Onion Sets Strawberry Plants, Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Bulbs and Plants. Let us tell you what to plant now. Beautiful Flowers and flower work for all occasions. **-^1-1^1 -rrrr t r* r? T^T^VTTnTfCT'O I Uli-JL UXS JLiJLti'j iiu m 13XIt7 Columbia, S. C. DSNTiSTKY AT REASONABLE PRICES FIVE DOLLARS If yoar teeth need attention come to our office and let us make a thorough examination. We will be glad to do this and it will not cost you i cent. We use the best material in all our work. We Guarantee a Fit. Fuji Set of Teeih ?5 Old Plates made over Good as New ?2.50 Gold Crowns ?3. $i, $3 Bridge Work S3 to $5 Porcelain Crowns S3 up Richmond Crowns S*5 Goi-d Filling $1 tc $2 Silver Filling 50c White Enamel ?1/25 TEETH EXTRACTED PAINLESS Examination Teeth Cleaned iBEE OFFICE HDURS: S A. M. to 7 P. M. SUNDAY HOURS: 10 A. M. to3 P. M. EXPERT OPERATORS Work Guaranteed for 20 Year3 Atlanta Dental Parlor Over Lachicotte's Jewelry Store 1422 Main St.. Columbia, S. O. " MILIUM $5 and $6 Gold Filled Glasses FOR EYES EXAMINED FREE B. H. BERKMAN, 1418 MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1879. I We Are Headquarters ?FOR? SUGARS, COFFEE, TEA and RICE Wholesale and Retail Roasted Coffee, 18, 20, 22, 25 and up Green Coffee, 16, 18, 2uc. Green, Black aud Mixed Teas, 25c, 40c 50c and up. Rice Sold at Cut Prices. O. D. Kenny Co. 1638 Main St. Fnone 157 Columbia. South Carolina r "My Mamma Says lis Safe for, . ChildreiC^ FOR SALE BY HARMON DRUG 00 f ' * Edwin 0, Bretier fire insurance LEXINGTON, ?. C." % Largest and Strongest Old Line Companies. -- d Summons for Belief. State of South Carolina, County of Lcxiug:on. Court of Common Pleas Green Richardson in his ownrightand j as Guardian Ad Litem for Beechcr Richardson, Jonathan Richardson : and Julian Richardson,: Davis j Richardson, Mack Richardson, Tol- ; hert Ripha'dcor, Evsns Riohardcnn : and Lu:a D^vis. Plain tills. . versus. Green Strother, Mary i-'red Strother, Will S rothtr, Eu S roiher, Jasper Strother, Cora Earns, Iva \ Scrother, Jauie Siroiher, Purvis Strother, Frances Canaan, Fester Strother, Moses St other, Henry Strother, Aaron Strother, Estoiie ' i\ nnotro U'ufi foCiii-i in U I i L^U LXl V i T , t* ?*v) vvw^?v Strother, Jacob Strother, Idora j Strother, Elizabeth Strother, Adelle Strother, Olia Drehc-r, and W. H. Towiisend, 0. E. Leapbart and T. P. Meetze, Trustees of the Bankrupt Estate of W. P. Roof. Defendants. Summons. To the above named?Defendants: " You are hereby required ami summoned to answer the Com pi si nr. in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complainton the subscribers, Thurmond, Timmerman & Callison. at their office at Lexington, South Carolina, within ; twenty days after the service h.-reof, i exclusive of the day of such sr. vice, j and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the | plaintiff in this action will appl\ t the ; Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. ! Thurmond, Timmerman ) on plat of StilesMellichamp, Surveyor, of date September, 1S69. Purchaser to pay for papers. 0. M. Efird, Sept. 7, 1914. Special Master. Obituary. % Ueorge w. rteeaer, was born Uot. 17, 1835, died Sept. 19, 1914, aged 78 years, 11 months, 2 days. He leaves a wife and seven children: 3sons, and 4 daughters, with several grand children, to mourn hi9 departure. We trust their less on earth may be his eternal gain in heaven. He was a life long member of the Lutheran church. He was ever ready to do his part therein. He was a soldier in the late war, Harman's company K, 20th regiment, S. C. V. Truly brave in battle. He was well respected by all who came his way. This was manifested by the very large congregation at Lis burying. He was buried in the family grave yard near his home. The services were conducted by the Revs. P. D. Risinger and A. R. Taylor. Notice of Examination. The regular fall teachers' examination will be held at the court house on October 2. Those without certificates who intend to teach this coming session should take this examination. The school law requires every teacher to have a certificate. The examination will begin at 9 a. m. Please be piompt. H. L. HARMON, 48 Co. Supt. Education, Lex. Co. * nHBHB9HHH6iHHHHiBHP I WORMS | I Horse, hog and cattle own- I J ers should know that worms J | cause by a poor digestive | I system or improper feeding g 1 are more than dangerous. DR. BOYD'S | Worm and | ? f* jg ^ViiCUiiUW'cii A VTTUVli H 8 is a remedy prepared by a practi- I If cal veterinary surgeon and re- jg gj lieves the condition almost ing stantly. It should be used with g regularity. 25 cents buys a large |j package. We guarantee it to do I the work or will refund purchase For Sale by ] E. D. GEORGE, New Brookland, S. C. Discover Infant's Body Gaffney, September 18.?The body of a well developed male child was found by some boys to day near the baseball grounds in the northern portion of Gaffney. The body was buried about six inches deep and was wrapped in a bloody sheet. The coroner empanelled a jury of inquest, but after taking the testimony of the boys who made the find, and that of Dr. J. G. Pittman, adjourned the inquiry until later in the week in the hope that enough facts would develop to warrant placing the responsibility. There is absolutely no ciue as zo wno committed the crime, the oilicers are worfciug on the case. Dr. Pittman testified that the child had been born aliye. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you .must take internal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and raucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known,-combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly od the mucous surfaces. The perfect, combination of the two ingredients is what proauces sucn wonaeriui room lb in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toldo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills forconstipation. adv. Newberry Letter. Editor of the Lexington Dispactch: We are all human beings, and we do not all look.at things exactly the same way. We hope, however, that every good reasonable thinking, concientious, law-abiding citizen of this old commonwealth is satisfied with the nominations made in the two recent primaries for the various State and County offices. We are all democrats and as good Christian, law-abiding citizens, where we have our Christian churches of the various denomina ions, schools and colleges, we should have no ill feelings towards each other from the fact, as a free citizen, we have the privilege of exercizing our judgment as to who we shall vote for. The people do not very often make a mistake. Should they make a mistake sooner or later they will correct the error. So let us stand firmly together as democrats, and work for the best interest and welfare of our State and counties in which we live. We congratulate our friend. Judge C. M. Efird, for the high honor in which he has received by his friends to fill the unexpired term cf Judge Gary, deceased. We venture to say, not a better qualified man could be found in the State to fill the Judges chair in the 6ch circuit than Jnclge Efird. B. B. H. Newberry, S. C., Sept. 21, 1814. Avery THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C REPAIRS : WATCHES t, AND JEWELRY ' Makes Them Good as Mew MEDALS AND BADGES Manufacture!: in Our Own Shops for Schoais and Other furpases AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. * GENERAL UNEASINESS. It Was the Only Drawback to syn Otherwise Auspioious Occasion. CHIMES filter the air, the brightly dressed guests filled the church, and the merry wedding spirit filled the brightly dressed guests. Great clusters of orange blossoms also filled the church, casting their petals here, there and everywhere, or, to put it all ; in one word, everywhere. ! But stop! Is all serene? Xo, not quite all. An undercurrent ! of disquiet, vogue uneasiness, has : made itself apparent ! "it's foolish of me. I know." said ihe bride, chewing gum rapidly to hide tier perturbation and show her level v i teeth. "Its foolisn of me, I repeat, but I have the dreadfukst mysteriousest feeling that all is not well, when 1 : can see perfectly well that all is!" i "How silly. Bismarkitia." reproved ; her mother, who looked her best in an i afternoon gown of citron "And yet. to tell the truth, 1, too. have a feeling | that I can't explain?a feeling that | somehow, some which way, something , is amiss. Of course, you are still a : miss, but that's not what I mean." j Then the father, who was furiously | smoking his pipe to keep his spirits j up. admitted that even he was unacI countably nervous, and even the raini ister was forced to acknowledge that I his mind was not entirely at peace. It was then that some one discovered though the time set for the wedding had come and gone the groom had not yet arrived.?London Tatler. Formerly Love In a Cottage. The young man approached the old . man with considerable trepidation, al though he was well acquainted with j him. "I suppose it's about Alice," said the old man, not unkindly. "Yes. it's about Alice." said the young man, with simple directness. "I love her. as I am sure you know. r.Ti/1 T n-?int rnnr r-nneimt tn nnr m:1 ?* I UllU JL ITUili, J VV4I ? w NMO ...... i riage." The old man looked at the young man as a father would look at a sou. "Clarence," be said, at last. "I give my consent gladly. 1 welcome you as a son-in-law, but before proceeding further with this thing, let me ask you one* serious question. Alice is the daughter of honest but rich parents She has been brought up in luxury, as j the saying is. Do you think you can j make happy in your solitary $500 run1 about a girl who has been used to a | $9,000 imported limousine?"?Puck. j _ Struggle to Hide the Truth. I "What makes you insist on always dancing with that girl? You know you dance badly." "That's true," replied the determined youth. "I think a lot of that girl. If I dance with her instead of letting her sit down and watch me at a distance, maybe I can keep her from seeing what a fearful dancer I really am."Washington Star. \ His Experience. The man who had made his pile in ! the South American trade advertised for a valet. He looked the first applicant over. "Have you valeted long?" he asked. "Me?" replied *he applicant. "Why. I'm a reg'lar valetudinarian!" j He got the job. ? Cleveland Plain | Dealer. J A Dissimilarity, j "You have two sons?" "Yep. one's a writer and the other a ! surgeon." j "Both succeeding, I suppose?" "Yep. one of them at free lancing j and the other by charging as much as I he can get for his lancing."?Rocky | Mountain News. Lovely Woman. A man's a fool who think? of balking ? A woman when her tongue would spin. ' She always says, "Then s no use talk1 ing!" t "When she intends to start right in. ?St. Louis (;. 'be-Democrat. h Another Lie flailed. "It says here that a collar button was found in a cow s stomach," said Mrs. Gabb. as she laid down the news paper. j "I don't believe it," growled Mr. Gabb. "IIow could a cow get under j a bedroom dresser?"?Cincinnati En' quirer. ~~~~~~~~~~~ He Was. "Jane, what time is it?" called down the irate father. "I don't know, pa. The clock isn't going." "But I am," spv. up the young man. who could take a hint.?Detroit Free Press. Physical Impossibility. "So Mrs. Judkins told you she had r, r>nfnrnris?? On foot. SllO Can't CI AIC u tiitv* I'* have." "Why not?" "Because it is a manicure estahlish| ment"?Baltimore American. GET SCHOOL B SCHOOL; I a*T31 ? *7* z 1 I ii i y j I! lid !"!* L: COLT'MBIA, SO We've been hi three-quarters TT7rTTTiWIHritfr wai'lf IHllff 111 i ~ -A TO, T inff | For the informat # farmers, we beg t \ we are in a positi cotton, in our b ? and issue a receij ? the banks in Le; \ money. Only a / is made- for stoi ? your investigatioi ^ to serve you duri \ time, when the p J so low. I Southern State: * tvwvw www m 0 f ' * ?j 11 ^ Dr. Hess $ Dr. Hess & Clark's Fan HARMON i| The Rex; 19 Lexington, S . , r ^ -r, ?:? I HMITI I I Merit TJ 1 ' ' 1 PEA I $ | Hardware, Tinware, i Lexingt .. > A .1..^ I ' YOUR J OOKS AND | SUPPLIES m? - | 0 f| *|jj ft *#0 f 2% If IjiJs STORE W ? "W a ? UTE CAROLINA. sadquarters for ot a century. ICE' * ion of Lexington ? :o announce that & on to store their v ionded warehouse, ? 3t on which both \ dngton. will loan t reasonable charge ? age. We invite ? n and will be glad J ng this depressed + c ^ rice or cotton is \ $ ] Warehouse Co. \ _ wwwv%w\w^ f tock Tonic. 1 The best for your horses, 1 L mules, cattle, hogs and I W sheep. A scientific com- | \ pound?aids digestion, & makes your stock healthy , and expels worms, thereby promotes growth and if* increases flesh and milk I ^ production. Ask about i nous Guarantee. Sold by DRUG CU., | ill Store I outh Carolina 1 Underlies I p.r. all permanent success. The - great and increasing demand p for Brown, American and Blount \ Carriages ^as built upon it. J Genuine merit in design, ma* fpria!. workmansi ip and finish make our ca'riagps merit your ^ approval. dware Co., ! Harness, t>\e% etc. n n on, o. I k- ' >