-'-- .-- - ---- - .- -- - * . ~ . 7- . ~ - 4-, . - - - - -.g . - - -- -. - C--- - FO0 - - - - - is -~b~oq~ -f f -. RNIK~. -" 6Lib-I -7 NEWBERRY, S. C. WEIDNESDAY^ NOV. 22, 186 . NUMBER 48 --. -.. .- -vee - ' MI.ALMB EVERY WEDNESDAY, irry Q. L 8; R. M. QREUMEEr, D PROPMIET0RS. XifONT'S, EITU e\PROYISIONS. dAlai. bin advance.) - as$11 periare, for hr elkhe at insertion. ?neiilaRvitaiongeObituaries, Of.per omalinteret charged -LAY s(REtT, Cisoa Mouse,) ~HLESTOTNC.C N' - ARDand - LIQUORS. RECEED BY EVE 2ER 4ods selected ezpressly UPTLY ATTENDED TO. ~~4~kov 81885 8mi. LE DEALERS FTAON the9aso AbieM &o 00plt., WR0 EI L EA E OS N4AMETIC~ L *UR g ~1~o ICH teir TONmVi - Joea mdinitetheztenton 7, puela FFRSmwEICE in h PUC AE 4 ifrmaio furnshd uonET inqury o THRBR, OULE? & CO.,Aents, No.4Sate seu-tis ,) ERS - OH& WLES.R, -9------c -ac aR Fregh and Epneso' Goscn ,T. .W EERo,W .fr a . WTrs E. EDWARD S AILEY AS~FlR r~esudbsies in .the woodAE,uid ing,Ste L Sold stand,) E onMa in- tyt or poit rtin 's Hotmel.Seitenet,Tnn All wrkr exeute lth depaeo, andm Ewa' ?qi jaorm t une d p J n uir o f AT TEN~TTIO N ! The Ext"nsive and liberal.Shoe Iouse, 133 ME1TJNG STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., Now calls the attention of merchants and planters to the following extensive Stoek, which cannot Ve prihased by auly other house South of Mason Dixon's line, 150 Cases men's. women's ad chil, dren's Boots a4. Shoes, 1100 Cases Me's, Boy's and Youth's Fur'and Wool Ha,ts of all sizes and qualities, 300 Cases Plantation, Turpftine, Donaldson Brogans, of the first quality and well adapted to the FALL TRADE, Also a- full assortment of -Trunks, -Valises, Carpet"Bags.&. &c. $imiar consignmests received .weekly and semi-weekly. Country merchants will do well to call and examine my stock- before purchas ing elsewhere. Agont for,Manufacturers. T. C. n,151m ALEAT BEEBE. - ELISHA XECH. .NDREW J. 0. FQYE. 3EEBE, KEECH& CO., Commis'lan Merchats, FOR THE SALE OF Cotton and Cotton Goods, Tobacco, Wool and Bemp, AND Southernand Western Produce. -No. 6 South street, New York. An erelusive CommIsssion, business done by this house. D- R. PHiFER, Agent,.islithorized -to make advances, ke. REFERENcEs. Iank-of New York, Glenham Company, G & S Crawrrd, New-York. taw Phifer. Cnerd, N. C.. Fordyce, Arlerson & Janney, Savatineb, Ga. Phifer & Allison, Lincolnton, '1. C. . W. J. Kee, man, U,tionville, S. C. .4rwi.te & McCaughrin, ani enry Whitmire, Newberry. L. D. Ihilds, N. B.-All Consignments covered by Open Po. licies of Insuranee. imv.15 47 . KING & GWODRICH, * Wholesale Dealers in Forp,ign & Donhstic Dry and Fancy G.oogs, 14I MEETING STREETL CH ARLESTON S. C. King- &Goodrich:take this medium of mi formiing the mnercihmnts of the ceantry, that they have opened and are constantlyecetig a stock-of goods in the above line, which they will sell at the ,iowest cash prices. .' J. &r W. Knox are to be foundiwithb K. & G. and invite their ol friends ERd carstomers. [nov 15 1m *Metropolitan Enterprise.. GREAT CIF T SALE Or TE NEW YORK AND PRGVIDENC'E Jewelers' alssociath#fi, eapital,,........... ...... $1,000,000 DEPOT, -197 BROAD WAY. AR imen;e at ock of Pianos, Watches, Jewel ry, anid Fa&nc;y Goods, all to be -sold fbr ONE DOLLAB::each, without~ regard to maine, and not to be mid for till you see *hat ybu will ry~eive. CER'WFICATES, uam'mg'egeh article and its vaineg,aae$paced in seated envelopes and T well mied. An of these envelopes will, be sent to any address:ou receipt of 25 cent.s five for $1 ; eleven tar $s; thiri,y for.$5; six ty'&c for (LO and one iudrgd for *15. On receipt. of tbe Certificate-yeu will see what you are going to have, and then it is at. your option to pay the doflar and take the article or neC :Purchasers may thus ob'tain a Gold Wateh, Diamond Ring, a- Pianio, Being Machine, or any se's of Jprelry on our.list for $1; and in ha case can they get less than -One Dollars' Wotthi, as there sre no blanks. Agents are-wanted ini everystown in the coun~ try; every person-ean make $10 a day, sellitz our Certificatesin the' greatest sale of Jewelry ever.known. Send 25c. for a- Certi6caute, which *will inform you what you can obtain for $1. At the sdmte time get our circular, containing full list and par ticulars ; also, Terms to Agqenb. Address, JAMES H UTCHIINSON & CO., ~97 Broadway, N. Y. NEW OS AT WHOLE SALE. TNFORMS cIty and c.ountry dealers 4that he hasl j ust opened at his establishmbent, over J. G. Gibbes', near the Court House, C2olumbia, S. C.a Jarge and handsome stock of -* DRY GOODS, FANCY ARTILLES, fleets, Shoes, flats, &c., Which he offers at wholesyie, at prices as low, or lower, than they can be boughut for in Cha&lestonr or elsewhere-barely addin& cost of transpan~a-: tion. - nov 15 47~ 8t wOTICE. Iday. next, one HOUSE and LOT,.containing about 'TWO ACRES, in the Village of Helena, the property of John.Reid, deceased. * .JAS. MAFFETT, Ex'or. * mwo kcan. Nov 15~ 57 3 A Jaunt into the Coutry. 0 A. BY QR. - (Continue&) I said that all-the stirroundings and appar tenances of my friend's house-plate and pIRn tation extijbited order hnd -nagement; and ,it is fru~e, for with all ls'idiosycrasies he has been a successful f'irmer, and tbwonfer to his friends is-how he makes so much or rath er made so much upon such worn otrt.lands. With all his theories and. visionary 'projects he is shrewdly practical, sharp as a steel trap but with much native Warulth Aind goodness of heart, which has perhaps beei obscured by long contact and attrition *ith tbeworld, but w ich in early life was an attractive feature in his character, a depth of reeling and senti ment rarely found and which in its fresh bloom was a relief to eyes and hgerts hack neyed with the conventionalities Of a town or village life. One would scarcely suppose in looking upon that careless ex,erior that-at the age of twenty-one it enshrined a heart alive to' the most refined feelings and emotions, with the most delicate shades of sentiment, anc that it w-is "the'gla's of fashion and the mould of forrj" And, yet, well do I remember hiin when he bore himself with the air and mien of one Vf Nature's noble sons, and his - form was strikingly elegant which his early. ]Dve of dress enhancedwith all the*factitious aids of fashion. 'His wardrobe%as the wonder of all his acquaintgnce and he squandered 'nonsy with that profuness which only young.nW-n of-a certain class- can ao. There was no end of fine boots and shoes ,fi his bachelor apart ments, and vests and coats of all kinds and styles from flashy to genteel. He kept the finest horses and no one wns a better judge,4 horse,fiesh. le rode better thaii most or -all of his compeers, and he appeared to a great advantage on horseback especially upon the beautifulsorrel mare called Fannie, wbich even tQ my untutored eye "was a love of an. ani wal" to use a feminine phrase. He excelled, too, in those rural sports of hunting and fish ing, and in marksmanship at shooting match'esi and his natural shrewdness or sharpness was not suffered to rust by the kind of associates and companionship which he met at Liberty Hall, where they were fully developed in his contact with the hard, keen-wits of the back woodsmen who engaged in the practices be fore alluded to in a former chapter. Wooe to the luckless wight who unwarily7-engage~d in ahors0trade with him.in after years, or tp the spooney w'io engaged him in cards or pitted a cock against his thorough breds in a fight. But these were the exceVs or excres censms of youth fosteted by 4s proximity to the notorious locality before all-uded toothe r(ewing of the vild oats of youth, whilst un derneath all Kis there ley' feciings of the ten derest character, affections of the warmest na tu'e, a love fortisters and brothers and ot.her relations'in proportion, which almost edeema ed him from these. youthful irregulaiities. lHe bad great quickness of.mind', and his intellec tual parts were quite above mediocritf, and the clffssies and mathematics at school 'were no stumbling blocks to him as to many of his cotemporaries or school fellows. His bro, which, with his hazel eyes, are his finest fea tures, also, is indicative of mind. The latter at:e also susceptileof a softness, which if -not habitual to him in later life, was formerly, and sometiEles yet lends benignity to ihe expres sion of his face. 'But I was speaking of his ment.al capacity, and this reminds me of*. his application to enter the South Carolina Col lege when he was a youith. He rode .to Co umbia and made application with the most. promising success, 'but his 'freedom from re strainO n his previous life could not ;br'ook the idea of College rules ana regulations, so he turned round mounted.his hors and was seeni no more within the Cdillege walls. He studied4-aw, and w.th every prospect of suc cess in that profesGAon still preferref a life in the country and the 'occupation which was his inheritance and M~o thig manorborx'" namely~ farminig or planiting;. -But I have made a long episode in this-somewhat elaborate portrait* of my friend and will Aow return-to'the pdint of divergen& where I had arrived at the gate of his residence after ' unset. ft ws situated on a rather elevated point with the ground sloping awray gradually 'on all sides, which made the plac.e look high an~d dry, and1 with oaks around ih6 hodise'the' place has a pleasant situation. The- house is a plaint country residence n ith no pretension to ar chitectural bcauty, being only an o'rdinary framed painted house w ith piaza in front. This is not the hereditary mansion or rather the family mansion, which is a mile further on at the point where four roads meet, a large red brick hzouse which in its isolated situation looks almost like acastle ; but more of this anon. The greeting from my 'friend's wife was somewhat in character (when to her sur prise I walked in with her husband and daugh ter, and found her with their youngest pledge in her arms,) "you are the last person I' ex-, *Those whod righ~lt tink this pIirtrait over drav'n and who in comparing this sketei with the original in its present frame and setting, might be inclined to use the wordsof Shakespeaire atnd say "Look -on this picture, then on that" must ma'ke due allowance for the modifying hand of time and circum.stances whieh'often change the character as well as the outward man and if my friend has not now a hand and- heart "open as day to :nelting charity", or is not so free-banded asin his youth, bu~t cliing.s.losely no'w to what h.e squandeed in.outh, it wil.or ou~ght to be re memnbered that such is the result of experience and observation,as a youth of prodig-ditv is often reversed by an old age of elkte and ril'd econo my and vf'n of avariec. pected to see." I bid deserved this blunt Lgreeting for my long procrastinated visit after being repeatedly invoed and as often promIs Ig to visit. them. 'Ahis and the natural plain ness of speech and u*ner of uy,hostess whb never affects apy tf tM "uatit#in Edo' of -conventiopal life, or ,prhaps I should say U. bane deccitfulness,' V+ the cause of this man nei of .welcoming e -1 had no reas.n td 6inplain of my manfier of entertainment dur ing my stay, for in te absence of some of the frippei ies and wselesg elegances, of life, there was every creature comfort and above All strjt neatness-and o,rder. At supper and'brea,fast there was the very' best of butter and, milk with he richest creamy buiscuits 4 d, fried chicken, as well ts some luiuriei and detica cies in addition. -At dinner, to these viands, were add d others nrore substantial, and what was a treat to me, deliciops h'oney.' 'in the morning when I ros and lifted the curtajo from one of the windows of my airy .upper chamber-to look for tb sun I found that Phoebus had risen on the opposite side. to wher, I-expected to see his glowing.face, or as it seend to me in the west. Tbis had always cbeen the case in former V'Ibits in formier *years when in this part of the country, but I bad forgotten the circumstaice at the t4me. I was completely turned round, and did not get right till I retarned home, My hostess still retains muA of the very considerable beauty of her more youthful days, though a matron with eight childreri. She has not'eitber quite abandoned the lighter accomplishmerta of her youing ladyboodor'she regaled me afr 'din ner with several pretty songs, %altzes and quicksteps upon her piano, which still retains ito excellent tone as in days. of yore. The beautiful Confederate homespun dreses trim med with small black buttons, wwc xbe and her Tousekeeper (a young lady from. the Sur rounding countryswhotias industry and sense, neatness and .hkater,as well as some degree of grace :and ebeg*nce. in person) 'wore tl%J morning after ly arrival, were almost elegant in their appearance, and were made, so neatly and fitted so well that they were quiite credit able.to the domestic thrift, jMustry and skill of the two ladies,.* The young housekeeper employed herself during the day whilst in the sitting room in. winding cottoa yarn. v ith a reel and windin.g blades, which caused her figare to appear to an idvantagejas it requited her to bend slightly for*ard, thotigh whether she was aware of it I cannot eif; but I am in clined to acquit her of any art in the matter, a conclusion which issomewhat brI.ttble on nly part o%good-riatured at least, 'considering that the cotton winding filled or covorId my clothes with lint as I lay reading on the sofa or lounge. After breakfast the children wh6 ee old enough ,to go to school, took their litach bas ket and-satchels to wend their way t'd the 'old Bield schooL,house about half a mile ditant, which was built of logs and hard by 4.n ex tensive piecgf woods, the academic groves presided Dver .Plato-like by my frin anud fel low-soldier' of Spottsylvania notoriety (before mentioned) whose facility in language is such a remarkable fea.ture in his character. Efter breakfast I too wendedl my way withi the eld est boy,, (a precocious little Fli.bberi.ygibbet,1 a repr'6daction df that gnome-like personage in Sir Walter Scott's novel of Iennil*orth, which, by-the-by,'I have .beat-d. was taken from a, distinguished prsoiiage of out own State, who once visited Sif ,Walter but who did not feel complimented by the aiithor's sketch .f'him,) to fligh -Point, . the forem,ecs tioned large, red brick, ca. e-like .building standing out so prominentf, stinctive fea-' ture, seemin'gly so out of place in that unin teresting country where one comes so unex petedly upon such a place,- - .( To be Continued.) NEGROE'-S IDEA EF FRaEEnOM.-A ..correspon dent of the Atlanta'o-ra says : A'To sihow how impractical their ntotions are I will cite a,few instances whjch I ha&v.e,,seen tr learned -from hseliable authiority.' Though the,fimei-s. are. all busy saving their corn and pea drop,- it is no uncommon thing- for the wiawrkn-o: of a.li~lantition to lay down -the implemetts of lab4r'end 'go '. fish ing herieby openily violating the contract~ the~y have entered- in' with .their emiployers. One bandy legged, thick lipped soh of' the cotton field thinks he will go to sorpe city, probably Atlantat, and commece c a Ila-ge commission business, is wife, who is a splendid field and, he aims to send to school one year and then set her up ij. the millinery business. One old woman has a daughter ; said daugh t,er hak a nose 'as broad as the Constitution and as flat as the speech of aiState politician. Her lips are like two huge slices of beefsteak bur!'t black on one side. Iher foot about the sape'of a tenplate stone, would fill a stout brogan, No. 20 and have no room to spare, and to cap the climr, sh.e is.as black as the ace of'spades and ugly as a huge nightmar -. Now the indulgent and proud mother of this beautiful daughter, is anxious to hire a good piano and music teacher for her child. She will soon bz of an age to 'set out' and it is desirable that she have at least one popular accomplishment; .I have not drawn on my fancy for these things.- They' are facts and no-poetic fables.' -____ The Tribune reports 10,000 olacks in the District of Columbia, and 'great personal- dis tress. Here is a picture of the sufferings of thes eople: "The most frightfulamnortality exists, as many as 80 cofns per *eek bejng furnished by the Quartermaster's Departient, most of whom are for ch en. It is the opinion of; physicians practi nlg amng them, and of other close observers, that .three-fourths, of these children die from neglect and want. In a family of a soldier who lost his life in battle, flee out of the..fep .children have died smnee March, 1865, Gr8m the above causes. In ar-I other, three out of seven children of a soldier drafted in December last, bare starved to death in tlie last three weeCksi HEADQ RS ASST. CoX. BUREA REFUGEES, FREEDMEN AND.ABANDOE ANDs, SOUTH CARoLINA VND GEoRGIA, CBARLESTON, S. C., October 22, 1865. DEAR SiR:- Not having had sufficient time 6 reply especially to your wners; in accordance with the spirkadd let. er ~nt~ne.in the ecconipanying doinment, HT. He is fartler charged with extending f. F. 0. No.- 1, and the actioni as to the EdistoL ~statesJt6 the other,.estates affectel by Gerr a 3hernian's order abo;-o referred to, with eeh nodifications as a practicab!e adjustment af lifficulties may demand. His attention''is ~alled to General Orders, War Depar'f;gept, lo. 14fi current series, the; spirit of whichb- -a vil -be careful'ly observed. - ,All orders issue4;pursuantto the ab,ove in~ tructionis will be '9By directionof:lbe Coug. . nlysinner,.'Kcpt those sinedJb)'4e om. - nissioner himsel-"- .~- - >Pursuant:to the instr.rtionsfrom theWes - lent. of the Unte,dStates. -:~- ~ * -. ~4HOWARU7 - Maj~or. eneral Coimissioner. . OE~ciab.-e'C. Hi. HowaRD, inspeetor-Gene. -al South Carolina, G-:orgia and Florida.. BIos FE.o.-AS we often see frieDds suf erigsmn- tever-y trouble somaethirigs, we~ ublishide Mtlowing cure for them, ~hich ye have hird higly recommiended. A soon is the par:s begin to swell, get the tincture f lobelia and wrap the part affected witt loth thoroughly saturated with the tincture, n~d the felon is dead. An old physician says ~ e has known it to cure irl scores of. cases, nid it never fails if applied in season. -- -Ar ather rerriedy is vo-uched for by the Bu ailo Adroale, as a ertain cure from its own ~nowledge, it is as follows: Take a pint of ommon soft soap'and. stir in air slacked limoe ntil it is the thickness of -gla'sier's putty. dake a leather thumb, fill it with this compo ition, and insert -the finger therein, -and a :ure is c.erta*in. This,is a domestic application hat ever~y housekeeper can~ apply promptly. A GajsAT MtIsTAKE.-The MIacon (Geo. Ga ette sags; In thec conaf*sion of the houi nny o! the yheters have'deterined to sell .* >ut their lands; -md either leave the country >r move to town. They beliere everything s so confused that it will be impossible o make a crop rioxt year. They a#e seeificing - heir possessions for a mere song, and doirg . njury. A few sharpers are buying up these . ands r t a-very low tigure, and will make for tur.es out of it as sooni as the tide of emigra. tion turns th;is v:iv. -We wo'uld advise every one to be mzore calim and considecrate, and hold on to their lands: This confusion.,uf scoiety, disorganized as it is, will not always last,