- -.,..-- -.-- - - - t. - H- - -VN E r -' TONTHS, INA VLMH.NEWB.ERRY, S. C...WED-NEDYMA2,16.NBR8 VOLUME I IIN.} THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, At Ni7berry C. I., By THOS. F. & R. H. GRENEKER, ZDITORS AND PROPRETORS. TRXS, $1,50AFOR SIX MONTHS, EITHER IN CURRENCY OR IN PROVISIONS. (Payment required invariably in advance.) avertisementsinserted at -1150 per square, for Aret insertion, $1 for each subsequent insertion. arreg~e notices, Funeral invitations, Obituaries, and Communications of personal interest charged aadvertis-ements. [From the New Orleans Times.] The Methodist Episcopal General Confer ence, South. ADDRESS OF TnE BIsHOPS. S In the Methodist Episcopal General Con 4ferenme Revi Dr. Duncan, of the Virginia Con ference, read'the following address from the Bshops. boar BretAren :-We hail with feelings of devout gratitude the opening of another ses bion-of the General Conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South. Circumstances connecied with the late unhappy war have prevented us from an earlier meeting; an.d, now that we are permitted by Divine Provi dence to assemble, the important interests that wilt. engage our attention demand that, ..'ith'all sobriety and prayerfulness, we ad Aressiurselves to their consideration. ehave to review the operations of the Church-for eight years-embracing a period diring which important and startling events -iave ciowded on each other in rapid succession. WIenthe last General Conference closed, we antic pated an earlier re-union in this city; but Vie well known condition of things, at the time appointed in'regular order for our meeidpg, precluded our convening here. And eyer .ice, until within the last few months, itha been deemed impracticable to call the Cozileience -ogetber. When it was definitely decided-that the-Conference could not meet athe proper time nd.place, there being no h,w -in'the Discipline autborizing the Bishops toven.ihe-General Conference, and the state of the ountry also being such as to ren der it, doubtful whether any conside'ablenum 7berof the preachers could be collected togeth er-for the purpose of holding such a session if 4jjlJd, the Bishops, feeling the importance of wise counsel. in the- emergency, published a card inviting-a meeting of the Bishops, Book -ommittee and others, to consult together on diers iniportant subjects connected with the imfmedte interestsLf the Church. Such a meeling-was held, first at Atlanta, Ga., after wards at Macon, Ga.,-and then at Montgome -y Ala. In Agust last the Bishops alone m fgr consultatica at Columbus, Ga. These i-oimeeings were seasons of interest and - prfite those who attended them, and the results,of our -deliberaiions, as exhibited in the.solutions which we published, tended -,grakilv aswe -have reason to be'ieve, to - -promote the peace and prosperity of the Churchi. ta In order thtthe character of those meet ings-maybe c}early appreciated, we would re - - mnd yvnthat when they wcre called it was Mistinctly-stated -tha-t all-the acts of such meet ~ngswonid be siwply advisory. We disclaim ~-d all'aut-hority to'take any action t,hat should - - - . ~e hinding-on the Church, oniy as it might :b.approved as-wise and godly. We gave sneeidiceas wejudged best for the Church 1n-her straitened circumnstainces. If the An enual.Conferences approved it, then they acted inecordance-with their own convictions ; if i;t3en they.simply took their own course in allmatters t.nat came before them, with-out rcence to oui advice. It i.t for the General Uonference to decide whether we transcended 'our authority in convening 'such adisr councak1-. -Early duiring the- war the Bishops had to - -- confine their episcopal visitation to the terr de*ie, fepiscopal supervision auring near 1y.th whole period of. the war. We would not, how er faistop m eo in to conec ti.n' haCisopavapu aug h edn wor wih di CwthntFedeal lines Nwstatnig theilis our tepS--ispal teihn tof te to~asky cnfer eces ady patals, wbe toe ed-bi vibeaieve thao the rCacforsaok. heti labeor ll to thrionserests of the r ih Churh8fGod. With but very few excep iini, the Annual Conferences have been reg bilarty held. The Presiding Elders and Preach. ers have filled their appointments as of old, end, with humble gratitude t> 'od, we men tion the fact that during the trying years through which we have passed, gracious revi h-is of religion aimong our people have at tested how the Divine presence has been with We do not attne'pt in this brief address to enier into a detaiied account of the general ate of the twork. Thank God that we have so safely passed th.rough a most painful and fiery ordeal; that the Church has preserved, under His blessing, her integrity ; that she ha, n o is, ecomne complicated with pol high -missior., has- been satisfied to perform her leggtimate duties. ^Tt is proper to state to you that we found it, in~our judgroent, needful to-the interest of h7e work to dlepart inr some respects from the strict letter:of the lair of-the *Church in our -* -Episcopal administratioji. -Extraor~dinary exi $In the~journals of the annual conference which I ill come before you, the-particular instances in whichr we have-judged it best to assume ibis grave responsibility will appear. In all iuch inatances we wish it uniderstiod that we do not regard such departure from the law as establishing precedents for future guidance, biut only as illustrating-how extraordinary ex i.gencies may make it necessary to transcend the provisions of even the must whlolesomc human regulations. From tms experience however, the General Conference may finc suggestions that are valuable to guide it ii providing, as far as practicable, for contingen cies in the future. It would have been gratifying to us if w< had been able to bear the expense of more ex tensive travel through the work ; but in tht impoverished state of the Church, and espe cially in the absence of any provision for mior than a bare support of the Bishops, this wa impossible. This fict, we hope, will be sug gestive to your body. In August last, we deemed it prudent t< issue a "Pastoral Address to the Preachnr and Members of the Church," reminding ther of their duties as Christian citizens, and giv ing such advice as seemed to us appropriat to the )CculiaL circumstances of the times As that address has been extensively publish ed, we deem its formal transmission to vot with this communication unneccessary an( will only ask your attention to such parts o it as we may find it proper to recapitulate or particular points at this time.. The publishing interests of the church suf fered greatly in consequence of the war. Th< book concern will require your car(ful consid eration; and so:ac important changes in youi plan of operations may be needful for its fu ture efficiency. Of this, however, you wil be better prepared to judge when you havt heard the report of the agent, With pleasur we have welcd9ed the revivals of our churef papers; and while we regard them as in a big1 degree creditable to the church, we woul respectfully submit whether it woult not b< best to unite conferences in the publication o a fewer number in order that they may b< better supported and still further improved. Our missionary work, once the glory of ou Church, has been well nigh ruined. The Chin: mission still lives, and needs your fostering care. Although the financial condition of th< country at present forbids the expectation oi large collections, yet we may -anke prospec tive arrangements for doing a great work it that extensive field. The interests of the colored populhtio, should engage your serious attention. -Iere tofore the colored people within our bound: have deserved and received a large share o our labors. We have expended our meam and strength, liberally and patiently, for man3 years for their salvation and improvement aud if in any wise our conduct has not beer appreciated by some on earth, nevertheless our witness is on high and our reward is it heaven. It is grateful to our own feelings t( know that if the colored people do not ren,aii under our pastoral care, their departure re fiects no discredit upon our labors in their be, half and is neceesitated by no indifference or our part to their welfare. Many of them wil probably unite with the African M. E. Church some of them with the Northern Methodisl Church, while others withstanding extrancouE influences and unkind misrepresentations o I our church, will remain with us. - Let us be content to leave to Providenc to vindicate in due time our scriptural rela. tion to the interests of the colored people For those who remain with us the churel should provide generously everything impor tant to their religious culture. Convince< that your body takes the deepest interest ir this subject and will give it your special at tention, we deem it only needful to -speak o it in this general and suggestive fornr; an especially as the Bishops in their pastorial ad dress last August brought the subject proni nently to the notice of our people. In respect to the separate and distinct or ganization of our Church, no reasons have ap peared to alter our views, as expressed in Au gust last. No proposal of fraternal relation: has come to us from others, neither do wve rc gard ourselves in any wise responsible foi hostility evinced towards us. While the at tempt to take forci blc possession of our prop erty and to-disintegrate our C hurch, declar the min~d that would destroy us, let it be our to sher the, mind that wvas' in Christ. In on conscious integrity we should calmly awai the inevitable hour, when, in the Providene of Glod, an enlightened public opinion wil vindicate cur claims as a Church of God an< a true type of Methodism. Let us not be imn patient for our vindication before the world The great future is before us, and the grca IIead of the Church smiles upon us. Our fi delity to CGod will most perfectly reply to th. voice of defamation. In thfis connection, it is w'ith pleasure tha we refer to the fact that. many Christians 1 the North, and especially in the Northwest sincerely symnpathise with us, and this symrnpa thy,.we-have reason to believe, is daily assu ming a more tangible and impressive form~ That.there have,s,at the same tiirie, been somn defections in the-Chufch we care not to dis gulie. A very few of-the whites have gom from us. This was perhaps to have been ex pected. Our regret is rather for them thai for ourselves. But while we speak of smal defections, we may refer also to most grati fying accessions. Trho Baltimore Annual Con ference is now represented by a dlelegation ii this body. In February last Bishop Earn formally received into our ecclesiastical eon connection this Conference, consisting of on hu::dred and four ministers, and a member ship of twelve thousand. It is a grateful duty to welcome these breth ron among us, and to commend thema to tk conidence and affection of our people. Tni is a large accession to our members and terri torv. It is also a testimony in our favor tha is nobly horn by men whose former positioi and lorg deliberation upon the subject, as wel as their known intelligence, will entitle it t special respect. In our -hecarts we. welcom them, and cordially extend to them the-ri gb hand of fellowship. As a fact of interest to us and of promis to our future influence, we may state that i the City of Baltimnore there have been organ izedl several flourishbin~g Church'es upon an in: dependent basis, composed -of Methodist whose war-m sympathies are with us and whos liberal kindness has alrgady contributed large ly to aid us in our time of need, laying us un der obligations by their love and good .work Our educational interests have been greati damaged by the.war, and nearly all of ou. male institutions have been closed. Provider tially, many of our female institutions has been kept in operation, and are still dispem~ ing the blessings of sanctified education to th. daughters of onr land. Everything in 01 powe shul be m to revive, as speedil as possitle, the male institutions undr the I pat ronage of our Church. In this connection we specially bring to you attention the importance of an institute for the proper traming of young preachers. That we should make some proper arrange ments for the more thorough training of our young men before they are received into the Conference and s:;t forth to minister in the Church of Christ, appears to us to be so obvi ous as to need no argument to prove it. It be hooves us to take this matter into serious and immediate consiOeration, and secure to the Church the itvaluable advantages the provis ion we suggest can only supply. The instruction of the children under our care, and the interests of our Sabbath School system, cannot be too highly appreciated by you. Your body will, we hope, show your love for these little ones of Christ and lambs of his flock by the practical value of your ac I tion in their behalf. We think it unnecessary to enlarge on a point of such obvious and vi tal concern to the Church. Let us remember that it is only by taking care of the children that we can take care of the future prosperity of the Church. If we are to judge from the tone of the reli gious press and the action of many of our Con ferences, great concern is felt in respect to certain changes in our economy. It is obvi ously unbecoming in us as Bishops to ocenpy any other than an impartial relation to those matters' But we take this occasion to urge upon you the inportance of giving these sub jects your sober and prayerful consideration. From our extensive observation of the state and wants of the Church, we hesitate not to say that some improvement of our economy may be wisely undertaken at tiiis time. Well for us if we can happily avoid extremes and do neither too little nor too much. Let us re member that while ir.novations are not neces sarily improvements, wisdom may demand in the department of ecclesiastical expediency ,ew applications and developments of funda mental principles. The efficiency cf Method ism finds its irst condition in the prevalence of deep spiritual life; and alternations in our ecuonmy are valuable as they coincide with - this condition-calamitous when they ignore s it. f On only$e of the points suggested do we regard it bec5ming in our position to speak directly, and that is in respect to the increase of the number of Bishops. For such an in crease as will give the Church a more efficient episcopacy, we think there is an urgent neces sity. The infirmities of age press heavily up some ofon us, and diminish our ability to answer to the demands of the work for general episco pal visitation. The great and increasing extent of our territory should be considered. We should by all means have a Bishop, for obvious reasons, residing on the Pacific coast. And while we do not recommend a Bishop for every State or Conference, we are fully persuaded that the number of Bishops should be so in f creased as to enab!e them to be pastors of the people as well as chairmen of conferences and pastors of the preachers. If we would carry out the valuable plan of our itinerant super intendency, we must have an addition of a onumber f vigorous, active and p'ous men tu - your present College of Bishops. 1 And now, dear brethren, in conclusion, al low us affectionately to remind you of the - solemn responsibility that rests upon you as f delegates representing the affairs of our be Sloved Zion. We have only suggested in out. -lines some of the work before you. It is your - province to go fully and thoroughly into the particular consideration of the subjecets within . your jutrisdiction, avoiding all partisan feeling, . discharging from our minds all prjudices that . would cloud our.judgments, rising above all private and selfi.h impulses, humbly invoking that wisdom that is from above, which is pure and peaceable, anda gentle in honor preferring one another ; in brotherly kindness and chari . ty, and with an eye single to the glory of God ; 2let us endeavor to do our duty here as mimis teys'of the Lord Jesus Christ, praying God rthat we may have grace to edify the Church, that we may rj&ice that we hare not labored in vain in the Lord. The Terrible5 Se curze, - Cholera, is now on this continent. Tt trav Sels with great rapidity. IIere to-day, there to-morrow. And while none are exempt fron: its dreadl touch, those who. are uncertain ir their habits and those who live in an i:n;purt tatmosphere are most liable to its, effeets. II is said that the disease follows certain pecu -liarities in soil, etc. B3e this asit may, it can. - not be denied that changes occur in this (lay, -the solution of which batilles the most astute. -Hence, we cannot say fora -truth thatwe wil have immunity from th6disease. The p)roba. -bility is that the malady widi not visit us the possibility is that it will. How$nportani lthen that we observ'e such a condition of. hy Igiene as will aid us during the ensuing sum mer, not,.alone from this, but from any other epidemic, or plague that may be marshalling its powers to visit the children of men. A -pure atmosphere and personal cleanliness are considered the best of safeguards. A thorough . cleansing then of every man's premises, the eremoval of all offal and garbage,-not a specko sof which shouldl remain to invite the pestilence. t Yards, sewers, and streets, etc., sho~uld- be 1 drained, cleanmsed, swept and fumugated. No Istaignant water should .remain, no debris Sshould accumulate. L.ime and other disinfect Sants should be~ used freeiy where damp aii tand other impurities prevail. Cellars, kitch e Ws't. should be venitilated, and white a shed. Every possible, effort 'should be~ -used to render the atnsphere, whfere human ity dwell, pure and sweet. -With~ regard to e individual hygiene, an eminent -physician says: Preserve the best possible state of gen eral health; all causes wihich make excessiv< draughts en the nerve centres of organic lift Ishould be avoided ; no confirmed habit either Sof bathing, dieting, the use of wines, or- exer e cise should be discontinued-nor should they be commenced ; though some of them might rba moderated with advantage. nud fommr w-ho mdn!c leave off theil drams, are almost invariably attacked and generally die. Their usual habits should be kept up, though their ordinary allowance ought in no case to be exceeded. The strictly temperate will derive no increased immunity from a resort to stimulants of any kind. Nos trums and medicines of all kinds, unless pre scribed by a judicious physician, should be carefully avoided. For former epidemic, particularly the first, much harm was done by a rigid system of abstemiousness, amounting, in some cases, al most to starvation. Wholesome, nutritious food, in sufficient quantities, and at regular intervals, is essential to the maintenance of a healthy organic sensibility. All excesses, or all articles of food which, under ordinary circumstances, are known to produce even slight discomfort, should be carefully avoided. Those accustomed to their use may eat ripe fruits, fresh from the tree or vine, in moderation, with impunity and even with advantage. Light meats, wholesome, fresh vegetables, and the ordinary beverages i milk, tea and coffee, are what the healthy appetite calls for, and nature will be found not only to tolerate, but to profit by them. The clothing slould be such as to preserve a uniform temm.rature of the surface. Flannel next to the skin has been universally recom mended, and there can be no doubt of its utili ty. The clothing generally should be accom modated to varying conditions of the tempera ture. All sudden transitions should carefully I be guarded against, and the body when heated by exercise should be permitted to cool under some slight addition to the covering. The laws regulating the diffusion and concentra tion of atmospheric poisons should be borne in mind, and our advice given in accordance with them. As the sun gains power in the morning, such poisons are gradually expanded ,and lifted into the higher regions of the at mosphere. So in the evening, as the sun goes down, and the shadows of night gather around us, they are rapidly. concentrated near the surface of the earth. During this period of condensation is to be found the greatest danger of exposure; hence the morning, the late evening, and the early night air, should be avoided. For the same reason chambers should be selected on the second or third floors in preference -to the first-cholera having always found a favorite abode in cellars and basements. During these Lhours the windows and doors of houses should 1 be closed, even though it become necessary to open them at a later period. It has been re commended to wear a veil of some kind over the face, when persons are compelled to go out at unseasonable hours, and there can be no objection to the adoption of such a recom rpndation. Davy's safety lamp effectually excludes the inflammable gases from the lamp flame, and there can be no reason why atmos pheric poisons may not be excluded from the air-passages by mechanical contrivances con structed ou the same principle. Fear, acting through the animal, makes heavy draughts on the organic sensibilities; hence tranquility of mind furnishes an impor tant safeguard against an attack of the dis ease. To secure this, persons should be ad vised to attend to their ordinary occupations, or encouraged to spend their time in adminis tering to the wants of the sick. The sooner any individual rids his mind of the fear of contagion, the sooner he familiarizes himself Iwith the presence of the disease, so much the sooner will be occupy a position of compara tive security. Distance, as it '"lends enchant ment to the view," also increases the apparent magnitude of all dangers.: One of the worst effects of a belief in the doctrine of contagion is that, whilst it gives no protection to the in dividual, -it deprives the sick of the ordinary olics of humanity. Humanity in all its ben eficent warmth often shrinks from a visit to the bedside of contagion. Once satisfy the 5mind that the disease is not contagious, and that, increased security is to be found in benev. olent ministrations, and we will no longer witness the shocking scenes of neglect which disgraced the epidemic in 18.32-'33. . When the epidemic influence is fully de veloped in any locality persons should be es pecially c.autioncd not to leave their home sin search of places of safety. They already car ry with them a full load of the poison, and tihe exertion incident to hasty preparatior: and rapid traveling has the effect of impairing their powers of resistance. A large propor tion of those who left Wheeling, after the epi demic was fully pronounced. were attacked with the disease before -reaching their destina-' nation. Under such circumistances home is the place of greatest safety. One paramnount dutty of every physician, both before and during an epidemic, is to im press upon all who depend upon him for ad vice, the vital fact that diarrhoea, in whatever form it commences, is the first stage of chol era, and that-the sooner it- changes to the characteristic rice-water appearance the more speedy is the descent to the last an,d fatal stages. From ignorance or wilful disregard of this fact, thousands and tens of tbousands of lives have been sacrificcd. iIe who neglects this symptom fails to put an extinguisher on the burning train which conducts to the ex plosive mine on which he stands. It is as serted by some writers that cases occur in which the violent symptoms of the second stage set in without a eccedent--diarrhea. Without deny ing the truth of these statements, I must be permitted to say that no such case fell under my obseruation, or under the obser vation of those physicians with whom I was' immediately associa ted in practice. In some cases it was, certainly, of very short duration, andin others it was at first denied, but in all, upon close inquiry, its existence was clearly ascertained. _The i mportance of this stage, as the only one generally curable, cannot be too often-or too forcibly inculcated. Many other points suigge,st themselves as worthy of being mentioned, but we have al ready transcended our limits. Attention has. been directed to these points, having a direct bearing on the. prophylaxis and general hy giene of the disease, to the exclusion of much that might have been said on other- branches of the subject, particularly the treatment. If, however, we have succeeded in showing that every community has at its command the sure means of diminishing the number of cases, and of converting the most fatal into a com paratively manageable disease, we have ac comphished more for thageneral welfare, than 'if we had given a full history of every mode of treatment, and a complete list of all the specific remedies, which have been recomn mended as infallible for the the use of the dis ease in all its stages. When under the im pression of a concentrated poison, the patient passes rapidly into the second and third stage., all remedies and all modes of treatment will be found alike unavailing, and as this monster 6ven now approaches our shores, he comes with the old familiar, melancholy motto, branded on his front: fifty deaths out ofecery hundred I attack. Judge Aldrich. It is known to our readers that Judge Al drich refused to hold Court on his circuit this Spring. In Kershaw District, a public meeting has been held to take his determina tion into consideration. Col. W. M. Shannon was called to the Chair. General J. B Ker shaw, a distinguished citizen of that District, offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: "Whereas, his Honor, Judge A. P. Aldrich has declined to hold the Court of Common Pleas for this District at the present term, in consequence of the interference of the milita ry authorities at Charleston to prevent the execution of the sentence of the court in case of the State vs. Cha;les Fox, tried at Charles ton at the January term; And whereas, the military authorities of the-State have, by their general orders, prohibited all interference with the civil courts in the exercise of their juris diction between and in respect to the white citizens thereof, and white residents not con nected with the military establishment with certain limitations contained in said orders, which limitations embrace but few of the ju risdictions of said court; And whereas, the military courts are in and bysaid orders ex pressly forbidden to exercise the jurisdiction permitted to the civil courts, be it "Resolved, That the refusal of the Judges to exercise the jurisdiction permitted then is not warranted by the circumstances, would be subversive of order, encourage lawlessness and crime, disappbint the just expectation of our people, shuts the door of justice against cur own citizens, and if persisted in generally will tend to an extension of the jurisdiction of the military courts, to embrace all classes of peo ple and all subjects of litigation. "2nd. That in our-opinion true policy and duty require that we should exercise. every privilege permitted us, and that rulers, Mag itrates and-people should unite in every effort to restore peace, law and order to our afflicted country, to which end nothing would more tend than the re-opening of the corts of jus tice. "3d. That while entertaining personally entire respect for Judge Aldrich, we feel bound by our sense of public duty respectful ly to protest against the policy, wisdom and proprety of his action in the premises." Gen. Kershaw, and the two members of the House of Representatives, made speeches, in support of the preamble and resolutions. In Sumter, (the same judicial circuit) the "Watchman" in a well considered aiticle, also takes issue with Judge Aldrich. The "Watch man" very sensibly contends that, without the law is administered, the worst results may be expected in every shade and -form of society. The Legislature evidently intended that the Courts should be promptly opened, and the law enforced. The election of Judges and Chancellors proves it conclusively. Heavy taxes were ailso levied to pay these Judges their salaries. Washington News. It is stated that the Reconstruction Coin mittee have agreed upon the following impor tant propositions : First.-The Constitution must be so amend ed that hereafter no State shall make a- dis crimination in its laws or Constitution on ac count of color. Second.-After the 4th of July. 1876, ne groes shall have the right to vote. Third.-No representation -will -be allowed between 1866 and 1876 for negroes not alloav ed to vote. Fourth.---The Sonthern States to be repre sented on these conditions on taking the oath. -The French Minister had an audience" -with the Secretary of State, recently, anid pre sen'ted the formal adhesion of the Fiecnch Government to the principle of :non-interven tion, as explained by the United Stat'es. The French Emnperor kindly and cordially- repli_ese to our Government, and engages to withdriw is troops froi -Mexig~o-in three detachments, one in November next, one iii May, and one" in November, 1867. - Ouir Government hearing .that Austria is raising troops to operate against Mex-co, -his instructed ouir Minister at Vien'na to inform that Gnernment-that in-a war waged bji he at this~ time,"udider' existing 'efrcumstangesJ the Unite~d'States nould not remain silent- or indifTeient spectators. Austria has coine.up6n the ground^of non.intergention to which wte have invited trance. -- T1he President has filled-al! the appointipents in Virginia for the I-nterr.al Revenue Depart ment with parties who have taken the test oath. Gen. Sickles has been nominated by the~ Senate as Minister to the Hogue. SAVED HIS STRAwBERRIES.-An eXchange mentions an ingenious method by which a entleman saved his strawberries from the daily attack of an army of robins. lie killed a worthless cat, skinned and stufied her, and having fitted ini glaring glass eyes, he mounted her in the centre of a strawberry patch. Al though the robins continued to congregate upon the fence and trees near by, and scolded incessantly, none of them ventured upon the patch again. Perhaps the same "scare robin" would save the cherries. - It is worth a trial, particularly where cats abound as they do in some premises at night. A genuine case of trance is reported from Guilford, England. An old lady, after being for a long time ini a low state of health, sunk down suddenly, and was pronounced by a surgeon to be dead. The coffin was purchased and the body put into it, but it is said that just as .the under taker was about t9 screw down the lid, the sup posed corpse started bolt upright, to the greatU terror of the bystanders, anid getting out of its coffin, walked across the room. It is added that the "old lady is now bale and strong"' A Nashville letter tells of a poor white so] dier boy starving on the pavement of that ciy No Freedmen's Bureau for him. Work for the 3o1M. -- Coinx.-The present high pricesfor . corn notwithstanding the full crop.asM year'at West-arising mainly from the high priges of. transportation, and the indispensableiiecess ty of a full supply, admonish us to pl n & - large crop of this great sfaple: Therefore, manure heavily, plow deep, use ie best,and heaviest seed you can obtain', and .lpt yog t after culture be of the most thorough charaC ter-working often and deep after the f plowing, but shallow after the roots begin to extend, bo that they n. ay be unbrken. In - deed, these four things co nstitute i..the rl e system of corn growin~-deep breaking up' - and especially under the rows, plaoting -Ahe corn lower than the general level, ple'ty4 f - manure applied, and a frequent shaHow stir ring of the surface during the growth of the corn. See that you have enough planted. Corro;.-After your crop is well starte push furward the planting of' cotton withdut - delay. It is -very important to, get an e4ir stand, and much may be efected in tiis,a by throwing up the.beds light and dry, -a - be sure that you havegood seed anted * - the beds are tough ahd cloddfgdhey wi improved by a light harrowing Deore.pJn in'. A thoroughly prepargd soil is better - secure an early stand, than hasty,. 4ntim61iy planting. Sweet Potato,!s, bedded last month,- tI-WAK a begin to furnish "draws." G'od,fair" A - - soil, and plenty of n 6ure,'Xre t6ie prini' V * quisites for success. Break o g deep-open wide and deep fuzrows-s - good, well rotted manure orrotted - - es, &c., thickly along in this furrow&,ind on that a broad and rather.flat- bed rn this bed lightly, with a rake, -o pulvemsi level it, and you are all ready. for6j The "draws" should be carefully t e roots dirped in a thick batter, med .f - earth, ashes and fresh.cow-dung, equil - stirred into water, and the plant set with i -;'* "dibble" or other stick, ab6at 15 or 18iych4f, apart in the row. If the weather is ' . -__ 41 plant after 4 P. M.; and pour a gill Ov --tvwo, water around the root of each "draw lea e - - only dry earth on tha surftee, top.e rapid evaporation' from, too netfa, TAP.i: The after culture consists.'n hghtjy --- the ,des of the beds, to keep the weeds - and stirring the earth ~a little,. if ith sh - - tendency to bake or become hard. .As,soo- -- as the -vines begin to cqver the ridges 45 - - spread across the rows, you-may lay the.0p by. Close atention to these hint, (wh - blessing of Providence,) will ensure- ag yield ; and the crop ought to be larger this year than ever before. Chinese Sugar 'Cane, for syrup,s planted as soon as tie weather becomes Se tied and warm-a I ttle after -ornpit - time. Tbe peaple of the Westpre mate is not so favorable for t'is plant - us, are still planting.it larg&ly, for the tion of syrup and fodder--ucb imorA ourselves. It niay-be planted much -fal. corn, for a.syrup cro p but:ifyo'aal -4 an af/er Crop- of forage and ( erigp - you should plant ndw. . Corn in the drill, Egypiillrre ridnGrass and other foragderps !nGstW_-* in largely-but it'is entirey usessAO'-te t these quick -pwing and ~ehaus g crp,unlesryou ppare- the -r deeply and thoroughly, andaply "any#q3 ~ ~ tity" of manure. Early, crops of co-. 4 may also be sw For fodder, wedSprc ''& sow them in~idi ill-; -but if irtend& tth$*~ under for manure, 'sow s broadcasLCo mon Corn mnay,-also, be-sowrn in ihe4il j 4L. - foroge. - '."~ -Jerusalem Artiikes may -be pt'anted7m -. low spots, waste places, sides ~of4iHes) -C - 2 and will yield good.food for E(ogs Pla-it also; if your soil is saridy few2ai - a' in Gouber peas, which will.beifound;v7p ~ r ful for your fatteningswine- - - Plant alsoi the Gh7dfa, bf ar largely. It is a most pro1t e highly relished by hogs chicTiensadpe'. - pe generally !-Southsen ?151)vator A WORD TO -rRlE Co.LORED 7~rOL -~'z1t~ tie~ for you all to shion your deszh-e to ;gY- - respect and confideiice of-.other Yo u ~ been Lnaliciously told that those who~ e . mrly your masters are .dispose~ ~to - flut you kn ow by'this ti:eehu~-i~ 3 - on with- you r-rorlignfug .and ., and youiiLlw:ay, findkplprty- to agnst persons'of.mnalicious designs2-~9r$ -r has veqy wisejy crea.tpd a court for,y6ur.e e and when you feel that injusti& liab n you, you iare: the .prfviregc offiing to" Court, and asking- for juie. Ooitb-' -. you can in proper wayeO rroBOire d ests.--Iinnsbora 7ci?i -- - - The New Orleans-'Thia says' 12Si- - -siggested by .a.correspondeib that s *~ turkeys and other poultry arSCIo 'is because~the.General Conerezyce is -esli here,- and likely to,.ide'iorg$veraI we .i' Twn Tak 'dt't believe a weil Of;. H h knovn poultry equally high when therewaA n~ a conference within a hundred^mdeCs of-tife mar ket." A IN FORl THlE JoHNSON PaART LNaa[sAco sz-s.-The "Johnson" paLrty is in the..ascen4ket, at Nahant; Massachusetts. A.,t.hie recent tas t~ meeting the followving .officers were electe: Moderator, David Johnson ; town clerk, A.. D. Johnson ;selectme~n and assessors, W. H. Johni son, E. B. Johnso:n, C. Harvey J.ohnRon; treasurer and collector, W. WV. Johnson ; school- commit tee, Franuklin E . Johnson, Walter JohnsonM-. George L. Johnson iras also appointed a consta The ladies of Raleigh, Ny C., receently prpose& to organ-ze an association, of which the oldes& member should be the president and the. yoeog est the secretary. But the dear creatnires soon met with an unexpected and ipsurmountable dif flulty, and the project has been abandoned, it having been found impossible to Obtain a -rs dent, and every one of tlVe members claimnlag the right to be secretary. In New York city there are 35,000 dram sikops; and 300,000 drmnkers, each drinking two gills- of liquor per day-300,000 barrels 'a year. Tliis qunity would mike a reservoir 900 feet long, 50 feet-wide, and 63 feet deep, -and could 'foat for arge ships in full sail ; at $69 per.barre, it ' amounts to $18,000,000. Out.Qf 700 csses ~rld before the Court of Special Sesions last -year,' not more than 94 were' sober when..arrested. P'aupers in the city cost $4,000,000 a year. "Saie" for Sarah is the last illustration. -p the "ic mania among voan lndieg -