-- - HrFE NEVWERRV RD TERMS-$l,,5o FOR Six~ IeoIT F. GRENEIKERot MONTHS, IN ADVANCE. iS rr .. VOLUME I NEWB3ERRY, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 186 NUMBER 4. THE 1 RAL IS PUBLISUED EVERY WEDNESDAT, At Newberry C. 1., By THOS. F. & R. H. GRENEXER, EDIT(*S A%N14PROPIEToRS. TERMS, $1,50 FOR SIX MONTIS, EITHER IN CURRENCY OR IN PROVISIONS. tPayment required invariably in advanee.) Avertisements inserted at $1,50 per square, for first inserion, $1 for each subsequent insettion. 'Marrage notices, Funeral i9vitations, Obituaries, *nd Communications of personal interest charged s advertisements. STONEWAL JACKSON. A Soldle#'s Story of a Soldier. (Fron te -ete York trkLc. VIRGINIA, July, 1 .S6. Among the prominent actors in th great drma Q the late revolution, thcre was one whose curious figure riveted ever- eye. le was a man between thirty-five and forty, drect, stiff, clad in dingy grey, with the nica sured carri-g, and brief curt voice of the soldier on duty. When he sNmiled, it is. tiue" his fice was charming, and when his picrc ing look grew soft, his eye was full of the kindliest sweetness, but his lips were habitu ally compressed, his glance kcen, penetrating and inquisitive un(ler the rin of the' faded cadct can drawn dawn low uron the forehead. HMe rode ungracefully, thollgh not Lsadly, ap pearing t manage his horse ; ithout an effort of vihtion. In manner he was absent, pre occupied and rborLd, carried away appa- - rently by some possessing thought, which rendered him oblivious ot time and Ie. He would raise his Land, so:netimes both hand, aloft in the htttest hours of the battle, and with closcd eves utt--r half-audile prayers. Iis walk was a stride, which the most ardiht of his admirers would not have ventured to call graceful. le sat stimY erect ra his camp stool, or in his pr at church, reflaing to Cj-y the luxury of reclining in 'tie least degree. *Ue was silent, shyf awvkward, home ly in- dress and appearace, and constrned in manner, without wit, w ithout bwuor, with out any apparint endowment dist'nguishing him from the duilest and nmst con;'on-place of his spees. Aid vet this powcrfu;1v ex cited the admiration and -fection, not only of his own pzople, but of many of his adver sari4 ; who in the homely fignr of Stonewall Jackson saw the enbodiment of goodness, military genius, b:.d almst unbroken vic tory. . ]Lis life has been written, and need~not here form the subject of separatc treatmient. Up to8, thkre we.s little in his career to attract attention. A'poor oy, born beyond the Ai!e ghancysin Virgin-ia, lie managed to get to Wes Point ; thence passed as lieutenar.t of artiller-v -o Mexico, where he fought recklessly ; th en became professor at Le.tgton ; then colongl of Virginia volunteers at Har-per's Ferryrin April 1S61. Thence for-wa;-l his career is welt knrowr-how he dceemd the f..te of thl t first ba.ttie of Manassas by th'e charge which pierced the federe.1 center; how he marched 1 in the dead of winter upon .Bath aud R fmey, drivjtng out the federal garrison there; and how he then entered upon thme celebr-ated campaign of the valley, which has maide the names of Keinstowi. McDowell, Winchester, Cross Keys, and Port Republic, famous in military history. From the valley he came to the Lowlanmd?.nd decided with hris veteran corps, the hot day of Cold Harbour ; next came his defeat ofGeneral Pope at Cedar Run; then the rerrarkable march to Manassas in the rear of Pope. foiloGed by the victory there, and the two day's afterwards at Oxihill; then the capture of Harper's Ferry with 11, 000 men anid more than seventy pieces of ar tilery; then Sharpsburg, where- he sustained General McClellan's main attack with his right wing under Hooker,-an.d repulsed it ; then Frederi.burg, where he drove back general Fran~ is column of 5.5,000 men, as sailing the confederate right ; pd then Ch-an cellorsvilie, where with 22,000 men lhe fell enexpectedly on the rigt of General IIooker, and achieved thme greatest, perhaps, of all his1 victories. He fell.theire, struck down, by an .ccidental shot of his own men, and thence igrivard victory seemed to dehse: t the south 4rn standard. The con,fedtrates repulsed the federal forces, thereafter but never defeated them. The campaign alluded, to will always 1)e fa enous in military annals; and tire character of the man who fought them a legitimate suh ject of praise. Their effect upon the fortunes of the w~ar was incalculable. In other quar ters the clouds might lower ; but here light shone. Victories over astounding odds; ex trication from perils threatening destruction, and defeat of advei-se combination~s so power ful that apparently no eiTort could resist :hrem , were the phenonemna which aittracted to this sol'ier, the eyes of friends and enemies alike. Who ard what was the' man who achieved such great and uninterrupted success ? That was the question in many mouths; and what wva the secret of this continued tr iumph ,over .hsta: es which would have crushed the most experie'ed nmasters.of the art of war ? The reply is si: ~. Jackson y as one of those leaders- en~ ard far between"-who are t>orn with a sc-re:;e genius for war-; and who overcome mJ S'arriers in, their !xath by the native supem * - ' .heir faculties. The ~alities which cokst t: th character of a great soldier are 'breaK 2 view, foresight, prdec ernterprise. :-.:,: imperturba tory must meet and work harmoniously in him. Caution pushed to the. point of apa rent timidity; daring so extreme as to appear pure recklessness; the gift of looking to the most minute details, and that of banishing from the mind all details whatsoever, grasp: ing the army und*hiui as a sharp and tem pered weapon, and striking the great blow at the right nmoent and in the right place. The mystery of n>ysterics is, that not seldom do men possess this ra're and supernatural genius~ for war, without marked ability in other directions. Kot to go beyond the home arena; Stuart, Ashby, and other promi nent leaders of'the late war were not regar ded as men of conspicuous ability ouAof their spiere ; and Jackson was so co.nmdplace an individual except in bis profession, that those who knew him best, never ceased to- wonder t his success. With the singular ,exception :f the obstinate courage with which he fought bis guns at Cherubusco, and Chepultepec he ad displayed, up to his thirty-seventh vear, io unusual abiiity.of any description . what ver. le was a commonplace lect'rer, a me licre writer, a thinker w ithout aparent ori inality, and in all the lesser endowments of the man of society was strikingly deficient. Ie seemned not to know what men meant by imagination and fancy ; he was ,without wit, Ltterly destitute of all appreciation of mirth )r humor ; and seems to have regarded bc71cs lettrcs, and what is callied "good company" as perfectly fiv olous. Ilis most intirnate friends hiad never heard him utter a profounid or stri king sentence; his 'vritings were innocent of invthing like force or orizinalitv. A fair ind impartial judgment of the man, from any hhinz xvih ie had cver said, written or per 'rmed, would have bLn that he was merely I plodding professor. Those who did. not oin ii this opinion would have dififered from t in a manner not very flattering. There' vere those who conscientiously believed that Taekscn's eccentricity amounted to insanity ) mind. When the commonplnce professor, who ;eemed to emerge from his dullness only o lo something absurd, was placed in command > a brigade, people began. to laugh and shrug heir shou!ders. Instead of a chevalier, on a >rarcing steed, in s- lendid trappingz, and breathing beauteous battle," they saw be,ore hem an eccentric figure in a dingy grey >at, on a peacefClloeking cob, his -knees rawn up, his body bent frw.rd, a !cather ;tock sawing his cars, and 1is appearance, in very poInt of view, ungainly. They lu-hed son: they bcam qu !iet. ~ When he fQll at hanicellousville, there was not a man in the imy who had not "known what wa in him roei tho. first." The name of "Poor Torn aksoni" wvas left to be disintered by his bio ~raphers. Virginia had reco.gnized and salu ed, in his pearson, one of the greatest of her ml~ortals - In truth under this dull exteror ,were thie olden faculties which make the king .of men uogy is easy, in presence of this great ca-i eer,'but let us dismiss all such unprofitable w ork, and' rationally inquire what 'erdow en~ s ent to accomp;ish the successes of rack son. Underlying aill was a supreme sprit of comn >ativeness. It is a #mecy that he did not love ihting. lie reveled in it. War was horri >e in his eyes, it is true, from the enormous >blic nind private misery which it occasion d ; but he none the less loved the conflict of ppcsing forces. In battle, under his calm xterior, hte had the ( dadium crtain is. ou could see that he was a fighting animal. rom his ponderous jaw. We say "animnal," >ecause at such rmomeiKts dJackson, the comn >assionate Christian, became Jackson the ver table bull-dog. Ihis combativeness when ~hus aroused, was obstinate, ernrmous. To ight to the death was his unfaltering resolve; nd his own invin.cible resolution was infused uto his troops;. they became inspired by his rdour, and were more than a match for two r three times their number, fighting without his stimulus. With Jackson leading them n person, on fi: with the heat of battle, the ~toewall Brigade and oither troops which ad served' under him long, felt themselves ble to achieve imipossibiiiti.s. But comaba venessend military ardor do not make a reat commapder ; without them no officeer an accomplish much, but more is needed to ~chieve the glories of arms. Enterprise is ecessary ; and this word for want of a bet er, must e xpress a quality of Jacksen's mind hvich more thanr all else gave him his aston shing success. lhis rule was never to allow m enemy to' rest ; to attack wherever it wast nossible, and to press on until all oppos'tion was broken down, and theO day gained. The 'eiarkable activity shown in his comnpaignis s an evidente: that he possessed this trait as i general, in more eminent degree perbaps than any of his cotempjoraries. A sluggish or unwary adversary was doomed already, wh~ he least expected it ;~Jackson was be fore him, attacking with all the advantages of, a surprise. It was said that he marched his men nearly to death, and it was true. But these excessive drains upon their physical strength were compensated by victories, by spoils, and an imm:ense~ accession to the moral strength of his comm ad. Yor did lie fail to reserve, thus thousands of. lives, whiichm would have b . igt by more deliberate and coventional wvarfare. HIe "always preferred to arriv-e, by forced marches, in face of an un prepared enemy, and drive them before hrm, with co: - 'tiyeiy small loss, to a more letis ur'ly advamce which would find them ready to-. i a' hi? . I aimed to succeed rather b -sweat than blood. His famous flank move: ments proved a terrible tax on the strength of his troops ; but after thir exhausting march, the men finished the work without bloodshed almost. and soon forgot their wear iness'in the sweet sleep which follows toil and victory.' Aggressive warfare was the fundamental principal of his military system. He preserved the pn'varving convictioi, throughout his wbole,eareer, that - the true policy of the South vas one of invasion. So far did he carry thi4 thatafter Port Repub lie, he was passionately bent on advancing into Pennnsylvania, though~ General McClJ Ian was knocking At the doors of Richmond, with an army of 150,000 men. After the bat ties of the Chickahominy, he rose from his camp-couch, one night, where he was lying, talking with a friend, and violently striking the pillow with his clenched hand, exclaimed "Why don't we go to. Pennsylvania n.4 ? The Scipio Africanus policy i the best ~! To march, to'ma.oeuvre, to 1huk, to strike to advance, retreat, keep his enemy in cov stant fear-such was his system. H1e never rested, and took no account of hours or sea sons. le seems to have considered all wea thtr good to fight in, and to have discarded the zeneral conviction of tmilitry men that night attacks are hazardous. The Bath cx pedition was undertaken in theilead of win ter ; and, at Frederigksburg he projected and attempted to execute a final atault upon the feder. ari'y, which was to begin "prccisely at sunset." At Chancellorsvillc, at Y,ine o'clock at night,.when he fell, he was prepar ing f*r that movement of his left wing, which was to envelope General Jlookcr, and detide the fate of the fe(ieral army. No other gen cr,l living would have ventured upon so dar. geros an undertaIing ;ut Jackson had de cided upon it with-ut ie tatior. It is not to be wondered nt that unwearv or inuluent oppouents became the vieti:s ofa strategy so holcl and aggressive. General Banks is an example. A Inore ur.fortunate appointment could not have been made by the federal government. Banks seem-s to have been without enterprise, and grea1t1y wa'ting in that watchful cac which his posi tion, in front of so dange! ns a ke, required. J.tks-n surprised him at Strasburg, and drove him from the valley, almost r,ithout resistence. The manoeuvering arollmi Port Rc-utlic was another CxampI-le of his superio rity to General Flremont, whose plan, of ad vncing N ith one column, upon ACkson's rm hik another was sent t.> int,.ee:t hi.m, was tarned aghit him and becamu the occa ion of 1.is ruin. The rapity of Jackson's marches in the valley campaign, and cxpedl tion to the-rear of GeneFa Pope wa.: marvel ous ; but there was somethi'eg.still morest.rik ing in the enterprise which suggested these movmnents. To a solier so fsrtilmin resources, so rai,1, daring, and unhteiating, victor:y was almo'st a foregone c;nein:sion. T1he diffrence t).twern Cenarprise and fool. hardincss is that l'etsveen calculati n and chan-ce. Jtkson's tuii'rry. novements, were alvays based upon cl0oe calculationi, and he was certainily not wanting im foresight and aution. He seems have know-n perfectly weffwhat it was in his power to a4hieve, and s thoroughly what was beyond is strength. Ie risked much, upon many occasions, but ippears to haive been justified in his caleuia ions of the ultimate result. It will be objieci ted to him hy military men, that he hazarded too mnch, at times, and was only extricated by good fo'rtuane. There appear's to be son>e ustice in this ; but the resources of his genius were enormous, and Roubledl his numbers. Some of his ideas seem absurd, wvhen coolly looked at. When asked what lie would have done, if, after the battle of Winchester, tbc converging columns of the enemyJad cut him off at Strasburg, he -replied he 'would hve fallga back upon Maryland for reinforce ments." Such a movement must, it woukl ppear, have terminated in his destruction; but it would be difscuit to find minh of his oldcommand, who would Thave doubted his ultimate triumph even then. His genius was for g:-eat. movemnents, and decisive blows ; and, thus, his services, be came more and more valuable, as his rank in creased. He was hetter as brigadier than as colonel ; better still as m'jor- genergl ;and as lieuenat-general was best of all. It is use less to ask what he would have been as corn mander-in-chief without a operior at Rich mond. But the brain which conceived and extect the campaign of the valley must ha. been equal to any position. Jackson's -other me: its as a general were reat. He was a bad1 organizer and ~discij-' narian, but admiir:able in his selection of men for important cou'mand. iIe conducted his campaigns upon the soundest rules of mihitary science, and where he dive-rged from- the bea ten ti-ack of precedent, did so from conside3ra tions connected with the nature of the con try in which he oper-ated, the peculiarities of his advgWry, or the character of the troops upon weh jm depended. He*kept open, generally, his line of re treat,'-and proviled for disaster-though it was hard to realize that failur-e ever ente,red into his calculations. He had the soldier'.s eye for position, and chose his gro~und both for infantry and artillery with the exactness of geniu:; but if all arrangemerits were madie, and his p1lans re'quired battle, would fight on any ground. lie depended most upon his inu fan try, but lov-ed artillery frong his early as sociation with that branch of the service, ne ver apper.ring s;e well pleased as wheni direct ig ini perecn the tire of his cannen2o. amid a shower of slot anl shell. When once enga ged, he seemed to discard all idea of defeat, and to regard the issue as assured. And, what was more important, his mersMuied to share his conviction. Even at Keinstown lie ielieved the federal forces would have retired in ten minutes if one of his own briga's had not been ordered to fall back. A man les. open to the conviction that he was whipped, could not be imiagined. His indimitable com bativeness, it might have been said, 'made hin set his teeth against Fate, and endeavor to plnce his heel upon Destiny it4f. It may be said of him with truth, that he deserved victory. No man was more careful i.n t'>e use of every precaution' to ensu4e suc cess. The idea that he blundered on without p'rudencc or system, and achieved his succes _:sosnly by some mysterious- good fortune, is a mre faricy. ,No soldier was ever less in debted to 'lnch ;' no one ever proceeded in military matters upon profounder logic. le knew his strength and his weakness, but the. difference between him and others was, that he made his estimates more correctly. He did not iovk t numbers only, but to morale, the situation, the spirits of his troops. With the thrce hundred of Leonidas, he would have attempted great things ; with the fifty thous an survivors of Napoleon's Grand Armie, crusi:ed in*morale by Waterloo, he would haie attempted nothing. If his men were on flre with ardor, and the enemy, though treble their number, were disorganized by surprise, or foi 'other reasons, he would advance to the assault wIithout fear of defeat. In every point of view, as we have said, he desdrved success. No. general ecver made a greater use of mystery. le saw from the firnt that he conjw6zided men of education. thought, spoculation-tie most inquisitive of private s-ldiers. Without due prec-ution taken they' were cei tain to ;no%r what it was inexpedient for the i4ivate soldier to know; his designs would be penetrated, and be nois ed abroad. Hence his inscrutable mystery. Ile would not permit his men to inquire the names of the towre through whic' they pass ed tand on the march agan, Gene-al Me CMt'llan at Richmnond issued a gein,ral order dircc(ing'the troops to reply "I don't know," to every q-y-tion. Meeting a man straggling t ow.r.da cherry.tree he said, "whei-e are you going" '"I don't know," was the reply. "10 whatiegiment do you 6elong ?" "I don't k-now.".-"What do you mean?" 'I don't know." Jackson Inughed quietly and passed on. T1e-.aii that if his coat knew what he i he would take it off and burn it. I. weld encam); f,.r thegi:tht cross roads, a:d the quidnunes were in dispairjt their in ability to (letermine toward what point of the eompavs he wouid march on the mioTrow. A bomut to abando.n the valey, he publicly di rected careful.mnaps to be made of the region, as though intending a campaign therein. W.hen o.ne of his s.taff' engaged dinner a few. miles ahead of his advancing column, he ad n:' oni'1hed h:im of his error. Ijor did lhe knot.v th,at the column would pass that point ?" H e ha'd the faeulty of waiting for his ad versary. No man was ever more d'etcrmined not to be forced to fight before he was ready. Ilis ietreats appeared panic stricken, but were in rea!ity the deliberate movements of a mas ter of the art of war, Hie was never* more dangerous than when flying. From dreanvs of success, and visions of complete victory, his opp onent.was apt to be rudely awaken d. In May, 1%02, General Banks, then at IIarri soburg, telegraphmed that the rebel Jackson had been d: iven from the valley, and was in rpid retrieat og Rich,mured. *The commentary wa Jackson's swift and unexpected march uponl Mulroy at McDowell ; his complete de feat of that offcer, pnd his equally rapid ad vance upon General P,anks at Hlarrisonburg berore which the federal comknder was for ced in turni to retreat in confusion. Until all his arrangemnents were made no adversary could dra.w him into action. When the moment came, he saved t-he offcer oppo sed to him all trouble on that score. Ile ini tiated the~ mattere he beigihted travl r and sos i Li.