GIRL SUFFERED TERRIBLY At Regular Intervals?Says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured her. Adrian, Texas.?"I take pleasure in adding my testimonial to the great list v... and hope that it will untold agonies at saw* '^ Brpcmlnr intervals. Ipypn iTV Such pains arid 3^^ Ju|j cramps,severe chills m\\*5tikw pi andsicknessatstomJa I i|i ach, then finally hemJjf i Vp; orrhages until I f \ * pL S would be nearly i : blind. I had five doctors and none of them could do more than relieve me for a time. "I saw your advertisement in a paper and decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took seven boxes of it and used two bottles of the Sanative Wash, and I am completely cured of my trouble. When I began taking the Compound I only weighed ninety-six pounds and now I weigh . one hundred and twenty-six pounds. If anyone wishes to address me in person I will cheerfully answer all letters, as I cannot speak too highly of the Pinkham remedies."?Miss Jessie Marsh, Adrian, Texas. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has accomplished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will hp. oMnad. read and answered bv a woman and held in striet confidence. Town Wiped Out, All that is left tonight of Shawneetown is the new substantial brick and store buildings behind the main levee, and they are considered unsafe. There are less than 100 persons left in the former town of 8,000. They are in the second and third stories of the main s eefc buildings, the structures on the highest street in the town. A strong wind, rising at 10 o'clock- this morning,completed the destruction began by the opening of the south levee yesterday. The water within the levees was up to the 57-foot level of the Ohio river. A break in the northern levee also added to the danger of the town and ' the main force of the Ohio striking the north levee. The entire north and , east levees are submerged. Manv a love letter has come home to roost. THE MOST COMPLETE LINE WE ! HAVE EVER SHOWN IN , HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES, ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. We hare a special home-made slip Harness for one-horse wagon at $5.00. A Set of Buggy Harness for $10.00. We buy Hides, Furs, Tallow, Beeswax and pay highest market prices. Wito W. Martin, 1X16-1118 Plain Street, COLUMBIA - - SO. City Mel and Cafe, AMERICAN and EUROPEAN GOOD CLE/N RObMS NEAR THEATRE AND STATE CAPITOL American Rates $1.25 to $2.00 European Rates, Rooms, 50c and up. Mrs. L. I. KIMINER, Proprietress, 1218 Main Street Phone 851 \ COLUMBIA. S. C. f ! Silos and Silage. The dairymen and feeders of beef cattle in this State are realizing more and more the economical value of silage as a food. It you keep dairy cows or beef cattle and have not a silo, then you should moke an effort to build one this season so that it can be fflled in 'he fall for winter feeding. No person having as many as ten cow9 can afford to do without a silo. What is a silo? A silo i9 a tank or a pit, preferably round, with air-tight wall9, in which green and succulent feed can be preserved in a slightly fermented condition for future use. Silage is one of the best and most economical bulky or rough feed for cattle. A number of the dairymen are now paying ?10 a ton for cotton seed hulls when they might have produced silage for ?1.50 to $3.50 a ton. TMq inolndps the entire exnenditures for the crop from the time you begin cultivating the land until the silage is stored in the silo. The cost of silage depends largely upon the quantity of corn or sorghum that you can grow to the acre. Some people in this State have propuced as much as nine tons of silage to the acre, while others have not made more than three tonB to the acre. Three tons to the acre, however, is an exceptionally low production. Experiments have shown that by the nse of silage dairymen have gotten one-third more milk at one-third les9 cost than where hulls were used. We>re prepared to give yon personal assistance in the construction of a silo, as well as advise regarding the growing, cutting and feeding of a crop for silage. A silo can be put up with your own farm labor. If you begin work on a silo this spring, or early in the summer, personal assistance can be given to "??? ? fVia? if o/>n nrait: nntll UlWiD pcvptc IIUOU *1. JVM >< ? m? August or September. A bulletin on 'Silos and Silage" will be ready for distribution at at an early date. For | further information along this line, I address the Animal Husbandry and ; Dairy Division, Clemson Agricultural College, S. C. | C. F. Devoodv, Chief of the Fede| ral Department of Justice at Chicago, ; lias been notified of the alleged (lis| appearance of;. twenty young immiI grant women on March 26tb, eu route fromNew York to that city. I. Governor Johnson, of California, has vetoed a bill, passed by the Legislature of that State, providing for the acceptance by the State of California of the National Government's gift of the U S. S. Portsmouth, The ship is now riding anchor a derelect in Virginia waters. Mrs. Rebecca Padgett, aged, 80years was struck and instantly killed at Bath, this State, last Wednesday, by Palm Limited train on the Southern Railway. At the time of the accident Mrs Padgett had on a large bonnet which, it is thought, obscured her view of the swiftly moving train. ~b BAD BREATH Is caused by Indigestion, and that disorder brings on headaches, sallowness, languor, dizziness and a general discouraged feeling. SUMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) Corrects all Disorder In The Stomach and Bowels. Its powerful, reviving and regulating influence in the liver and digestive organs brings an immediate Improvment. You feel better The bowels move freely so that the impurities that have clogged up the digestive tract find an outlet. When the system has been thus purified the bilious, half-sick feeling disappears; the complexion improves, the breath becomes sweet, the mind throws off gloomy forebodings, and there is a fine feeling of energy and exhilaration all through the body. Sold by Dolors. Price, targe package, $1.00. A?k for the genuine with the Red Z on the label. If you cannot get it. remit to a?, we will scud it by Bleil. postpaid. Simmons Lirer Regulator is P"t up also in liquid form for those who prefer it.' Price, #1.00 per bottle. Look for the Red 7. label. .pi. h. ma i co? Pr?ps., st i puis, Mo.q_ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lexington. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq , Probate Judge. Whereas, D. J. Roof made suit to rue to grant- him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of G. H. Roof; These are therefore to cite ard admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said G. H. Roof, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the court of Probate, to be held at Lexington C. H., S. C., on the 16th day of April, 1913. next, alter pubiication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under iry Hand this first day of April, Aito I)t mini 1913. GEO. S. DRAFTS (L. S.) Probate Judge Lexington Co., S. C, Published on the 2nd. day of April, ? 1913, in ihu Lexiugtpii Dispatch two weeks. 'J3 i FRAIL, SICKLY CHILD Restored to Health by Vinol? Letter to Mothers. Anxious mothers often wonder why their children are so pale, thin and nervous and have so little appetite. For the benefit of such mothers in this vicinity we publish the following letter. J. Edmund Miller, New Haven, Conn., says: "My little daughter, ever since her birth, had been frail and. sickly, and was a constant source of worriment. Several months ago we j . - T (m. CULLILU fliUtlU LU 61VC ULCi ? iuui. J. mediately noted an improvement in her health and appearance. I gave her three bottles of Vinol, and from the good it has done her I can truly say it will do all you claim." This child's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers, ?combined with the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonic iron, .which are contained in Vinol. Vinol will build up and strengthen delicate children, old people and the weak, run-down and debilitated. We return the money in every case where it fails, HARMON DRUG COMPANY. Lexington, S. C. Macedonia School Closing. Macedonia school closed her doors Saturday, March 29, 1913, with a successful year's work, managed and controlled under the auspices of Miss Jessie Leitsie and Miss Agnes Kelsie, both prominent young ladies of the Dutch Fork, who are well thought of by everybody. After laboring in the school room for a number of months and giving to the school their best attention, Misses Leitsie and Kelsie, with all the trials and temptations that con front a school teacher, managed to get up an entertainment at Macedonia that has never before been surpassed in its history. The exercises consisted of speeches, dialogues and songs that will speak for the pupils who recited them as well as the.teachers who gave them, until and alter their bodies are moulded into clay. The stage upon which these exercises were recited was neatly decorated with all kinds of vines and flowers, among which sat a band of musicians who could, handle their Angers, wrists and arms without any trouble to keep the attention of the people between the exercises. At 1.15 o'clock dinner was served from a table with a length of 100 feet and width of 3 feat upon which was not a square inch that did not have a plate of nice fried chicken or boiled ham, with cakes, bread, pies between and upon the plates that contained the' meats. The nnmber of people that enjoyed the exercises and the table as well were among the hun/I r Afl c V4 *. VVI Wl * At 2.15 o'clock the band assembled back upon the stage and called the cyowd together again to listen to Prof. D. L. Shealy's address 011 The World's Greatest Call, who kept the attention of the people for a while. This being the last of the programme the crowd was dismissed by a few pieces of mnsic by the band. Fertilizing Young Cabbage. The proper fertilizer to use on cabbage is nitrate of soda. Scatter ~\-om a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of this substance around each plant. It is not necessary to get it up right next to the stalk. Commence 2 to 4 inches out from the base of the stalk and scatter out as far as the spread of the leaves or a few inches beyond, and with a hoe or rake. Just dig in lightly a? though you were cultivating the plant. Be careful not to get any of the soda on the leaves.. It burns the leaves when it dissolves. It is best to apply it on a damp, moist day, although if will do all right to apply at any time.?Southern Farming, Atlanta, Ga. SISL'IIUIVIki * ( WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you pn rollnso t lie K E W HOM E you will j have a life asset a t the price you pa v. "id will { act have uu end less chain of repairs. J I Quality njr | J* .H "ed j in the end J If you want a sewing machine, write Tor | our latest catalogue before you j.ureliasc. fl)8 Mew Heme Sewing tome Co., Gierke, ivlass. : SOME DAY. There are some things I'm going to do When I get big like sister Sue. She's just a girl, yon know, but say, She has things mostly her own way. I'll use pa's knife, the sharpest blade, And never be one bit afraid. I'll paint the tubs and crocks and pails And pound the porch just full of nails. With rocks I'll hit the stable, "Crash!" And in the deepest puddles splash. I'll climb the highest tree in town, It'll be no use to scream "Comedown." A forty barrel gun I'll buy, Things around this place will have to fly. T'll cV> not a nnlar hpar vnn'l! qao! If I can find one up a tree. I'm going to do t^ese things some day, When I get big and have my way. Horrah! hurrah! There's Uncle Jack, Now for a ride upon his back: Gas Light in the Barn. I have as yet failed to find any light equal to acetylene gas; in fact, we are better pleased with it than with electric light. I fill the carbide tank according to the amount of light used every evening, which is about an ounce every three weeks three lights being used every evening. The ga9 tips require no care whatever; all that I do is to fill the carbide and waterjtank, and the plant is ready and to ere is no dirt connected with it in the house, writes J. WT. Meyer in the Southern Farming, Atlanta, Ga. Since installing this system I am so well pleased with it that I would certainly not be without it. I wish to make special mention of the ignitor. A number of firms do not agitate nor advise their use, yet I have thsse in my barn and find that the possibility of setting fire is greatly reduced. This does not necessitate the U9e of matches at all, since all that is necessary is to pull the cord or chain after the gas is turned on and it is ignited by an electric spark. Pay For Condemned Cattle. Recently the state veterinarian of Georgia has condemned and slaughtered a good many tuberculous cows in and around Atlanta. Tuberculous cattle should be slaughtered as soon as the disease is detected for a certainty. This is a hardship to many owners. But it is much better for a few to suffer temporarily through whole or partial loss of their property than for many to assnme risk of dis . 1 V. -T - - v I ... e?ae uiruuga urrnaiug impure mux. However, the correct remedy in this case is for the State to pay for all slaughtered tubercular cattle says the editor of Southern Farming of Atlanta. At the last meeting of the Georgia legislature, the state veterinarian and others made an effort to have such a law passed, but without success. The legislature meets again this summer, and this measure should be enacted. It is clearly up to those iuterested now, to insist that their representative support 9uch a bill, as those who have already grown cattle will see to it that such a. bill is introduced. If every person interested along this line will call on or write to his representative, and make it clear to him that he is expected to support such a measure, it will go through without any trouble. Southern Farming calls on every person interest to get behind this measure and make it a go. Ayer's "gor dad to know you have used it Tell your friends how it stopped your falling hair and greatly promoted Its growth. . . _ . J. C. AyerOo.. Ask Your Doctor. low^i. Mm. I . , I . I Rhea Live 5! WI a great improvement would be ma i other animals if ju?t the proper rei ill or injured. If your horse cculd any external remedy containing al bis flesh terribly. Some linime ingredients which only inflame t down to where the pain lies. Bev humane, quick-action remedy is M Made of oils, without a crop of al soaks straight to the bone and mui and is comforting while the healh * k r . 1 . musiang umrnent is Vwiat you wai (OL: your work lighter, saves your live^ in good trim for work. For ail f< Cuts, Burns, Galls and Harness i prompt and does net promise Liniment has been doing its wond The amount of money it has save One man writes that he was about badly injured but Mustang Linim . erinary teHs us he has used Mu? found it be.