i IP?3??? 3? 22 B. W. BATES co: ?g I FALL OPE -25 ~ H Quality is U 23 | You Can No SdS696969fi9696969i?S96969S9i * ? Remarkable g Underwear Values SK 5 cases flat fleeced underwear 2ft for men and boys, 13 lb. specially _ <55 priced in this Fall Opening Sale, 6? at, per garment 25c 5B ' 3 cases flat fleeced underwear 69 for men and boys, 14 lb. goods, fgw specially priced in this Fall 53H Opening Sale at, per garment, SK Special price per suit only..75c ? - * t *r n __ L _ fGood quality ol union ouns for misses and boy 5, specially priced at 25c Ladies' wool vests and pants, medium weight, nicely made, worth $1.25, specially priced, per garment $1 Ladies' fine ribbtd Union Suits, lace and silk tape trimmed, regular $1 value, special, for per suit taial Hosiery I Offers. Misses' and boys' heavy ribbed hose, just the thing for everyday school wear, specially priced at, per pair only 7Jc Ladies' nice lisle finished hose, per pair, only 7?e Ladies' good grade lisle finished hose, special per pair 12Jc Men's half hose, regular 25c value, special per pair 15c Men's Shir? eg Specials * ? * i i - j. I We nave a large iui men ? shirts that come in the latest patterns of dots, stripes, figures, etc. Shirts made ot good material and are high grade in every respect, on which we have greatly reduced the prices. Shiitsthat originally sold for 50c are marked in this 3ale, at each 39c m TouipI Rarnairrc 1UVilli UUI 9JU11IU9 S3 We have a large lot of towels SS . of all descriptions; the prices on JjR- which we have greatly reduced. M Space does not permit us to quote SS prices and give descriptions, but A? the prices we are offering them C3 it will pay you to buy a supply C? whether you need them now or ss n SSSS8SI MPANY 1720 M Nil SALE Sill p-Prices are Down. Come, Look anc t Judge the Qu Wonderful Display Dresses ai In this offering of ready-to-wear will find the styles conceived and < sirable fabrics by the foremost des: women's garments in the country, stock." Every garment was made present season. We are ofiering tl this sale to get you acquainted wit methods of this store. In our stock are handsome all ^ patterns in navy, mahogany and C< sell for $35. In this Fall Opening for each, only Besides these we have those wel shrunk and sponged, lined with g guaranteed to wear two years. T gains in this Fall Opening Sale, for Then we haye a large assortment solids and stripes, including serges Simmer s satin ana are regularly $20. Our price during this Fall Oj each, only Dresses That Are tl It would be impossible for us to highly. We know that the very be they are the styles that the best dr are wearing. We know that the fa are the newest and best that are pu we know that the workmanship is Some of these beautiful dresses c the popular colors, such as navy, gr taupe, etc. Tou could no' match tl than $15, and yet our price during for, your choice Then we have a large assortmenl dresses. These come with Bulgaria satins. They were made to sell foi in? vou may have your choice for U W m W Coat Sp Before you select your coat for ti mistake unless you first see what ^ price with others. By reading the quality of the garment* You must selves in order to realize the wond to save* In our stock of Coats we offer Women's and misses' Overcoats, Bain Coats and Caps, all made of tl the best tailoring establishments ii us show them to you. Our Popular Millii Our millinery department is the of our store. Here you will find ha both American and French creatioi liewa frimmincB smfth f XilCU IT O um O ornaments. During this great Fal selections from this department at Blanket Price Our blanket stock is large and c< prices on all of them. They are fu Come in pink and blue boiders. T Child's carriage blankets in pin] floral patterns, the regular 75c vali The regular $1 values of these a Then we have a large lot of fine women. These are specially price V RA 1720 MAIN COXiXJMJ 9 WQ01& cflearyicai 2f W &k?S^t&: ain St. B. W. Bj jjiTl The Values are Ur L be Convinced. ality by the Pri ' of Coat Suits, ad Coats. outer garments for women you created of the best and most deigners, cutters and finishers of This is not a sale of "left over this year for selling during the lemat a reduced price during h the merchandise and business rool Eponge Suits, the newest jpenhagen. They were made to Sale you may take your choice $25 1 known Amoskeag Serge Suits, enuine Skinner's Satin Lining, hese are positively great baryour choice-- $15 ; of suits in choice weaves, in . They are lined with genuine sold everywhere for $15 and >ening Sale is for, your choice $10 le Height of Style. praise our line of dresses too >st designers made them, that essed women of fashion centres brics of which they are made t into garments for women and of the highest type of tailoring, ome in all wool Eponge in all een, Copenhagen, royal purple, iiese dresses anywhere for less this Fall Opening Sale is only $10 t of styles in all wool Serge n trimmings, buttons and green $10, but during this Fall Open $7.50 and $5 ecials. lis season you will make a big re are offering and compare the prices you can not judge the examine tne garments tnemerful opportunity we offer you garments of all desriptions. Sport Goats, English Slip-ons, Le best materials by experts in a the country. Gome in and let iery Department. most popular of all departments its of all descriptions. Hats of is, handsome uutrimmed shapes, is feathers, bands and novelty 1 Opening Sale you can make greatly reduced prices. Reductions. >mplete; we have reduced the 1111-4, many of them all wool, 'he reduced prices range from 50c to $3.50 i ? if ?ii i i ? ana Diue, witn annimai ana aes, are now 50c re now 75c blanket robes for both men and id at $2.25 and $2 TES< nmFinrirr 91KL?il 3IA, S. C. OOwwSt?2sr** I\&^^V'i^rfe1 {.2f$'43 v3 Q> . i wi J jy ^jg iTES COMPANY " || 1ST?GOME S lprecedented. |j^ asiak Q ices Quoted. { |g iesss?ssseseses^s*ssss?s?si Dress Goods. | 36-inch all wool Serge in navy 25 and black, regular 50c value, for gj? per yard 39c Bf8 36-inch all wool Suit, ng, a ?}*J splendid fabric; for coat suits, Cfll overcoats, dresses or separate ?Ul skirts, a regular 50c value, in C3 this Fall Opening Sale, for per vard 39c S3 Superb Poplins in all the aZ wanted shades, regular 25c quality, iu this sale, per yard 15c CO Ottoman Cloth, in all the de- Ctv sirable shades, the regular 39c CO quality, in this sale, for per yard 28c gg All wool Eponge, the newest !SS and most desirable fabrics of the #Trm season, 48 inches wide, special, CO forperyard 51.50 Silk and wool Eponge in black CO and gold, and blue and gold w9 combination, 30 inches wide, CO special per yard 75c ww 40-inch Silk Poplin, in navy, green, brown and Copenhagen, C^ worth every cent of $1.50. In m this sale, special per yard, only n .25 quality Crepe de Chine in light blue, pink, cream and ZZ black, special in this sale, per itj yard $1 ?? 40-inch silk and wool Eponge, fid 12 value, comes in navy, black, and all desirable shades, special 69 per yard $1.50 ft? Crepe Meteor in a good selec- ZZ tion of colors, just the thing for StK evening dresses, worth 75c, special per yard, only 50c 30-inch Brocaded Charmeuse C? in all good colors, special per (J9 yard, only 25c ft? A good range of colors and fabrics in Suitings and colored 68 Whipcords, just the fabric for CO ordinary dresses, this is an extra 68 special bargain at, per yard.... 15c In our Dress Trimmings De- wv partmeut we have a superb col- JIE? lection of laces, edgings, bands, JJ22 matched sets and Bulgarian and Metal trimmings. CO Then we have a great assort- ij5 ment of Applique trimmings 50 ranging in price from...50c to |3 68 Dress Ginghams and Orchid CO Zephyrs in all patterns of checks, WW plaids and stripes, specially priced 33 at, per yard 15c, 12 Jc and 10c 22 Sea Island Homespun, regular ejfj die quality, specially gpriced at, CO per yard 5c 68 Light and dark Outings, special, per yard, ouly 4c G9 S3 CO. ? rtrti m u-f? i. jb i | Cliurcli Workers Meet Kerfr? The annual meet'ng of the Young People's federation and of trio Woman's Missionary Society of the South Carolina Lutheran synod was held here at St. Stephen's Evangelical Luthcrat church, the former beginning Friday evening of last week and the latter Monday morning of this week. A ltrge delegation from all over tht State were in attendance and tht meetings were the most prolitable and pleasant held in this Sec.ion lor sornt time. j The Young People's Societies ep eci tneir meeting at ? o'ciock rru y night with devotional exercises, u:t=?r which a short but impressive talk wa made by Miss Mary Lou Bowers. A* able address by Rev. L. S. G. Miller, missionary to Japan, who is home oa a furlough, concluded the first sessioi . At the afternoon session Sunday ti e following officers were elected for tl>* next year: President, C. J. Sh^aly; vice president, Mis9 Caro Efird; coir spending secretary, Miss Willie Mas Bowers; recording secretary; G. H. Ballentine; literary secretary, Mise Rosalyn Summer; treasurer, Ira Haltiwanger. Sunday night the concluding program, which was elaborate and replete in ? very phase, was rendered. A feature of this service was that of a sorg << Ton*- n n T A m J) aonrv Kr Mica Ufa O UOU CLO X XXlAiJ D?ug KJj miuo -*-* | ? Dunning, of Columbia, with the accompaniment of Mr. Bi9er, a student of Newberry college, and Miss Anni? Martha Meetze, presided at the organ. The federation wa9 extended an invitation by the people ot Prosperity t? hold the next annual meeting in that town which was accepted, the next meeting commencing the second Tuesday in October 1914. The Woman's Missionary Society held its initial meeting Monday morning, opening with the missionary study class, conducted by the Rev. E. C. Oronk, of Columbia. Several ladies prominent in missionary work in tht State discussed timely topics followed 1?- T"\ - tT-vll AV./1 /-* ? m Kia An a f vy i-jL. ULUUilUU, U1 v^lUUiuju, Uliv VI the most prominent Lutheran minister of the South, and is a fluent and forceful speaker The following del* egates were in attendance: Mrs. Bessie Huffman, Miss Louise Mayer, Mrs. Fulenwider, Miss Lottie Derrick, Mrs. Jas. D. Kinard, Mrs. KateEargle, Mrs. Schumaker. Miss Ida Fellers, Miss Lucile Counts, Mrs. Maude Williams, Mrs M C Middlefcon, Mrs. D E Shealy Miss Mary Nichols, Miss Ethel EargJe Miss Willie May Wise, Miss Elizabeth Hawkins, Miss Hattie Leitzey, Mrs. J L Wise, W. G. Cobb, Jr-, C. J. Shealy, the Key. L. S. G. Miller, Mis# K. Freyschmid, Mrs B. 0. Heidt, J. B Ballenpne, G. H. Ballentine, Mrs. S? P. Derrick, Mrs. D. B. Groseclose, Miss Clara Copeland, Miss Estelle Dominick, the Rer, and Mrs. E. C. Oronk, Mill Elberta Sease, Miss Sallie Bodie, Miss Kate Eleazer, Miss Mamie Ptiirh. Miss Virginia Smith, Miss Clara Cromer, Midi* Oorrie Roof, Mies Blondelle Hook, Miss Sezzie Keisler, Miss Minnie Leitzey, Miss Pearjle Eargle, Miss Testes Croat, Miss M&ttie Moore, Mrs. J. 0. Auli, Mrs. T. H, Wedeman, Mrs. J. J. Hentz, Miss Martha Boozer Miss Lottie Wise, Miss Edna Hipp, Miss A.nnie Davis, Miss Bessie Kibler, Miss Floride Seegers, Miss Elizabeth Voigt, Miss Mary Hipp, Miss Eva Dunning, J. B. Mayes, A. J. Bowers, W. P. Cline, Mrs Essie Shirer, Miss Buford Miss R. D. Lay ton, Miss Grace Zimmerman, Mrs A J Bowers, the Rev, Gilbert Voigt, the 0 L Miller, Mi9t Rosalyn Summer, Miss Agnes Boinest, Miss Alice Aall, Mrs. Jonn Lavertyr "W-a T UnnviT TTavma M H J ittlO <1 . UOUt J JJUUUJOl ?*> V, V, Miss Adaline Schreder, Mrs. W. K. Shealy, Miss Bertba Holling, H. B. Schaeffer, (i. H. O. Parks, Mis9 Mary Ballentioe, Miss Rath Long, Miss Helen Suber, and Oorinne Wood, the Rev. J. M. Wilson, Dr. J. 0. Holland. Birthday Party. Saturday afternoon, a week ago, a party was given at the home of Mrs. F. T. Bibb in commemoration of the sixth birthday of her little daughter, Katherine. In the early aftefcnoo* the time was most pleasantly spentplaying games and making pictures on 011 the lawn, after which refreshments were served by Mrs. Bibb and Mrs. Corley. Many of her little unri nUvni^tpM who w?re ures lliruuo SUM A entexpressed themselves as having had a good time. Tnose present- were Rath George, Dortha Oswald, Virginia Ka.vl, Elizabeth Miller, Christine Kuof, Gladys Harmar., L mis Kyzer, Marguerite and Winnie L >rick, Lacile Kleekley, Christopher Kaufmann, .1 .-.lues Caller. Katherine, iiaiy and .Juilli Bibb. The change abl 3 vr earlier of oar.y fail brings on ccnghg and colds that hare a weakening r-b-">r.and heali:?^ - iT-. ->n the irritated and inflamed air passage?, and will help very quickly. It is a. vsvll known family medicine thafcgivea }Iarfnr.n Drtip Hfore. id v.