7rHE NE WBF=VVE IR R HERD TERMS-$1,50FOR SX Do . GRENEKER. MONTHS, N ADVANCEEWEi, IY 20, 1865. NUMBER 49. VOLUMNE III NEWBERRY5 S. C.. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 918.NUBR4. TRE HERALD IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, At Newberry C. H., By THOS. F. & R. H. GREIEMXR, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. 1,50 FOR SIX MONTHS, EITHER RENCY ORIN PROVISIONS. uired invariably in advance.) mensinserted at $1,50 per square, for insertion, $1,for each subsequent insertion. arr'age notices, Firneral invitations, Obituarlez", u ncd Communica.ons' o^ personal interest charged ;Is advertisements. W. H. CHRAFE, -No. 205 EAST BAY STREET, (Opposite New Custom House,) CHARLESTON, S. C. COMMISSION MERCHANT. )EALER IN SUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, and LIQUORS. '6oNSINMENTS RECEIVED BY EVE RY -STiAMER of Goods selected expressly for the'Chrlieton Market. ORDERS TROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Charleston, S. C., Nov 8 1865. 3m. North, Stmie & Wtnrdell, TT WHOLESALE DEALERS IN fANCY BOOBS STATIONE11Y, PERFUMERY, CUTLERY, FURNISHING GOODS, &C., &C. No. 16r MEETING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. . A . W RIE L , J R .N O T nov 8 46 4t ~B. STODD)AIRD & CO., Wholesale De .lers in BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS, AT THEiR OLD ST AND, 165 MEETING ST REET, CHA RLESTON, S. C. 'Take pleasure in ax.nouncing their resumption .of business, and invite the attention of purcha .aers to. their stock, whtich is now complete. nov 8 6mi. JOHN KING & 00, IMPORTEB,8 AND WHOLESALE DEALERS -GROCEBIES PROVISIONS FLOUR FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS SEGARS CROCKERY, HOLLOW WARE & GLASSWARE 2000 ACKSALSO, . 200 SCKSLIVERPOOL SALT, No. SS Hasel-Street,. nov 88m . CHARLESTON, S. C. THE ~AMERIGAN LAN]) (JOMPANY AGENCY, '~entral Offce No. 57 Broadway, N. Y. JOHN A. ANDREW, President,)1 FRANK E. HOWE, Vice Pres't, -L W. WINCHESTFR, Treas'r, Trustees. 'GEORGE CABOT WA.RD, ALFRED GAUTHIER,3 ~FFERS ITS SERVICES in the PURCHASE, JSALE, LEASE OR EXCHANGE of City or Mbntry Produce in the South and West; or in ~rocuring Workmen, Superintendents, Tenants, "or Partners from the North or from Europe. 'ull information furnished upon inquiry of THURBER, SOULE & CO., Agents, No. 4 State-street (up-stairs,) 'nov'S 46 4t Charleston, S. C. ERIERSON & WAL.TER, RECEWVING & FORWARDING NEWBERRY 0. H., S. 0 Cotton and Merchandize of every description Received and Forwarded to any point. We ad vance all Freight and Expenses on Goods con uigned to our care. J. W. GRIERSON, W. D. WALTER. DoY 1 45 tf EDWARD S. BAILEY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. H AS resumed business in the wooden build -ing, (the old stand,) on Main-~street, op gosite Martin's Hotel. All work executed with despatch, and war iante .. frm rl July 3i .f ,ALBERT BEEBE. ELISRA KEECH. ANDREW J. C. FOYE. BEEBE, KEECH & CO., Collllllssion iilrchalIS, FOR TIE. SALE OF Cotton and Cotton Goods, Tobacco, Wool -and Hemp, AND Southern and Western Produce. No. 6 South street, New Ydrk. An exclusive Commiisssion business done by this house. D. R. P1IFER, Agent, Authorized to make advances, &c. REFERENCES. Bank of New York, Glenham Company, G & S Crawford, New York. Caleb Phifer, Concord, N. C. Fordvce, Anderson & Janney, Savannah, Ga. Phifer & Alis6, Lincolnton, T. C. W. J. Kee nan, Uiionville, S. C. Carwilo & McCaughrin, and Henry Whitmire, Newberry. L. D. Childs, Columbia, S. C. N. B.-All Consignments covered by Open Po licies of Insuranee. nov 15 47 3 KING & GOODRICH, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry and Fancy Goods, 14I MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. King & Goodrich take this medium of in forming the merchants of the country, that they have opened and are constantly receiving a stock of goods in the above line, which they will sell at the lowest cash prices. J. & W. Knox are to be found with K. & G. and invite their old friends and customers. [nov 15 Im Metropolitan Enterprise. QREAT 0JF T SALE OF THE XEI YORK AND PROVIDENCE JeWelers' Association, Capital,...................... $1,000,000 DEPOT, 197 BROADWAY. An immense stock of Pianos, Watchez, Jewel rv, and Farcy Goods, all to be sold .5r ONE OLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you s % what, you will receive. CERTIFICATES, naning e:cn article and its value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent to any address on receipt of 25 cents;. five for $1 ; eleven for $2; thirty for,45 ; sixty-five for $10 and one hundred for -15. On receipt of tbe Certificate ver' will see xhat you are going to have, and then it is at por 'op.ion to pay the dollar ana take tha' article or ht. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Dia&nond Ring, a Piaio, Sewing Machine, or any set of.Jewelry. on our list for $1; and in n.) case can they get ;ess than One Dollars' wo. th, as there are no blanks. Agents are. wanted in every town in the coun try ; every person can make $10 a day, .selhn: our Certificates it the greatest saie of Jew clry ever known. Send 25c. for a Certificate, which will inform youwhat you can obtain for $1. At the same time get our circular, con taining full list and par ticulars ; also, Terms to Agent,,. Address, JAMES U UTCH INSOS & CO., 197 Broadway, N. Y. NEW GOODS! AT WHOLESALE. INFO0lMS cIty and country dealers th,t he has Ijust opened at his establishtment, over J. G. Gibbes', near the Court House, Columbia, S. C., a large and handsome stock ofI DRE GOODS, FANCY ARTh LES, Boots, Shoes, flats, &c., Which he offers at wholesale, at prices as low, or1 lower, than they can be bought for in Charles ton or elsewhere-barely adding cost of transporta tidn. nov 1547 St Pistols ! ~ Pistols! ! AND FrREARMS; THE best assortment of PISTOLS ever brought I.to :ew berry, and all warranted, can be had by calling on Z. L. WHITE. This lot comprises patterns from the following well known makers, viz: Coltes, all sizes, Sharp's, Slocumns, Coopers, and Smith & Wessons. Together with Caps, Car tridges, &c. All kinds of GUN-SMITHING done in the most workmanlike manner. nov 15 2t STATE OF SOUTH UAROLINA. NEWBERRY DISTRICT. By John T. Peterson, Esq., Orlinary of New-I berru District. ~TUIEREAS, J. T. P. Crosson and John B. I VSmpson have applied to mue for Let ters of Administration, on all and singular the oods and chattels, rights and credits of John Cook, late of the District, aforeraid, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonishi all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Court for the said district, to be holden at Newberry Court House, on the 4th day of Dec. next, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and Seal, this 20th day of Nov., in the year of our Lord one thousand eigh t hundred and sixty-fire. N 22-48-2t. JOHN T. PE TERSON, o. N. D. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. NEWBERRY DIsTRICT. W. H. Hlarrington and others, Ex'ors, vs. Helen O'Neall, and others. Bill for sale of pro>perty, relief, &c. The creditors of the estate of Judge John Bel ton O'Neall, deceased, are hereby to render in and establish on oath, before the Conmmissioner, their respective demands, on or before the first day of Febru~ary, 1866, or they will be precluded. SILAS JOHNSTONE, c.E.N.D. cI Com- ~c' No 10 i5. 8mi 185 A Jaunt Into the Country. BY Q. R. (C~onchided.) It was a beautiftil October morning as I sauntered along the road to High Point with little Flibbertigibbet av my guide, cicerone, or companion whichever the reader may please to call him, but partaking of the capacity of all and yet none, fo- h stopped behind to see a man who was coming across the.fields, and to talk with some school chaps whom we met, and I walked alone, for I knew the way, and the road was plain and direct, so he was neither companion, guide nor cicerone, except in name, but he overtook me just as I was coming in sight of the House. It loomed up suddenly at the end of the lane in all its soli tary grandeur,just asin the old time as though it had been only yesterday I had seen it last. The red brick house stood there in the au tumn sunshine solitary and alone apparently, for neither as we approached nor as we passed did we see a single individual, human or ani mal, though the house is inhabited I believe. Very different was the aspect of the place twenty-four years ago when I first saw it; for then therz tws all the interest, bustle and excitement of a wedding. I arrived with a small party of ladies in a winter Lftr-rnoon; the sky was overcast and a fine rain had set in, but thip only enhanced the cheerful and inviting aspect of the interior of tie mans'on, where fires were burning in every room, and subdued excitement was visible in the young er members of the family in anticipation of the first wedding of the family, when the eld ast sister was to cast her lot with another. she w:ho had been like a mother to them since the death oftheir real moth-. The drawing room was sumptuously ar.d luxuriously fur iished, and the whole interior of the house bore evidence of affluence, a degree of luxury quite unusual in so remote a country place. rhe sleeping apartments exhibited this feature is Vvell as the drawing-room, th6 state bed room-especially where there was a large and magnificent, pavi Ilion-like structure of ma hoganv with square columns and heavy cor nice, to which there was a flight of mahogany steps inlaid with carpeting to enable the oc :upant to ascend the couch, which when he ad acconplished he seemed-to be lost in his vast temporary domain. The rest of the fur rniture c-reF;onded in style and naignificence o this. ':& the abovu-menticned festive oc :asion the house and place departed very con ;iderably from its accustomed quiet; ard the mnlivening strains of the violin with the nim ile capering of the dancer's feet in the grace 'ul saravanti imparted an air of gayety and :heerfulness bedoming the occasion. The bride looked serene but thoughtful in rer simple, but rich and elegant bridal attire, i white silk of heavy fabric, and neat, elegant pattern, and with a sprig of mistletoe in her hair whose white glassy berries locked like pearls set with emeralds. There was a fre.lh ness and simplicity of character added to un usual intelligence and refinement in all the mewh)ers of this family. and a delicacy of phuy sical organiiza ion which addeld to the above mentioned traits, 'endered them unusually in teresting as a family as well as individuals. Dne or two of the daughters possessed a very rare dlegree of beauty in the perfect contour f face and form. Trhe brothers excelled in manly sports especially in horsemanship and appeared to advantage in the saddle. The sec nd as well as the elder possessed a fine mind with unimpeachable moral principles, as well as feelings and affections cast in the finest mould whi. dTuttless pioved to him a safeguard gainst temptation and' immorality. H-e also possessed a fund of dry humour and a smooth ness of disposition and temper which always rendered him athiable and agreeable in the domestic circle. The father of this family who within a year past has gone "to that bou-ne from whence nio traveller returns," posessed the most amiable simplicity of char cter, and yet possessed the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove. His example might shame many professing Christians, for though he did ::ot profess huoli ness he was as harmless in word and deed as the most circumsnect Christian. He was re markably discreet in conversation, anud very considerate of the claims and feelings of others, being always ready to deny himself for the gratification of others, even those whlo should have given way to him from deference to has super ior age. The absence of censoriousness was a distinguishing trait in his ch-iracter and he practised the golden rule with the greatest fidelity. The maxim 'judge not" found in him a living cexmplification. It was very soothing to a sensitive mind to associate with this kindly old gentleman who never gave ut terance to anything wounding or irritating, or who at least did not say or do anything tc leave a rankling wound behind. It was only to be regretted. that such an amiable charac ter and life should not have been found on the side of religion and in the cause of professing Christianity, and that in theory -he was skep tical. He was descended from the Huguenots and though personally he gave clear indica tions of his descent from that inercurial, shoul der-shrugging nation, yet there was a depar ture from the evangelical principles of that sect of Protestant French who took refuge in America from religious persecutions. Hei loved however a peaceful life in comparative retirement, fulfilling the duties of his sphere ini the relations of a most indulgent and affes una norcnt~ a maa~ eclki. r,nd ngrceable nLeighor, as well as social fiend and compan ion, and the most humane and considerate of masters. le passed away from life as peace fully as he lived, at a very advanced age, not without hope to his friends that a soul so blaheless here, should enjoy felicity in that spirit-land to which he had taken his depar tur6. He had been singularly happy in his marriage in uniting his fate Wi'th alady whose virtues were unsurpasse7d as wife, mother and mistress. She had a iwarm, affectionate heart which Was "open as day to melting charity," who visited the poor, the sick and the afvict ed, warmed, fed and clothed them, and gave them a hospitable welcome to her doors. Her warm-heartedness was one of her most distin guishing traits, but in all those qualities which go to make up the character of a lady she was Dre-eminent. Such were the thoughts which crowded upon my mind at I walked past IHigh Point and recalled its forier possessors to mind, with the generation which succeeded them, with the latter of whom as mny cotem poraries I have been intimately associated in our domestic history and connection. I have amused myself and occupied a few otherwise dull and unemployed hours in writing these sketches or reminiscences and they have at least done that much, whether I havd suc ceeded in interesting others or not, and With this apology take leave of the reader. GoT. Marvin to the Colored People of Florida. Gov. Mariin recently addressed a large crowd of negroes at Marianna, Fla. le told them that they had fought no battles; that the b!cod of no man was on their handst that it had been a white man's war; that it had unintentionally resulted in the abolition of slavery, and that nobody-but God was to be thanked fOr it. lie further said If youask me the question, whcher the n hite men of the North or the men of the South is your friend, I will answer you by saying that I hope and believe both of therm are ; but if it comes to a question of certainty as to whih of the two is your better friend, I shall answer plainly and tell you, the white man of the South. I was born in the North, raised and educated there, but I have spent -the last thirty years of my life in the South, and I'consider myself capable of judging be tween the ttwo people, particularly in refer ence to you-efves. I 'inow the Northern man or Yankee, as you ca!l him, from the crown of his hat to the sole of his foot, and-I te!l vou to-dav as vour frien(l, that the South ern white men, with whoim you were raised, and who is acdluainte.l with yoir habits ndni customs, is the best 1riend you have got. Now, after you shall have found your free dom, and, driven by stern necessity to do something for yourselves, the question is, iha,isthe best for you to do? My advice is to remain on theplantation where you have been i-ccustomed to work, wqit yoL forrn'er owners, if they will make a contraEt with you.I Make the best contract you can with -them. and show themi that you are willing to work better, now that you are compensated for your work, than you ever have done before. 13e faithful, be honest, be interested in the af fairs of thd~ plantation ; see that the mules are well fed, that the hogs get good attention, and that the things entrusted to you be not neglected. If you wish to be esteemed as ladies and entlemen, you must conduct yourselves ac co ringly. Call your 01(d master, master, and y our old wistress, mistress. It is right you should ;it is proper, it is polite, You do not meaxn by calling them so that you belong to the bn ut that you wish to he respectfdil and polite, and to give no cause i>r offence, but rather desire to please. I don't say that you m e7It call them master or mistress; hut I say it is civil and polite to do it, and you must, therefore, do it. I have known many white servants, and there are thousands in the Nor th, where I was raised, and it is so is En gland, too, who call those who employ them, master and mistress. It is a term of respect and deference, and they call them thus be cause this is so. There they, as Isaid before, are white servants, and they till the land, feed the stock, and do other work that is done here, and they are respected, and all of them find employment, as you may do if you con duct yourselves properly. But you must not think, because you are as free as the wvhite people, that you are their equal, because you are not. You will have to be able to write a book, build a railroad, a steam engine, a steamboat, and thousands of other things you know nothing of. They are far ahead of you, and it is foolish to think they are not superir to you and will ever be; lt they will help you rise if you try to raise yourselves, and youL munst try, and make fast fiends of them, and not, by bad behavior to wards them, make them hate you. The President will ntot give you one foot of an,nor a ue nor ho, nor cow, nor even a knife and fork or spoon. [A voic-"Dar ! old man, hear dat ? Dat's a had egg! Dat~ chicken won't hatch no how !") IIe has giv en vou your freedom, a:id that is every thing he intends to give you, and that is enough ;~ and some of t ou will und(erstand mec when I tell you why. Before thie war, each and~ of you was worth in dlollars and tents to your owners eight hundred or- a thousand or fifteen hundr'ed dollars; worth inore than fifty acres or eighty acres of land, and a mule thrown in. Well, the President has, in giving you~ y.ur rt donm, taken so many dollars and cents from your old masters; and he thinks, as I do, they have lost enough,.and you by it have had enough given you. If he were to give you more, it would prove a curse to you. The Governor concluded as follows :"I believe I have cover-ed the whole ground and said all that is necessary. If, however, I have left anything out, let me know what it is. Come up! you have a right to ask; so speak out! [Hre a few unimportant questions weeaked, which were satisfactorily an swered.] Now, before I conclude, I wish to ask you,aryosaied?Aryou?[W Iare,''by all.] Will you promise mec to do the best you can, be kin 3.ly disposed to all to be ood men and women ? ['We wvill.'] God~ help yoti do it." -To tell lies befor-e you get uap in the mor Pon't Go. Some of the noblest spirits of the South the men who gava tone, vigor and character to her society-the soul of her best and great enterprises-nay, the very promptest of her public thought, are,. we understand, prepa ring to leave the country, and go into volun tary exile. This is one of the saddest results now following in the train of the just com pleted revolution. In a recent edit6rial we Rdverted to the urgent duty to be henceforth perfi-med by every Southern man in choosing an' sul porting as his representutives in the councils of State and natioi, only those men who hate been most closeiy Identified with the velfire of his people. Bt if there is a time in all ti catalogue of editorial discussion upon i we would speak and pray unceasingly, that subject is the one enbraced in the opening paragraph of this article. Tnere is sonething terrible t6uching in the 'd6!,ht that a prond lover of this country should have become 'o depressed by hi- disappointment, so utterly cast down by his misfortunes, that tather than remain and dare fate to do her worst ; rather than stay among the green fields and shady grovcs of his home where he played as a boy and labored as a man, and where love has hal lowed every association of his life; rather than still linger and by strong ende:vor stri:e to recruit the exhausted energiesof his people, he should, in an hour oF reckless impulse, ex patriate himself from his mother land, and prepare to live thereafter a life without an object-a "man without a country." Such an one is little better than a deserter from his cause. For if there ever was a time -hen a Southern man ought to be at home, at %.ork, watching the interests of his people, contrib uting to the pulsations of the great iopular heart, earnest, ardent, confident, true and firm, that time is now. One ballot is now worth a score of bullets a little while ago. One strong word that carries with it a flow of influence nw. is worth the charge of it brig ade. Moral power is in demand. Thoughts arV weapons. Time holds the scale of vic tory ; and if the people of the South w!ll but remain true to themselves, stay at home, fight what remains of this contest at the bal lot box, co-operate as conserVtives with the conservatiVes of the North, stand shoulder to shoulder, unabashed, and persistent in the as sertion of right-right not because it is right, but as a matter of expediency-we pledge the hon(r of the nation that less than four years will witness a change in the political elements of the land even more startling than hat which, four years ago, plunged the country into fratricidal war-that wlil ieflect the brighest halo upon them, their generation and their poste-ity. We repeat therefore, to the an ticipative exile--Don't go. Stay where you are. The true men of the North ask it. Your own unhappv Sou'h de-rands it. Open some avenue of labor ; get into it ; dig, delve, toil; let the manly sweat flow for a time while you ehrn your own and your children's daily bread; and when the proper time comes you shall help to obtain and thereafter enioy all the rights and privileges of a free American citizenl. New York News. AicPhet'son, the Clerk of the House of Re presentatives, has now distinctly announced his purpose not to enter upon the roll the nam:e.of any n:en,ber.frem any of the Stat-. lately "i'f rebellion," un til the house or poni zes and admits them. The prent indica tions are clear, and we fear, unmistakabfe; that the House will sustain the clet k, not only in denying our Representatives any voice in their organization, but in excluding1 them fl-om the floor of Congress during, the entire session, and as much lon-ger as they~ can. The propriety of such a policy. bo0th as re gards right and expediency, has already been thoroughly nfrgued and discussed ; any fur ther discussion of it now would be tiresome and vain. We merely wish to warn our peo ple. to nerve themselves for tnre cruel trials of their fortitude than they have yet endured; to school themselves in the exercise of pa tience and discretion. They will have need of both. If there are any among us whno do pot appreciate the diffichlties !n the face of which the~ Pr esident inaugurated, and has partially developed his wise and patriotic policy,. they *ill have their eyes opened when they get their first view of Congress. We do nobt prom ise that they will see a cloven foot, or a b,ar bed tail, or~will smell birimstone; but they will see every thing eTses . All that we can db is to iook on. We arc powerless, except to injure ourselves. This we can do in almost any way in which we choose to set about it. Indeed so nurrper ous are the ways andl mens on hand, thant about the only waty in which we can be se cured against harming ourselves is to remain entirely passive. We ar-e certainly hopeless. Our pe-ople need not-stand idle, however, while awaiting the issue of events they cannot con trol. It becomes them to empicy their ener gies in the only direction in which they can be made available-towards the dlevoptmnent and organmzation of our imumense industrial resources. -R.ic1ianond Timeg. Srcur.Ay S-rArON's GomAa.-A Wash ington correspondence of the Cincinnuatti CAm mu-xial writes: It is a s!non!anr fact that Secretary Stanton cannot so fai- recover from the bellitger-ent at titude which so well became him u iie we wer-e at wvar, as to dismiss the mili tnrv gnard fromi his own private r-esidencee. Pasi-n~g by No. 820 K street, yesterdayv, about i-l-day, I encountererl a chap in blue reir amnnuis and 1irty white gloves, strutting up and1 down in front of the "palatial nans5~in" of the Seer try of WVar, and in the :lley of the rear of the house was plhdnly nmudih!e !h-e. tanmp, t-rm', of another arimed patrol, who soon camne into view wi:h bayoiet Un sh'oubler, keeping guard over his side of the forti!!ea tion. lsn't it renmarkable, that while the forts arontd Washington are bemng dismantled and Lieutenant-General Grant comes out ani goes every whe; e unattended, the Secretary of War should reguire to be so constantly hedged in1 by hayenets ? Our War Minister seans to be the only man in the countryv w ho en, af ford to keep a private battery oh hn: 1-rofimses. The Uartford P~ress tells the follo-wing: A son o-f the Green Isle stepped i-ito the tele gaph o:lice in this city, and sent a despatc h to a neighboring town in regard, to a uussmng trunk. The operator sat d own to the mnsti met, and clnk, etnk, ciln went the message over the wire. The man waited and watched,I evidently expecting something. "Your mes sage has been senlt all right," h!andly remark ed the oper-ator. "Yes5, yes," exclaimed Pat ric- cnmrlr "but hna the thrunik caemr ?' Wade Hampton. We find an article in the Yew York Newsi of the 31st ult., on the reported election of Gen. Wade Hampton as Governor of this State, from which we extract the.following tribute to this gentleman's gallantiy in the past, and to his sifterity and loyalty to the Government and to the:restoration *policy of President Johnson at the present time: "For- tate officers, the Soutir, ought. not, for one niornent, to listen to "policy." As a vrc in, ev%erv Siate of this Union must bi isIuI,ess of her own affairs. And South ar )1hna like .Iississippi, does .herself honor in. asserting her truth by placing at the head of r civil -overnment of her most distinguish cons, even though he has been eminent as ' whA' soldier. A private citizen of her fn s of prosperity, General Wade Hampton %1ns :m ) armnnent to the society of South Car olina. W ithin all her borders, 'his name has been know n for any years as a synonym of truth.and honor. The political convictions V.hich he he1d in private having been subjec ted to an arbit raiment which demanded his life as a test of their sincerity lie accepted the demand sword in hand ; and, call himu what radicalisni will, a rebel, a traitor, a villian, the 'great majority of mankind will hold him made of the stuff ,that constitutes patriots. And his faith to his conviction is proof as true as Holy Writ of his faith to his solemn oath. The allegiance which he has shown to his own conscience at the risk cf quiet, property, life, the world will accept as undeniable evi dence of his truth of the allegiance which he st-i4.s ready to. pjedge to the policy of restor ation. Unsanctifed formally he may be by the express granting of Presidential 'pardon;' but the proof which he has-put in before ill men of his profound good faith, declares that Wade Hampton's acquiescence. in the surren der of the Confederate armics is a demonstra tion of his fealty to the Union beyond all sup position of official, formulary. - Her foremost citizen, the flower of her chivairy, the savior of her honor, a man infinitely truer than some of the mouthing 'loyalists' to the' Union to which he has submitted, South Carolina, has done herself high credit by placing in the highest position within her borders her favor ite son-Wade Ilanipton.". ThE RIGHT SPIRIT.-Mr. William Crutch field, bold, thorough-going Union man of East Tennessee, who was arrested and imprisoned by the agents of the Confederate Government for his Unionism, makes an appeal to the Un ion men of Tennessee, through the Chatta noogn Gazette, not to prosecute the rebel s6l diers who have returned to their homes under a pledge of safety hbd yrotection, upon re turning to their allegiance and loyalty to the country.-Louistille Journal. He says to his compatriots "Be just, be geherous, be m,.agnanimous." Thus it is, the bravest are always the tenderest, Le most forgiving. He says Remember the truly brave, noble and gen erous, never insult or mistreat a fallen foe. When you appeal to brute force, Lying law and order sI, you are at sea -without rud der or compass, and will most suddenly be cast upon tile breakers. Will you not learn wisdom from the errds of the past ? Will you-force these.ien who, in good faith, have said down their arms, be lieving in anod eying fully uIpon: ;he .gener ous terms. given by thei military and civil.ru lers, and still exten1ded by your preserit C'hief Executive. For s1Siim, rny .Iia-c3untrymen ; pause, consider, look well ath.'t you do. . "LIe that subdueth4 his owt spirit isgreatcr than the warrior that taketh a city." Now that the rebielllon has been crushed, and yodir erring :brethren having failed, sub mitting to terms as laid down b~ our Govern ment, do not throw imnpedinients -in the way, but learn to forget and forgive. Reach forth the right hand of fellowship ; bid your erring brethren return; convince them that there is room for tas al ; that they were in error when telling us that this State could only hold one side ; convince them that you are for the Un ion, and the Co6n.titutlion, andihe law. Let the past be f'orgivven ; let, us li'e for the fu ture ; we are cne people, one tongue, one *idrd * *. * * -- * Let the roze again blomi, the virte and fig fbu'rish. Let uz be good in greatness and grent in goodness. In so doing the tear of the orp:m nd heprayer of the widow willas cend to heaven, blessing you. Thatih the true kind of paVr tism. The s int man ifested by all who will' make the Union co-exist with time. I NTE REsTING . FInoM WAsuNGToN.-"-We get the fillowing items from the Washington cor respondence of the "Baltimore Sun": A proclamation may shortly be' expected frm tihe President declar-in r the insurrection or rebellion in the South to be at an end, I can say that the President endorses the statement of Governor Perry of South Caroli nta concrnVfing his (the President's) views as to the ldnnsiu of Smn:herr reprcsentatives, to Conzress. The Pre.sider.t holds th:it the mass of tLnt enn2 t!!ei part in the organiza ti'on of th'e Hnn:le. I need nlot repeat the usual argumet.t in: this behluf, which he fully agrees t. It is thc,ng t byV somei that the victory of the rerlians la New Yor4: and New Jersey will s. ch.e them: that they will rudely re pIsel' theo Southern representatives from seats in C'onpress. But the better opinion: is that their assured accendency will 'be best mnains tained by aicting with justice and moderation. A ny cn re the t shall go to discourage and del pre~ss business interests'in the South, will exa cite so strong a sersiment of sympathy hthong the business men at the North as ma~y readily ebange jv..litical resnits at the nekt elections. I doubt not the President will urge the re ception of.thie Southle!n representatives, and le will make a key point of it in politic.e if it is found necessar'y. Those who are opposing this feature of his poliey wil never be warm~ in their support of hiin hereafter7 "IIe may overlook or disregard matters that be con cei'es to be of secondary importance to the great purpose of having the Southern people again represented in Congre.w, but for the lat ter object he wiH be firmxly fixed in principle and tenacious to the last of effecting it. A gentlcman residing in the upper part of \rinia, who wals thle owner of four of five hundred slamves before the war, informs the editor of the Petersburg ]ndez that one hun dred and fifty of his former servants have uni tedI in a letter to him a-king to be allowed to retLlrn to their former homes and go in statu