E- %m IF- -V p; IR I ) - - - - - - - - __THE ___RH ___ -S A -F P -. . E E O L0M E L -EW B-RR YE,ons GRENEKER . E voLME 1. NEWBERPY, s. C.. VEDNESDAY; SEPT. 20, *185.~ - . TH3.'HERALD 4S PU ISIIED EVERY WEDNESDAY, At Wewberry C.,H., By THOS. F, &R. H. GR. E 8. EDITORS AND PROPRIETOnS. TERMS, $1,50 FOR SIX1 MONTHS, EITHER IN CURRENCY OR IN PROVISIONS. -Paymor' reqvired invariably in advance.) &tisementsinsert,-d a*1,50 percsquare, for first inmertion, $1 for each subseqtent insertion. Alarr'age notices, Funeral invitafion Obituaries, r.d Communications of personal interest charged as adiertisements. - Nickerson's Hotel, C(.ZUMBIA, S. C. TIE undersigned, having leased the- LARGE' and COMMODIOUS BUILDING known as the "Colum ia Female College," will open it as FIRST-CLASS HOTRL, 'on September 7. . , T. S. NICKERSON, Proprietor. Aug. 23, 35-5t.. TO -THE BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS Of Newberry and S'Surrounding Districts. - 'We have opened a full.assortment of Boot Ad ho MateriM4s as follows: -Crimnping Roard, }en's R.and L-Lasts, .SAing afts - Wonieus & 31isses do. Peg do. Shoe Nails, Ink in Plits, " Nipners, - ('13amp WAb el, .. " ieers,v 3len's & Wo1n'S Sta.%mos, Evelet Plyers, 1 & M Pa.* P:g , Ca'st & Si'e Shoe Yniv s, S 8 Fork Tick'a, leel B:d'q, r.jZrage St:eks, Fmugliih LIslin L .cortor Lace, - .k LLdITs, Shoe :.. &.Sp'gr-Keys Coc4ineal Roans Fege & Fore part Boot ALoki, ,ioe1,,oot Tree!a, p-linm Gum Clwll, ' ' With Svrews, Nhoe Threa~d. Shoe PT Sh'oe Hammers, . 'hoe. RaWTp4, S0ing Awls, - Eir * "pring Punhes, Fo.t, .-snd-Paper, - Jeristles, - ShoC .uck, * i Jori. . - Memnre. S:rsps, Buor Webb. ' S ; urnishers, Ylake Gum Tra'. Evt.g, Iels So. &C., in gre-t variety. Yor'aleh IAiDY SLOMON & 'o.1 COLUMB_, S. C. Aio z- sorment of RY. GOOS, DRUGS &G a'lCONST.dNTLY ON HAND. -FPerFon.-ridC0umilta -are solicitrd to give ,us a,v,:lbe l r aking their purchasea. "og 3 i 4z.i S ~H E ST.OCK and FINTUPJES of a Whelesale 1. ;.nd RETAIL D) UGL ST'ORE, in the T.2n-. of Newberrr, S. C., piom.inently situated, :md of p,od patrozuagi,will be sold at a barga'n, if ap~ plied-for ,-onD. Fidctory ressong assign.ed for seiling.' - Address box 88,-New berry, S. C. - tg-Charleston ourier and CoIlum Phocnix copy 1 week. 7 PROCLAKIATION' 1D TH E.PRO VISIONAL LJOGERNOR OF SOU2TH ClROLINA. EXECCTIVE DEPARTMENT S.. C., -SEmruERa4, 1805~ 7 HEREAS a seing conflict of jurisdiction ,having arisert betweeni the cliind u'1-l itary autbetities of South Carolina, under the Provisional Goyernment of the State'; and' awhereas. Major-Gene.ral Gillmore, co.nituding the Department of South Carolina, harirg sought -an interview with me, .as Provisional Governor, in the presence -of Najor-General 'Neade,' cemi manding the Atlantic $tates ; and whereas all matters giving rise to the seeming conffiet were~ adjusted and arranged writh the consent and ap provrlof Majo-General Meade : Now, therefore, I, -BEJAMIN FR A31PTON PERRY4ovisiega4 overnor of the~ State of Soiuth Carolida, do proelaim 'an'd makkt *known, tilat the terniiof thi.g arrangen ent are as fol-1 lows i 'That ini AlVies where freedmen or.1 persqus.of color are 'concerned, the Courts of the Provost Mjarahals'sh.all Fiaye exclusive cogni ace to try and adj - themi, for the present ; and that..algether -shall be heard and adju divated by the civil eenrts, 'municipal authorites and civil officers, under-end according to the a Ih be o unie r W~viio Goven inent, and all civil andinu*iipal officers be~ a1 -loved to Tesuime' their offiildiaaiids charge them frealy without intenut oa. tit~ part of the- military authorides. 2hA t is fur thier understood General Gilhauore -dill issue a. uiilitary orderawd Governo*erry '7. ill .4 like mianner issue his 'rca a, uansidag known ethis arrangenntEavhui Wt cdhtinue till civil' 4aritv is en - l1y reitored.in thia State and the Governmu reconstructid. - -AndlIdo herebvccallupon-ali persons and ouy - der them to sietly obey .and carry out the] terms~ of this artingem4a Doe in the-eity of Colaibia, the da. aei4b ear aubove stael4 + Pf' = By orde,of the Pro*liemeNieVernor. -w. H. PE1Raa Private Secretary. T~~ hei newspapeh'of -he- State will 'grve three insadons Sep 53 THIE STATE 11- SOlUTh CAR91.INA.' I'wunar Ds' ter. By J. 7 Petwion, E&g., ffrdzseago ~,HEREAS, John S. Renwmck hotsppBed ~X me. for jtA4tera of Adi' iat4n,On~ all ind singular the fo snd wh~ti ig~hts and credits of. lr- xea . Rewie lats.of the district afo du4eUsd These ar6 therefore to cite and acfnn4i;lR and singular, tie kindred and creitori t. the asid 4ee s,q baand'ap.cet before me. at. our nextOrUry's Court fx the" mi4 ?M5ct, to b2 boldesi .t Newberr Cort House, con the 22d day of Sept. inst, 'to shlew cause; if anIy whys the- said Administrzion~ sturnld net be - Gven under:a~y harD rh is ~Ith dazy pf .Sept., inteye for1rd n hasn ih COURTENAY &. TENHULM, C0011nlission &Forward ill fl MERCH AWT3, B ER RY, S.C. TILL aut to the purchase and forward ing ootton; &c., to Orangeburg Depot aind to Augusta, Qai. PAMILIES REMOVING to the low -country, are inforned, that comfort.,ble Wagons wiU leavc NEWB]ERRY FOR ORANGEBlURTG, (Diret t,).O or about thc 10th awd 20th 15ptember, 2nd, 10th and 201h of OcIobr, and every tenth day there after. Engagements must be made in sdvance. "THROUG H Trars.ortation," .for S-o-ks ol Good', and .Family Supp.ies, to all DEPOTS on the Greenville Road, can he hai, at low rates, (to include It. R. freights, Wagon hire, Forward. ing charges, &c.,) on application to Mr. H. B. Olnev, No. I Vendue. Range, Charleston, or to us here. Wu. A. COURENAY. aug 30 3 4t . P. C. TRENHOLM. -THE SUBSCRIBER All shortly open, at New . berry Court louse, a complete assortment of SCiOOL and other D(WKS, STATIOERY, MUSIC, and all articles wquailY fonnd in a corn plete ROOK STORE ; and lie, respectfully re quests those reqiing- the above articles fo wait and examiike ltii stock before purchnsing. J. KNO'ELOCH, Agent. Aug 30 36 tf - Applications Jor Pardon and 4over9 ' ~ met'Clahims Am prepred to draw up applications for por. don, in ca es rising und -r the exe* ions im the amnesty prochimation ; obtain the Gover nor's approval, and-lorward 1tem throngh the proper+epartnie-.ts in Wasl0ir-ton, by a -distin ynished iegal firm in that city. oAlso to prosecute all clainis against the Gen era:- G-overn-ment. stpt. ' 37 t f hR J. JOES. DESIRABLE. PROPRTY For Sale. The subscriiber oZ'ers for sale, in the town of 1.og Level, the-following property, riz:adud ling htise, cont-:iniig ei!!ht'rotnuis and si: fire pl:ees, and a good kitchen undef the sAme roof. "*he house st-zn'tls upon twelve acres of gronid in the finest ei therr depenidence. on, you, and kn9pr that thair interes's require them to ho; tr-ue and faithful to you. -It is to be expected that so great and sutiden'a change-as 'this in the condition of the negFO Rill prod ice at firSt, con - fusion, idleness and dissatisfactien. This, irow ever, will only he tgmporary. Time and experi-. enee must bring order and system. The "freed mant" will soon find out that . he nwst w-ork os perish. ' L,egislat-ion-' will necessarily Xe required to reguldre the. relative duties of the employer and empJovoe. - It is. ver~y desirable that yon should .arai. your selves cf'the presL&t oppor'tunit of-reforming and popularizing the Stato Constitudoir n severa[J particulars. It is th'e r:-proach of South Caroina bradthat her Constitur,ion is less popular and repubjrcan in its provisions than thtof any other State in the Union. And, in is thoughit by many that to this cause aI-one may be traced- the orgi of 'that discontent and - dissatisfaction -withth Federal Gov'er*trent which; after tbeing nursed for thiirty-three of four~.eal;setdeds in the seces -lentan4 rebellion of thIirten or fo~urteen States.. The basis of representatioa in te.Senate of. this 5tats au-you knwJen -yrbitrary, aod! founded og-n~ escples of property oer popola$spu A et~ - iai d pted-rnm tha,ws~eq n noM ffir- and a Rt -thesntfA a 4-icopa?tJve -,e~<,stl4,hadl aparse population, -Jit, sinec Istiaie, this i;:sessed'i et n num*%rs - n W ten leand -goni the5 . Ineqjual tsT erity er Me vjJF~ oters jz t 5 i ParWo.whoase sumaVnad taxr*ion combioed, enttd ift .ha three lsi voUe d iuE.j District, -whose .p pul4aquand taxation endide it to six members in thoouse. 1Thhis.conts to anl republican pneaiples of politieg.Jiastie,iand equality.* I. the early history of' South' Carolina,,b~e e presenttion'inK the Tarishosi was repeatedly hanged,. to equalize -it amongst the' wespective Election Districts. Bau' alluch cha8gt iave been obstinately refused during the -lav.isirettev five years.* Now that slavery ia, abolished,.re formation* in this respect isifmperative ari must be adopted. In effecting: this change, it would -be -well to adopt the basis of representation ai the House of Representatives, which is founded on oplatonand taxa'tion. Each Judicial Pla ic igteState should, h6iwever, have one Sen tor, a-nd the-city of Charlestoil $wo, inadtp to one frougthe 2District-of Charleston. The other Sen.ators if the present numbe'r be retain ed, may be-gie to the largest Districts in popu lation and taiation,-as fractions *re- now repre sented .n~ trie House of .Representatives. The awo great elements of R esenrtative. Govern ments are wealth and population, and(they should~ bt both cqua~ represented, so that the one -not legisla e iu'gry of the o?her. In consMsering the question of popN!atioti it,is -1 proper that the "freedmen," who take the places of white-men in the lower cout'try, and also in 1 the upper *untry. in a les propo-tion, should, in some way and to some e Dten- he b ounted.< Thie is due the lower country, where tiere is sch i-large prepondersince of that cliss of persons. 1 The Fedr.ral basis of representation in Coigr&s, countig r'e'e-fifls of the ligroes, would sem . to be just and right. It ws thp compromise i ngreed-onIy the framers of the Federal Consti tution, and no doubt founded in wi.dore. .The question of s%ffrage, and - wh* shall exer ei,e the r4iht of voting-in Soitih Carolina, is one of grave impo;rtance, and min be settled-by you in oir new 'ons-tition. In 1790, the State 1 tVostitution declared that no one should be al- I lowed to'vote nlesa lhe was a freeholder or tax- I P.Lver an d a free white man of the age of.twenty one 'ears. In 1811 the rizht of suffrage was extended to all fr white men of the age of twenty-o,-e, wsho were resideits of the State Iwo ,pars, and of the Eloction District six nonths preiou.,to vofibg. The quilificaiion of a free hold or the paymenr of a tax was no longer re quied.* It was thought proper aU that period that a free white man who had to .erve in the militia, do patrol ditty, work oi the road, and defr-md hi4 centry in timne of war, should be al lokcd to iote for members of the Legislature - -nd otherofficcrs of tha,State- witho-t the own ership of a freehold or the payment of -taxes. To extend.this unirerpal-sufferage to the "freed men!' in-their pre-ent i;;noint -nd degraded con .dition, would be-little * ss 'than,folly aid mad ness. It would he giving to the ati of wealth and large landed possessions in the State a most undue itnence in :ll- ele.dtions. Ile would be epab!ed to march to Vie.polis, wi:h his two or three hundre.1 'freedmen" as employee, voting ns:e directed, and contro!e all elections. . The poor white men inl the Eh-etion Districts wofld have no influence, or their. influence would be over'powered.by on,e man of lar~ge landed estate. In Confietieut, Ohio, Indiana, Illinoii, ati-1 seve ral,other non-,laveholdinlg States, at the Noth, free nogroes and co!6red persons are entirely exciuded from voting; 'In most of the Northern Sfates there is a pYoperty qualitication required of all voters; which exchdugs them. If the -New York qualification of a freehold for a person of color voting were adopted in Sv%th Carolina very few of tho freedmen in this Ste wolik ever be nlile to. exemise the right. of- snffr.ge. In North Ctoliua, Tennes :, and perhaps otier slaveholding State, free negr6es furmerly .weme enthled to vote, but i is undcrstood that they seldom s.,w proper to e.6rcise Vi-id-r.nchise. ' The>rade-d Republican party North. are look fng igthgat interest-to the 2'elon of the Soui b ert States in reference to rgro suffrage, and whilst they ahnifthat a man should be able to -read ad write -and have a property qmlification in order to *ote, yet they-contend .that..tlere should be no dimtinetion betw-e ioters on nc count'of etlor. 'I iie forget that this is a white Man's government, Rnd intended for white men orly; an&that the Supreine Court of the Uvited Sates-has devided that the negro is notan Ameri c:gn eitizeR under the Federal Constitution. That xmiid,d - $;tqof hcUuWon -has the tu-. _F exerc.ve the righ.t of suffrage, is boypnd. all dis pute. Y-bu will settle thim gr:,ve question as the interest and loror of the State d'emand. - South Carolina is the only Spate in the' Union where the C14.-f M.gistrate is aot elected by thdi people. This hoiId no longr be the e it is a fundamential principle of the republican cred,'that the People, in whom all sovereignt-Y isictherent, should select their own . rulers and repremtaztives. Those powers only are dle gaed i hiebm cannot be properly.exercised hj the neople. It -is eminently wise and proper that he' Governor of -a Srt&e shogld deire his authority aud'electiomt immediately frm the sore reign poaefof the State. The people should. elect their thief Magistrittes, mecmb- rs of Conx ress atnd miembers of the Legislature. .tving done this, the minor offieps might- le 'elled by appointmient and the people relieved of ti.e troui be, loss of time, aryd 4emoralizatiop in nmaking these petty- elections. Whet t.he Governo r has beene tlectdtv the people, he-mnght sately be entrusted withmore power than he has ever exer cised'in South Carolina.: lie should%e, made re-f eliible, or elected for . a longer teran than' two yeat s. He should be .req.nired to live -at the seat of Government, and should receive asalary sufficient to defray alflhs n-peessary expenses. I The General Assembly of south. Carolina is an Electorial College for the State as Yellas a Legis lative body, Th'ey. bare the eledtion-of Gover nor,.Blectors of President .nd Vice-President, Lieutenant-Governor, United States-Senators, Judges and Chancellors, all St-ate officers, Magis' trates, G2otnHssioners of Roads and B]ridges, PenrAnd Free Schoolsr Comimissioner.s and Mas ters in Ecluity, an tlvariousr other' officers. 'This embarrnsses logisiation, occupies.a great deal of th.tinge of members and is prodtictive of evil consequences. The'%ost of these elections and appointments should' be taken from the Le.gisla-4 ture. .The eleetioni'of'Preidential Electors by the Legilture is clearly'a usurpatiort on the part of~ that body, and which no other State in the Union tolerates at the present time: The Federal Con stitution declares th.t "each'State shall apdn ui s:n h rnannei-.as the Lesislaturo thereof may dTct,Electors if Presidenit'an-d Vice-Pre'sident. T he Stateitnd not the LyiLkJature .is to'appoint'~ Electors.. T he Legislatureis to "kibeet" the "man ne" of appointing only. The People are th State and hd?"appoint," No one -fill con- i tend that the LAgislatni-e, which represents the Sale, is the State . itself. This gross error will no doub'-be corrected -y the fir-st Legislature which asse'nb1es undefy tour new Costttin .4k q~b ell for you to express a wishKfa Tiis a oiniefii 4he Stnte offie,erafght bel iven to the Goverao'r with the advice. and con ent of the Senate- He might also- with great' propiety be empowered to make the app,oi.t met o( many of time District officeg, and .thereby rehiite th~e people of a fritTul eourcd of .cfemoral Iztion i- making 'tiese petty eleptions. . The guestian lsaeugestedt for vdutK consideration2 In All -cIetions made f>y thec Legisiaturo, thLe teing hhn4ev m~' oei se that each mlember's igbh ow how he -votch. 1)eb -f1s*orecret, anid tehe Representatives nteftom hs enthEmnyf Thie people have's ight taknoir:how their representattves voteld'in eetoms as well a% Ilu jegislation. In-all-elec tisrf the people,- the~ is crtaiift the proper mode, for it- enablvery man to -vote indpendently, according to his own convictionTs. ]Mmandrhas any gi'to kgjow 'or Qtestioni his vote ~ VOtes as a soeria nBt the repre esetag ote8 for otbdr%, and they have a right t know tissote. 4$ would be wellfd -consolidate 'the Treaanry Depatent. The State of South Carolina is feitherso large nor - sficers wo were in offide at the suspension ot ivil government in South Carolina. I told tbe President that we hAd no ~ parties or ,pOlitical livisions in the State. All had acquiesced in her ;ecession from the Federal Union, and.now all xould hd equally loyal in their efforts to restore 'er to that'Union. I had no friends to reward, 1o enemies to punish, at the'sacrifice of the in. erests of the State. Those who were in ofiee 'md been eleted bj the people; were familiar A-ith their duties, .Aind better- calculated to. dis :arge them than new men. Moreover, the plan idopted put in motion at once the ;-Aii)ery of Ite State: Time was inortant. The acts of thej Provilional Government should likewise te sanc ,oned by vou. . ami authorizd'by thb President to lay-a tax, by assassnent,, for. the purpose of defraying the, xpenses of the Convention. This I declined to do, in consequence of the utter destitution of the people, aml you wil ha to make such arrange men.ts for your .expelses as-yuu- may think most idvisable.. The want'of. money or a pirculating medium cannot COIlillue- long. The sale of cotton, as zooh as- ils trmnsportation to' market. is prac ticable, will supply the country 'with money inotgh for. its most pressing-.wants. The farmers and p anters, now that their slaves 'are emanci pated, may vry well dispose of a pQrtion%f their lands, to relieve their -embarrasstents, !ynd. 4p qutirn. the means of enrllhing-aid improving the. remainder. Northern capit4sts andrEuropean immigrants will- readily inake investments in real etate in Spth Carlia., In a short time, mon ey, *,hidh' superabundant -in the- Nortliern States, will naturally and n'ecessar1 flow South, seeking i C; lue,- a water fows seekf.:te tevel. . Aft-ezthecollapse of the so-called Confederacy, the S~outl&i $tates were letin a most anonlalous condition in referenceto their, monetary affairs. The gold rnd silver had- i6een exported as an article of commerce during the wir; -the State b ks were all broken ang Aheir bills driven out of circulation;.and the Cofederate money be Cme, of course, valueless. This left the South without any kind*of money or -a. circulating me L'.-. ., maniarmaalein.addh..state of civilization, occupying a rich andt iterte coIL tq, without money or thc means of exchange, except by barter! Gloomy as the p'es*'nt may seem.. the fut4ie will be -bright- and glorious. Nothing is Lref likely to occur again. to mar the harmony of the Union. The great cause'of diesension fetween the- two sections has -been removed. There are no risal intcrbsts, OThe North and the South att mutually necessary to each other, -oad all thl pusuits of the one are'dependent on tIos'of th-other. e The linited St:rtes, as.a whole, com bine all thme eleme,nts of national prosperity and greatness, in a highier degre than any other people on the faco-of the earffy No empire in the world ever unitel,in so eminent ardegree the thregreat sourees~ independence, power and weala-agriculture, commered and manufaotures. As long as civ'ilization continues, . this greitle-. pubic will flourish and. increase in ogm'\rs, wealth and grandeur. It cin only'crumble-nd break it fragme:g. when ignorance- and 4irk ness shanli"bare pervaded the land. South Car'olina, as an integral paW of tis great power, must . partake of.-its richniess and prosperity. The' aboliGp~n of slavery will give new energy and self-reliance. t9 our people, sti.ulate industi-y anC. ~ mote enonomy' in- all thvocations Ot' ife. In lsthan ten-years we shall realize in thme loss of. glater y a blessing. .in diguise; to ourselves%and pMr childtren. - In resaminmg-he.r allegiance toilhe United.States I know -that South Carolina does- do4g in good faith, anad with perfect sincerity, to'her pligh.ted honor. -As she e as the first to lead-off in this great and'most unfortunate slecession 'movement, it no*.becomnes her duty sto set-a bright expipe of lovniav to t.he other.SontierntStates,.in return ig t'o:the Union, and sheerfully performning all te-obligations to the Federal Government. She will eceive, in .return, fromn that Government,.a restoadiou of all her ieivil and politiest rights, as a sovreian State, with a general- ~iuiesty. for the past. * . neu l You shoulid b*creu to 10dal tbaf- in cessary to aid.the President in c#ryag: lit his wise and: generous policy of.reco,istruction and do nothing whichi may tend g emnbar's bm in that policy or impede 'the :restIficrs of the Stat~e-are restored, . nd their unctions 'will not-be interfered with by the idli,taty authorities, except in .cases where reedmn and p'ersons of color are . co.ncerned. rhese'-cases have leein assigned to the..Cousts f the Provost Marshals for adjudication till he completion oMhe,President's pioleet re >o truction. All other cases will be heard i . ecidled by. the civil and mnhic'i courti4 mdr and according. to the lywsofSuth Ca -.Itis also a sorce of ceqfgratulation toIkt .at the colo,;id troops, whose -atropioMise nct has disgAiced the service and fied thot ublic mind -with the miost-horrible.ipprehe1t ;ions, have B@n withai-arn 'foj the interine >f t.heState, anid are to be plae ingarrisow in the coast, where they- can. deen so sudde-nv launched. Our. informant was surpris'ed at the hard, .pr&tical sense ant mode-' ratio'n of tone irith whic e'-aesmen of the meetin urged their views. Atir long and Care ful deliberatio-n, meeing resolYed by' avdte seven hundred voices,to twotundred, thatthe had made a practical tri ihfer three months qf the.freedom whifeh the war had bequeathed to them-that its re-ties were far from bjng to ffattering- as their imagination had painted it th3t they had discovered that the 'prejudice oiar weie'by no means confined to the' peopb of the South;'but, .qn.tho'contrary, it wasstrong ers-d more marked against them in .the sCrr gers from the Norah, thgn in the.home'pele of the South, among whom theyhai been reyed that negroes; no more than white men, eb6fd live without work, or *be comfrtble withoun homes; that their Northeri deliverirs. from bo-^ dage had not, as they had ezpedtei, and 'bea taUight to expect, -udertake- to Vilde the happy existenee.in their new state of freedovi and that theiild masters bad ceased to tke any interest iii'them, or Saive a cafe for athem -and fsially, tha~ their -"last state-wasvorse thtt the first," and it 1as.their eliberate*-conclusion t!urt their tru happiness and welfare required them to return to the homes which they baT 'ril '%bandoned in itmoment of excitement,-and go to aVrr again hnder ther old-masters. Andio resultstions were passed. and at last gie the wanflercos were packing-up their littie toc of 'iovabJe goods, preparatory to,the executt .of their sensible purposes. [Moh Wile Advertier, 16th u G Tuo"MAs Fac s M o:.-ee.Meagl er recen4;y delivered iq elabbrate addiresset Sc. Paul, 1innessots, on the.issues of the day, fro which we make the follbwing eztract: The .next questorrsuggested by-the erats 0 the d.y, and * the new condition in wh"ch W Sontherri States Bad themselves, is in relation 1t the terms and disposition which the pep e oftbie loyal States should-extepd. to the forner, aid She good will and1riendship they should manifent-to waMd those whose-manly acceptane ofwhat ef consider to be -their -dvese fate, en J ne question is already set forth in.thecoldens the surrender at.AppomtAox Cour'-o - becomesthe people of the Nort -it ees tie it shouldie a red ,Obti witl4thaWun ioitreat the people ote o wib~an otWnora ble propriety and a gania-ngeeroity.Apol-e or bearing other_than iNhndkatietd in the nl tar; surrender, till conufracn sie succesnt pr arme keep te wa"ds-of ie i th. Ipfam ed, predsee an irreparable a5eisnl and ove -. h-sadowinwith ,opprobrium the laureioteehrtti Defeate.!, as t.h.e Southiihis be'ngi it shemeto instal anotber. GovErnuejert1 of sississippi--haring fouight in ttpth i most er ushiDu;.odd aud dieabilifies with ?1a A~ diersliip that estab!9%hes theme in historya the. miost maste'rly rdvolutionists oran3 age or coun4 ~ ~ ~tr. --nw that t.his datzling-project has been de feated and the fationsl Goggment reimme in sway *Iih a wemg ir autfoioty thaneveritheid besore, and an.admited seroty ov'erthe o dest aiM griandestp6er i should be thej and objectrof Ihe people fhe Noitk Wti to so conduzct themseItes in the socialluiimo p* cal ion-wthihg ouh, hettelatter,eet is ro'hi-caiuglgn 'amidtd havoc that has s*ept their filds and cities, shal be, ind;need to entertalin one -'egrit oely-n that the maly and generous regret that tu ever strnek ablow againstnhermited Statesat cevetd'theiamiliatin of our.flag. "I am uot, ud ever have been, in JMseo mkieg.votero juror-s of negroes, nor ogf gua1t fying iheam to hold officefo~r rointermarry v i the white people ; and I will say, in addion to ttis, thstb there is a physical difflbre~nee- betweeti the white and balac,k- racesi:hik Ii lie *11 foreverforbidi tbtawo'rnai n etiiI Iterms f social pM6a 'bi main 'g~tethere shastbe theydeds~ of de eicr andinferior ; dI, am mch asiny Ete asAiD px ieu hitA i!ee. td hc il~ Air-rEKsmi .ADS-Tourr.--Tu gereseznon@m mnykaw1id thre pdi1sr, v.arh indebted fdt'~w' Iour ions ut s wellf# mannothier . enis~ tlies . rii of'ane4o Suii po it4~ foo!ts blame fare seKjor the di&uel&y in -o en; I know-men-are a :des&.ful seL.. -r aid rain bt :ta ide mosyuepacful s~cts - remarks with theftoRowing ntae: Webnan--she is agood~ - We have a tolerable coniceptibu of the - infileied upon thi Sputb by the civil war- -~ now emnded, but not so Ilvely,- we colifep, asi -h of a French fouraalatr, who says: -i'An ide a nway be formed ofdeou-o~1 et etry,bstrm ni tha~~ tbeir(ii great nombers, -and thatsb e&atd l~ which have issued from tains.11 r -We uid9rtn hat att ral Vopference, the Methodist-Es~2pe Sodt, restoi4u all sectiona)lfetares fromn discipline, debls'ng its loyaty to the ie ment, ull tak? the fierd -in evf & ( Union as a ne~t organ - every c&to.makeiAs esilt -ne Un- MaIn Auut q -The cjk~'our e oA issued, duigtTe m asfag c nss umIS.Raber i-ue to perspas3AhI tcloree~SO eied bIOM* di. Is there #06#6 h m th at. --a - Newpoirt letsettas damer tehe-ladyobters.Att hgo~ jeet to1be baec f the ser~ Uorrid is -