The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 03, 1913, Image 7

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i?i???? | PROFESSIONAL CARDS. flu. F. O. GILMORE, V DENTIST., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. Ojtfice Houbs: 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.. an iroin 3 to 6 p. m, WM. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND. S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1905. 0. V. EF1BD. r. e. dbeheb. EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON C. H., S. C. Will practice In all the Courts. Business olicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington, 8. 0. T H. frick, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAPIN, & C, Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Room, Second Floor. Will practice In all the Courts. Thurmond,timmerman &callison, attorneys at law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, . We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to, at our office at any time. * Office next to Caughman & Harman's. Lexington, S. C. v J. WM THURMOND. GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, . Sept 13,1911. T. 0. CALLISON. Albert m. boozer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA, S. CJ. offios: 1316 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture StoreMspecial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington lountv. Dr. d. l. hall, dentist COLUMBIA, S. 0. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. ^ Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:30 p.^m Deo? 23. 190??6m DR. C. J. OLIVEROS, 1424 MARION ST., COLUMBIA, S. 0. Is prepared to treat all troubles of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs. The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. IIT BOYD EVANS, ff LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia. S. 0. Law Offices, ( Residence, 1529 oaq w?aLincrtnn 1 Pendleton Street. ??v? if e> i Street. ( Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1086. E. L. HARTLEY, Batesbnrg, . . . S. C. Surveying, Terracing, Leveling. Any one desiring such please let me know. All Work gnaranteed and promptly done. Rates $5.00Per Day DR. A. J. ADAMS, DENTIST, SWANSEA, SO. CAROLINA. 50?6mp Lexington Meat Market " * vr TT ? JD? n. Jivpi Ice, Meats, Greenl Groceries. Lunch Boom and Restaurant in the rear. City Hotel and Cafe, AMERICAN and EUROPEAN GOOD CLEAN ROOMS NEAR THEATRE AND 3TATE CAPITOL American Rate9 $1.25 to $2.00 European Rates, /.ooms, 50c and up. Mrs. L. I. KAMINER, Proprietress, 1218 Main Street Phone 851 COLUMBIA. S. 0. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for yon to select from. Keen us in mind when wan i. mg anything in Jewelry to Silverware. Grood wratch work and he-t eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. i1 n uniiciiTTP & ft I ill U11V1IIW 5 lid *-V JEWELERS, 1424 Main Columbia, S. C. Fresh bread always found tt Harm an Bazaar. FROM ALL OVER THE STATE Latest News of General Interest That Ha? Been Collected From Many Towns and Counties. Lexington.?The annual meeting of the joint conference of the Tennessee and South Carolina Lutheran synods is now being held at St. John's church, about nine miles above Lexington. j Washington. ? .President vvnsau named H. P. Tindall to be postmaster at North. Ella 4? Arnsdorff has also been named at Salkehatichie, Colleton county, this being a new office. Columbia^?Governor Cole L. Bleaas opened his campaign for the United States senate for the seat now held by Senator E. D. Smith when he made a labor day address to the people of that eeotion of Aiken county. Greenville.?Jesse B. Walker of Greenville, member of the local military company, is making a fine record at Camp Perry, in competition with the best riflemen in the world. His record so far at Camp Perry gives him a standing of seventh in the Hst. Columbia.?That several meat dealers of Columbia have their pens and places of business in excellent shape, while improvements are needed in others, was the statement made by , I Commissioner Watson, following re- I ceipt by him of a report from John W. Douglas* inspector under the pure food and drug act. Greenville.?The new city directory just issued gives Greenville a population of 33,000. This includes the villages of Brandon, Camperdow^-, Carolina. Poe, Woodside, Vardry, Monaghan, Dunean and Westervelt, none of them being over two miles from the court house, though several are outside the city limits. Spartanburg.?Armstrong Mills, a negro laborer, was shot and seriously wounded by James Alley, also a negro, at a railroad construction camp near the city several days ago. Alley was arrested and confessed to the shooting. Mills, it i3 said, was caught picking the pockets of sleeping netrrooo ot thA construction camD and was shot when he fled. Columbia.?That Judge H. A. Iff. Smith, of Charleston, is no longer a member of the state historical commission by virtue of the constitutional provision against a two-office tenure, but that Mr. B. Frank Kelley, of Bishopville, is the legal member, is a decision rendered by the office of the Attorney General in a letter to Mr. Kelley. Spartanbui^.?Charles TInsley, 1*0prietor of a restaurant on North Church street, was convicted of selling intoxcating beverages and directed to pay a fine of $100 or serve 30 days, by the recorder. Testimony was given against him by J. M. Mitchell and B. B. Ballard, detectives employed by Moss P. Hayes, chief of police. Greenvilte.?Commissioner of Health C. E. Smith announced that the local Beard of Health had made arrangements to distribute free in this city the typhoid serum, and be urges as many people as possible to take the treatment so as to be immune from typhoid fever. There have been few cases here this summer, and the commissioner wishes this record to be sustained. Columbia.?"I find that cotton anthracnose is making its appearance in a great many localities of the state and in some cases is causing very serious loss," says H. W. Barre, pathologist of Clemson college, in a letter received in Columbia several days ego. Mr. Barre lias gone to Florence on official business. According to Prof. Barre, announcement will be ma,:e at an early date as to the appointment of an expert to make investigation of plant diseases in Beaufort county. Columbia. ? Derailing three box cars, and smashing their ends, freight train 95, southbound, and a switching Tain, collided in the yards of the Seaboard Air Line railway, at the corner of Hampton and Lincoln streets. Engineer Robinson of train 95 was bruised by a jump from his engine. As train 95 rounded the curve and entered the "cut," which extends from Taylor street to Lady street, it met the yard train, with box cars preceding the engine, and the two irains smashed together. Gaffnev.?The Daniel Morgan chap tor of the Daughters of the American Revolution made the statement recently that the local chapter would j shortly let the contract for the installation of a modern sanitary drinking fountain at the Central graded school here. Washington.?Can a railroad company lawfully file a mileage which does not exist and charge for it? This is a question which S. Lipman of Ridgeland asks In a petition filed with the interstate commerce commission against tine Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company. St. Matthews.?Everybody is in j good humor over the cotton prices J here. About 750 males of new cotton have beon marketed, <17 of which were j 301(1 :n one day. and tn?> Olivers dig wit:} a /.est which gives hope to the j burdened heart of .ho producer. The ' price ranged froru 13.75 to 11.85. Elioree.?Consoli- fion of the Bank of Elioree and the People's Bank, both of E;:s town was t ffected here at j joint meeting the stockholders of both institutions*. The consolidated i bank will be known as tne Bank of ! Elioree and will .;_v?' a apita! stock 1 ' of I Letter From Florida. Wildwood, Fla., August SO.?Now that the dispensary election is over, I will make an effort to tell the people something more about Floiida. First of all, will say the people cf Lexington county are awakening to their needs by reestablishing the dispensary. Senator Sharpe was right in saying that all your revenue has been going to other counties. Less blind tiger whiskey will be sold when there is a place from wbicli the people can get whiskey when they need it. Less criminal cases will come before your courts and your county will get the revenue to aid in the construction of good roads. I stand for sobriety, but when liquor will help the poor taxpayer, let it help him. If those who oppose it will get out of the shade and earn their living by hard work, like the farmers do, they will find out how much benefit is derived from the legal sale of liquor. Things are moving along smoothly down here. The farmers are begin ning to prepare tneir iana ior ran planting, such as cabbage and other fall crop9. Will close with best regaids to all. J. A H. Do You Fear Consumption? No matter how chronic your cough or how severe your throat or lung ailment is, Dr. King's New Discovery will surely help you: it may save your life. Stillman Green, of Malichite, Col., writes: "Two doctors said I had consumption and could cot live two years. I used Dr. King's New Discovery and am alive and well." Your money refunded if it fails to benefit, you. The best home remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed by The Harmon Drug Co. adv. ? Anderson Intelligencer Sold. Anderson, Aug. 28.?The Anderson j ama a^ f l-? r\ Alrlnaf aorv*i_ ! UUC ui I.UU UlUVJb OVlillweekly papers in the State, has been sold to a syndicate of local people and | the transfer will be made on September 1. The idea has been in progress j for seyeral days. The price has not been made public, but it is understood on good authority that it is between $15,000 and $20,000. The Intelligencer has had a wide circulation and has been a good pav! ing proposition. The editor and pro! prietor, V. B. Cheshire, says he has made no definite plans for the future, but is considering going into politics and may be a candidate for Congress or Lieutenant Governor. I _ Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's j Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost in- j variably be cured by one or two doses j of this remedy. For sale by All Deal- j ers. adv. ! Unfinished. 0! Master Day, behold yon setting sun j Emblazons all the tinted west with j eold. Iii whose rich glow thy ending is foretold While I am helpless, with my tasks undone! These weary hands have labored soon and late But, Master, thou hast sped on fleetest wing; There was so little time to pray and sing, So much undone, wilt thou not for mo wait? Here is my flute untouched, but in my .heart The melody awaits, which I must try, Hold yonder sun,within the gold set sky That I may sing this song before we part. H. E. Harman Atlanta. List of J urors for Fall Term. Following is the list of the thirtysix petit "jurors for the September term of the court of General Sessions for Lexington county, which convenes on Monday, September 15th: Perry B. Fulmer, John O. Chapman, J. J. Craps, Jr., J. Fred Shealy, Juiius E. C'.unts, James Oaughman, Adam B. Tay or, A. Fadus Weed. Henry \V. Shealy. M. Gary Caughman, Ben J. Rodgers, J. West Kieckley, J. Tlamp Warren, Marshall Price, L. Henkle Shealy,"'D. Leonard Jefcoat, A. rr. Oartin, W. Henry Sightler, William P. [Steele, Andrew I. Shealy, Ben F. Hutto, A. A. Wessinger, K. 1-1. Martin. S. Rhett Younginer, .las. K. ; Swygcrt. R. L. Connelly, W. W. Rarro, 1, Luther A. Sharpe. L!i;hv I.Jono. Davis W. Oswalt, C. nlli" ! Slmmpert, Eugene 1). Hartley, !>. S Charlton Drafts, Chailio C. Goodwin. T. S? 11? Oro-son, Fred A. Pe?;i< . f i No matter what you have ? j used, try Mustang Liniment p j and see for yourself how scon j it stops pain. It don't sting -*a j or burn the flesh but soothes % J and heals soon as applied. J j Pain simply can't stay .f you | use r? j MEXICAN ^ J iif . i I Mustang i Liniment j The Great Family Remedy | QUICKLY RELIEVES ? j Mumps, Lameness, | I Cuts, Burns, Backache, | Rheumatism, Scalds, S Sprains, Bruises, fej and all other ailments of | Man and Beast. | Since 1848 the foremost $ Pain Reliever of the South* | 25c., 50c., $1 a bottle at Drug and General Stores. }? ?, i ? ? ? ? i na ? mi ? 1 m. DOLBY IMPOSED ON ! WHY HE BROKE A SELFISH RES- J OLUTION. I i i Had Resolved to Play Part of Ho^f on a Crowded Street Car, Until Woman With Borrowed Baby Appeared. Dolby likes babies. That is why he gave his seat to the good-looking i young woman in the triangular j brown hat. She carried a baby. If she had not been so incumbered she would have been condemned to strap hanging, so far as Dolby was concerned, for he vowed at the beginning of ^ j?- 1 ?~ ine inp mat no was going tu piujr u?o hog. 'Tin dead tired/' he said to Mr. Bowler. "Thank heaven, I've found a eat. I am going to stick to it, too. Nothing short of an accident or a woman with a baby can rout me out till I get home.' Bowler said "Humph," as did several other passengers who overheard ;Dolby's selfish resolution. The young woman in the brown hat stood within hearing distance as Dolby thus declared himself, but she did not say "Humph." She merely thought It Presently she edged down the car until she stood directly In front of Dolby. About that time the baby began to show off. He kicked at Dolby's hat, first with the left foot and then with the right, and then with both feet simultaneously, and said, "Oo-ooco," very plaintively. Dolby looked up and met the baby's eye. The youngster's g*>ze embarrassed his somewhat, so he allowed his eyes to travel a Utlo higher. That time ho encountered an appealing I glance from the young woman. Dolby j became stilt more embarrassed; he ! sat still a few seconds longer. "Madam," he said, "will you have j this seat?" "Thank you," sighed the young wo- j man. "You are very kind." It really was not worth while to tell Dolby that He already had an exaggerated notion of his own magnanimity, so, to even things up, he retired to the back platform and picked a quarrel with the conductor." When he got tired of that he stepped inside the car again. Directly in front of him, but under different guardianship, sat the baby that had so ruthlessly assaulted the rim of his hat a few minutes before. "Oo-oo-oo,v coed the baby. "Hello," said Dolby. "Aren't you the kid that took liberties with my headgear a little while ago? How vmi vet dnu'n to this end of the Uiu ; vu - ? car?" The baby's reply was not exactly intelligible, so his mother supplemented it with a more lucid explanation. "He belongs here," she said. "The lady sent him back. She just borrowed him for a few minutes." With one quick glance Dolby retreated to the platform, and there ha stayed. Typhoid Unknown To The Army. Washington.?The high degree of health maintained at the army maneuver camps at Texas City, where 12, 000 men have been under tents for the past six months, has convinced the army medical officers that there will be no repetition of the "sick cainps" vvmcn marKea spanisn war days. Jt was pointed out at the surgeon general's office that in the six months since the mobilization of the troops, there lias bene no case of typhoid fever among the men. Hands Out 32 Plums Per Day. Washington.?In the i7h days, including Sundays and holidays, since Postmaster fleueral Rurleson assumed the dnt'es of his office, he. among other things, has appointed pos' masters. This ma'.es bis average hing ever '.VI a dry. Of the u.: r v.. : : . *.! V,ial t > ;v'?o r; t < ni.-i xcc of >!. ' mi ,i salary a::fT -v'-.o.-'c appaihrui-is! >< r?>j?"5:r*}i ;1 by Uif' A B?BE 1 fl? OUR PATENT I I 9lfP 1,91 P III SUCTION TEETH \: 3 C?1 5 ^ t J 4*^r -fef if *&& a V/1 f 1 IJr.f 31ir? r>^ Hrnt* Jjj - X - - A e 9 rri D a ?^Wfete*. fc' ~->r Ii S T* II r ' ?* *- ! **&** *?.?'- ' v four! eem. l?g#v I The j" ar.? one ot i ho most valuable S/'J posessi n.<<. G.?o I teeth mnan good ""*?-.?%' hen 1 th and appearance. I can mak-' ? your tee:h sound without causing you ^ 1| any pain. See me today. *P^>*vr <S oET p EXAMINATIONS FREE I I Fillings in Gold, Silver j Gold Crowns and Bridge 1 Platinum and Porcelain Work | 50c to $1.00 j $3, $4 and $5 | No charge for painless exrrarion when other woi.k is done. y Baltimore Dental Parlor I PAINLESS DENTISTRY I 132-9 1-2 Main Street, Over Stork's Grocery Store. ? Lady attendant. Open daily 8 a. m. to 8. p. m.; Sun- I day 10 to 3. Reference: Our work and Bank of Co- I lumbia. We are here to stay. | KgSBSBEMBEBBBB^mB?WBg&B&BBBB3MESESEamE2SUW? #??rap??wamma^cauvmML. I igamcji IIBW> jsszatrr. J&H QPx^a.'j?^ jDaa?we v?ruwgj^V a????? ?p?? ?mb? 11 ii Bin n mini n mmtm OBna^?bjw \? |j READY WITH THE | , We have resumed business and are now ready to execute orders for t Hardware and Groceries. T em nnnrv o larfers! hi Jk W X A JL V/ JL XX X V* IX X V ^ X X* f Hardware department, Columbia Hotel; Grocery department, next to Columbia Hotel. 1539 Main St. OFFICE: Second Floor, Columbia Hotel. LORICK & LOWRflNCE, Int. J COLUMBIA, - SOUTH CAROLINA. ??????pt-<??wrm i "^-maawmrjr.h^^ xr.-ar^??aM} evvwwww ^ Vj Vo?i ???s^l "W>bbb? i r & xp&a. jl vbjljl r | House Papered I I Yet? ; ^ If not write us for samples and prices. We have a ^ \ complete stock and will do your work reasonable. % $ Webb's Art Store i K 1627 Main Street ... Columbia, S. C. J ? Art Goods, Pictures, Paints, Etc. ^ _ ____ > ]K[(^ WE CARRY A FULL (LA HP EASTMAN MB W KODAKS,FILMS, PAPER AND OTHER SUPPIES. <$ >& $ 0 SHIPMENTS FREQUENT, fa g? INSURING FRSSII GOODS Mj > N: {?$ *^7 Send Us wour Order Today ^ | THE H. L. BRYAN COMPANY | COLUMBIA, S. C. ?$ .... . ^ vw ' ' Y^ W*^*C' "A* " vv'-?> . w *- .c4*- * ' V ti}#* v^f vlrv,;;- * *?. y?"> V . ?i>* . r, , . %fc , jj . w, .?:? . ."* / . , > y *, ? vl *^k ? ^ ^ ?? ^ . -