la ti^b Ac^& The Relia There is always need f< the home?in the yard, i wherever a lamp is incor The RAYO is ideal for home light?like sunlight on tap. It is Doesn't leak. Doesn't smoke. \ last for years. Ask for the RA R At Dmatcrt fe cTAwnipn i / . fsf iruwruw ^ MmA,N.X Favors Liberal Sabbath. Dr. W. W. Memminger, of the All Saints Episcopal church, took courageous stand in asking a recreative Sunday for the Atlanta working man. Dr. Memminger, one of the three ministers who voted agaiast Puritanical Sabbath in the city, declared if Sunday moving picture shows 'were the only solution to the 8abbath amusement problem he was for them "heart and sonl." "There must be an outlet for the } FOR TWENTY | in coin or stamps w< IS12L ttJGJNJSJ&Ui OUR REUABLE SEE from our selected bulk sto 'tain more seeds than yon g the following list and mail Late Cabbage, Long] and Pole Beans, Cucumber, Car: Plants, Okra, Pepper, Bush Pumpkin, Spinach, Tomato nips, Husk Melon, Water fi and Field Corn. Satisfacti refunded. 13 packages for order and Seeds will follow LORIGK m Wholesale and R COLUMBIA, \ ? C. 0. BROV 1730 MAIN STREET \ i Is where you can find c ?PAII I OF ALL | DOORS, Si BLIND! | T.TMK ANI s cabinet j1 Call or write for Prices. wlmi proof c If GUARANTEED TO & OKIGINAI. CA I \ ntiu .+n VtXKPUXD. l ffki 1 ' U ~~ T?AL^-VTR7 j Csiabiished ?858, Paid int We- grexr the first FROST PROOr PLANTS flpn customers. V?"o have grown and fold iror* e*. Sui?s ecmbia*r a good lantern around n the cellar, in the attic? lvenient or unsafe. > use. It gives a dear, bright ?^>wnrr T-oVilo romnart Handv. I Oil NAM* . wy ^ _ Easy to light and rewick. Will YO. Everywhere. )IL COMPANY I fai Ptwir Jmr?j) Bifctawtu MJl working man's emotions?he mast have recreation," is Dr. Memminger's I sum-up of the local problem now so much in the public eye. Fina for Hatpins. Hartford Conn., March 22.?Any woman in Conneticat who wears a hatpin protruding more than half an inch from her hat will be liable to 30 days imprischtnent or $10 fine or both, if a bill passes the legislature Send us your name and $ 1 00. -FIVE GENTS I in :i 9 win man jjuBbijaiu. JS PACKAGES FRESH GARDEN :ds ckAThese packages conet elsewhere. Select from us your order: Early and Turnip Beets, Bush and rots, Lettuce, Collar ds. Egg . and Pole English Peas, es, Squash, Mustard, Tur[elon, Adam's Early Sugar on guaranteed or money 50 cents. Mail us your r the next mail. MCE, Inc. !etail Seedmen. SOUTH CAROLINA. 111 fN & BRO.. , COLUMBIA, S. C. ?ne of the best stocks of !!; NTS? , KINDS || LSH, S & GLASS ) CEMENT. MANTLES. | Swage plants - w IRSff CUSTOMERS \\ BBAGE PLANT GKGWERS || ?allfsw$l8sw tjcsseww. " ioiiuiri runc-^33? B02Tsfsi?KD"* **"" / / -jalA.'Uf. A iiltU )?t?r 7I.A.T UUTCB. / / lUfcJ Vtrfct. (Or* r.cico*?.ca. iRrgwitsdltlen CaSUs*- / I co ?_y:rz^r~>-r> ' " Capita! Stock $30,000.00 <3g#3T ! In !8$S. Now have over twenty thousand satishb?t* plant* than all otfcrr persons iu tbi? Sontb*ro 5.ease or we send your money back. Order now. t extra early cabbage, and they are the ones that MS OF CABBAGE SEED PER SEASON. irvict?Ask Us How KES-I* bSS i, buyer paying express charges, which under 1,060 11,50' per thousand; 5000 to MOO, tl-25 per ' 22 Yongos Island* S. C.' j tJ%OU4 ofJfm Have Been Restored t Pinkham's Vegel There is no doubt about 1 last 30 years we have publish country volumes of letters fro lieved of all their suffering by old medicine. Letters like th< honest expressions of gratitud< Surely you can believe th< Mrs. L. S. BREXXER, " Sometime ago I was ta':en with a sharp pains just like a knife sticking i did no good. I went to our family doc at that time) anc&e said it waa organi a while but kept getting worse. The stand on my feet. I would have that dull heavy pain the whole length of : had to be done quickly, so I looked u find, and saw several that described Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and when I had taken two bottles my tr< done so much for me that I am willing sake of other suffering women."?Mn Mrs. L. E. BOWERS, 111 take pleasure in informing you c Compound has done for me. I had some months after that I was not reg was tired all the time, had dull hea what the doctor called organic inflan has entirely cured me and I feel that as I am now able to do my own wor my testimonial for the benefit of othe Girard, Pa. Mrs. ELIZABETH GEXTIL " I feel that I must write to you atx ten years ago I was troubled with fen I was tired all the time and could h; heard about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vef used the Sanative Wash. I got stroi spells since. I feel that I owe my h M1 1 1*ViaTT Vl Q T7?k m0 T t, will iieip uiiiicio oo ? - yours are the best medicines for wom< tilcobe, 26 Glor Street, Buffalo, New For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkh Compound has been the standar male ills* No one sick with wo does justice to herself if she does mo us medicine made from roof has restored so many suffering w IME^Write to LTDIA E.PINKHJ WW (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNX, M Your letter will be opened, read by a woman and held in strict c< "Where Was He t A widow, who was a believer in spiritualism, wishing to communicate with her deceased husband, who had departed this mundane life some time ago, consulted a medium, says The Chicago Record-Herald. After the concections were obtained the follow. ing conversation occurred: Hello. 16 this you John ? Yes. I Are you happy, John * xes. Are you as happy a9 you were on earth, John ? : ' Yes. Are you as happy a9 you were with me, John V Yes. Yes. This time the answer came tremulously. Well, what's it like to be in heaven ? Heaven ! I'm not in heaven. Stiff Joints Sprains,Bruises are relieved at once by an application of Sloan's Liniment. Don't rub, just lay on lightly. 44 Sloan's Liniment has done more f ood than anything I have ever tried or stiff joints. 1 got my hand hurt so badly that I had to stop work right in the bosiest time of the year. I thought at first that I would have to have my hand taken off, but I got a bottle af I Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand." WiLTOff Wu?KU?&, Morris, Ala. Good for Broken Sinews G. G. Joes, Baldwin, L. I., writes : ?used Sloan's Liniment for broken sinews above the knee cap caused bvt I fall and to my great satisfaction was able to resume work in less than three H weeks after the accident." SLOANS LINIMENT Fine for Sprain E 3Ir. He^rv A. Yoehl, 84 Somerset 8 St., PlaiutieM, N. J., wfites : ? " A 9 friend sprained bis ankle so badly 75 that It went biack. H? laughed v.hen E I told him that 1 would have him out E in a week. 1 applied Sloan's Liniment C and in four days ho was working and Eg said Sloan's was a right "good Lini- H amcfoTt&n 0 Health By Lydia E. :able Compound. this fact. Why ! during the ied in the newspapers of this m women who have been rethe timely aid of this grand 1 following, true, genuine and 3 coming from grateful hearts. ise women. Hudson, Mich., says: ? terrible pain in my right side, such j me. I triedJtiot applications bnt that ;tor (we wet& living in Fayette, Ohio, 1 ic inflammation. I doctored with him pain was so terrible I could hardly > sharp pain in my right side, and a my limb. 1 realized that something p all of your advertisements I could my case. 1 got a bottle of Lydia E. it helped me from the first dose, and auble was gone. Your medicine has you should publish this letter for the 5. L. S. Bbknneb, Hudson, Michigan. Girard, Pa^ says:? >f what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable a sick spell last February, and for mlar and had many bad feelings. I daches, not much appetite, and also imation. Your Vegetable Compound j too much cannot be said in its praise k. You are perfectly welcome to use ;rs."?Mrs. L. E. Bowebs, E.F.D. No. 1, CORE, Buffalo, N.Y.,says:? Dut your wonderful remedies. About aale weakness and was all run down, ardly walk without feeling dizzy . I ^etable Compound, took it, and also ager, and have not had those dizzy ealth to you, and hope your remedies ried most everything I heard of, and in's ailments."?Mrs. Elizabeth Gen York. am's Vegetable d remedy for fe- 7/1 y^Rv IVT man's ailments (Jf f \ not try this fa- S / \ r \s and herbs* it I j ] ) omen to health. 11 1 j/ II M MEDICINE CO. fA W ASS., for advice. \\]^^^^ // L and answered jnfidence. ^fvt3A^E'TTNKHA?P>^ Kisses Each Juror. Mobile, Ala., March 21.?Crying with joy as the jury acquitted her of the murder of Joe McGowan, Miss Bessie Clay, 19, rushed to the jury box and kissed each juror. Miss Clay shot and killed McGowan when he abused har mother. The jury was out but three minutes. Babies Better Than Flies. New York, March 22.?"Better to raise babies than flies" is the latest heralding of the city health depart' ment which urges that back yards be { j cleaned of rubbish, providing play 1 grounds for the babies. ' t SPECIAL /l\ Southern Farm and Fie /|V Southern Iron & Steel Co. employ the most up-todat /l\ known in the manufactun yiw of Wire Products. J Southern Fence is mad( pie. The uprights, or stay /IV cross bars or intermedia W around the cross bar, thei knot and a hinged joint. jji tages in this type joint or W ods. Let us tell you aboul flS We buy in car loads an a|k fully assorted stock of i W large quantities enables u ory prices, therefore we a /|V y?u money on your fence W guaranteed by manufactu W SEND US YUI ^1519 MAIN ST. ??I???B??M?M?i^B ? $ ? $ ? ? # # # * -5 a # ? ? $ # i Nearsighted. J. Many a man thinks he knows T it all in spite of the fact that he X is constantly proving that he T doesn't?Detroit Free Press. 2 H-H-H-H- r.WWfH4W 'l-l1 A Clew. T-Wll "I've lost a little boy, policeman." "What's ha like?' "Well, he's a patch on hig trousers like this."?P. L P. Sharp. "Talking,^ about canned meat," said Bigton (we*; werentt, but no matter) "reminds me of a little trip I-made to a friend's boose in Bocks and the dinner we had. Beefsteak was the piece de resistance, and I sawed at It with such energy tb&t its tooghnees was perfectly obvious. At last my friend thought it necessary to do something to save bis reputation for hospitality. "It's fine meat," be remarked^ "nice end tender: but. von see. we have to keep the knives very dull on account of the children."?Tit-Bits. Mew Year Sacrifice*. "I gave up smoking to please Rosa, and drinking to please Nellie.'* "What did you give up to please Marie?" "Nothing as yet She wants me to give up the other two girls."?Boston Advertiser. Up to Date. "Ars you interested in contemporary history ?" "Not much. I am more interested in what is going on now." ? Baltimore American. e * - Best Known Cough Remedy For forty-three years Dr. King's New Discovery has been known throughout the world as the most reliable cough remedy. Over three million bottles were used last year. Isn't this proof? It will get rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J. J. Owens, of Allendale, S. . C., j writes the way hundreds of others have done: "After twenty years, I , find that Dr. King's New Discovery is j the best remedy for coughs and colds that I have ever used.'' For congas or colds and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal. 50c and $1.00 at Harmon Drug (Jo. ?i Death List Over 90. Six states, stricken by disastrous storms, are anxiously trying to investigate rumors that the agaregate of death and destruction is greater than the first reports made out. The cer- | tain death roll is more than 90, of which number of storm victims 30 are I Georgians. ' ^ ^ ^ NOTICE. % Id Fence is made by the A , Birmingham, Ala., who e and practical methods Mr ;r of their popular line ; on hinged joint princi- W s, are fastened to the < > ite wires by wrapping -eby forming a complete W There are many advan- ^ j knot over other meth- ^ t them. W d carry a complete and tfjp all heights. Buying in ^ s to get the lowest fact- \lf re in position to save '. Every rod absolutely rers. Vlr JR ORDERS ^ COLUMBIA, S. C. RATES REASONABLE | 1ARTIN | e Transfer | BY THE HOUR * * IV CARS * i O ? 916 MAIN STREET ? JTH CAROLINA. f ? ***?*?**?*??***?*?*?*?**#*$ Avery THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES AND TRWflTWV UJUII Uiilt JL Makes Them Good as New MEDALS ASD BADGES ManufacfureiT in Our. Own Shops for Schools and OtherijPurposcs AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. AMMAsSfTHE nDTini Diioiwroc UrilUflL UlluliiLuu My motto is painstaking conscientious Optical service. I have one of the most completely equipped optical offices, in Columbia. Let me do your optical work and show you how I can serve you. Spectacles and Eye-glasses repaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. Three graduate opticians of many years experience to serve you and we can promise you the highest degree of accuracy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to me. Come and see us, we make no charge for our examination. fi. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. BEAR IN MIND n n 1/ .... n. u. u. Miiiiy uu. Is Headquarters for Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Etc. Fresb Coffee roasted daily. Don't put off buying your coffee and sugar. They're going Higher. C..D. KENNEY CO. 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia,. S. C. r? i A Watch is Valuable . I When it Keeps Time. If jj you want your watch to H keep Correct Time, see U M. WEISS, Watch Repairing a Spcciaty Also Dealer in Watches and Jewelry. 1336 Assembly St., Columbia, S. C. FARMS! FARMS! If you want to buy a good farm at right price any where in South Carolina, call on or write me. If you want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price ' ripht and I will sell it for yon, no matter where located. I seil choice city property, roo. Hope A. Dickert, 1507 Main Street, Columbia, - South Carolina, Always Hustling." .