The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 20, 1865, Image 1

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..- -: TERMS-$1,50 F)n sx y C -.. I ;!N'.v~ MONTIIS, IN \DVANtE. VOLUME I. NEWBVI3ERR{Y, S. C.. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20 1805. NUMHBR THE HERALD IS PUBLISIlIED EVElZY WEDNESDAY, At Newlb-rry C. U.. Sy THOS. F. & R. H. GRENEXER, Ki-r i .AN i,:"10 :: ToIs. T ERMS, i FZl1 SIX NTHI:i, 1THEl IN CURIENCY R IN R V1SI. I.Payment required imvaraiv :n auvane. Advertisements Inserted at . per si:are, 1> first ilsertioll, 1 fr -.eI sbsfoirent i.rin. Marr'age ioticies, Funer'':, ituies, *d Co 0ammuuiciations of peieal interest chai ged as3 adve ioes PRESIDENT'S MSSA61a I$ept'ex t' L 'C s .' ~ . To express gratitole to GM, in the name of the people, f r tih preservauin o toe i ted States, is my fi rst .1uty in idr .ig Vu. Our thou.hts next revert to t'he death of the late President. 1by an act f t The grief of the na";on .s sti:'i fresh ; it t*::ls some sohice in the: coniii tion that h.e lived to enjoy the ighest proo) oU"ti C'n blenc y entering on the reneed term of' the Cic Magistracy, to whtich ;e 1) n ec that hie broa,Lly,t the ei%.. vWr11 , t a! to aL Close ; thbat his lo"sswsdpolina r: 'of the Union ; andl Cl-o forvi-:n i. he val cast upon mea n1) e w1. 1' r than ever devv, d :tl %n : cessors. 1o t*.- 1 !.,N tru t -. port an1 co-li.! e t a who - nc in the va " a e sind the u ''r Trekn., the p 'on vo r a--i 'r .e 11ni0: n :, wans 11 tenl b n tile sttes the. shab perpA evderatitn. iT L ates, is t t tin u tu necver* mo"re N.'ond ("W, wvithcns n carth I T? the approva part of a coun derful tll hi LIM*l di-wu': wvere ulLunatc:y \a 'The C- ll :'i i ', to' er toenCeItt the lass- , I-a t:e:I-:h sure domes-ie tra:''unty. :In case u* the usurpationl of the (iveruna[n 't of1 a1 'at C one man, or an o l'rby, i:* *le'nt 'edty tee to that $tate t.i a. ..dlinEa v ernme11nt, anid so to mi ta: the hV oee eusness of all. He .h ps oft,, ree 'defects ? A si:'ule m.e ef:. n u in. provrided in the Co~Nstualt 'n1 U -! ti;t itS conditions can a1vavs be mA,il to 1* toth requIirenrts otf ialvancin enni z'! 'n. o toomf is UllowedC even? for t:: t ' ;nt (f a possibility of' u:s con:ing to an eI. -0 these powers o& vefpeservat'ion' hav a b)een asertedI in their. emnpl.t int'::' ' t:very patriotic Che 1 . raMhy-e:: and Jackson, not less t.:m by Wdi o rather of his counry w. il ' et Pre- ient, to tbe people of the Ui: ~edl~ ttes wa, thi the free Consti tution, which. wa the work their hands, might h- I:r i n. t aind the inungural wd jf Preint J1 ter bonl held up '"the pree::ai:n of th'e (in :1 Government, in its~ Cont:tuttnal 's-, as the sheet anchor or our pIace alt hon andt safety abroad." The.-' co 'jttuto '1 th w* :A 'ef "the people' of tie Un ited itte, - *'nd' thiould be as ind.. su tibl as th lene 1t is not strance li-t th f:'n'' o (ttL should not hlave ful:y e>n:i :n utb ex 'hellence of their owna wor' f:om a htruggle against arbitrary lp. r, n:. I'at Dts suffered flrm h:taas,iig t a 4 a iion of the State Goiermnnt by 'e (t 9tates would b. eak. at.ny a m '., thirc. orb i*.: Bu't the very gre:tnes ofour cou:ty h'! ellay apprehen.ion of1. eer'che-. byth General Grovenmenrt. T he, sub t . . Ime' 'nnouestionaly with n n fierou~s tha t i t nol is Ye :. '' h mbarras,ed b Were it Othie A beneath the bar' en would be ent:e a structed by ex'c temnptationl to cxr bf the General ue than to trespa,s oin '.. "Trhe absolate .e Tc ofi the mahijonty" u a th be t 'century, enft rce by - I ' '' prfincil of republe, h last four yeas hav.e esta' te. ct It forever, thtat there .l no .:e, I - The nmaintn:2v:'' tO It e t !t "the supoar t ' he4 all their r~i.:ts: ht thle tights~ of any 'm- ie *'' its own pKe m' to' - laws ofte ni. n be malit. to the Fe.deral Yve'''' peal fromn its 'a branche o Ce'islativ4e aa . . . . o1 her ait4X,v~>...... euage of the Comfeeracy, and not the l,n (uge of th Ccn.titution. The latter con tais the emphatie words: "The Constitu tion, and the Ims of the Uniited States which s! talle md e in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made or which shall be imade under the authority of the 1-nited States, shall be tle .ipremne law of the land ; and the j udges in every tati shiall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrarv notwithstanding." er'tainly the 'Government of the United States is a limited government; and so is every Stat governnent a limited government. W ithu this idea of limitation spreads through every forin of administration, general, State and 'm1ui'ipal, and rests on the great distin r1Iwing principle of the recognition of the rh of man. The ancientrepubliesabsorbed the individual in tihe State, prescribed his re li:in and controlled his activity. The American system rests on the assertion of the egcal right of every man to life, liberty and tle pursuit of happiness to freedom of con :-ietce, to the culture and cxercise of all his 'eutiies. As a consequence, the State g,%v u-rent is limited. as to the General Govern mnt in tihe interest of Union, as to the indi vi-m! citizen in the interest of freedom. .tates, with proper limitations of power, are essential to the existence of the Constitu tin (t the Uted States. At the very comi me:cement, when we assuied a p,ace among p vers of the earth, the Duclaration of I nUnelenwe was alopted by States; so also were the A ticles of Confederation ; and when "the po'e f the United States" ordained :nl estOihed the Constitution, it was the n ofthe St-tes, one by one, which gave i 1via:ty In1 the event, too, of any amend t o he icn titution, the propusiti.n of . - ::ecds the confirmation of States. \%V Itat one -Ie:t branch of the Leg uw ),t would be wanting. And, h\Vhn: t me letter of the Constitiu n nh(iter ' of ,r c>untry, its ea c.,:;prh -nding within its j1ridic n continu.l empire is due to tie i 't es ' The best security fir the S nee 7 of the S ateS is the "sia S t a "f the Constitution of tihe T i e pvrpetuity of the Cn %N, ith it the perpetuity of the - 'na reIation imakes us what . r :I plitical systemIm their con x vble. The whole c:innt ex :,t r the parts wN' mit ut ,) au. s tile Con,titution of the e-'s, the States wi.l en a ion of the on isz the de S 1;.. h;%, O - le p1-strVa.%tln of te artvtin of the oythur. nmv views of the mnn * U i;titUrliIn:nl the Suntes 11 *."!" the pri:lci;rs on which I n a to s ite mnomenltous u uu e' a, the ta!1in Clliculethat Ie t- encemenft.t ol) mA * * I SeC %V, L dOlIa-t G to ci swar (if "r men'tary n .d tl e la healing p :etalandunlChangmg- pri.iics of a "''ates suffKurng from thme efle't Rei.,tee to the Genend. wV e . 1e to havye exhuist ed it>elf. T an:h had recovered poisses.imi of Sa ! :n enuals ; anid th i'ir ari me we I he i'iinpa:rtion of every State whith h:ni:steted to .seede. W hethuer the terri t. v wihn thre limiits of these States should be I::da congneri-ied territory, under military authorin mainrg from the President as th ha o f the a~rmyi, was the first question ':a pre-en!tLd itself for decision. N,ni:it:r y e*ver nmnents, estalished( for :m''' i' ie pe: i d, wvould have offered no s iyfor thei early suppression of djiscin ten ; u h have ( dvi led the people into thle va:c:i he: an te vanquished, and wouldl b en- ie haed rather than have re ei, luitto hei cntinuance wsconcelva W. They I w .il have occasionied anl inealeu hr''0 :ui ~exba nst ing expense. Peaceful emi rat 'in ti ad f;omr that portion oft the cann tryi~ s 'in' of the best means that can be :h' t- o the restoration of the harmruony; co hte:anier'ation would have been preve'n Ie -i for hi emaigrant from abroad, nX hat in ::st: I ns citizen at home, would place him c.t wiin-zX um:ler ilitairy rule? The chief K 'er s who11 woul haii Iive fllow1ved in the traini oftearmy wo(ul have been dependent -on the GIeneral Governmient, or men who e:spec tid prufit fiom the miseries of their errinig mUl viu-citizens. The powvers of patronage and rul whIich world have been exercised, under the l'eit, over a vast, and p 'pulous, and aa::ywealthy, region, are greater thian, une 'sc extrme necessity, I should be wXilling to enttu,t to an one!v(ii man. They ar,: suech a for '1yself, I coul n4iever, uinless on (ecca "- ns of reat em'rgecyrZ. consent to exercise. The 1 (4ls ofK suh powXers, if continuedi throgh pild o'f years, wvould haive eni .re the purity of the gveneral admiinistra ton ad thce lrie of thre States which re main ed loil Bedsthe. plicy c f military rule over con K r0 ter:i"t Xy wim!dh have imnpl id that theC at Xs wose~ inhatitants may have t;mken pe ie rebuilon hal, by the act of tlh'se nhabit:mi'mI:.1 to exist. But the true th'eo r1 i\ that ti pretended acts of necessi n er rmthe begininrg, null and vi id. The t c"m:lt cinunrit treason, nor screen the X 1 citiLte::s u ho may:i have comnmit ted n,' '*i an mre thian they can make vali * : e in' bi lwful commerce witn a ''' pmver.'' The States attempting placed themiselves in a condiitmion h-their functions suspended, but I,'> any ""tat neglects or refuses to per t'ite, ther e is the more need thart the <;en d Governent should mnaintaina all i t~. uth.rity, 'mi, as soon as practicale(, re smne. te exerc''e of all its functions. On thi ori ee Il hav acted, and have gradua:l 1- a: y, and byX almnost imperceep tibled at to retoriie the righ tfull enle gy of 1n o l ver'nm'ent and of thre States. Ti ' t c l'rIOXvitoal Gjovernors have been the States, Conventionts were c - ( ""5 s elcted, Legin-"tures arssem hb -i1 r d >rs rid liepresentatIives chosen t i' C v e it ofte fUted Sr:ates. A t the -'l to:', A~'Curts of thre Uinitedi S:r:tcs, ' '.mbe (done, haove been re-opeCned, * .~ h'.AS'f thre hinited Stats nmay b's enforced through their agency. The - - has been removed, and the custom-h1ses re established in ports of entr, so that 1.he rev Cle of the m ted tL. n P7 .co.lected. The Post ( ilice Dkepartien t renews its ccase less activity, aii(d the General (ovCrnlmlnt is there', enabled to communicate promptly with officers and azents. The courts bring secerity to persons anid property ; the open ing of the ports invites the restoration of in dustry and comnierce ; the post office renews the facilitie- of social intercourse and of busi n es. And is it not happy for us all, that the restoration of each one of these functions of the (eneral Government brings with it a blessing to the States over which they are ex tendeI ? Is it not a sure promise of hariony and renewed attachment to the Union that, after all that has happened, the return of the General Government is known only as a ben eficience ? I know very w-l that this policy is atten ded with soic risk ; that for its success it re quires at least the acquiescence of the States which it concerns ; that it implies an invita tion to those Stateshy renewing their alle giance to the United States, to resume their functions as States < f the Union. But it is a that muit be taken ; in the choice of dif ficulties, it is the smllet risk ; and to dimm ish, and if posibAe,.to reiove all danger, I have felt it i;ncum1bet oil ine to assert one other powel of the (General Government-tlhe power of pardon. As no State can throw a defence over the crime of trea.-on, the power of p:1rdon is exci uiveIyv vested ill tie ExecI tive Government of the United States. In exercisijig that power I have taken every pre Calition to colileet it with the clearest recog I mtion of tIle bilidinug foice of tle lws (,f the United States, and an unqualified acknowl eIgement of the great social change of coni tion in rea;trd to slavery which has grown oit of the war. The next step which I have taken to res tore the conStltitional relations of the States, has been an invitation to them to participate ill the high olice of amendiig the %oI'mstitti tion. Ev cr patriot. mulist wish for a general amestV at the earliest epoch consiw.teit with pub4 1i'n saf- tv. For this great end there is nel of a eoneurrence of all opinions, and the iit of mutual conelluttim. All parties in tie late terllible colHt imst wIk togther in harmIony. It is nt tlo iluch to 'IAk, ill the Ine of the whle po.le, that, on tile oell s4ie, the plan of resoration shall proceed in eCC it y;: with a ilingness to ca<t the dis o rf the 1past i:to oblivion ; and thiat, on the othe r, the evi.lence of sinceritV inl the fil t mainl't-kunc- kf t:e U:ion -hal be put hV0!d aN dto::bt by the raLtifiCtin1 Of the pr os atiaedilct to the Constitution. w ih prvi 0 for the abohIlition (if slavCr forever witinl the limits (of our country. So long as the adjption of this anelndmtilent is de hy s-\%. l i l ill iul,t, and jealousV, il U:w:k;tv prevailJ. This is the icasuirel wLich wilielh ce the saI e eiCry of the last t :h a which wvill most certaily call populationl. andi capital, and11 security to tie parts of 11he Union that need them m .ist ided, it. is nltot too ltlch to ask of t1 Z tt, 11 .1 are 1low resunaing their pla ee in the famihi- If the Uion to give thi i. ig f perpeinal loyalty and i.eace. En il1 it i- done, the past, hiwever mu)1ch weC mlay d esir i t, will not he forgot ten. The adop t ion of tihe amiendament re-unites us beyond all power of disu rptiln. It heals the wonad tha t is still impiterfetly cilosed ; it remloves slavery. theC elemlen t whlich h::s so long perplexed anad dividedl tile coiuntry, it mlakes us~ onice more a uni ted people, reniewed andl strengthenied, bounad Inore than ever- to mutual affection anad support. The amtendmnent to tile Cons t ition bein adijpted, it would remnainu for thre States, wI 0se owers have been so lonig ill abeyance, to re .ume their ph1ees in the two branches ef the N ation0111al 1 gila tur e, anid thiereby coimplete tile work of restoraItion. I lere it is for y'oui, fellow-citizens of tile Senate,. arnd for vou, fe iow-citizens5 of the House of liepresentanves, to j udge, each of you for y-ourselves, of the eletlins, returns, and nualifcationls of your own meinhers. The full alssertion of the powers of the G en eral Governmentill requires the holding of Cira cuit Courts of the Un ited States within tie ditricts where their authority has been i terruptid. in the present posture of our pub lie alff>irs, st long ob jectionis have been nirged to h: hd dg those cou rts in any of the States where tIle rebielion hats existed ; and it wais aset rtonned by inqulijry, tha:1t the Circuit C'omit of the United States would not be held inl the Ditrict (f Vir gin ia dor inig thle autruum or eary winiter, roer until C.onigres shollld have "anl opportmt. ity jo consider eird act oil the whole subhject" To y-our debiberatlions the restIrat ion oif this hi alchl of the civil authoi it v of the United States is, there-fore, necessa riv refearred, u ih the hope tha early p)rovis ito will bie miadec for the resuniltionl of al its Iigran:it in charlacter, h as been couit ited. Personsl who are charged with its COnunhisiSSOn shoub have fajir and impo1aitial tils in the i hest tiirinails of the counitry, in order thi t the Co.,titution andl the laws may be fllv vindien te 1: the t ru th clearlyv estali shedi and :irm. led tiat teasonh is a cime,t' thait trai to. .hul be puni.shed anld tihe (olenIce miole infam.ns, aul, at the sa -e tunie, that the quels tin mayl he judhiciily settle.d, ii I "\rIn forever, tha:t nio State, of its own w il 1: s tile n.ia to ienoounce its place iln the The reatiion:s iof the Gieneral Governmrenit th w: - a~ caKi Hiti ireen.lm, has enigag&'d r.y sei:u conrsiderati,m. Oil the pro pIt'' if attemptiag to maiker the freedhmen eletorR by the p,rochanal:tionl of tihe Exeru'ive, I too for~mv coiosi! the (Consti t utiln itself, the irpetations oIf that inStrumenlCrt by its atho,.rsid their contempioraries, ad recent laiJ.tion hc Cn;;ress. Whren at the fr mlV'ovement tlwans inl~e'per nee tile Con r. o the Uni:ted Stat es inrstructedl thle e-( eral > ttes to ristitute (Iovernme ts of tOenl OW, ther left eachl State to deide for it elf te cond(hions for thC enl1iormen.t ofth elee tle anh Ilse. lalrng the period ,if the Con fer:cy, there conlticd to e(t ve~ 'rent idiversity ini the qualiileitions. of h-an i tile rieral States - andt even) nI thin a a tate a diinc:t'rin .' quiientionrS pi evaiiled. withl epe' a the k neels. who were to be co.. The~ onst~ition ii the I ited StateS re-i. - 1,.e 'Jrcn.ic u~ hen it c,oi)oS thlat, u the choice of memitters of the Iouse Of Eep. rcsentatives of the Unlitel Statt-s, "tile flec t,rs in each State shall have the Tl:ilill(:ti"1ns requisite fr -electtrs of the MOst numerous branch of' the State Lgishtture." After the formation of the Constitution, it rem.aiined, as before, the uniform hsage for each State to enliargc the body of its electors, according to its own ju:l,,ent ; and, under this system, one Stal after another has proceecded to in crease the number of its eledors, until uni versal suffirage, or something very near it, is the general rule. So fixed was this reservation of power in the habits of the people, and so unquestioned has been the interpretation of, the Constitution, that during the civil war the late President never harbored the pur pose- certainly never avowed the purpose-of disregandin. it ; and in the Acts of Congrcss during that period, nothing can be fonm which, during the continuance of hostilities. much less after their close, would have sane tioned any departure by the Executive from a policy which has so uniformly obtained. More over, a concession of the elective franchise to the freeduien, by act of the President of the United States, must have been extended to all colored men, wherever found, ant tmust so have established a chance of sn!frange in the Northern, Middle and Western States, not less than in the Southern and Sith-west,rin. Such an act would have created a new class of voters, an(I would have been an assumption of power by the President which nothiin," ill tile Constitution or laws of the Unlited States would have warranted. On tile other hand, every damer of con flict is avoided, wA-hen the settlement of the question is referred to the several States. They can, each for itself, decide on the meins tire, and whether it is to be ad11ted -t once and ab.soluitel y, or introduceI gradually and with cn ietions. In 111V m udmienlt, the freed mren, if they show patience and mannily virtuv5, will sooner obtain a participatjion in the elec tive franchize throngh the States than through the (eneral 'Government, even if it had pow er to intervene. W hen the tununt of en;otons that have b)een raised by the suidnness of the social chllange sha1l have slhsid<l, it mlay pr*ove that they will receive tire kindliest usage from 5omle of thIose on w% hoi they have hereto!",re l,ost close y. dependIt. - BlIut while I have nO doubt that now, after the close of the war, it is not competent for the Geleral GoveIruII,I lent toextend11 tile elective. falhlise ill the several States, it is equally ear that L:no( faith ruires the security ()I thie !rce(men in th:eir hlberty and their ll erty, their ri,it to labor, a,0i their ri.h-It to Clahn the ja t returl of their labr. I Can*ot too -st rogIl urge a ditassi5oinate treatme'nt of this subject, which should be carefill!y kept a!of froml all party strife. We must eciln.aly aidh1a1.-y ll)tiolls of any natural 1111 ility for the two races to live side by sidte, ill a !ate of mllu1tal Lenefit and good wI Ill. TI exllerintli11 illvolves us in no in con: t ::ey ; kt us, theni, go on1 : I k1 that expi?iiinent il good faith, and not he too eaily di,heactened. The country is in need of laiior, id the frcdmen are in need Uf emnI pIlr m ut culttre arid protection. VV,ile their I iZt of voll11M tlary latitln and exat riaton is nIt to be qu e '-tionledl, I wouldI nit advise their' frced removal and colonization'. Le t US raIthecr enr 10 get~ thleml to honoi rable andi uisefuliii ndutry~r, where it many be bene C icial to thIeinCeh-es ad to1 the coulntry ; and a11d, inIste:nil of1 hasty aticiipat ions of the cer tainty of faIilureC, let therIe be nothing wanrting~ to the fair trial of tihe extierimenlt. Thie charnge ill thleir condition is thle subastitutioni of laf>or by contract fur the staitus of slavery. The freedinan cannot fairly be ac:cusedh of uin wih ingness to work, so) long as5 a doubt re mainls abou'lt hiis freedo o)ll(f cIIoice in 11is pur1n smTts, andrr tile certainity of hIis recover in hmis 1 stiuiitedl wages. Iu this thle interest of tile emp!oil veri anId thle em11ployed1 ~ II c inc. TheI enpl ~ver desires in his work men spirit an 1 alecity , anid th1;ese Caln be prermtianen rtly se cured in no othler w ay. Anrd if the one ough rt to he rble to enforce thle contract, so oug'ht he other. The pub lic inaterest wiIl be beist prnrtedl, if the sever-al Stat!es will provide ade1ura:t e pirotection and remiedies for tic fi ceidmen. Entil this is in somile way accom pished, there 5is no chance for the2 il advatal genu ise oS(f thelir labor ; arnd the blame of ill-success will not rest onl thecm. 1 know thlat :!ncere phibmltrrpy is ealrneMt fr tile ilinediate real.:ationi of its lrmotest aimIs ; bunt time is always 011 celeent inI re for. It is one1 of thle greatest aicts on record to have broughit four iiona s of p eopl e inito fedlmI. TIhe career of free irndusiry mtIIt be faiirly opene1d to) themt ; aund thlen their fru ture pul uisperity ol condiiion mt,'r af tern all, rest uninl~y on1 themse5ilves;~ if they, fil, an;d perish awa1y, let us be carecful thait the fri ure shall1 rnot be ait triburitable ti anyV diai1l ft jIS tie. Iln all thalt relates to the destiny~ of thie f:'id TnenI, we need( rIot he too a;;nxI us to re'ad the funtur'.; mrl'ny incidleIts. whi h, froml a spe(cuilti ve p. int of view, mighi2t rai Cle l aIll, w,ill quietly settle themselves. Noiw th;at sIavery is at ain e:nd, or near its eird, the greatness of its evil, in the poinrt iof view of publAic econo>my, becomes miore anad m;ore :1apaent. Sla vety w asT551 Tseinally a 111 nooly if lbribr, and11 as such lacked theC >te whee i p ei, agin11Wt thle incOriil2 of fcee :llstry. WhereIC labiior waIs the proper'ty (f the cp'ilt:lie..t, theC ub1.2 man was e.wi"'ed f iAm emlimenut, on hail but the 4cn e chance o.f ' n'ing It; and the 1' in ini !gTlnt turnedI -awIy iam thre Ie-::1n .VLe!e ii conir onul A1 w I ia e so ~in *a.n - WithI the deui~~tction of' th1e mTn ply Iree lor u ill hastn fi om alhl part of 'do ei ilizid wold to ill develrin uii s vannS States neanret the GA u1f1of Mexicoi,Vi ha -a of exubmlantT friity,T a ;i'at tliitoy to lin i fiiundr I-sye t in anly par t 011 ourcou'ry .\X ad th' futire aM!u x oIf pIpub:tean to the ui 'i- lie mai'nly, fr'~ma th;e Nor'th, or 60m thei n112 t '' 1 tvte.l nations of Eurp. FrIonii the .nr la't stugle, lt us loilok\ a to the i r w hi tis sure to be- hlen for thIn u\Ii ater- iroisnerity than' has' even heK r ibeIen' slae labor i- a pledge thtat those teina CiI ar pl'eld hv a nume.rI'ons arnd enIterpr: mhig poula;'Til, 'wlhc wv AillwI anyV 1 in wen I jin;inwlity.: nt a n-*e for the people-not the peq,le Fol the G)verniment. To thein it ::ws uegianeice f-om thcm it nist de rie l ' emirage,s trnth ,id wisndo. But while tie (overnminit is tlIml- bound to defer to the pCople, from whoim it derives its exi.tClce, it Thould, from the very consideration of its origin, be strong in its power of resistance to the establishment Of inequalities. MollopkIlies. perpetui ties and rlass legIslation are Ccmtlr: V to the genius of free govweniet, and ohII:t not to be allowed. Here there is no room for favored classes or onnopolies ; the piiciple of our Governmen'. is that of equal laws and freedom of industry. Wherever inonopoly attains a foothold, it is ,lre to be a source of de.:ger, discord and trouble. We shall but futil our as 'egisl:itors by according "equal and exact jus tice to all InC," spea 1I ivilegts to I (o. Fhe Government is su;ordirlate to the peloph-; but as the agent and repre:-entative (f the people. it must be held supilor to m.mopo lies, which, in thems-es,e ougIlt lever to be granted, ard which, where they exi.t, must be-suboidinate and vield to the ,overniment. The Constitution conf'crs on Congress the right to regulate commerec among the several States. it is of the first necessity for the maintenance of the lion, that that Com nerce should be free and unobhstructed. No State call be justified in any 'vice to tax the transit of travel and Commerce between States. The positioi of many tates is such, that if they were allowed to take advantage of it for parposes of local revenuie, the commerce -1)0 tween States mlight he inj1urioisly burdened, or even virtually prih3- ed. It is best,%%ile tihe ColltrV is Still VU1,, and while the tcn dcy to dangOVipo)lis of this kind is Ztill feeble, to use the power of L'oigress sO as to 1revenL!rlt any seli-h impedI'iilnt to the free circulation of inen and ierchadize. A tax onl t avel and morciandizv, in thir tran sit, colst,it u tes one of tile % wo. st formil0s cf ,10 nopolv', al] the ev:l i iicre:i'sed if coupledkJ with Ia denial of the clicl-e of route. Wh'llenl Lhe vast extent o-f' our coitry is considered, it is plainl that eve'-y obt':N* l to tihe free cir culation'of Co1immer-C iw ulleen tile States ou'ht to be Sternly111 :rded aailst by ap proi ite leg.dations, wihin the hinitS of tie Co St itu tc . The report of the Sec't::ry of the interior explhiins tile colition of tie public lid 's. the tranlsactionls of tile 1t iee and the Pen Sil Bureall, tile nO'''l..ent of our Ildiml aflirs, the Irgr''ss inadhe ill tle constructioll of the ':eilic lRa-llroal, Il' f'l-islhes inform ation ill refcrence to inatters of local interest in the District of Colunlbia. It al%o presen"ts ev(vie of the oucceiul ope:ation of tile 11ome1stead A ct, Udei L'r the poifOViAnS of wlich l1,ul acre4 of the public lands were eCtCre( dIring tie last fiscal year ore One-f4 oIrth of the Whole 11m.1he1)cr of acres sohl or oth'rw ise dispTosl of during that p-eriod. It is Ctimatud tlh:at the receipjt deliived from this soilCe are Sufliviviot 1to Cover the expellses 11widet1A to th! e survey and dikp-Isal o' tile lands C?:.:Ved uider th-is act, amtl 01:zt navmlents inl eash! to the extenlt OC frn f-oI tV to fifty I"wr cclt. wm he iIllale tby Setle S, who may hus, It any% tune :wTr title befJre the eXlir1 0 of the peild at which it woud th:wrevet. Th llIme stewl:ol poli was est:ihed only afteri long an.d earne ct resista1ce expecrien Ce pr1oves its wisdom. lhe land1(1, ini the l;ulod5 of inodtls L ti'us settleris, whoIse labor0l ci entes wealth and1( contrib~utes tco tile puloic resoutrces, are worth more to tile Unlitcd S:ites, thani if the'v had beenl reserved as a so:iudle for future putrch11a sers. The lnmentablie events of tile last four years, and tile sacrtiees Iirole bys the .:miiot l:en oif our armay anod na0vy, have sw elled the recordl of tile l'enitSon Bulrealu to anl unrcdne ex tenlt. (On the .20th day of JuneI last, theL total Inmber (of peitiers;' was 85. , re quiring~ for their annua i I, exeln.0-ive of ex pen1ses, tile st1uin of ',>:;,4". The nolu:he ir of apicaii'tions) that laIr been i aIllowed Shince that (date. will reoquire a iirg'e incr'eaOSe of thtis :uo:mlit for tile noext fi'e!a. Th~i le meanOis fr tile paymenClt of the' slieldS duel, undlerl existing laws, to ouIr ( dahl soliers and sailors, and to theC famIili's oft such as hlave perishled in tile servi'e of Ihe countryi'), will no0 doubt lhe cheerfu!iyv a'd prmoptly granted. A erteful peopole wiil not hi.,itate0 to Sanenien any IlCO m 'ere h1a1vmIg foor thi ir ob j et the re l-I'of' soldiers mu lti!oted and1 f-nuiiles liu:le fatherless in) tile efe:ts to l.reservec our lia tionlal exi:,tecie. The report of the Pcs! mste'r (Ge,eral pre Se'nts anl encCouragtli((n exhibit (of tihe opetra tions1 of tile Post (O!!'i e Deparltm.-n't d<iming thte year. 'The revenuelis of the p:.St yeil' frn thle loval States alIne, eceededC' thle mlaxi:numi ain~nual retct it.- f; iOm all the >cates previous5 to theC rl(i oni, iln tile so;n of of~ reCvenueI during tile h:-t foutr y1ears', coml priedl with the~ revenull' of th four' year'. 11 The r'evenuesi oof to'- la''- 2.-ad'yeir OidiI' to >-.l O.,55,h.n and tie expoe:nlit ures to $l3;4,7z2 , vlvin a1 sup! ofil-. receipts lover' madte Ilin -o eteing~ the r i,.a sen'ite ini the "outh ierin tts ~S The views prseted byv tie l'ostmas cter-GenelOP :I':tint the poo'- of' crIltiuig theo1'l' tro. 'y em 1 :1 hht the 'omnltion for iW a n to tce is ;:e e::nin arei' I, '.: I' nd t oitc t htie care it aplpears , irml the r if theC CeretOIry <. th '\ Pu y, thaot '. hi .t ! eC :lomecie :nte t. e.,m:is..ion il 117, with '"'g1s atal l%12 mItn. liy this prompt 'du in 'oif the' it vb! Sces t expnf :'I e urmnthv quadrons'0 hav'.e beoeni re- hot malc cont i't ot vesseb : n:ch w trc il It r.'t th:: those5 riliona. 'lhe su.ti'n forc the en t1'ar menit of the na ' -ya: i-. t- tesiallyfr h i'''.i>nnt fc 0n' cn iroh. te~r l'r iron el ' esslO 'ee v: f c n blr to ,a Ini the rt t : I ar, - i th,,: ily in h t The CTpera.ti('ns ''f Ote 1u)1 reau f the \\v Dtw -K AV Nst veanr arL 00% Wb, vi a% :de A t:e appr, &is i ::1 i' for mli1t" ry 1, - i , ctTil!I1l ' - tir the :0 th M b I T e i atOcl Ililiita'll-v er ! t . . - ;i 5 Iiulll beredI 1,t0 ,. 1; 1 1L to r dice the li.t to L f"otl"--, emop of'1 nuit~ by n ih q;te;ik 12AMS if the tu I TI, 1.' 1 il W b t nu~~~ Itto apec tl tile K ja It i.: -t:: I oa i i , h K i> ma PWIbM, %, r t f h 11, 111 K C v:l .'=' i1 KvL upirval 0i tiahle ) .4 noutl it i, I i l a~L ch.-i tbc um . e th- 4 ret rin a: 1 ' t' (tt I - :or! the n, l : I a: puP I:: , f r warwn st, I . iI I . t -I- 'tli iALO tiu a P t t e dation I ernen i !:e reor %ol h A, W, f lii~~t, 1' ul C." *~*i1 t ti. t A r t v '' i. I. V V 1' 11luLt' t0i saw ni =u po t ii Uie 1viel t ae 1.; lit'if Thst asr , aw up ',oW , vv i ? NO lmh suje ct of i i v t t to ! prc li:,t it i h:a a un liie is ,I, C it .2!l e- : me~~' th:proab :i - th I n:w, 11 In( c ntn *.. u i i a- :: r: : ittlIt>. Ii I s 1 t t tl %t ut 1:s e m.:ns; um tt1:ae t a I e tn i I~ the na u n d itd at ( 1 u 't inty '.hencon reli t C nien les ii