I' Sandy Ford News. We are ttiving very pleasant weather ^ for gathering our crops. * Misses Frances and Nila Fallaw were the guests of Miss Arey Roland Sunday evening. Mrs. Martha Sharpe has been very sick, but is improving. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rolajd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Roland last Sunday. We are sorry to learn that Miss (may xuw is suuerujg vcij uuiu wuu typhoid fever. Little Miss Earline Fallaw was the guest of little Miss Agnes Roland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Fallaw and $unily went to Columbia Monday shopping. , * / Mr. B. P. Roland and daughter, ^ Miss Arey, went to Lexington Satur-. 4ay shopping.. RED WINGS. ' You can't dodge the Malaria germ While yonr liver is torpid. It makes you an easy mark for th$ disease. SIMMON'S RED Z LIVER REGULATOR is the best protection. It puts the liver in sonnd. healthy condition and purifies the stomach and bowels. \ Price, large package, $1.00; small size 25c. Sold by All Druggists. adv. LAND FOR SALE. We will sell o the highest bidder on , \ , Tuesday, Noyembter the 25tb, 1913, at - eleven (11) o'clock, the lands of the late D. Caroline Price, at her old home, in Priceville, near Hollow creek Lutheran church. The lands adjoin Franklin Kei9ler, and Henry Leaphart, divided in two (2) tracts of 39 and 391 p.- - acres, respectively. Creek passing throogh each tract. Lands are more ~ commonly known as the home of ? . \ Boston Price. Terms of Sale?Half cash; balance on time, one year, with mortgage of premises sold; 8 per cent, interest; purchaser to pay for papers. B. S. PBICE, For the Heirs. Oct. 13, 1913?6w3 ~ , r '!- * ' Farm for Sale. I will offer for sale to the highest Udder before the court house door after the legal sales are over on the first Monday in November next my place 4J4 miles from New Brookland near the Augusta road. Said place ? - ' % a. J contains acres, weii wawreu, suitable for trnc? or cotton. Terms: one-half cash, balance in 12 months with mortgage of the premises sold; purchaser to pay for papers with lee^e to pay all cash. A. HA&PER 8HULL. Will sell at privateVsale if any one desires to bay before then. 52. - : i ' . v Foley Kidney Pills Succeed. Because they are an honestly made medicine that relieves promptly the \ suffering due to work, inactive kidneys and painful bladder action. They offer a powerful help to nature in j building up the true secreting kidney' , tissue, in restoring normal action and ^relieving bladder discomforts. TRY THEM. Harmon Drag Co. . adv. (T still take half a glass of goca Scotch whiskey with my meals," says Andrew Carnegie. "So does Emperor William, but we both do it under the ~ doctor's orders." How much the v doctor has to answer for??Columbia Record. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect produced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of body and mind which they create mafce one feel joyfnl. For sale by Harmon Drag Co. , adv. - ' * . Speaker Champ Clark is not going ^ , to quit politics jnst yet. He rnled the other day that an amendment ?.v- to bay him a 17,000 automobile was oat of order.?Anderson Mail. a A Marvelous Escape. * "My little boy had a marvelous escape," writes P. F. Bastiams ofPrincAlbert, Cape of Good Hope. "It ocenrred in the middle of the night. He got a very severe attack of croup. As lack woald have it, I had a large ' bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the directions for an hour and twenty I minutes he was through all danger." Sold by Harmon Drug Co. adv. But why expect Great Britain to object to Huerta? Wasn't "Abdul, the Damned," good enough for Johnny Ball so long as a throne did not slip from under him??State. Eczema and Itching Cured The soothing, healing medication in dr. hobson's eczema wntment penetrates every tiDy pore of the skin, i clears it of all imparities?stops itch- I mg instantly. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment is guaranteed to speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. EezemaOintment is]a doctor's prescription. All druggists or by m il, oOc. Pfe.ffer Chemical Co., P:.:iadclphia and rft. Louis. - adv. pj ?k . ' r j? v . < f fe '" " '. \ ; . . v . _ ? o. y. New Shipmen . [ Gregory"Our Gus jnm* . t ^ / ? j Perfection ( ; Aw ^ m s 'i~ Nine hours' warmth for a f'c single gallon of oil. Can be carried wherever needed. No smoke or smell. Reliable. Ornamental. Inex- * > pensive. Lasts for years. ] & Dealers everywhere, STANDAR * Washington, D. C. Richmond, Veu Norfblk, Va. Ul if is a Bui HORSI see us. We c I and will be gl< I Rhea Live Stoc "1 0* E^^^Bfl^^^^^B!xi^';'%~L: r^SL gfegfl ^jjjjj^ u^^^9||^^npj|A^ *ts&^+?2 ^**?#4ieiin?iBifl6tiBltitiMi^^BaBI J; Conder Mule COLUMBIA, S. C. irantee Means Something" L "Wi Hp Nic< m Wa J| Stoi RP "Yes, fection keeps ind comforts ion't lose an] >n account of a cc tlways had a Perfe< ;o I just applied the For store or home s the handiest and c rou can find or write to at for deecriptive D OIL COMP (Now Jersey) \ ( BALTIMORE < < 3TEN! ED, Wagon, r An nil Ej UK IVIU ;an accommoi id to serve yo ;lc Co., CeSum! \ \ t I , H iks i and Mares just received. We have in this shipment some extra good mares, also several extra nice'l .... .r. tU E!?maref^_fjj'Imules* K Co. 1^1 iat a >% rm w eT i that PerHeater us cosey1 ible. We j business )ld store. I've ction at home, ; idea1 here." , the Perfection :heapest heater circular. ANY Charlotte; N. G. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. Harness, LE Info if nn iaio juu II. kia, S. G. 0 4 vriDQ rvnrniFiirr o4 itAKo tArchiciiic 9 in repairing watches, jewelry, silverware, engraving, etc., is a guarantee that you will get your work done right if you bring it to rue. My price as low as consistent with good work. A full line of diamonds, watches and jewelry always on hand which I can sell lower than others, as my place is conducted at a low expense cost. B. H. Berkman JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Land Sale. The farm, known as 'the Edwin and Ann Harman place, about four miles west of Lexington court house will be sold by the undersigned in front of the ccurt house door tbe first Monday in November immediately after the Clerk's sale to the highest bidder for cash, the purchaser to pay for papers. One tract contains 62 1-10 acres and the other 76 acres more or less. The estate also embraces a tract of land situated in the Providence section on the fertile Saluda river containing 14 acres, more or less, and known as "the Boozer Low Grounds.'' WALLACE HARMAN, CATHERINE HARMAN, ELLEN C. HARMAN, H. E. HARMAN, MARY HARMAN, T T5 rr A DM A "XT V JJ. IXAlVlUail , W. A. HARMAN, MAURICE HARMAN. 4l We have lust r American V W : Large stock of high g SU' and E M irket price paid for ijjl Hulls i AS We carry Doors, Sash fts and R Qjl Majestic and F ^ NAILS 2 l-2c k'lV w | Enterprise 1 Comj Act Is The Kej Each working own missions. make busy day closely the cu mark everythii ed conditions. can be relied 1 very lowest in quality. To 1 Furnished as y< have your fri pleasure. Sty ing, Bed, Lib Furniture are t< right up-toda visit and exai while in the ci and wraps take Electric Elevat< 1313 to 131 Columbia, S< Ifan JM. undertakers Women Who Cet Dizzy \ J Every woman who is troubled with M fainting and dizzy spells, backache, | headache, weakness, debility, consfci- 1 pation or kidney troubles should use I Electric Bitters. They give relief when * nothing else will, improve the health, adding strength and vigor from the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca La., says* "Four doctors had giyen ^ me up and my children and all ray friends were looking for me to die, ' when my son insisted that I use Electric Bitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good." Just try them. 50c. and $1.00 at all druggists or hv mail H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. adv. Can anybody tell us what has become of that old fossil who predicted six cents cotton after the supremacy of Democracy??Gaffney Ledger. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicine* If you want to contribute directly to the occurence of capillary bronchi- v 1 tie and pheumonia use cough medicine fc I that contain codine, morphine, heroin * I and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. A.n expectorate like ^ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what i9 needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for the germs pheumonia and other germ diseases. That is why pheumoDia never results < trom a cold when Chamberlain's C3Ugh Remedy is used. It has a world wide reputation for its cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. ^Por i ~ i tt snie uy xxciiiuuij uiu^ kju. auv. Most remarkable in Mr9. Pankhurst's career is that once she married a mere man ?State. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testimo- ^ > nial should certainly be sufficient to ' ? give hope and courage to persons af dieted with chronic dyspepsia: 4'I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken Chamberlain's Tablets liaye done me more good than anything else," saya W. G. Mattison, No. 7 Sbermyn St.,. ' Horn ellsville, N. Y. For sale by Harmon Drag Co. adv. j r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ eceived a car of < n /ire Fencing jjk I rade Buggies, Surries W I farness. w fl Cotton Seed. Meal and W B lor sale. m B wf , Blinds, Hinges, Locks B oofing. ^ fl 'rincess Ranges.,/ J* fl PER POUND. A fl Hardware | i rinnvr W 1 m | Jvi*v J rnote Here. I ; day brings its My plans are to H s busier. I watch rrent prices and '*41 lg to meet chang- JH The prices here T| upon as being the * M accordance with have your Home 4 ou would like to H ends see it is a v 9 les in Parlor, Din- 9 rary or Kitchen 9 3 be bad that are 9 te, don't fail to ^ 9 mine any stock " 9 ty. Your bundle 9 in care of.- 9 jrs to All Floors. Air ? /> - v Main street outh Carolina uH and Embalniera IflH H