The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, February 28, 1866, Image 1

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a.- r-2.- - AA PT NEK ER. MONT'S, IN ADNk.' NEWTEY S. C.. WE)N ED FEYAF V f N Di I9. VOLUJ , 1I is PL'BLISiED E\~E:' WThN1CE .'6, By THOS. F. & R. H. GRENEKER. ED 11ro P;s A r 1P:. S. TERI, F1,5 F <R N M NT EITHERi IN CURRIENCy UR IN PRU\iSIUN. 'Pay:zent reqired inv:r-tA.v in dance.) Advertiseme:::s ilre a: ,., per Zj".re, for first insertionl, 'l fo eneb doi.en m on iarr'age noticv-, : vi: .u., bi:r and Commun ic;.:s 0 pcrsO at."'erest ch ed as advertise : ents. Countin IlIuse 'Calendar for 1.S60'. O-Cf 1! '2 i. 2' .5 C *7. S; 1I 1 4 14 1 1 17 Is i 4 5 '1 12 1 1 4 7 8A 19 2, 2:: 2.51 24 27 2S - - - - - - 1 1 1 i 12 -- 'i 7 6.7 6 7 SS 4 5 T 2 o 21 22 Intervi'M Beln-f-tn can..t 1' and Coiorod oi. 'From the Wai.: t w e tak-.e the iniel.c tion onl the 7t e up as f.!!n'r. eo T. Do~wn -Z - land Statc, : 1 . i lanld ;'J"hn Jone. -! of the Ditr-t 1 n \ of South ('Cro2ia h - per, of Pemnn" - . -I 'nI Alexander D)uiU: I a. :t a m' 1A.pper, (n hie a.4 '' D)ouglass4 s;.'ko as f.AM 44 :' 'you, sir, a to you 4s -'.a .. p: trate of the Re:''1 , but to y'1~ (our reIS pet, anid to p1rent in brif e einm of cur race to your ta-:oral coni er'.- In the 'order of D)ivine~ f': id41ce au a\e ncd in a position uhecre you hav th ae oSave or destroy us, t) ns or at na. I in*an our whole ra'.'. Ycrrd :m 1.iumane predecessor placed in o'r 1:mne s4.mU (I to as'sist in sav ing the nati, :14ual( we h'pe that you, his ahi su:&ce.4sor,\ n ia f(or:iV 44 egel1 the placing in our had th ba!!vt wit a i to save ourse lve.'. We shall submiit no:armument on in-ai pnt. The fa'tt that we are the subje1.ts F e Cn ment, and subject to to X tion, sui "t to vl unteer in the service oIf tChe co 'ny su ec to being drafted, suIh$ctI to huar t4,he burCeI of the State, makes it *t imroper t at we should ask to share in th4e priviege~s ofthi -condition. I have no speechi to make on ti o'ension. I simply submit these observaitons as a hit ed expression of the views atnd feelings of the delegationi with which I havec come. 1I:S1ONsE oP TPE PP:SmrN'r. The Presidernt replied substantia!!y as fo! .Zows: In reply to some cfvyour i4oi:1e.--not to -make a speech Uupon the subi't, for 41 I. ! ways best to talk p'lainy a ' di:icy abut such mnatters-I will '::" that if I hav'.e no;t a~ friend of humn4ity, a:;' , that prt'(71 en f it which conistitutes the eo (red 1 n 4: 1 'van give no ecu4ence i4er. I i bave h id, bo(:4 r e:y hias been pi di: C tthink I (1:4: wh~'at'; be t.:e i '' (ion, anid wMIt C'.r" - tdn the amUeUCation 'rot only of t'r.e C'.'r'e 1'? 'of the people of the n' '. if I have not giVu: erd una 1e 'of humzanity, an eCpe' y hefundofth -colored man, in my pa C' codnt 44 i 'nothing that I can now' da:h0t wo''h 1 1e peat, all that I po'4'essed--i,lb:ymd property-have been : isked in con.e1i' with that questio,en I had4 ever 2 ~indc ment held out to tak th other coe by adopting which I woud have neenmpll '(ished, perhops, :ii! that thI'e un t ambi1 . dticus might have desired. If I 'w myse'.lf, anthe el 'ings of my1 owno het, they hav'~e beenr fIr theC colored man. I have oned slv 1 andought slaves, but I never sold1 one.- I mih say, however, that practically v o far as; y con 'nection with shlves hn' '''4. "4. I h ave been their slave instcead of their b)4' -nie. me have even folIowed ine I4r,u nIs ('eCe cupying arne omem C12tr unal* my -Conlsent. I(r 4,4e e r' 4 rae, m' me,.s mOy time, my all ha44 i.. n 'e'i ia ;ad o at this late day, af' er"' -: er ' 'o t..t i tangible, that is vr iAl, I f:n fe to say to -vou that I do :.rt Kk a: r:4a a he s 'who ca:: zc: Up h :i :.:. 44 idoas of "+berty who (ever p!iere lifo, In,er te, or nroiert . This kid of theoretcal, hol lw, upracial r lip amn.1ts to but ver yit:!e. Wil I say that I a frin of th i coo:e mIn, I do m>t want to a p(olcy t: I I-lieve ili e1 in a Contest e tw tween the rac, whb!i , if P'YiOte in, will rASWA in 1 xt"rina ntins of one r th INer. I Al iida that I shouhi he tingo, in such a wick Now, it is always be't to tak abut th in pr%lcticaNly, ad in a Commnion sense Way. I hUve Oal, :u"I I reeat here, that if the colored ian iii the L'niteId States coubl find no other Moses, or any Moses that wauld he more abl, a,d 0iiient than myself, I would be his Moscs to le:i him froum bondage to fre edo; that I wonMd pass him frm a aid where he h:al live in siAverv to a land (if it were in our ruacb) Ai Ae(iim. Yes, I wuld be wiling ti pass with him throni the Red Sea to the L:mtd ol Promnisu-to the la1d of liberty ; lit I :m n- wili 1 u dr either Cir(:1iniMtanc ., to :'ipt a iry k wi11h I beliive will only re it in ta sacrile*e Of his alfe and the shedliig of his bia I think I know what I say, I feel Wit I SaV ; and I f,-el well assured, that if 1he p liCy Ou ''ib o me he p i ted in, it wi; resolt in great inuiry to the wvhite nan as weil ts to iie colore!i man. There is a gicat d na oi tnl' about the swoIrd in one hand(. le comiila el:d, and(1 theV ball"ot accoml :: ther at tie ballot box. The-e t a!l do very we.1, and somne time ave rcib a'phain. WWe talk a DUt justice ; we talk Amut righ t ; we say that the w hite Iman h1:1s beenl in t:h(e wrong in keping~ the blk ima in slavery as long as he h . Ti1 i ai! true. Again, we ta"k Wb.uc the DelAratmn (A Ineedneaai :: j e . l i befjre the law. ymu m:lserst'li al :r :n' \!i'n how to appreciat it. Dt, w :",z u1 loIk each o:her in the f:ce: let ns go , t 1 thegrat umgut clrdmntruh bat the Olve Niaten ; l1t us VCk the CUNA, : are at theI preseilt ti?ve-and1( i ntvi0me zlt codii at they . Mat rekI tmi .ay tW e e:wivu n- te m:m i ha-o -re 'I o ynild - I Y I a reat In A"11CvAs:Ad and oww'd i:- I., C eAiij! mC a . : el IN the f v to '-I !i~ C\ t le ke t I' 'i g t terat t es .il eit ee th w hte1*' orn atI d l I cl ca e w .lk,mi , It ne thAe nIt t Qf Te ou nni n,,,(q!ii(o ce n i s: :iin. TI e:e we're ti .er tweny t t. 1 v pa Kow er ci::triLA that .* a 1 hak t this n1! to- as it i'. Ahough ,'i :.l wS in s:lavery tht're, . 1ac 'f that in:aity, ned of that c''mn:in t, yet,sw m u com the: hizewnnn, and mN ,ii here with the non-:S1vowler, h :snia'iv e,1:miatei os imiportance~ ;ut.t :n 1pro so tin t io -ieor laIves that1 his 1n.:'w er miyne , w i n ::en'r non ave.hi .ue-. yo-"u eve I.r Uliupon a patn M'r. D)'nelas. I imve, youur Excrllency. TIhe. itre.Ilent. W bcna youi woi!d i ook oveCr sWe a m:m1 who h':ltl a inrge familyv, sting har upon a' po'r riece af land, you ! ud.t a1 rea dal icss of him than you did your own" mastr 5 niegroes, (:an it you . V'.i t o'l a ' N t I. Te Pr si.t Well, I know sneh wa the ag .na large2, majmeity oif yiu in those 1 ."tins I hre such is the case we kno1wt Lei is~'i a mty, wxe know there is a -hate.c he poor white nman, Onl tile other hand, was. ?IaSedI to the slave and his master, for the >1ored main and1( his master combined, kept I in a aOvery, by depriving him of a fair. par- I cipationa in the labor andi productions of the i o h mnti o ine coantry. D)on't y ou know that a colorCd man, 'n 3 ro to hli 't a miai-er, fas they Call it) for the est ye"r, pref>rrn d hiring to a man whol oned ('htvexs rat her thain to a mnan w ho (il r o t ? I know the fact, at a!! Cvenits. Th1ey id~ nIt coinsohlr it qulite as respiectable to hire I o a mnan wxho did not Own necgr'oes as to oneC Mr. D)o'zi::::. Because he0 wouldn'at be t Li eii as w.t T- ' P-t. The tat islr ;nothe rre *t inl t. r of 'hat n go in t ay lIt a im.' Iie. is a pa:;t and p:arei of the political \V'n you cim ba1Ckn to the objetcts of thits C rar, yin flnd1 that the abo;ition of slavery was 0 1:: of the (1 oe:5 Congiress and the irsident hilf dec iared that it wvas waged3 mone pI art in oraer to suppress the rebellion -tile abolition1 of slav~ery' has come as an in idenit to the supli ressionl of a great rehe!ion a as an incident, and 'as an incidentt we should ixe it tne prop'-r direction. The colored man went into this rebellion a ave: and hir the operation of the reb,eiiont ei camne out a freedm'an-equal to a freedmlTan b: n any oither portuion of the country. Then b: here'is a great deal done for him on this point. v he non-slaxveholder who was forced into thet ob' i1n, wbo was loyal aus th"ose that lived r '1enord the imits of thie Staite, but uxho ari ' ito it, and his p'roperty, and in a n aumbe r (of nstances, the liv es of suich were ~acrifed, aId hr who has surivxed has comes at of it 'w ith ne'l'.'::-n1 b"t a grtat aea! 4 - .. theL he aced 111 a con(li n :n er'll I "i waiit t w re before ()n the j?ne ha d , a-h :w a n tde ; onl the othe.r : ap i ofr vicw, se u cAl cc awlis wh;rv he N'' w are tWAkig aout wLhre We :IrC gri.g to bciT. We have g1t at the hIte that existe'i hbetween. the two.( ircs. Th c'('a n' cow:1s up, whete thsp- two rav;3, Qwol as' 1Io wer A'e IC'e'9'e, T VItlou r; ri' w t Itho t t 0l' for as Ion a d e'XCit'len't Io 1 t r!ap a, : ,I: withw:t tiie f Lr the u h t impi ovement-u- hetr the one shonbhi hC turid loise uon tho Other, ntd hc thrown togetLheCTflat t h 'ia t-H :x witt Ibi enn CI12 ad hate v.ii hbtween tTo mtc . The qucq. COT11 CS Up t i theLZ1 re, wleth ' I e!(r w (e n! 't C:n mence a wnr of rmes. I thik undyh:rtai this quesqtin ; and espQ<ially iw tIs the o ens when yOL Orce it upol a peole n ItuiUt. the CoNseIt. You have s n!: s h a!.)o'ut (ovri ernm It Where is jower deived froi ? We sav it s d.:ilved from tho p ee. Let u t!ke it So, and refer to the ict of Colwn:i:a bv wa.v ofI i!! ltrat ' Sn. I S S fQr instonce, here, in thisMAKY p C.4"m cmdniy,w to toA crtir ex"unt have W>veNmen, muu twhan law", al :nit.g it i Ate iet AAl'si. v ncan--tak itoc,ei aio th!e rlai Which tie "W hiCe bA heeUAW rx to th Colhwed law--in it P:PPVr to Moe ;Mn th.! Co011 ni tyV, u X o tt rc nsn,tc :ci lranchise, uWu e u to or la i U N i ve l ?! A! N, 6wh r "lai yA 111 i ? 69vernment must have n n.-mAng ow.r ; n01st hve a Knigmient. bir instawe, SlpYse ('ingrus hOu l oss a Ow aunTtAi izing nu VeICSlt t b'e bh(1. ut which al! O er tweniI0t C 1!av .ii age, . ithult re I:n to c r, Shoudh he l a h0'X,"ved t') VOte, a '1 a m A ity Sio u t''eid. at Such a eA ion tiim,t the e lciv it:meiS: 1hou "d n .,t 'e vn.e-a: hat w udy u d Aout it? W N\ n(Uld settle it y AS yow dun that E it i ixil- of the i i t of ry-A:t to ! arb*it y ' o- we,r, ai;d say a imia rty of th'is p son'h rcceive a state A -Ir. .I )I -! L. Th ti wa:.N th war. ne I' ,n The lI..' .-e. ( um n w t n a b u a ' r. LnT o::A g.' :Ily wf~ . ha y.A iA i ou av .Ai MrA. Prt hi nt. t . : rOln f6l in, ce, rea m j i'y of the i inha;Ibit:a!:Is ae CO TA S Ar ' IiAt. : !z o u go to . : 1 th i i zvernm n t it' i thNi; p : t us it : :. vouI I.t p i ' 11n: : . A ti I i l-th vehaI :' ''I' u a lau' ' i n I r il. e I! Isetv h:1!). in . t>hi rn o r in 1:e .:tA .e (A. li i ' c te for t Ahem Ilve . Jie e 110 i ry TN iA s poI(Atientl power than' '~ myio:dy e , c nd it is for the LAeg 'tii 're iir thet need. I f 1) to say S n'A ho ishl ve t, ndA nout'for the C a'.zr ss oit~the U ited 0 : . m'idtZ go i'I"'n hIr to ' .the Al haibo t' a r w :1:rl vAt.: A'irecti' fir ii n 'iA : ST.f r: e; bu if a A.,::t :AO'ity N' If theC pe TIh~i Io I 1: u1 co hr -w ud he t : n h In i t IhAoutI t i the [ . I s Al Ao.::' ':: nuiot toh gM I -y AdA.i Athere T''II Any hi wions tIr mfIr > inI. tT t .. A0 C il?11 A TIA.iu, Thee Pi ht t . .i i' S t he ptopi( f :1t: i' vi ei atesj t'Ua must nr Iemselvis Ie:ei ne~ fk thlIT N'at Til c oe:.e a warI foracs 'pI van tilo iegin the :1 n o k prep:OT'filo, and he.c Rates',:iAA ori T'1'i the ,;! nce on Au iiy :enc tha this n ew stte of f a rs il oper-a ao i ! prT o tec hi imA A. t i n :ll(;(. hIlAVs I r ights :md 'ire hm th every o l aan tie when theyw ec'ome e!d i e'CI so cihal and1 pAi l iticallyA tA o Ci stateIi ofL Ch i. Then will t''0hi e order he te;.e before'c I thiy s are :I prpae o r it, fee at'ii( cni tionT ti t driving T t h matt0r T'ronI ths loop 'po ah 2icmnty w5'Cil elnithTl it t injur ofI both races,t Oand (tth ru-T esir bu the go'od (o the whol ehuanwe would it were.N sA" l\tliit a 'l Aoat co ANH Am or A ;.etn to~ b:e wi''e r t n r odnce lin it; le u end er 1to T'odf o what d -:r w ti. th tAl anth"'ing fI en o I ii'i enz' o ('XT valte the rae1 t f n n 1.l'iorXaUlAte A the on iTtin I ' do,11 am Tit b bl tA. AAO soiSpItheA tio:r are ofe nw At.'TA I4 VOm Whel t haTemt y , andii~sii than y'ou' .r the1 codu hat von hav Tl.'Aidme 31r. 'I))'iilog . . I )gav t retrn t that ur th:usTlO', LVIr. P iS lent,l fortsoi I kim1ly rning usrx f thisineI I'w We) die no(t. comel ereC ectf 01igItol SAIrIe rei'1)the s i ws ourLT hxetAlncy,cbut simly tol sNtateI hatC -er x dou views oir w shes ihes preitses.1 we were isposed toaght Vte enestion, nd tou wuld granOt010 XAN ushprmtsion, ofAcourse ore would tendsaor toA controvert spom of the! ostin you0 haviasued Afr Do nig ' 'r. DogAs tae ttat 1'et I wn. t o v Or two w 0 ords Thw Pr, i.-nt. All I have done is sim1p to i'' I hat I views rue, as I su,:po vo'' e :md ne to fron youzr addrecss. r. Iin ai':'.. My\ o'wn imp!ressin is th thet ve thi:z vr.r F.xcelh.nev woul avo th very mn(ire. tht 'we pri'polSe; anl ,,otc1s t. I mv bro.hnr -n tes that . ause I a:r i%.e e. P idu - t is taken stro! diIruIV. my: my:aIty:t to remolve any1 iiis u r :e N it a hie Ias expresse . thunghit wiv' 1ad Ivtter edIc the ie u I - i the expre"sin -- th ..:s. [.\ ireviug t i'e it1I Int ifvoor IL:ae.llner wxii 'le ia.d tc hicr, I wo-il lk to say C . .d tx o i i r "% that ore inacer Lf tie enfra iIr tht v r thi v . bfch y1 vou:- .xcelb(-mI -:rvms tll cpre d--that is, a conliet of r Th'1'e Prs tt I repe(alt, I n.'ry want, to i:nt' nc y vii w., in reply to your adr: as I C.i l lt wt, "I .s un.)er the cir u! t:recs. Yoe r .sata -n .t va: a very fraf !n11"4 e t it. Ias due to v u t mP tL in th c s. 'lne; sj ''it. s I. :mnk Yo-, sir. The 1 Prsitiet I :hink xn x .i1 findl, I: as tiw 'n: is : toneirnedi, that, if youi wx alin n I: ' t i.: hi , in conn1ctio withx~ t o:e you nrI:e, Ih cIlre p Vj . e n flie .1 ecewi c: th:m' crowdedha toecthe.r in the Suut 1$r. COW1.01t pt ma ,trs have F! n,als:n'' f th , an~ l21d we camn)t get awv, T P i) t. W 11aha1t prevenit you ? L? I L .. !c l \\. e havex' not theC sunri ight'. of l'eumctcin through the Southeu: The P n t.1 If the a mast -'r r w Cntre the2 fre''d.n, woh! he n t control his V)t( Mr. icmi'. Let the ne(ro wnce I n d e si:u-,N th he h1s anog ner t v voteC a he'1 wi il rUi , 1p a a yin he ouh Ammw. the p , h . L:,1y with 1 hi. There this I r:l t::t yu spvuu k of between t wea!!.y -bvtholdr *:lite pomr man. n Yoti t.ieA i ht upon t! pinI t r. Th r is t:isi cot-flict, and hen mu ,. w oe . nto. cii- nas ing 1;ls powl i i g tc, leive, rem r! to 1 S. "Tlie Priident sen us w .i we wi .ave to go a: get t T); t i -ir. I have great flci i thc t. h't they will < nt hat i. ud'c' ha1 no' dc obt they will si ilic the i . n ir. r I l >pe thiat it %i The .:'leit.tthe bmmi a:'.d' wtithdcrew. G s n: Eunar-Wea:e iniftormle ;' ii that Or'll ,.n lit t eh r i def1t:nde1r of F,) . n r, i.a been tird and a ccta ti. pinn''ccc ntli of ..'iK1mt :\gen't of' Transpo tie en V- :\ 4sa bcinnieh of Lthe "Soi't (1.tns !Li !..:v1. The G;eneral hcas remon dayc, ei .1 r upo hie fled of labor. T! ap i:.tmen t i n 1, exe Veti one. The roldh di b: lS his utie. ibs ex n le i th s uing to worke'i ti n-pai;r the ra:es whie iwrI ofi thle Liihe't e'muIatin. We sil tiwe- Cu' r wK' il fow the example of G3tii r:J Ei!, and~ the ti'c41Iu(Sads of ote bro:r and goi( men V who inve been prominienti dni!e with tiht Confedraite caulse. lHee not the inang ote n,ii'erable fana1t'es wh' are ni Vw s'..'' ::;:. to 0distro the whole ('ounitr' Our' c day wii vett cnt'. IIa the mesatimce ou. hm ~nil e a spher c o long as it p rov ides foo and rninenit. Errr:::Nr':n 1 -rn Sm-rTn.-Tlhe AtLiant :!orgIn c7 Era says:'PThe (ispo1tl ion rc:i! newxx boo'ks, 'cs noex Li*tla'ved inl tle Souitl h:0eanld i \ii mannecr of books are tim 'c'ased en(lyil, awl1 readP wiith av'iditv. Poetn' wih a~ f ew; years~ ago wtoul hav~e l'rmine con tii' shlves of bookstres' until cob-webCi h: c! tic md ti verxi thle coveris, is now bot: 'h ccf li tio,'cnol' 12nuter hocw weak anid stale, fir; so:n er tender femle to weecp over the haps an Wevae ci'to se t-'ihis evident hetar~ing tiiw cuie. mid. An. epoiichit book1 mai:kIn i...h...;.e.. on in the history cf a natimt It 'i *'i::: ii-mt f wxeakt 1 and pro(speity. I a ayfoIg a ilois', andi are s'eeking foo Sre:tal en'1cure. It I'vi2(Ces tie fac.t tha t "::r :1 as'' ec:it'a:.t tr:inr ni'en er b:ah th puh!! n :inii, but tha t n!! icr w!:h to co:ne 'C up ':od f,a'd at the sa:o mi) te dun 1 t l, : *n '1: togn ber li r th' ie pc ic'g''ti'on if an Ir cf M ien; in c:r Iiationa The H-tory of Mxico nshoiV5si that dun: th.e 1:si fo'rty 't year io i as hadc thirtxy-Cev haveC amoiunitcd toc ov er tx'o hundiIred. Man:i; year s since a' Mc 'xi 1 Pro.t ectora te was urge iic uponci the n;i,td Stactes Senate by GenH. Hocus 1on, upon the U: cu~nd that Lthe 3Mexicain peop!i therwise woul fal tl a preys to somie hAurIope:u powerc. The~ I I( project wa condem ned an btandoncued. Bit prhapnjs inl viewv of the pas and present it wouhd nave bceeni well. TIhe (ar' has adrse a rescript to thb (;ov'ernime.nt of Warsaw, p rumulgatiung a serie; ofi '''elioni'al mesu;res to be carrt~iid ouit ni IPoad. Sucp eriorH andl elemenitary schools arc to be e'strablished ifcr P2 ces, Gireeks and Ru.s s;ans, anil se"oarat*es' scn;i for Germrins2 an<l Li huanian .;.iA' 5 lr will bce taught thc Pc. h antd Ruc 'chm h"'tc'lrind langu'ages. ' .scovery ora .Ntw stoci !or Paper. Il we :. te to crbit thn pajors whilh rhb Is 1y "he his1t Engish n .,, a i n : a s slat I&t bo Wio.e-d u%.h Wi i%-: 1O phice of cottnn a; raus in the maknkmirt-M loper. It is oiut m the S Puthn 10iM (d.pnn and' is k 1i as "e-p) 1't granmn. Ig cry as M lo's: The Iim ) .1i'C ant oiti w cchi:1h ti;i t coveed rt ticle of 'f o'enm ha ii'La .itL i (II ~ ~ ~ La 10POV W-;i iII i en in omerce iis ery mtereming in n O, th sug(I't o iclkly the i -, kVer i a n w pIn o tion to l eLx,rI l C an imllrtnt iuec on the preihto o no : idtrv, Anuth"r di:overy his N bWen m:in whidh thlrui fl ( o.daan taim ta 13f itrole :L , is still j: i n s il n ebaracter, and! so Uryful as rL:n!dS n n t- port- I Et -. ie - fcturc, thiat w ie tik o I.u rIe. al er i be g% t. I r e::iv t h veo - a- ing,r i nT ltntatiol! on th bjct. W ~a telue to e ti cw- Crt l! n-adl of the alivaialy o the Atoh, onor, as iL i S1 CaNled in gan epro"to the mn,uafine , 1f paptr. Mr.% L'y' , or f the Walthnniusin P::per ' i, is stated to h n, t ! a d a g ht shae in the nerit a Tis itmvr: and ar. ark, \te :ha it Unte at ecel h't as cit up ain inimrskingy repo:t on thi sufAMet which h s !atIt beo-n !1n: Ae i i in the i ."m mALial report. s grass is tne p Uaue C' wvaste lai:ds--it requires no exp, i n ;-1Cult; V tiwn and litth- in C e Ctinl-. IL it -es t Pro pI-gatvLd t;m tel routs and.not from emL t Is pe r a, d a ndiprpvats of;r.nj i tslf, a il provet%"s by _ ae'guar gatherinm, if; lwk e:d u i"h Sufilcient care. 31r. Alai k hasd volted e gre a or hiUs emieavors to ascertain the elimate and soil whiebh are to thle de veloprient (f the pInt; and it "ner ta I the Ato::ha rqu hi s a d i t ,,:; dry Mlimt; thut it gr)ws equlay'3 wi mCth Ains and in the mountains to a upW:rato el evatin, :and that aS regard oil it MOUr ise I bothin cal(care us ind ar gilac ous uoilr, or when t:Ie ilS Wre I&!Ide( in tie foinl of .nar. The greatent qjuantity is sipivfriomn the I.provinceo; of Ahnwiria and AVarch but it is found thou in less ab6und:me. in a.L the e n'.n povines o Simip. It is aWSO Imid to be pientifi! inls e Pars of the OP;.ottu coast of AMricn, 81n11 shiptmnts are- made frym eOran to. En:n.Pri.r to the dist:uvory or its being made avnilale for th ane man u re r of Ipaer, the esair i ha1 be.e used in Si as Wi, in the minnufure io red s or nAin i ndigit ad fori' makilg bsts aIl ltt ll It Ia ttlt. I;nt th;e disnof ry < fert r tieS o)f the tL gra inha la:d a comis rev YOU o it d:emLtIS uOnre it groAs. jQ;o tunew have been i eializ e hv inividuals u t were Ohe i f the rhad wh:h em dures it. 'I he price hm to than d1 bi.-' and i., eimo ,ttcb Mr. 3k at E: V. pe"r Egiht'1n on b":ard. Tegee :r cl e exam ts have fs yet bon drecd 'w -.n 1 :u , h %here, in the Q it.114p of un D ue ')-a tmrli ya,Lhe : I Ltman ntu.mne aI rgs:n0 Ua th iQh:st imlort:a:c, 161,1MU tons har nQ been, as .t is Si, isma ted into E5iioar in that Hrim i: and M fr. .lark e ti- : the are.,ent r-ate of annual expor at 5% ton-;. Mr. M%Ja eati s tht at-vof it e: n plac th oteto,hm and woo!, i a X~s o no a Lteisltnle ad eeni sl ha ses >infctr on f'whom i aems lr:uy to prov toi'l our paVer men (in~ Wtwre etween ts sCo,iuktr adt This as tae oar of peei aiary tmprtancX ew to we ier in ctry, mio oriew of t-wou 11r priece of ae r rhy may ; not~ this"sart h rass"Cl I ben butm lied t llthe wauth, nhre the ii el'imIate ad sicl torresond ith tht of-i. iouthrn SaC in?) tis fis ai mtter' worth Iin- iI a e vsgn. -Smeth Trorkza Enin P.. .1a hiogs fokashun1'si with aprofound admin tIfre ntauon fa whieb enn:.ed yu to~ honor me by)yur vodtes wta ea i the 1 fiat oI Gery. For Xto mometus tandisii ek the I I ofXwho iIiam proudjI Ito bei thi. Fo sevr sorter I:.' reknyacetoL see whetheir Geit we were m ine of t-ie ot at of i-whetn io bno miean ea'' toly.' fIthr weour.l'C p oin-. cetcilrn bor dmn th IX,wrea l Tis l int are muchunseth:, butiOr c woen are a-ii'' ed to be X kahn' and s:ee. Myil 1C i frien s nurC aim1 have lonty Cent l o u II ackX it tefs of tp n ryou -' Ld t EnI n. i the prody:;a1 J l i o:- tI e h:il nut (in to live on', a?l thein lI oneoea:i h r, ci~~~ ~ ~ Sr--'r r be s-me ons we k, -x .-'. aw-h n ! ny . I ..n: e:-ora: e winin no ! : a , t 1* tif n k ilwx of a mn-A k !- f ;"!! i: U 1-,nIt be b i i ' ''1mll: , -Liral L.b Ke in iK nil FiWWV a an. A CU', :a:d a Tr a'j i, t i Ul t: I !!I :l, s so ill ei t . : - :e IF, % a1u i -d i , ni a el.ri, i , ab. mu) , iii ;;n01t% .1:! bio'. li.:utibW i-;,i--:1:e:a]. I -n:nsthinik > ii: il miy bi n ;;i s,-rier ndie , a d I t1 like bpecumi; a voumte.l con vikt of tho Lqnnuk .nlu:m. Chnrity nnue, me to the ,iyun that old Sut:ner re: (c:iz . ilmi b- h!7b- e gittin .vrae er> r snl h- r 1n the brain u:d it do nem o:- the W- a ha ve prTved Nntw;US. If they be f.l PC-I" it ml'ut be the PN ace that pa.ethali nru tandin, fir we 7an't fathwm it mi tht.e r,;gb-s. Th,3y f,ut ia to free th. ;.' mggr' tbut (hli nt ket r for tii p Th WesTern hb 1)t us fOr I Uir butt dert k1er f'-r thei r:igger. By~ L'et :an o' ucw t:ev ii, - ' u, aimd we fi n t' up, but '- thi I: dn' u:mt our r the . er (o ' i o -t ri, UAi rn, my!th arnien .tl' to .0:::.a em hajth a t :s o r ii,bhKd p'eople e-:t:r indt to;zit)k, [-,s tik moist hard1 -t War tO wi up that his. ",r)y rkr. n r,S nanld Corn1panly :r StH. .1 1u-.-il; .:oi t*mo in);: a _-ut th)e e*ver aVs, an: sqUat In a jewrv, and want to per it u', ther f in .In t !,:):iC thing 3r N -:1ar to ci edensa.em. u,herc is h- css'i man'? Theyv -: it- ailri.;zht for a 'it ru ot to vWue in ncedent, b n there int bUt aI few Oi* tm th ; :nd itS :! %rong emL *' I, t '.i; in t G irg thee a .' 'e:n here mi they -dk L tik :tnd Re -t v'n".i t irc b wt i i'. WL (~i) aint a wi i a sA! t Sse Si-: ru: but a T ,irt n - fUWeSezes, I someitimes i e lid n v n o g Iern,'0en. .elt th%t waly sorte.r wh.,,en Mir. Gibioon: O Pr;. t ! ettee oil the i S:a1v of tiw EpUb i.When' the I.ket-yrAd ont myi name11 i lI.'ixed up w ith the Ri;bk, I flt that I -a ohilzted to I ce . t-i t n i'e0-tku to -y fet :Sn y "l. P . t1e:eg to he re pektabi y ey k I Tyr, it'yo p . ir thar . my it, : 'WA n thS sil: Uf J &I I cant -nevo it at thts tOn uMn theSO SpTaks. um % 1, i l n .1! \~iTA- .v 03 Port J. : ai t i co t -ty .; n 1%y in NST, 1A i h:Vvot (i of it in North -r li.n : I aive W.rK f a skrub con Mun % fV. a t WAinte 'ev cWl: a Repub :k, h .r, it ar l ie : : grand M- that ever e mi on ai mnti nt n n:cOm. it re to be U:.";As Yh Mu..m w1.h, infpal w girims 1n a 7n : :d I OW.t nothin 'n do w ith it. .x Me, .uO , but I ,t ii-i,t, on bein re paVaby dis-na: ge . I to,k iy sca tatmi! tbe -most refoundcst mnd utul us Wen evur s-evd, an 1 Mr. i un~ rm:e:i tht he ;Mein t im p. - e the ?Reublii: i o fcitable man agzin bi' wish a.iliutee, 'andi se be hoiCi wec '.' Obl tako n,rnedtiate zeior, fo 1r the- ~ i- had to money, at .:'te f i:'i. Ti raa noLit have xse tht I U: t eat et' ra " Frthit Lh I c'? g 'riar- m: gect n:"' for 'a tempo ar~ i r. Jekhis -e r.ogr-t0iYatedl, fir they n* ut.- -i ta to tie ui . Ihjius, sa's I *e-' - e t. h:t the wig'in If u earu et,we c-n *,o :r none in Ancgaty. If re ait a R,.- .- ii ione of o:r btushws-is to ,ens . Wha i the djIer.'s ia a Prhovisional G--v raen for,i ti f~ 'it Li't to g.t up proiionsr tid p'rm ide f-r a f, 1-r y- r iy ? I inado p a ni d that pe.rhapJs ue b:UI t;en htu oiu . dy ar.hut i.g enaf. We had] as Ie tirtt a ifv'n.or :s .>ihamalC 0: U t'r (trru 'o. ZIe o at: ts t8 back ar,iut as ad S w e wI atil! i- et' b a l :a lit'.le had I he fri!-i itt'---m'ch we wovn't e-i t nio tdy-I go!!y ! ' li nke the sti:d. LOm! go arkwardsii'(c. I ftr:hith retu:rned tn the. Cap (1., aind ,tre-hin f th m:i o fL i my arnl', S s I, o!yU ; i i:t i an g 'aiIL- star n\ ill be8 'a r.ue- jf:-':n . h'- -iri r , .ntd the - n -i t \ rl t forIC Ci:Vc I t o okiLt - T e predi - were celegrafd. t o,:rno an :oi h )a est T'i theU e1 , n ka fi . .Ih- t:nods, th:at Ve! w ii fui t l 'ii Ty, (20d ILen Da/nGS, ei n,eber f otm --ui: reunukt ed that he S. e-: 'ke rain. Ilis othe'r eve weUr beat tyaX Yan.- solie nt hi' -e tCarien were pri-n Of course-~i th- vir ier- ntie.d for tlt ' .-lIt . - le, 'e t it- in n.' . on C n ir i en.- ~. , i: -*' w l tr- ! :