LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Remember the County Fair Oct. 21-23 Can't you send an exhibit to the County Fair Oct. 21 - 23? ?? If it's a mule or horse you want, all on Canghman Bros., Columbia. The surest ar.d 9af?st plan, nine times out of ten, is to market cotton - * ??- ? as last hs )yu get it tut. There was such a crowd of promi- ; nent farmers in town Saturday on .business that it is impossible to make mention of all. What it take9 to ride you easy and last longest, Caugbman Bros', baggies is what von are looking for. Our County Fair this year is going to be the grandest of its history. No joke ! if*''* WANTED-^Salesmen to sell our guaranteed Oils and Paint*. Experience unnecessary. Extremely profitable offer to right party. The Glen Regniae Comoauy, Cleveland. Ohio. 50 Mrs. Vary Haltiwanger, Mrs. W. If SC'o and children, of Bat^sbu~g, wore visitors to Mr. and Mrs. D. R. HaitiWcLgtr Friday. Amorp the ladies who will drive at the Fair next week is Mis- Geddings, el Columbia. She \\ ill drive her he;tutiful young mare, Bessie Cox, Wednesday. Mrs. Lanra Sinimors lias returned to her home in Walhalla alter a very pleasant visit to her uncle, Mr. J. Sol Hendiix on rente 2. The citizen Telephone com pany has installed a telephone in the residence of Mr. Willie M. Marchant of the Hebron neighborhood. Mr. N. P. Shurrpert one cfcur oldest and promptest paying subscribers, frv>m out on Scouter creek, was here Sa turday and renewed tor another year Saml. J. Derrick, of Swansea, one of the best educators in the county and clever to a fault was here in attendance upon the county board of education Saturday and made us a pleasant Chii. ONION SETS?Seeds. True White Pearl Onion Sets. Dwarf Essex Rope, Winter Turnip and Mustard Seed. Harmon Drug Co. Mrs. 0. E. Black and little son, Irby, cf Columbia, were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Shockley. Saturday and Sunday. Mr G. W. Smith, a prominent ciiiz d, of Be.rr, gave us a pleasant call M endr.y. We regret to note the serious illness of Mrs. F. L> Schwartz, at- her home. Mr. C. W. Harman, one cf our oldest b-^scriocrs was i.< town Sutu^cin^ auo r.newed his paper. O jr friend, Mr. Marshall Cleinons uii ' r^.i; 5, never forgets us and he gave j lis a pleasant call Friday. s ?iv^i MSBmm*amammB99tasi a?aaraa | Only 12 Sh I ' I Lei I are quite the rage abi Spaced flowers are err faille. Silk strap bar lined; fitted with coir from Paris was ?5; th Bis Somewhat similar 1 Pannier shape. - - i-l. ^ ? Va'?a li1 ?VI I Jj earner, juuuc, juxu Leather, Pin Seal, Ai Moire Silk, Fancy En mouth opening, elega Opera Bags, Shoppie Moire and Faille i Delightfully D] A moire or faille meteor or charmeuse meets with Fashion's color you wish is her< T) M VIM 11 IJDOigCUU Our New York bu} Cohering Concern in Rugs, which for som< previous order. The for a specific delivery for a cash considerate tunity. This purcha on our third floor. I Shop By The parcel post pi store at your door Mysteriously Disappears. Mr. Haskell Lucas, a young farmer living in the Gaston section, carried a bale of cotton to Columbia last Monday and mysteriously disappeared in that evening. He was last seen by Lawrence Mack near the "Gut" south of the Congaree bridge. Whether he wa9 murdered and robbed of money he had received for bis cotton is not known. He had threatened suit ; against the Bell Telephone Co. for injuries received in the early spring from I a wire hanging across the road in which he was traveling, belonging to the company. It is said that the company had agreed to compromise the case and_ that young Lucas might have received" the money and boarded the train 011 his way home for parts unknown, as he had talked of doing on several occasions. The team was found in the | read. Sale Under Execution. i State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. In the court of common Picas. | Be:sic AT. II dges, et al, plaintiff, ] against i ID. J. Iviioti s c. TI. Lev ling ami c. 31. j corbirt, drftndrV'is. ! Under auu by yiituee.f an exotuj tion duly is.-utd on the judgmenf in rt! in duly entered in the office of lis. I cicrk of court of Lexington county in the above stated case, I have It vied on, and wi.l sell at public outcry to the highest bidder during the h-g'-l hours of sale before the c-. urt Ilou-e door at Lexington, S01W1 Carolina, rr the first Monday in Nove mber, lhld, the following: A lot of notes, mortgages and securities, ranging in amount from .$7.50 1 $704.-14, amounting approximately $0(000 00; also All ^non ar.f>nnnt< nf i ho, firr.1 Of i Knotts, Dowling & Com pail v. amount- | lug to approximate ly $20,00u CO, anci j also the following s'oek of mcrchait- i iiise of Knotts, Dowiing & Company, j 01 Swansa, S. C.: 10 pitchers, 2 gravy j boats, 1 pip.* case, 11 small lamps, -1 ! lamp shades, 26 boxes collars, 2 boxes : men's uudershirts, 0-3 remnants cloth, , 2 boxes sweater coats 4 boxes rivets, j J box spent strainers, 2 boxes fil^s. j 5 briis. lamp wicks, 1 box sewing m i j chins needles, 10 saw handles, 7 sp:g- j ots, '3 boxes shears, 8 funnels, 3 1 inks, ; 1 reap ho k, 20 turkey plates, 6 strain- j er?, 17 nutmeg graters, 19 tin ?>i 11 r>, j 1 Jot-edacsc-s } lofpla'cs, 62 tin pans, j 25 cans varnish, Scans move p 1 s i. S i boxes knives and forks, 1 scale beam, j | 2 dcor locks, 1 box hangers, 7 rubbe [ siiee lieeis, 9 t)ox< s li.es, 0. x^ s sm*. , j j 24 boxes nn n's sweaters, 1 A.uir uruvv- j I ers 1 b >x children's mittens, 2 hex.-s j caps, 9 pair b.ames, 3 boxes boll-, 11 j pots, 1 lot bread pans. 3 bundl s stovepipe, 1 lot plows 8", 3bbls. nails, 1 roll j .opping Days Befoi DOf I Have Your Dress ready S ather Hand Bags oad. One style here is pannier shap ibroidered in silk colors on black si idle to match. Patented clasp, si l purse. The original bag import ese taithful copies are $[.50. ick Silk Bags, $). to above but of plain black silk moii broidery and Silks?all the Ne Stylish Shapes. igora, Calf, Walru3, Cowhide, Fan ibroidered Silk in the new Catfi tntly lined in Fancy Silk. Purs* ig Bags. Price, 50c to $5. Silks Combine Beautifully Wi raping Charmeuse and Crepes, silk for coat; a soft draping ere silk for a skirt. The combinati * -l-i i. favor, black, wnite ana aimosi 1 <* as in Floor Coverings. rer bought for us of the largest FJc New York a collection of 250 assort ? reason had been cancelled from se rugs having been specially ma , were for quick and ready disposi on. We took advantage of the oppc se has arrived and is ready for y< Mfb. MI its this big . Use it. i r i" i i r i i ! FOR HEARTBURN SIMM REE LIVER RE< (THE POWD It sweetens the stomach and ] fine tonic for a torpid liver. feel bright, vigorous ana cnee Sold by Dealers. Price, Ask for tbc eenuine with the Red Z on the label, it by mail postpaid. Simmons Liver Rceulator is it. Price $1.00 per bottle. Ix>ok for the Red Z I 3. H. ZEILIN & CO.. Propi j paper, 1 lock case. 3 vests, 12 boxes lies, o boxes silk spool thread, 2 boxes kiu pl-ves, (1 bill luids, 14 emu, butto:;s, :> cares sleeve suppoue-s, 3 ti.niib.'r, 2 shaving brushes, :/.} bin ch'.-s bia- 0, i> bolti< s liit i.iu.itirill o'Ji- , 7 colic eu ,?j Silver i'iuc 1:* tiling oil. Lbottles ' txuiiJiiie , 2 It dpi is hi.cI I n< e utits, 1 i?.v ic i I oh, 1 ( i; ' li bowi-, 7 I ! if]' oil t.4 y- il t *.; :* i l> hold : 1 \ ,!: ?..p, ;g r?; p . | cliiiuit*:* e, h ell bolts cl< : , 4 w - : ! \ cn.e-i't -rtf t ! : . 2 ; i ; c u--h v. i * x *..\t ?y i combs, 4 ! if-, 1 h v b tv - ! 2 b x lifth bv. v I:: . j \ ? . . -J L:tU*ue ]j . 1 :? i: \ - v. . 2 S ; 4 s j i 1 ( x f.' -;v. Si : J ;vi s, IS >, i 1 j c ;i&.vcl ' V: , 7 5 e vex , v?;tb i 21 j I V ash :: .'1 .lb: gl..s- V i.e. , 1 ' j V : a 1; -J til-, 15 OfA'S : ; !?, i ! ) 1 x !;:!t ! f.' ri(]-, 1 bex >]? ( ?? , ! I ! be s : iogt>, 3 boxes augers, ? c oeics, | [ 1 b^X (ii i. -i iiOC ' j i S OOi * '' *s ill , ,? * !' ? j i shir:.-. 2 pair *-vt; tills, 2 box .- .': ?.\v! ers, U box-s .n itmbis, 1 lor v c ' I baogt-r-, 4 w 11 pubej *s 5*?v.;-h . ?>, j I 5 sn; jothir.g irons, *2 fceottics. 1 iul I j %\ve ps, I ](V W.'A tOSi; no ]>: >X>. '2 i I v' rso - ?'oc s. 1 b- x bars, S p i:j an - I ! prints. 3 >i'k wni-t- patte: nr, 4 t ox- ? ! : ball * hiord. 3 boxes lf.ro. 2 s! o-.v <-os< 1 i 1 h'A hair pms, 4 boxes buttons, 3 b x | s??to* . f is s, 4 cords :-i-2 hoxc? b-?r- ! ri?t! o? 12 h.?: f vri-erlv. S N-iV: :u to.'., 20 couch syrii]>, ] > ];>vl':y T? ?r: ! ffjy, 147 p?irs Mice.-, 1 joir.n.l 'J bay ; books, 2 p.-CiCt ! '. !cs. To is wtock of ;roods to ha re svid ' the risk of the form* r uurohas^r ; v h fai < ci to comply with thtir bid. Terms of sU", cash 52 SIM J. MILLICU, Siieiiff, L'.xiijgioa Co my, H. C. [ Lexington, S. (J., October i l, 10JT Lyceum Here Saturday Liglit. At he school andiroricin h-S:(- i urday night, D.in.i WaMen, a nt 'trim j. j a ifi en'. it v. i'.i givo ; j ance which is die riM -1 aid 1 oil of j variety, now !iy ami vmk; ; tjcjfor ;a- \ > ?] tnat \v?i: aptiViitv suo riiitrni the mo'o i to a mo <0 wo/tliv chu o, School im- j provement Le.\gu o x iwwi i 'I"SEHBiesrerasK rar1 taas THE STORE THAT HE! ? 1 I I 0 'e the state Fair. FT CROWD 01 lave Your Have ^ uit ready Ball E Elegant Apparel Fresli Fr< ,e- sity in Style and Price ^ it's Correct. ^ To tell you that we have g ed ^ j ?!? i t il:. more oeauuiui dresses mis sei to tell you what will probably 'e. those who know us best. The styles are not simple, w colors and the masses of laces afternoon dresses of simplicity sb The word "Fancy" fits in i es, cutaway coats, the draped ski skunk, fitch, broadtail, chinct ^ velvet vests, velvet buttons, fabrics?velour, matellasse. c on crepes, duvetyne and peau c oy make suits this season fancy a shades, the greens?bottle an tete de negre. >or New Silksi ed These are the fabrics of the a now on. 25,000 yards of silk de Chine, Charmeuse Satin, Silk al, Crepe and other plain and fai >r- wide. Regular prices, yard, du 15,000 yards of silks, Egyp | Crinkle Crepes and Canton Cr MNA THE BIC Columl i m'm i ???p??i???P???????? ^ A W f Sour Belching, Poor Appetite and Constipation, you need ONS GULATOR ER FORM) Durifies the bowels. It is a Helps digestion, makes you rful. Large Package, $1.00. If you cannot get it. remit to us. wc will send i put up also in liquid form for those ;vbo prefer aoci. . j . ietors, St. Louis, Missouri i ! ^ i ?? ? ; | Mr. J. L. Mimnaugh. i | We are glad to note ihat otir friend j and popular inti(haii,of Columbia, i i after suffering ititei stly from a hniis- ' J td thumb vrhitli caused a v^iy painful | j operation in N: v.- Yolk ilotpiral. j i hr*s srflio' n11 n c< ven d to al'o.v him j j ru'r.i;: lo C .-'uinl Y In u -nv; (iat s. ' || Mr. J. &* Crlm. ; | A >?>]:?; IV; r- ? = < r in ( oin' j it ??.r. J. H. ( \ h. hy.> N-mA t :i-v ! j s ' el; :.} ? f l > i T. A ]' nr. ;*i:d v. 11 j j : i' 1; " s J a .v 1; a' ' ii f:i? i d> a I r a * ! j j r, . :? . V , .... ; v. ; ' . y ' j (J .1! :-i;d < " S. > Pi; v i , - ! j :-i- ; i i ! \ Thomas tz Lr.mrldr.. !! . i 1 . . " r. 1 \Vt v.oio tl'i.'i' .\a "-st's en:;: < cv ; 1 yii!, ?J.I ] M.?i i? ("OH!': 1 M j j d' (I ; n t i t r.ii ii. 1 =* i * t.i !?:' I Q.-luniMa r hi w it-moito ti:- :r < fil- j i to ro-in? N'-s. l(0"v.'?-4-o !*??]n;I Su\ Sf-rr*hoil/u; ^. \\ ji<_ i? w;w iu-: fi J icy-'il auvici call ... fi sf'.! (In in rh' Ir j 1 5.? -V iioa(!f|iiJUt i-i. j Land Fer ^a!3. T will s.?)l. ?: F S. f\, on November 10. 10J3. o?-.' : r.f l:?nd, : o. V. U-.uro, ciont;"*: ? JiM >if*iafo ! ar d m I of S'.vauSo'd for c i * * i -; "i. Thvuj-- rv h. J V HTJTTO. 0:t Hi. DCCTOR ! Killingrsworth T)ir\*TfvT ! 1 M . *1 - x _ | , Teeth Virr:tIT * ' r'-r t*i '? 1.PED COLUMBIA GEO W. Avoid the EusI: JT THE VISIT! /'our Have Your )ress New Hat im tVin VaaHlo?"Ricr TllVAr- I JJJLA tJLiV/ W\4? V v ?If from Mimnaugh's Suits! Suits! ^ athered greater uumbers of J ison than ever before is but ^ 7 be the first expression of g o] the richness of fabrics, of D and nets rob the evening and 7 and create glory that is new. >vith the new styles, as the its, the trimmings (fur bands, j lilla and ermine, tapestry and sc pnll.qrc! flnrl rnffs^ and the liagonals, wool failles, wool le peche?all these tend to b< md the colors, rich mahogany & d bronze?the prune shades, & iz and Crepe*. a1 season. See the big display S' :s, Broche, Poplin, Crepe de and Wool Poplin, Crinkled icy silks; 40 to 42 inches 75c, fl, $1.50 and $2. tian Crepe, Crepe de Chine, epes in over 150 shades. lUGH i STORE. 3i?9 S* Cm GRAND PI! On the third of January we wi Piano, one of the best makes of su purchase of $1 we give you a cha give you '2C chances and with each chances. These chances are plac* mentioned the person holding the beautiful instrument FREE Con to procure as many chances as po.' at the cheapest price this season e EXTRA8 in Stallions ?$: Arin^tron^'s 2 Get Saturday, Oct. 16t!i and ISih. W> 11 OUO ladies' Oi gClilS' flijt pill St* fd Indus' or pt-uLs' i)ue Sweater con: j | v;ili h-d t.v: \v Tl.rrxlay ;v |] T'M-h 'his il 128SS= \\ i j fi * i 'i i' . T ^ =* 2 a ^ iT i' v 1 4"* f* ^ a I ?"< 3 ? > ??t ij ul y HI Iili o ii if a| i J is TfcT >r .% r Xe "T? ,r^ ij ^ l^ltwy UJLUU* ? is Make your dollars *j. WA.J>JI ..-r-a^w jt.KJ 11 ii MW ? i ???i. WMnc "xjr-wjwu I .v wi iww iri it: iureuiusi ijiuunemi uuu xiniuiif ieiii are: Tapestries, Velvets, Ve hiki Cloths, Cretonnes, Dimities, ' lines, Scrims, Marquisettes, Cu raperies. Readiness in assembling ocks is backed with a readiness of igarding their uses in draping, up] he full measure of our artistic sen sk us for estimates for draperies, um, shades. We will furnish e :hool, lodge rooms, hotels or chur Ball Dresses, Reception Dress A peep into the bewildering fair] dutiful in coloring. The splenc ad Persian Gardens unfolded amic old and silver thread with the she ig. See these elegant costumes, p k once. uperb Line of Wool Dress Goi To a Vt ? An Tlo? IUMV A HMUL4VA1 4/V1 42 inch all wool double warp Tt 56 inch all worsted costume Che1 54 inch all wool plain Diagonal, 42 inch all wool imported Whip 56 inch all wool heavy coatiug I ^ I Rest I Make this in Col ami welcome. INO FREE! I ill give away a Grand Upright perb tone, worth $41)9. With each i;ce, with each purchase we :i $10 purchase we give you 50 : .! in a box and on date above lucky numb r wiii receive this if in and son ir, buy all you can SS'ibio. W'O i nva tie beat goods v-..r i fli-rod. D^n't overlook tlie Ltr EOI ALS . TV,/'J S.tlrs Thursday and 2 null rdw v. i"h ? a.-lt uurchase lOv; vwiii u..h ?i0 puicha&c one j ir;-I'.-'.*. Sinn! >r extra PTceiaJ.- | i/[ --1 '?;> Cfti" l.'V<* ? J 9 V t ' -r--' \i; I ? : s | > n ;*7. H f) ^ P 'vf F* O ?1* f I ?! ; r ? 8 g b | & | ? 1 ? | ? g 2 11 iJ*? ifii tg| sisili il 111 IMlUli ullll f O ; Hi > I < s IS * 9 ^ 0 A 4 k- ?n> K J \*s v*? g epi^^ i ft: Jr. tc^* '**/ 0 MAIN STSEST. | . ' 31/ & C h rem i-roeerie*3, Tr Line g lies, Wholesale and Entail. gj n.?.\.. r.^_T~"~ rice will appeal to you i ads?all the Weaves nands. tilor Serge, yiot. cord. - j Worsted. \ at this Store. . ' 4 3 place to rest while j bia. You are always I | H i i J