The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 13, 1865, Image 1

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-N w/ ~ - - - -' '- PIOR T. F. GRENEKE. TERMS-$1,50 FOR STX Coe fo i 0i if Eoion Lc R ONTHS, IN ADVANCE. UME L NEWBERR1Y, S. C., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1805. THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, At Newberry C. H., ly THOS. F. & I. H. GREEER, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. IER31S, *1,50 FOR SIX MONTHS, EITHER IN CURRENCY OR IN PROVISIONS. tPayment required invariably in advance.) ldvertisements inserted at t1,50 per square, for Irst insertion, $1 for each subsequent insertion. karr'age notices, Funeral invitations, Obituaries, VMd Communications of personal interest charged be advertisements. Charleston Advertisements. SL JEFFERS & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C., teseralAgents,CommissionMerchants, AND LAND AGENTS, OFFICE 118 EAST BA Y will give prompt attention to the sale of Cotton and other Produce. WILL NEGOTIATE For the shipment of Cotton to the most reliable Houses in Europe and the North. And make liberal advances on the arne n-heu in hand for sale or shipmnent. WILL BUY GOODS for Merch-anls and Far .nr to order. WILL RECE VE AND FOR A&RD GOODS. WILL BUY AND SELL Gold dI Silver. WILL NEGOTIATE the Sale of Plantations, Lands and Tenements, when placed in their care. And on this subiect we beg leave repectfully to say to our friends and the public, that as we were born and raised in the State, and engaged in business for thirty years, and having travelled extensively over the State, and well ac quainted with the location, soil and climate, and teeling in the closest degree identified with you, we flatter ourselves that we can be of great ad Yantage to those who wish to sell their lands or plantations. We are now in correspondence with friends who are natives of this State, but re cently located in New York, which will give us additional facilities for finding the most desira ble purchasers. We therefore offer our services to those who wish to dispose of their lands, etc. To such we say, send us a plain written descrip tion of your property; the district in which it is located; whether North, South, East or lest, and the distance from the county site how wa 1 tered and the character of the streams; number of acres, and how many cleared and in culLiva tion; and, as near as you can, the number of acres in bottom and upland ; and your price per acre; v ith *25 to cover expense of advertising: 41n41 we will serve vou to the best of our ability. IN FACT, give their personal and undivided attention to every interest ceinitted to their care. i. L. J. & CO. I most respectfully beg leave to return my sin cere thanks to my friends and the publ'e for their long and liberal patronage. Ithank thei. And] nlow, as the late disastrous and fatal war is ,ver, I am again established in this city ; and (as it were) commencing anew ; I therefore assure my frieuds -and the public that my personal at tention and energy shall be faithfully given to every mterest commritted to my care. IIence I most respect fully appeal to all my friends and the public, and solicit a share of patronage. Born and among you, and thirty years devoted to business under your own eve, is my reference. Nov'8 tf *II. L. JEFFER$. W.T H. CHAFEE, No. 205 E AST BAY ST REE T, (Opposite New Custom IIouse,) CHARLESTON, S. C. COMMISSION MERCH!ANT, DEALER IN BUTTER, CUIEESE, LARD, and LIQUORlS. CONSIGNMENTS RECEIVSD BY EVE-; ZW STfAMER of Goods selected expressly for the Charleston Market. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. burleston, S. C., Nov 8 1865. 3m. KING & GOODRICH, Wholesale Dealers in F'oreign & Domestic -Dry and Fancy Goods, 14I MEETING,STREET, CIIARLESTON, S. C. King & Goodrich take this medium of in forming the merchants of the country, that they have opened and are constantly receimng a stock of goods in the above line, which they will sell at the lowest cash prices. J. & W. Knox are to be found with K. & G. and invite their old friends and customers. [nov 15 1m JOHN KING & Co0,, IIPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCEBIES PROVISIONS FLOUR FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS CRlOCKERY, HOLLOWWARE & GLASSWARE ALsO, -200~0 SACKS LIVERlPOOL SALT, No. 8 HIasLeStreet, C F1REWELL SPEECHI OF PROVISIONAL G0Y. PERRL INAUGURAL ADDRESSES OF GOVERNOR ORR AND LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR W. D. PORTER. The following addresses were delivered be fore the Legislature on the occasion of the in auguration of Ion. James L. Orr and lon. W. D. Porter, as Governor and Licutevant Gover nor of the State. Mr. Orr was inaugu rated on Wednesday and Mr. Porter on Thurs day : FAREWELL ADDRESS OF POVISIONAL GOVERNOR B. F. PERRY. &natore and Menbers of the Houe of Repre sen ta tires : I have come here to-day to bid you fare well, as Provisional Governor of South Caro lina, and to congratulate you on the restora tion of the State, once more, to self-govern ment and independence, as a member of the Federal Union. Like the leader of God's chosen people of old, I have had the honor of conducting you through the wilderness, with iu sight of the promised land, but am not per nitted to enter it. That great boon has been reserved for my distinguished friend who is now about to be inaugurated as the first Chief Magistrate of the State ever elected by the sovereign people. If not within"three days,"he will within a very short time be able to pass you over the con~fusion and military rule, un der which you hare so long lived, to that hap py state in which you will be able to govern yourselves, and enjoy all the :ights arid privi leges of a free and enlightened people. Under his wise and able administration, I hope to see the good old State revive, prosper, and be once more happy. I am sure, gentlemen, that I may say with perfect propriety, as the representative of the Federal Government in South Carolina, that the State has done enough to entitle her to be received back as a member of the Federal Union, with all of her Constitutional rights fully restored. She was foremost in assuming the post of danger in the recent revolution, and in her appeal to arms in defence of what she honestly believed to be her reserved rights as a State. Gallantly and nobly her sons fought through the war, pouring out their blood and sacrificing their lives on almost every battle-field throughout the Southern States. When conquered by overwhelming numbers, seeing their towns and villages no thing but smouidering ruins, their beloved State a wide-spread dcsolation, their wives, and sisters, and little childien, and aged pa rents at the point of starvation, like brave men they accepted the decrees of God, and sub mitted themselves to the dire fortunes (f war. Sad and silent, with manly fortitude and firm ness, they awaited the terms of the conqieror. When th~ose terms were made known, they were first, with a generous pride and high chivalry, to assume the humiliation which their State had been foremost in bringing on our common country. As soon as the President's Proclamation was issued the people of South Carolina went cheerfully forward and took the amnesty oath They premptly assembled in Convention un der the order of the Pruovis.ional Governor,and reformed their State Constitution. as was de sired by~ the President. They abolished slave ry and~freely gaive up their two hundred nail lions invested in slaves. When advised to adopt the Congressional amendment to the Constitution of the United States abolishing slavery, South Carolina was the first South ern State which ratified the same, and set an example for her sister States to follow. She has been first, also, in preparing a wise and humane code of laws for the protection of the freedmen in all their rights of pe-sonial pro perty, and allowing them to give testimony in her Courts of Justice. She has now elected her Representatives in both Houses of Con gress, and commissioned them to take their seats in that body. She has organized a per fet State Government, with Legislative, Ex ecutive and Judiciary Departments, all Re publican' in their character, and the members of each swearing to support the Constitution of the United States. Her Ordinances of Se cession have been repealed, and she now pledges herself to stand by the Union in good faith, and with all sincerity. Having done all this, you and your State have done your duty, gracefully and faithful ly, as becomes a gallant and generous people, who are never afraid to assume any position where honor and patriotism prompt. I know the President desires to relieve yoruof military rule, and see your Representatives once more seated in the councils of the nation. I cannot believe that Congress will exclude them, by a test oatih, which does not apply to members of Congress, for they are not officers of the Federal Government, as was early decided in the history of our Government. Nor has Congress any power to impose on its members any other oath than that prescribed in the Constitution. To admit a contrary doctrmne would enable the majority in Congress to ex clude the minority, because they were Demo crats or State Rights' men, or professed any other principles repugnant to the creed of the majority. The Consti-autional oath was wise l ordained, and excludes all other oaths. The powers of Congress are delegated and specific, and they have nio othe"s. The reason f"r the passage of this test oa'h? has passed away,.x1 if not repealed no one in South Car-ohina can till a Federal office till a new generation has sprung up, for all now living-nien, women and children--did, in some way, countenance the wvar. It is known to you, gentlemen, that I was opposed to the secession of South Carolina. No man in America regretted more deeply than I did this fa.tal movement, for I thought I foresaw all the evil consequences which have resulted from it. But, wvhen the issue was made, my feelings in sympathy were all with my native State, And yet, I conscientiously believed that even the success of the Southern States would be disastrous. The jealousies and errors of the Grecian States were con stantly in my mind. IDisintegration once com menced in a confederation of republics, no oic could foresee where it would end, except in petty tyrannies, or a consolidated military despotism. Henceforth, no one will repudiate the fare well advice *f Washington, as to thre iripor .:uc ari j).-etit y of the Federal LUnion. It has shown a power and strength, moral and physical, which defy 'dissolution, till some ex traordinary change has taken place in the con dition of the people. The tendency of civili zation is to enlarge Governments, and not to disintegrate them. All causcs of discontent or dissatisfaction between the North and the South have been removed by the abolition of slavery. The different sections of this great Republic are mutually dependent on each other, and the one cannot live well without the other. The Southern States plant cotton and the Northern States manufacture it; The great West grows grain, and raises live stock 1for the supply of both sections. We all speak the same language, and have the same com mon origin. Our opinions and feelinr-s in re gard to the Republican principles of Govern ment are identical. There is, too, asimilarity in our pursuits and habits, manners, customs, religion and education. History teaches us that the present asperity of feeling, which may exist in the breasts of many, in consequence of the wrongs and in juries of the war, will soon wear out. Brave and honorable men are always ready and will ing to become reconciled. History teaches us, too, that the ravages of war are much more easily repaired than one is apt to sup pose. An industrious and enterprising people will soon restore a country desolated by war. Such a people may soon convert a wilderness into productive and highly improved farms. No one need despair of the State. In a few years, with peace and industry, everything will change and wear a prosperous and happy aspect. You bave, gentlemen, in your legislative capacity arduous and responsible duties to perform, requiring great prudence and fore thought. Your finances and banking system, now p'rostrate, have to be restored; yourlaws h-ve to be amended to suit the changed con dition of the State; your militia system, now more important than ever, requires your ear liest consideration ; your judiciary must be I restored, and in some respects it would be proper to make improvements in the system. But I am trespassing on the prerogative of the Constitutional Governor. Henceforth, all of my communication;, as the representative of the Federal Government, must be made through him, and to him.. I hope most de voutly that I may have none to make, except one, which authorizes me to say that the President of the United States recognizes South Carolina, once more, as a member of the Federal Union, fully restored to all of her Constitutional rights. In conclusion, gentlemen, let me return you my most grateful thanks for the very flattering manner in which you have conferred on me the high and distinguished trust of represent ing the State of South Carolina in the Senate of the United States. And let me assure you hat all my energies and humble talents will i be devoted to the promotion of the best inter ests of the State, her welfare and honor. I bid you an affectionate adieu. INAUGURAL ADD1ESS OF GOVERNOR JAMES L. ORR. i The Govercor elect then addressed the mem bers of the General Assembly as follows: Gentlemen of the Senate and House of elprc enta(tices: The Constitution of South Carolina re qlu ires that the oath of office of the Governor shall be taken in your presence ; and imnmemo rial usage requires him to make, on such an occasion, a brief exposition of the principles which will control his administration. The high honor conferred on me ky a a jority of my fellow-citizens, in choosing mec their first Governor under the new Constitu tion, and the eventful period in the State's history when the selection is made, fills me with a sense of the profoundest gratitude. I approach its grave duties and responsibilities with the deepest humility, and with a sincero distrust of my ca-pacity to discharge them in such manner as to satisfy the reasonable ex pectations of the State. Under these circumstances, I can venture wihsafety to make at least one pledge to the people of this ancient Commonwealth; that all the zeal and energy of my nature, durmg my official term, shall be earnestly and con stantly devoted to their service. With the uniform practice of that partiality which caused them to elevate me to this great office, I trust they will exercise a generous confi dence in all the acts of my administration, al ways giving me full credit for just and patri otic motives. The States is now just entering upon a new and untried career, where there is much to hope for and not a little to fear. All of our old landmarks in polities have been swept off hby the fires of war-. Our social and indus trial system have perished from the same un relenting and unpitying cause. Some of our most distinguished citizens, and many of our most promising young men, have fallen mar tyrs to the ancient principles of South Caro lina. Grief over the biers of the loved ones has tilled every household, and the tears of the widow and the orphan have hedewed every hearthstone. And yet, amid this gene ral wreck in all the relations of life, it would be unmanly to despond. The highest cour age and the sternest fortitude 1s demanded wherever the heaviest calamities overtake and threaten to engulph us. The people of South Carolina seceded from the Federal Union under ani earniest aiid hion est conviction that they had the 'onstitution al right so to do ; and they were equally em-nest and honest in the conviction that their i.terest and the security ofa ver~y large prop erty in slaves required them to resort to this extreme measure. Other States united with Iher to set up a new Government. The Ex ecutive, the Legislative, and the Judical De partment of the United States Government all denied the right which we had asseirted, and was ensued. All parties knew that slavery was the real foundation of the collision be tween the sections. The South engaged in it to preserve andl perpetuate it ; the North to destroy it. F'our years of bloody, desolating war was spent in settling the issue, which had been committed to the arbitrament of the sword, and that liigh Tribunal from which there is no earthly appeal, decided the cause against us. It was a final, irreversible decree. We were exhausted, our armies surrendered, our last available recruit had been sent to the front, and our resources were all consumed. We succumbed to the power of the United States, and under the wise and magnaninous policy of President Johnson wve will, I hope and I.>eieve, very soon: be restored t'o all our ersonal and political rights in the Federal Union, on terms of perfect equality with all I the States of the powerful sisterhood. I The war has decided, first: That one or 1 more of the States of the Federal Union have < not the right, at will, to seced6 therefrom. I The doctrine of secession, which was held to < be orthodox in the State Rights school of pol- < itics, is now exploded for any practical pur- I posei The theory of absolute sovereignty of 1 a State of the Federal Union (from whence was derived the right to secede) which was believed almost universally to be a sound constitutional construction, must also be ma terially modified to conform to this imposing decision, In all the powers granted in the Constitution of the Federal Government, it is supreme and sovereign, and must be obeyed and respected accordingly. Where the rights of a State are disregarded, or unconstitutional acts done by any department of the Federal Government, redress can no longer be sought by interposing the sovereignty of the State, either for nullification or secession; but the remedy is by petition or remonstrance; by reason, which sooner or later will overtake justice; by an appeal to the supreme judical power of the Union; or by revolution, which, if unsuccessful, is treason. The decission was far more imposing and obligatory than if it had been pronounced by the Supreme Court of the United States. had it been tried there, an effort to reserve it might have been made, because its members and opinions often change. But the God of Battles has pronounced an irreversible judg ment, after a long; desperate and sanguinary struggle, and it would be neither politic or patriotic ever again to invoke a new trial of the fearful issue. The clemency which President Johnson has so generously extended to many of our citi zens, in granting full and frce pardon for par ticipation in the late revolution, does honor to his statesmanship and to his sense of jus tice. He is the ruling power of a great and triumphant Government, and by his policy will attach by cords stronger than "triple steel" the citizens of one entire section of the Union to the Government which he has so long and so ably supported and maintained. He was well acquainted with the South-with her politics and politicians, and knew how ever erroneous in his judgment may have been their political principles, that they hon estly entertained the sentiments which they professed, and for which they periled their all; and after failing in their end, when they proposed to return to their loyalty, that hu manity and policy dictated that they should not be hunted down for ignominous punish ment. I shall give his policy of reconstruction ear nest and zealous support. The war decided, second: That slavery should be totally and absolutely extermina ted in all the States in the Union. The con vention of this state, with singular unanimity and promptness, accepted the result of the issue made, and declared in the fundamental law "that slaves have been emancipated by the action of the United States authorities, slavery should never be re-established in this State." The Legislature has followed up the action of the Convention, by passing the Constitu tional amendment proposed by the Federal Congress prohibiting slavery,. everywhere in the United States, and conferring on Congress power to carry the same into effect. Slavery in A merica is, therefore, forever ex tinct. The people of South Carolina have acquiesced in sequence of the war with remarkable cheer fulness, especially when it is noted that her people have been the staunchest defenders of the institution, on principle of polity, for more than a contury-that her interest in the institution greater, relatively, than any of her sisters, its cash value at the beginning of the war being more than two hundred millions of dollars-and that, from a settled conviction. her two great staples of cotton and rice could only be successfully cultivated by compulsory. labor. The Convention and the Legislature, both recently elected~by the people, have no doubt faithfully represented the sentiment of their constituents on this subject, and it cannot be doubted that, since the slave is emancipated, it is the fixed purpose of the people to secure to him his rights of person and property as a freedman-that a just remuneration shall be paid him for his labor, and that be shall be protected against the fraud and violence of the artful and the lawless. The importance Iof your legislating the relative rights and du ties of the whites and the freedmen, at your present session, -cannot be over-estimated. The vital interests of the State, in ny judg ment, are dependent solely upon the laws you pass with reference to.this population. They must be restrained from theft, idleness, va grancy and crime, and taught the absolute ne nessity of strictly complying with their con t acts for labor. They must be protected in their person and property ; and, for a few years at least, some supervisory powver should be established to ratify their contracts for labor, until their experience and increasing knowledge may teach them to guard against the craft of the unscrupulous. To insure his protection of person and property, and to guard sc.ciety against tumultuous disturb ances of the peace-agaaimst trespasses, re taliations and assassinations-it will be indis pen saply necessary to modify the rules of the evidence so as to permit the negro to testify in all cases where his rights of person and property are involved. The lab or of every negro in the State is needed, if not to till the soil, in sc me other useful employment-for the culture of cotton and rice ; anid, in all menial occupations, it is very doubtful whether any laborers in this country or in Europe cani supply his place. Iis long andl thorough training in these em ployments give him a certain skill and apti tude which a stra.nger can only obtain by cx perience. It is, therefore, of the first imapor tance that such a policy should be adopted as will enable the farmers and planters to em ploy the negro, and that he should reiiain cheerful and contented. But there is another consideration pr'omp ing us to legislate hu maiiely and for the ne-I gro. Ie has been born and reared among us, nd while lie has, unfortunately, q1ualities that stamp his inferiority to the white man, ie possesses others that invite our respect. As a class, during the war, their loyalty to their owners an'd to society was worthy of the Ihighest commlend(ationI. Ini no single instance, b-flwhr th,, ave poulation prepoudera ed over the whites as an hundred to one, was here an outbre!ik or insurrection. With a full nowledge on their part of the nature of the :ontest, and the deep personal interest they iad in its issue, is it not wonderful that they luietly pursued their labor, and mainly pro luced the supplies that fed our armics ? If here be reason to complain that the negro ias been emancipated, in derogation of the ,ight and interest of the owner, such com laint cannot be lodged ngainst him ; what ,ver of ill feeling exists in the minds of for ncr owners for the present state of affairs, it s not just that it should be visited or; him. [nterest and humanity require us to treat bim kindly, and to elevate him, morally and ntellectually ; it will make him a better la orer, neighbor and man. Suddenly relieved prom the restraints of the survile condition in vhich he was born and reared, his ignorance :an excite no surprise ; nor can we hope that be will eschew vice and crime. I' he is to live in our midst, none are so deeply interes ,ed in enlightening and elevating him as our selves. The Constitution of the United States. rec >gnized property in slaves, and an appropria ion was made by Congress to indemnify ilave owners in the District of Columbia, ,hen slavery was abolished there in 1861. I herefore cherish the hope that Congress will, is soon as the public deLA is provided for, iake some just and equitable arrangement, o make the citizens of the South some com ensation for the slaves manumitted by the Jnited States authorities. The pursuits of South Carolina have not ieretofore been sufficiently diversified. Ag iculture was the great business of the State. rhe mechanic, the manufacturer, and the ar izan, have not been encouraged to migrate hither, and the native population have not mbarked in these employments. The result bas been that most of the proceeds of the two reat staple crops-cotton and rice-have been expended without the limits of the State, A purchasing such necessary articles as hould have been fabricated or manufactured xithin our borders. Every facility and encouragement should be given by the State Government and by the people, to immigrants from the North and Erom Europe, so that this gre-it deficiency in 3killed labor may, at an early day, be supplied. Under our former system of labor, immi gration was discountenanced from an appre bension that the immigrants, when they loca ted in the country, -would prove hostile and dangerous to the institution of slavery from want of knowledge and sympathy in it. The great change in the condition of the negroes has removed this objection, and the material prosperity of the State imperatively demands a great increase of agricultural and mechani cal labor. The pre'sent is a most auspicious time for embarking in manufacturing pursuits. Tle high tariff which is likely to be continued for many years without material reduction, prom ises such protection to this interest as will enable every branch of manufactures to be de veloped. The extensive water-power in the Central, Northern and Western portions of the State-the salubriousness of the climate the equable temperature-the facilities for transportation over the Rail Roads penetra ting every section of the State, invite capital ists, at home and abroad, to invest their moni cy in these enterprises, promising such hand some remunerating rewards. Companies are already being organized to negotiate the sellI ing and purchasin'g of lands and manufactur ing sites, and wherever a citizen owns a wa ter-power and is unable to improve it wit-h his own means, let him invite his neighbors to form a company ; and if that fails, invite1 strangers ; and if that fails, let him sell to1 those who will improve and develop it. By well directed enterprise and energy eve ry water-power in the State, in a few brief years, will be decorated with a manufactoiry or a machine shop. - The accummulation of capital and the great influx of population it will bring will stimulate industry. The far mer having a home market can diversify his labor and make it more profitable. Activity will be imparted to coinmercial pursuits. Manufactures will .flourish and yield large profits to their owners, fostered and protected as they will be for many years by high pro tective tariffs. A harmonious combination of agriculture, commerce and manufactures and all of them are inviting in this Statd will bring us wealth and prosperity. We can then build up school houses and 'churches and' colleges, and make new Carolina not unwor thy of the fame and renown of old Carolina; Our first great want is enterprise and in dstry-if we will we command thoem. Our next great want is skilled labor-this must come from the North -and from Europe ; it will not come if we do not invite it and ex tend the hand of friendship to the immigrant. If he is looked upon with enmity anid suspic ion, it cannot be expected that he will make yourcountry the home of himself and his; descendants ; and other States, more saga cious, will derive the benefit of his skill, capi tal and citizenship. Our last want is capital, to develope the great and valriedl resources of this State. It is to be obtained by labor, and from abroad, by making its profits remunera tive to the owner. With these wants sup plied, there is no reason to view our future gloomily ; on the contrary, there is much to hope for ourselves and posterity. We have emerged from a long and disas trous war, with our cities and towns burnt,I our houses destroyed, our fields and planta tions ravaged, and our wealthi scattered, but we are in no worse condition than our forefa thers when they caine out of the revolution. Their virtue and labor and economy soon made them a more prosperous people than ever before. Why may not the same quali ties work out the same happy result for us ? It is vain to indulge in repinings over the misfortunes of the past. Our work is with and for the future. If we are to dleserve well of the country and of posterity, it must de pend on the fidelity with which it is execu A new ConstItution has been adopted, and by it your Government has been liberalized. Every citizen may aspire to its honors ; and if esteemed wothy by his fellows, may occu py its high places. It merits a fair trial from the people, andI will doubtless receive it The hope is ardently cherished by me that every change made in the old Constitution may prove a salutary reform. With the courts ,he criminal law, the evil passions ol aa ana nconsiderate men will he restrained, and- or ler soon restored to society. The total destruction of large tracts of coun try by an invading army, and the exhaustion of the entire State consequent upon a long war, incapacitates the people from paying the Usual amount of taxes, and it behooves all departments of the Government to praeticed and enforce a rigid economy; The annal appropriations heretofore made will undei go the closest scrutiny, and whenever a reduc tion can be made, or the appropriation eviire ly dispensed with, it will be done. Ahlsu pernumerary offices abolished, and the le; ries of those continued reduced wheneve it can be done without detriment to the piXlic service, so that the expenditures for the sup pott of the Government will be reduced, to the most frugal standard. The Executive Department will cordially co-perat ..with. you in all measures to reduce the experAds of the State to the lowest standard comptUbld with its efficient administration. Invoking the blessing of Almighty God on our united efforts to ameliorate the condiftiort of our desolated and afflicted cotintty, nd appealing to Him for wisdom, m6deration.and fortitude in the discharge of our grave and ar duous labor, I am prepared to take the oa. to support the Constitution of this Stat6.andine United States, and enter upon the duties. of Chief Magistrate of South Carolina. INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF LIEUTENANT-GOVER WILLIAM D. PORTER. Gentlemen of Me Senate and flouse of Rpre sentatires: To the good people of the State, through you as their chosen Representatives, I retdrn my sincere thanks for the honor conferred on me. During a term of public service, runnmg through a period of twenty-five years, it 4ias not been my lot before to make any appeal-to the whole people of the State, or to rceve any previous proof of their trust and con6fi dence. Regarding this election as a token ;of their favor and approbation, I receive it wii thankfulness and shall always cherish it with Pride. The amended Constitutin of the State, prd vides that the Lietutenant-Governor shall act as President of the Senate. It will now be come my duty td preside over the delibert tions of that body. Happily the duties of the chair are not strange to me, and my recolec tion of the kindness and courtesy of Senatorg in foriber days, itakes tne feel that I shall still be among my friends, who will exten4 me all the indulgence and support that .ma be needed. A great change has come over us vbn the last year. The evidences of it are eve where about us in prostration, wreck and ruin. All, all is changed, save our mutual friendships, and the deep unwave?ing love. we feel for our State, the common mother for us all. The former have sustained us in all our trials ; and of the latter nothing but death can deptive us-not war, nor peace, nor p.ros, perity, nor adversity, nor the chancesof iiindi nor the turning tide of fortune. Like true children, in the hour of distress we,clig closer to the bosom that has nourished u& It is our refuge and our sti-ehfth. The past is fixed beyond recall. 's an not alter it, but we may learn from its. teadb ings, if we are wise to improve the occasion, It is with the present and future that we have to deal. It does not pertain to mny offie to suggest measures for your consideiation; but I may be permitted to say a word or twd in relation to the spirit and temper in whieh we should deal with our' present exigencies. We should, of course, realize our new situa tion on its full extent, and also realize that what may be right and proper in relation to one condition of things may not necessariff be either right or proper in relation to a ther and a different condition of things. Tus great obstacles we have to encounter are .id our pride and prejudices-in feelings and opinions that are traditional with .us; and have grown to be a part of our second natoirs The question of honor or disho.nor in any par ticular case must be resolved by each individ. ual for h:mself. It depends upon the . mind); the intent, the purpose. It depends miiehj too, upon the relative situation of parties. There may be more dishonor. in requiring and enforcing a condition than in accepting and submitting to it. Between victor and YZa& quished he is most inagnanimo.~us who rises to the highest levels of the occasion, and, best satisfies the requirements of honor, -self-res pect, truthfulness and generosity. But. cer. tainly he who acts well his part in a&verse circumstances must commnand respect, 'atid ned not fedl hum ilIation. Especially now ia hratical matters, should we guard against:aa .bstinate adhereuce to theory without :suffi iht regard to new.facts and conditions. TM? example; we liave renounced slave labor~ -.4 accepted free labor. Let tis not condewa':ths latter in advance-let us not prejudge .its fail= re. This is the way to insure faiure, -Let us give It fair play and deal with it like met who are determined that it shall stieceed; This is the way to insure success. tiur o*id interest and the interest of those whose -lbt is cast with us, the happinness and prosperi ty of our State depenid upon our grapphit with this great industrial problem in . faith and with a brave, cheerful, conaident and determined spirit. The work of recrea tin is in our hands, and if we shall succeed in buildmng up dnew our waste places and in laying the sure foundations of a large and en during prosperity, the blessings of those wild come after us will rest upon our names. Our people have pledged anew their faitUi to the Government of the United States; This is a matter of honor and they will kell and rut redeem their faith. Tbose who doubt themn do not know them. They have beert brave in war and Will be true in peace. Td afect enthusiasm nlow would be a hollow mockery, the basest of hypocricies; It carinot be expected of thema. T hey have their griefs and their memories.. These are sactdd anid are ,ettled to fos - ect and cannot be taken froni thern, but they will not s,uffer them to curiie in confict with their duties. All they ask in return is a truth and a faith commensurate with their own. And so may be laidi the foundations of a confidence that will be firm and enduring, ard will ripen in time into that good will, es teem and( harmony that can alone make a Government ai blessing, and a people conten ted and happy. A t the conclusion the oath of~ office was a ministered by Chief Justice ljuNar.