The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 08, 1913, Image 1

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. ?.. it? WS^'xy^ - S * ' v" . PSTHE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. me; &-> ' * *< " - ? **' - . ??il ii i ? ???O?rnmmmm , i , . i n I . ? ?? ?i^?^ ????' i _ - - " n ' . !.. , . i . ??? , , | | ? A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. ?VOL. XLDI. LEXINGTON, S. CH WEDNESDAY, JAN. 8, 1913. 10 i?-?^?i?. G 11 Ar" H qj lOao MAIN 8TBE1 Solicits a Shan \ VLET US HELP YOU TO B E G I N '' % % t> . Autumn of life brings only regret to those who waste the Springtime of Youth. He who does not save will surely fall a dead leaf from the tree of | I failure. i Begin now by opening a checking account with ? ? ii *3 x- 1 u u ??? I us, and you win do pieaseu. iu icam uuw inntu juu can save for the Autumn of your life. ? Ve pay 4 per cent, on Savings Deposits, Compounded Quarterly [ The Bank of Swansea, J CAPITOL $20,000.00. DEPOSITS $50,000.00 | W. H. WITT, PRES. R. L. LYBRAND, VICE-PRES. B. E. CRAFT, CASHIER | V I HHsnmHESESHB A = ^ Gall at This Bank - And Let Us Present \ ou with a Handy Book Called "THINGS WORTH KNOWING." It is full of interesting and useful facts for everybody. UltlON NATION AX? BANK Colombia, S. XI. .^ n imwwm????? - _ __ . j j jBankofGlSpirM I Chapin, S. C. I ? TVin't that as Inner as thieves leave vour trunk \ I or safe intact, or your house or store is not burned, S you are well enough off without a bank. I Of equal importance with the security and conve- g nience afforded by a bank account, is the business pres- ? tige accruing to the depositor. Sooner or later you ? will need that prestige, and you will then discover 8 thai it has a cash value. Thieves cannot steal it, nor | can it be consumed by fire. I If you are not already a customer of this Bank, 8 call and let us show you wherein an account with us A carries security, conve nience and prestige. | 8 i c mrccTMnrD I p HftMFVnITT. | W) *5 ? l3? Tf Z-J Jill VI A-iJKX) a. ?_ . V i. ? ?J A V w ? m.y y/ / President. CasMer. | LOT OF ' | " ' ! I iiiu iiui yyy w muiuu Suitable for all purposes, and all at right prices. Come quick and make I your choice. MATTHEWS & BOUiliT,; LEESVILLE, S. C. 1 LOBE BBT 01 ET, - 3 of Your Valued Pat Government Aid to Improve Highways. We bave been an earnest advocate of thegdoctrine that the National Government should contribute toward building and maintaining the pnblic highways both through the columns of the Dispatch^ in the days that have gone by and more recently elsewhere. The National Government annually for years past, has appropriated millions of dollars to improve the iiyers and harbors of this great country of ours, many of which it has never used and in all human probability never will use; and since this government has been an organized government, it has never nntil recently contributed one cent, if our memory is not at fault, toward the building and 1 maintenance of the pubiic highways i of the country. For years and years, the government has us^d our public roads as star routes and later on as both star routes and free rural routes, claiming and exercising the right of way over them to the interuption many times to both "travel and traffic, and in all these years the counties of the country have had to bear the burden of their maintenance. There is neither jastice or equity in thi9 stingy policy of the National Government. The Government is jast as much, and if anything morie, doty bound to contribute its share of the cost of maintaining our public roads, as it is in beariDg all the expense of improving our rivers .and harbors, because the benefits accruing from good roads are greater to the government and the people than rivers and harbors are and the former serves ?> greater number of people, and are more valuable to the govern-:" mentin the transportation of mail matter. We are glad to fcnow that the Intering wedge has been driven home and we trust that Congress can see its way clear to make a large appropriation in each State for roads and bridges. The Parcels Post, **his new system for the transportation of parcels a long felt want, in the commercial world. The attractive feature about it is its cheapness and efficiency of service, both of which appeals to the business judgment of both the seller and buyer alike, and they both will surely make this system a popular medium for the quick transaction of business. The law went into effect the 1st. of January of this year, and while not many parcels were handled at the local office and no untoward incident marked its inauguration, yet each day since then the number of pack- . ages handled have been largely on the increase and the outlook is by the end cf the month, Postmaster Leap hart and hi9 assistant, Julius Corley, will have their hands full handling packages in addition to the regular mail matter which comes to the Lexington ofMee five times a day. John Blake DeadJohn Blake the young printer, who was shot at the passenger depot of the Seaboard Air Lino in Columbia on Christmas Eve by a Mr. Parker, died i at Knowlion's Infirmary last Satur- J day. The interment was at Ehiv.vood ! Cemetery, Mr. Blake at one time worked on the Dispatch for about eleven mouths and as a rule we 'uuncl him to be a (mint, industrious vonntr man am"! by ins gentlemanly deportment during his sojourn in Lexington he made many friends. A large number-of friends at leaded his remains to the grave to pay the last sad rites to his memory. The flora! tributes were numerous and beautiful. Br. Mathias 111. We regret to learn that Dr. Homer Mathias, son of Mr. L. S. Mathias, ,is critically at his home at Irmo with typhoid fever. The young man ha-* just entered'upon the practice of his profession, having recently been licensed to do so. We have not heard from him since Monday and know not whether his condition has changed for 'he hotter or the worse. MS GOHIAH r. Tie., ? m ronage. Polite and Pro] ATTEMPTED ASSASSINA TIOE. Lexington Farmer Shot from Ambush?Dick Marley Charged with Crime. Lexington, January 2.?Special: Dick Harley a white man about 50 years of age was lodged in jail last night by Sheriff Sim J. Miller, charged with the attempted assassination on Tuesday evening about dark of Va9tine Jefcoat, a farmer about the same age. Harley wa9 captured several miles from his home by the Sheriff yesterday afternoon. Oa Tuesday evening, just about good dusk, Mr. Jefcoat near his home, was fired upon by someone who was hiding behind a tree a short distance away. About 35 shot, a mixed load, struck Mr. Jefcoat in the back, caus_ ing painful, but not necessary dangerous wounds. Mr. Jefecat says that rio ar, once i recognized hi9 assailant as "Dick" ! Harley, and the son of Jefooat went before Magistrate U. W. Jefccat at Swansea yesterday morning and immediately swore out the warrant, it being issued on "information and belief." The two men are near neighbors, living only about a mile from each other in the lower section of the county and have been at outs for some time. The trouble originated, it is said, from the fact that Harley has sworn out a warrant for Jefcoat, charging living in adultery. The preliminary was held before Magistrate 0. R. Riah at Pelion, on Tuesday, and the charges were dismissed. On the way home from the trial, it is said that Harley made threats against Jefcoat, and wanted to shoot him on the highway. He was prevailed upon not to carry oftt his threat; bat is said to have borrowed a gun with which to shoot Jefcoat. Harley will not discuss the case. It is said that he and his wife have not been living together for several months, and that he charges Jefcoat with the alienation of his wife's af fections. The trial will be held during the coming term of the Court of General Sessions, which convenes on the second Monday in January.?News and ? Courier. Mr. Smith Has Resigned. Wfl trnlv rAflrrftt to ho informal that Mr. R. D. Smith, Cashier of the Bank of Western Carolina has resigned his position and will leave Lexington. Mr. Smith is a sound business young man and under his able and efficient management the business of the branch bank at this place has grown to such an extent as to pass beyond the capacity of one man to properly attend to. He asked for an assistant which was denied him and his resignation followed. He is succeeded by a Mr. Tyler of Aiken, who comes to us as an experienced financier and a gentleman of pleasing personality, courteous and accommodating. Second "Week Jurors. Jeff J Smith II It Shumpert Lorcy I> Shealy Ed Chalmers John Yv" Stevens Carl B Shulcr G B Dow-ing T/ ri Sox Clarion 0 Hummer Frank B Stuck Byron G F.dlaw G A Guignavd pari S Croat J Ligon Hook Andrew J Wi?????*: ; }T II Miller M L Lvfcracd Rkude Rou.rrts J Willie I:kingr-r Henry Sheaiy E E Pound John V Hut-jo J Henry Gnnter A B Quat lebaum { U Kelly Gantc D Cal Buff J Hughic Croat W 15 Hast Jessie L Taylor ML Bachman Mansel Berry M II Porth D Baxter Shealy J R Hcndrix S J Clark J Pollard Hall j ? ^ | If your children are subject to at- ' (jj tacks of croup, watch for the first j symptom, hoarseness. Give Cham- ? ? berlainks Cough Remedy as soon as [6 11 i..!.i i., i T I luc i_-wj;u uta-diucs noarse and ine ai- wy tack may be warded oiT. For sale by jf ail dealers. to 5 It is reported that. 1 am goi:i? to $ Florida, but the fact is I am bitter J prepared to serve my trade than ever m before. w. D. E. GEORGE, Brookland. ,, 8 1 4 -a-Eie, nf COLUMBIA, M. C. J mpt Attention. ' Protection TO Depositors Those who keep their money in this bank while it awaits their use, know positively that no harm can come to it, and they can get it when they want it. Many of our depositors have been 9aved from serious losses by consulting our officers when tempted to "invest'* in schemes offered by strangers. Managed by men who have made successes in business, thi9 bank offers the highest degree of protection to its depositors, and invites YOU to become one. ; THE HOME NATIONAL BANK LEXINGTON, . . S. C. Resources . . . $250,000.00. We Pay Interest on Savings Accounts Quarterly. 5 per cent Interest Paid on Certificates of Deposit t WE Pay Yon to Save. Small Sums Saved soon grow large?and earninterest all the time. Protect yourself and little ones by opening an account in our "SAYINGS Department" "Have money in the Bank." Start with a dollar or so, add to it weekly or monthly, and yon will feel more independent ' i at once Step in and let us tell you of our Savings Department Citizens Bank of Batesburg, U. X. CUNTER. Pre*. A. C. JONES, Cashier. M.:u. BOATWRKSHT, Vice-Pree. L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier: CEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, Attorney. i Vein I Aiealod In flair Porntananl Unmo ! nun kVVHIVH ill ?*I WIIUWHWIII > * ? 1323 Main St.. . Columbia, S. C. Where We Hope To See You Often. Starf Saving Today?and Tomorrow You Will Have Something. Richland Savings Bank & Trust Company \ 1323 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. BEFORE this BANK got it's CHARTER and became A NATIONAL BANK MI1HHT 111 ? MdKDCTB? II >! ! ? ?? ???? it had to satisfy tlio U. S. Government at Washington tliat all of the provisions of the National "Rankincr L-Arrc: lv>rl v>mn I _ - 0 ? -Mcvu j with. Ir | Every si?^r-?^ that time frequent unci rigid examinations have _bccn ; | marie by tdjeTIovernmen*. s Every time the Covornm-'nr c alls for a report, an accurate state- | | men" rf the ati'dr: o: *iAALMETTO NATIONAL BANK is pubi Jishc n in this ]!u::or. Yb-want you vo know ail about cs. When ; | vo'1 v.'o believe yen v:, v OUR BANK YOUR BANK lie MtioRul Bank, OF COLUMBIA, S. C. wilie Joxr.s. presidevt. J. P. Matthews, Cashier ??????am?KiTtWLJJJlA WW QMP8WME W. WiWI M. fW III .' ? I? MM??????????? I BROOK LAND BANK "j | Jj, New Brookland, 5. C. r 6 DIRECTORS: 1 J. G. Guignard, E. W. Shull, G. A. Guienard i ?-* (6 R. N. Senn, Henry Buff, F. L. Sandel 5 A. D. Shull, L. S. Trotti, P. J. Wessinger 9S9 C5?S?SC??S?95S?SeS?5 . jwiatSift* iy*i "iiVi**