j The Light for the Home fo/LThoSl ; j use?the best lamp you can buy is the Rayo. There is no glare; no flicker. The light is soft and clear. The Rayo I is a low priced lamp, but you cannot get better light at any price. \ Rayo lamps are lighting more than three million homes. Save the Children'# Eye#?and Your Own. I The M W?i -w f 9mn Lighted without remoTing chimney or WM * shade. Easy to clean and rewict ^ Made in various styles and for all purposes. J At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY _ (Incorporated in New Jersey) Mow ark, N. J. Baltimore, Mi IW?^a??ai If You Have Anything to Sell Advertise in The Dispatch. .. Knowing &e great importance of ttieae tools, wo make H a i point 10 carry the best of every tool known to the blacksmith- | : fog art. Whether for the shop or the farm, we are prepared - Jj Is,serve you. You will find our prices hammered down fo the ] < lowest reasonable figure en everything you need. [ < Anvils85.00 and uo. Blacksmith's Vises $5.50 to S7.50. : i Lorick & Lowrance, ; J i INCORPORATED. | ; V COLUMBIA, S - S. C. | C. 0. BROWN & BRO. |j - |73C MAIH STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. I it! ' ' T 1 r* ^ P i 1 1 . 1 f* / ;>i ls wnere you can una one or tne oest stocKs or ? I ?PAINTS^ jj ; OF ALL KINDS | f DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLASS if- LIME AND CEMENT. I i| CABINET MANTLES. | j! Call or write for Prices. !> % 1912.... 1| 1 E r-CS^1 FALL and WINTER fk " H?r I ....SHOES ?j; I]]// \ We have a full and comJ/jf^-i ..?\ pleta stock of (all leather) |j|| / ...x1' I stylish shoes for our Lexing- ykj j&?py J ton friends to inspect. We $8 j know we are selling the best ^ solid leather shoes for less [a; \^mm I money than any one in the Sg shoe business, come in and g?j, r see for yourself, that will 3|| | . >/ prove it. A pleasure to wait P| ^ sm on y?u anc* ^'ve y?u . XVUUfl of Lewisburg, W. Ya., "for the won derful double benefit I got from Elee trie Bitters, iu curing me of both < severe case of stomach trouble and o rheumatism, from which I had been ar almost helpless sufferer for ten years It suited mv case as though made jus for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion jaundice, and to rid the system of kid ney poisons that cause rheumatism Electric Bitters have no superior. Tn them. Every bottle is guaranteed t< satisfy. Only r>o cenis at Harmoi Drug Co ? Mr. Howell Cliffton Roof died at hi: home in this county on Jan. 11th ii the 38th year of his age. He was i prominent citizen of the community in which he resided and had a larg< family connection, who together witl numerous friends and acquaintances i. I Liiuuin ins ut*i ariui tj nence. When you want a reliable medicine for a cough or cold take Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy. It can alwajr9 be de pended upon and in pleasant aDd safe to take. For sale by all dealers. SB H I g| [Lameness^ r I Sloan's Liniment is a quick B J J - I ness in horses and other farm B | "Sloan's Liniment surpasses any- 9 5 t tiling on eartn ior laiLK.'^esa jii uvmw ? _ _ and other horse ailments. I would | 1:1 7 not sleep without it in my stable."? 9 Wl Mautin Doyle, XfJ 432 West 19th St., New l'ork City, ga Good for Swelling and Abscess. jg 1 Mr. H.M. Gibbs, of Lawrence, Kan., R R. F. D., No. 3, writes:?*' 1 had a maro I with an abscess on her neck and one I COc. bottle of Sloan's Liniment entirely H cured her. I keep it all the time for fl galls and small swellings andfor every- E thing about the stock." 2j S3? SLOAN^I i is a quick and safe remedy gj ^ for hog cholera. p. X Governor of Geof^r. uses ! Sloan's Liniment for Hog Cholern. H ' " I heard Gov. Brown (who is quite a a| B f'l.mnrt rt,' i ti lt lip hf!,i UOV-.W lOSt & Ifi ^ n hog from cholera and that bis remedy ?; M always was a tnhlospoonful of Sloan's jra e g| Liniment in a gallon of slops, decreas- Kg ja in? the J?se as the animal improved. j5g | H Last month Gov. Brown and myself Rj ffl ^vcre at tho Agricultural College jg building and in the discussion of the H IB ravages of the disease, Gov. Brown ji /| ri I gave the remedy named as unfailing." 58 f|ji I Sayan*^ah Daily is'ews. B 5 I At All Dealers. 25c., 50c. & S1.00. 9 III Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, B " ? Hogs and Poultry sent free. ?3 B Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston. B James Tyler, of Aiken, a member of the Twelfth Regiment, McGovan's Brigade, died at the "Home" in Cog lurabia on Dec. 30, at the age of 75 ~ years Also, R. J. Browder, of Williamsburg, an inmate of the "Home," y a a member of Co. G., Twenty-first * 0 Regiment, died there on Jan. 10 in ^ 6 tne 77th year of his age. n Ic . .Noblesvilie, Ind., says; "Alter suffer- AJ a ing many months with kidney trouble, Q after trying other remedies and prescriptions, I purchased a box of Foley Kidney PiJls which not only did me I more good than any other remedies I e ever used, but have positively set. my kidueys right. Other members of my . 3 feoiily have used them with similar ' t results." Take at the first sign of kid ney trouble. Harmon Drug Co. t * Many Give Pennies to Help fl z Idaho Editors.' |J Boise, Idaho, Jan. 16?Released from jail after having served ten days' senlovirtoa ft m ft^ Aftnwf X? Q f lui v;uuiciiipu vi uuuii) JLV? U* ? Sheridan and C. 0. Broxon. publishers s and editor of the Capital News, and Et f A. R. Cruzen, a stockholder, found da ? that from every State in the Union s had come 1 cent contributions to pay v the $500 fines assessed bv the court. * Half of the necessary amount has been jL 1 received. The Idaho Supreme Court A J , sentenced the men for publishing a , e message from Colonel Theodore * Roosevelt critizing the court. t A woman is willing to let a man * have the last word if it comes in the * * form of an apology. ? See our new top buggies at $10.00 , cash. Open buggies $35.00. We make / the price. Gregory-Oonder Mule Co. In attempting to take his own part s many a man grabs the whole thing. 3 ' A Great Buiidine Falls when its foundation is undermined, and 1 t if the foundation of health?good digesx tion?is attacked, quick collapse fol- * lows, On the first signs of indigestion, M Dr. King's New Life Pills should be f taken to tone the stomach and regulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Pleasant, easy, safe and only 25 cents at Harman Drug Co. A whiskey is glass a tumbler?and so \ , is a man who drinks too often from it. j - ]3 i Escaped After Fifteen Years I i W. P. Er.oyles made a successful es . cape after fifteen years of suffering t from kidney and bladder troubles. Fo- I?1 , ley Kidney Pills released him and will * - do just the same tor others. He says; yea "They cured a most severe backache ! j with painful bladder irregularities, and > they do all they claim for them." Re i fuse substitutes. Harmon Drug Co. The size of a dollar depends 011 3 whether ir. is coming c r going. 1 i ~ j Some men don't seem to want arep3 utation for paying their debts. 1 Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money ex- j T perimenting when you can get a prep- J j-| aration that has won a world wide rep- i J utation by its cures of this disease and 3 can always be depended upon? It is known everywhere as Chamberlain's Qq } Cough Remedy and is a medicine of ' real merit. For sale by all dealers ' i Avex?y THE JEWELER 4 )8 Main St. Columbia, S. C. EPAIRs 1 WATCHES AND EWELRY >kes Them Good as New EDALS AND BADGES inufacturec in Our Own Ihops tor SciicsSs and Cih?r lurpcses J' /ERY, The Jeweler 508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. \ MAOTOF THE TOE BUSINESS My motto is painstaking conscientious Optical service. I have one of the most completely equipped optical offices, in Columbia. Let me do your optical work and show vou how I can serve yon. Spectacles and Eye-glasses repaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. Three graduate opticians of many ears experience to serve you and . 7e can promise you the highest deree of accuracy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to le. Come and see us, we make no * barge for our examination. . H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. ' BEAR IN MIND . D. Kenny Co. Is Headquarters for ear. Coffee. Teas. Rice. w ' / / / c. Fresb Coffee roasted iiy. Don't pat off buying >ur coffee and sugar, liey're going Higher. C. D. KENNEY CO. . 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia, S. C. ?? > \ Watch is Valuable ? :i tr t: tx? vviieii 11 iveeps lime, u you want your watch to keep Correct Time, see A. WEISS, Watch Repairing a Speciaty Also Dealer in Watches and Jewelry. 36 Assembly st., Columbia. S. C. ARMS! ARMS! Tt i. 1 ? ,.y^^.A ii you waci 10 uuy a farm at right price anywhere in South Carolina, call on or write me. If you want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price right and I will sell it for von, no matter where locat <1. -ell choice city*' ,.? y. (no. ? v ;"\ 1 1 r wpc fx* U1LKC1 I, 1507 Main Street, lumbia, - South Carolina, Always Hustling." <