New Work-Shop AT .FRO8 Q-.EVEL, 31, t, Carriaies, Buggio, Wagons Coaches F all kinds made and repirel on the slort est noticv. PAINTING, TI IM NG, & ; also, all kiud of WOOD nd IION WORK done to-order, in the nearest posS*bt2 :1 - Also, HORSE-SHOEIN , and all kiud of plan tation work. Th.e lpatronnge tcf the pn"'e, respectfnily so P0ited. WATTS, CAPMAN & CO. Frog Level, S. C., April 12tl, 1StJG April 25, l'-tt. GHIVER 40 BE1CJ4kHA1hf,5 COLi',BILA S. C., DRY GOODS, U00TS, SHOE8 & HATS. TE invite our acgfaintances, and the public rentram!v, to give us a e ill. . C. SHIIVE,-I W. M. BECK-A1. X pril 23, 17-5t. uE COPARTNERS1IP1' heretofore existing T under the stvie of KAY. VEAL & HEW TSON, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. KAY, VEAL & HIEWETSOy, Architects and Engineers. -April 16, 18GG. Kay & Hewetson WIT ILL attend to business at their present office. We shall be prepared to receive 'rders in one week frnm now for further woik. KAY & IIEWETSON, April 25-17-It. Architects andEngineers. NEW SUPPLY OF Drugs & Medicines, L ! GRIBAL & EG AYb) on tFO EE,weete Tarbe prepard ato Furnish LatL there WET CA4SH PRICES, a variety of articles in theit )ne, embracing Drugs, Me diecines, Paints, Oils and Tar nishi, Cigars, fine Chew lug Tobaeco, Hair Oils, Fan-: ey and Common Soaps, Per'fumery and Patent Medi eines. - Purchasers will find ino-ur establishment a full ASSORTED STOCK, 'which we propose to sell LIFW DL. L. M. GRfIMBALL, -GEORGE LEG GE. DR. 1L M. GR/fMBALL ( FERS fli PROFES.'IONAL SERVICES '1 to the Citizens of Frog Level and the sur r ounding country. He may be found at his of ie in the Drug Store. A pril 18, 16-4t. Mules for Sale, - HEubscriber has five or six, well broken, TNo. 1 MU LES for sale, which will be dis posed of most reasonably on application to him. E. H. CIIRISTIAN. A pril IS, 16. NEW GOODS At Bush River. I would -respectfully inform my fr iend; and customers, that 1 have just returned front * -. - Gharleston, where I have with great care se lected a comp1ete stock of goods. Ikving bought entirely for cash, and since thec great - decline in goods, as my price list below will * show, I am enabled to sell cheaper than the ebespest. All I ask is an cxamnination of my block. I will sell lbrown bom'espuns 13 cents per yard, lIleached " 15 " talicoes " 15 " hiuslins " 25 " Men's, boys, ladies and inisses hats, $1 each "" " " shoes, $1 per pr And all other goods in proportion. I will .buy or barter for all kinds of country pro duce. I have a nice lot of Bacon, Molasses, Flour, Corn and1 Iron ..on hand, all of which I will sell low. TIhankfal to my friends and patrons for their kind patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed uIpon me, I-hope by strict attcntion *to business to still merit the same. THOS. F, HARIMNK ap18163t Spring Goods ! At Low F igures. The nttention of the citizens of New berry, the public generIiy and the ladies particularly, is invited to an ex am.Inaton of our stock of Spring and Summer Consisting in part of Prints, Delaines, Muslins, Cra pe Marettes, Grenadines Porn1stics, Cloths, Cassimers, Cloakings, Hosiery, Dress Skirts, Collars, & Ties, &c., &c. These g6ods have been bought low, since the decline in prices, and we can sell them, therefore, much lower than heretofore, and perhaps than can else where be had. We take this occasion to state that our stock of SHOES is- being offered 50 per cent oelow cost to close out this particulair line of business. R. B. HOLMAN & CO. April 18, 16-tf. Teii Tioisand HANUS WANTED TO WE AR OUR LADIES KID, White and Colored, " Lisle Thireatd Gauntlets, " Silk Mitts, Missen Silk Mitts, Men's Cnlored Kid Gloves, An.d all othcr S T ES can 1ie foud -R. 1B. IIOLMAN & CO. Administrator's Sale, WT ILL be sold Sale-dlay in May, a HOl~SE and LOT in the town of Newberry, ad >ining the property of the late M:s. A. CalIdwell elonging to the estate of Mrs. Rosannah Moore e'd. Terms cash. NIGO. II. D. IUTNTN A pril 18, 10-St._-___________ Notice. 4LL persons having demands against the Es titate of John C. Chahners, Dec'd,n ill please ur1: nis mer John T. Peterson with a copy' of he san:e, in order that i nmy luow the indebt ~diess of the estate. E. P. CHALMERS. A pril 18-?G-Jt. paid. A dm'r. 00-Par'tner'ship Notice. rIIE subscribers have this day formed a part r:ership uder the name and style of WIS ~EMAN & WILUEI, to transact a General GIro er and Commission business. 0aving superior accommodation, particular at ention will be given to the storage of cotton, d goods generally. We hope by ztrict atten ion to busine~ss to merit anzd receive a share of ublic patronage.I. WIKMY W. G. WILB3ER. Newherry, A pril 10, 1SGO. A pril 18-1 6-st. New Furitir Store, ~her Rutledge & Ostendorffsj ( And Opposite the Marbic Yard.) ' E expeoct to keep constantly on hand, a complete assortment of the following ar ~ieles, viz:. hnmber Setts, (D)iffereot S;ylres.) BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Bed-steads, T'rund les, Cribs, Cradles, MA T ASSES, Qilet, Salvon, Foldin~g and Ectension Tal>?es, SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, DIVANS, R00KING CHAIRS~ (from Common to the Finest.) A good variety of Cane and Wood-seat Chairs, and Children's Rockers, D)ining and Nursery Chairs, also Merchant's Stools. We will also k.eep Wall Papering anid Window Shades, and furnish Looking-Glass Plates, for old frames. Iavng had several year's experience in this m~siness, we feel confiden't :hat we can soil as !,anp as any house in the State; andl hepe that l our old friends will call and examine our ;tok. WEntrance through Rutledge & Osten lori's stor-e. .U0HN R. LEAVELL & CO. April 13114 3mo. Carriage. MYaterial, Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, Best Hickory Shafts, Enameled Cloth, Patent Moleskin cloth, Oil Cloth, Carriage Bolts, Silver Lining Nails, &c. &e, ALso, ap 11 15 se At S.* P. BOOZER & CO'S. NOTICE. * -- - - ,~ ~ hERE TREY COME. ORE nice Summer Goods, we are just re our third stock of SPRING and SUMMER Gt)()D-Z, ml hope the public will find them to plearc their fancy in price and style. We have a splendid lot of Prints, Mui-lin;, Chal lies, and va ious other I)res Good., aiso, Parisols, Fan!;, &e., &c., b!ack and dvttud Alpacca, and for Gents', Ciotis, Does'ins, Cas,imeres, Tweeds, Cottonades, Linen Coods of verious styles. We al6o have a ve'y heavy stock of Boots and Shoe, which will be sold very cheap. Give us a call and(] see if we do what we say. Don't forget the place. LOVELACE & W.EELER. April 18, 16-tf. W, W HOUSEALL, WITH LOTELACE & WHEELER, DFALEil. I N I'D' 0' DRY GDDD GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTIONS, &c. Te will be plad to have his friends and former cu.stomers, and the publie generallr, to call and examine the above stock of goods, heing deter mined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. mar 21 12 Something PLENDID New Orleans AlMolasses, just receivedz a1d for sale low ; Halfibar- . rels Mackerel, nos. 1, 2 & ) to sell by the 4 barrel or retail, and Kits, nos. 1, 2 and 3, fresh and chean. Also good yellow b'eese an< Fresh butter Crackers, Newark Cidesr Vinegar, Maccaroni, v And maiy other articles for family use at LOW PRICER, by ap 11, 1.5 LOVELACE & WHEE-LER%. DRESS GOODS. XT E are now opening ip a nice lot of Sum W ticr Dress G-oods for. Ladies and tent' ( use We have for Ladies, Prints, Muslins, Print- k ed .ackonets, Organdies, Chenai, Leno, White Jclionets, Swiss, Briliants, Diapers, Linen, &C., &e. Also a handsome lot of Summer Shawls and a good lot of Ginghams, cheap, Solid Colored Goods of various colors, Furniture Prints, Gloves, ose, Ribbons, Elastic, Braids, Tapes, &c., &c. Dxnestic goods, White, Striped, Checked, Bed ticking &c., 10-4 Sheeting fine, 4-4 Sheeting and S. J. Goods. * LOVELACE & WHEELER. A pril 4-14-if. GROCERIES. i .WTE have a ful! andl fresh stock of Groceries, e Hadware, Notions, and almost anything, hat is to be had in this market. Provisions re- sC ailed in as small parcels as any may wish to pu r-Icl base. And don't forget that we will purchase r barter for nil kinds of country produce, so if P ou want goods and haven't the ready cash ju1st jcI ring along your produce and barter for the g odis, as you can get them just as cheap as for 0 he cash, and don't ask for credit as that ihas s played out." We don't chtarge anything for howing goods, so come and look if you don't E purcase. LOVELACE & WHEELER. April 4, 14-tf. ci pl Scythe Blades. H SCYTIE BLADES, Andi WIHET ROCIiS, ust received and for sale byh ap 11 15 LOVELACE & WHEELER. h W E h ave a splendibi stock of Shoes for the Tseason, for Ladies, Gents', Misses and oys, fresh and good stock, which we inten.i to sell low. We can make it to your interest to call and examine the stock before making your urhases. LOVELACE & WHEELER. A pril 4, 14-t f. LAM~PS, LAMPS, B)RACKET LAMPS with reflectors, Stem ~ .Lamttps, Band Lamps, and extra Bairners gr for Lamps, 40 doz. Lamp Chimneys, Brusies for rleaning Lamp Chineys, also, Lamp Shades. For sale cheap byg LOYELACE & WHEELER. A IIARIDWARE, &c. < XES, Hoes, Tsace Chains, Shovels, Spades, E AHatchets, Hlamnmeis, Ir&n, Nails, Tacks, nives and Forks, Packet Knives, Seissors, Sheep. hears;Butcher Knives, Curry Combs, &c., &c. d For sale or harter by LOVELACE & WHEELER. FISH 1I00KS and LINES. NICE lot of, branch and creek, Hooks and LI Lines. For sale hy 7 LOV El; CE & WHEELER. 7E will barter any goods 'a our line for nll kinds of country-produce, and will, also, ay cash for the same if pr'eferred. Be sure to give us a call. LOVELACE & WHEELER. I'O THE LADIES. K .RS. SELL respectfully informs the ladies of L1N ew~berry, and vicinity, that her SPR INGCr ST O OIK OF ' [s now open for their inspection -r.nd approval, and consists in part of the latest styles of ATS AND BDNNETS For LADIES and MISSES. ibbons, Flowers & T'iri ings I] f most hoautiful patterns, an.d all the many little el ~rtiles whici constitute a first class STOCK in d~ he MILLINERY LINE. HeIr iong experience in the above business war rants her in believing that site c-an render satis Faction to all who favor her establishmient with a in it. ~March 28, 12-tfA For Sale, -fHREE FINE VIOLIN'S, prices ranging fromrn] L$10 to $20)each. Also, one good PIANOJI ~uitable for i~ Miss to learn on, price $75. For Further information inquire at this OFFICE. I Mach 28, 12-tf. School' Notice, MRS. RYAN and MISS MORTIMER having opened a SCIl00L at the residence of Mr. T. H.< Mortier, are prepared to receive a few more p scholars. Mr. Mortimner will teach Writing and Marh 14 C Late Arrivals OF FRESI GOODS, rOP, TrIM Srming Trade. W. H. WEBB A-ould respectfully inform his friends and the mblic cenerally of New berry, that having nade his purchases for the Spring Trade at TIE LOWEST FIGURES, le is noxv aljle to diso-e of his lirge stock t grcatly reduced prices, which embraces a -nervl1 ard full line of Prints, Muslins, Nansooks, &c. and IIATS or latest spring styles. aeghorn, Panama, and Palm Leaf IIATS, for gentlemen and boys. is BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies and Mis ses, gents and boys, are very complete. he stoe!t is ful, covering Bacon and Lard, uperior and chenp,) Sugars, all grades, Cof es, Teas, and all other articles usually kept r called for. In Hardware, Crockeryware, Gassm-are, 'he variety and prices can hardly fail to suit Ie wants of all classes. Call at the corner under the Hotel, mar 21 12 W. H. WEBB. lEAD QARTERS FOR ANIS, ANTA CAUS,r notw.hstnnding that the sea son for his distribution of good things has st, has returned to Newberry with a great va etiy of Fancy Goods, Gonfectionaries and Gro ries, which will be disposed of at the establish ent of L.. M. WICKER Assorted candies, gum drops, toys, fruits iid nes, currants, citron, raisins, almornds, English lnuts, pecan nuts, hazie nuts, nuts, co ~anuts, fruits, lemons, sugar buiscuits, lemon, da, wine and Boston crackers, ginger cakes, ecsc, flavoring extracts, figs, fig-paste, honey, unes, wines, cordials, syrups-, porter, ale, ampagnc, vermacelli, maccaroni, table sal.t, ~sters, sardines, pickles, pepper sauce, mustard, da, ginger, candles, matches, sugar, coffee, tea, ackerel, flour, blaeing, indigo, copperas, starch, ound pepper, unground do., spice, nutmiegs, ves, hams, rice, codfish, salt, blue stone, cam ior, tobacco, segars, pipes, maccaboy snuff, toi soaps, blacking, brushes, paper collars, but ins, combs, brushes,pencils,hooks & eyes,thread, nentra t ed !ye,sifters,cottoncards,Whittemlore's . 10, 1 pair ladies' scales, buckets, shoe thread, ir pins, pens, and in fact everything usually und in a family grocery or confectionery store. All of which will be sold cheap for cash. If m cannot conme settd, but in all cases let cashi copany the order. - mar 28 13 tf A. 31. WICKER. ILVER STREET CARRIAGE JANUFACTORY. [ H E subscriber is now prepared to do all kinds Lof repairing on Carriages, Buggies and Wa ms; Painting and Trimming neatly executed. lI kinds of Blacksmith's Work done. I have a large lot ol seasoned lumber, four en setts of Wheels, Buggy bodies, Spokes, ubs, Felloes, Shafts, Poles, &c. Two fine xnew Buggies, 1 .sett fine silver plated muble Harness. Terms positiv51v cash. ap 11 1m LEVI SLAWSON. NOTICE. HE UNDERSIGNED respectfullyanoce Lto the citizens of Newberry, anid surround g country, that lie is how fully prepared to fill I oriers for SaTh, Doors,.Blinds, Window andI oor Frames, Mouldinig and Cornice, Plaininig, ngee and Grooving, and all kinds of Scroll ork, &c.,'on the shortest notice. Terms Cafsh. W. A. CLLNE. March 14, 11l-3m. 'e State of' South Carolina. NEWBERRY DISTRICT-IN EQUITY. rai A. Thlompson, r. Thos. A. Thompson and, ~Jno. .11. Thomnp.xn. Bill to sell preperty and to marshal asset ts. IE creditors of the estate of Dr. THOMAS W. THOMPSON, are required to render id etablish their fesfpective claihs on oath bc re the Comissioner. on or before. the twenty xth day of May next; dr they wil' ha precluded. SIL AS JOHN STONE, C. E. N. D. Co's. Omeie, Feb. 26, 1866. Fe b. 28, 9-3m. $5 XOTICE. H AVE opened, byv request, in connection 'ithi my Writing School for Young Men, a ass for Young Ladies, which meets at my resi nce every afternoon at 4 o'e!ock. The claQs for young men meets at the New rry Academy, att 3 o'elock, p. mn. Terms $6; per month, payable in advance. TPrivate lessons given when desired. March 28, 18S6 O R. T. CAPERS. Wm. Boyce ESPECTYULLY INFORMS THE TUBLIC that he has opened a choice stock of fresh MJLY GRODDER JES, id intends to keep constan'tly on hand a gene .1 assortment of goods in that line. He respectfully solicits, and hopes by selling ods at small profits, to secure a share of puiihe His store is onMainastreet, opoieDco ipers' drug store, where he will be pleased to New Store. DRY OD S, Ladies' Dress Goods, CLDT HiNG, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &Co, lessrs. J, H. Rutledge & Bro., 11 ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of New lb berry and surrounding country that they have opened a COMPLETE STOCK of the above Goods at the stand formerly occupied by Miller & Thompson, where they intend to keep con ktantly on hand a well-sclected supply of the latest styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, Clothing, &c., ke. Will soon have on band a cheap lot of choice Groceries, Iardware and Crockery. J. H. Rutledge & Bro, Newberry, April 4, 1866. SILVER STREET VARIETY STORE, NO, 3. North East Corner of Messrs. Stewart and Rober s:Or,, one door below Slawson's Silver Street Car ringe Manufactory, one door above Smith's Dead. fall Row, No. 4. TO. 3 being Broadway of this town you will IN of course find the latest, cheapest and most approved style of Spring and Summer GOODS, ever be!bre offered in this town. Being immediately on the Rail Road you may look for the engine when the whistle blows, em bark for the upper or lower country, remember ing to take a glass of ALE before leaving. J. W. SPEARMAN. April 18, 16-3t* Notice, NF.WBFnP', April 2, tS66. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of .MONTGOMERY & MILLER, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. CHAS. W. MONTGOMERY, WM. T. MILLER. The business of the late concern of Montgom ry & Miller, will be continurd by Chas7W. Mont omery on his individual account. April 11-15-3t. For Sale. .117 THAT handsome residence, for. merly the property of Mr. Samuel A gnew, situated between the Epia; opal Church, and the dwelling of the late Chan' ellor Johnstone. On the prcmises are all necessary outbuildings md a good well of water. The lot containa 3 cres highly cultivated. The premises are in ood repair. A pply to March 28-13-tf. MRS. E. SELL. Estate Notice, ALL persons having any claims against the Estate of ELJHU C. PAYNE, dec'd., are ereby requested to hand thenm in to the Ordi ary for Newberry District, by the 1st day of ay, next. It is earnestly hoped that one and illwill heed this notice, as at that .time I shall roceed to pay off as far as possible such claims. All persons indebted to said Estate will make ayment to me by that t.ime. ELIZABETH A. PAYNE, Executrix. Chappell's Depot, April 3, 1866.' A pril 11, 15-8t.. NO0W Full and Complete OUR S70CK Ladies', Gentlemen's, Bloy's Youth's, Misses & Children's BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS &c1 S now full and complete. Consisting of evei'. Ivariety and style of Gobds, ih -du lthe, all f which were mnade, especially to order, by the ery best maufactors. Therefbre, we feel confi ent that we can, and will sell a better shoe for the same money, than any other house this side f Philadelphla. We cordially invite a call be fore you buy elsewhere. L.M. SUBER, & Co., Main st., opposite Court House. N. B.-Reing connexecd withm the House oftI . Suber & Co., I will be haispy to see all my old friends and customers. Jan 10 2 tt McDUFFIE METTS. COKING STOVES AFEW very excellent COOKING STOVES Aof ditecrent sizes, have just been rec'eived directly from the manufactureis in New York, nd for sate 'My W. T. WRIGH T, Who furnishes NEW WROUGHT IRON BACKS, FOR OLD STOVES, that will last for years. Whbo riianufactures and sells at wholesale and retail the very best article Who does oong, Guttering,Putting in YalUes, &c. Who doesall kinds of REPAIRING, usually done by tinners. And last, though not least of all, who returns thanks to a generous public for the very liberal patronage which he has received since opening at his present stand, and hopes, by diligence in business and a dispo sitior. to please all, never to merit less. Jan 244 tf Piano for Sale, V Lbe sold at a bargain, a fine Rosewood PIAO, nearly new. Also, a desirable lot of FURNITUR E, as good as new, being but ittle used, consisting in part as follows: 3 fine Marbe top Bureaus and Washstands, 2 fmne Wardrobe, .3 Sofas, 1 Mahogany Frenchm Bed ste-ad, 1 Book Case, Gentre Tables, Extension Dining Tables, What Nots, Cottage Bedsteads, f attrases, Chairs, and itumerdus other articles too tedious to mention.S.IUD March 28, 13-1t. _._____D STATE OFESOUTH! CARLLINA. NEWBERRY DISTRICT'. U John 7. Pet ersqon, Esq., Ordinary of Yew berry Dis,trict. VH IEREAS, Elizabeth Herbert baA. applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Chesley WV IIerbert, late of the District, aforesaid, deceasea : , These are therefore to cite and admonish anl and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before .me, at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be ho,nat Sei wherry Co-oirt Houne, on the 20th day TO TIlE CITIZENS OF -SOVTN CAR#Zg The termination of a.sanguinary conteet. J M for the past f,)ur ve?rs has presented an Lis - ble barrier to all social or commercial inergr between the two great se~ctions of our cott having at length hppffy cleared away al obsW - -cle to a renewal of those relations wh'!ch formevi ly bound us t6gether in a,fraternal unic,'t ~t67 - -I the earliest oppe-rtunity aficorded me ny tri19i picious event, to greet my Southern frien4da "t to solicit from them a renewal of thatr extensjr basiiness connection which for a quarter ofs eeo turv has been uninterrupted save by the pPl;Iic clarnity to wbich I have advertfA - It i scarcel C' i rr, on the hrs - business re-union, I should repeat- the -an so often given to my friends;-to bew-re of3 those spurious and deleterious compoulids - -. under the specious an false iltles of Inp r" Wines, Brandijes, I-laud Gin, Liquor, e have been equally destructive to the health 6f citizens as prejudicial to the interest of th'e~egi mate Importer. Many years nf my past life have been empen in an open and candid atttmyt tn expose -thei'e. wholesale frauds: no time nor R%pense has beer spared to accomplish this salutary purpose, an'2 to place before my fi iends and the public geners -4 Ily, at the lowest rmarket price, and in such quan might suit their convenience, i truly -eh ulne import-ed article. Twenty five years business.- transactions* the largest and most respectable exporting ho in France and Great 1ritain have aflorded1WeAm surposed facilities for supplying our boud - ket with Wines, Liquors and Liqmures of best and mos approved brands in-Europe, in ad dit6n *6 i*ny own distillery in Holland for tho manufacture of the "Schiedam Schnapps." The latter, so long tested and approted ty medical Faulties of the United States; West a ~ dies and South Air cri-c :0 Ah invaluable thera peutic, a wholes3me, pleasant and perfecty i beverage in all climates and during all seaso- -- quickly excited the cupidity of the hbme INI ufacturers and venders of a spurious article-! . der the same name. - - I trust that I have, after much toil and, f-M, pense, surrounded all my importations with safe; - guards and directions which -with ordinary cw- - umspection will insure their delivery, as I ceive them from Europe, to ali my- customers. I would, however, recommend inall cse where it is poszible, that orders be sent dirftt e my depot, 22 Beaver Street, New Yt1k, _r jh - pruchases be made of imy abcredited agent In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandie &c., I have a considerable supply of old tried for eign wines, embracing vintages of many years - past, bottled up before the commencement of the - war, which I can especially recommend to ai . conneisseurs of th',e rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the, eIly attention of my Southern customers to the s' vantage to be derived by trnsnmittig hafiWr -or ders without less of time,or caliing e oaly ia the depot, in order to insuri the falfiient bf their orders out of the prsent large and we116' lected assortment. - UDO,LPHO WOLEBL Feb 21-3m 22 Beavel Street, New Yor The most complete MANUFA CTOURI OF GOOD TIN WARE; In Amnerica, can be found at NEWBEY a H., g HENRY IL. BLEASE, Jan 3 1 tf -Propriet MERCHANTS WOUL~D DO WFPL To esH~ at .BLEASE'~ And examine his -. Tin Ware &Prie*. Jan 3l1tf -~..~ OLID STOVES and OLD STOV3. Piping, old Gutters, .okd Roofing And all old Tin Ware - - Repaired at short notice, by .jan .3 1 tf HENRY H."BLEAik NEW RO&FING, NEW STO~ New Sto've Piping,~ new Guttering New Tin for Valleys, &c., &c All fu.rnished and finisbed, wih3ILo the newest improvemnents, b4 jan 3 1 tf HENRY HI. BEE~A$ - - Fisk' MIetallic Burisidae T HE subscriber has just r ceived a.snyt these Cases, from the ab~ove eelbat4 manufacturer, which are-of-the latest arnd:100% improved patterns, -andt or elegant Rosveli fnish, a-nd which he efters at low ratesT t~ d -4w public. He takes this eecion to say tha tb have been purchased exclusirelys fot #iIt -I selling them at only a sinall advance on the. gas price, that no orders-for the-above Cases will be attended to unless accotnpanied wiflr the eash.? - Newberry, 9. C., March 1, 86. - 11T AS returned. from Augustai and is prepared ILto take any ki:id of PICTURE. Ambotycs,Photographs, Prlis From any, kind of Pictures ! AT THE OLD OPPOSITE THE 00UET EOUE: 'Jan 17 3 tf Dr. J& E. Dapray, SURGEON DENTIST, FROM CHARLESTON; O FFICE on the North side of Main streer, for: merly occupied as a la w office by Mr. G.G. DeWdIt, and opposite Mr. Field Montgorhiery's Watchmaking and Jewelry store. Dr. Dapray is pow prepared to perform all pi rations at the OLD PRICES for CA-H or itA eq~uivalent. Chiloroform administefed when de sired. All fillings 1.50, each. Newberry, June 1. '66. IV W. BYTJHE WOOD BROKER ArTrmNEER -AND COMMISSION AGENT;