The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, March 07, 1866, Image 1

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- -- * IN. ADVACE - - -- * -. - --- ---: - . t-e -- - - VOI-,U- Ell.T. F. GNEENBERRY SD aRS$ 0FOR SIX eb f to t I ~ O ? oyet) - EDI-rs 1R. UI. GRERKELk a XOITUS, ADVANCE. VOUMdE II.- NEWBERRY, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1866k NUMBEWrr7 -. HE HERALD IS PURLM&ED EVERY WEDNESDAY, -M Newberry 0. H., yTO.F. & R. E.GENER RDIib%s AND PROPMIETORS. ERXS,. $1,5FOR SIX -ONTHS, EITHEK -,N OURR CY OR IN PRON ISIONS. ayment required invariably in advance.) Advertisementainserted at $1, 50 per square, for rtk insertion, $1 for each subsequent insertion. arf age notices, Funeral invitations, Obituaries, ad Communications of personal interest charged Ia AdveMisaients. Sweet Hope. the smiling and thxe weeping, -sball be soon; yond the waking and the sleepi, Saand the sowing and the reaping, I shall-be soon. - ove;.esfiand home Ve~t hope! *-i-tarry not but come ! S-Dey-nd the blooming and the f&ing, I shall be soon. Beyon-d the shining and the shading, Beyond te.hoping- and the dreading, I shan be soon. Aegnqdtbe rising and ihe settinz, -a1sWal be soon; - 4t'e soothing and the fretting, *remembering and forgetting, Ishall be soon. Beyona de glthering and-the strowing. ~ 4shalbesoon i Beyond the eoing and the fowing, B,od he coming and the going, -I shall be soon. an d th-parting and the meeting, I shal be soon; Beyond the farewell and the greeting, eart Jizing now, and now high beatiug, IshAt be soon. Beyond ths.friet chain and the fever, :hatl be soon; OledThe rok-waste and the river, egend .he ever and,.the-never, I eballbe soo~. to of the Treedmen's Burean Bill. 6keSaate of te ited Statee: h ae examired with care the bill which eriginxted in the Senate, and has been :ed -by the two 'oases of Congress, to amend an 'Act titled "An Act to establish a Bureau for ttr"liefJof Freedmen and Refugees," and for oter purposes. .aving, with mch re gret, -cme to the conclusion that it would not be consstent .~th'the:pr' lic welfire to ge my apir6Va t. the -measure, I return the 1bill to jhSeitte with my objectious to its !migbtcal1to mind, in adrance of 'these objectiohs, that there is- no immediate necessi ty for the propo&ed meaSure. The Act to es tablish a Bureau r.r the relief of freedmen and retagee'wbich was approved in the month iirch1st, has - not yet expired. It was *. thqugh't stringent and extensive eno,gh for - - the purposes in view iu time of war. Before it ceases to haveO effect, further4x perience may ilRist to ghide'us to a wise conclusion as to tils policy tnbe adopted iin time of peace. * -shareu..itb Congress- the strongest desirt~ toecure-to the freedmen the full enjoyments of their freedom and their property, and their entire inidependence and eqnahity in ma3king egretsfor their labor; bar the bill before ~iercontamnsprovisions wbhin my opinion, a yeroot warranted by the Constitution, and xeniot.well suited to accomplish the end in fiew.-- - The bill proposes1to estalish, by authority fCongress, military-jurisdiction over all parts of the United States containing refugees and uirn d. It would by its-very nature, ap py with. most force to those parts of the Uni ted Statesin.which the freedmen most abound; and itexpressly 'extends the existing tempo - ary jurisdiction of the Freedmen's Bvreau, with greatly - enlarged power-s, over those - -6tates, "in which tbe ordinary course of judi eial preoeedings has been interrupted by the. t'ebeHlion." Trhe source from which this mili ry.uriidictionl is to emnaote is none other an'rh csident of the United- States, act -~tiirougd 3the' War Department and the Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau. The agentoit carr:y out this- miliftrij risdiction --ape~to be selected either . from~ -he army ,or fibei ife the county i to be divided - iito ditits and sub-distiicts,.and the numn berofsiardagentsto be employed may be ual tha~ numbrof Counties or Parishes ie,I the United-States where freedmen and ~efge~ ae o be found; -- the subjects over which this military juris dictidn is to extend in every part of the United States,~ include protection to "all employees, agents and officers of this Bureau in the exer tise of the duties imposed" upon them by the bill. In eleven Blites it is further to extend tbver all.cases affecting freedmen and refugees discriminated against "by local law, custom nr prejudice." In those eleven States the bill Esbjecta any white person who may be charged *11t depriving a freedman of "any civil rights idr immunities belonging to white persons," to imprisonment oif fine, or both-witbout, however, defining the "cisvil rights and immu iies" which are thus to be secured to the eedmian by military law. This mnilitar~y ju ftiction also extends to all questions that Anayarise- respecting contracts. The. agent wrho is thus to exercise the oftice of a military judge may be a stranger, entirely ignorant- of -tbwkas of the place, and exposed to the er )ra ofjudgmnent to- which all nmen are liable. exerciseeof power, over which there is no Ia supervision, by so vast a number of hnts as is contempl'ated by the bH1l, must, by the very nature of mDan, be -attended by acts of caprice, injustice and passion. The trials having their orngin under this 1hill are to take place without the intervention Of ajury, and without any fixed rules of raw or evidence. The rules on which offences- areI to be "beard and determined" by the numer ous a-ents, are such rules anid regulations asi the Peident, through the War Department, shall preseribe. -No previous presentment is iequired, nor any indictment charging the eommnission of a crime against the laws; but dejaI mu-et nromed on ch-rme and snecifi cations. The punishment will be-not what the law declares-but such as a court martial may think preper; and from' these arbitrary tribunals, there lies no appeal, no writ -cf er ror to any of the courts in which the Consti tution of the United States vests exclusively the jpdicia' power of the country. While the territory and the classes of actions and offences that are made subject to this measure are so extensive, the bill itself, should it become a law, wiil have no limitation in point of time, b.ut will form a part of the per manent legislation of the country. I cannot reconcile a system of military jurisdicticn *of this kind with the words of the Constitution, which declares that "no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land and naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public dan ger ;" and that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy. and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State or District wherein the crime shall have been committed." The safeguards which the experience and wisdom of ages taught our fathers to establish as securities for the pro tection of the innocent, the punishment of the guilty, and the equal administration of justice, are to be set aside, and, for the sake of a more vigorous interposition in behalf ofjustice, we are to take the risk of the many acts of injus tice that would necessarily follow from an al most countless number of agents, established in every Parish or County in nearly a third of the States of the Union, over whose deci sions there is to be no supervision or control by the Federal Com ts. The power that would be thus placed in the hands of the President is such, as in time of peace, certainly ought never to be entrusted to any one man. If it be asked whether the creation of such a tribunal within a State is warranted as a measure of war, the question immediately presents itself, whether we are still engaged in war, Let us not unnecessarily disturb the commerce and credit and industry of the coun try,'by declaring to the American people and to the world that the United States are still in a condition of civil war. At present, there is no part of our country in which the authority of che United States is disputed. Offences that may be committed by individuals should not work a forfeiture of the rights of whole., communities. The country has returned, or is returning, to a state of peace and industry, I and the rebellion is, in fact, at an end. . The measure, therefore, seems to be as inconsfsteniit with the actual condition of the country as it is at variance with the Constitution of the;i United States. If, passing from general cousideration!, we examine the bill in detail, it is open to weighty objections. f In time of war, it is eminently proper that we should provide for those who are passimg suddenly from a condition of bondage to a state of freedom. But this bill proposes to make the Freedmen's Bureau, established by the Act of 1865, as one of many great and ex troordinary military measures to suppyess a formiJb1z rebellion, a permanent branch of the public administration, with its powers greatly enlarged. I have no reason to suppose, and I do not understand it to be alleged, that the Act of March,1865,haus proved deficier t for the purpose for which it passed, although at ~ that time, and for a considerable period there after, the Government of thme United States remained unacknowledged in most of the C States whose it habmants had begn involved ~ in the rebellion. The institution of slavery, for the military destruction of which thet Freedmen's Bureau was called into existence ~ as an auxiliary, has been already effectually it and finally abrogated throughout the wholet country by an amendment of the Constitution a of the United States, and practically its eradi-t cation has received theassent and concurrence of miost of those States in which it at any time ~ had an existence. I am not, therefore, cable 1 to discern, in the condition of the country, 0 anything, to justify an apprehension that 9 the powers~ and agencies of the Freed men's Bureau, which were effective for the e protection of freedmen* an.d refugees during the actual continuance of hostilities and of s African ser:vtude, will now, in a time of peace P and after the abolition of slarery, prove .in- t adequate to the same proper ends. If I am a correct in these views, there can be no ne cessity for the enlargement of the powers of it the Bureau, for which provision is made in n the bill. tiU The third section of the bill authorizes a e general and unlimited grant of suppoft to the a' destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen, 'P teir wives and children. Succeeding sections el make provision for the rent or purchase of t landed estates for freedmen, t' nd for the erec- - ion, for their benefit, of suitable buildings t( [or asylums and schools-the expense to be " efrayed from the treasury of the whole peo- c4 pe. The Congress of the United States has. u never heret"fore thought itself empowered to c~ stablish asylums beyond the limits of the District of Columbia, except for the benefit of ti ur disabled soldiers and sailors. It has never el Counded schools for any class f r ourown peo- S ale-not even for the orphans~ of these who ai ave fallen in the defence of the Union, but ir as left the care of educatlor. to the munch It more competent and efficient control of the Si tates, of communities, of private associations 1em rnd of ir.dividuals. It has never deemed it- n< elf authorized to expend the public money of or the rent or purchase of homes for the nm thousands, not to say millions, of the white ol race, who are honestly toiling, from day to tl lay, for their subsistengp. A system for the I support of indigent persons in the United sc tates was never contemplated by the authors C >f the Constitution; nor can any good reason tU be advanced why, as a permanent establish- re nent, it should be founded for one class or cc olorof our people more than another. Pend-iw ng the war,: many refugees and freedmen re- fr ~eived support of thme Government, was Iaf lever intended that they should henceforth be re ed, clothed, educated and sheltered by the di Taited States. The idea on which the slaves*t mere assisted to freedom was, that, on becom- ne ng free, they would be a self-susta ning popu- o ation, Any legislation' that shall imply that re ey are not expected to attain a self-sustain- k ng condition, must have a tendency injurious dike to their character and prospects. ~li1 The appointment of an agent for every C ounty and Parish will create an immense cc )atronage ; and the expense of the numerous o )fiesandthi.cl1k~ to-1i be happmninted by ed the President, will be great in the begimng, with a tendency steadily to increase. Theip propriations asked by the Freedmen's BurQU, as now established, for the year 1S66, amont to $11,745,000. It may be safely estinaed that the cost to be incurred under the peid ing bill will require double that arnourt more than the entire sum expended in ;ny one year under the administratio-n of the ec ond Adams. If the presence of zg-f in we ry Parish and County is to be considered as a war measure, opposition, or even resistaice, might be provoked; so that, to give effect to that jurisdiction, troops would have to be:ta tioned within reach of every one of them, md, thus a large standing force be rondered ne;es sary. Large appropriations would, therefre, be required to sustain and enforce miliary jurisdiction in every County or Parish tom the Potomac to the Rio Grande. The coidi tion of our fiscal affairs is encouraging;- )ut, in order to sustain the prLsent measure of public confidence, it is necessary that we p-ac tice not merely customary economy, but, as far as possible, severe retrenchment. In addition to the objections already stated, the fifth section of the.bill-. proposes to lake away land from its former owners wit;out any legal proceedings being first had, cortra ry to that provision of the Constitution which :eclares that no person shall "be deprivei of li e, liberty or property, without due prccess >f law." It does not appear that a part of thL land to which this seetion refer.jnay not be >wned by minors or personsofunsound mind, >r by those who have been faithful to all their >bligations as citizens -of the United States, if any portion of-the land is held by such >ersons, it is not competent for any authority o deprive them of it. If, on the other hand, t be found that the property is liable to con iscation, even then it cannot be apiropriated o public purposes until, by due process of aw, it shall have been declared forfeited to be Government. There is still further objection to the bill, n grounds seriously affecting the class of )ersons to whom it is designed to bring relief. t will tend to keep the mind of the freedman n a state of uncertain expectation and rest essness, while to those among whom he lives t will be a source of constant and vague ap rchension. Undtubtedly the freedman should be pro ected, but he should be protected by the civil mthorities, especially by the exercis'. of all he constitutional powers of the courts of the Jnited States and ofthe_Sates. His condi ion is- ni>so exposed as may at first be tda gined. lie is in a portion of the country vhe -e his labor cannot well be spared. Con etiLion for his services from planters, from hose who aro constructing or repairiig rail oad.s, and from capitalists in his icinage or rom other States, will enable him to command Imost his own terms. He also possesses a erfect right to change his place of abode, and r, therefore, he does not find in one commou ity or State a mode of life suited to his de ires, or proper remuneration for his labor, he an move to another, where that labor is more steemed and better. rewarded. In troth, owever, each State induced by its own wants id interests, will do what is necessary and roper to retain within its borders all ihe la icr that is needed for the development of its esources. The laws that regulate supply and emand will maintain their force, and the :ages of the laborer will be regulated thereby, bhere is no- danger that the exceeding great emand for labor will not operate in favor of Neither is sufmcient consideration given to he ability of the freedmen to protect and tk are of-themselves. It is no more than justice a them to believe that, as they hanve received heir freedom- with moderation and forbear; nce, so they w ill distinguish themselves by beir industry and thrift, and soon show the orld that in a cor.dition of frecedom they re self dustaining, capable of selecting their wn employment and their own place of abode, f insisting for themselves on a proper remnune tion, and of establishing and maintaining beir on'n asylums and schools. It is earn-i stly hoped that instead of wasting away, thej -ill bya.heir own efforts establish for them - alves a condition of respectability and pros erity. It is certain that they can attain to >at condition only through theirown. merits rid exertions. In this connection, the query presents itself, -hether the system proposed by this bill will ot, .when put in to complete operation, prac cally transfer-the entire care, support and >ntrol of 4,000,000 of emnancipa ted slaves to rents, overseers or task-masters, who,- ap ainted at Washington, are to be located in rery County and garish throughout the nited States contaiag freedmen and refa ~es -Such a system. would inevitably tend a conce:.tration of power'in the Fxecutife, hich would enable him, if -s:> disposed; to mtrol the action of this numerobs class, and se them for the attainment of his own politi L ends. I cannot but add another grave objection to is bill. The Constitution imperatively de ares, in connection with taxation, that each ~ate shall have at least one representative, d fixes the rule for the number to which, future times, each State shall be entitled. also provides that the Senate of the FInited ~ates shall be composed of two Senators from i eh State, anid adds, with peculiar force, that, > State, without its consent,shall be depi-ived its equal suffrage in the Senate. The origi i act was necessarily passed in the absencet the States chiefly to be affected, because eir people were contumaciously engaged in i e rebellion. Now, the case is changed, and me, at least, of those States, are attendingi ngress by loyal representatives,.- soliciting ec e allowance of the Constitutional right of If presentation. At the-time,- however, of the c nsideration and the passing of this bigthere as no Senator or Representative in Congress f m the eleven States which are to be mainly s rected by its provisions. The very fact that a ports were and.are made against the good c sposition of the people of that portion of e country, is an additional reason why they s ed and should have Representatives of their -t rn in Congress to explain their condition, ply to accusations, and assist, by their local ioledge, in the perfecting of measures im- a ediately affecting themselves. While the t arty of deliberation would then be free, and a mgress would have full power to decide ac- d rding to its judgment, there could be no jection urged that the States most interest hadi not bon nermittd to be heard. i The principleis firmly fixed in the minds of the Ame i6an people that there. should be no taxation without representation. 4Great burdens have now to be borne by all thecoun try, and we may best demand tlhat they shall be borne without'murmur when they are vo ted by a majority of the representatives of the people. -I would not interfere with the un questionable right of Congress to judge, each House for itself, "of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members." But that authoriiy cannot be constructed as excluding the right to shut out, in time of peace, any State from the representation to which it is entitled by the Constitution. At present, all the people of eleven States are excluded those who were most faithful duting the war not less than the others. The State of Ten essee, for instance, whose authorities engaged in rebellion, was restored to all her constitu tional relations to the Union by the patrio tism and energy of injured and betrayed peo ple. R#fore the war was brought to termina tion, they had placed themselves in relations with the General Government, had established a State Government of their own, and, as they were not included in thp emancipation procla mation, they, by their own act, had amended their.Constitution so as to abolish slavery within the limits of their State. I know no reason why the State of Tennessee, for exam ple, shuuld not fully enjoy "all her constitution al relations to the United States," The President of the United States stands towards the coutry-in a somewhat different attitude from that of any member of Congress. Each member of Congress is chosen from a single District or State; the President is cho sen by the people of all the States. As elev en States are not at this tjme represented in ei ther branch of Congress,if would seem to be his duty on all proper occasions to present their just claims to Congress, There always will be differences of opinion in the community,and in dividuals may be guilty'of transgressions of the law; but these do not constitute valid ob jections against the right of a State. to repre sentation. I would in no wise interfere with the discretion of Congress with the regard to the qualifications of members, but I hold it my duty to recommend to you, in the interest of peace and in the interest of Union, the ad mission of every State to its share in public legislation, -when, however insphordinate,. in. surgent, or rebellious its people may have been, it presents itself not only in an attitude of loyalty and harmony, but in the persons of representatives, whose loyalty cannot be ques tonea uider any ezisting constitutional or legid test. It is plain that an indeffinite or permanent exclusion of any part of the country -from rep resentation must be attended by a spirit of disquiht and complaint. It is unwise.and danger-ous to pursue a course of measures which will unite a very farge section . of the country against another large section of the country, however much the latter may pre ponderate. The course of emigration, the de velopments of industry and busiuess, and na tural causes, will raise up at the South men as devoted to the Union as those of any other part of the land. But if they are excluOed from Congress-if, in a permanent statute, they are declared to be not in full constitutional rela tions to the country, they may think they bare cause to becomrne a unit in fuelling and sentiment against the Government. Under the pollitical education of the American peo pie, the idea is- inherent and ineradicable that the content of the majority of the whole peo necessary to secure a. willing acquies cence ini legislation. The hill under consideration refers to cer tain of the States as though they had not "been fully restored in all their Constitutional rela tions to the United States." If.they have not, let us at ouce act together to secure that de sirale end at the earliest possible moment. I is hardly necessary for me to inform Congress that, in rmy own judgment,- most of those States, so far at least as depends upon their own ~action, have already been fully rstored, and are to be deemed as entitted to enjoy their Constitutional rights as members of the Union. Reasoning from the Constitu tion itself, and from.the actual situation.of the country, I feel not only entitled, - but bound, to assumnethat, with the. Federal Courts re stored, and those- of the several States in. the fll exercise of their functions, the rights and interest of all classes of the people will, with the aid of the military in cases of resistance . to the law, be essen tially protected against un ~onstitutiornial infrigement and violation. Shio.uld this expectation unhappily fail a-hich I do not anticipate-then -the Execu ive is already fully armed with the powers :onferred by the Act of Marclh, 1869, estab ishing.the Freedmen's Bureau, and hereafter,~ s heretofore, he can employ the land and na ~al forces of the country-to suppress insurrec ion or to ovetseme obst,ructions to the laws. In accordance with the Constitution, I re urn the bill* to the Senate,. in tIle earnest ope that a measure involving questions and nterests so important to the country will not ecomne a law unless, upon deliberate conside-f ation by the people, it sball receive the sanc ion of an enlightened publicjudgment. ANDREW JOHNSON. WAsIUNCTON, February 19), 1860O. A very learned and compassionate Judge n Texat, on p'assing sentence on John Jones,T rho had been convicted of murder, concluded I is remark~s as fol!ows: "The fact is, Jones, hat the Court did not intend to order you o be executed before next spring, but the eather is very cold, our jail, unfortunately, a s in a very bad,condition ; much of the glass S n the windows are broken; the chimneys are a such a dilapidated condition that no fire P an be made to render your apartments corn >rtable; besides, owing to the great number n f prisoners, not more than one blankcet can e allowed to each, to sleep sound and~ corn- t >rtable. In consideration of these circum. tances, and wishing to lessen your sufferingst s much as possible, the Court in the exer- a ise of its humane compassion, hereby orders ou to be executed to-morrow morning, as d oon after breakfast as may be convenient to be Sheriff and agreeable to you. A Colorado Elditor,-who calls that territory. Paradige, invites ,the -women to emigrate lere. Hie perhaps -forgets the consequenced f womran's introduction into the first Parsd Se. 1 What is the worst kind of fair for a man to .veo n? 9Warfare,. Letter from Mrs. DavIs. A most noble enterprise says.-th&Columbus Georgia,) Daily Sun and Times, has been in-.. tugurated in New Orleans having for its ob- 1 ect the relief of the family of the Hon. Jeffer 5o- Davis. We understand that Mrs. Dr. Nott, of Mobile, will likely be the head of an yrganization for Alabama, and that co-workers n the good cause will be appointed in all the 1 :ounties of the State. Thefamily of Jefferson Davis should never suffer as long as there-is a dollar in the South. 'We find in the New Or leans True Delta, the following tender and womanly letter from Mrs. Davis: MILL VIEW, GA., Dec. 4, 1855. T. B. Clark, Esq., Secretary and Agent Ladies Southern Aid Association: MY bEAR SIR :-I am in receipt of your very kind letter in the name "of the Ladies' Southern Aid Association," having. "for .its object the purpose-of placing" me "and fami ly, in circumstances somewhat commensurate with their estimate of" me and mine, and beg ging that I will, at my earliest convenience designate a place to which the means so col lected may be conveyed so that they may "safely and satisfactorily" reach- me. From our desolated and impover-ished friends, I scarcely expected such an expression of material sympathy, though my powers of. gratitude have almost been daily taxed, to thank those who have, with so. much -heart. eloquence, plead with the President for- him who, though unsuccessful, has given you all he could-his best energies-and whose only lhope of future happiness lies in. the sweet trust, olten expressed, that he has not lost' your confidence and love. -Ignorant of all his own--p66ple have.done for him in his -painful captivity, his devotion isunabated. "The un fortunate have"always been deserted and - be-' trayed, but did ever man have less to complain of when he had lost the power to serve'?. The multitude are silent; why should they speak save to Him who hears best the words ,most secretly uttered ? My own heart tells me that sympathy exists-that th.prayers from the family hearth,are not hushed.- Be loving and, confiding still to -those from whom-Ihave re ceived much more than I deserve,far '"ore .f ficial honors -than I ever deserved. Those for whom I suffer are not unworthy of the devo tion of all which I had-to give. ThiF- is - the mnessage of love which is sent through prison gates to our own people, I say our people, be cause both of us have been bronght up with you, one of us was born in Mississippi,. the other came to her in infancy. These are my own people, and it isa privilege- of which no change of circumstances can deprive me. To the accepted prayers of our widows. and or: phans, our suffering and heroic women, our brave and true men, our innocent. little chil dren ; I look for the restoration to . my little children of their agonized but Christian father. If -a merciful Providence so ordain it, we hope. to live and die among you, mutualy consoling and bearing each other's burdens. . I1 - pray God we may not be driven forth from the home of our childhood- "for h.w can we sing our own song in a strange land ?" We-would not have our dear friends betrayed, by their' sympathy into offering for our-use, too muah from 'their-own "basket: and store." -I and mine have, so.far, been miraculously cared for> and shielded from want. ~We seem ever en vironed by the love which is reflected7 upon us from that which - lighted my husband in his dungeon-softened his prison walls with sunny pictures of loving eyes and outstretohed arms. - Grief and gratitude seem to .imposc upon me silence. I would, but cannot say-say more. [ will enclose within this the names and di rections'of gentlemen. to whom the con tribu-' ions-of which you speak may be enclosed. And instead -of the eloquefit voice -which so aften has poured forth his loved to dhis dear people, now mute, I offer a wife's and mother's mnd a country woman's-gratitude to you and hose you. represent. -- I have the honor to be, very gratefully and incerely yours. - - - - -ARINA DAVIS. --The Public Whipping -Case. - The sentences of Judge Aldrieh,.pased~ oui he 14th instantla oir,o. Arrnradaind Fos. er, prisoners!found guilty of. lareeny, the ormer to receive thirty-nine lashes at inter als of every two months, and the' latter. five ashes-each at the end of a month, have' been nnulled by the.rmilitary arithorities says the harleston Courier, -on~ the ground: that they e in violation of Getn.:Sickles' orders, issue~d nte-1st. of January, -Paragraitr-XVIIl:of rich says-"No corporal -ponishument shall se inflicted on-any persbn other thara 'niy' Lor,f &c, and that by parent or guardian; - rested a false impression, we give below"'flie,j tatement of Judge Aldrich, -in relation to his terview with the Brevet Brigadier-Generafl ommanding the city: On the evenineof .Thursday; the 15ib of 'ebruary, 1 callesd on Mr. Didgie, the Deputy F heriff, who is a friend. He asked me what he military authornties wanted with me. I ~ eplied 1 did not know, as I had not heard bat they wished to see me. He then informed j 2e that about 10 or 11 o'clock, a .soldier had led at his office-the Sheriff's-inquiring >r the Judge ; that be replied the'Judge had R ljourned the Court. Aboitt 2 o'clock, the ime day, the soldier returned, and made the c ime inquiry. Mr. Dingle made the same re-. y, and asked him what he wanted with the G udge; to which he answered that Gen. Ben ett wished to see him at his office. Mr. S< ingle asked him ifhe had no paper for the - udge. Hie said no. He was then directed m >the Judge's lodgings, and, upon inquiry di mere, was iuformed that the Judge was not ;home, (the 16th.) The man returned, andb as shown into the Judge's room, and pro:-d aced the following note:i HEAnQ'RS Paov'T MAasnA'sOmvCE, MIITvar DIsTRIrP, CHIARLESTON, S. C., Feb. 1@, 1866. Rot. A. P. Aldrich, Charlestont, S. C. The Brevet Brigadier-General Commanding, rects-me to -present his complhments, and n ~sires to see . you at his office immediately. Very respectfully, FRANK GElSE, t Lieut. 54th N. Y. V. V., Provost Marshal. i To this no the Juden rcplicd a fullows: -hb -CHAr.IMTO%i - epruary 1%66Q~ j stpt.'I have juast reO i; yo ; n ng me that the Brevet Brigadier-Oij nan'ding de!-i es to see me at his ifice liately. I respectfully inform y'nO6u'" tad anv business with the Gener,4: .*onI >romptly call upon him for its transa ojt 3ut a- I am'not aware of an'y,.aUer1 eg W >ublic or private which demands my prsetqee - beg leave respectfully to 6ecline answeM - rour summons, If the General hasa 7s* )ess-with ne, it will 've. me.Age plegn ,j ;Q receive him at my place-of residenc n the city-Mrs. Gidiere's; Bio"d lespectfully, your obedient seivant A.- A, - To Lieut. GEIs.. - The next-.orning Lient :Geise caled&i ue and was shown to IIe me ne that he had received y,renjAy to Sn(te Lnd was directed by Ge. Bennet[ toL ne in person; present hisonTirn . -espectfully ask me-to see. hin.FtisA o )u1Aic busines of th6 na t- filc iot fully informed. I asMle hi ime the General had app9tat tA'- : Ele replied imoc_diate. T an eied , ready to go with you. Arrivirig .t ea juarters, the King house; I dpresenedo' 3en. BenneU who recived.MO -'olty - then said b.e bed.,seen- my Ireply'to Lieif Gei3 , and considered it disr'eyectfuf. - L am sorry you so consider it, for LTkI6M it to be entirely respectful.- .'saidf A it- rather curt, I answered,tint the o,"eb-t a Judge of the Superior Coart idAStf i4 lina had-always been com'ide oe6i' dignity,that:tosb who had 'pcrd'ie= ,aintained is station 'and 'th f s ot .li'ed to deart from tieai'. -, if I bad beeui Ch3arleston o yd itif - fairs and he 'ad requeistel mi t -6nt W Ace, I wupld bave he io, But asTsailfereg idy'trodi [thou'ght or'ethir g.s diie~toti 3f the office,. and that be right ddresed me under W own his brsinei did not recognize 'tie 1ith1y States Govern Ient'rir the state ~f - irnd w~as 'YEfn~a ~ . - be reyreseeiet oveiaie1, 5f it would e give hi eli N'f& ilI ie yet-be tbought myeply gh' been l(ss curt.' 1e7then drew my attdnti" o e - the'daily newspapers- iet e by thein the Court:ofSessionP6sa1q - i f theiepor4 was' correctl ii,4ai this qnestiois becau'ie dh're male eat bkV nder and e I pW that the sewiter e ported. ". enswerel, 'aTtpV down my Provost-Marshal toi ords. lie tbeD said vaif directedAj: Cea - Sickles' to 'equest ydtrto revoketaeM"%M as they arie iTf violtionof hsdd-e sist-nf with' the' advance -.ofcivil the humatitf' of the-age. 4-pied had never--gen Ge.-Scke'enr, b handed-re but that I w6uld no y baw;-thatthe only 4 -'a~y Judge,-was tnrease.4NSthe~ - [a*prbid -W the ',' dut tee;an*ike of oui"Uourts in Law, Equity -r6 and a Gonsfof Bfrica Hesea Chi Justice was in the eily;1m 'ai any difference inthe:vakWof--Judet plied no;-'that-tbe Otfi JtretiCer ' Court off ppeals. and-iir t1ie Court of aNz tht the' Court 'of A ppeals was a.gipra$ Court, a-nd thai the Court ft&rdi:s va-ede- - - posed of alttheJudg&s, andi that'.est Jjo as the same authority and dignitgenas-t*--~ Dhief Justies. I thea. said -fo himnr#*fsi butone Ma nvii th-ed ptag~ caoM - ioided, inf4bat is by ip.11igt teos ,o to. exe'rcise the pow4? o'#nidfi4e4 led, itwasakiso'teAyoidedii oori%d :h pi-isoneRs oa(ofW4h d - le tben saIu,Igde.'t evoke th nteees , ickles, anidtogia e , riew (.~' e jiiH fer -thwu plrose o'earyingr'ba ' nee it&teitin bt wasiefadpMe ion oT th pretorieIs apn eIi~onr-4t NIoM.-- th 4nralCn%iL Ii sythe.14thwains c'S~6q~ig ree eleeted omeo o0r Jy ee.8 Companion A. G. Ma4key,.Dri nM..E..Gnd HighFPdest. Companiofn B. Rush Oampbell, of Latirer s -X. .Deputy Grand High Priest. Comnanion Rev. T. S. A.rthur,.e-f Geevile, ..E.-. Grand King. Gompanion M. I?i Bartlett, of Charleston 'R.-. ..Grand Scribe. Companion Rev. M. A. Sawyer, of B!ackville ost Rev. Grand Chaplain. Companion.C. F. Jack son, of Columbia,' R.-. .- rand Treasurer. Companion Ebenezer Thayve,- of'htleston, .-.. Grand Secretary. Companion C. S. Faust,: or Bamlurg; E.-.t.rand iptaiai of the Hlost. Companion H. JM. Mfu!.er, of Chariestort E.. rand-Royal.Arch Captirin. Copanion Thos, Ata'r qChareston, Qrai mtmnel.- -- Companon RN. SBurns, df Charlestoti, Chair arof the Co~mmittce on Ydieigh'Correspon oce. The next Annual Grluid Convention:wilI be~ Iden, Deo V6ete4 in'Charleston,'on thg Tnei y' after the' second Monday in Febrnary, 18S1. 'he dharleston Weekly 1cor, aks the lowing ntn ovf Bisho ai: Bshop DIyvis is perfectl'y' biTh4 aiid1ri nd i tion gives peculiar seriosnees andsolem ty to fhe prirmance of hisEpiscopal 'mn ;rations. Hi 'health seem. fee)e but his tellect burns glIth increasP'd iigit and heat, ilst the depth and earnesL:-ss of his spir ral insitruc,tion and examnple make .him a : e;' t the churh ovm. w.hib- he rescMas.'