PERSONAL, -Gathered Here. There and Everywhere. T. Daggett Ogilvie has returned to -Conway, S. C. Mrs. A. F. Gilliam and little son are ] Y iOiLiUf; IU LiCAlU^LCI.. Mrs. W. J. McCartha and children spent Monday in town.?Batesburg Advocate. Mist Vinnie Harman has returned from a week's visit to relatives and friends in Columbia. > Barney Evans, Esq., of the Columbia Bar, was among the visiting attorney s in attendance upon court Monday. Senator W. H. Sharpe wa9 in Lexington Monday, having business in court. Mr. Henry Williams, assistant to General Superinteudant of tLe Southern Railway, died at his home in Columbia Sunday after a long illness. Judge Drafts issued yesterday a marriage license to Mr. Jefferson Shealy and Mrs. Paul P. Clarke, of Clark's Mills section. Mr. D. F. Drafts, of Hollow Creek, was in town yesterday and dropped in to see us and added his name to the Dispatch list. Mrs. N. A. Austin, from Danbnry, Conn., is on an extended visit to Mrs. L. I. Kaminer. at Citv Hotel, uolum bia, S. C. Messrs. D. S. Henderson and W. M. Schwartz, of Coininbia, were visitors here Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Harmon were in town Monday. Dr. Harmon was an important witness in court. Mrs. Carrie Cayce, of Cayce, was among those who visited the Dispatch office Tuesday. Mrs. Moyer and attractive daughter, Miss Olevie, of Johnston, are spending the week with Mrs. A. O. Wilson. Mrs. W. E. Garrett, formerly of Asheville, N. 0., has sold out her Hotel in Asheville and is now residing in Macon, Ga. S . Mr. S. A. Mathias, the accomodating postmaster and prominent merchant of Irmo, was in town Monday. Mr. S. M. Ooogler, of the Dutch Fork, and one among the oldest subscribers to the Dispatch paid us a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. Perry Caugbman, of the firm of Caughman Bros., Columbia, has returned from the Western markers with a fresh lot of horses and mules. Call early and make your selection. Mr. Walter J. [McCartha, manager oi tne Jbinterprise xiaraware uo., ana family now dccupy the F. O. Corley residence on the Leaphart road and Mr. Corlev has moved to the Maj. Meetze homestead at Lexington depot. Mrs. Ltila Beeland, i:ej Drafts, of Macon. Ga.. is visiting Mrs. Addie Kaufmann. Mrs. Beeland has many friends and acquaintances in Lexington where she was born and reared to womanhood, who will be delighted to learn that she is among us again. Lorick & Lowrance, of Columbia, who have so long and so satisfactory catered to the wants of the people of Lexington, aie still doing business at the same old stand and solicit the continued patronage 01 our people. Our popular Superintendent of Education, Mr. H. L. Hanran, is taking a great interest in the educational interest of Lexington and is sparing no time in doing all lie can to further the cause of which be is at the head. This week he is in the Fork visiting the schools over there. While playing with his companions Sunday, little Samuel, the bright son of Mr. Samuel B. George had the misfotune to breake the bone in one of his legs. The little fellow is doing - - * - i.. 3 J - ' as wen as cuuin db eipectBu is bearing his sufferings like the hero he is. < On account of the extreme illness of Dr. W. M. Duncan, Presiding Elder of Columbia District, he was unable to fill his appointment here Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Daniels, of the Columbia College, came over and preached in the Methodist church both Saturday and Sunday mornings to large and appreciative congregations. General News. Wil9on and Marshall were officially declared elected president and vice president of the United States respectively last week. Teddy Roosevelt has rt appeared in the political arena witi the battle cry of no compromiseThe sixteen suffragettes, who are inarching on to Washington, are braving the rigor9 of the cold wave in order to ca-ry a message to President Wilson on tae day of lus inauguration. I M m , ' | FOR RENT.?A good one or two ~ ^ ^ i- eAtTAHol I horse ;arm near unoen, <*:bj oo-ci c? tracts of land for s le. Reasonable price and easy term 5. W. H. Dody, lf> t. olambia. S. C. IB?M?BBBBM ! inn [PENCILfAND SCISSORS. The court still continues to draw its weary length along. The Bazaar has some well dried peaches for pies. The rural carriers will meet iu the court house here next Saturday. We have a fresh shipment of the r>o1phr!?TPft (Tlprm finrincrs water. Harmon Drug Co. A nice concrete pavement i9 being laid in front of the Kaufman block occupied by the Harmon Drug Co. Let us have ycur orders for job work We have a select line of stationery and give work of quality?prices lowest. Saturday, the 22nd instant, being a legal holiday, the Home National Bank end Bank of Western-Carolina will be closed. 16. The controversy over the division of the Peabod}7 fund between Dr. John~ T-r. ? ? Jl TN_ son, or wmrnrop, ana ur. iuufneu, of South Carolina University, is unfortunate and greatly to be deplored. There is no better wagon made than the Owensboro wagons. All sizes, for sale by Caughman Bros., Columbia. Just received a nice selection of fresh cakes, cheese cakes, fignewtons, vanma creams and coffee ca^es, at tne iiazaal. Several parties came over from Columbia in automobiles Sunday and viewed our beautiful town. They are well pleased with what they saw. Considerable sleet fell here Thursday night but the rain came and washed it'all away. Friday there was a freeze?the first of the season. All kinds of fruits can be found at the Bazaar. FOR SALE?S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs, 20 for $1.00, Walter Eleazer, Chapin, S. C. ^r " -?A- #v ? A /A i-V* AM KAIMA Y> e never ncaxu Ui a laiuci i/ciug worried because bis son worked too hard. Many an apparently straight man is crooked enough to hide behind a cork screw. Cabbage plants and beet plants, to arrive Friday. Place your orders. Harmon Drug Co. Before you buy, see our line of $60, $55 and $75 Buggies, made of best material and guaranteed to give you good wear. Caughman Bros , Columbia, S. C. Card of Thanks. Mr. Editor: Will you please alicw me space in your paper to express our tbanks to the kind neighbors and friends for the kindness extended to us during the illness and death of our dear beloved son, Andrew Kite? May God bless each and every one of them is our sincere wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Hito. ? * STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In Court of Common Pleas. Alice Davis, as Administratrix, etc., Plaintiff against Maitie McDuffie, et. a!., Defendants. Iu obedience to the decree of the rVinrt herein, signed bv his Honor. Judge I. W. Bowman, dated Feb. 11, 1913, I will resell to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in March, the same being the third day of said month, the following tract of real estate, to wit: "Ail that piece, parcel or tract of land, situated, lying and being in Piatt Springs Township, in the county of Lexington, in said State, containing one hundred and three-fourths acres, more or less* bounded on the North by lands now or formerly of 0. C. Goodwin, on the East by Gabriel Chestner, on the South by J. F. Mack, on the West bv Ellen Howell and V. W. Spires" TEPtMS OF SALE: Cash, purchaser io pay ior papers. In ihe event, however, that the purchaser fills to comply with his or her bid within one hour after the sale, the said premises will be immediately resold at ihe l'efc of the former bidder. FI1ANK W. SHEALY, o. C. C. P. & G. S. Lexington. S. 0., Feb. 11, 1913. 7 C. Sturkie, Esq.. Plaintiff's Atty Wood's Seeds for The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog i3 fully up-to-date, giving descriptions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has J long been recognized as a standard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it ! T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. I ^ | | SALLOWNESS ! I This disorder is due to a torpid liver j involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the trouble take SIMMONS ! RED 3 ! LiVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) !When the complexion is sallow and | - - ~ f 1 Z' 1 -v 11 -* /-l cf orr_ I \ UU XI<1\ C SiJCiXS C 1 \ CI ^ uimu jua^; gers) on stooping or rising suddenly | and your bowels are irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowels) ] you are badly in need of Simmons Liver Regulator. The liver is the | I cause of all the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy con ditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps j digestion and brings back the ruddy ? hue of health to the complexion. IScId by Dealers. Price, iarge package, $1,00, Ask for the genuine with the Red Z on the label. If ynu cannot get it, .mil to us. we will 60i:d it by mail, postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is also put I up in liquid form for those who preferit. Priee.Sx.OO per bottle. Lock for the Red Z label. ^ S. H. ZEiLIN & CO., Props., St Louis, Mo. Andrew HIte Is Dead. Andrew Hite, son of Simeon and Caroline Hite died afc the home of his parents on Friday, the 14th of February, in the 19th year of his age. His young life was full of bright promise to his parents. He was fa- | neralized by the Rev. Mr. Livingston Uir. vamoino r A 17 TCSt". in fit", auu Ui9 icuiaiuo i) *vw. v. David cemetery. j JZaa/o Bn Sometimes in the kitchen or e high, where it will light the reach of children. The Rayo Bracket Lamp is ma one of the famous Rayo Family A clear, white light, steady, diffused, affixed to the wall. The lamp is inexj removing chimney or shade. Rayo ] for all purposes. At Dealers STANDARD < (Inccrporatcc Newark, N. JSheriffs Sales, Under Execu-1 tion. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. Court of Common Pleas. Georgia Railroad Bank, Plaintiff;*4"* against Leesville Mattress Factory, Defendant and Georgia Railroad Bank, Plaintiff, ' . I against | T AfoH-rnoa TTnnfnrv and ,T. I iJCCS Vilib i'AUVViVWU A j Etheredge, Defendants; and Peoples Bank of Leesville, S. C. ! Plaintiff, against Leesville Mattress Factory, Defendant j and Brewer Bag Co., Plaintiff, against Leesville Mattress Factory, Defendant I and i Egry Register Co., Plaintiff, against Leesville Mattress Factory, Defendant Under and by virtue of executions duly issued on the judgments duly enteied in the Clerk of Court's office in and for the said county and State in each of the above stated cases, the j undersigned has levied on and will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder during the usual hours ot sale at Lexington Court House. South Carolina, . ot? the first Monday in March, A. D.. | Jilia, the following described property or the T/je vlI M-Ptr** Factory, a , defendant in ?-?oh of the above named | cases hs follow , to wit: All that pieo". parcel or lot of land siti-a^d. lying and being in the town of L esvi'ie. County of Lexington and I Scate aror#?s*id, containing two and j forty-three huudrHth* a?-"-e>, more rr ]^ss, ai d houn^ -i bv lands on r] North by Geo. C. Clark, and J. Rol ;i Williams, on the East bv Geo O. Clark and perhaps others, on the South i by lands of W. B. Taylor, R. D. Smith and perhaps others, on the West by Lee street?and all improvements thereon. A complete Mattress Factory. ! (1) One Fairbanks Morse Gasoline j ngine. (1) One Picker or Wslary. j (1; One Excelsior Machine. I (1) One Pair Scales. (1) One Sewing Machine, Davis ake. i (1) One Filler, Mattress Machine. I (1) One Garmestto Machine. (2) Two Sewing Machines. J Abont 85 Bolts of Bed Ticking. j (5) h'ine Mattresses, j (4) Four Half Mattresses. I (3; Three barrels of Thread. ! (9) Nine Roils of Paper. I (5) Five Bolts of Burlaps, f All accounts and bills receivable of (he LeesvilleMattressFactorv. Term? ! cash. SIM J. MILLER, ! Sheriff Lexington County, j Lexington, S. C., Feb. 11, 1913. j } STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA | r%;-' . Comity of Lexington. Bv Gee. S. Draft;-, Ekj . Probate Judge. Whereas, Delia Elisor made buit ! to me to grant hr-r Letters of Admin| istration of the Estate of and effects | of S. F. Elisor; These are therefore to cite and adI inonish all and singular the kindred j and creditors of the said S. F. Elisor, | deceased, that they be and appear, bej fore me, in the court of Probate, to | be held nt Lexington C. H., S. C., on j the 6th day of March, J913. next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to show cause, i? any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under rrv Hand this 19th day of Feb., Anno Domini 1913. GEO. S. DRAFTS (L. S.) Probate Judge Lexington Co., S. C, Published on the 19th day of Feb., : 1913, in the Lexington Dispatch two j weeks. 17 A marrted woman's description of bor mnn iun'f" nnvthinf? like the ' one she's got. Notice Pensioners. The County Pension Board will meet , at Lexington, C. H. on Friday the 2S I day of February 1913 for the purpose of transacting matters before the board. S M Roof, Commissioner, i D T Hare, Secretary, TRESPASS NOTICE. " ' 1:? Vi^.?nVT> nnf i ne pu. jiiu ucic>~jj uuviutu u | trespass in any manner en our lands known as the Dave Culler lands. Trespassing of any kind i'1 postively forbidden as trespassers w.ll be prosecuted under the ?law in such cases provided. Henry Crim, John L. Crim, James T. Crim. Feb. 1-4 wks. pd. itchen with a icket Lamp Isewhere you need a lamp held whole room, and be out of the de for exactly this purpose. It is ?the best kerosene lamps made. A strong-, substantial bracket, easily jcnsive. Economical. Lighted without Lamps are made in various styles and Everywhere "ill. COMPANY 5 in Nevr Jersey) Baltimore, Md. REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE LEXINGTON, - S. C. Real Estate Bought and Sold. 160 acres in Congaree creek, includes Joe Sbumpert's residence Must be sold quick. Good terms. 250 acres 5 miles from Leesville, timber, 2 rural routes, telephone, good school, near church. v 216 acres 5 miles from Ed- I mund, 20 acres open, 2 room | 1 dwelling, plenty water, good f | pasture. 105 acres 7 miles'from Pelion i 7 miles from Gilbert, 4 room fe k..j B I uwcuxii^, a uai ij a.juu siauics, plenty water. 140 acres two miles south of Barr, 6 miles from Lexington, 30 open, 50 acres pine timber, 0 room dwelling, a barn and stables, plenty running water. (523^ acres 3 miles west of Gas- | ton, 9 qcres open, 3 room dwelling, some pine timber, plenty oak. 4C> acres one mile from Edmund 1 25 acr~s open land, 2 room dwelling. ocri's: 3 mj]PB from Pelion, 50 Hcrf-s "pen i:. dwelling, I iile??*y wrifpT-. Finn land for I Got ion and r,*> n , 162 .serfs 5 miles tn.?m S^eed mitu, 25 acres open l*nd, ,dweli I *,i- cr >>arr? and int acre* 1 mi'^ from Edmund ;J5 apre>j oi*?n la"'1. 2 room dwelling, pjeUtV Waifcf. 150 acres 7 miles lrom Lexington, 50 Pacres in cultivation 0 room dwelling. 2 barn9 tenant house, blacksmith shoi good water Dower, corn ant wheat mill, cotton, gin and press, telephone, daily mail, neear good school and church. Easy terms. SURETY BONDS. | Write or call to see me AT THE HOME | ! NATIONAL BANK, 1 1 Lexngton, S. C. ? II? " ??? I ???> /"hk ?^V **^v z^B?, >;