The Lexingtan Dispatch ?" 1 ? v Wednesday, Jan 22, 1913 G M. Harm an, Editor and Polisher J. W. Ogilvie, Assistant Editor Entered at the Poet Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. e???a??w? CIRCULATION 2.300. ^^^^======^==================^= 8enafcor Sharpe says he is- determined to give the people of bis county an opportunity to vote on the qaes ? - ? ? ? 1 I tion of "Dispensary" xor use ??k?i oaie of intoxicating liquors or No "Dispensary* for their illegal sale." - Hon. D. Frank Eflrd was in town Monday and reports that the oatt'e plague has reached a serious stage in this county. A large number of oattle are dying with the plague especially along the water courses of the county, and the loss from the plague will be * ? ?j very Heavy on nne farmers turn raisers. The county has been placed In the quarintine area and every precautionary measure are being used to prevent the spread of and the eradica. fcion of the tic&. - j Last Snnday was the birthday of General Robert E. Lee, the noted Confederate General. The day bas been set apart to commemorate the memories of General Lee, and "Stone wall" Jackson, another stalwart Southern Soldier. An exchange remarks: "And on Sunday, when Southern heads and hearts were bowed in tender memory of two of the South's greatest heroes, tuey were not alons Throughout the North, East and West there were other hearts and heads bowed in respectful homage to the aaeoioiy of Lee and Jackson, for their places in America's Hall of Fame, and on the honor roil of this great country are brightly blazaned to the whole world, for the whole country, all sections alike, realize that Lee and Jack aoa were, first of all Americans." v_.;' . Solicitor Timmerman has caused : warrants to be issued for the arrest -of several witnesses in cases which were to have been heard at the recent the expense account necessary for the enforcement of the law? The Legislature. The first week of the session of the ' General Assembly is over and well into the second week. The sum total of the work for the first week is the completion of the organization, and that is considerable. As a matter of fact, more substantial progress lias been made in getting a good start than is <32sual, and this ia la gely accounted .ifrtr Kr? tVi0 . nctnm Af inrr of. ?vt UJ Vli V * v* fective men in the important places ?och ad Speaker Smith, Clerk Hoyt ?nd Clerk Mann, and the various teeads of the important committees. With the uxcep'ku of the inaguration of Governor Bh afe for his second term, w liich took place yesterday, onlv *outine work has heen done, On Wednesday the pending elections wiil ??* held and the purpose is to hold ait ? {<.<.(ions tlint a- scheduled for the rri.. H. I- e,V., 1 .-./l,. r 1 tut; iv?ux VyAi^Uit o JU^CO three members of the board of directors of the PuKtfrHtiarV, blid a tiUstCO of the U uiveisil} of South Carolina is to ' be elected. Lnter in ihe se ssion tlie election of Senator Tillman will have to officially oouC;n:e? by Joitt I .Assembly. Dots From Pleasant Hill. We are having very warm weather for the past week. We are sorry to know that Mrs. Henry Price has been very ill for the past few days, but glad to learn that she is some better now. We ar<=> glad to know that Mr. Hamp Lybrand is able to be oat again. We are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Long are able to be out again. Mr. D. L. Taylor will soon have his houso completed, Mr Reubiu Taylor was in Leesville Saturday. Mr. Cally Taylor was the guest of his brother Saturday night. Mr. Olaodie Taylor and his brother, Oallie, spent a short while in Leesviile Friday. Times had got somewhat quiet until the power house got in full bloom on the old Augusta and Charleston road. We have a few neoDle that caL. rule the county or it looks that way anyhow, but the Great Ruler is over and above all, who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If that would have been a ehuroh house they would not have got the members in the course of ten years as they have members in the power plant, and if people can vote out whiskey from being sold in a dis-v pensary and get a dry country, the people ought to think that we conld do without the power plant. Whiskey i9 carrying more young and old men to the graveyaid than buck shot. Young men and young women and old men and old wemen, if you never have prayed before pray for God to move Satan'9 power plants out of our o?nrtv fnr if, is in the neighborhood of about eight churches. We do not know who are the Deacons of these churches but we know tbey have members who patronize the power house. It is horrible to think of the curse of drink. It will drag mother's boys estray in front of their eyes; it causes dear mother to go to her grave in sorrow and shame, save our dear bo} s from tne curse of strong drink. There are angels hovering around, Mother's Boy. Poisoned by Christmas Cards. New York, Jan. 16.?Poison from the decorations of Christmas cards, mUinU f U ?m tvi n tt annoa T rvnlc WUU'U OV^AvVu^U UliUy UACkJ tOUvTU JLA/UiD Dryno, a letteT carrier, to lose a hand or an arm. Batesbnrg Personals. Special to The State. Batesburg, Jan. 18.?Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Glover left Thursday to visit Mrs. Theo. Qaattlebaum in Columbia. Misses Edna and Elize Bates were in Gobi't bia Thursday night for ''Little tirown" at the opera houae. Mr. mho Mrs. L. K. Etheredge are visiting il?< t< rmer's mother, Mrs. Uriah Eherwiigo. Mrs. n. J. farmer or Kicnraoua, | Va., is a guest of Mrs. Atwel!. Miss Mae McKown, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. A Rickenbaker, left recently to visit in New York city, Mr9. Simmons and Mis9 Hattie Simmons, who have been visiting the former's vister, Mrs. JVC. Cullum, returned to their home in Greenville Friday. They were accompanied by Miss Katherine Cullum, who will be their guest for a while. J. K. Cooner returned Friday from a fcrin to Snartanhnrff Mrs. Lois Ford Jones, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Jon s, returned to Marion Friday. S. J. Cullam of Augusta visited his mother, Mr9. J. C. Oullum, this week. Mrs. Henry Tillman and litrle Mary have returned to Greenwood after a visit to. the former's mother, Mrs. Jabez Terris. i After a visit to his fauiily at Mrs. [ Ella Alexander's, Walter Martin has returned to his home in Terrell, Texas. ae Rev. N. N. Burton returned Jay from Swansea, where he TW was a guest ot Dr. Brooker. Mrs. 'J. A. Kirby and Mrs. L. R. Brazell, who have been visiting iheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rawl, have returned t) their respective homes, Augusta and Florence. Mrs^M. B. Edwards left the first of the week to visit in Anderson and Columbia. Miss Annie Leh Etheredge has rt" turned from a visit to Orangeburg, North aud Columbia. F. E. Cullam returned Thursday from a visit to Atlanta. E. A. Rickenbaker is in Summer ville, whoie ho will make hia home in the future. Mrs. Rickenbaker, her father, Mr. McCown, and little Elizabeth Rickenbaker wi!l le?ve for Summerville Februaj y 1. A mean. >iuiiy cold, with koar>e i wheezy bre-tli.:.k is just the Kind that < runs into bronchitis or pmuinonia. ' Don't trifle witii puch serious concii- ! Dons but take Fo)e\'s Homy : ud Tar j Compound promptly. Quick d btn- I elieial ;esuk- :t.-e ;i11> t y< u can i exp.-ct from this areas nndiciie. It ; It soo'hes a <1 foal* 'he inflamed air i T);]SsH;'? S. I .lotii. t'fn' Iii.m!S< i-j. tilnir I courIi. Har ujii i)ru<; Cu. Presentment of Grand Jun * On Monday, January, 13th, 191: upon the convening of the Januai Term of Court of General Sessions f< Lexington County, State of Soul - - iL- /-< J T ^r.1 uaronna, nit; urauu ouiy naa organized by the appointment of I L. Lybrand as foreman and the a ministering of the proper oath ar the charging of all the members of th body with the responsibilities ai daties pertaining to the office of Grand Juror. After the completi 3D of the orgar zation of this body, the Presidii Judge, the Hon. Frank Gary, delive ed\>ur body a brief, dear aod impre sive charge, as to oar powers, resj>o sibilities, daties and obligations as grand juryWe have handed as by the court number of bills of indictment, all which we have fully investigated ai carefallv considered, and have retnr ed each and every bill cf indictme to the conrt with our findings endorse thereon. We have inspected the county jj and find that the same is well ke and in good conditon. We have appointed a committee three, consisting of Isaac Edwards, ' rrr at it j ttt t at it i... i _ . w.onuuana w. l,. onmi.toinspectai report on the condition of the Coun Poor House and Farm. This cor mittee has visited the County Po House within th past few days ai report that the inmates are well car for and that they are satisfied wi the treasment and attention givi them by the officers in charge. "V find that this institution needs a gc< milch cow, as the cow now on t] county farm is in bad condition ai unfit for milk, and recommend th the proper officers secure a good cc as soon as practicable. We do not know whether or not tl buildings at the County Poor hone are insured, and if they are not i sured, we recommeod that the Coun | Supervisor have all of said buildin insured as from reports made to ns seems that they are in great danger being burned. We also recotmriei that the pasture be enlarged and th the farm be furnished with mere bo as there is only one hog on the fai at present. We recommend that the roads a; bridges of the County be looked aft at once, as it is reported to us th some roads and bridges within o County are in a dangerous conditii some cannot be traveled by the po lie at all. Immediate attention shou be given to such roads and bridges aro unfit to traveling over. Numerous reports have reached that several so called Social Clubs a being operated at different points our County, and that none of the are being run according to law. V i.i r : jt 4.1 a. ^ n tnereiore recommenu mai an su< clubs or places of resort where alcobc ic 1 qnorsare sold be closed and th the party or parties operating eau be prosecuted. Because of the lack of time at th term of Court we will not be able 1 inspect the offices of the County c ficerg, but all sucb offices will be du and properly examined and oar repo made at a later term of the Court i General Sessions. Wo wish to express our appreciatioi for the favors and courtesies shown \ by the Presiding Judge and othi court officials at this term of cour Respectfully submitted, R. L. Lybrand, Foreman. Lexington, 3. C , January 15, 1913. We have fouLid on file in the offi< of the Olerk of Court for this Coam a ceitain writtoa .nstmment which hereto attached and made a part our presentment, and we recommec that the Solicitor take the necessa steps to enforce the conditions set o in said written agreement, inasmui as the put}' whose name is there signed has not complied with the co diHnns nf written apreempnt. State of South Carolina County of Lexington. To All Whom These Presents M; Come: In view of the fact that I am now the county jail for the county abo stated, having been placed there by t ' Sheriff of Lexington County, he ha iug found on my person property th belonged to my sister, Mrs. Hodge, ; Swansea, S. C. Now on assuran from her that she will not so far | she is concerned push the charge larceny against me, I hereby ma! the following promise: That I w absent raj self from the home of n sister and mother, and declare that will notmcle.-t thera.oreitherof tiiei neither will I interfere in any mann whatsoever, with any property beioi ing to either of them, or that may in their possession at any time, I further agree that if 1 fail on n part to keep t-i.e ..hove promise tin the charge of larceny (of which I a guilty ) shall be pus ml against too. I do solemly promise that so long :i:y mother, Mrs. Crocker, or my siste Mrs. Hodge, docs e?.t p. ess . his char; against me that I wiii *.ivc 1.0 tioub in any way, and further, I will ahse ??i?^^? ld 01 is B id a ii? 3g ir!8* na I- J.LH! aa ty ?? n- ?????i???? or DEAL ed ! DRY GOOD Ve * SHI 3d at iw A 5 MILLI nty ? *8 it * of 1616 MAIN ST. ad.1 S Columt m nd 5 at or on lb- jeamM?mmmamm?mmm iid as US. re in m re ': ih >]-. 10 , lis j my3?lf from tbcm, and will not bo I ,fj' found ever loitering around in that j jyv portion of Lexington County, rt- Witness my Hand and Seal this the j Df 10th, day of June, 1911. v J. B. Je er Signed Sealed and delivered 1 > in the presence of Frank W. Shealv, Cy. L, Shealy. I Land for Sale. I will offer for ale at Lexington, S C on 9ale?day in February, it being the 3rd day of said month, in front of ce the Court House immediatlely after fey legal sales the following real estaie iu is wit: of That tr^ct of land known as the 'd Hnekabee Mill Place on Scouter j r.v Creek containing about 300 acrrs ut more or less. Sume open and some i 2h wood land. Dwelling and out build- j t0 ing9, wheat and grist mills, cotton , n- gin. Fine spring water on r lace. ! Thrasher. Terms of sale, cash. EMMA RICARD AND HEIRS j FOR RENT ?Gf od two-horse /arm j nhnnr 25 nr 40 arrpu nnfin land. dWGll- ! in ing, outbuildings and gocd water, j ve known as Adam R. Metz old borne. j l? For terms applv to REUBEN D. ILARMON, lV" July 22-12. Lexington, IS. C. | ?ef Notice, Final Discharge. aa This is to notify a'l persons concerned that I will apply to Geo S. Drafts, I ?f .Tudgeof Probate for Lexington County, I ko on the 13th day of January, 1913, for a ill final discharge as Executor ot the | estate of D. E Shall, deceased. yT 0 E. SHELL, Executor. 1 Dec. 17, 1912-10. 2), ???? j er For Sale. !1C . A valuable 'ot on npp r Mun strict in Lexington, a fine location f?.r a home. Anvo te i itc:rested in- j iy <|ui tp at the Dispatch < '.ft m IBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY?Mana- j ger wanted in all South Carolina I ^ j Counties to handle he?t raying bu-i- j ; ness known. Small capital necessary. | j You handle own money. Should pay j ~ , j .>>000.00 first year. UNITED SAL S i ^ i COMPANY, ATLANTA, GKOLl OA. i IRSfERTI D e n a 9 1 , f I 8 c [WIN? m i\iiiu c ________ i r ER IN J f S, NOTIONS S 5 jl; I KJ a 8 ND s C NERY ; TELEPHONE 1576. >ia S. C. I i NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the estate of James H. Fields, deceased, must make immediate payment to tbe undersigned ai d those having claims against said estate most present tkeru. properly attested, to GEORGE R. FIELDS, Administrator of the Estate of James H. Fields, d ceased. January (J, 1913. 12. j 1tlnnov Ta T nan 1T1U11VJ M. V UVU1B on improved Farming Lands. *f Long time. Easy payments. J Borrower pays actual cost of i perfecting loan. No commis sions charged. } JOHN B. PALMER & SON * Sylvan Bldg., P. 0. Box 282, Columbia, S. C. ; Jan. 8. 4f,. i r^.DA I AAiflani rue, Huuiuem I r> and Live Stock; i Insurance k | I t Reprasenting old line i | companies I can place \ i . | your Insurance at lowest | rates. | Write or call to see me before you insure. r Greer L, raylor, :j GILBERT, S. G. I ^sf.~1885 ^ uzerS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lexington. iy Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, Simeon Sanders made suit : 3 me to grant, him letters of administration of the estate of and ffecta of H. C. Sanders; These are, therefore, to cite and ad aonish all and singular the kindred nd creditors of the said H. C. 8andrs, deceased, that they be and appear, efore me, in the Court of_Probate, to e held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on 7th day of Jan. 1013, next, after pubication hereof at 11 o'clock in the orenoon, to show cause, if any they lave, why the said administration honld not be granted. Given under my hand, this 11th day >f January, A. D. 1913. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L. S.) Probate Judge, Lexington Co., 8. 0. * Published on the 15th day of Jan. 913, in the Lexington Dispatch. 12 NOTICE, PENSIONERS. The Pension Commissioner will be n the Auditor's office on each Saturlay in the month of January, 1913, to tfvo out blanks to each applicant. All ipplicants must appear in person as 10 blanks will be given out except in >xtreme cases. Further instructions vill be given when applicants applies on klnnto w UI uiauao. The Pension Board will meet on the irst Monday in February, 1913, to pats ipon all applications that were handd to Commissioner. After that date no danks will be given out. The representatives and all others ire requested to send to the Commiaioner the names of all pensioners vh) t8ve died or moved out the cointf ince last pension roil was paid. Those 'ut off by annexation to Richland will end their names to the Commissioner o that roll can be made of all such as tow live in Riohland countv. 8. M/ROOF, Commissioner Lexington County Pension Board. December 13, 1912. AS WELL AS large ones are welcome here? you need not wait until your bus- y ' inees has assumed great proportions before opening a Checking Account, DO SO TO-DAY. f Our patrons regardless of the j amount of business done, receive I every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us?and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. Talk it over with our cashier. CARDURA NATIONAL BANK, COLUMBIA, S. C. Trespass Notice. All prrson9 are hereby positively orbidden to tresspass by hunting; or, n an any manner whatever, upon our ands in Boiling Springs Township, rhe Jaw will positively be rigorously cef your answer to the said complaint )n the subscribers at their office, Thurmond and Ramage, Saluda, South Carolina, within twenty days iftor the service hereof, exclusive of ;he day of such service, and if you !ail to answer the complaint within ,he time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this iction will apply to the Court for the elief demanded in the complaint. Dated Jan. 1, A. D. 1913. THURMOND & RAMAGE, THURMOND, TIMMERMAN & CALLISON, Plaintiff's Attorney. To The Milbuin Wagon Co., a nonresident defendant: Vftn ovrt hoi-oK? nntiTipd that t IP 1 vu ua u uvi v jjv/ v***??? --- ? ? ? - _ summon?. Complaint, Notices a id Attachments Proceeding were tin's lay filed in the ollice of Clerk of Court )f Lexington County, S. 0., and are tow on file in said ofTiie. FRANK W. SHE ALA', Jan. 1, 1913. 1?? 0. C. C. P.