CONFEREES STRIE | i THEIR FIRST SNAG! i UNDERWOOD INSISTS SENATE SHOULD RECEDE OH THE ; i j- METAL SCHEDULE. > ? ARE MAKING RAPID PROGRESS | I ?-? | ' It Is Generally Known Tbcrt She Pree- ; B { ident Wishes Banana Tax Stricken Out, Meaning a Big Loss in Revenue I t Each Year. . Wishisston.?Democrat* eoaferess ?f the Senate and House made rapid ! progress en the tariff ML approving earthenware and glassware schedules with slight changes; the sugar sched^ ale with its free sugar provision, dud the date for the new rates extended to > -? ldarch 1, 1914; the tobacoo schedule j -the wool schedule and all the agricul- . tural schedules with the exception of j the proposed banana tax and the i iKr?or A fir rvn -nrhcLot VUUUbUi raumg uutj via t? In the metal schedule the con- \ ferees struck the first snag and after several hours discussion the entire ^ matter was passed over to be taken up later. Majority Leader Underwood j and the other House conferees insist- ; ed that the Senate should recede froir j its action in placing ferro manganese, j pig iron, steel ingots, slabs and blooms - on the free list. They contended that ; too much revenue is sacrificed and j there is a growing opi: ;on that thfe J Senate conferees eventually will agree j to small revenue duties on these ar- | tides. Contrary to the genera! expec a- : tion, little difficulty was encountered in the agricultural schedule, the i House conferees agreeing quickly to : free cattle. The dispute on the j countervailing duty on wheat is yet j to be settled. As to the banana tax it is generally j known that the President wishes it j ^ . 9tricken out. This would mean a ioss , m in revenue of approximately two and F a half million dollars. m In all of the schedules slight j ft changes were made, the Senate re- j ' rt*'l -r* r, .1 r . i ^ VCUIU5 xiuixi wo >> 1 ^ u^- j creases in rates were made. Battle For Thaw Before Governor, j Colebrook, X. H.?The protracted ' court battle denied Harry K. Thaw in Canada by his sudden deportation, promises to be waged in New Hampshire. His newly retained counsel hope to have a personal hearing be fore Governor Felker on the matter 1 of extradition, and should extradition J be granted they will carry the matter ! to the state Supreme Court on a writ . * of habeas corpus. Three of these at- i torneys?N. E. Martin of Concord, ; Willard H. Olmstead of New York and ; Merrill Shurteilef cf Coebrook, bur- ; rled to the Capital. Epidemic cf Counterfeits. ; Washington.?There seems to be 9 an epidemic of counterfeits and the ; United States Secret Service has re- I doubled its efforts to catch offenders. Following an announcement a few , , days ago, after the discovery of three : new counterfeit National bank notes, Acting Chief W. H. Moran warned the nuhlic of a new counterfeit S3 United ; States note. It is a poor photographic j reproduction on paper of fair quality, j The Treasury seal has been lightly ; touched with ink ing and a slight at- ' v. tempt has been made to apply green . coloring matter to the back of the j hill. $10,COO For Americans in Mexico. Washington".?In response to an ur- j gent demand from the State Depart- ! ment, the House passed a joint reso- ; lulion making an emergency appro- . < priation of $100,000 to be used for the : TAlfpf <->r ^ps+ifnfp Americans in Mexi- ! co and for their transportation to the } United States. Majority Leader Un- ' derwood presented the emergency | resolution and read a letter from j Secretary Bryan asking immediate action. The Secretary said the De- | partment was using $2,000 a day to j aid Americans in Mexico. "Murdered" Woman in Good Health. Havana, Cuba.?Mrs Lena Janin, > who was supposed to have been murdered in New York, her body cut up 1 and thrown into the Hudson river, and \ Vincent Pianneils, whose - has j been mentioned in connection with j the case, were found living in a J house on Havana street here. The couple said they had lived together J in New York and had sailed for Ha 1 vana ten days after Pianells had had a dispute with Casper Janin, the woman's husband, over the question of Janins obtaining a divorce. i Many Hogs Die of Cholera. "Washington.?Inauguration of a ' country-wide campaign to eliminate "hog cholera is urged in a report by 'Marlon Dorset, of the Bureau of An:- J mal Industry, tvho estimates that dur- j ing the past year about $ > >,000;OOP j * worth of hogs died of the disease, j After experimenting for more than j 25 years, the department of agricuJ- ! ture finally discovered a serum that i would prevent the disease. This j work, Mr. Dorset ?iys. lias not result- j r #d in a. noticeable diminution of Iks ; Msease. Aaoi r? -i in I, Tribute ot Respect. Whereas, our kind Heavenly Father in Uis all-wise providence has called f.oiu our mid ^ Tf jL 01.10( LKJ 1-JL.O .MMOND, GILBE1 h<%/k, %%%'% c bcitf dboomm glad to serve j jfffpk Ho mm yUsj mm THE WHO'S SQUARE. We may name a hundred drawbacks That, a man must meet in life. We may say it's all a "battle" And a imver ending "strife," VUou r<.solve to meet it bravely, Stand the test?do and date? [5nc the seen r of true victor}- lie:-. In one word, just be SQUARE. rhere is something in the twinkle Of an honest fellow's eye on m noTTAY* i>a rk-? LJ1UU L/Clll UCVtl IJ 1J113LU.I1.v~1* And can never be passed by. 3e his station high or lowly, there's That dauntless, upright air Which convinces ail beholders that The man they see is SQUARE. leaven gives them such influence over Those that daily meet, [f they see a fallen brother they Will help him to his feet? Hake the "sneaks" a bit uneasy making Tho "false" act kind of fair, Hie greatest rogue on record respects The man who's SQUARE. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be >leased to learn that there is at least me dreaded disease that science has men able to cure in all its stages and hat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure s tile uuiy pubitiycuuicuuw iiuu?u lie medical fraternity. Catarrh being i constitutional disease, requires a ^institutional treatment. Hall's Caarrh Cure is taken internally, acting iirectly upon the blood and mucous urfaces of the system, thereby drtro^ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength iy building up tlie constitution and issisting nature in doing its vroik. The proprietors have so much faith in ts curative powtrs that they .otf.'i )ne Hundred Dollars for any eas* hat it fails to cure. Send for list oi est imonials Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., foledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, Toe. Take Hull's Family Pills for correlation. Adv Death of an Infant. uarrie uiaays. i uu irmui ay.u-uu.-.. if Mr. and Mrs. John Dooley, Was born \ngust the l^th and died August tr< " nth, making her stav on earth onH' me day. Sume cliyyycs in that lovely Eden, I shall feel the thrill of joy, Vhen, around the throne in happy union, I shnil meet my little darling babe. Her broken hearted mother. v.jr iwu'r j* v .?.! r & $ iY ON J | IE AND If $ & -.K ** Jk \ vt & $$ **&&" _ A. > c' ft; V P' N I ft zzrsprtr&g. wammmaaaammm | &J- f? ?? - *<\ >3 * ! S-| >4 ?-! I S liP: Pw: 31K ! > Vi *. - , ? :r; US W ->. V ; '. . .' 5. * 11 >o uj *v ,-l n ink of L'.esville. -id j c 1 b '* r " % ; * rj. j .f* s v * ** -. . i| l 1,W'C f'-q : Wr = " - 1 j r kh. h,/: 8 Ijiiii'i'i. '-'' ?** C*' :? . j ? ,? i-?a-rga. - a^.:rJg.-.?? j I tu i> A\J& X?X*- jhJ^m : GOOli Mi v4 j And best of work i >1, ;|i Feature thai has b The Stato-w Hj and endoi ' B; o u u i ] i Ft r o! i n !R\ Phnne 2SS3. ; . COLUf?B5A, H Hi R. V. STlLt^R, JV-ana^er. : ?! ! L?nuu.^'j 'r ,-rj.? CiacF-1 urvn-..-.?-gr*^?y J ; fj> | V u! rui? fT,'rr. fi 1. o^n WPW 'mm M^'% ! ii&!? mm fcutid Our stock of I Goods, Dry G ; | Shoes and Hats a :, We want our Lex; l i j I call and inspect ou and make our $tc while in the ci buy or not. Our | It"! a A I- J4. 1 11 1804 MAIN ST ! ; \\r VV t u 3. a* civivj I I ! Doors, Sash f=p0^ Grade ar See us before placing your ! Q | mi tmaM-fit I I ! Ey S?i' "-t ii J Vi5*.ii \a ? "^8*^6 (id i( COLUMB I SUilMIELAf/D COLLEGE FOB WC74 Xezr Sv ?' r? 'if?'..- s .)t. 1<>, 1U13. Giro u : .! .1 : ;.l*i ..i .. iuer positive C?-tG intls: -. Expenses verv i-u a- i<-? oion. Rooms furnish-. <1 v uu neeclr-d; bf-d, dresser, *.a-h."aa i, chairs, ruga, liuou, cimrie ihjhiss steam heat, not and cold water. For catalogue ard further iniorma*1 n address I\ F. MONROE, Pres., ?tcsburp:-Leesv;'!f, s C. i f. rami 3 m msrjt ii 1 Hfc. TAYLOR DRUG | CO. j 1520 MAIN STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. Snvit? You I To call when in Colum! T?i 1 ?v!nl'p this mortem .] ~ '? ] drug store your lieadj] quarters whether you j] buy or not. We want to jj know you. Everything h here that is to he found \l in ar. up-to-date drug IV 1 J ti escabiisnnient. i : i ii TI?n Tf>:,'OP pp|S(J ffl : * in * i i nit !ju ! |i 1.j20 Main St. H COLUMBIA ?. CAR. CTWH"RT B ? -.== R M s ihz strong p helped to earn | ide reputation^ jj! * * " 7 **>'..!! P : *?. -' ?n r +*y ; /-> \ * ' / 51 - >' 8 ivi t;? L.'iV V v. : ixa. M a either marble or oraa te a s&tisfy. We se 111ron jj rite or caii to gj will St e that pi , Bi ? sr *Af Ts o ?* -et H: v-;?. a 9re headquarters r, whether they prices are right, COLUMBIA, s.c. j ?? m ! iii i \m < nriwm i ??T uarters l or and Blinds. tH Lnvf PfScss order fci building materia ^ P fx ^<4 sR <3 "a ? ? 'f ? ? ?' ,( ^ w v ? [B m u * V- - ?J - % ? " S 3?*p ^ a w 's* /