"PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' DR. G. R. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at his office doing good worfc at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA. S. C DR. F. 0. GILMORE, DENTIST 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Dm02 Houas; 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., an from s to 6 d. m. \I7M. W. HA WES, T Attorney and Counselor at Law. ! , NEW BBOOKLAND, 8. 0. Practice in all Courts Business solicited. November 1.1905 DR. L. L. TOOLE, Dentist, 1623 Main St. : Columbia, S. C, OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M.-5 P. M. 0. X. KFIBD. I. S. DEEHEB EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. fl. S. 0 Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm wilt always be at office, Lexington. S. 0. T H. FRIOK, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAPIN, S C. Office: Hotel MarioD, 4th Boom. Second Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. BOBERT MOORMAN. 11 Attorney-at-L. Admitted tc Practice in all Coart9 in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. rURMONDjTIMMERMAN & CALLISON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to, at our office at any time. Office next to Caughman & Harmon's. Lexington, S. C. J. WM THURMOND. GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, qw is iqik T. 0. CALLISON. W|/V AV|?v?. LBERT M. BOOZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA, S. 0. Omax: I8i? Main Street, upstairs, opposite _ Van Metre's Furniture Store special attention givento business entrusted to hlra by his fellow citizens of Lexington 3ountv. f\B. D, L* HALL, U DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0. - ,5-- * Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours 8 a. m., to 6:80 p.*m Dep 28,1907?6m DR. 6. J. OUVEROS, MM MARION ST . COLUMBIA, S. O. Is prepared to treat ail troubles of Eye, Bar, Nose, Throat and Lungs. The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. i r. -/* BARNARD B. EVANS, ' Attorney fit Law. M3MNAUGH BLDG. f COLUMBIA, S. C. Practice in all Courts. . MONEY TO LOAN. . Law Offices, ( Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < Pendleton Street. -.Street. ( Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. \IT BOYD EVANS, V? LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia. S. 0. DR. A. J. ADAMS, DENTIST, SWH5E , SO. CAROLIN . 60?6mp E. L. HARTLEY, Batesburg, . . . S. C. ";nrvevinff. Terracing. Leveling:. Any ' * "rf ? O' - - w ? one desiring such please let me know. All Work guaranteed and promptly done. Rates fo.OOPer Day. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fiue china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you 1 I select from. Keep us in mind when wanting-anything in Jewelry 01 * Silverware. 0 Grood watch work and best | eye glasses. If you can't come, send for cur catalogue or telephone your order to us. P. H. LACHICOTTE & CO.. JEWELERS, iaqion u I n the members of the bar, aDd a1 I ^it-h whom he cam*4 in contact, and it is generally hoped that he will be disengaged cn the firs'- Monday in Februiry and that he will be sent back to Lexington to hold the court of common J Dleas. What Not to Talk About. Two of the changes in manners arhich most impress Senator Lodge, le tells in Scribner's Magazine, are :he modern freedom to discuss money md physical ailments. It used to be j ?+01 Vr ohnni t ho onah r?f nno'a 1 VUlgCfcl t VJ I'CAIXX OWVU V 4 v-w w ;hings or one's neighbor's things. It ised to be deemed offensive to disjnss digestive derangement, but we iave changed all that: I now hpar surgical operations, physical func:ions, disease and its remedy freely discussed at dinner and on all other occasions by the ingenious youth of Doth sexes.'' He does not undertake ;o decide which is the better fashon, 1 3ut if Emerson were here he would 1 not hesitate "Do not poison the ( day" he would once more tell us.? Springfield Republican. ( A. C. Jones Takes Own Life. 1 Spartanburg Jan. 15?Adam Crane , Tones, a well known traveling sales- T man of this city, c^mmetted suicide j this morning shortly after 10 o'clock ] ov shooting himself in the right tem- ] pie with a 3S calibre revolver. The tragedy was enacted in the wood- 1 bouse at his home on Maple street. He 1 was 5S years of age and was a most | pleasant and affable man and highly esteemed. j For many 3rears he was connected ) with Arnold Constable & Company of f 1 New York. He was a candidate for j ' governor several years ago, being in j the race with former governor M. F. s A-nsel and Richard I. Manning. | I SHAFTING! | PULLI LOMBARD IRON WORKS, Th< / /x/ Monthly [ [ jjjjjjjjjjgg J Door sei ^gW On wli ily be af J. T. OOLEMAN HKr. , Charleston, 8. 0 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANC Incorporated as a stock com pa i John F. Dry den, President. We Are Headqi Doors, Sash High Grade an See me before placing your* r:oLUMBl A good memory is one that enables us to forget unpleasant things. Persons troubled with partial paralysis are often very much benefited by massacring the affected parts thoroughly when applying Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheu- ! matic pains. For sale by all dealers. Hook and Laftonj IfC! Cor. Gsrvais and Assembly j j Streets, I COLUMBIA, - S. C. j j Have a full line j STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, NEGETA- I ELES. GRAIN. FEED, ETC. at lowe-t price? and solicit a share of the Lexington trade, always call and see lis when in the city. Half Price Offer. By a renewal of our clubbing! offer with the Home and Farm, we aie enable to give Dispatoh readers a ha'f price rate of 25c. per year for this valuable home and farm paper. Renew yonr subscriptions now. Subscribe to Dispatch and Home & Farm, both one year for f 1 2-5. ;ARMER'S WIFE ALMOST A WRECK Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?Her Own Story. Md.?"T am a farmer's ft town VVV?J ?? ? rife and do most of my own work when . j I am able. 1 had lIBliiillll nervous spells, feHHp male weakness and terrible bearing jiljjlfflr WM down pains every ST wsJl! month. I also suf IPIsi /l. \ 111 fered much with my lill ijiiiiiji right side. The pain started in my back , and extended around I | f i my right side, and ' ' the doctor told me it 'was organic inflamnation. I was sick every three weeks md had to stay in bed from two to four i lays. "It is with great pleasure I tell you vhat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I have folowed your directions as near as possible, and feel much better than I have ?elt for years. When I wrote you before I was almost a wreck. You can bubiish this letter if you like. It may lelp to strengthen the faith of some boor suffering woman."?Mrs. John F. Richards, Westwood, Maryland. Women who suffer from those dis ressmg lli5 peculiar lu uieii aiiuuiu lot doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinklam's Vegetable Compound to restore heir health. If you have the slightest doubt hat Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham3IedicineCo. [confidential) Lynn, 3Iass., for adrice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, md held in strict confidence. A man's enemies, keep him on his ;uard?his friends throw him off. ??? / EYSTI BELTS I AUGUST*, CJL I e Prudential ' Income Policy is the parting Comtiort From ich side wil| your famter your death? ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. 5E COMPANY OF AMERICA, ly by the State ol New Jersey. Home Office, Newark, N J. larters For and Blinds. d Low Prices 3rder for building material ! INC. A, S. C. r * Edwin G. Dreher nwQiiPAmrr lrtuuiumuL FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT ! . AUTOMOBILE ! PLATE GLASS j LIVE STOCK j TORNADO ! I HEALTH j I t ? ? * A?tU. ^ 1? A r?fi?Anrr/'.i4 1 repif>CHO uxil^y Ul>; 3MUU^i;ni I and boat old lino Companies and have special facilities for j writing fire insurance 011 coun- j try property. If yon want in- | surance of any kind write or j cull on me at Lexington, S C. > i > i WWW UVUVWUUWUVJ i IS IT PAINT? t $ WE HAVE IT IIP ? $ W t a The Very Best Goods and * i Rightly Priced, $ I Webb's Art Store * J 1627 Main Street - Columbia, S. C. J J DECORATORS: In Burlap, Tapestries and Wall Payers. J J Out of City Work Solicited. ^ ^vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv^-vvvvvvii Attention Automobile Garages and Machine Shops We now carry in stock the following size Cored Bars of the famous NONGRAN High Speed Bearing Bronze?the bronze used in all first class cars Solid, lxM, IKxJi. 2x1, 2^x1#, 2^x1% All Barare 12" long and dimensions above are outside and inside diameters. Phone?Wire?Write?or Call. Orders Filled Immediately COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, 223 West Cervais St., . . . Columbia, S. C. New and SeasonoljSe floods. Our stock of Millinery, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions ofc tc nnw rnmnlpfp 1 i VJ 'v O ClliVi i. 1 UU 1 buy or not. Our prices are right, WM. PLATT & SON, 1804 MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. KODAK Lj WE CARRY A FULL U-\\\ m KODAKS,FiUMS, PAPER AND OI iitK strmS. |? Sg nj m SHIPMENTS FREQUENT, S E* g| INSURING FRESH GOODS || jp Send Us Your Order Today | THE R. L. BRYAN COMPANY | || COLUMBIA, S. C. ^ I GOOD STOCK 1 i ? m . >4 ? I n y ' M M '' * And best of work is the strong 5 ! M " j Feature that has helped to earn j jjj The ^State-wide reputation jl ;|j and endorsements of the || I' South Carolina Marble Works. Is! | | = | i 31 All work in either marble or granite jj h Guaranteed to satisfy. Weselliron ' ^ I H Fence also. Write or call to 3 Mi N i\ See us and we will see that R u ? R I Your interest is protected !jj '3! _ I N : T SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. I !L : *' jV Phnne 1558. t 1707 Main Street, *' n ^ A R1 j'jjj QULUEVitSIA S 9. u. m. jjj! R. V. STILLER, Manager, r F. H. HYATT, Proprietor. || g| ' vViYw v w t * hi ivmizii mniiii iiY*Vm i iYiYitt t*? "" *?