35 59 SALLOWNE8S This disorder is due to a torpid liver involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the trouble take SIMMONS RED Z i mm nrnisi ATfiD Liven ncbULH i un (THE POWDER FORM) "When the complexion is sallow and you have spells of vertigo (blind staggers) on stooping or rising suddenly and your bowels are irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowels) you are badly in need of Simmons Liver Regulator. The liver is the cause of all the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps digestion and brings back the ruddy h- hue of health to the complexion. Sold by Dealers. Price, large paakage, $1.00.. Ask for tb? geuniae with the Bed Z on the label. If you cannot get It, remit to as. we will seed it by oi ro I. man, postpaid. sibuiwuki>? w(uiuvi ? !? p.. up in liquid form for those who prefer it. Price, 91.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. 1IL ZBUN ? CO, mps. St Louis, Mo. ft Moderation is Urged. SanFrancisco.--Cool-headedness and - moderation were urged upon the Japanese residents of California at a mass meeting last nighc by Soruku Ebara, a member of the house of peers and of the government party and one of a commission sent to this state to investigate the landholding controversy. The venerable ststesman pointed oat that it was the unanimous desire of the people of his country to reaih a satisfactory settlement and it undoubtedly could be accomplished by peaceable means. . L_ 4 > . ?to insure comple \ along a case of > | i ]M The satisfying Detidous Thirst-C lit .use iul/siii l>i'.J for :*fcc I THE COCA-COLA COM? New and Sea: < Our stock of ? Goods, Dry C Shoes and Hats i T ITTrt O f /~Vn?* T PV VV c want wui call and inspect 01 and make our s& while in the citf 4 , buy or not. Oui WM. PLA1 . 1804 MAIN ST THE SWEETEST TIME O' YEAR. % It's getting time o' 3 ear just now when May swings into bloom, And all the peach and apple trees are reeking with perfume, A panoramic gloiy gilds the morning in the east, With an iridescent glamor of a mighty sumptuous feast. 1 fhp hlaokhird in the hollow and the | robin in the tree, Are shouting hallelujahs up to heaven and to me; The forest trees are budding with a freshness rich and rare, And pronounce a benediction through the blossom-scented air. There is something that is pleasing ev'ry minute of the day, When May time brings the blossoms out and fl-mnts her banners gay, All the glories of the seasons in a single bnnch appear For the blossoming of nature is the sweetest time of year. It's a part of my religion I wonld like to have you know That a loving smile's an antidote for every human woe It's a trite and useful 3aying and its secret I'll impart, When your thoughts are with the flowers there's no winter in me jheart. A man living at Auburn, New York, bad a severe attack of kidney and bladder trouble. Being a working man, not wanting to lose time, he cured himself completely by using Foley Kidney Pills. A year later he says. "It is a pleasure to report that the cure was permanent." His Dame is J. A. Farmer. Harmon Drug Co. adr Two better halves are apt to make a lot of trouble. Happy is the young man who loses the first time he gambles. i, > ' For lt That Picnic te success take ^ h i beverage?infield S lome or in town. ?f vhclesome as it is m -Refreshing M ksenching Ja > Soda Fountains looklct. vr Carbona ted i.'i Bottle?. ANY. ATLANTA, GA. ionable Goods, Millinery, Dress joods, Notions s now complete, ington friends to ir line of Goods ore headquarters y, whether they r prices are right, T & SON, COLUMBIA, S. C. | 1 1 Every W mi din m c It means a c cooking. No smoke?n? soot Mad Indi STAND/ Washington, D. C Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. jm m t??wi / a (Vew? &???>??? ***?*tj^>. t Hay lOt? a Peaslee-Ga\dbert Co.# a Louisville# Kjr? a Gentleman: a Confirming our conversation of * a beg to say that after building our a Hew Holland,Ga., we experimented t # paints by painting ten houses eac' a with long leaf jollom pine of ear a various paints* a m One section of tan houses we a oil# the remaining fifty housoo a t(T't lots each by the same painters / n? most eonmonly used In this sec* ~ oountry which are considered t After eight years we find t ^-eea covered with "Hastio' " the others oven 1 - viaat | Kind That V?"* fi??" Lasts" \ MANUFACTURED BY Peaslee-Gaulber Incorporated PAINT GRINDERS ? VARNISH MAKERS LOUIS ??????????????? t I PA E| 7wc ftg K H LA M fe . THE ggvfc! y sewing | |j|&j rr3 WW MACH,NE f f QUALITY. , i Ha Kir w 8 Hillh lllVli &AN5E. i S B V B IBR ! I I WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. if von purehrtso tlio N K W JIOM E you will j buwa lift? asset at theprieeyou psiy.??iil will j lot liave an end !?ss chain of repairs. ' |Quality If yott want a sowing machine, Tr.lte !rti flubs a;e on i he f j more ? ?<- all ?\ * i ?:.? Mar- . . 1 I I ? J roman Should Own A eto Per^ction )il Cook-stove r>n1 rVpn kitrKen. less work, better wood to cut?no ashes to carry?no * ie with 1, 2, 3 and 4 burners; cator marks amount of oil in font. LRD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. ^ BALTIMORE Charleston, W. V* Charleston, S. C. I h Test of Mastic Paint NQt many have the opportunity to make as thorough \ a test to determine paint value as did the Pacolet \ Cotton Mills, of South Carolina, whose letter we are \ reproducing, . \ But you can profit by their experience. u ^ \ There is an element of chance in buying any* \ thing until you know it has stood the test ^ \ MASTIC PAINT is the result of 40 years* \ paint study, and is the finest paint that money \ and brains can produce. ^ d? ^ \ Is it any wonder it has always given better \ and longer service than any other paint, c0t,eBod \ whether machine ground or mixed with a at \ JJ1 \ paddle? \ When you buy MASTIC PAINT you find 2*^ 110 eitf ^ \ the formula on every can. IT'S PURE. ,10 \ It combines the greatest durability with ?r. co* \ reasonable cost. " >rV7) \ ^ y?u are a paint user don't experi2' ^ 'Ir3a9' \ ment with cheap, uncertain paint or hand mixed keg lead, and be disappointed. GET MASTIC PAINT-the kind that lasts. We will furnish ample evidence of its superiority. ' Mil ' Enterprise Hardware Co. W^% ville, Ky. '# I maaSk 4 SB B I. IUW V U Jul Rhea Live Stock Co,, C( II You Prepare for Business: Why Net Prepare for Marriage? In the June Woman's Home Companion a writer, on the subject of marriage, makes the following proposition: "Most girls go into marriage very little prepared for it. We prepare, it would seem, for every profession ia I which we hope to win success, except the most important one of all. We would not dare to take a responsible position in a business office without either knowledge or training to fit us * for our task; yer, with neither, we as? sume the gravest responsibilities that a woman can assume, and confidently expect success and happiness. Th* thing is without parallel, I think, and stands by itselr in folly and lack of common sense. "And, having persuaded ourselves that our happiness will be secure, despite any unfitness and inadequacy of | ours, how are we shaken and amazed and ca9t down and put into desDair when that happiness fails and we sit ? before the wesdv harvests of our misS tabes. In all other matters we may bo I reasonable enough, and few of us but 1 expect, in the general events and con2 sequences of life, to gather figs only i from fig trees and to find thorns and Iunsties only in tneir accustomed places; but in this event the natural laws of growth and consequence and all order and likelihood are to be set aside in our favor and we are to be permitted, we assume, to gatherpomegranates from the most readily grown i lettuces, and the choicest foreign fruits from the thorny plants of our most commonplace ignorances and follies." How's This? i We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known i F. J. Cheney for the last 35 years, and *? believe him perfectly honorable in all ? business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made y by his firm. p NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, 1 Toledo, O. I Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter? nally, acting directly upon the blood a and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 centsper bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ? Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. adv 1 Can't Cat Him Says Judge. Solicitor Georg Bell Timmerman of Lexington, who is handling the matter of a requisition from Governor Blease to Governor Tener of Pennsylvania, for Joe Grant, a negro, wanted in Edgefield for the murder of a prominent white farmer in 1900, lias addressed a letter to the attorney general, Thomas H. Peeples, to the effect that a judge of the court of appeals in Pennsylvania has refused to let this state have Grant. Governor Tener granted the reqoisition, despite the pleas of the negro's attorneys, if their client were brought back to this state, he would be either burned or lynched. In their contention he rpioted GovernorBlease's speech in Richmond and the bill introduced by W. J. Ashley during the last session of tlia legislature, the purport of which is to legalize lynching for criminal assault, which was reported unfavorably and not considered. The I negro then entered habeas corpus proceedin zs to retain h is liberty. Attorney General Peeples today instructed Solicitor Timmerman to press the matter to a conclusion as soon as possible and "get the defendant ba;k to South Carolina before the courts of justice." This Interests Every Womar* A family doctor said recen*" y women come tohimthinkin have female trouble, bv' , ho. treats them for their kr -w. rfne,nK1 ier. they soon recovr knowir.K, ana also ^ /0,cy Kidney *nd safest'medicin, it buch 1*111 .s They are tonic in aem?aotion r " results. They are tony * ? .oiek ia results. They wU-i >> y . ^ Harmon Drug Co. adv ^n?1B?????? gaawsay ^ ^ , nini^iwgaej. II.. j 'liLgKB?a and Horses J ilp For ill JIU 1 UI illl jrposes. ?fore You Buy. ilumb'a, S 0,