The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, March 28, 1866, Image 3

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-.z go& WICKEn UA,-JUST RECEIVED A SyLANDB ASSORTMENT OF Hardware, Crockery-ware, hotioneries, Notions, &c., &c., &C,, Whek they intend selling at the Ur lowest -Also Wi Barter for, or buy, all kinds of Country Ptedce, at the "Stand of the 'Old Book Store." Ce0wuiexanixe before purcauing elsewher:. Narc 28 Is bf Livid Landreth & Co.'8 Fmesh Garden Seed. ON MELON, super. S Turniparooted Red Beet. 40MRood-rooted Beet, -VDnemUa d Savoy Cabbage, Flat Dutch Cabbage, Ozheart Cabbage, li Z Dutch Turnip, ary White Red Top Turnip, White 1arrowfat Peas. 84 CIL Jast received, and fo- sale by R. STEWART. g At present can be had by calling at my & 83 NTATION TfOR SALE. SALE my plantation in' Edgefield -It I jontaiing 30 ACRES of LAND, ibri in -OWivation and the balance i nat -i n the place is a good dwelling keome cotaining fire rooms, and all necessary istbodings. Church and school within a half -0. of the place. It is within 14 miles of New berry, C. -., and thr ee- fourths of a "mile from *uda River on the Cherokee Road, fortz erly the pesephce of Jacob Ppe, dec'd. For pa:ticu ~- MVdress F. M. POPE, Columbia, So. Ca. PAVILWN HOTE. Corner Mfeetin.g and Hasel Str eete, CHARLESTON, S. C ~kTES OF ROA RIi PER DA Y, $3.00. II. L BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor. DAL & POPE, eceeseors to Allen & Dial,) > !apeIe rft Pm ealerw in Eng1ish and American hon,leel, Nails, Castings, Mill Stones, Bolt ClegtI.hs, Cirular Saws, 11i11 frons', Sugar Pa~ns, 4 kfera kales, India Rubber 2.n Leather Beit - CaVrpenters, Blac,ksmiith and Tanner& Tools, ~~u~ktpnl and Furnuishinrg Ha,rdware, Agni G,Fec a: d Ameiicani Window GItss, - ;.., Rifid tiols, Shot BArs, Powder Flas~ks, oNde-r, shot.'A. WIIO.ESALi AND RETAIL., it~e b.geof the Golden Pad Lock, .COlUMEIA, SO.- CA. )ar~ch28, 13-St. *NEWJ SPRING DRY GOODS, AT TBlE ~~reton House, PTLL4WEBB & 0,, ~ T~J.350RFT'S OLD STAND, street, 3 doors below Wentworth.) * ~ ag upw opened a S:-lendid Stock of SP'RING GOODS, English, French and - weridan, whichi are of the most desirabule ntyles Sh1e Market can afford. --To Plinters fairnishing the Freedmen, eirder fo r .Ildinig or for barter witht them, our Wholesale .....ercerey idcement. Plantation Goods is every variety. - Thiiibeing a bustv season with the Planter, Ibff het able to visit our city, orders accom i" pnies~ wish city'reference will meet with prompt attention. N. B. Sunples with price lists sent to any part seconssts in part of * WhiteOsnaburgs, Towels and Toweling in Striped.(pnabvrgi, all varieties, 33inehm Linen Damiasks, all va Brown Shirtings,1 rieties, JegCloths, Calicoes, in all qualities, dlaCBrown Domestic Ginghams, Rktl~ -Fize8eot,ch Ginghams, TiM 3bstaiimn, ~DreuiGoods, for Spring, an rwu It!redMuslin,in evEry gaeeingsvariety, ~aleebed and Brown 1White Goods, all 'kinds, J~hIfls,Black Goods, all kinds, Um~French Broad. Farmer's BroiWn Linen Cloth, Duck, Uuiery aDd 9toved; Farmier's Brown and Irib Linens a by the jWhite Drill,. e, .-- ~ Fancy Drills and Got toede. Together with every other variety tp be found in our line, which we offer at the owIsest eash prices, at Wholesale and Retail. We would respectfully call the attention of tePlanter,, Merchants and the citizens gene se, of New-berry District, to our advertisL ent, iy.All Domestic Goods are sold at a very man]! advance on agents prices, by Stoll, Webb &C. .sa " Wentworthr, H.4 Jy. Charleston, S. C. FbM Metallic Barial Cases Ssubscriber has just r ceived a supply of ths ae,fo heaoeclbae r,ee wCae fo the aoe andebinoe ufd atter,c are of te lesand ooo miUhad whicherfes ad o rleate towote obic. B ak thish ofesio atlow rsa to they -- - 4k.. *i...~. Late Arrivals OF FRESH GOODS, FOR THE SpriAg Trade. W. H. WEBB W<uld respectfully inform his friends and the public generally of Newberry, that having made bis purchases for the Spring Trade at THE LOWEST FIGURES, He is now able to dispose of his I -rge stock at greatly reduced prices, which embraces a general and full line of Prints, Muslins, Nansooks, &c. and HATS of latest spring styles. Leghorn, Panama, and Palm Leaf HATS, for gentlemen and boys. His BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies and Mis ses, gents and boys, are very complete. The stock is full, covering Bacon and Lard, (superior and cheap,) Sugars, all grades. Cof fees, Teas, and all other articles usually kept or called for. . In Hardware, Crockeryware, T . Glassware, The varitty.-and prices can Jprdly fail to suit the wants of all classes. Call at the corner under the Hotel, mar 2112 W. H. WEBB. MUSIC LESSONS. TE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform i his friends, and the public generally, that he will give instruction in the above, and will be happy to receive their patronagei Can be found at the residence of Mr. Geo. Larsen. F. WERBER. March 21, 12-3t. NOTIGP JACOB STE RN, proprietor of the store in the Newberry Hotel Building, -"the second store from the corner," thankful to the inhabitants of the town and district for the patronage so lhbe rally bestowed since he e,.mmenced business here, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Smece the early part of January he has visited the Baltimore, New York and Phila delphia markets, picking up bargains here and there, of every kind of desi rable Goods. lie has not yet returned, but a portion of his goods have arrived, 1.0 represent his name, established fully for selling Goodls Cheaper than the cheapest. Part of our stock we bare received in the following articles: Ladies IUress Goods, SPRING AND SUMMER SIIAWLJS. Lace bh ws, Silk Mantilla', Barege Anglais Matntillas' Mozambigne Mantillas, Melton Mantillas,. Melton Jaekets-late Faishion, Linen Dusters, Silk, Linen and Paper F.tns, Dress Goods of all descriptions. -Embroidered Dresses. White striped do Barege. Anglais, MIozambique, Debage, Lawns, Organdies, Dotted Swiss, Nainsook, Marseilles, Swiss, Victoria Lawns, Lace Mitts, Wax Beads, Ruffling, Sleeve Setts, Ty dies, Vallets, Leather and Silk Belts, Balmoral Skirts, Kid Gloves, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, of all de scriptions in Leather, Morocco and Cloth. The very latest style of Straw Hats, called the Derby flat, IGentlemen'sGod SPRING CLOTHING OF THE LATEST FASHION. Spanish Linen Shirts, White Linen Shirts, Calico Shirts-something newa Goldsmith's,Paper Collars, Straw Hats, Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Piece Goods, Cotton and Linen Drill. Sattinetts, French Cassimneres, Black French Broadcloth, Black French Doeskins, Black French Drab d'ete, &c., &c. A great many other articless, too numerous tc mention. Call and see for yourselves. We receive Goods weekly, and our stock will soon be completed. Telatter part of this month Mr. Stern will be March 14 1I NOTICE.. T HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully announce to the citizens of Newberry, and surround ing country, that he is now fully prepared to fil all orders for Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window and Door Frames, Moulding and Cornice, Plaining Tongue and Grooving, and all kinds of Scrol Work, &c.,'ou the shortest notice. Terms Cash *W. A. CLINEB. .Mareh' 1., 11T-Sm. WITH L0VELACE& WHEELER, DEAIERS IN W GROCERIES,"MARDAR BOOTS, E, SHOES, HATS, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTIONS, &c. He will be glad to have his friends and former customners, and the public generaflyj to call and examine the ahose stock of goods, being deter mined to sell as cheap as the cheapezst. iar 21 12 -JUST RECEIVED, A FINT lot of COVE OYSTER', BRANDY PEAcHEs, Pickles, Worcestershire Sauce, &c., which we offer at low figures. mar 21 12 LOVELACE & WHEELER. LAMPS, LAMPS, RACKET LAMPS with reflectors, Stem 'B Lamtnps, fland Lamps, and extra Burners For Lamps, 40 doz. Lamp Chimneys, Brishe.3 for cleaning Lamp Chinineys, also, Lamp Shades. For sale cheap by LOVELACE & WHEELER. GROCERIES, &C. SUGAR, Coffee, Tea, Soap, Candles, -Starch, Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Alum, Brimstone, Extract of Logwood, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Nut megs, Bacon, L ird, Cheese, Mackerel, Sardines, Pickles, Crackers, Rmi.ins, Corn Meal, Flour, Cow Peas, &c., -&c. For sale cheap- by LOVELACE & WHFELER. HIARDWARE, &c. XES, Hoes, Trace Chains, Shovels, Spades, A Hatchets, Hammeis, Iron, Nails, Tacks, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Sheep Shears, Butcher Knives, Curry Combs, &c., &c For sale or harter by LOVELACE & WHEELER. FISH HOOKS and LINES. A NICE lot of, branch a:d creek, Hooks and A Lines. For sale by LOVELACE & WHEELER. BARTER, BARTER. V1E will barter any goods in our line for all kinds of-country produce, arid will, also, pay cash for the same if preferred. Be sure to give us a call.L LOVELACE & WHfEELER& JUST RECEIVED, Morning Gall, Brandy Smash, Mint Julep, Bourbon Cocktail, Gin Cocktail, IBrandy Cocktail, Berliner Kumnmel, 0. K. Plantation B tiers, Stoughton Bitters, Van Ur. Schnapps, Old Otard Dupuy Cognac, oubnWhiskey, .K.Bourod>n, Rye~ Whiskey, Sherry Wino, Port Wine, M- :leira Wine, London P'orter and Ale. JACOB STERN, March 21 12 tf Under Newberry~ Hotel. H KIG#SMORE IISreturned from A'insta and i.s prepared ttake 1'ny ki Ld of P.ICTURE. Ambrotypes, Photographs, Prris Pron any kind of Pictures8! AT THE OLD OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. Jan 17 8 tf Dress-Making, &o. M ,RS. S. F. JONES would respectfully inform Ithe Ladies of Newberry that she can b found at Mrs. Edwards', where she will be pleas ed to take in any kind -of PLAIN andEANCY NEEDLEWORK, DRESS-MAKI NG, &c., at the most reasonable terms. Feb 21 Sorghum, SOME of the mesi beautiful country made Mo lasses, for retail,s as to accommodate all classes of buyers, for setby -LOVELACE & WHRELER. Feb'l 6tf - Penmanship, 'TE subscriber will oen a Writing School at 1his residence~odl Monday next, (5th March.) Those who wish .to acquire proficiency in this. useful art, an~d are willing to avail themselv'es Uf this opportunity, are requested to make applica tior. during the week,, as it is desirable that all should bepresent at the opening of, the schooL. A limite4 number only will be received. Hours arrangd to suit the classes. Terms moderate. R. T. CAPERS. Feb. 28, 9-tf. Greenville & ColumbiaRailroad, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, CoLI7MBa, March 8, 1866. T IS .Company will receive sud forward IMERCHANDIZE and PRODUCE, with the additional' charges for transportation, between Freey's and Ai..ton, aud drayage in Columbia on such as passes over the South Carolina Rail road, when consigned to and forwarded by the Company.* Freight and charges on all Merchandize from Columbia must be PRE-PAID to all points on the Road, except to Ncwherry, Abbes-ille, Ander son and Greenville ; but freight and charges will be collected on all that comes over the South Carolina Railroad, at all points except Hope's IStation; Pomaria, Ne w Market and Grove Sta tion. Merchandize destined for those points will be re ceived and 'forwarded upon pre-payment of SELLING OFF WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES, To make room for spring and summer goods. .THE STOCK OF DRI YGOODS,, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Is of the fullest description, additions to which are being constantly made. Besides which the line of GROCERIES, I. quite iarge and full. Which will be disposed of at most reasonable rates. Jobbers and country merchants will find it to their advantage to call on me and examine my stock. dec 20 3m M. FOOT. Now Full aild Complete. OUR STOCK OF Ladies', Gentlemen's, Boy's Youth's, Misses & Children's BOOTS, SHO,ES GAITERS &C, IS now full and complete. Consisting of every variety and style of Goods, in our line, all of which were made, especially to order, by the very best inanufactors. Therefore, we feel confi dent that we can, and will sell a better shoe for the same money, than any other house this side of Philadelphia. We cordially invite a call be fore you byy elsewhere. 1. M. St BIM, & Co., Main St., opposite Court Hjuse. N. B.-Being connected with the House of I. M. Suber & Co., I will be happy to see all my old friends and customers. Jan 10 2 tt McDUFFIE METTS. THE. CHEAPEST G RQ9CERIE S In this'Market, Can be found at A. H AR R IS'. Sugar, brown 15, yellow 20, clarified 25, A sugar 27, C sugar 28, crushed 30. Coffee, 40 to 45 ets. Flour, $15 per barrel. Cheese, 35 to 40 ets. Cotton (,ards. Candles, 40 ets. Oysters, pound cans 40, 2 lbs. 75. Sifters, buckets, soda crackers. Copperas, 10 cts. per lb. Mustard, 15 ets. per box. Soda, 20 ets. per lb. And all other goods cheap in pro portion, call, examine and uttisfy your selves. A. HARRIS. Feb'21 8-t?. COOKING STOVES A FEW very excellenit COOKING STOVES of different sizes, have just beeft received directly from the manufacture. s in New York, and for sale by W. T. WRIGHT, Who furnishes NEW WROUGHT IRON BACKS, FOR .0LD STOVES, that will last for years. Who manufactures and sells_at wholesale and retail the very beat article of,. T INaTW JA1E. Who does Roofng,Guttering,Putting in Valies, &c. Who does all kinds of REPAIRING, usually done by tinners. And last, though not least of all, who returns thanks to a generous public for the very lberal patronage which he has received since opening at his present stand, and hopes, by diligence in lbusiness and a dispo sitioc to please all, never to merit less. Jan 24 4tf DR. J. E. DAPRAY,rt Surgeon Dentist. FROM CH ARLESTON, &.C. FIEon the North side of Main-street, op Osite Mr. S. Montgomery's jewelry store. Dr. Dapray is now prepared to perform all opa rations at the OLD PRICES for CA-H or its equivalent.'* Chloroform administered when de sired. Newberry, June 1, '65. $20 Reward, STOLEN from the undersigned, on the 28d ~inst., a Brown Mouse Colored HORSE MULE. Fresh roach. Tail bobbed off. Said Mule is 7 or 8 hands high. J.BGLM . Feb. 28, 9-tf. M. W. BYTIE WO0D, BROKER - - AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT, SNEWBERRY, S. C. SOLICITS a share of BUSINESS. His long expejence in the above BRANCHES guarantees Jan. 17, 3-tf. - C C ERRY,. AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION AGENT, KKVATTT ~.TT A ~ Cl TOTU CITSD I $MR Sa Cs IOL Ma The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the pat four years has presented an impassi ble barrier to alt social or;commercial intercourse between the two great eetis of vat country, having at length happily cleared away all obsta cies to a renewal of those relations which former ly bound us together In a fratermal union, I take the earliest opportunity afforded me by this aus picious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that extensive btsines connection which for a quarter ot a een tary has been uninterrupted save by the great public calamity to which I have adve?ted. , It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a business re-union, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends,-to beware of all those sprious and deleterious compounds which, umder the specious and false titles of Imported Wine.,. Draudies, Holand Gin, Liqors &c., have been equally destroctive to the health of onr citizens as prejudicial to the interest of the legiti Mate Imparter. Mavyy years of my past life have been expended in an opeft and candid attempt to expoee these % holesale frands ; no tine nor espense has been spared to accomplish this sltary purpose, and to place before my fi iendo and the jublic general ly, at the lowest market price, ar. such quan tities as might suit their eeveniei ..e, a truly gen dine imported article. Twenty five years business lras*metionq with the largest and most respectable esporting houses in France and Great 1- ritain have afforded me un surpassed facilities for supplying our home mar ket with Wines, Liquors and Liqmnres of the best and most approved brands in Europe, in ad dition to my own distillery in Holland for the manufacture of the "Schiedam Schnapps." The latter, so long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of the United States, West In dies and South America as an invaluable thera peutic, a wholesome, pleasant and perfect'y safe beverage in all climates and during all season., quickly excited the cupidity of -ie home man ufacturers and venders of a spurious article un der the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil and ex pense, surrounded all my importations with sale guards and directions which with ordinary cir cumspection will insure their delivery, as I re ceive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, recommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my depot. 22 Beaver Street, New York, or that pruchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies, kc., I have a considerable supply of old tried for eign wines, embracing vintages of many years past, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare.luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the eirly attention of my Southern customers to the ad vantage, to be derived by transmitting their or ders without.loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, in order to insure the fultilnent of their orders out of the present large and well se lected assortment. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Feb 21-3m 22 Beaver-Street, New York. The most complete MANUFACOT ORY OF GOOD T IN WARE In America, can be found at IWBERRY C. L . C. HENRY H. BLEASE, Jan 3 1 tf Proprietor. MERCHANTS WOULD DO WELL To call at BLEASE'S And eramine his Tin Ware & Pricesa Jan 3 I tf OLD STOVES and OLD STOVE Piping, old Gutters, old Roofing, And all old Tin Ware, Repaired at short liotice, by jan 8 1 tf ~H ENRY H. ILE ASE. NEW ROOFING, NEW STOVES, New Stove Piping, new Guttering, New Tin for Valleys, &c., te. All furnished and finiehed, with all of the newest improvements, by jan 3 1 tf HENRY II. B3LEASE. Greenville & Coluinbia i. 1R. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, { Columbian January 28th, 1866. ) O N and after WEDNES9DAY, the Slst instant, the Passuger Train. trW be rain daily (Sunday excepted) as-follows: Leave Columbia 'at 6.* A.M ' Alston " 11.00 " - " Newberry " 12.54)' M. Arrie at Abbe4IHle " 6.00 " - Anderson " 8.10 " " Greenville- "- 9.00 " - Leave Oreenvile at 4.30 A K " Anderson " 5.34) " " Abbe$IHe " 7.45 " Newberry " 1.10 " Arrive at Aiston " 2.5 F. K. " Columbi' " OO - There will be about seven m#les of staging still betwen Fresh)&y's and Alstont asseage-s will be furniied'with .ticett thr6ngh, including 'the Road, Stage ad Ferry, 60 pounds baggage only allowed on the stage to one seat. J. B. L&SA.L, Jan SI1 General Superintensdant. Dissolution9of Co-Paitnership. NEWNERRY, March 3d, 386& T HE CO-PARTNERSHI'P of WISKEF43AN & RING, Wholesale anid Retail Grocers and Commision Merchantas, is this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by H. C. Wiskeman H. C. WISKE3IAN, D. A. RING. Mar, 7, 10-St. Oflice Gen'l Sup't., G. & C. RI. I. COt;UMBa, Feb. 22, 196G6. ON'and after Monday next, 26th inst., the JTHIROU.GE FREIGHT BUSINESS will be RESUMED upon this ROAD. J. B. LISSALLE, General Snperu.teudent, Fb. 28, 9-tf.RE O A . IREi. .F.OVKISAL.ese aden 'It . F. ATKINSan be seen and een THE STATE OF -SOMUT o xviwn Dmc. Bj J. Peterson, &., OrdinarYtf e berry Ditrict EEREAS, URrrlet . Wison ho applo# to' me for Letters of Administradon, 0 - all and sfvular the goods and chattels, righa and credits of John M. Wilson, late of the dssd aforesaid deceased: These are therefore to cite and admoAiab - and singular, tbe- kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, a our next Ordinary's Court for the said DlstrK to be holden at Xe*berxy Court Be,s on the 23 day of April, next,.to Aie- cse, If any why the said Adwuinistraison Aoid not be granted. Given under my hand this '17th d#af f ; in the year of our Lord one thousand eigU hundred and sixtv-4ix. M 2,-13-1t. JOHN T. PETEE;Wi,.x.V. The State of South Carelian. NEWBERRY DISTRICT-IN EQUITY. Ililiard Long and others, r*. Mtry Ans Lm anid Thos. 1iisor. r UE ereditors of the estate of Wit isiimD.Tieng, T are reqnired to render- and- estabfi, -o oitth, their respective deinand before','n i before the 1st Apri-. 1866, or -thiey wif 1*406 ela4ed. SILAR JOHNSTONM C.WA Com 'es Office, March, )19 1846 - March 1, 1 1-12t, .- $. Notice of EeetIo . STATE OF SOtTH CAROLIA-NEWBRET DIST R ICT. Ofre (ourt of General Semions ant Comues 1'lercr. I JOIN T. PETERSON, Ordrery, audM - 1 officio Clerk of said Court,.iapvnsess of the directions ot the Act of the1gid"le, "i such.cases made and provided, do heieby give public notice, that nt election for -Clerk of. Ab! Court of Gener. Sessions and CoingoMiq= es for Newherry District, will be held on .Tesdoy, the Xd day of-April next, at.the'Usualplaves election throughout the said Dstrict. Witness my hand at Newberry-Coet He ' this 2Tat day of FebruarD:, 188#W Jk T. &%TES - 0 &SE of. a.. &b Feb. 28, 9-5f r The State .of S- 8 th ca kl NEWBERRY DISTR1CT--IN EQUITt2 Ex PArte, Simeon Fair, 1o Pe*?daa Solicitor of Middle-Circuit. 2isp SIMEQN FAIR, Esq:, 5olicito r the SCircult, having this day f iU:b apr11 a "Bill to"perpetuat estinsong Ia deeds, wils, choses in action and otheW1aps and records destroyed or lost dertn thei war. Ih s Orderedi that *4 permbp ari "doe ti, and desirous-of aailiag the ieI 4 16e* benefit of the Act of the GenewlAe1Sbla such - ease mnade and previded. be et*~ come, bs-fore- the Court,~ and have take y a petuated, under this -BiII, all.evidenet they shall produce, on proper application made before me, SILAS JOEHNS tZI Commitissioners Office, C.E.N - January 27, 1866. f$15.O The State of South CarsIM, NSWBERRY- ISTRfCT-iN KQOi Sarak A. Thm a, t. Thojt,4 Spoa 4ui *Jio. M. 7ompson. -rK Bill to sell property and to marshal waetm and iaiblisli their -iesiective claim( on'o..tide. fore the. Comimisiner, on orn befre die fewesty sixt.h day of May next, or they will be p'edidsi SILAS JOB.ESTONE, 0C3. ('o...'. O0fee, Feb. 26, 180k Feb 28, 9-48m. $ atofJOHN ;00K. E4 c SN hereby riotified to preseplt tiffi rpet ~ ed to th~ subsedibers, on or'.r*h. f 44 A pril next, as a set~tteluM'iteill be esdi ~ estate shbortWy after dthaistse. And e1 iW tm io said-estate- will make paymeif as e%t91 s -n .. J.B. SIMPSONf > Feb. 28, O-Jt. - - ALL persons indebted -to iette of N GOSSON, afcaed-e- requad - a make payment. imaedeiatelys..Tbe 4 mands will present them, propedty p or before the 2d day of AprifAegtasta sttem - will be-settled up-aa soon ago5bl6 . F e 294 . P. CROK Two Agricaltural iayer~.$~ SOUTCHERNI GULIVAG,-W. D. REDXOND and WER N lUTEEEE j ES,TABLISaFED 151843I. - Vlues onsnss -agr Si.x Copies -for.. . . 410 QAn A*em.. By' special arran Cemt,wit..thjJ~ LAMD FAR~MER." another exe -~u Miibly, published, in1Waldspr~I at ppersm be&enone9eya- fo9ae each for $'it-1I)of eah-bo -at - ubsrier-4 this ase,bo Feb'28 9.-tfL-Ab STOOK OF Op. bci gi inar~oei i t J I~ aidies Dres Ge~ood DYr Goods, Fancy Areides, Crockery WVae, liard ware, Blin Bridles, Sadde es d ~ arden SWet4 efe., ete., - J.P. KINARD~ & SN J!l&ht#ion df ~oJrtDRer5ip. rJ'1N copartnership hereto(ore estting between Ithe un,der.,i"ned 6nderab- ne na nd firm of GRfERStYY fAf1A TER, Qommrissiou and F-rwarding rciantsi, Newbeery Court House Fo. Cs., wa di.somed 9y tWutancousent on the sttint. * ?h~ nffxits 5f the nertaenhin wiN be settled by