ANNUAL REPORT ?OF? E. L Wingard, Treasurer of Lexington County, S. C., for the Scholastic , Year Commencing July 1, 1912, and Ending June 30,1913. OFFICE*OF COUNTY TREASURER Lexington, S. C., July 21,1913. To the Hon. John S. Wilson, presiding judge, court of general sessions for Lexington County, S. C.: Dear Sir:?In conformity with the requirements of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, No. 197, approved December 23, 1889 A. D., I have the honoato submit the following report of the transactions of this office for the scholastic year commencing July 1, 1912, and ending June 30, 1913. Very respectfully, E. L. W1NGABD, Treasurer of Lexington Co. ? Sehool Claims. No. Name Amount 1 W. F. Doby & Son, build. $1,935.00 2 J. R. Unger, building 45 00 3 Crossbn Drug Co. 41.40 4 Seas trunk Con. Co. " 35.00 5 H C Vanormer & Son " 858.00 6 H O Vanormer & Son 112.00 L 7M.E. Rutland, 60 Oo 8 Mamie 1. Bowman, teaching 12.50 9 G. M Harmon, adv 1 50 10 W. F. Dobey & Son buil. 2,500 00 11 J. R. Unger, building 45 00 12 Henderson Hdw. Co., buil 69 68 13 A. Q. Sharpe, teaching 40 00 14 L. L. Lown, surveying 4 00 15 John W. Warner, repairs 18 05 16 Jacob W. Williams, rent, 3 75 17 Summers Gunter, building 108 00 18 1st Nat. Bank, Batesburg, b 2,400 00 ^ 19 J. R. Unger, building 45 00 20 Sears, Roebuck Co. furniture 143 20 21 Alethea Oswald, teaching 31 60 22 W. F. Dobey & Son, buil 31 30 23 H. T. Lucas, repairs , 3 50 24 1st Nat. Bank, Batesburg, b 1,176 00 25 Lu Pickney Hollowav, buil 26 00 Ai* m t? If?~ Qnn (Yl SO X. XT IXJ.CCIZiC) CI) C*11 DUiluiug ovv vw 27 W. E, Black, teaching 285 00 28 G. M. Harmon, adv 1 25 ' 29 A. D. MartiB, traveling ex 6 00 80 Sue H. Corley, teaching 52 25 31 W. B. Toole & Co., building 605 00 32 L. L. Corder 14 20 00 38 J. H. Snelgrove 44 6 4 00 34 Lorick Co., furniture 86 45 35 R. L. Lybrand, building 81 20 36 C. G. Williams, teaching 90 00 37 Isaac Crochett, Jr., teaching 100 00 38 A. D. Martin, traveling ex 11 00 39 Peyton Senterfeit, building 16 00 40 E. V. Kirk land, repairs ,10 00 41 Chsffin-Hiller Co., repairs 1 48 42 Ofileb Hallman, building 30 00 43 W. D. Pound, repairs 1125 44 Julian A. Price, teaching 109 00 45 W. E. Black, 44 285 00 46 Nelle Shealey 44 23 16 47 W. N. Marchant, 44 75 00 48 Ethel Corbett, 44 40 00 49 Pearle Youmans " 40 CO 50 Essie G. Olinkscales " 40 00 51 Mrs. M. J . Kreps " 40 00 52 Rebecca Gadsden 44 25 00 53 J. O. Wingard 44 60 00 54 Clifford E. Reed 44 7a 00 55. M. C. Cochran '* 40 00 56 Sallie Pate 44 45 00 57 W. P. Dobey & Sonj bnild 1,935 46 58 W. O. Swaffield, building 52 00 59 Ella Looper, teaching 47 00 60 J. E. Shealey, 44 100 00 61 J. E. Shealey, 44 % 100 00 62 B. J. Rogers, building 19.00 63 J. G. Smith, fuel 10 00 64 Ollie Mae Batts, teaching 50.00 65 Emma Koon 44 50 00 66 Emma Koon, furniture 11.60 67 J. Ansei Caugman, teaching 75 00 68 W. H. Pound 44 6 2 50 69 E. Pearle Shannon 44 45 00 70 Sne H. Corley 44 54 00 71 J. C. Moore, 44 25.00 ^ 2 Maggie Shnler 44 35 00 73 Maggie Shnler 44 35 00 74 Effie Smith, 4 44 25 00 75 Effie Smith, 44 25 00 76 Eva E. Canghman, 44 60 00 Ti Mrs. JL Harper Shull 44 45 00 78 O. G. Williams, 44 90 00 79 Janie Thomasson, 44 45 00 $0.0. W. Stuckey, * 44 75 00 81 Eva Bookman, 44 35 00 82 Isaac Crochett, Jr., 44 100 00 83 Viola M. Sharpe, 44 51 90 84 Blana Fuimer, 44 30 00 85 J. W. McCartha, apparatus 4 85 86 Jessie Leitzery, teaching 40 80 87 D. E. Amick, 44 4 50 00 88 Martha McOleave, 44 45 20 89 Mrs. Lizzie Youmans, 44 40 00 90 D. L. Shealy, " 50 00 91 Annie Lou Taylor, 44 40 00 92 Elizabeth Kleckley, 44 40 00 93 T. S. Shealy, u 50 00 94 Alethea Oswald, 44 30 00 95 Clara B. Alexander, 44 35 00 96 Lola Maynard, 44 50 00 97 George E. Lever, 44 70 00 98 Nelle Shealy, . " 30 00 99 Linnie Bachman, " 17 50 100 J. M. Boone, building 29 25 101 Sallie Pate. teaching 61.50 102 Leola DeBerry, 44 40 00 103 Gertrude Canghman, teach 56 00 104 Summers Gunter, building 24 3S 105 44 44 44 8 00 10'? Lula Mae Epting, teaching 50 00 107 Mincy R. Pound, 44 40 00 r * T~,>? i. t ru? .Lois i-icaz?r, aju" ' . 109 Lois Eleazer, 44 25 00 110 Charlotte Dunlap, 44 35 00 111 W. B. Rast, furniture 40 90 112 Clifliord E. Reed, teaching 70 00 113 B. E. Wms. Hdw. Co., for 3 54 114 Samuel J. Derrick, teaching 70 00 115 Walter it. Williams, 44 35 00 116 J. R. E. Caughman, repairs 3 85 117 John W. Hook, building 13 50 118 L. L. Corder, 44 25 00 119 James Gillian, 44 18 00 120 H. Westmoreland 4* 17 00 121 H. J. Sharpe, 44 13 25 122 Linnie Corlev, teaching 40 00 123 Ruth Long, 44 ?5 00 124 ldez Baldwin, *4 40 00 125 W. N Marchant, 44 75 00 126 Essie G. Clinkscales,44 4 0 00 127 Mrs. M. J. Kreps, 44 40 00 128 Pearle Youmans, 44 40 00 129 Ethel Corbett, 44 . 40 00 130 Rebecca C. Gadsden, 44 25 00 131 Lion Furniture Co., fur 3110 132 E. L. Bryan Co., Apparatus 5 55 133 Lorick Bros., building . 61 SO 134 Kezie R. George, teaching 59 10 135 Gertrude G. Holloday " 40 00 136 A. W. Rodgers, 44 40 00 137 Sam Salley, furniture 10 00 138 Julian A. Price, teaching 66 00 139 Lillie Sease, " 35 00 140 W. B. Black, 44 285 00 141 D. B. Redman, 44 4 0 00 142 J. O. Wingard, ,4 60 00 143 A. D. Martin, traveling ex 8 00 144 Aurine Oartledge, teaching 40 00 145 Ruth M. Taylor, 44 50 00 146 G. A. Mi Is, 44 6 0 00 147 Monroe koon, repairs 4 50 148 M. C. Cochrane, teaching 40 00 149 W. H. Jone9, furniture 77 12 150 D. K. Shumpert, teaching 45 00 151 John Long, repairs 20 45 152 Mack Young, 44 3 50 153 Jennie Charles, teaching 45 00 154 Eva Crout, 44 35 00 : 155 D. E. Amick 44 50 00 156 Katie Shuler, " 40 00 157 Jim Lewis, fuel ' 8 75 158 l^ierce Risinger, repairs * 3 00 159 Thos. M. Seawell, teachiDg 410 25 160 B. E. Williams, building ' 22 31 161 Lee A. Logan, teaching 30 00 162 0. 0. Glenn, repairs 31 15 163 Esther Holmes, teaching 22 50 164 Carrie Ray Wertz, ' 50 00 165 *J. Walter Harmon " 40 00 166 R. L. Lybrand, furniture 37 71 167 Festus Risinger, fuel 8 00 168 Lelia Williams, teaching 40 55 169 A. Q. Sharpe, " 50 00 170 J. C. Hazel, '* 35 00 171 J. E. Shea ley " 100 00 172 Maggie Shuler " 35 00 173 Bessie Edwards, " 25 00 174 Gala Uxner, " 4U uu 175 Lela Palmer, 44 45 00 176 Nelle Shealey, 44 36 84 177 Estelle HarmoD, 44 40 00 178 Hattie Henry, 44 25 00 179 Bessie Hawkins, 44 25 00 180 Lois Bleazer, " 25 00 181 Mincy R. Pounds, 44 40 00 182 Charlotte Singleton, 44 40 00 183 Sarah Hildebrand 44 30 00 184 Ella L. Ellisor, 44 45 00 185 Ollie Mae Bates 44 50 00 186 Hattie Floyd, 44 22 50 187 Effie Smith, 44 25 00 188 P. J. Neese, building 85 50 1S9 W. H. Derrick teaching -62 50 190 Blana Fulmer, 44 30 00 191 Ruth Long, *4 35 00 192 C. G. Williams, 44 90 00 193 Ellen J. Lucius, 44 25 00 194 George Butler, 44 25 00 195 Emma Koon, 4i 50 00 196 P. J. Harris, 44 3 0 00 197 Mamie I. Bowman, 44 26 00 1QO Gna W ^ OO UUC A_L. VV1AVJ t w VV 199 J. FraDk Kaiser, 44 50 00 200 R. 0. Ruattlebaum, 44 40 00 201 Lucia Williams, *4 10 60 "202 Lucia Williams, 44 7 40 203 Anna B. JackspD, 4 4 28 00 204 A. D. Martin, traveling ex 25 CO 205 Ulyses Fitzsimmons, teaching 26 00 206 Kezie R, George, 44 54 35 207 R. E. Shealy, 44 70 00 208 Janie Thomasson, 44 45 00 209 Thos. M. Seawell, 44 42 1 25 210 Eve Bookman, 44 3 5 00 211 Viola BI, Sharpe. 44 49 40 212 Isaac Orochett, Jr., 44 100 00 Ol 9 Cnoin 1? A ?^nroAn ^ Oft flA MXxJ UUOIU U? auu^OUii) iv vv 214 Thos. M. Seawell, " 42125 215 Sallie Pate, 44 60 00 216 Samuel J. Derrick, 44 77 00 217 Mrs. A. Harper Shull, " 45 00 218 0. W. Stuckey, 44 75 00 219 Lottie Cromer, 87 00 220 Hattie Cromer, 44 40 00 221 Yoder Cromer, fuel 8 85 222 J O Wingard, teaching 65 00 223 Marie E. Lott, 44 25 00 224 W E Black, 44 _ 285 00 225 Nettie Lowman, 44 4o 00 226 G Lloyd, building 5o 00 227 Bertha T Kleckley, teaching 45 00 228 Eva B Caughman, 44 60 00 229 E Z Gantt, 44 3o 00 230 D A Jefcoat, * 45 00 231 L L Corder, 44 25 00 232 Linnie Backman, 44 17 5o 233 E H Davis, fuel 5 00 234 B E Williams, repairs 6 60 235 Clifford E Reed, teaching 7o 00 236 Hattie Harmon, 44 35 00 237 W EXong, 44 60 00 Z3Y W & SjpDg, uu uu 239 Lola Maynard, ' 45 oo 240 Bess Fulmer, " 35 oo 241 C B Jefcoat, 44 6o oo 242 T S Shealy, " 5o oo 243 Gertrude Caughman, 41 6o oo 214 D B Rawl, repairs 3 20 245 Pearle Shannon, teaching 45 oo i I 246 Lissie L Hayes, " , 3o co 247 Lula Mae Epting, 44 5o oo 248 Jessie Leitzsey, ; 44 65 oo 249 Lizzie Yonmans, 44 4o oo 250 Lee A Logan, 44 3o oo 251 Aurine Cartledge, 44 4o oo 252 Julian A Price, 44 65 oo 253 Lillie Sea9e, 44 35 oo 254 DBRedmon, 44 4o oo 255 Elizabeth Kleckley, 44 4o oo 256 Charlotte Dun lap, *4 35 oo 257 Althea Oswald, 44 27 oo 258 JER l\vzer. 44 5o 00 259 Annie Lou Taylor, " 4o oo 260 Nettie Gates, repairs 17 5o 261 A W Rodgers, teaching 4o oo 262 Rebecca Gadsden, 44 25 oo 263 Ruth M Taylor, " 5o oo 264 Mrs Mae J Kreps, 44 4o oo 265 Pearle Yonmans, 44 4o oo 266 Ethel Corbett, 44 4o oo 267 Essie G Clinkscales, 44 4o oo 268 W N March ant, 44 75 oo 269 H L Amaker, 44 3o oo 270 Lelia Williams, 44 4o oo 271 D L Shealy, 44 50 oo 272 G A Mills, 44 6o oo 273 Jennie Charles, 44 45 5o 274 James v Smith, 44 45 oo 275 James V Smith, 44 55 oo 276 Sallie A Mundy, 44 3o oo 277 Sallie A Mnndy, 44 3o oo 278 lva Crout, 44 35 oo 279 Nelle Shealy, 44 35 oo 280 George E Lever, 44 7o oo 281 D K Shnmpert, *4 45 oo 282 Leola Deberry, 44 4o oo j 283 Gala E Oxner, 44 4o oo 284 Richard Goodwine, repairs 11 95 285 T A Quattlebaum, teaching 2o oo 28G T A Quattlebaum, 44 8 oo 287 Linnie Corley, 44 4o oo 288 1) F Shumpert, building 9 5o 2^9 M C Cochrane, teaching 4o oo 290 R E Shealy, 44 To oo 291 J W Harmon, 44 4o oo 292 Lucile F Nelson, 44 25 oo 293 Gertrude GHolliday44 4ooo 294 Abbie Brown, 44 25 oo 295 Clara B Alexander, 14 35 oo 290 A Q Sharpe, 4< 5o oo 297 J Frank Kaiser, 44 5o oo 298 Carrie Ray Wertz 44 5ooo 299 C D Barr, furniture 44 3 55 300 S E Quattlebaum 44 25 oo 301 S E Quattlebaum 44 25 oo 302 George E W eaver, 44 30 oo OAO T? \kf noTTnr ^ 4^A nn OUU UCUlftd U If CU i V/A ) vv vv 304 Martha McCleave, 44 4o oo 305 Idez Baldwin, 44 4o oo 306 C W Stuckey, 44 75 oo 307 Eva Bookman, 44 35 oo 308 Mattie L Hazzard 44 18 oo 309 Katie Shuler, 44 4o oo 310 Eetelle HarmoD, 44 4o oo 311 J C Hazel, 44 4o oo 312 SarahEHildebrand 44 3o oo 318 Hattie Henry, 44 2ooo 314 Bessie Hawkins, 44 2o oo 815 Elberta Bowers, 44 25 oo 316 W 0 AriaiJ, et al, 44 288 33 317 Margeret Vance efc al4 4 18o oo 318 W 0 Ariail, 44 2 8 8 34 319 Margeret Vance et al44 18o oo 320 44 44 44 180 00 321 44 44 44 18ooo 322 W C Ariail, efc al, 44 288 33 323 W C Ariail, efc al, J4 ' 288 33 324 W S Ganter, building 238 oo 325 J G Sharpe, teachiDg 5o oo 326 EvaB Caughman, 44 oo oo 327 J Ansel Caughman, " "5 oo 328 J Ansel caughman, " 75 oo 329 Florence Martin, 44 27 oO 330 Sue H corley, 44 Go oo 331 Horace J Shealy, 44 55 oo 332 Horac J Shealy, 44 55 oo 333 OJlie Mae Bates, 44 5o oo 334 Bertha T Kleckley, 44 45 oo 335 Mincy R Pounds, 44 4o oo 336 Pearle Shannon, 44 45 oo 337 Kezie R George, *4 54 35 338 George Butler, 44 25 oo 339 Effie Smith. 44 25 oo 340 Lois Eleazer, 44 25 oo 341 P J Harris, 44 3o oo 342 J E Shealy, 44 loo oo > "> ?? - - CM 1 li OS oi6 iviaggie ouuiei, oo uu 344 Ruth Longr, 44 35 oo 345 c G Williams, 44 97 6o 346 Viola M Sharpe, 44 57 6o 347 Ethel Kleckley, 44 3o oo 348 Phillis Brannum, 44 27 oo 349 D A Jefcoat, 44 45 oo 350 Hattie Harmon, 44 35 oo 351 W E Black, 44 285 oo 352 J O Wingard, *4 Go oo 353 Pearle L Floyd, 44 25 oo 354 Aurine cart ledge, 44 2o oo 355 D E Amick, 44 oo oo 356 Janie Thomasson, 44 45 oo 357 Jessie Leitzsey, 44 65 oo 358 Minnie B Pollock, 44 25 oo 359 Anna B Jackson, 44 14 oo 360 44 44 28 oo 361 W H Derrick, 44 62 5o 362 Blana Fulmer, 44 3o oo 363 Ella L Ellisor, 44 46 oo 364 Israeli Earle, 44 15 oo 365 Hattie Floyd, 4 4 22 oo 366 Ethel Kleckley, 14 3o oo 367 Mrs. Hattie Shull, 44 5o oo 368 Susie E Anderson. 44 26 oo 369 Leola DeBerry, 44 3o oo 370 T S Shealy, 44 5o oo 371 Isaac Crochett, Jr., 44 loo oo 372 C B Jefcoat, 44 6o 15 373 Thos M Seawell, 44 4 2 6 25 374 Lillian M Gaffney 44 25 oo 375 Charlotte Singleton, 44 4o oo 376 Bettie Davis, 44 5 oo 377 GertrudeCaughman, 44 6o oo 3<*S Ruby CQuattlebauin 4 4 4o 2o 37!# Saliie P*te, " no oo 380 Elberta Borum, 4i 25 oo 381 Mamie Collins, ' 25 oo 382 Althea Oswald, " 3o oo 383 Clifford E Heed, " 7o oo 384 D E B Redmon, 4o oo 385 Rosa L Lykes, " 2o oo 386 Elizabeth Kleckley 44 4o oo 387 Lola Maynard, 44 45 3o 388 Daisy Eichelderger4 44 2o oo 389 A W Rodgers, 44 4o oo 390 Bessie Hawkins, *4 9 oo 391 Hattie Henry, 44 9 oo 392 J E R Kyzer, 44 5o oo 393 Hattie Cfomer, 44 41 5o 394 44 44 4o oo 395 Lottie cromer, 44 37 oo 396 Lillie Sease, 44 35 oo 397 Julian A Price, 44 65 oo 398 John M Hook, building 7 45 oqft t?_ \T ttirw 1 r% n A knil/linrr 10 7 a Ui/(7 JU. I JA.U Aiail JL y UU11U1U5 IV 400 Nettie Lowman, teaching 4o oo 401 Fallow & Allison Co., building 2o 3o 402 Leila Williams, teaching 4o oo 403 Martha McCleave, teaching 4o oo 404 Ruth M Taylor, teaching oo oo 405 Lee A Logan, teaching 3o oo 406 Iva Croat, teaching 35 oo 407 Emma Koon, teaching 5o oo 408 H L Amiker, teaching 2o oo 409 Jennie Charles, teaching 45 oo 410 D L Shealy, teaching 5o oo 411 Ethel Corbett, teaching 4o oo 412 Essie GClinkscales, teaching lo oo 413 Mr9 M J Kreps, teaching 4o oo 414 W N Marchant, teaching 75 oo 415 Pearle Youmaus, teaching 4o oo 416 Rebecca GadsdeD, teaching 25 oo 417 J W McGrady, fuel 2 oo 418 Ellen N Lucius, teaching 25 oo 419 Horace J Shealy, teaching 55 oo 420 Mattie L Hazzard, teaching 18 oo 421 Ulvses Fit zsimmons. teaching 23 oo 422 Ulydes Fitzsimmons, teaching 26 oo 423 J N Ham, furniture lo oo "424 Gula E Oxner, teaching 42 oo 425 Delia Clinton, teaching 25 oo 426 Linnie Corley, teaching 4o oo 427 Maggie Scott, teaching 25 oo 428 E L Wingard, Co. Treas., transfer 1S6 oo 429 E L Wingard, Co. Treas., transfer 115 oo 430 Idez Baldwin, teaching 4o oo 431 T A Quattlebaum, teaching 25 oo 432 Abbie Brown, teaching 12 50 433 Abbie Brown, teaching 25 oo 434 Sal lie A Mundy, teaching 3o*oo 435 George D Franklo^, repairs 2 oo 436 Mrs L Youmans, teaching 4o oo 437 Lula MaeEpting, teaching 5o oo 438 AnDie Lon Taylor, teaching 4o oo 439 J WHarman, teaching 4o oo 440 Lillah Henry, teaching 25 oo 441 A Q Sharpe, teaching 5o oo 442 Snsie E Anderson, teaching 13 oo 443 M C Cochrane, teaching 4o oo 444 J Frank Kaiser, teaching 5o oo 445 Bertha Kleckley, teaching 45 oo 446 Bertha Kleckley, teaching 45 oo 447 Carrie Ray Wertz, teaching 51 7o 448 Charlotte Dnnlap, teaching 35 oo 449 G A Mill9, teaching 6o oo 450 W E Long, teaching 6o oo 451 W E Long, teaching 24 oo 452 E Z Gantt, teaching 12 oo 453 E Z Gantt, teaching 3o oo 454 D A Jefcoat, teaching 45 oo 455 Walter L Williams, teaching 35 oo 456 Walter LWiPiams, teaching 35 oo 457 Lucile F Nelson, teaching 25 oo 458 J C Hazel, teaching 35 oo 459 Belle Bluford, teaching 25 oo 460 Frank Smith, fuel 5 65 461 R E Shealy, teaching 7o oo 462 Eva Bookman, teaching 35 oo 463 Gertrude Holloday, teaching 4o oo 404 Elvira L Julie, teaching 15 5o 465 Lillian M Gaffney, teaching 12 oo 466 Clifford E Reed, teaching 46 4o 467 Hattie Harman, teaching 26 25 468 D K Shumpert, teaching 45 oo 469 C G Williams, teaching 9o oo 470 D E Amick, teaching oo oo 471 Minnie B Pollock, teaching 15 oo 472 Esther Holmes, teaching 22 50 473 Esther Holmes, teaching 24 5o 474 Blana Fulmer, teaching 3o oo 475 W II Derrick, teaching 62 5o 476 C W Stuckey, teaching 75 oo 477 J E R Kyzer, teaching 2o oo 578 Effie Smith, teaching 25 oo 479 J E Shealy, teaching loo oo 4So Nelle Shealy, teaching 35 oo 481 George Lever, teaching 7o oo 482 Sarah Hildebrand, teaching 3o oo 483 P J Harris, teaching 3o oo 484 Maggie Scott, teaching 5 oo 485 Maggie Scott, teaching 6 oo 486 Katie Shuler, teaching 12 oo 487 Ella L Ellisor, teaching 22 5o 488 Maggie Shuler, teaching 85 oo 489 I N Bickley, fuel 8 25 490 George Butler, teaching 25 oo 491 S P Butler, teaching 14 oo 492 Lela Fulmer, teaching 45 oo 493 Lela Fulmer, teaching 48 oo 494 Lela Fulmer, teaching 45 oo 495 George E Weaver, teaching 25 oo 496 S E Quattlebaum, teaching 2o oo 497 Ruth Long, teaching 35 55 498 B E Williams, fuel 6 65 499 Bess Fulmer, teaching 37 o5 500 Bess Fulmer, teaching 35 oo 501 Bess Fulmer, teaching 35 oo 502 Estello Harmon, teaching 16 5o 503 Estelle Harmon, teaching 4o oo 504 Lois Eleazer, teaching 25 oo 505 Samuel J Derrick, teaching 77 oo 506 0 M Paul, teaching 25 oo 507 Hatiie Floyd, teaching 11 oo 5oS E. L. Wingard, Co. Treas.. transfer 94 oo 5o9 Daisy F.icheibereer, teaching JO 00 ' I r\ Tonici Thnmawann lpat?hir?ir 4.n ?")fl 511 W C Ariail. teaching #>7 <">9 51*2 Sue H Corloy, teaching 72 50 513 A W Rodger?, teaching *2o oo 514 J () Wingard, teaching 50 oo i 515 If L Harman, Trav. Ex. 5o oo , 510 Florence Martin, teaching 27 oo ( 517 Krzie George, teaching 55 oo < 518 Ollie Mae Bates, teaching 5o oo 519 Viola M Sharpe, teaching 47 5o 520 C B Jefcoat, teaching 6o 15 521 Isaac Crochett, Jr, teaching loo oo 522 Gertrude Caughman, teaching 6o oo 523 Emma Koon, teaching 5o oo 524 Nettie Gates, fuel 5 oo 525 Elvira L Julie, teaching 3c oo 526 Alethea Oswald, teaching 3o oo 527 Thos M Seawell, teaching 426 25 528 Mincy R Pound, teaching 4o oo 529 W E Black, teaching 285 oo 531 Pearle L Floyd, teaching 15 oo 532 Jennie Charles, teaching 27 5o ron n n 1 Cl i. 1 * e -/> ooo Hi jreari oiiaunun, teacning *o uu 534 W E Black, teaching 285 oo 535 W E Black, teaching 285 oo 536 W E Black, teaching 43 37 537 Eva B Caughman, teaching 62 95 538 Sallie Pate, teaching 6o oo 539 Elberta Bornm, teaching 2o oo 540 Sallie A Mundy, teaching lo 5o 541 Waiter L Williams, teaching 35 oo 542 M C Cochrane, teaching 21 90 543 James Smith, building 2o oo 544 Carrie Ray Wertz, teaching 26 72 545 Ethel Kleckley, teaching 26 75 546 Ruth M Taylor, teaching 5o oo 547 Charlotte Singleton, teaching 50 00 548 Lillie Sease, teaching 35 oo 549 Julian A Price, teaching 65 oo 550 0 C Shealy, teaching 41 oo 551 J G Sharpe, teaching 75 oo 552 Emma Koon, teaching 25 oo 553 R E Shealy, teaching 7o oo 554 Ellen N Lucius, teaching 12 5o 555 David Sharpe, building 18 oo 556 Delia Clinton, teaching 26 oo tt^? * ol 1 ? st 2t aa Dot nurace Tsneaiy, tcauuiiig 00 w 558 Jessie Leitzsey, teaching 65 00 559 Mattie L Hazzard, teaching 14 00 560 P J Harri9, teaching lo 00 561 Alice M Wise, teaching 25 00 562 D L Shealy, teaching 5o 00 563 J A Caughman, teaching 77 00 564 S P Butler, teaching 11 00 555 Ollie Mae Bates, teaching 25 00 566 Lillian M Gaftney, teaching 25 00 567 J 0 Hazel, teaching So co ,568 Linnie Corley, teaching 4o 00 569 Lelia Williams, teaching 4o 00 570 Susie Anderson, teaching 15 00 571 Elizabeth Klecklev, teaching 4o 00 572 Jennie B Frazier, teaching - 23 00 573 D B Redmon, teaching 4o 00 574 J D McRant, teaching 2o 00 575 Marv TT Fnlmfip. tpaohincr 45 nn 576 Mary H Fulmer, teaching 45 15 577 Mr9 H W Fulmer, teaching 45 oo 578 Mrs H W Fulmer, teaching 45 oo 579 Charlotte Dunlap, teaching 35 oo 580 Ruth M Taylor, teaching 13 7o 581 W N Marchant, teaching 75 oo 582 Es9ie Clinkscales, teaching 4o oo 583 Ethel Corbett, teaching 4o oo 584 Rebecca Gadsden, teaching 25 oo 585 Pearle Youmans, teaching 4o oo 586 W N Marchant, apparatus 18 4o 587 J G West, fuel 12 5o 588 Lula Mae Epting, teaching 5o oo 589 T S Sease, apparatus 9 lo 590 Olara Alexander, teaching 35 oo 591 T A Q.uattlebaum, teaching 27 oo 592 J A Caughman, teaching 82 45 593 D C Buff, fuei 8 5o 594 D C Buff, fuel 3 oo 595 Minnie Pollock, teaching 20 00 596 Israel Earle, teaching 15 00 597 A. Q. Snarpe, teaching 40 00 598 Idez Baldwin, teaching 40 00 599 Annie N. Paul, teaching 25 00 600 Florence Martin, teaching 10 05 001 D. A. Jefcoat, teaching 15 00 002 Lottie Cromer, teaching 37 00 603 Gertrude Holloday, teaching 42 50 604 Arthur Taylor, fuel 6 2d 605 Annie Lou Taylor, teaching 40 00 006 Annie Lou Taylor, teaching 10 00 607 Belle Bluford, teaching 25 00 608 Abbie Brown, teaching 25 Oo 609 Abbie Brown, teaching 5 oo 610 Lula Mae Epting, teaching 33 25 611 George E. Lever, teaching 42 oo 612 George E. Lever, teaching To oo 613 Nelie Shealy, teaching 35 oo 614 Nelle Shealy, teaching 15 oo 615 Sue H. Corley, teaching 75 oo 616 C. W. Stuckey, teaching 131 4o 617 Eva Bookman, teaching 35 oo 613 Mincy R Pounds, teaching 3o 15 619 Henry W. Koon, furniture 28 o4 620 Emma Koon, teaching 31 91 621 D. K. Shumpert, teaching 15 75 622 D. K. Shumpert, teaching 45 oo 623 Maggie Shuler, teaching 35 oo 624 J. E, Shealy, teaching loo oo 625 Bertha Kleckley, teaching 45 Oo 626 W. H. Derrick, teaching 62 35 627 Sudella Oswald, teaching 4o oo fi9Q Snrialln. Oswald t.pftnhinff 40 00 629 Sudella Oswald, teaching 40 00 630 Lois Eleazer, teaching 25 00 631 Effie Smith, teaching 25 00 632 Ernest Bedenbaugh, repairs 2 40 633 T. S. Sbealy, teaching 25 00 634 Blana Fulmer, teaching 9 00 63-5 Henry W. Koon, furniture 15 46 636 Emma Koon, teaching 11 25 637 J. W. Harmcn, teaching 4 00 638 Ethel Kle *ioy, teaching 26 75 639 0. G. Williams, teaching 90 00 640 .Thos. Seawell, teaching 426 25 641 J. A. Caughman, teaching 37 50 642 O. C. Shealy, teaching 38 95 643 Lizzie Youmans, teaching 40 00 644 Lizzie Youmans, teaching 40 00 '*4-r t? tooohincr inn on o-t-j isnau viuvuciii u i < vV 04'? Sallie Pate, teaching: 60 00 617 Lottie Cromer, teaching 19 00 64S Kattie Cromer, teaching 40 00 649 F. A. Weed, Furniture 1 00 650 Clara Alexander, teaching 35 00 651 Clara Alexander, teaching 9 70 , 65* Lola TUaynard. teaching 45 00 j 653 Ruby Qiiattiebaum, teaching 40 <>0 j 451 D. B. Rcdnion, teaching 40 00 i 655 l\ L. IJildebraud, building 60 00 ! 656 Henry Dowd, building 37 35 657 B. F. Taylor, building 18 73 658 Martha McCleave, teaching 40 00 65 Martha McCleave, teaching 40 35 660 Gr. A. Mills, teaching 60 00 661 G. M. Harman, Adv. 2 00 662 D. E. Amick, teaching 26 90 663 D. E. Amick, teaching 50 00 664 D. A. Jefcoat, teaching 49 50 665 Phylliss Brannum, teaching 10 00 666 H. S. Sease, teaching 23 43 667 E L. Wingard, Co. Treae., transfer 79 20 668 E. L. Wingard, Co. Treas., transfer 87 50 669 D. L. Shealy, teaching 50 OO670 Jessie Leitzsey, teaching 64 20 671 E. Pearle Shannon, teaching 47 25 o/z norace r . sneajy, teacning .-do i& 673 Horace F. Shealy, teaching 27 50 674 J. C. Hazel, teaching 80 00 675 Charlotte Singleton, teaching 50 00 676 Charlotte Singleton, teaching 37 50 677 Bess Fulmer, teaching 35 00 678 Lela Fnlmer, teaching 46 OO 679 Lela Fulmer, teaching 45 00 680 George Butler, teaching 22 50 681 George Butler, teaching 5 63 682 George Taylor, teaching 1 87 683 Ethel Kleckley, teaching 24 95 684 Iva Crout, teaching 35 OO 685 Iva Crout, teaching 20 50 686 Mrs. M. H. Fulmer, teaching 41 34 687 Gertrude Holloday, teaching 40 OO 688 Alethea Oswald, teaching 37 85 689 G. A. Mills, teaching 60 00 690 J. V. Smith, teaching 50 00 691 J. V. Smith, teaching 50 00 692 J. V. Smith, teaching 54 00 693 Sarah Hildebrand, teaching 30 00 694 Mrs. W. J. Redmon, Rent 12 50695 Mrs. W. J. Redmon, Fuel 2 50 696 S. J. Derrick, teaching 54 38 697 W. A. Counts, building 131 15 698 J. E. Shealy, teaching 100 00 090 Hattie Cromer, teaching 39 00 700 Isaac Crochett, Jr, teaching 25 00 701 Linnie Oorley, teaching 40 00 702 Linpie Corloy, teaching 16 04*703 TI109. M. Seawell, teaching 295 00 704 Tho9. M. Seawell, teaching 200 00 705 Martha Edwards, teaching 116.#7 706 Martha Edwards, teaching 288 33 707 Annie M. Paul, caching 12 5<> 7U8 Columbia Lumber Company, building 92 80 710 Gertrude Hollod, y, teaching 45 00 * 711 Maggie Shuler, lc'.? 35 OO 712 Idez Baldwin, tea.-oing 40 00 713 Lois Eleazer, 25 00 714 Kezie R. Georgo, t.*4ch;ug 41 25 715 Phillia "Rrannum. k aciiinz 12 00 716 Bertha Kleckley, teaching 45 00 717 Bertha Kleckley, teaching 53 96 718 Clifford E. Reed, teaching 17 30 719 Bessie Edwards, teaching 25 00 720 F. L. Hildebrand, teaching 60 00 721 E. L. Wingard, Co. Treas., ? transfer 10 00 722 G. A. Mills, Surveying 16 00 723 P. S. Norri9, Surveying 47 50 724 S. M. Clarkson, teaching 14 40 725 Lexington Dispatch, Adv. 2 00 726 G. M. Harman, Adv. 2 00 727 H. T. Luca9, building 50 00 ? 728 Marie Lott, teaching 5 00 729 H. L. Harmon, library 40 00 730 B. E. Williams Hdw. Co., building 24 97 731 W. E. Black, Prin., teaching 250 GO 732 E. L. Wingara, uo. xieas., transfer 10 00 733 E. L. Wingard, Co. Treas., transfer 35) 00 731 H. T. Lucas, building 75 00 735 Murry Drug Co., building 4S 3S 736 Bertha Kleckley, teaching 45 00 i 737 F. L. Hildebrand, building 42 00 738 Ethel Dreher, salary a9 rural school supervisor 150 00 739 E. L. Wingard, Co. Treas., transfer 10 00 740 H- T. Lucas, building 90 CO 741 B. E. Williams Hdw. Co., i building 12 (> Total amount disbursed, $48,075.85 Very respectfully submitted, E. L. WINGARD, County Treasurer. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE May 25,1813 . Ayyivaifl nnrl ripnar hires Lexinctnn. South Carolina. (N. B. These schedule figures shown as information only and are not guaranteed. 7:07 No. 19, daily, local Columbia to Augusta. 8:58 A. M.?No.131 daily, the "South era's Southeastern Limited'' from New York to Augusta. 11:21 A. M.?No. 8, daily from Augusta to Columbia, connecting with "Carolina Special" for Spartanburg, Asheville, Knox vi lie, Cincinnati, etc. 5:40 P. M.?No. 7, daily, from Columbia to Augusta. Connecting from Carolina Special from Cincinnati, Knoxville Asheville, Spartanburg and intermediate points. 6:02 P. M.?No. 132,daily, the "South em's southeastern Liimitea" irom w Augusta to New York; arrives Washington 8:53 a. m., Baltimore H 10:02 a. m., Philadelphia 12:23 H noon, New York 2:31 p. m. ? 8:4$ No. 20, daily, local from Augnsta to Columbia. 9 Pullman car service on all through a trains; dining car service for meals., I For further information, call on ticket agent or 9 S. H. Hardwick,P. T. M.,Washington, jQ D. C.: H. F. Gary, G.P. A., Washing ton. D. C.: E. H. Coapman. V. P. & m G. M.f Washington, D. 0.; W. E. McGee, A. G. P. A., Columbia, S. C.; A. H. Acker. T. P. A.. Augusta, Ga. Fresh bread always found at Harm an Bazaar.