The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 08, 1913, Image 2

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nil as THE Tiff u "i A- y SURROUNDED BY DEMOCRATIC LEADERS WILSON AFFIXES LI1A MAKATIIBP ^ nis oiuiiAivnu I FINAL SCENE IS ENACTED Putting Into Actual Operation First Downward Revision Since 1894.?A Step Toward Business Emancipation.?Chief Executive Speaks. Washington.?Surrounded by leaders of a united Democracy, President Wilson signed the Underwood-Simmons tariff bill at the White House. 1 Simultaneously telegrams were sent to customs collectors throughout the country by the Treasury Department, jjut&ng into actual operation the first Democratic tariff revision since 1894. A happy group of legislators, members of the Cabinet and friends encircled the President as he smilingly at down and slowly affixed Ms signa- \ tore with two gold pens. He presented the pen that had written the word "Woodrow" to Representative Underwood and the one that completed his name to Senator Simf mom, both of who bowed their appreciation. * * In impressive silence the President rose and delivered In. easy, natural tones an extemporaneous spceeh that brought prolonged applause. He deafened the Journey of legislative accomplishment had not been complet- | ed; that a great service had been done for the rank and file of the country, but that the second step in the emancipation of business was currency reform. He earnestly called upon Ms colleagues to go "the rest of the Journey* with fresh impulse. "Gentltmen I feel a very peculiar pleasure," said the President, "in have just done by way of tak- ! tog part in the completion of a great piece of business. It is a pleasure which is very hard to express in words which are adequate to express the feeling; because the feeling that I have is that we have done the rash and file of the people of this country a great service. It is hard to speak of these things without seeming to go off info campaign eloquence, but that is not my feeling. It is one very profound, a feeling of profound gratitude that working with the spile did men j| aritA tnira Aornzxrl W?4o fWrwr tllWMWlh W WUV U?T V WMW VH.MIQ VHJ with studious attention and doing justice all round, I should have had past in serving the people of this country, as we have been striving to serve them ever since I can remember. Schmidt ia Declared Sane. New York.?Hans Somidt, the priest who confessed killing Anna Aumuller, became frenzied at the coroner's inquest Into the death of his victim, rose from his seat, snatched from his neck the rosary he had worn ever since his Incarceration, tore it into many bits and hurled them at the newspaper reporters sitting half a dozen steps away. The jury found him responsible for the girl's deatn. ScmMt's outburst of temper occurred in the presence of a jury of millionaires empanelled to conduct the inquest. The verdict was quickly found. Flood Conditions Improve. Lake. Charles, La.?Flood conditions continued to improve here. Calcasileu River and the lake were slowly receding. Boats are the only means of j transportation in many parts of the j town. The heaviest loss from the 1 flood will fall on the rice crop. This ! has been variously estimated from one j to one and a half million dollars. General Diaz Off For Vera Cruz. New York.?According: to a special \ dispatch from Havre, General Felix Diaz, embarked here on the German Kner Corco Vovado for Vera Cruz, Mexico. It is reported that former President Porfirio Diaz has rented a villa at Biairitx for the winter, indicating his intention to remain in France. *i* ' i .. i ?ii ?* ! m -* Would Hurry Currency Bill. Washington.?The situation confronting the administration currency bill in the senate has become a mat' ter of deep concern to President Wilson and members of the senate who favor early action upon the bill. Four members of the senate banking currency committee have been in conference during the last week, in an ef fort to devise a plan for hastening ac tion on the bill; but they have not dedeified finally what course will be f^rWwefi If the full committee should refuse to report the bill back. Car Turns Over, Thirty Hurt. Scranton, Pa.?Thirty persons were injured several possi-bly fatally, bv the overturning of a Scrantcn Railway Company car, bound for Dunmore. TwA-ntv-four of the injured were re moved to hospitals. The car, heavily loaded, stalled on a hill because of slippery rails and began to slide down the slope when the brake chain broke. Striking a cure at Madison avenue and Pine 3treet, the car toppled over, injuring as it fell on its side a number erf passengers who had jumped from the rear platform. if? YOU CANT EAT | APPETITE POOR Multitudes of people lose their appetite. Simply don't care for anything to eat The dinner bell has no interest to them. They loathe their breakfast They may nibble a little of this and a little of that but they do not care for it Lunch has lost all of its charms, although they try to eat something. Dinner about the same. There is something positively wrong; of course, but no disease that can be named. Just out of sorts. That is alL It is in this kind of a condition that Peruna acts very beneficially. After using Peruna, interest in food is revived. Beginning with a teaspoonful of Peruna before each meal will generally quickly improve the appetite and help the digestion. Thousands of people can testify to this. Liberated from a slavery that is almost unbearable. The slavery of having no interest in life. All used up. Yet one does not know exactly why. Take Peruna before each meal. Skies will get blue again. Fields will look green once more and life will be pleasant. You will feel that you -irond for son. thing and the world is a good place .o live in. Peruna will do it. Not as an artificial stimulant. Simply a tonic that stimulates appetite in a natural way. Those who object to liquid medicines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. J. J. Rauch is Hurt Rock Hill 2.?Friends here of J. J. Raucb, now holding an important position with one of the ccttcn rmlis of Winston-Salem, learned Tuesday evening that he' had met with a very serious accident. Telegrams to relatives stated that he was thought to be fatally injured and Mrs. Sadler Love left at once for Winston, as did 0. L. Derrick, who is a close friend and college-mate of Mr. Ranch. It seems that Mr. Rauch was struck on the head by a heavy piece of machinery around which he was working, which fractured bis skull. Mr. Derrick returned from Winston-Salem Wednesday afternoon and stated that he could not see Mr. Ranch, but the physician at the hospital to which he was taken stated that he did not think Mr. Ranch's injuries were necessarily fatal, but that it would be several days before they could tell what the outcome would be. Mr. Ranch married Miss Iva Hull, daughter of Mrs. J. J. Hull of this city. T - _ ?? -x i_i_!_ ni H9 is a nauve ox mis owiue, a uxcuxsuii college graduate, and has many relatives and friends throughout the State. He is a son of Mr. John Ranch of Saluda, and a brother of Mesdames W. E. Black and B. H. Barre of Lexington. Later news is to the effect that Mr. Ranch is getting along nicely considering the seriousness of his injuries. The Lexington Association. The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the LexiDgton Baptist Association will take plaoe at Pleasant Hill church Friday before the fourth Sunday in October, 1913. All who can will please come by private conveyance a9 the church is three miles from railroad station. All local passenger trains will be met at Gilbert and delegates conveyed to the church. Those who expect to come by rail way will please notify Rev. A J. Long, at Gilbert, S. C., once, stating what train yon will come on. All come praying for a great spiritual feast. Jus. C. Holly, Pastor. Sept. 2G, 1913. Wagener, S. C. Open Buggies $42.50 cash; Top Buggies 147.50 cash ; A few second-hand Buggies at what you think they are worth. Gregory-Conder Mule Co., Columbia, S. C. Airex>y THE. JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. 6 repairs watches AND jewelry Makes Them Good as New medals""" A "badges Manufacturer in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C Trespass Notice. This is to notify all persons not to hunt or tre9spa99 in any way upon the lands of the undersigned in Bull Swamp Township as the law will be enforced | upon all Trespassers. A. Z. STROMAN. 50 M. P. STROMAN. Plants Ready Cabbage, Collard, Lettuce, Parsley, Rhubarb, Ooleu9, Chrysanthemum, Salvia, etc. BULBS AND SEEDS Freesias, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daisy, Pansy, Sweet Pea, Clover, Grass, Oats, Vetch, Beets, Cabbage, Radish, Rape, Spinach, Turnip, etc. Flowers for ail Occasions. Rose Hill Greenhouses Phone 43. Columlria, S. C. I HOLD YOU FOR HICHE Store it in S0UTH2 HOUSE COMPANY'S i fytmcton MANUF; Reed, Manager, or S Homer Woods, Manage receipt and we will Itnc you Can take the receipt of Lexington and these with bur receipt as collai Southern States COLUME fl r2ll|p| onthl i uvwr ac \JPovert] ,-rvOn wi ily be a J. T. COLEMAN M,<r. Charleston, S. 0 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURAft Incorporated as a stock oompa FORREST F. DRYDEN, President ftV^WWWWWl \ W. W. Barre, Pres. and Trea I BARRE HARI # LEXINGT Z WE CARRY A COM 5 GENERAL l i N ew Lee Stoves ar ? and Fittings, blacis ? cut to order; Cha J Harness, Gear; C 5 in all sizes; Deer ^ rakes and all Fanr # International Gaso | Call and See T | Are I sm **C\ i a ki?fwrV ~V', _! 1 Am Ml# If ' A .. -? : --- 'v. > i'? V . ^ J "Pormirior Tmr>lements. Shredde* A MA ^ m mm. r - - ? - ? 7 FOR Si HOOK & COLUMI 1 FARM FOR SALE. 67 acres of land with 4-room house, well of good water and outbuildings on the place. Three and one-half mile9 from Peak and fonr miles from Chapin on public road and telephone line. G. M. FARE, Aug. 27?2 m. Peak, 8. C. Trespass Notice. This i9 to notify all persons not to fish, hunt or trespass in any way whatever, upon the lands of George C. Clark, deceased, as the law will be enforced on all trespassers. Bessie Clark. Sept. 10, 1913?49p Kate Clark. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used infernally and externally. Price 25c. R COTTON :r prices. RN STATES WARE- | warehouse either at | ^CTURING CO., L. W. I AXE-GOTH A MILLS, >r, secure a warehouse I you money on it or ^ to either of the banks | will lend you money | teral. 4 Warehouse Co. I HA, S. C. I ie Prudential y Income Policy is the iparating Comfort from t tich side will your famfter your death? ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. ICE COMPANY OF AMERIC~, nv hv the Stats of Nam# Jaccau 'Home Office, Newark, N J. | ' t is. J. A. Barre, Secy. \ HUE' CO, ( ON, S. C. ? PLETE STOCK OF ? 1ARDWARE 0 id Ranges, Piping ? : and Galvanized, t ise City, Buggies, ? olumbus Wagons J Lng Mowers and ^ dng Implements, ^ line Engines, etc. ? ? Is, Our Prices > tight. | WWW \ \ *s, Engines, Groceries, Grain, e^ lLE BY LAYTON *IA, S, 0. MILLINERY Friday and Satnrda; nobbiest siyles and share; on the ma ance. Extra s Stallings & I 2 Get Right Thursday and Saturday, Octooer 9tl many bargains we are offering. We one ladies' shirt waist or one gent's each $10 purchase any pair of $1.50 specials will be offered every Thursd lasts. Watch this space. TOBZgBa New Brook] Make your dollars 3 Columbia, S. C. LORICK Bl Jobbers and D Stoves Rangae Furnaces Heaters Oli'J ?o i. iyo Hollow-ware Enamel Ware Tin and Galvanized Ware "Wear Ever''' Aluminum Ware Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe Flue Pipe Farm Drain Tile Fire Brick and Fire Olay Tin Plate Pig Lead Solder I Copper Metal Shingles Ventilators Galvanized and Black Sheet Iron Metal Ceiling Gutter and Conductor Pipe Tinners' Tools Pumps and Well Goods Rubber Hose Our Stock is Complete; Prices Low; you before yoi I UUIUIIIUId LI I Manufacfu I MANUFACTl I Sash, Doors and Blini 1 Pins, Cypress I Flooring, Ceiling, Waaths p Dcor and Winds Columba, Sou j C. 0. BROW i|| 1730 MAIN STREET, >j Is where you can find on | OF ALL ] IJJUUJ&S3, &J? BLINDS LIME AND CABINET I Call or write for Prices. OPENING y, Oct. 10 and 11 * 1 .rket. V/e request your attend- ^ pecials in Armstrong's I Sales 2 i and lltn in addition to the j i will give with each ?5 purchase || fine neck tie for 13 cent9. With || 9hoes for 19c. Similar extra J J '< .ay and Saturday while the sale jj cteesssb || p| AfflKtronn ^ J Sand, S. C. I lave more cents. J \ Phone 498 < j MOTHERS ealers in < Mantles ^ Tiles and Grates Steam, Gas, Water Pipe , and Fittings Valves Water Closets and Trimmings 1 Enameled Iron Bath Tubs and Lavatories Bath Room Accessories M Soil Pipe and Fittings Compression Cocks ^ Stops and Bibbs Sporting Goods , ^ i J?M Asbestos and Regal I Roofing m Slaters Felt -fl Tar Paper I Red Rosin Sized Sheeting Roof Coating Pnnf "Point x?vv* x aiuv ' - i " Corrugated and V. Crimped Roofing - Jy Ridge Roll / Valley, Etc. Deliveriea Prompt. Let^us quote y.Y j buy. ? _ imber And 1 I ring Go. ] CJRERS OF | ^ 3, inferior rintsn, g i and Oak, 1 jrboarding, Moulding;, Jf . fw Frames. K ith Carolina. S N & BRO. I ' COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 e of the best stocks of 4 iTS^ KINDS J) SH, \Jc GLASS I , CEMENT. I -/ ti AJN T L E S. I