r- ?: For Common Good. m , . .? r 4 After the crop is made what is to be do i e^ with it? Marketing is not so j simple as it may seem; for the best < prices cannot be had with haphazard i mnloading on the market. The fields 1 must be prepared by co-operation, 1 ^ and low rates most be secured in thi9 1 way before the farmer with diversified 1 trops can meet competition or the one 1 | crop farmer get a fair return. To dump cantaloupes, for example* upon an overloaded market is abont as sensible as shooting them at the moon with smokeless powder, for powder 1 is cheaper than freight billss Some ? onroo nf c V t'&TB d^U 11U1UOIS piunou uv?vo ? iris melon under because the price ] was too low to pay to ship to market. 3 - Disposing of the product clearly needs as much thought as producing i it. { . | Now; if farmers and consumers could get nearer together, both would undoubtedly be benefited. While 1 * this ideal situation will not be attained altogether at the Conference for i the Common Good, to be held in Columbia August 6- 7, and following that 1 t in the various counties, the meeting m will, among other subjects, consider ( this all important one of what to do with the product after it is produced ' at the cost of months of toil and anxiety. The result of the conference will be to draw market and farm closer together, p 5 The conference has been fortunate in securing the services of such men |i W.UaDDB, presiueui ui mc J.-01- | mere' Union; W. W Long, of the I State Farm Demonstration Work; B. B. Hare, of office of Rnral Economics of the U. S. Department of Agriculture; W. R. Meadows, the | x Qoverment Ootton Technologist; J. W. Shuford, of Hickory, N. C., Mrs. W. S. Mather, President of the Housewives' League of Charleston, S. C.; Clarence Poe, Editor of the Progressive Farmer, and several farmers of this State. These experts' will consider marketing, under such topics as the following: Typical Examples of Less - to Farmers on Account of Poor Marketing, Creating and Marketing the ^ Ootton Crop. The discussion will be open to all farmers and to any others interested. This is bnt a part of the ' program. Other broad topics to be taken up in detail are: Cooperation ipr Rural Devolopment; The Part of the Church in Rural Devolpment; Permanent Homes for Our People; with plans for helping mill workers purchase homes and for tenant farmers ** to acquire land; Education and Child Welfare; and Problems of Citizen hip. Special*rates to the Conference have been given by the railroads. START YOUR LIVER, DON'T STOP WORK Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Mildly, but. Surely. Livens up the Liver and you Stay on Your V Feet. A It is the experience of calomel users that if they take enough of $he drug to have the desired effect it seriously interferes with their work the day after. Bat this is the least important item, for calomel is often a dangerous drag and acts on the system violently. Don't take chances with calomel. Get a bottle of the pleasant, safe and perfectly harmless Lodson's Liver ^ Tone, guaranteed to take the place of calomel. Instead of making you feel orse the next day, it makes you feel better and you actually are;better, fbr no remedy in the whole world livens up the liver, regulates the bowels and really rejuvenates the system any better than this dose. You are the sole judge of its merits. I Harmon Drug Co. is fully authorized tu hand you back your money without question if it fails to please you?and relieve you. Remember, if you feel constipated and bilious, what you need is Dodson's Liver Tone. A large bottle and a good guarantee for 50c from Harmon Drug ompany. Ady. V A Card of Thanks. Please give ns space through the " lumns of your paper to extend our thanks to our many friends and neighbors, who so ably assisted ns in the late sickness and death of our aged mother. May the richest blessings of God rest upon each and every one who. came to us in our berdhvemenfc. And may we be enabled at some fufcue day to return in some way the kindw aess shown us. Roston S. Price and Family. "Tales of Honey and Tar" from Wesf and East. Wm. Leo, Paskenta, Calif, says. "It gives universal satisfaction ana I use v, anly Foleys7s Honey andTar Jompouna for my children." E C. Rhodes, Midileton, Ga., writes, "I had a racking lagrippe cough and finally got relief taking Foley's Honey and Tar Compound." Use no other in your family and refuse substitutes at Harman Urug Store. adv. I 1 f i -Ait _ . ... ' In Afternoon Happily Spent. Saturday afternoon, July 26th, a v iolly crowd of pretty little lasses gath- 1 ired at the home of Mrs. Harry Rawl md spent an enjoyable two hours, * laving been delightfully entertained jy a number of their little friends ^ vith the following program which lad been planned and the participants t: ;rained by little Mis9 Marion Gray Lee: I Opening song. Dancing song by all. I "My Little Old Man and I," by Myrtle Rawl. S "Mama Sent Me to the Spring," ?ong?Ethel Lee. Snvious Minnie," recitation?Lia L,en Lee. "Little Johnnie Rankin," song by Ml. 11 "The Will 0' The Wisp," reading ?Olga Rawl. ? "George Washington," song?Ethel 'jee and Katherine. ? "Panliue and the Matches," readng?Katherine Berley. a "The Old Man on the Hill," song? ^ jia Len Lee. ^ E "The Postman," song?Marion q 3rray Lee, Olga Rawl and Mary Bibb. E fc, = B OBHBHBnMHnnKrsaaHHMiMi From July 21st t I I G LOW P 6 l-4c. Dress Ginghams at 10c. Dress Giaghams at? 10c. White Madras, 36 in., i 6 l-4c. Sea Island, 38 in., a 25 pieces Cambric, good as! dalG at 8 l-3c Bleaching 36 in., al 10c. Bleaching, good as Hi] 6 l-4c. Plaid Homespun a1 8 l-3e. Plaid Homespun at 8 l-3c. Outing to close at.. 10c. Heavy Cheviot Skirtii Men's 10c. Socks at Men's 25c. Socks at Men's 15c. Socks at Men's Summer Under Shirt Men s Summer Drawers? Men's Elastic Seam Drawe: Men's Work Shirts, at Ladies' 15c. Hose, at Ladies' 25c. Hose, at : Lot of Remnants Just Received Lot La w. p 1804 Main Street I Colurr L If it is a I see us. W( and will be Rhea Live ? "The Blind Girl"?Lia Len Lee * J isited by Mary Bibb, Olga Rawl, a Catherine Bibb and Jimmie Rawl. C "Mr. Bumble Bee," recitation?Bob C ,ee. M Solo, "The Sea Shell"?Marion rray Lee. M "The Legend of the North," recitaion?Lia Len Lee. "The Blue Bird," song?Katherine ?bb. th "A Bit of Humor," recitation by gr 'earle Caughman. Pa "Sailor Come Ashore," recitation by ^ arah Berley. I fe "Dn Vi ond TT?o Tnrrq J' -i"Oar?Inor VlV I ni i. U AX QUU JLJL1D AVJOj j \Jll >lga Rawl. ?E "Hu9h A By Baby,'' recitation by ja, lary Bibb. sy "Tour Little Sud Beams," by m Iarion Gray Lee. i j? m "The Girl in the Glass," by Myrtle lawl. St "The Wind," recitation by Katherine lerley. A delightful luncheon was served fter the rendering of the program to p( truce, Milfred, Lever, P. H. and ^ 'earle Caughman, J. C. and Royal leisler, Christine Roof, Jnanita ' reorge, Bertha, Sarah and Katherine ^ terley, Leone and Nellie Kyzer, Mary A; gain L :o September 1st W< Sell the Following iOODS At Very mvbs rvr\ v ; 5 Ladies'10c. Hos 81-3 Misses 10c. Hos( at..? 8 Children's 50c.' t 5 Men's 50c. Negl Londs- 5c. Colored Lai 9 10c. Colored La^ 7 Men's one dollai 1's, at. 8 Men's seventy-fi 5 Men's 50c Over 7 One dollar Wat 5 One dollar Cloc] ig at.. 8 1-2 Three dollar ra2 8 25c. Fjine Combs 22 25c. Can't break 12 Lot 5c. Pearl Bi s 21 Lot 50c. Dress C 21 Lot Short lengt rs, at.. 45 Lot Short Lengl 4b Big Lol Odds 12 ; 22 Men's Scout S of Cotton and Wool idies' and Misses' Cloaks at Mar Oppoi ibia> South Car ISTEN! Buggy, Wagon, i can accomnu mail tn coruo u g^uu iu uvivu jf an??a??ma Cyzer, Virginia Rawl, Eula, Olga and immie Rawl, Louise Kyzer, Mary nd Katherine Bibb, Marguerite, Ross, oke and Bill Dent, Annie Laurie allier, Bob, Ethel, Lia Lenn and [arion Grey Lee. others! Have Your Children Worms? Are they feverish, restless, nervous, ritahle. dizzv or constinated? Do ey continually pick their nose or ind their teeth? Have the cramping tins, irregular and ravenous appe;e? These are all signs of worms, orms not only cause vour child sufring, but stunt its mind and growth, ive "Kickapoo "Worm Killer" at ice. It kills and removes the worms, iproves your childs appetite, reguDea stomach, liver and bowels. Tne j mptoms disappear and your child is j ade happy and healthy, as nature tended. Harmon Drug Co., or by ail, 2oc. KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDLINE COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa. | Louis, Mo. A.dv. Municipal Election. A municipal election was held at jlion Saturday and Dr. D. R. Neece ected intendent with the following ardens: W. M. Yantz, J. J. Shealv, j . T. Zinken, I. S. Holley. W. H. shland is tbe retiring intendent. ?- I ==r ist! i Are Going to j I i i i ! *ACU rmwi le, at 8 3, water damaged. 5 Wash Suits 43 igee Shirts 46 ros, at 4 vns, at 81-3 Overalls 93 ve cents Overalls 63 alls ?46c ches 89 ks 68 ;ors 1.00 at ' 10 Combs, at 15 ittons, at 21-2 roods, to close at. 25 ;h Silks, at 20 ;h Silks, at 35 and Ends In Sboes it Cost ;itoes, at $1.98 :? Goods at Cost | mfacturers Prices ? Son I site Jefferson Hotel 1 olina 9 mBHIHHHBBHHBUHl I P D i Iavmaaa naiiiftft, | JLE OU. I niiisi y? 1 if V' " if "X^ V f/W Treat Them,, I /? ?a ?Ua foa/if ( fraotfi __ oImfoifb IB I jr iU lilt lltdi VI liwais axrrajfa w welcomed, by all, everywhere? M sparkling with life?delight- I f fully cooling?supremely M Delicious?Refreshing 8 * Thirst-Quenching M, Demand the Genuine?? mW 4? c , Refuse Substitutes. y$ 2,'* ooaa y Fountains . or Carbon- >jyp I ated in Bottles. C jgj Send for Free Booklet. *' ^ ' V THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GAT 1 j ? f GOOD STOCK I !? '3 3 sj ! 5 And best of work is the strong !:B Feature that has helped to earn w i 3 The State-wide reputation B| ! * i !and endorsements of the S: _ U South Carolina Marble Works. jjj j 3 ; jSj IJ All work in either marble or gran te I Sj IS Guaranteed to satisfy. We sell iron !: Fence also. Write or call to ]f iN S ? See us and we will see that 3; * 1 ' M H 1 2: ji; Your interest is protected. :B I ? J: ^ SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. jjji it ;S! Phone 1SS8. 1707 Main Street, j h i H COLUMBIA. : S. C. I B !fi! R. V. STILLER, Manager. : : F. H. HYATT, Proprieto-. jjjj ^nrriTVfTT^fnmisii^iiins7xsz2ix^iYii;iiTisxiii;iiirTTxxi|? 1 New and Seasonable fioods. Our stock of Mdlinery, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes and Hats is now complete. We want our Lexington friends to call and inspect our line of Goods and make our store headquarters while in the city, whether they buy or not. Our prices are right, WM. PLATT & SON, j 1804 MAIN ST COLUMBIA, S. C. j We Are Headquarters For Doors, Sash and Blinds, High Grade and Low Prices See us before placing your order for building materia I IMC COLUMBIA. S. C.