i 11 m ??? BRIGHTNESS OF LIFE. f ^ thought that is winded from a j friend to a friend Doesn't seem such a wonderful I thing; Yet it carries the prayer of a joy j without end, x\nd it throbs with a big, friendly ring. I r. mere word of cheer fn the shadow i of night, When discouragement darkens the way, | "Will illumine our hearts with the j glorious light Of a hopeful and sun-brightened day. When failure confronts us and darkens our goals. How we long for the clasp of a hand! It is then that we cry from the depths of our souls For a friend who can just understand. A bright, cheery smile often gives us the strength That we lack in the vortex of strife, j For it lightens our load as we travel! x the length n-f rorA-ladpn nath we call Life.' Eo we find, after all, that the things j we thought small Loom colossal above ail the host; That the best of God's gifts are the friends we can cail To our side when we need them the most. ?W. D. W., in Plyla. Ledger. f The Many Negro Preachers. From a negro periodical this paragraph is taken: "Of the thirty-one college graau-; ates of Lincoln University, this year, thirteen will enter the ministry, seven will study medicine, five will teach, four will take law, one will become a farmer and one an engineer/' The .white churches complain of a j dearth of young men willing to j enter the ministry-, but for the ed-i ucated negro the ministry- continues the most inviting profession. Why ? Because the religious emotion is stronger in a race young in mental I and social development or because " - 4-U? xneir opportunities m tue mw, medicine and other professions ar~ meager ? * University of South Carolina. Entrance Examinations. Entrance examinations to the University of South Carolina will be held by the county7 superintendent of education at the county court house Friday, July l\ 1915. The University offers varied courses of study in science, literaturp hi?tnrv law and business. The expenses are moderate and many opportunities for self-support are afforded. A large number of scholarships are available. Graduates of colleges in this state receive free tuition in all courses except in the School of Law. For full particulars write to 1 THE PRESIDENT, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. ! We have a complete line of 3>iamonds, Watches, j Jewelry, Silverware, j Cut Class and Optical Goods. My method of conducting my busi- i Bess at low expense enables me to sell! at lower prices than others. My re- j cord of So years m business is a pro- i section and guarantee to } ou that you j -will get a =quare aeai wnen aoiaa baeinese with me. Kako your next purchase here and you will become j : one of mj many boobters. In my re- j z>air department wo turn out nothing j I hnt first class work. i B.H. BERKMAN, | JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ~i 41 3 MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. ESTABLISHED 5 379. Wa Are ! Headquarters j ?FOR? -&COARS, OOFFES, T3A and RICK Wholesale and Retail Boasted Coffee, IS. 20, 22, 25 and up Green Coffee, 16, 18, 20c, Green, Black and Mixed Teas, 25o, Spo and np. Rica Sold a! Cut Prices. j i Pnone 157 Lexington and Columbia. What it takes to feed the people | of Columbia, Lexington has it, and j, they are now feasting on fat fry and j. broiling spring chicken, and big fat; hens good for noodle soup and bak- j c ing; eggs and country butter; vege-;; tables, and fruits of ail kinds; the 1 i ^ delicious Lexington cantaloupe, and J now soon the darkies will be enjoying the sweet Lexington watermelon exclaiming to the world: "Go 'way, j white folks, I'm on my journey j) home." I. ^ , h Only One Entirely Satisfactory. ! i "I have tried various colic and 1 diarrhoea remedipp.. but the only one J that has given me entire satisfaction ! ] and cured me when I was afflicted is J Chamberlain's Oolic, Cholera and |, Diarrhoea Remedy. I recommend it J to my friends at all times," writes S. i N. Galloway, Stewart, S. C. For sale ] by All Dealers. adv. An Honor Conferred. J At the joint convention of the i North Carolina and the South Caro-1 ] lina Cotton Seed Crushers associa- ] tion which met in Newport News, Va., Wednesday and Thursday last week, the South Carolina association elected F. H. Hendrix of Leesville, President; S. P. Caldwell of Columbia, Vice-President and B. F. Taylor i of Columbia, Secretary. 1 Not for IMon Only Women suffer as much as men do j from indigestion and constipation and ; ! require the same scientific remedy to {* ! keep the stomach sweet, the liver ao- j i ; fcive and the bowels regular. Foley's j ] j Cathartic Tablets are wholesome and \, I cleansing, do not gripe or cause nausea. | | Stout people say this is the one cathart J * j ic that tak98 away that over-full and j 1 [ eiogged-up feeling. Harmon's Drug Store, adv. State Hospital. Of the one thousand and seven j hundred or more patients at the ] State Hospital for the Insane 16 pay \ in u-KaIp or in nart. for their treat- i ment. The remainder are benefici- ( ary patients for whose treatment the State pays. At one time there were many more patients at the ^ State hospital than there are at present, butf the number has decreased to 16 in recent years. To Sleep Well in Summer I : Slight inflamation of the bronchial. ! tubes causes a distressing cough and J | makes sleep impossible, Foley's Hon-1 j ey and Tar Compound stops that I annoying tickling and* relieves the : ; racking, tiring cough. Good for all ! roughs, colds, croup and bronchial afi factions. Harmon's Drug Store, adv. i I , Some Present. ' St. Louis, Mo., Juno 24.?A solid ! silver flower basket, three foot high, j will be the wedding gift of the j Missouri congressional delegation to i Miss Genevieve Clark, daughter of j ! Champ Clark, who on June 30 will j ; be married to James M. Thomson, j ; of New Orleans. The gift was selected by Senator William Stone, was ; sent to the Clark home at Bowling j' Green today. For an Impaired Appetite. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of ( Chamberlain's Tablets. Mr. J. H. j Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., says: "The} :, restored my appetite when impaired, j} relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory ( movement of the bowels.For sale by i r All Dealers. adv. A Good Time. \ More than three hundred dele- j} gates met in Columbia last Wednes-;1 day to attend the annual meeting of j 4-lo.rv * s\r*>\ P ri n ro fl JO A? I 4 IUU Of UlliCi 11 XWC wCAii 1' 'JLi lliiu: ^ , I ciation from Virginia. North Caro- j < lina, Georgia ar.d South Carolina, j s Mayor Griffith deiivered the we!-1 \ come address at the opening session, j j A strong and lively program wasli carried out and the visitors were ] delighted. The convention will be ] held in Asheville, N. C., next year. Only a Can Co i' Those who do not have to consider j i expense are now going to health resorts j, to get rid of impurities in the system ; ^ that cause rheumatism, backache, aching joints and painful muscles. If you ; cannot go, yet feel you need relief 1 I rvoln n-nA mloonf orofc Vnlpv Ik. id" I , kL\JlAA foiu OUU miooi^ , v ~ y ( ney Pille. They restore the kidneys ^ to activity and make you feel well and strong. Harmon Drug Co. adv. < Killed Near Port Royal. ; Beaufort, June 2J.?C. Handy, Jr., about 22 years of age, lost his life tonight near Port Royal, in what! appears to have been a motorcycie | accident. I jj V?h? Uvallh The kidneys are the great health j ( preservers, Rhenmatism, backache,' ] headache, eore muscles, stiff joints i I ccme when the kidneys are out of cr- j1 der. and fail to properly filter tho J j blood. Foley Kidno.y Pills tono up j ? tired and diseased kidue} s, banish r backache and stop sleep disturbing; bladder troubles, A A^TKVi&IXug Store. State Union Meets. The South Carolina State Farmers' Jnion will hold its annual meeting n Columbia July 22. The formal mnouncement was made 21st, over he signptures of the president, S. W. Dabbs of Maysville, and the iecretary, J. Whitner Reid of ConmKio ic "Fr*!Inure* UiUK/iUy aw v*w xvajiv/ rr w? "The regular annual meeting of ;he South Carolina State Farmers' inion will be held in the city of Columbia commencing Wednesday, luly 22, at 3:30 p. m. All county anions are requested to elect their full number of delegates to this neeting. In addition to the delegates from the county unions, each ocal union in good standing is requested to send a representative, [t is desired ihat all the unions in :he State shall be represented. All uembers of the farmers' union in ?ood standing will be admitted to -he sessions of the State union and they are hereby invited to attend. The State executive committee will neet in the office of the State secretary, Tuesday, July 21, at 8:30 p. m. Whiskey Seized in Charleston. Charleston, June 27?One of the argest single captures of liquor nade since the sloop load was coniscated some time since, occurred today when constables discovered md seized 14 barrels of whiskey containing a total of 210 gallons besides some case goods. The liquor was found under a house up town, [t is stored in the jail building until :omorrow when the stuff will be ;urned over to the dispensary au:horities. In Memory. Otto Christian Hegmann was born n Frankfurt, Germany, June 25, 1825, and died at his home in Lexngton county, S. C., June 26, 1915, iged four score and ten years and >ne day. At the early age of 16 he left the -?r\y A mori/?o in^ for fnTfi LaillCi lailU 1V/I ^UIVXIVU (AiAU XVA bl'f V ^ears lived in the vicinity of New York City. Then he came South and settled in this county and state and foi seventy-two years he was a loya and patriotic son of his adoptee land, aiding its triumphs, and de votedly sharing its sorrows. On January 31, 1853, he wa.? married to Miss Martha Elizabeth Roof and a few years later thej established the home where he spen' the rest of his life. To this unior was born 2 sons and 4 daughters one son and one daughter dyin^ vat!no* Mrs. Hepmann died Sent 28, 1902. There remains of th( family F. A. Hegmann, Miss M. J Hegmann, Mrs. A. S. Wilson anc Miss H. R. Hegmann and five grand children. At the proper age and before h( left the fatheriand Mr. Hegmanr was baptized and confirmed in the church of his fathers. Soon aftei settling here he joined Peters E, L. Church and continued a faithfui member until his death. He was an unique figure in this community. He was always kind, gentle and considerate. Where there was sickness he was ever ready to minister; sorrow, quick to console; ] C .so nyiviftllC. -f<-\ O/l t YvF/"~> V f * O VtH >USCICr>3, diiAlUU.-; LVV Wl.uui unu ieed, willing' to aid. He was well educated in Germany md ail his life kept posted in current affairs. Especially in his later rears he was a great reader and an ntelligent observer of the times. In December. 186 L, he enlisted in ;he aimy of the South and remained i soldier to the close of the war, serving for a time as mail carrier :or his regiment. Hi-, commander, VI. D. Harman. who is here today, ;estifies that he was a brave and oyal soldier and v/aa admired and oved by all his comrade:1. Mr. Hegmann leaves no relatives ?-? 4-It in 1*io? 1 *?> ro 1 o fa UJ LI-iO C.U oL C.V...m>L LliC i ; Family, but scores of friends and neighbors, even among the colored neople, will mis.- tne familiar figure ^ho through more than two generations in quiet, gentleness and numbie helpfulness, was a wort a example of the simple, trusti Christian life. This large concouijw those who knew him and whurchase. Sale lasts until j ly 1. OTERIE AIN ST. V, s. c. I ? ill Time i Time g Time j i supplies in j le above at ' J ioDOUGALL [0. | STG GOODS | Colombia, S. C. ' postage. j 0. I We are making | | a specialty of I McCormick I Farm Machines || % and repairs and IS ? o r.p? nrpna fn il ^ CL JL 1 V W Lii V V* ft- \y | give you our per- II I sonal attention U 1 before and after 3 buying. 1ULE CO., I THING