Tsz Sr.Y Law.-h . il be a s-x a r: rebet. .1:a cot): a Vao: meoy r to the pe *' i i . o M 'Ii t ti I ;,a ..-r v V A . --e Swth lk, o i., coueurzaina'v -.isoe ~ '~" -vhirab!v mnad :.. .2 - -a' %-he fir t W1 . 01h".!ild hw, brio:,-n - ' Mutbr. ot:' i a ., it doscti. teci a' 0ih ! Co' v -tle o'itl""P OeltedSates. T po-w3tgrovund.te o a n -' -I-r.ISe ireti- a a - ' a " porrt the r, tea u 3tav ov - - - i z' ; te'r t proce.ses. hi sonl.Tswellas .Lg"'a (.ror,. to- refore, jg a<-o veid. A,1l th-se gonsaeEI .a uiecet y Mirrr.iu. *. Thewa: a ' grea reseavh, : a : .H , , - \ uiti 7plut- trle 'e'e : . : , every jt.gme:', V. v ee y. The nii (Af Mr. Loa: :,:h r edly !ogical. H1i- m h :,!i-: guage 11:eicom*aane:.e yg ta.mte and propricty. 1 e credit by this pt- !i:i:e,, c'.d :he p of the S-ate wuneh - 'rt". A inom m: chieotus, l,aw V: IS 'a a :V I 1e' ona legisl.tic,; i e u n :e %--rt the UdieW ou1 61- e 'l: t:lt:avt great p u ]! a :: . vn dent;ig.. ia . 'adr.t I and tamaperd w!!i l j- - apt ti. c n ja never expectted to to: a:' u. -'t few of'our ez w - bur:ens of i0' in " ' eb u :. o b) I uponi so n:ya a: - . a' ' -e, Every debt iaht te : : j luan's rope!rty aumg, nC (4- '-r SUcCING AMcr " .-A AN : cident of a ten' W char:tr e: i ba.,zement o1 pr*n.ses No. 4aE-2I- -.i A\e:a e, -er Saturd:ty right. The ; c" 1 'o p --"-'.% w ~ ere u orised of :hea. E.t --'' 'yi- p oe * f a baurning,i I::mE t i .u a2 a ing ~ . 1 ' E:crean!:g'at I!:' top ~ "c was quire darik, a:I t I *"~ * ras onilh dpand al0r7<1 a - buzrstna. tiom' th-e h. ,a * ful spee'td, *'(c '' ''I d by ' n of wme itdton h .-- e ":1o:n di,esaa. for 'a :!y' :m' p:ait a ac a ::to:. f m" iad finally f all 'i ) to 't m ! Th a' i *-then becanwk awar 't :t th Ein; en man tl ah'urnaiig man , va .ee l:a sb:dt. !'re 0r: - the exp0lotY': dtaL - , keasn lo 1, et i~''t a Avenueita. Thte un'a '>rtuna e nH..n aI All :io bIeb1a H recovaer. 'Two ('t r1- t1e a'a dr tu a mhai tien cithe~a Ia ic n ''.;' f - railro.idu' in so:'n h' :I e e and Nen'Q~ rban a : ' -a n c 4.the 16lth in-'u't, 'ad C. W m 41 dent of tta Chrlone :tna 'i t'' ( an R - the of ject of ti'e 'no.-unI tb to Wtttn ~A.,1 ef-ite a31'9 io : a t'' Icket'as, waI: the vit'w , ro.'It',-i ci der: 't hm .at :. l he i Pn: aionB b of' r~'(ai'o ad u re. a', re 'r-e:'Wh ao-mana e, ''a * schedie s'a;t U 'n:: :i es a e a pi'd - anad it is i t. ' *"ss m :e ua 1' t.- 'a - * cori!y at r'M ' r r.-Ne depre'son, of h IIa- in'~ j ' r -at:] o appro4 an4arCatt: San- " r, un 'ou .''e'nn: Cd r bramen;anid ft'tn Iet t. ,r .d-t t1 the suracee'a :n l t'tn.t '1'. "' ofE T'':: ( "'':''' at Coltina 'a brnbo as a1',-wn a '1 - of.&.ResNIw d n m a;t- in :w. A' er' u THE SocTh ( ''::nl0'b-":'e me anid mye :o '''r' aib.'h :d i e n those intde b:e' a 't he ' 'a o I:e i I:c th'ir; ate coutst- promtp ly'. or the a:aot 0[ a:00! )0 trneXpired 'wl bea refunded. Mr. J. W. Sem' , N t':ti He.ntead,t"1 on' Long l"hind is Ib on tf a' cow abi2ch,' ona birth. Theyn werez~, li tt I r a ndta) It1 ' Ieu irly fored but sl born, and at w. ere a)o ao eachsx * tlr t.teama went to .ij " a -lae. abo tw lv - o'cock at:d formd~ tuo a) f' l4:n 0tH Ile a'ntt a<';in a,t ihree o'cloc:k a: d ha'''re Vu tr twao mI e. - Het aftear'asrd" kept OntP ht' k aaut v 'a't' il'r e were otl.rrs to comea, but teu. mai~de tirt ap pearaince, M?. B. C. Trn:ta , tpoi ' ' ti r Pr'e-jdt-ni dIitiOnt of lIe Itt-aedlItn, I a : a't r a retnPti ttn tur, prepvarad anI abl P d trmbM.- sIta'ttn-t which re-lieves the s u: ' I e up-r-':re'a't.. a tionas made bv' r'adic,r! a n pr' ca d t. r* er . Tihei r.epets of Geata;ls Stael::ana :ad' Fl'r ton atlso evola'. lght (Ot oaf tLttan'- 4- ''' t ' crutshed4 t o eath u ' in-a' aig:da a,' .e. I:.aoge: her the repao:rs (of the'e ge'n tlemeniO wil! brintg abount a healtM-ul conda'Iiton of-tinl DR. Cu:v P:: R ' o:-Dr. ('ear'v, itn his sermon,t it N w Yok\ a::nd ., ref'trri:a. toa lt' President, y,ida: "Y' u tat ve 1 font ''a' Vr "ib Git j ta 1 ''y 5weep~ himr ao O th p lac' of ;''w-v a.'' e eraI mnembert'' '' rthe' con r':t' n '':a t -P antd left the place wthen t , setar 'e wa' p-i31 oaotnced. On the aftternoaa' of 0a ,'' rs., the remnlains of the fite S-ttnnN J. 1i'1''M'a~'o t O)bse:-v'a:m.a' e L at', No \ I M .-, m H -, Rlidh PrwestO of Z.'r'ah No Ii A. nolia Ceamettr,a on : onr FLOUR H aoM - ~ 'Pt 1-t nlow ont thea "a.~ *t' -1 o becatn"'' it' ;-t p a'tnb ne .e h ar !mt s a spcuae ad Ivt'norei~. fTe it'0'rtiT'a int C 0 for the el-'a'aon A hody'a reaogngdIIa. r I:a of Pa''so:t "ita waa found i.t the g.g.' af the.'B iktermit~lk (Channet'! na'atr tie Bs-ai-aI' ta T. KLY A RALD) NEBE!URY, S. C. X07SLny Mo Mtin 21y 1sg . MrIt '0:.. P SuIDE: Of Gh.illesiml, is th, Snl~ie aent oft thi: -papqr, to procti- ad var:AvemnQ :ndlreceilt (oa I 'lde. & Cnalatioa--no hopq of iLavm. Ak foty dot pih- hU i nys her'i'o ore beent ;I ma:d ;r 0muumet ; Hefnd out the mie: b Id' it is li.) and wilt :.L onc add toln *o s,tv how !I(- l1:ista e wa discovn-d Siil: it We hsm. 1"d the W'd :ngr!h so lo:g an:! so n Of tlhe b:c1w,4 pe w ong,a -ere loo.e o-new--ndf:n W a i n- l . o :n s of -hepo . Uni n :ii: n i . to t -r i,li 1h rv:tu aId digvst ti.i, mF)r,V!, t e fiuie (f those wtho porsist ill the oI cour-e w6ill be re:niful, as you re:il : "Til me angvlic host, .c nics-engers of love, s:ail sn indh d priterS here iowhave no redress ab-ve F TAe shining angel baNd reput 'Ti: US in 1;"0" Iedm given. dA!imWq0S on the prer books canIt neverl ter!t'3 hliien Th: Ricimoa.1 & Da-avilL IilroJ. Tyis. I>.1uad, E,-q., S 1ri':tJ.1:l of tC i':lie noiid & D.ilville Rtdir;otd, se tus 1 st wveek :1 mU !! -nnl-' tL11Cet ti the ueof said roid, %r n i IL We b10g leaVe t-) tenIder- 0.1'o sin.rVe. DimviI.c Dan ,l bii,ro l t >m vny 1h1vie Lb isU Ua codi tio:i f the:r road I'roml Dan vi: ,., to ar.-en boo', N. C., under a sep. rae chmrer ) The gig of* the ro it has biei mm '': ce:'ta to 11hat of the Richmond 1r11 Dinvme ro;' 'viz: 5 etCo. Both ro.ds will bo ordinCommwion u:m-rl thec mivnaaemnlt ol heO (ti:em ti the .ttcr-the trainls runing3~ iroUgh over o:h rod:i, btLweoi Riehond ant! rIen0boro', 1%Sid'ile, w out elhange of Cers 01 tran-.1I ent of INght. Only a !ihle coupon ,n thironth ticket., p:s n.: ovur both row!-, wiHI be r,-qi-,r,-d, % iz : From ch.!tn.d to Gree:boro, or Get.sboi 0'to Rich Acts of' the Genesral C3aference. T. WX. Ian::le:t, has indly furnti-hed Us nubIl ti-e :td' j:n.:1 (f theu ;raoediagof this bod;, : iiu at list of tI:e ac't-, from1 nih w1 -X 'opyV ''e follo'i inig rIOt alre:ti tdlpubIhbd in th;s p;art I: (lai--!It.In tis pla ced ufvilr rte S13ine fooIng h i.i'-eiing, and is H no longert a test 0: E.ver hn ini -he Disciline in regartd to te 3ee(l t:ta1i': (1:. The w h le :trerI of' the~ qurarte' ge has be' u Eve.r):!IFn:: iil'litr in~ retganri to dIress is taken ,m:i Stoi o iot .ll iIn.t p:.rt uhieh r quire' No 13tr'.a in i prachier can bi propo)sed to ant Aa l': &cot tii-nee for or :'l I1itOn I '-e''t het. cre 'X'.e 013 m iteta ou li1mi sai.ractti 'ti tfl nen'tIan~ e .rsaon,:ir nli n iiia onr, is to b, taken ty bablot la the' Qru-:e'rly Conhil'ren:ce.' emnee-,t :he 'ane t t:'! t f he Cie -ion o h e urt'i i i' tl wih a view to 3heir fltiim'tely foring rIhi Generd Con erene108. Meni', a idle' r be Bishao< o-f0 tmrt chuich ar,li1 e :e horizildi t ofer wi h tihe iis.o;-s of thi- A!ie:ai M. E. (Church., with a1 The &ay Law, 1In pronmo!IcingZ thet1 unonsnt utionlity of the byr DV ., oir wtor:ih;' Judge~.s, hav ~e exhibited'i, ith a':i due defe'r'rence ro the'b legd alitielts, p33 -'l int1n ilisdomt, a diepere of shortr-sighitedness. Doict'ors n il! difi''r someltimesl' to the dlet rment o. l'idis i .: ; bt this diff'erencea of op.inio0 bet. e h l pomie.., ctt'i or)! a1 w''i a5 dbt.' \Xout - qestlioningz its runconstiuticoiahy, or biti that a muore' iipportu:ni, uniiforimnralle tin.e, oild nt' ~iare boern choasenr for ti., dreision. Ini a d f rm whiiich o1ur pe'oplte are st rrgin.: , nhis ermiondt of at l w, nhether313 w%ise. or 130t in3 its i :Ct.'i,on, but which n.floile'd aL temtier:u 3v r'eliei. will tiring a:out olion a vort.e e.rnfounided, a Sit' aut uit1irs infintelyh worse tium~ :trythiing at pre'sent 'xpe'irenced. It Is mro-t urnforrumneoi ; a ue t. I!" imenoul~L have give ro 30 an3113d opp ortu niyfrp:parattin as I t istbt 1fes if anyV :e preparedt'i, ai to prless 51m31 no0w, n3 ieb~ nill I.e dioneI ules lsom50ie comnprtinnilemg .si on is aigr'ee upon.1i, XXil bethe Il ignalr for the. salcr iice of' alh SIndJs 01 l rovy.ry body must35 sell, andrt at at riou, sac'itiCe Iand who11 is to) biul ? V.hy many ai b' d .ir, hones.'t hiOpe., thai~t if let a lone yet a il while the0 diflieubties mnighti be 3met. Tin i< biat 113 imrperteet view of u.hat must 'appearr to thet readert'3 a gloomIy pictut re. \Ve' maket. a few extraclts 'romr a sernsible and wel1l con)ideredt ar':iele ini lhe Greenille/U JIoiti tamee.r: SMe'reiful civi! Judges,5 in1 passin3g SCen tIt.nce or 'di:u0h on te met.'nett oft culrii , ustugh lv ;al,tw'tOium tor the tic ilm ofi law to preparenr for' ~ hi f, anto se'I i~ut his hoevin orde f1.' he c'aIn :. the e piei of Rnilte Caro1lin'i 'iei 3ee Ii Iiht.3' o ei 0I3to :hen- e iats, am ilmtl 31( n lix pet-l sunoe to oi me11' t5 aod teemio ''on 10tw irn atV ah. ! i:1left.' o* sOrr SIIW s:t't--who dtIis 33 cr:ventors (hit'gteranon-ex.3 mo' d, and(t the pr e nlth i'. doi:ie ad 31 sulediI ene:o he, a he houht ievii in uc ai estice of some Stay .a to the moraht a - L:n gi\ ng re>tsunab e pt o ee;ion and illuttia ad vantage to debtors i.nd creditors, (the gre a tune ot the peoph-,) we have not the sh.usw of doubt . Thi< poshion w. are natisfied could he in gin du LOCAL ITEMS. TuEr Pc Sc.-T1he pipUI of the Mises Gi rardieti, together 'vith the rireilnts aid a inm ber of. :e dll g, tAtet , bo: large an i small, old and1( younI etjoyed a p nie at the Band,ian lprin) "n Tiuesay List, the plea: of wlhic uIi loig he rv.enmbered. 1, was one of the h.ppi(-t ltrolies we lhave witnrsed a lo,i-g the Il.e ols fir wh oe espec!il i1pt fit VS or _i:1ted, 1howed an ammll)nst of' appreci a$n f refn-hing to look at, while Che obler -nd 2O tro p chib,iren eaving c ires a:n, a:xieties at ho, e, or whelveivr mo-t convtenCit, mi&xcd in wi'h an emi ois z-t :and chi!l like lousene..-. We I.d not zhc s..i:fation of seeing the pro eesine in 's liti~e etal ;!eip:ri~n ~iho 11-;1st p ic.'sa:lt It, !urv w ah long tabl. lt:,ln l out bon,te:ch I , -ha al t of lar r tnl i::; O ...k:, filied vit a fallne:n of ae in o .d, s.%et and S1bnai0al1, .and tojove the li:ll ones surl-roind ing these go'IdieQ aZ( for. ialom ut or two thPv were restr..ined1 from th'. Oinse,While' sini a refrain I he contortois :ui gr imaces of face, was l :anu-iing. T!ie b y-n selete for the ocaio 'u a~, -wI hat We Col" distinuizi Of it, "lglor, glorv," bu: it can u th,rough "watering onh, l' anl was there fnre excusabl-A weak in volun(', he:lrt..; I e'es wre set on sonethtingm elSe, th TIAry l hy too cimp:ing!y before them. Rev. Mr. Monltgo:elr's le,k1sz-inrg wa.; happily hrie, a:! the sin1 a i ve1, the litle ones wtere :et on. We winnotlweil upo-in the exvc,: tin don,a lappetits we,re sa bwevi:er, and th'e were 11no Tr;lant lyers full timt. beilz al lowedl thI for indnigenca, the Rov. M?. Hlim birt gtve tihe b.:lle:n, 01 whih: theV filed off, a:al o were 5poti: ill the happy inno ece:n'3 of ClhI)oA. IE mit he 0 mentioned tlat the supply was lag lahUmlan11', al1d that the second tabl!e for the bhIr fi,I I: s did not lack a Sul7n. The grea: abZila c of tile wi le, the v;ir*W:.v, atd iTe il:trest lm.ilifetel in thl. pie ie by pll aen :ON' P-uWA, i gl'atilving r--fl:,ction. The Misses ;rarilieu mav well lie pro!.d :1a( plea(ed ahi' ittk of the te- ?I in thic thev ar l halt , nan- it 'lie eXCe!I-nt. bela vio:ir an: (iiplne] of ti(!;r yolg einarges, the 1:>ve of wom:1: Il-v llavo so pi y T s:1 u c e. in1 taea t*-r. Spae wilt. not perm'nit fairthter ltotie; sa'hee It wats toph'ts:n day, ah:.s IIT Spatn: anad en'joyedI to thei by :Ll, I:hi aIi::! ch tlren's fro!ie in r: gree w.oods. .May Vwe all ive t t enjoy a Ihad net.iy forCo:tain the inteareS!le' atn I side.ee of thae tTaa.rnoo in whichi our1 fie ] N ., figred,- ~on;e af the moIaJt dlete'rm rnedl hachelors of:hte town. IIis iaag'0riouis et reer of baichelodomi e:une nl'arer eningl (al thiiA par tien!arI ta ternaon thani ever before. B mitev Sitag a liair tnaiy to ae'pt andtt put himn o-t of hair mi-e:yv of sinle ha'I!es-edneass, the half earnest h.at jastinIg propi[ion)1 wa5 dacep)ed, ;ii ser fy' the h:asty proeta eding~ ; tafor:lnnl.ltely however lnot !Mri.s ing tha toiouasa haeliz'ralijr _noevitie's of N. GI , antd f.aiijag to see ho ' e:arnest hi< e-dswere t a hIavelaim c;aug1ht, thte lnisiter d -alined. It ' asi real v t llIs mo. Ilsoriosly Vun f,roTI:Ie tIhing fly ever coal.i have happane i, far tlr they stl, (11:n iliXaed inl :u-m, hacLh e!:ar -hakinat, fe-iiu, yet w ish1nly hoin;;rt., l ady d -wrined1 to tak:e hi::1 in his 0' nI net, an:I s:c r fir herce! for the tgod ao: womank0 ~illd. Stuch ia.eb: :ee to st op this gayh b J:Ior's roa-nin tl IS nlot liaa'e!) ooccur'1 ala dn oon ;I:lJ there' I i.t)n t~el'in hto" Il mIy heatts lie i-i yet adestiaed to break. La~i e a r'oarinag lin he I1 seeaketh who .:to s'xy Poor dear ladies tike care of youra hlearts, 1and. froln hIS girlnees Sinil linger ;uil fly. One !2ana.ce alt the. ti' aof his cravat and hi sniniI is -o!'iar, wi!! c.onvince any but the wiltully blinid *tat he~ fixe.s up with a de'sig.. IN Tr E~ WIONG P'E w.- W' regZret TO sav that our town itltr-hal whlile? imb(ih:;ig ill a slight re: ete inga1 sir ill, on Soaiy lISt, meat with a difli I ualy, therebyv hlig a handull ori m1 lore of hair,~ a (jpty' of' lo.I Ttg-'herl with his lberty f'or a short ItimI. Iii (9"e5 of enter(taint'Inen. t5 wall ai tO i:aprovei is Inialtion as to thte habuis of certnt f reeadu (a:Ien, his :aalvent! urouas zali 1ed :im to pu ils invest :t :ons t ao losehly, npo Iw hica.h L-t. Aug t.lat nail tO wI eSe v'igoron s!y' us~ed atdi,t h,iam. Finidingt too hate outi ha' of: stray e'd into1 the wronIg pew, heL aicknoleOldgedl a dfa ala t aS pr i ead Ia wontads anad buaiva'to the Bti Teat i for redress5l. Coliler colnp;laint bintg un-1 lor 1:ti'el un byad la'h e other patrTy, tand it be ling higly c'aaMred', all the ba;lm; colaaitted ill thec utreant wias appulied to the lauaar's re'lief. It was decidedh thit the tormerr, togle:he with v.arious baoleI contentIt, het jI 122aed, ill Rea.i:i's bJriekC hotel. .le was sliortf y ai'arwvards reIeased hoW ever, i wiser and beiner man11. NosEs A-r A DIsCOrs-r-We' h:ive been r'quest iid by a numbl(.er' Of saensinc VC enItlaimen whoase na:Stl oirg.:tan la of t.eliata'ei)conarle On, TO no( tiee that thaera'i 1tatt.r p'iblie "e1.' in It is ii pT~y that a town' of hbis .si.-, of suIch flair propori oIls, of' suIh refini1nait, Of suc blu'inis.5 advata-ges at:d capaciity, soci aly atnd miorally so e xc.elleur, pre, idled over h-bv in in tellIi g'nt, en. ergatic., accommitodainand11( 'hblie splir:ead c'O c'il, withP six~ la chriee, n1 eh- it. coalrt ho0e jail,gi.I guard-house, an IttlIast halt not least ":;h at pride of oar vihiagae" ti town hell. shtotld be mOarread ill iTS beaty byx the aexistenee of Sliehl A li:ale heaalaty aolhority, proper:'ly 'xarei-ed, andl a doilar orI tw1.0 u beIi~ ua "0nh1 prove etftl cha a,l iln r'emitVg i.a'ery unh'.eahbly nii-lace. laIclsmIiith snoaa, neari th' stabiles. FrntEn r:N A Coteas Box. -A lit tle coloredl c.hibl, w'earn, w1 i uied onl Stuahni last ill a cOTtao 111 o tad:s baox, tIe p:iats havitt:' no fundsl tol prour' a c.ollina. It ieal on Ft id iv &ad lav un:hit Sundtay, andl Tni lriatdly hie p was afi'ordiai. lacbaIqueat. a(a(l dlvlop eta sho ith latl soaiint ani roi n(iIi'ouriY hmenti wI~a?Il :dit mucha neIed -d, fork ofea hieh probalaay bclentds, deal.1 What aC t coTInar 10 faltisn aionsof cPptopiatio for hE pot~or reo:tn, Ichools ad tureaus, and yet, no one to futnish a elleap eUIUn I v v Jser: Rew;ardl. See catrd: Fin Pin.~ -ave here anad rece'ive tif aen doliars. SMe not ice ef' J. L. Sp"arke, Exa'r, to debtors, anid act ina accordanice with su.i. W. B McKeler'-Notice to trespasseis. th T. T. Mloore-Dentistry. J. T. Peteirson-Citautin.a J.Bol, Agent- liar es Shop.tt Colonel Sperry hais retired fromi the Columbia iih Carolinian. whieb ha giracefiully edited fot' a shrort tire. Sir. DeFontaine unrites Thre Daily jg South C'arolin'an with its bant.liing aoffspr'ing in-l Cohm.ibiai. It 'till soon1 appeaIr, enilariged. May it r'est in pence! but flot'r'ah vigaoousl y. Thec C/a ter Standard -TI.is excellent paper, afte.'r ant atbM'ence of sltiae Imonaths, a lppe'a rs i hanidsomne dress. W. II. Babeock, editor. Geo Pithier, pnlblish;er. P The Suth Caro!ina Baiptit- Pnhlished at An dersont, S C., anad edited by Rev. W. E. Walter, is an exceelle:.3t rehrgious journtal. o1 Fa-.nd Crews. ni ho hiad baeen runtning twO4'a presse's, recent ly disposed of his interest ini the i Abbaeville B,tnoer to Mr. WV. Wi. Farrow. Mir. .wi Crews will niowi devote himtiself exclivei'ly to the Laurenasvil I Hrald. We wish all parties a hap py I utmi e ina joutrnarilisml. hI "All quiet aIotag sha Paotmae to-taighit'-La mf ir' Foiat ainaes hae:ii i ful Iy rii-is claimied by a score of Nor tri writiers.P The re-idets of' Bi rtgami, Enzh md, hav r sent to the Treasury~ D p.aruuenert $ 131) in gold, fao' theL benii't of' f'ieedmnt. A'N Txais p.' per c.la'imis that t he mu tstra n, wine is suri r i'ato i every' dark winte ini the n'.rb'l, except Northemn and Sour th-rmn c.omlpanlies are~ buyIing q up bIr'ge sce oats ot lan d ini Chlathait Counaty, N. c.s ini whaich it. is staid oil aibounods. Thtere is to he a gen ieral con venition of !rioa prasidentts, chaie: elgmiaeers, nad gener'ral .superi tandenits int Phiildelhiat ont the 4th of July. Thet goldl crop, of tIhe worbd "ill proablyI~ rachi $150,maua(II) uo tis yeartI. Priev'iouis to Iiaso tIe anerge ananamal yiehal was less than 8:34,00a,a00. A v'oirn Amer'iican haalv', barought ny in thae at Chri.riian faitha jmtneda the Jewish Ciaurch at, Chi cmaro a tewv dayvs ago. A biullirant geniI* is wriinm. 1'or thec Ko'rciu ho 5arI, a itovie tie a'titi d "The Gie.g:a Gal, or whto stoule my Guoaa'rs ?" J ~ an Rins 'oni, of e!t'ras not triaety, shot bay guria< ltnat Grititenadeni, K'.'., Apr'il 23i, died on C thae anth. Getn F"ingani has located rat Fe'rnanadinra. Fia., C ad is davaoting h:imtielf' to dev'ielopaing ttue fuimie menI Iop')i5 (If h;ar tie. C Thm. Ma ooni c IIall ini At tlanta, Ga'or'ti, was de' stroped by tire oni 'Tuesday taight. Loss $10) a, Antior her littrle bit of brllion, weigin g 155~ poirta, andl v'ained' at 21 2,11.al inl gold, hats beena rec.eiVeda in New York' from1 Colorado. : aunm i's ni ife' prsornal pare patty ? A wifep w;a seized ini S. Louis, I e~ently, Ior' lie debts of Petterl two few wioards, fi'rm thre womien we S. ova', Ihant too mianyti. Tqor l ii6 11-)N 'LZ. Tsm --_y C13r. Listen, d irlin_- chiid. Linho, Listen to my soo- ; I I;Ive loveiL thee wel, lanthe, I have loved ,hoe long. Let, me ta:: e tlisi hiad that trenibls Likv a tMid Move, Let mie hoh it gentiv enp!iVe, Whilst I iei n,v love. Stop, iy pretty, e:*:sh m.iden" l.ot glep away, Do not be so di-,bliging, L :tcn to niv lav. Sit thWe down hore, in thi, rouker, Now I'I :it ?t6 t6 Takei my ofTred hue;-rt, Ianthe, Give PC thin-, Iy sleet! Wilt no:? then :n T uninppy Then iny lif.-'s unbhd-si Ani, niu-r. ci er he without thee, Froni the L t;rensvi!!c WZra,d1 we learn, that e [lon C. II. SIm1ith, of Rome, GI., better owni to thte peope of te Soth a "Bill Arp." s bee ridc--vl by ihe y .ntg Idies oi the 1+ru nsville Feti,:dile Yolege, 1 h-l;ver the Aneu e'ss Ibefore LIt Col'-e. tI ne next. It i? it known wethr tic ipoiitmenE has been e"pted. We learn fron i;e G: iffin qtar, that a few da vs :o a negro. in l'ik(- co,nry, viohited the perzon a respectdA.:b., vhit v :in, nider the iost Vol-im - cimnt.meS. The iero was arrpsr Iand pUe d ichrge of the She riff, from %%hose' ush u rhe eced by a party of men in dis i-e :vxccsom:*i exeemed. An E r invennion' his cotrive:d a dresa, er, oi n be pteiited andl intr ded the pIubc. It de.vignd to he atehed to e hoop S!it, aid wi! vlevatef th'. dres.-Z with :h -light inoenience that. the h1:dies wi no igr have an e xei-': for swveeping the side iks with thleir l skirts:. 1Tn fashio:! a-c hain gret run in some of ehiiii, to.n:. Te 'Thdo i) BIdit, Ia d seventi-ivdiifVe ren' s.- iie hm.; V-orn by P lai's hat O'f, Uid viiWe ans Hioe M.ty on Texais i-4 %-wihI,! j! ;t vnot o- th e subje-ct of rail. Ad. RAilrM'i aloj- re on foot In everv rt of1 thiaet exteni'e .ie, ait in every di ee II. W .. .M-0 s - ;0 -:e4 thIS iHN'-re1t 111ni red, and hope thv praj. cs mnay Al be -carid to CXce' 'i" I execu.hm. The C;i;ro, in,-is, J(a craI! asster!s that da ~the vioa lI i al Ii Wn 'l a --ayV of it. W.eek, to'; btigin: o 13. Nrmm, wa Co-a meee, S-eei, wias a oi c enirely aer"o-s theC .\issis5 A -ase of timit hr;r, dIise.tie-leperosv'--the st (n reconi:'i in -4it co0inov -is re ported one C! t)ti.)Ipn a oun~ girl of ''oode s'.i1al0ig .:n F: i- rumored..iLtha1 MIrs. Stover, President John n'sdan!!er s hortly to bce mariecd to the mt. E I .varid Coopeir, ifl:t>er of Gu:1grees hiO:a The editor of an Eistei n paper says! "We *ve& aidop-ed ihe eight hi.'ir'.ystemi in thijnoffice. C ec ile'wee workil ait igh~l t.uo'ekwik ini the :ion gatand.o.e wuri at ci;.;hit in t e e-venintg. it i. re.porten. .1 timt G ov. B oan'tow~ is going >th tocontsull Ih- L--xico(grapfher<. :aIe colm me noslt'. wltr4s, for' a irep!.y to 1'rentice, wC exhh mted' the v'oL.bhlri. ThNe 1l~Idi elr,'e of wv r h as been rid den in ed bl.''_i :?-i'C. C'We e,nlItiiv. Noew Is ro mie W!n ~ic ie H:'a on w~ hien~rides~'the EeiTettde ties'rCiin Dc'.tih. Jiuede Dutdcawr lasi dIecid..d that ntets p cyale C.oifedirte.t tioniey ate wor thhe-.i; andh ;er-o R in F. Ca we:! the. oheay a :t Mernph!is, ed to aHl lin-,ieer-n-h ' ea 31r Henr Talor, t':aui-e - be netied 4 :i. suit. Uie shout at her' ir or five timeits, buit n,iksed.4 A fati young lady of Bo-ton, need fif:een is on ;i for b,i..iny. Let LIhe Bo-tmi.i&i: refleet, ati eu teor enhouldc~ : begiehee the ebar;iy of ethe )tld is said '0 bcegil, at home. The "HIed of' the Univer'se,". Boston, is .not C mou- t: non p Jlace' in tL,e 'ii un ierse th r'et ili ow died heremC late~ ly noZe w<.ekit in the udis of at proe ion'i i'i ifaori ist. I Si I :here were 4:4,ctn negroes in Mt.i sip and1( by Jitd.. ettIt.utm's saaeeiIt beforle the I consihlionlC (I Co:n ailtee, m?Ore a-i 2U'tU) of The Pa.jaro~ (Caifliornia) 7hme.s says thai. the' net lost slI .er inie ,f' 31etgomery hat- be'en coivered'. is a wide bet o1 ric.h 3rC tidrty-. A miolenpg: i raiinw made -its appearance in C we feri iky (In Tuesed: v i g h t Ia-L, about i vein o'eiek, in B:reatuI 'onhh. , I1hn'.>is. Such hieniom:'eoi Is ofi rare c curreniceIC. A se inp recet'Ily nacrrwd't at widowii ind (IVa kin, 111., :t,d thy e igh :lt t:it ewaey, raikingZ th lhim yllI ini gold anid her first hiubattd's Acotmotr .uger .hat-. i edy, on putting ere oMen , i., ike a ru ii hiIo d riitk., to drowui ~ rief, becauise in solada'g hersei she .is get igh/t ! Cose&t not "yontr- neighbor's house, nor his e, nori Iis ~ox, nore hei, ;es,'' but if' you are a :1bii mai 'nu maI4 coe(V!t iiS daueghter.' R'ev 3ir. .\c e rdie's ch;iueb in Charlestonl i's rrly to hae'an or'gana-somiethimg new to Fieegt.iug has beent restored in Engihnrd, as a .M:uny p'amthers Xwo'e cottonl seed fauled, are >n:ingue up ;e:i pdi,lttig coin FINANCIAL ANU COMMERCIAL ~:~" ' Raders wi] remembnier tha;t our niarket otatinis are in curr'enc.y, unleSS othere eeli lly stated. CY).1[.IZERL'IA L. TUE .:).Y, Ir 22, 1-see. Cotto.--The t ransatcion.s !.ei-t wveek were smallI, prilces ran:.ti Iromi I cUie. h. , ie d. p j''er bu'hlc!,. ..... ...... . 5 o~~eg, tilamy, ..............4Cte. ... -.o... ............45. h-c lIope, .\l atoll, peri 10,...........5to4. " 11 op,. ................. ..... .8 ne1m., e,cC' .lI.... ... ................ 50. 111J11 , "..ti it... ... .. ... ....... ..to 5ie. " )'Sperm, ....... ............5e0 to te. ICe's.., ................... ..........5 to 4"e >ll.,.................... ........81 .e a, e bu,bel... ... ............. ...02 ikeri'I kits,............ ............84.e ci slse,so ' gitnot, per' gellon,.. .. . .... ..7 5e " Cub a,....."...................8..li ils, peerpountitd.............................I2t ee, pci erund,.................. .......1 e ar', bruniiI, p peotund,............i8 to 20e r'efii--d,..................23 to tSe. It, LA i'erpool, pi'uerack,..........60 Produce MIarket-Prie:s from Wagens, OmTIrA.-Tie renii:is or Gen 'ttes Rights isT were interred at Grte Church, Colu'Ilbia, on the ltf:.-Ti-i Adyr:iser announces the death ot Mr. I ranvia O'Cover, an old Haityea and suicces-ful plate. Ile was nearly 80 Tears or a .-Mrs Ja e C Si rpson, W ife of Dr. J. Wi. "I.-on Of L-urens, died on Sunday moring, 0,1h ;nStanlt.-Mrs CAL11ah1n of Webster, Mas, d-ed rece.tly after haviog had 51) ponds ten harre!s of water remnuod from her by Iwen ty.lom :-nryieal operations.-The Andersn lu eliptwer uw-.ees the d-ath of Mr. John Wakefield, an obl and !iigiy esteemed citizen of Anderson dist.-The Collumbia I'hoenix records thedeadi of Mr. Benj. R:iwles, a .spectedcitizen aged 94. Mr. Rtwies recently wrote a vigorous and iiteresrn,- letter to Geji. Shermanon the de SetVIelion of Columbi..-.he Unionville 7ines an rounces the death of Col. Jim,es Jrfle-ies, one of :he nest estwe d and inttligent citiznsi of the coimmnit v. We regret lo learn from the Charles ton Courier, tlw deith of Dr. Chrisropher Fitz siIrn-, who) was was killed by the fAling of a ~--i-beam during a storm, on St. John's Berk ley. MARRED; , 11, , fhe bih inlalInt, by the Rev J. J BaiyrlV, Mr. Thos. Brookvs, of Rookesville, Mi.,'o Fannie M.,dmnhter of R. B. Holan,Esq. Special Notices. THE STAY LAW having been removed, by tho.e having the powei to do so, and there be ing a gre.it proability that many people will be .distressed on account of debts made before thI war;A diand t aa doomeihing toaards mitiga ting that dktresa, I make the following propo tition to allthese whor will settle witb .me bifore the first of October next : First, those who owed me and were k'Hed ir. the var, leaving families, I wil I settle with tleir Execitors at ouehif' 2d, those that -have been disabled,- 4t a discount of one-fomiu ; 2d, with all that were in the war, at a di.count of one eighth ; 4th, with all o hers, by takinit vo!e, tLat I ean use in liqiudation of my o-u indehtedness, or prodce of an kind at the highlresL marhet prises. H. H. BLE AMR P. S. 1 hope that all who are indebted to me wil-o:ne for*ird and make souie arraigeeint abhout these old mar-er.; immediately. You must not eXpeCt 1Re to CAIl On VO, for I& is imnpoibiv for me -to s--e every one ; so after the time for the ;1xbve crmpromise expires, you find yourself setdug with the Sheriff, don't say that you were >.ued withut proper notiei-. Those indebted to -ine in awjoinin! listricts please take notice. May 3;.e-4 t. H. H. B. .Cokesbary Districet--3rd Round, 1866. Mpeon et., R-publhican, Many 12, 13; Ander onr ga. um et. A:!l rson C. H ,- My 19, 211 ; U. Ne'wBerry shwMr 26. 27; Penidletos n Mud t. Z,,un ets.. We-lev Chapel, June 2, 2;. SaIuda Rir. P.irvi-w, .4m ti 1 1 ; Elhefield et., Bethlehem, .luune 23. 24 ; Bui'Jer et-., -thmlehem~ Ju'ne 23, 24; Laure'usandl. c -dy River ets 4 Ptsgah, Jume ~30, .hi:iy 1 ; Ninr'Six et., :ad $s!nda Riv. Mis., G;rt41mwod, July 7, 8 ; Newherry et., Ebenezer, .by 1I4, 15 ; Abeville et , Smyra, July 21, 22; ;Csesburty et., Col.eIbury, July 29, 29. -81DI Li B3RIWNE, P. E. P. S. The rmembehrs' of the Conferences of both Edgetient a Bittr, it will be seen, meet at thi same place and rime It. so arr4ngtd, and timely. iotice h giveu me, I w il meet the Conference of a-s ch.rge ait 9 a. mu. on the Saturday belong ito) 3.ht Coniference. S. H. B. MEs;Rs EDtToRs: You wi pleaise announce J. D. S.\ TI1, acceamiidate for rte office of Tax Col-. leetor, Newhe'trry Ihirricet anid o lige May .1, 18r;6 MANY FHlIENDS. - E4ssns. Em-ronis:--Yomi will oblige the friends of .la. W. .1. L.' , .by nro-inilltigias e ecamdne for Slriiiflf of Newu berry Di.,triet. Apr 11, 14. SEWBERRY. M'ss Ps. EnI TO Rs : -Yo t w ill please anoune, N. .J Ji UNSi N, ais a candidarte for Sheriff oft Ne.wherry D striet, anid obl:ige A pril 4, 14 M ANY FRIENDS. The friends of Gautr. THuS. MI. PAYSINGERL respeeth(niy norninate him as a suirtable candidate' for -]heriff' of Newbe'nrry Din-tiet. VOTERS, flentistry Free of Charge, 'T T. MOORE, will fill BACK TEETH with. I e Tin Foil, free of charge, arnd Front Teeth w ih C'ol for fifty .ents, each, and extract teeth orMify cens, for all who desire his services, at Ma 321 6 DR. McKELLAR'SOffice. * Notic0. XL~E A KE, deed,tre hereby notified thtr* their notes and accounts have been placed ja the bands ot Gerlington & Subher, for collection. No hut'er inIdulgentce will- be given, unless interest is paid, or some agreement made. May 2:1 21 3 JNO. L. SPEAKE, Ex'or. Notice to Trespassers. I FDREW ARN~ AIjL PERSONS, WHITE OR. IBL.tGK, th or mug . t, from Hunting or Fishimt. ont uy Piantation. Ma y 23-21-4m. WV. B. McKEILEB. llriess Shop. To MIy Old Friends, Customers & the Public Ueneral/y. I H AVE pernmanently located at Newberry, to carry on the SADDLE AND H ARNESS BUSINES, in all its various braumches. I am prepared to ruirniish 1lirnesQ, -addles, Bridles, &c., of the best ur:rerial, arnd at short notice. ?articular rnent ion given to repairing. Prices to suit the times. g Sh~op over U. H. Blease'a Tin Shop.. Mayv 23 rujo J. BOYLE,.Agt. $,15 REWARD, TILL he pai.i for the recovery of a God S-irm Pin, withi a single Stonei Set. Desi i 0; Pin-"a braneh of, ree." Leve at this ottice. . ay 2 JOHN A, CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN EQUITY; X TIL L at tend to all business~ entrusted to his carne. tficeu at the'Bookstore.. Newberry G U, S C., Mijy 22 21 &fi HIeadquarters, Salada, SeC., Mav lith, 1866.