^ Killed at Negro Dance. Aiken, S. C , Oct. 6?Louis Morton, a well-known white man of this county, was murdered Saturday night by two negroes, Aaron Henderson and Milledge Washington, about three miles from Jacksons Station, in thi9 county. The Henderson and Washington negroes are in the Aiken county jail. * J Llrt L aw of i or\ri _ .L/0U1S iUOriOXl iiuu liX9 uiuvuci aticuu- | ed a negro "hot supper" and dance at the home of Gus Hogan, a negro on J. | R. Bates' place, near Jacksons Station, ^ Saturday night. It i9 said the white men were drinking, which accounts for their presence at the negro festivities. The negroes had a keg of beer and plenty of liquor. ^ Shcrtly before midnight Morton got ' * - - - * ' * TT , into an altercation wiin Aaron neuclerpon, and puiiing out his knife engaged in a hand-to-hand struggle with the negro, who was also armed with an ugly blade. Both the white man and the negro were severely cut be fore somebody handed the negro a pistol. He fired, and Morton fell to Nr the floor. His brother fled. The negroes picked the white mau up, and laid him on a bed in an adjoining room, | thinking he was dead. Later in the night, someone passing through the room saw Morton move on the bed. They got him up and cari ried him back to the ballroom floor, where Milledge Washington shot him | ~ io death. Eczema and Itching Cured f The soothiner. healing medication in [ DR. HOBSOX'S ECZEMA OINTMENT penei trates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities?stops itching instantly. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment is guaranteed to speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. EczemaOintment is a doctor's prescription. All druggists or by m?il, oOe. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. I Louis. adv. L - A Birthday Dinner. I iL/\ Vv/-vwk A i-x? \T\\f "XT I Ab UL1C I1UU1C Ui JJU.L. -U.1 o. II . i' L Lucas on October 10th was the scene P of a bountiful birthday dinner which was given in commemoration of Mrs. |. Lucas' 63rd birthday. The occasi n [ was greatly enjoyed by a large crowd I of relatives and friends. The elegant I dinner was prepared by Mr. and Mrs, k Lucas and their relatives and friends ! and it seemed that new recipes had been added to the culinary art. Tne day was spent pleasantly by the youDg people who sang with music rendered on the organ. We wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Lucas for the many courtesies shown ^ us during ihe day which shall long be . remembered by those who were ; present. J. S. R. Special Premiums Overlooked Some of the special premiums offert ed by the citizens of Lexington were overlooked in getting out the premium list of the Lexington county fair. r Vice President T. L. Harman has furnished ns the following list: For the best display of field cfop, A* AvKlKlk tin A Al tl_ uuuocuuiu ui gaiucu tr.A.uiw.iv iuo v>u>? zens of Lexington offer three cash t. premiums, 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $5.00. i ? Three prizes are offered by the citizens of Lexington for the largest hog, cot under 500 pounds, 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2. Mr. T. P. Meetze offers a fine pair of silk hot>? for the best display of em| broidery. > Avoid Sedative Cough Medicine. i If yon want to contribute directly to the occarence of capillary bronchitis and pheumonia use cough medicine j that contain coding morphine, heroin i and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expectorate like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what i9 needed. That cleans oat t he culture horfsnr hrppdinfi'nlaces for the crernis . -- pheamoQia and other germ diseases. That is why pheumonia never results troma cold when Chamberlain's Ojugh Remedy is used. It has a world wide reputation for its cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by Harmon Drug Co. adv. - Classified Legal Note ir Land Sale. Four Desirable tracts near Columbia and house and lot in New Brookland to be sold. On the first Monday in November^ 1913, at Lexington, S. 0., in front of i the Court House, during the usual hours of sa!e, the undersigned will sell (to the highest bidder at public outcry the following described real estate, to* One house and lot situate, lying and being in the town of New Brookland, Lexington County, said State, containing one-eighth of an acre, more or less adjoining lands of Ed. Price, on the North, P. C. Sox on the East, and on the other two side* by lot No from which this was cut. All that oiece. Darcel or tract of land " ? r ' v situate, lj'ing and being in County of i Lexington, State of Soufh Carolina, J containing lifty acres, more or leas, on the South aide of Saluda river, bounded on the South-East- by M A Shnll and D. L Carter, oil the South- > c at by M. W. Butf, on the South by M. A Shu'!. on the North hy Svludu r*. <1 said .1 having been < rh;in-*i * -41 .i?? J ! i ted to Andrew Buff. Also, All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Lexington County, said State, containing fiftynine acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of John P. Corley, ! Frank Corley, Newton Monts, Tract "B", George Gable, George Seastrunk, I I W. F. Corley and John B. Sox and [ perhaps others, the same being tract " * " ~ ? ^ OA - -v C lnv, J orlv "il ' Oi JLO'J auie Li civ;b ui lauu. iuiiuchj owned by Mrs. Sallie Senn Bodie, deceased. Also, AU *:hat piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Lexington County, said State, containing sixty eight and one-fourtn acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George Gable, Mrs. Jemmie Hendrix, Rev. Maxcy Hook and tracts "A" and "C of 180 acre tract of land formerly owned Ly | Mrs. Salle Senn Bodie, deceased, this being Tract "B" of said lands. Also, All that piece, parcel or tract of land j situate, lying and being in .Lexington i Count}-, said State, containing fiity I six and one-quarter acres, more or less, j adjoining lands of Mrs. Jemnr.e Hen! drix. Dr. James Harman, Rev. Maxcy | Hook and tract "B" of 180 acre tract j of land formerly owned by Mrs. Sal| lie Senn Bodie, deceased, this being | tract iCp of said land. I We give warranty deed and ail hayI iug any interest in said land will sign | the deeds. The entire heirs at law and next of kin of the said Mrs. SallieSenu Bodie, deceased, join in this advertisement and sale and a good fee simple tjtle to each tract will be given free from all incumbrances and with the | usual renunciations of dower. Terms of sale:?One third cash balance on credit of one and two years secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises sold with interest at 8 per cent. Purchasers to pay for papers. Mrs. Hattie Shull, Mrs. Maxcy riook, Mrs. Mae Kreps, Willie Marchant, Julian Marchant, Mattie Harman, Mrs. Rena Buff, Mary C. Senn, R. N. Senn, | J. P. Bodie, October 10, 1913. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. C. R. Rish, plaintiff, against H. V. Rish, J N. Reid and D. K. j Gantt Co., defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by his Honor, Judge I. W. Bowman, dated February 20, 1913, I will sell at public outcry before the Court House door in Lexington, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, the third day of November, 1913, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, containing one hundred and ten (110) acres, more or le98, lying in Bull Swamp Township, County of Lexington, State aforesaid, bounded by lands ? r-n n T~> a?.n.w.v as iunuws. x^ast uy u. xv. onui&ic auu the estate of Haskell Dykes, South by Oamby Laird, West by D. F. Shampert and W. M. Rish, and on the North by Mrs. C. B. Sphaler. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers. Frank W. Shealy, C. 0. C. P. & G. S. Lexington, S. C., October 10, 1913. T. C. Sturkie, Attorney for Plaintiff. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Defendant, H. V. Rish. Foreclosure, State of South Carolina, Oounty of Lexington. Tn fV?o ,n>?f r\P pAmmAM Dion a ern side of Third Branch, waters t f Big Ball Swamp, and bounded by lands of J. J. Younginer, Isaac Redmond, Mrs. Sallie Redmond, same being known as John Redmond's part of Nancy Redmond'9 land, being the same conveyed to me (Obediah Green) by 0. M. Redmond, of record in Clerk's office iu Book H-II, page 572. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, purchae or 10 pay for papers. Frank W. Shealy, 52 O. C. 0. P. & U. S. T^KinpjtoTj, S. C , October 1?, 1> * l'vi Ow Dj'Ui'HT, Att'.U'iJOVS f'Jl J)i .1 i- tiff and certain defendants. P 'f:g!o T. Yonman?. Attorney 'or ' ):? tit i'i Foreclosure. Slate of South Carolina, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Plea* Mrs. Kate R. Hendrix, assignee, {.-laintiff, againstT \\7 Panrl rli-fpnHant". U IT ? In obedionce to the decree of the Court in the above entitled action, signed by Hon John S. Wilson, Jud< e Presiding, dated September 27, 1913, I will sell to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door, in Lexington. South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, the third day, of November, 1913, the following described tract of land, to-wit: All that niece, parcel cr lot of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Lexington, in said County and State, bounded dy lot of Roof & Barre Lumber Company, Walter Sox, W. P. Ste-le, and T Frank GrifiLh, and binding on the West on a side streetrunning north from Main Street. Terms of Sale; Cash, purchaser to | pay for papers. Frank W. SheaJv, C. 0. C. P. & G S. Lexington, S. C , October 10, 1913. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Plaintiff. -32 Foreclosure. State of South Carolina, County of Lexiugton. In the Court of Common Pieas. Frank W. Shealy, Clerk of Court, Puiin tiff, again9t E. S. Grout, K. F. Oswald and W. W. Edwards, defendants. In obedience to the decree of Court in the above entitled action, signed by Hon. John S. Wilson, Presiding Judge, dated September 27, 1913, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door at Lexington, South Carolinn, during the io:mi hrmro of aalp mi IliP filSl. MnndrtV. the third day of November, 1913, the following described tract of- real estate, to-wit: All that piece, parcel of land, situate in rhe County of Lexington, and State aforesaid, containing One Hundred and Twenty-six (123) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Jacob Shumpert, Jack Rowe, J. J. Gaunt, Steadman Road, J. H. Oswald, as shown by plat of J. H. Taylor, of date November 2, 18S7. This being the tract of land conveyed to me by F. W. Shealy, Clerk, by his deed dated the 10th day of Febuary, 1912; is a part of the lauds sold in the case of Crout vs. Keisler, etc. Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance on a credit tf twelve months, secured by a bond of the pi rchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold, with interest from day of sale, the nnn^Vi ?qcjt* frt hoFo t-.h? nnMnn nf navirtor Pukjuuoi^I ?o all cash. Frank W. Shealy, C. C. 0. P. & G. S. Lexington, S. 0., October 10, 1913. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 52 Thurmond, Timmerman.& Oallison, Attorneys for K. F. Oswald. Foreclosure. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. The Bank of Cross Hill, plaintiff, against Jeff B. Amick, et al, defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Court in the above entitled action signed bv Hon. John S. Wilson, presiding Judge, dated September 27, 1913, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry before the Court House door in Lexington, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, the third day of November, 1913, the following described tracts of real estate, to-wit: Ail that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Township of Lexington, and the State aforesaid, containing ninety (90) nores more r,r less, adioinincr lands of the Strother estate and Walter Hendrix on the north, lands of Noah Mitchell, H. A. Meetze on the East, lands of John Snelgrove on the South, and lands of Frank Oorley on the west. And also all that lot of land situate and being in the Town of Lexington, County and State aforesaid, containing two (2) acres and bounded by ands of John CJaughman on the east and south, lands of Dr. J. J. "Wingard on the west, and Main Street on the no^th. TERMS OF SALE: One-half ca,h, balance on a credit of one year, secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold, with interest from day of sale, with leave to the purchaser or purchasers to pay ail cash on day of sale. Purchase r or purchasers to pay for papers. r>2 Frank W. Shcaiv, C 0. C. Si G S. 'r ' - - es ~ i i n jucxingion, vj., uciuuer *v, joli Rickey A Rickey, Attr.rn-'js for Plaintiff. Etird & Dreher, T. C. Sturfeie. W. H. Sharps, Attorneys for Defendant". Foreclosure. State of South Carol inn, C. unty of Lexington. In tin" Court of Common Pleas. ! llkhmnd Savings Rank A Trust | p-ny. plaintiff, ts j ? nr.; ilai-tU'O? k, C. M. Kiird r;va ? i'.:t r :hi U iit 'l Sy*.od of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the I South, defendants. Tn obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by Hon. John S. Wilson, presiding Judge, dated September 27, 1913, I will hi* 11 to ti c highest bidder at public outcry before the Cou;t iioi.se deor in Lexington, South P 'i > /N i o .U-.xJtu# f b. a 1a/,ol l\ rvn r\ f y 4 nui liij^ VIJV VJL sale on the first Monday, the third day of November, 1913, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Lcxi; gton, in the S ate cf South Carolina, containing one hundred and twenty-five (12.") acres, more t or kss, and having the '?Slowing boundarii ?, io v>i : On the Noitli by lands formerly owned by M. V. Hutto, but since conveyed to Eliza Splialer, East by lanes of the said Eliza Sp ihU r in-.(I Argce, South by lands of Argoe and "WiPiain-rn and Sharpe, and being the land heretofore conveyed to Laura I . Haiilicr ck by A. S. Laird and Rachaei Graft 1 y their deed dated th? 25th day of F. bruary, 1904, and recorded in the fiice of the Cle rk of Court for said County in Deed Book ''VV." at page 554. TERMS OF SALE: Que- bird cash, one-third one year alter date, and the remaining one-third ivro jears after date; provided that th ) purchaser shall i ave the privilege of paying onehalf or all cash. The purchaser, or purchasers, to give bond and a mortgage of the premises sold, with interest from day of sale at the rate of seven per cent per annum, payable annually. Purchaser or purchasers to pay for papers. Frank W. Shealy, 52 O. C. C. P. & G. S. Hanfer A. Gibbes, Attorney for plaintiff. Efird & Drt-lier, John D. Lee, Attorneys for the defendants. Foreclosure. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. Mrs. Kate R. Hendrix, assignee, plaintiff, against Green 1. Richardson and P. P. Meetze, C. E. Leaphait and W. H. Townsend, trustees of W. P. Roof, bankrupt, defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Court in the above entitled case, signed by Hon. John S. Wilson, presiding Judge, dated September 27, 1913, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door in Lexington, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, the third day of November, 1913, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Lexington Township, in the said County and State, containing seventy-seven and one-half (774) acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of P. B. Warner, Hamp Harman, George Harman, Reuben Corley, Dantzler Harman and Thomas Wingard. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash, Imlftnnft nn prprlit: nf DTIP VPAT. SPOlir V(*?M?IVW W J f ed by a bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold, with interest from day of sale, the purchaser to have the option of paying all cash. Purchaser to p\y for papers. Frank W. Shealy, 53 C. C. C. & G. S. Lexington, S. C-, October 10, 1913. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Piaintiff. Tnurmond, Timmerman & Callison. Attorneys for T. P. Meetze, et ai. ite-Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. Ellen M. Witt, individually, and as administratrix of Michael H. Witt, ' deceased, John JVI. Witt and Clarence Witt, plaintiffs, vs. Catherine E. Bryan, et al, defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by his Honor, Judge George E. Prince, of date January 13th, 1912; also to the decree of the Court herein, signed by his Honor, Judge J. W. DeVore, of date January 33rd, 1912, I will resell during the legal hours of sale at public outcry to the highest bidder iu front of the Court House door at Lexington. S nth Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on th? first Monday, the third day of November, 1913, the following described tract of real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the County of Cape May, ar.d State of New Jersey, k; own and designated as Lot 10, Block 2, Map 1, Tract C., on a plan of Building Lots, known as Elmherst?being the same lot conveyed to the paid m. ji. Witt, l?y VVm. L. Mattox by deed dated June 25, 1900. The above described lot will be sold , at former purchaser's risk. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C. 0. 0. P. & G. S. Rcxingt'-n, S. C., October 1?\ 1913. 31. O. Hollo way, Plaintiff's Atiy. iv J. Rafn*ii'r?\ D<-f? i.dautV Atty. Partition. State of South Carolina, Couti'y of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. Dora Gregory, plaintiff, vs. William Gregory, David Gregory, Hattie Trapp and Georgia Elliott, rlf fpn.'lsnts. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by Hon John S. Wi son, presiding Judge, and dated September 2(5, 1913, I will sell at public outcry before the Court House door in Lexington, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the lirst Monday, the third day of Nov< mber, 1913, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that lot or pared of land, ljing and being striate in the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, near the Town of Peak, containing ihree (3) acres, more or less, bounded by lands now or formerly belonging to B F. Swittei berg, \V. M. Wilson, Southern Railway Company and Broad River. Also, all that lot or parcel of land i lying and being situate in the County of Lexington and State aforesaid, con- I tainiiig six and six-hundre.dths acres, more or lean, and bounded by lauds now or formerly belonging to Drayton Bradford, C. M. Stuck and P. E. Earbp>ng the i'V-n'icnl tract of land 1. :;*LOt;:r<- e i.vc -! L-.i said Harper 'xregojy by ij,. a. :i Bradford, vk'.-li dev. i "i conv-'y aoce his been duiy no sued in tho < fiice of the Cit-ric C'i Court f >r Lwougton County in H- ed Book 00, at page number 485. TERMS OF SALE: Gash, the puree a.ur or purchasers to pay for papers ami recording of the same. 52 Frank W. Shealy, C. 0. 0. P. & G. S. Lexington, S. C., October 10, 1913. Fred li. Dc-miiiick, Attorney for plain i iff. Master's Sals. By virtue of a decree of the Court or Common Pleas for Richland Co un ty, S. C , heretofore inane m mo case of Henry G. Martin against S. P. Shumpert, Jr., et al, A. D, McFaddin, Master for Richland County, will sell on sale.sduy in November, 1913, being Moudav, the third clay of said month, during the usual hours of sole before the Court House door in the Town of Lexington, S. C., to the highest bidder: All that piece or tract of laud lying in Boiling Springs Township of Lexington County, containing 600 acres, more or loss, being thhome place of the said S. P. Shumpert. Jr., and bounded 011 the North by Iienry i Miller and Ned Miller lands, East- by j Godfrey Fry and B. D. Clark, South by B. D. Clark, and West by John Shealy and Joe Fry. TERMS OF SALE: One-third in cash and the balance in two equal annual installments, one and two years after date of sale, with interest thereon from the date of the sale at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, and secured by the bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold, such mortgage to contain the usual stipulation for attorney's fee in case of foreclosure, with the usual insurance clause. 8th of October, 1913. ? a nn .""nt 05? A. u. itiv/r Ai/j-'in, Master for Richland County. Master's Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Richland County, S. C., heretofore made in the case of Henry G. Martin against S. P. Schumpert, Jr., et a), I, A. D. McFaddin, Master for Richland County, will sell on salesday in November, 1913, being Monday, the third day of' said month, during the usual hours of sale, before the Court House door in the Town of Lexington, S. C., to the highest bidder for cash: 1. Note of I. J. Porter for the sum of $1,427.75, dated at Lexington, S. C., 1st November, J 907, payable one year after date, with interest from date and until paid, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum; aj?ci mortgage tu said I. J. Porter, given to secure said note and coveringfthe following tract of land, to-wit: All that piece, parcel or tiact of land situate, lying and being in Chinquepin Township, in the County of Lexington, State aforesaid, j containing oue hundred, forty-two and three-fourths acres, more or less, adjoining lands of 0. J. Jefcoaton the North-east, D. C. Jefcoat ou the j South-east, S. P. Shumpert on the j South-west, Reedy O. Smith on the North-west. 2. Note of D. C. Jefooat for the i .snjn of ll.520.00, dated at Lexingtor, j S. C., 1 November, 1907, payable one | year after date, with interest trom date and until paid, at the rate of seven per cent per annum; also mort gage of said I). 0. Jo fee at, givtn to j secure said uoto, ami covering the fol- j lowing tract of land, to-wit: All that j piece, parcel or trr.r* of 'and situate, 1 lying and being in : i onep'ii Town- j fillip, in the Comitv l.oxington, and j Slate afoi\ said, eon . . g one Lun- J dri-d and rifiy-two aerornrtv or U>h, adjoining lauds of I. J. Pi rrcr ard U. I J. J.-feont on > ;o S. J. j ' J I iiiUI IW???BMKBBCTWW?BWWBM8?BWWiWW MMler 011 i he South-^est, M*-?. Brodia on the North-wrsN 1 S. ?. Shumpert on ;he North-na^-. 8th of October, 19IB. 52 A. P. .VcFADI IN, Master fir Kichlvvl C u; y. Skerlll's Sale, Fi-rpc-lomrp. State of South Caro'i; a, County of Lexington. iu uuu vuuiu ui v'juiuiuu JThe Bank of Swansea, assignee, plaintiff, against Obediah Green, et al, defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Oonrt in the above entitled action, signed by Hon. H. P. Rice, presiding Jndge, dated Jane 18, 1913, I will sell to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door at Lexington, South Carolina, during the legal hour9 of sale on the first Monday, the third day of November, 1913, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that piece, parcel or tract cf land, lying and being in Sandy Run Township, Lexington County, S. C., containing twenty-one (21) 3cre*, more or less, lying on the southeast In the Court cf Com iron Plraa. The Heme National Bsbk, a sifr.ee, platn.ilf, again.-t T. E. Ruvl, E. C. Rav,-i, et al, de'endants. In obedience to the d-rree I ). Melton & Stnrfeie, A. D. Martin, 1 Attorney i i'; :: t;ii L