The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 29, 1913, Image 8

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1 T " ?T ???? ? Personals and Locals. > * Miss Minnie Bouknight, of Ball entines, is visiting Mrs. Rhude Roberts. K.-'Miss Sadie Tyler, of Aiken, is visiting her brother, Mr. M. L. Tyler, jag;-." Mr. John Gregory was carried to a Columbia hospital Monday to be treated for a painful injured leg. Miss Ruth Long represented Sumter College the Missionary Convention here last week. i . ( JULiBD CStUCJ UWiiCJ 1CIU1UCU IU uvl home in Baltimore last week after an extenbed ti*it to Mrs. G. M. Harman. v ^^Mrs. Fannie Meetze, little son and > : ^ <">f Baar, visiting Mr. 'and KflB Mrs. T. Jr. MeetZ9. Mrs. *lden Moyer and Mrs. Robert ^Hf Gibbs, ofj Johnson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibbs. H[ Mrs. Ann K&miner, of the Peter's chnrch section, are visiting her child* i ren in town. Misses Annie Lou Harman and Jniia Bickley are visitors to the State Fair HH - . this week. H Mr and Mrs. W. A. Bawl, of Bafcesburg. were visitors to the Fair last Miss Lottie McOartha, of Columbia, was the guest of Miss Lizzie Oaugb man last w?ek. Kgr-.. Mrs. Jno. M. Taylor aDd children, of Cocoa, Fla., is Cftxi. visit to her parents near i exington. Miss Alice Anil, who was the goest of the MissesF?rd last week, returned to her home* in Newberry Thursday. Mrs. Dt'lrna Rhoden, of Johnson, is spending several days With her sisters E&T*.'' V>oro * / . Miss Ernestine B&rro attended the Weeks-Littlejoho wedding at Pmewood Thursday night. Miss Luc-ile Smith, of Columbia, was the gaeat ot Miss. Pcurle Taylor last weetc. Miss Grace Zimmerman, of Camden. V was the guest ot Mrs. Kar 1 Oswald last week. i . >; B^iss Robert Bowe has returned to k: her home in GxeenyiUe atfr.r a visit to her parents here. Mies Jennie Caughman, cf Columbia, a termer Lexington girl, was here for the eoacty fair last week the guest of Mrs. T. P. Meetse^ Mr, and Mrs. Covin, of Mt Carmel, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. JKawi, of Batesburg, were visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. D. JB. Bawi last week. Mesdams J. T. Harth and Luther Garren, and children, Messrs Willie H^rth and Lamar Edmunds, of ColnmV *' were visitors, to the fair lasuWedn ' *y. e regret to note the serious illness of Miss Marie Long at the State Hos3 in Columoia where she has been ' in training for a few years. Mr.H. P. Roof, one of onr progressive farmers, on route 3, was in town an business Friday and gave ns a pleasant call. We are glad to see Miss Carrie Hayes Mp' on pur streets again, after being confined to ber room several weeks very much indisposed. Rev. W. D. Quick, one the best men that ever resided in our town and now pastor of the Methodist church at Wagener, was here last week for a few <Uys with his family while on his way r-:? ? to Conference. Master John Kaminer and sisters, Mrs. Garrett, from Texas and Miss I Josie Kaminer, accompanied by their friend, Mr. La Mare, tocred to^Lexingtun, Sunday afternoon. The annual county fair ball held in ^ . Roors hall on Wednesday night was one of the most brilliant events In the social life of the county. The dance began at 8:30 o'clock. Every section rvf flrtlinfr lltoo *on,oco?rr,/l anA m t V* V*?v WUUV^ Tva>9 OUU there were 30 or mere couples from Colombia. At-12 o'clock supper was served by the Ladies' Scnool Improvement league. The Burn's Concert Co. on the Soott Hendrix lot last week presented com mendable performances under the management ot Mr. Sea9trunk. The tent would have been- taxed to hbld the auditors if it had not been for the inclement weather almost nightly during their stay here. One drawing feature of the snow was the prefferiug a gold bracelet in a popularity contest The bracelet was won by Miss Mat tie Barret. Congressman A. Frank Lever and %wiie are in town this week. Frank . - looks well conisderirg the many speeches he has delivered and the great work generallv he has done in Washington recently. He has made a fme representative from this district attil Jk nn lA/vl?r ^ 41* ^ ?m i ^ . r uu uas jwacu aitci tut? lUicresiB Ul our people in a masterly manner. Much legislation has been enacted in favor of the farmers and working class of people generally and every Lexingtonian should feel proud of him. SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Doctors Feared Lung Trouble, Restored to Health by VinoL The medical profession does not believe that lung troubles are inherited, but a person may inherit a weakness Of* +0 Mrs. Kate Heckman, Springfield, Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was in a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told me I had consumption. I tried another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right lung. I quit the physicians and started on 'VinoL' Today I am perfectly healthy, and that is why I recommend 'Vinol'." Vinol soothes and heals the inflamed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives tta patient Strength to throw off in-, cipient pulmonary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the unrerstanding that your money will bo : returned if. it does nol help you. j HAP WON PPTTO COMPANY ; T r: r A. Hli ? * I >' ' ' ' - i % j/ r V"* ? S&? v . " * -4 - - ' / Walter's Scie of Fitting MEANS?Offices scientifically equi I the proper prescribing of glasses. MEANS?A careful examination oi who devotes his entire time and pra< glasses. MEANS?Permanent relief from all from eye-strain, MEANS?An absolute guarantee of can afford to pay for the best service We operate the' only high cla^s ex !' where lenses are ground. Broken ie out of town mail broken glasses in. We fit, repair and manufacture gla Visitors invited to call and how EXAMINATION'WITHOUT I IBe3fc quality aUtumnum fracncs with lenses $2.50 10-year gold-filled spectacle frames with lenses $1.50 to $o ' Toric lenses 00 extra. O. h. Walter SPECIALISES IN Fl 122IB Main Street, Columbia Office hours: 8 a. m. to 7 p. ?TnniiMii? mi hi? ijMiiinMii. trr [| THE NET* ? 1806 Main Street, | The Gentlemen'* ? Style. "Men Men \ $ EVERYTHING | ? S 1816 MAIN * Dry Goods, Mill ? Ladies' and Chi J to-Wear, Cloak 5 Dresses, Waist J Etc. In fact e1 ? ried in a first cl ? dry goods store I prices. Call an 5 tX'S WW WWW' For Sale. My House ard Lot, laxt to High ; School buildinpr, in the Town of j Chapiu, S. (.' Will make price right. ; 2 B L. (VIJMALA'S DEB. ONION SETS. S'Jt.-2b?1 rz. Yt hh;> I'l-ari Oidou St:!\ j W: > -, "i *. . : . ntific System I ; Glasses. | ppcd and exclusively conducted for I : each eye separately, by a specialist 8 ctiea to the proper prescribing of Ej I headaches and nervousness caused I satisfactory results, at prices you E elusive optical parlors in the State | uses duplicated while you wait. If | sses. I lenses are ground, | I CHARGE OR OBLIGATION E i 5 pa ices*. : GoiC-fillea f'Hold-Fast" "or "Shur- a { $ On" megs., with lenses ?4 50 to ?0. g Solid gold "Shur-Oa" or "Hold- E Fast" mtgs., with lenses 33 to $3. ' Optical Co. I TTING CLASSES. , S. C., Opposite State Office. g; m., Sundays, 1 0 to 12.30. www -v%-w? I ler's T STORE. $ Columbia, S. C. ^ T~* <* A > tLmporium ot \ 's Wear that ? Vear ? TO PLEASE. ~ j STREET. S inery, Notions, J ldren's Ready- * s, Suits, Skirts, J s, Undei wear, ^ ^erything car- ? | ass, up-to-date J , all at popular J d see us. ^ i r i www wwwa _ I J umper's. We call special as-v-vtioa to t1 i?? adyertisemoKt of Jomp^r's two stores which appears in aiit>ihm* eoiumru \ Mr. Jumper i? a i e- l.ey'jiirtoai tr I and by his upriip", 1 ".en?-- deaiiii*. with his pe.-"5- | of qcalilv tOl }t ..Vr bcOJl j &>??< (: oiler his 'jricrs z m ris a? v^ry auracrlve r>ricet:. V?V are piad } ihj>* < r sac1' 1 i icral share of t Farm For Sale. I have 461^ acres of land located ; near Nazareth church, in the Southern j part of the county, which I will offer j for sale to the highest bidder for cash I in front of the court house door after ; the legal sal^s the first Monday in i November. This is a part of the tract j known as the "Simeon Shumpert." j lands. Has plenty of oak and pine ! timber on it. , S. D. ROLAND, | 52. Lexington, S. C., Route 3. Land For Sale. I will ppU. n* Swansea, S. O , on November 10, 1913, one tract of Jrtnd, the property of the estate of Mrs. Jno. Y. Hutto, contpine ffi5 aorps, sifrmt-e two and one-half miles north of Swansea. Sold for division. Term" ea*h. J. V. HUTTO. Oct. 13, 1913?4wl : '.s? . U ti.. w A fei J it t - 'A W.J euro y - ;r illi:r:in? Neuralgia, Headaches. Cramps. Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and ! Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects i Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in- j :ernally and externally. Price 25c. ! -rr-rr-r t* - - ' -j. ~ Jttf Jt>l fa. s ijs . no t OU? E. G. DRi Outfit %_ ' * ~ JLlwa.y I STi billy & % - -_s j. * ' *" Columbia, S. C. LORICK Bi Jobbers and I Stoves Ponoaq Furnaces Heaters Stove Pipe Holluw-ware i vrr ~ juiiaLLim vv are Tin and Galvanized Ware "Wear Ever" Aluminum Ware Terra Cotta Sever Pipe Flae Pipe Farm Drain Tile Fire Brick and Fire Olay Tin Plate Pig Lead Solder Copper Metal Shingles Ventilators Galvanized and Black Sheet Iron Metal Ceiling Gutter and Conductor Pipe Tinners' Tools Pumps and Well Goods Rubber Hose O i r Stock is Complete; Prices Low; you befor \ TT*Mg- yscscft r-r . c. ^ a-Tuaerxt rsmrsrv^r~ *r mob11r?? o? WE cSL ^4^ \ V ^ 1 Yo ^-V Go bmb?1 at th MR I mepr iM Fall! Men, y^fciOTHES j ? R*Nreeo 3HEB, LEXINGH ters for Men and 3 -FOR? ss Ocfcll a.x aSfis lElIfgffll 01 'C: a P i ^.-a ^ w -a 4 . -r..f ' < r vV"*" Phone ROTHERS i 9| Dealers i Mantles Tiles and Grates : ?Mn Steam, Gas, Water Pipe; and Fittings Valves Water Close ts and \ H Trimmings Enameled Iron 9^Hfl Bath Tabs and Lavatories Bath Rocm Accessories Soil Pipe and Fittings fl Compression Cocks Stops and Bibbs Sporting Goods J?M Asbestos and Rega) H Roofing Slaters Felt Tar Paper Red Rosin Sized Sheeting Roof Coating Roof Paint Corrugated and V. Crimped Roofing B H Ridge Roll Valley, Etc. Deliveries Prompt. us e you . -?r.-.-3 ^ ^ ^grv.ssjaa ii ' ? i u Can Buy od B Clothes^B ??? . HHn is store? LetV^H^ wn ove this. ;.VBB Styles Ready m 1 HH Young Men nH * |H| nd Boys. 1 ON, S. 0. ! Jill WW HI 8aSlSS85?f8S!BflKSaSJ^^BlH s.d See IUUi ' ' m jM -**> *?:.*>.. we?