosmeties-the.e is the scenery. The lady dresses herself while speaking with her friends ; she dyes and paints ; she stuffs herself ; she hangs glossy hair upon her scanty, greasy curls ; she pl-nts teeth into her grums.; she cries at every gray hair left on. her 'comb ; she laughs; she drinks brandy ; she mends her court mantle~; she narrates her past victories ; she is ready. The curtain rises ; she plays Celimene. Do you not feel dismayed, disgus ted. terrified ? Do you not run away to 'avoid that breath, that paint, that hoarseness ? "I'se Been Ruined." - The Chicago Ti, n,s says that no newspaper article in this country ever produces such a sensation, as its owen in favor of negro suffrage, to which boast the St. Louis Times, makes the following apt and un ique reply : eW know of no illstration of S the egotismn of the boast-it is tin- , paralleled and (should remain so. But the case of the servant girl ' who left her eniloyment. in the com riy to enjoy-a bit of the me tropolitan life, furnishes a Very faij-ouuterpart to the .Timne.s pa rading the notoriety of its infamy. as-sonethingto.be proud of.a Jane who went away a plain and virtu Ouls country lass. camne bac~k to visit her old mi.st.ress,in an agony of crinoline and1 vulgar jew\elry amddecorations. "Bless me, Jane, said her old employer, "where (Ld you get all these line clothes?" "La, Misses" replied Jane. with the self sat isfied smile and glanice f approval, "didn't you know I'se been ruined." The 2imes has been :ebauched also, but seems to think it is a tribute to its smartness. A young lady, with a mind in-i tent on shopping. enfteredi a store on a certain occassion, and address- - ing the fresh looking. rosy cheeked youth, desired to know if he had nice silk hose. ~Certaily Miss,' replied he, and immediately the counter was strewn with the delicate airticles. 'How hiigh do they come, sir ?' The clerk blush d, turned all_ sorts of colors, butT. spoke not a word. She gave -him c: a look of snrprise, and repeatea her e uestion. Again the youth-stam rered and said :J?ealif. Mu's, ~I -that is to say--I think--I couild not be postive-but my unpr ession s, they come just above the kneeI How A Youxa WOMNs STOIL PAxTALoS.-A young lady- by~ the name of Herbert was caught the other evening in the act ofsteal-] ig pants in a ready-made cloth ing store in Mon trea!. Her moduR oprawI; was, afier earyi:. the nmetionailes (which SheC made( up at home for' the firm) into the back store, she wvould draw on two or three pairs, and by turning p, the legs so tliat they could not a B be seen below her dress, she would pass out unnoticed. - - - +-- to Miss McCuuRoeb, fermerly o'f Newberry, mde a suceessful ippearnce this sea-( son in the Ita1iaa opera, in New York. An Amsnterd un fool has caused the loor of one of his opartmnents to be laid with S;panish doihirs set on edge. A Richmoud doctor says, rubbing! with kerosene oil will cure rheumatism. GROVESTEEN & Co., a< PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 449 BROADWAY. NEW YORK-.a Theee PIANOs received the Highest Award f Merit, at the world's Fair, over the best ma kers from London; Paris, Germany, the cities of;( New York, Philadelphis, Baltimore and Boston ; N lso, the Gold Medl at the American Institute, for Five successive Years ! Our Pianos contain. the French.Grand Action, Harp Pedal Over-m orumbia Advertisemen s. R. & W. C. Swaffield, Ol, Estal )lIShed * Clothing House, PEDEJhL'S ROW, Goluia. S. C. A full assortment of Fall & WiIiter Cldthing, for Men id B ys, at v?ry low prices. 'suat on. short rnti.',' November 72A6. JOHN C. DIAL, (late ALLEN & DI: h, Imrorter and Dealer in Engiih and American HARDWARE AND Cutlery, ron, Steel, Nails Uastings. Mill Stones, Bolting Gloths, Circier Saws, Mill Irons, Sugar P--ns, ndia Rubber d& Le#her Belting, Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Tanners' Tools, LousdIeeping an1d Fiurnishing Harduare. Agricultural Implements, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints. Oils, French and American Window Glass, Guns. Rife. . Pistols. Shot Belts. Po?edcr Flasks, Powder. Shot. c. Wholesale & Retail, Lt the Sign of the GOLDEN PAD LO CK Columbia, S, C. November 7 Gi. C, F. JACXSON, mIain Street, Columbia, S. C. -(ext d.oor to Messrs. J. & T. R. Agnew,) Has constAntly on~ hand a full and- well elected stock of kap!e and Fancy Di RT Y GQODS. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. nd personrs visiting the-Gity wdl find it to acir advanita ge to give him a call. CALICOES, from 121c. to 25cts. Apacy as4ni d .oplius, from :(;c.. to 75. Ladies.Kidi Glve. $1.00.. Break fast Sha wls, from 82.50 t o $8 . Ladies Cloth Cloaks, fromi 'o. II to 850 Iloop kirt, romi '81.0 to $4-.. et inl <(ta'(U /4bu saip p)resent the Nov. '7, 6mo. CORN, FLOUR, BACON, &c. Thon BUS. W HITE COlHN, 5010 " Mixed Corn, 10 Uhbd prime Bacon Sides & Should' rs I*Ra iiRepoon Rice, 5n Barrels Super. Extra Flours, 50) Sacks Salt (Li Verpo(l,) 50 Bales Eastern Hay, (l'rime.,) To barter for Cotton or Cash, Grain of all descriptions constamely on mud. O)rders promptly hiledI. BiLOWNE & SCUIIRMER, Main Street, Volger's New store. Cohronbia, S. C., Nov. 1 1866. Nov. 7 415 em. MJLLnE RY, Main-st.. ColumbiaL, S. C., (Next to Fisher and L ovrance,) Calls the alttenltionf of the ru de and Gme Ladies Visit ing Gol umbia, to aimne her uperb stock before purchasing se where. Wholesale and Retail.. Ladies Curls and IIair in all shiapes. Nov 7 :2mo. 856] Established [l856 300K BINDER, Opposite J. C. Dial's Hardware Store, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. G. lank Books man.u~factured in the best and ost .aubstantid{ manner. Having purchased Superior Ruling and Peg g Machines. Clerks ot Conurts, Sheriffs, Ordi ties, and other Public Officers can have their lank Books,.and all other work executed in ty style and pattern they may desire, and in e shortest possible time. A large stock of tank Book and other Paper ot the best quality ways on hand. Music, Periodicals. Law yoks, and all other works bound to suit cus mens. nov73m iraeser & McJunkin, Commission & Forwarding MERCHANTS, ervais Streect, Columbia. S. C.i WOULD respectfully inforin their friends id the public generally that they will tend personally to all business initrusted them. They will BUY COTTON ON RDER OR SELL IT or any of the PRO UCTs OF TIHE COUNTRY, on as favor >ie terms as any house in, the city. They e also p:epared to STORE or FORWARD atton, to be sold either in Charleston, ew York, or Liverpool. Being famiiliar with all necessary details relation to the Internal Revenue Tax, Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery. ORGANIZED, 18-18. Chartered by the-Legislature, Feb. 26. 1853. Amendments to Charter, Feb. 15 1830, and March 15, 18t3. Two fall sessions of Lectures each 'ear, commencing the first of October, and con, tinuing until April. The Dissecring Rooms are open, and private lectures and quizzes continue during the. entire year. The first session continues until Christmas, or for three months, and the second until the first of Anril. or three mouths; the two constitut. ing one full course of lectures. Examination of candidates for giadu.ttion will occur at the end of each session. lit.Q1' I1rE FOR GRADUATION.-- lhe re& quisites for rad:iti'1 :re three sess.ols of lectrs, and three years study; or fonr ses sions, including two years spent at the Universitv. Trp SYSTEM OF MEDICINE TAUGIIT. The U: niversitv is a lihergl needical school, in which all branches of mae+licine anil surgery are taug'ht,including the preparatory studies, without r( g.rd to any sectarian views. Herce. whilte :hey deprecate the exclusive ness of Aflopby,hvUtoieopathy. Ec!ecticisu, Hlydropathy, etc., they. believe that all nrin ciplcs of cure and therapeut:ca :te,ts hould be taught in a' well :e I nted mrc+ical echoi,s. and that every intelligent, honest, and thorough practitiuner is entitled to all the courteSics and privile-es of the profes sion, without regard to his peculiar notious in theraneutfc. FEES .-Tlie fees fora libranchcs,ineliting all the tickets, matricuilatiun, and dissection, are S60 a session,' or $120 per year. Thoe who purchase tickets only have to rriatricu late once, which makes the second session $55, including :etotistrator's fees, or $115 for a faU - course. To aid young men of moderate means, the University has issued five hundred scholarships. which are sold to first-coursestudents, for"'75. anIto 4econd course students and clergymen for $50, each I constituting the holder a life member,yith the perpetual privileges of-the lecture ,4and all the teachings of the ~school. Thie only additional fees are a yearly dissecting and matriculating ticker, each of which is $5. THE ADVANTAGES OF ScuoLAnsIiPS. The student holding a scholarship can enter the College at any time during the year, attend as long as he chooses,and re enter the Institution as frequently as desired. It requires no previons reading or stud ' to enter the Universiiy on scholarships, hence all private tuition fees are savedI. Students, by holding scholar,hips, can prosecute other busincss a part of the time. The candidate for graduation can present himself at any time, aud receive his degree as soon as qualifitd In case a student ,liould hold a scholars ship and not be le.au to attend lcecturs, it can be transferred to another, thus prevent, ing any loss. Parents, guardians or fricuds of students wishing to purchase scho!arshipz for them, a year or more before their atten'lance at the University, can secure themi by advancing one-halfthe price, aLnd paying the b:dance when -the student enters. --Physiehmns Mnd benevolent meu canU bestow glent benefit upon poor young men, l.P jresienting them a scholarsh1p, an'd :'thas- ena'bling thema to obtain atn honora ble profes.ion. - r'lE REGULARt FACULTY. James McClin tock, A ?l.. M D., Pi-ofes sor of the Principle.s and. Practice of- Suir gery.M.. toeoro Win. Paine, M., ifso fthe Prin ciples and practise of Medic ine and Patho logy. C. S. Gauntt, A.M., M D., Professor of Chemistry, Pharmacy, and1 Toxicology. Physiology. H. J. Doucet, A.M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. A . R Thomas, M D., Professor of Anatos my, General, Special, Microscopical, and Pathological. .Joseph S. Lorgshore, it D , PPoi'essor of Obsterics, and Diseases of womeu 'and Ch-il, dren. E. D. Buckman, M.D , Professor of Mis nor sitrgery. .P.OFEssORS OF SPECIAL DR.NCHES. A. Livczey, A.M., M.D., Professon of Cluaica! Mledicine. JT. S. Longsbere, M D., Professor of Clini, F. A O. VonMosch ike,M. D., Professor of Di)me tse of t!n- Eve and Ear. R,. H. Kline, M D., Professor of Malig nanut Dicenbes. L. O!dt-hne, M. D , Professor of UTrine.Pas thoory I: Lu'kens, M D., D.D.S., Professor of Dent.istr. C. M~urphy, M.D, Professor of Medical Jurispr udence. W~ . M Cornell, M1 D., LL.D., Professor of lvigie and Phvnical Culture. R1. B'. W eaver, A.M , M.D., Demonstras tor of Anatomy.. G. W. Marriott, 31D., A 3M., D D., Registrar and Superintendent. * NEW BOOKS. P'Ain:S's PAries~ or MEnteIE.-Tiie wo.rk is now complete. it is a royal ocetvo of one thousand pages, and coatains :i ful description of nll d.>e;ises, ince!uding tho se ot surgery', and of women and children, to. gethier with t lwr pith ohogy, history, sym tomns, and treatmetia, and is claimed to be one of the miost eg.:nph-te, eLabaorate, and extensive woi~ r ua4 thes.e sub'.jects ever~ issaed trom the Ameroicana press. P ie, .$: postage 5n eM:ts. Nazw Senoom it:nm:-: n.-.\ a etaro, con taining a full devci:;ioni of a'! the- conten rated an d inew i reeie use byc al v ch ools of the profe5si, an i a cortipte:e ar.L'ahet mcal mneteria medica. .P.riee, $3. To t !.o-e who o:re t od., 10O, postage pr'e Ipaid. UNIVERSITY JOURNIJL'0 CMYEDICINE IA Semri-Monthlyi Jour'.aif Medicine, Sur gery, Phrio y, ITygc ne,'d Gene-ra! . Litar, deo(ted1 to t'ie Prof'ession and Tne cheap.'st emeia paper in the world, pulished every two weeks, at the Un~iver sity BIldin g, Nai Str'eet, south of Wal ::n i cpes, . . C1 ) Five copies to one address, . 4 35 Te ' " ", " '' 75 TiR e "i " " " . . 7 .') Th e eter ny of the~ clubj all. have one copy gratis. It i< aso the c1eapest adver tIiing tiwe2tum in the~ worhi, as it rechelis haivingr a lrge popular cAircla. ti. Thue prince for:ulvertt.i!Zin ie cnt r~ e'lne. seven wo:4 n making a line: \o pape'rs sent or advertisemtents inserted unless prepaid. A ddretss, . W. PAIN:, M. D., Editor. Dec. 19 .51 6mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Salisbury, Bro. & Co., Extensive MIaufacturers and Importers of Gold, Plated and Oreide JEWE LRY, Solid anld Nickel Silver Ware, American, Enrglish and Swiss watches, CASED UT OURSELTES, And every description of Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions. Especially adapted and daSigned for South era and Western Trade. Circulars and full descriptive Price Lists sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address SALISBUiRY, BRO. &:0G.,. 51 Dorrance street, nov 21 3m Provirlence, R T New York A dvertisements. Great Distribution Anteiean Jeweler'sAssociation. Depots: 37 & 39 assau, 54, "56 & 58 Liberty St., Nw York City. Of Rosewood Pianos and Melodeons, Fine Oil Paintings, Engravings, Silver Ware, Gold aud ter 'atches, apd- Ele gant Jewelry, consisting-of Dia mond Pins, DanondR:ins, GoH Braeclets, Coral, F'orerine, Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Cameo La Sets, Gold Pens, with Gold and Sil ver Extension Holders, Sleeve ntons, Sets of Sauds, Vest and Neck Chains. Pa!in .:nl Chased Gold Chain-,&c ,&c., valuel at .,000.000, For One Dollar. which they need not pay until it is known what is c drawn and its va!ue. The Am erican Jewe!ers' Association calls your atteiriun to the f eet of its being the largest and most popular Jc",elry Associa tlon In the United States. The business is and ale:avs has b:en conducted in the most candid :md hororable manner Our rapidly increaCing trade i< a sure guanrantee of the appreciation of our patrons forthis method of obtaining rich, elegant and costly goods. 'Ihe sudden stagnation of trade in Europe, owing to the late German War and recent disastrous financial. Crisis .in-England, has caused the faitlure4a large .nmber of Jew Selry Houses in London and Paris, obliging them to sell their goods at a great sacrifice, in some instances less than one third' the cost of manufacturing We have lately pur clra ed very larcely of these Bankrupt Goods, at such extremely 'ow prices, th2t we can aff ford to send away Finer Goods, and give bet ter chances to draw the most valuable prizes than any other establishment doing a simi lar business. Our aim is to please, and we respectfur!ly solicit your patronage, as we are cot,rnt of giving the utmost satisfac tion. Daring the past year we have forward ed a nionber of the most valuable prizes to al 1 arts of the country. Those who patron iz. us w-!! rcce:ve the full value of their nonv, as no crtie!e on our list is worth less than One Dollar, retail, and there are no blanks. Parties 'ealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the articles drawn wiii be immediately sent to any ad dress by return mail or express. The followiug parties have recently drawn valuahl, prizes from the American Jewelers' A. sociation, and have kindly allowed the use of their names: Charles J. Hunter, E-q., Treasury Depart ment, Washington, D. C.,'iano,va'ue $300; Miss Anua G. Yates, f2 St. Mark's (Place, N. Y., Sewing Machine, value $75; Brig. Gen. L. L. IIanson, U. S. Vols , Nashville, Tenn Silver Teca Set, value $150; Miss Em, meB~td, 63 Front $t.' IIsrrisb urg, Pa., SeiyMachine, value $60; Lieut.-Col.: Wa5lter C# ittenden, Quartermaster, -Louis ville, Ken fucky, Gold Watch, value $150; Win. S. Hlaines, 247 King St,, Charles ton, S. C., Silver Watch, value $50; Alexander Johnson, Esq., Edithr Muskateur Pioneer, Mlurkmerdlinn.. Ladies Enarnieled Watch, value $150; Samuel Lee, Esq , President Col orado and Red Banik Mlining Company, - San Francisco. Cal., Melodeon. value $200; A aron S. Long, E=q , Principal Elkhart Collegiate Institute. Elkhart, N. J., Diamond Pin, value $200; R. M. Longstreet, Montgomery, Ala., Mlusic Box, valpie $75; Rev. Isaac Van Duzer, Albany -N. Y., Gold Lined Dining Set, value $300; M1iss Olara Lucuguer, Day ton, Ohio, Pianoforte, value $400, and Dia-, mnond Pin, value $175 M:my names could be placed on the List, bat wc publish no names without peimis,. sion. Our patrons.hre desired to send Ui ted States Currency when it is convenient. PartlafListo Mtickles -TOBE Sold ifor One Dollar Each, Wit hout regard to value, and not to be paid for until vou kntow whtat you are to receive: 15 Elcg't Rosewood Pianos, frem $-200 to 4.50 15 Ele&'t MIelodeons, Rose-w'd Cases 175 to 250 50 First Class Sewing M1achines 40 to300 75 Fine Oil Paintings 30 to 100 150 .Fne Steel Engravings, framed 2& to 30 50 Mlu ic Boxes . 25 to 40 150 Revolving Patent Casters, Silver 20 to 40 50) 'ilver.Ertyt and,Cake Baskets 20 to 36 -400 Sets o f Tea andi Table Spoons 20 to 40 131 Gold IIunt'gCase Watch's,war'td 50 to0150 100 Diam'dfRing-,cius t'r&single stone 75 to 260 175 Gold W a'tches 85:o 153 30) 1L-tlies' Watches 630 to 100 500 Silv,er Watches - 20 to 75 Diamond P;ns, Broaches and Ear Drops, Lr.dies' Sets of Gold and Coral, Jet and Gold. Florentine, MIosaic, Lava and Cameo; Sets of Stuz1. Vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Ueld Isings, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, New style fielt Daekles. Gold Pens and Pen cil , Fancy Work Boxes, Gold Pents with Gold andl Silve- &tension Holders, and a latrge :isortment of Fine Silver Ware and Jewelry ot' every description, of the best make- und latest styles. & A chance to obtain any of the above articles for ONE D OLL A R?, by p tr7:'sin a .ealed enlrelope for 25 ets. 7 Five Sealed Envelopes will be sent for $l; E'even for S2; Thirte for $6; Sixty-five for $10; one H andred for $16. Agents' Wanted Everywhere. Unequaled indneemnents offered to Ladies an(eGents -who will a(ct as such. Our des scriptive cireu!ars will be sent on applica istributions are mada in the following mtncr;-Certideate naming och .article and its vahue pre>heed in sea~led- envelops, whtich are well mixed. One of these envel ops containing the Certiticate or Order for some arttele, wil! be delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address, without re gard to eboice, on receipt of 2.5 cents. On receiving the Certitiente the purchaser will see what article it draws and irs value, and can then send One Dollar, and receive the article named, or can chcose any other article -on our list of tbe same value. Pure0asars of our Sealed Envelops may in this matnner,,obtain an article worth from oneTo fir.c huntIred -dollars. Long Letters are unnecessary. Have the kindness to write plain (lireetionts. and in chosing differ ent articles fronm tho.se drawn, mention the s'.yle desired. - #4 Order-s for Sealed Envelops must in every- case be accompanied with the cash, with the name of the person sending, and Town, County and State plainly written. Letters shtould be addressed to the Man agers, as folloirs: RTTERMIAN, WATSON & Co., '37.& S9 #aanau-St., New York City. Oct4ber 24 3riot J. E. 5TENHOUsE. ALLAN MAcAULY. STENHOUSE & :MACAULY. commission Merchants, For the sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Sheet,. ings, Y-avai S tores, etc., and for the pmurchase of Merchandise generally, 66 Pearl Street, Xew York, - ' I856. Consignments tons from any point in the South ully protected by Insurance as soon as shipped. aug '1y Free to Everybody. A large 6 pp. Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan, Freckles; Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and all imnnrities of the skrin. TTn en fonce CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENTS." JUST DPENJNS AT TH1E "Charleston House STOLL, WEBB & CO., D RY >1015<. ATWH-OLESALE~. 0 , . - -8 We would call special attention to our Stock, w%hich.has been recently pu chased. Every purclazcr wiil have fuil advant?t-e of the late fall in a We offer Special inducments to o i;unu y Merchants, repieni.y mgt r Have ahway"s on hanu, FULL LINES (OF D)OMESTIC 4O'DS . which we will sell at small advance on -gents prices, fr CASIE or 0I;r4 . CEPTANCE. ; N. I.-Samples and Price Lists sent to any part (n the State. We also offer, at Retail, tie LIRGEST STOCK to seleet fro d in the Uitv. -" My Styles of Goods are.being so'd at Low Price;. iLfer i ifty advertisements for price lists. - December 25S.TOLL, WFI December 25 tf 287 King-St., at 'Tncro's nd. CH RISTAS IFST Laces, Embroidedies, Fine Far,ey GoY o We are now opening a full and ample assortment of Beautifnl Lae getfs, elejaty Trimmed antd put up in hnxes ; Lace Collars in all the new Shapes in Valencien ,-4 Cluny, Threa.i andi Maltese Lacc, Lices by the yard -of all descriptions, Lace ai?% Caps and Spencers ; Enmbroidered Collars, Infa.its' 1rn .roid.red Robes, Cap and a Breakfast Set:s, Plain Linen Setts, Evening Dresses ;t gher witit, m4ipy oth i 1 novelties, to be found in our Lace ard Embroidery Room. Beautiful French Boxes, "Ladies Conpaniens" Fren ch Poniade, loi"d8r eo s, Lubbin's Extracts, Superior German Cologne, Ladies Scarfs and Cravats, Fine Hair Brushes, Tortoise Sh.11 Dressing Comb-, Tooth and N.iii Rehes, Jet and Steel Claspe,. and Buckles, Seamless Kid Gloves, Ladies Lisle, Cioth and Woolen Gloves, Gents'Glqoea Children's Gloves, Hosiery, corsets, Hoop Skirts, &c., &. J. R. READ & VQRT December 19 263 King-s., opposite iLasel, Charleston, S. C. VLDAHIS AND SHAWLA:$. I' In our Cloak and Shawl Room, wie have as usual, the argest and most com.t~~ sortmient in the city. We have inour Display !Euomn every variety, shape and finish of Black Cloth Sacques, and Basques, from $5,00, to all the Mlednum and Elegant- grades otf the same. Novelties constantly being added to onr assortment. .. Plaid all Wool Long arnd Square Shawls, Long and Square U!aek Merino Shawls, Ifrea fast Shawls, Son tags, Nubias, &c. R..L READ fro9n dec 19 t 263 King Street, Opposite Haselly Charlestg Special Notice, ~i~/ DRY' GOODS REDUGE. 7: J. R. READ & CO. 263 KI2G STREET, CHA RLESTON, S.* . . Finding it necessary to enlarge our Establishmient fofr 'thdauop. dhgution of~ our increasing bnsiniess, as well as for the b)etter accormadation 'dtiif~r~f-ilati and pa trons, we are now offering, preparatory to the Intended Improvement, some,Rare Rat gains in order to Rednee Stock,. We invite Special A ttention to our Rih Dress Goods, comprising Elegank ii,h,pe. lins, French Poplins, Mohairs. Empress Cloths,-Poplineuns, Noving in all:ywarieie Colored Plaids and Stripes, Rieli Drees Sill;s, Black and Colored, Erench Merinoes,. Eng lish Coburgs, together with mvovy other desirable Dress Goods, Marked Down to:Beduce Stock, and will be sold at prices below cost-of Importation. - .> v a. J. R. READ & CO.L December 25 Q63 King-St., Charleston;S . PRATT A WILSDN BRO'$, S DEALERS IN IURUJS, HEMIUAL8,.PERFUM RY7 AND DRUGGIS>TS SUNDRIES, NO. 2.38 KING lTR.' CHTARLESTON, S C. N. A. PRATT, . '. >UN, P. R W LSON(: Ch. to late C. S. N. and M. Bureau. Chemist to late C.S. Ord. Departm.E No. 153 MEETING STREET - Opposite the Charleston Hotel. (Formerly JOHN ASHHURST & C6o.) -.7L @EO]?(lA C. GOODRIQIH, PHILIP WINEJLAS. ~ Setii CaroMAa~ JOHN ASHHIURST Direct Importers of Pure Drugs & Chlemicabr, CH ARPESTON, S. C. . October 31 3m. BLEASE'S RETREAT, H. L. Brantly NEAR A31AZOKIE.CiiEgi e, Ar te ____ Surveyor, IOffers his services 1ithe citimen. et Restaurant and Lodgings. Newberry, and snrrounding Districes. A fter si xteen years practical experience B. 31. BL EASE, Agent. Iin his professions he insures satisfacton t December 25 all who may employ him ; the couts au' ail. ______________________________ways satisfied with his Surveys of lair. The plats will be prfectly neat -ant Sn. OYSTEsRS, OYSTERS, I emceptona. De 9 n so; --~