The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, September 19, 1866, Image 1

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- - 4 VOL II. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1866.10.3 THE HERALD Is PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, At Newberry C. IL, By THOS. F. & R. H. GREE1ER, TERMS, $3 PER ANNUM, IN CURRENCY, OR PROVISIONS. Payment required invariably in advance. Advertisements inserted at $1 per square, for 8rst insertion, and 75 cts. each subsequent inser on. Marriage notices, Funeral Invitationa, Obitu ries, and Communications subserving private interests, are charged as advertisements. Special and Legal Notices, 81 per square each Insertion. The Recent Trip of the Little Ship "Red, White and Blue." The trip of the Lilliput vessel is an affair of not inconsiderable importance. It may fairly and contrastively comple 'ment the passages of the Great Eastern. One is so large as to have been at first esteemed unmanageable; the other is so small as to have been from the start de clared not to be able to live in any rough sea. Success has dispelled the scepticism and apprehension that each gave rise to. The first is massivity made nautically available; the second is dwarfish symmetry rendered demonstratedly seaworthy. The one depends upon power and bigness, the other on stanch minuteness and agility. The one is propelled by five monstrous engines and thirty-two sails of extraor dinary extent; the latter flies by the wind, has no steam, and stretches out but sixteen airy, tiny wings, that woo the breezes, and are the whole motive power. Ru, WurrE AND BLUE -2j tonage ; 23 feet length ; 51 breadth ; 11 depth.; length of principal saloon, 5j feet ; sto rage capacity, 1,250 lbs.; power of pro pulsion, 2 small children ; diameter of masts, 21 inches; draft of water, 15 inches; ordinary accommodations, 2 men (or 1 woman) and a small dog ; greatest accommodations, 3 men (1+ women) and a moderate dog ; highest i ate of speed, 10 knots; first passage, 38 days ; erew, 2 men and 1 dog ; total cost, $1,000; height of saloon. 18 inches; width of cable, finch; weight of anchor, 25 lbs. In the recent fair of the American In stitute in NPw York a grld medal was awarded to 0. R. Ingersoll, Esq., for his improved metalic life-boat, now in such geneal use. The boat that took that prize passed up the Thames two daysago -amiid the wonder and cheers of thousands ,of John Bulls, who, when they sent us -over their big ship, i:ever thought we would send them in return the smallest -craft that ever lived in a sea. Early last spring, Mr. Ingersoll was waited on by a little, natty sort of man, five feet two in his boots, with light sandy hair, red whiskers, open features, and an eye that llooked right straight ahead from its <depths of deep blue. He said : "I want to rig that boat into a full three-masted ship, go over in her to Europe, and enter her for the Paris Exposition. If I fail, I fail ; if I don't, P11 make my fortune. I know what I'm about, so does another man I'll take with me. We've been wrecked three times, and don't believe we were born to be drowned. Besides a life-boat isn't a life-boat, that can't cross the ocean. Will you let me have her ?" "Yes" sealed the bargain. The boat, already air and water tight, was furnished with three masts, sixteen feet high ; a full set of sails, amounting to sixty-five yards of canvas in all; was cargoed with enough for two men for eighty days, including the rations of a poodle dog, that was to be taken for company, and to be used as a mop now and then to clean decks. The bold men, whom all thought fools, and whom success has shown as skillful as adventurous, are 'Captain John N. Hudson and Captain Francis Edward Fitch, both of whom "ran away to sea" in youth, and were .cuffed up from cabin boys to commandlers by rapid progression, the one being 42, the other 28 years of age. We described in The World their departure on July 9, and can never forget the anguish with which friends and kin bade them good bye, as they cheerily cut loose from us beyond the light ship. Till the log of that memorable voyage is published it will be difficult to know the vicissitudes and the adventures through which they passed in their thirty-eight days of soli tariness. Alone ; thousands of miles from land, the port of destination thou sands of miles yet distant, in the midst of the ocean, that might suddenly break over them in mountainous fury, in what was scarcely larger than, and exactly the shape of a tray, the like of which had never ventured to sea before ; stigmatized as fools by all who mourned what they believed to be their certain self-destruc tion ; their life bound up in their boat; ; given barely any sleep, and compelled to constant watching ; these two men have finally safely reached the other side, and are beginning to receive the acknowledg ments of their courage, of their seaman ahip, as well as of their tireless vigils and unequalled nautical intrepidity. How well they must have come to know each other! How peril anr1 hope must have' bound them together ! What finer chance was ever offered to bring out all the personal faculties and foibles of human nature, and to rivet two men in a Damon and Pythias devotion ? Y Iving with your wife in an isolated light-house is nothing to it. From London to NewYork is, in round terms, 3,500 miles, and the thirty-eight days of their passage would rate their daily going at 92 3.19 miles, or some 3 9-10 miles on an average every hour. This appears slow. Remember, however, the changes and chances of weather, and that as a purely sailing-ship, the Red, White and Blue was exposed to them all, and the calms and adverse winds, and their progress is much faster than most sailing ships of 1,500 tons, and even 2,500 tons burden, which seldom are not less than forty-five and often than sixty days en route. The Red, White and Blue is a full rigged ship, as much so essentially as the Warrior and the Niagara. She was conducted as a ship,notas either schooner, brig, or sloop, which would have been less difficult and dangerous, but also less creditable and wonderful in the grand working. Passengers need have small fear to commit themselves to life-boats in mid-ocean when compelled to leave the ship. There has been made in this life boat no changes from all others of the same build, except such alterations as were entirely external, and a simple sharpening of the stern, to the acuteness of the keel, so as to bring the vessel with in the requirements of the "cigar" ship plan. This vessel has safely weathered very rough seas, because the Great East ern that was shuffling off the immortal coil at the same time, circumstantiaily reports an extremely severe passage. While this increased the danger and difficulty of the voyagers, and the appre hension of those of us that vividly re membered their situation, it is a tribute to the- men and the vessel, which, now that their safety and reputation are as sured, will be referred to with pride, where it was but recently spoken of with anxiety. 'iel p--Rellef---Immigration." The press of matter that has been laying over for several days prevents us from publishing a communication entitled as above, from "J. W. J.," whose letter on the same subject we published several days ago. We will do him thejustice to state his poin ts, but have little room to iscuss them now. He thinks it impo litic to invite to the ballot box those from the North or from Europe who would not recognize the distinctions of the two races. We have no fears that immigrants from the North or from Europe will fail to recognize a distinction of the races, or that there will be enough of the agrarian radical tribe introduced to make any present impression on our social policy. Our observation of Northern people who settle in this country is, that they readi ly assimilate to our customs and feelings. T'he late war has vindicated their fidelity to the institution of their adopted coun try. If we were to-day called on to se lect the most violent haters of radicalism in the South, we would choose those born at the North, who have become permanent residents here. So, too, the records of our army show the valor of, our foreign population, while their quiet and industrious demeanor since the war, attest their value as citizens. He also thinks that subsistence can not be made on our worn out lands for any great increase of population. He urges that the indebtedness of the people is so great as to require more than the lands would sell for, to liquidate it, and that it is no time to bring in an incon gruous population. It is because of this very indebtedness that we urge immigration. Very many of the landholders will be obliged, sooner! or later, to part with a portion of their estates, either from debt or from inabil ity to work large farms successfully. It is that we may have a market for these lands that we invite immigration. Show to the thrifty laborers of Central Europe, or Central Vermont, if you please, that immigration is invited, and that cheap lands may be had in Georgia, where two crops a year can be made-where rail roads afford outlets to market-where everything is at hand to attain the very highest conditions of agricultural thrift, and in a short time such a tide of people, and of money will be directed this way, as will lift our farmers out of the Slough of Despond into which the war sunk them. It is noi proposed to introduce pauper immigrants. We do not favor the sys tem already pursued, to a limited extent, of bringing out men to work by the month. They are not the best suited to our wants. We need men with families, and some means, to whom we may lease or sell our surplus lands. Our correspondent looks with horror upon the idea of being forced to live on fifty acres-the amount exempt by law from levy and sale. He would be sur np-ised to ee the amount of olid comfort and thrift attained in Europe, and in portions of this country, from less than half that area-and in lands not naturally half as good as the old red hills of middle Georgia. We do not expect, and certainly do not desire to see the planters of this coun try reduced to the ownership of only fifty acres. But it would be cheering to see such a system adopted as will secure a different mode of culture, from our old "slip-shod" skimming process, by which a temporary gain has been secured at the expense of future generations. The land murderer ought not to go unpunished. Tne only punishment we would inflict upon him, is that he shall quit his outrages on the virgin soil; shall cease playing dog in the manger; and if he will not till his lands himgelf, sell them or lease them to some body who will do it. Our correspondent urges that it is not immigration, but legislation, that is need ed to stay the work of desolation and ruin that are sweeping over the land. We certainly need legislation suited to the new political and social relations which surround us; and we doubt not that the Legislature, at its coming session will do all that is just to protect the peo ple against the ruinous exactions of old creditors. At the same time, the rights of credit 1nay not justly be ignored. Our s e forbids furtber allusion to this subject at present.-Chron. & Sent'l FoUR CONFEDERATES COME IN AND SUR RENDER.-The Petersburg Index of a re cent date, says the serenity of the officer of this post was agitated on yesterday, by the apparition of four Confederate soldiers, who gave the names and "de scriptive lists" as follows: Anthony Mon'kas, Co. E, 52d Georgia Infantry, 3d Army Corps, A. N. V. Thomas Wells, ditto. James Brinberter, ditto. Allen Tewksberry, 43d Louisiana, ditto. A more ragged set of mortals had nev er appeared before the Colonel during all the dealings he has ever had with the "ragged rebels" of Lee's army. Tewks berry was a sort of walking illustration of original patchwork. His clothing had been tied, and sewed, and stuck together with string, and thread, and thorns, un til there did not appear a solitary square inch upon it which had-not been tied .p, sewed up, or stuck up, in some way or other. His companions were not quite as badly off, one having a pair of blue Yankee pantaloons, with only a half a dozen renats in it; another biding the raggedncss of his grey pants wit~h a flow ing, though ribbonry, Yankee overcoat, End the other making his decency appa rent by concealing the defects of his up per garments with an old oil-cloth fly, awfully bedaubed with mud. Tewksberry stated to the Colonel that he and his party stopped on the Appo mattox, about seven miles above the city, after the evacuation of Petersburg, for the purpose, at first, of resting; that they stayed longer than they expected, and were cut ~off. They th3en made a vow to live on that spot, and never go home or give up until the Confederacy was completely annihillated. They sought out a cave on the banks of the river, which, at that point, is very rocky, and, after some little industry, succeeded in erecting for themselves a most com fortable little home. Here they lived upon fish and game and occasional roast ing ears during all last summer, and up on bread made of corn they had gathered. from the corn fields, and an occasional pig they found without a mother, in their rambles during the winter. This sprirg arnd summer they lived as they did last summer, but recently, hearing from an old negro man that the Confed eracy had undoubtedly "gone up," they concluded to quit the barbarian life and surrender. They marched to the city yesterhy morning, with their muskets and accoutrements, stacked arms in front of head-quarters, sent in word that they were the remnant of the army of Northern Virginia, and that they wished to surrender upon the conditions accord ed to the main body. Col. Milton cor dially assented to their request, gave them transportation to their homes, and bade them adieu. The illustrious four roamed about town for a short time, had new suits of clothing given them, and, after being made about half drunk, embarked on the Southern train for their homes. Over th o epueo Debtor," we find the following in the Edgefield Ad vertiser : "Mr. Thomas Lewis, living on Mountain Creek, in Edgefield District, held a note upon myself for eighteen hundred dollars, I went to him and told him that my property if it could be sold for former prices, would pay my entire indebtedness; bot if pressed into market now by the Sheriff, might not pay fifty cents in the dollar. Mr. Lewis took the note and endorsed upon it "the within note may be discharged by paying one third part of the principal and interest, one-half of that to be paid next winter, the other half of that third twelve months A GREAT SHOWER OF METEOBS EXPECT ED.-Next in grandeur and- sublimity to a total solar eclipse, or a great comet stretched athwart the starry heavens, is the great meteoric shower, such as was witnessed here in November, 1883. On this occasion, from two o'clock till broad daylight, the sky being perfectly serene and cloudless, the whole heavens were lighted with a magnificent and imposing display of celestial fireworks, Arago computes that no less than two hundred and forty thousand meteors were visible above the horizon of Boston on the morning of the 13th of November, 1888. This display was seen all over North America. A similar display was seen by Humboldt, at Cumana, South America, in 1792. A comparison of the epochs of the appearance of these great showers has led to the discovery that they are periodic; their returns being separated from each other by a third part of a cen tury, or some multiple of this period, and are periodical appearances of one grand meteoric shower. Professor New ton, of Yale College, who has devoted much time to the investigation of the periodic character-of these showers, finds that a prodigious flight of meteors, the most imposing of its kind, will make its appearance, probably for the last time in this century, on the morning of the 13th or 14th of November next. Only thirteen of these great showers are recorded be tween the years 903 and 1833. Such a rare phenomenon awakens a deep inter est among all classes of persons, Prepa rations to observe this sublime spectacle, for scientific purposes, have already com menced in Europe. Let no one forget Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Novem ber 13 and 14.-Boston Commercial. WHAT IS TO BE DONE ?-The failure of the grain crop of the State has produced a degree of despondency heretofore un known to our people. The cotton crop is also a partial failure. The upland of this District will not yield more than a third of a grain crop. The prospect on the bottom lands is better. As a general thing, it is bad policy for the people to look to the State for aid in every emergency ; nevertbeless, at a time like the present, when the country is bare of means, we naturally look some where for help. The State, with its meais and influence, could, we doubt not, corn and retail it in every Dis trict in the State for about one dollar per busbel. The Legislature will doubtless afford whatever relief may be within its power. Pauperism will increase. The Corn missioners of the Poor should, therefore, provide in time for the increase of pau pers. A large number will have to be cared for at the "poor house" or else where throughout the District. Grain may be obtained, in any quan tity, in the markets of the country. Merchants and others, who have the means, should supply themselves from these sources, and leave the market at home for those who are unable to pur chase abroad. In time of public distress, like the present, surely railroad companies will reduce their freight, and thereby enable the people to live on the scanty means still within their control.-Keowee Cou rier. THE BLUE RIDGE RAIL ROAD COMrANY. -At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Blue Ridge Rail Road Company, held recently at Charleston, the following resolutions w ere adopted: "Resolved, That the President be au thorized to give to M. C. M. McGhee, of Knoxville, Tennessee, a proxy to repre sent this Company at a meeting of the Stockholders in the Tennessee River Rail Road, to be held for the purpose of elect ing a President and Board of Directors for that Company. Resolved, That the President express the anxiety of this G3ompany, to proceed with the construction of the Blue Ridge Rail Road, as early as practicable, and their desire to avail themselves of such additional aid as may be procured from the Legislature of Tennessee, to carry on the Tennessee portion of it. Resolved, That the President be au thorized to apply to the Legislature for power to deal with the Shares held by the State in this Company, in the same man ner as with the Shares of all other Stock holders, in any arrangement that may be made, with any other Companies or in dividual for the completion of the road. That the power embrace the right to issue preferred Shares to reduce the Shares held b>y the State in the ratio, in which the city of Charleston and other Stockholders may consent that their Shares shall be redeemed, or in any other manner in which it may be found necessary to sur render a portion of the capital already invested, to accomplish the construction of the rail road. A German, in Savannah, arrested for some offence, pleaded in defence katt sheisduck aus den zweiten feuster geoges sen. The judge, not being able to see it All the /weCEno In the Radical Convention in Philadeli phia on Thursdaylatthe following scenes occurred, which cannot fail to shock the moral sense of every right-thinkmg man in the country: Mr. Hamilton, of Texas, read the dis patch in yesterday's papers relating to the President's visit to the Northwest. on reading that part of Mr. Seward's. speech, and inquiring whether the audiA ence -desired Mr. Johnson for King or President, loud cries of "Nary one" were - heard from all parts of the Convention - A Delegate.-lNO, sir; we'd see Andy Johnson 365 degrees into hell, with Bill " Seward and Montgomery Blair on top of him, first. Parson Brownlow gave utterance to these disgusting remarks: Some gentleman, not through any un kind feeling toward me, but through a mistaken appreciation of my motives,has said that we were afraid of the negro suffrage question and sought to dodge it. Why, I should feel disgraced no* and forever if I felt doubtful on any suject of national concern. I never was claimed on both sides of any question, and never - intend. to be. While I am satisfied with what has been done, I am the advocate of negro suffrage and of impartial suffrage. [Great applause, including "three cheers - for Brownlow."} I would sooner be elect- - ed to any office under heaven by loal , negroes than by disloyal white men. - [Applause.] I would sooner associate in private life with a loyal negro than a"ds loyal white man. I would sooner- be buried in a negro graveyard than .ita rebel graveyard. [Applause.] If I hive after death to go either to bell bf 'to heaven, I shall prefer to go with ldal ne" groes to hell than with traitors to heaven. ' ArAID Hs (MIoT BE D&..-Scene at the counting room of a morning news-, paper. Enter a man of Teutonic ten dencies, considerable the worse for last night's spree. Teuton-(To the man at the desk)- - "If you blease, sir, I vants de paper mit dis mornings. One vot hash de nsmes of de beebles vot kills cholera all de vile." He was handed a paper, and after looking it over in a confused way, he said: .'Will you pe so goot as to read de names what don't have de cholera any more too soon shust now, and see if - Carl Geinsenkoopenoffen hash got em 1" The clerk very obligingly ifad th , list, the Teuton listening with ti'emblng ' attention, wiping the perspiration from his brow meanwhile, in great excitement. When the list was completed, the name. of Carl Geinsen-, well, no matter about the whole name, it wasn't there. The Teuton's face brightened up, and he exclaimed: "You don't find 'em?" Clerk-"No such name there, sir." Teuton-(Seizing him warmly by the hand)-This ish nice-this is some tans that ish my own name. I pin drunk ash never vas, and, py dam, I vas fraid - I vas gone ted mit cholera, and didn't know it. Mne Cot!t vas scart." Smt CaRISTOrHKR WREN's, MALLET. At a late general meeting of London and Middlesex Archm~ogical Society, thd ori - ginal mallet with which it is said King ,( Charles II. laid the first stone in St. Paul's, was exhibited. By the kindfless 1 C. J. Shoppee, Esq., the Hon. 8ecretgry, I have been furnished with.a copy of the - inscription, which Is dn a gIlvef- plats let into the head. It is its follows, and I believe will be inteiaging to many readers of "Notes and Queries": "By .. order of the M. W., the Grand Master, ->, his Royal Highness the Duke of. Sussex, &c., and W. Master of the Lodge of '~ Antiquity, and with the concurrence of . the lodge, this plate has been engraved , and affixed to this mallet, A. L. 5831, -. A. D. 1828, to commemorate that this - being the same mallet, with which his - Majesty, King Charles the II., leveled* j the foundation-stone of St. Paul's Cathe-. dral, A. L. 56771, A. D. 1673, was pre- '<. sented to the old Lodge of St. Paul's,'now . . the Lodge of Antiquity, acting by im memorial constitution, by Bro. Sir Christopher Wren, R. W. Deputy Grand~ Master, Worshipful Master of lodge and arhitect of that edifice.-London Free masons Magazine. A REcoMMEDATION.-The PickenA (S. C.) Courier of the 1st inst., in view of failure of the present grain crop, which it says, when the crop is gathered. will not be sufficient to feed man and beast until another crop is made, suggests that the mules and horses not necessary for plantation use, be driven to Tennessee and Kentucky. There you will find fine pastures-grain abundant and cheap and all the labor necessary for the care and attention of stock. The stock can be returned in the spring by work time, in good condition; which is half the battle in making a crop. The suggestion may be a good one, for (says the Courier,) it was practiced be fore the war to some extent, and worked well. Then it was a question of economy now, it is ne of n.eessty.