I Jw n ningn 1_ SHOULD COMf TO INSURE YO NOT THINK YOI PERF ????? I of wes HAS A LARGER CAPITAL OF FO CAROLINA, ANC SECUl : TRUSTEES 8A1E Notice of Sale or Rea> Efitat of the Bankrupt Estate of W P. Roof?In the District Court ?? the United J States? Eastern District of South v Carolina?count > of LexingtonIn Re W P. Roof, Bankrupt By authority of and in pursuance of j an orderef the JsanBruptcy u>uiu ?? r the Eastern District of Houi h c*ro Hna; We, the w dersigncd Tr.?s e* of tue Bankrupt Estate of W. P R ?of, Will sell at at pontic auction before * the court House door at Lexington, in the county and state aforesaid, da'i >? the usual hours or sate n the Fir-r Monday in January, 1913, the same being the 6th da>, the toilowing lands to wit: Tract No. 1. Known as W. P. Roof'r. Farm, containing one hundred and twenty two acres more or less, situat ed in the rear of the coonty Fair Srwimls, the same being about one -V^SSTTmBe from .the Town of. Lexington, 8. c. This pi an tat io a bat been ' Subdivided into four tracts as follows; T*act A containing 34 acres more or Mm; Tract B oonfc ining 26 acres more dr less; Trae$ c containing 89 acres tnore or lets; Tract D aontaising 36 acres snore or less with a good dwelling hoase and targe barn and stables est the same. Tract No. Known as the Greet Laada, containing 46 M acres, more * jl kaln* in Lttisfftofi Township, State and county aforetaid, adjoinginf Lends of 8. K. " ^ Qnn, end leads of Kan* S^J. H. Fields, Bam'i B. George a&d } Jfcseb Snelgrove. i $?act K?v 3 Known u the Boozer Tract, ooatainining 290 acres more or less, adjoteint lands of W. D. Qoiek, Itoledge Harris, Uai? Bitrii, Ada I^eaphart, Bam P. Roof, D, E. Batten* tine, Henry 8eay,F. A Derrick, Leej Smith Tract and G M. Csoghman. .This ple*#stfon of lend bee been safedivldedfrnto fire tracts ?A follows; .r$ractA arafainlng 5 eoros more or tew; Tract B containing 98 mores more or less; Tract c ooatnininf 60 eras more or lees; Tract D contain fug 80 acres more or less; Tract E B containing 61 acres more or less. All {, plot* constituting tract No 3 are well timbered, and have "The Ridge Boad'1 running through them. Tract No 4 Known as the Leri 1 - r Smith Tract, containing one hundred i and fifty acres more or less and ad- s joining land* of O M caugbman, BofezerTract, FA Derrick, Paul H Shall, Estate. Lands of Dave Drafts and others. This plantation of land I baa been subdivided into three tracts I; as follows; Tract A containing fifty i\x acres more or less; Tract B con\ taining 64 acres more or less; Tract c . containing 40 acres more or less. The above plots of tract No 4 are well timbered, and hare a frontage on the Augusta Road. Tract No 5 Known as the T 8 Har- a man tract, containing 23 acres more or $ leas, lying and being in Lexington, \ Township county and state aforesaid. t adjoining lands of or formerly f v ; Jacob J Gnnter, Wm J Assman, T S < C Herman and perhaps others. This ( tract is well timbered. t Tract No 6 Known as the Hebron jj ohurch Tract, containing 12 1-8 acres j mare or less, lying and being in Lex- c ington Township county and state j aforesaid, adjoining lands of Frank s j. Drafts, F M Mathias, Kinsler lauds c and lands of Hebron church. t Tract No 7 Known as the Water's ( Ferry Road Tract, containing 49 acres c more or less, adjoining lands of the a* Widow Harriet Bosty, Daniel J Lucas, [ Jacob Rish?end perhaps others. ^ Tract No 8 Known as the Jno W c Wise Tract, containing 50 acres more g or less, lying and being in BoiiiDg c Springs Township adjoining lands or c Geo D Wise, Simpson D Wise, and Emma Williamson. n Tract No. 9. Known as the Hen- r *" * ?On nnrl 5Z l derson xracc, ??u IT IS ALL PLEDGED 1 RE PEPOSIl f 4 CHRISTMJ Practical Presents a because Gifts that are t alive pleasant memories est. Hints from the Ha: oTTinn it Dt p or | OUU/lDL/Ci Ol Dolls of all ; kinds, Trains, Iron and Tin St< Doll Beds, Doll Bureaus ons, Wheel Barrows, Drums, Water Sets, \ - Toilet Sets, Cuff Boxes, Chops, China Sets, G1 Christmas Stationery, C , of all kinds, Fireworks < ' all kinds. i < : *! ' ' ' V * ' HARMON'S & . / " / f . L%> /. ' ' # ' ' ' 4 ' 4 I-' ""i 11 1 'JULJ-J V.1.. 11 '.W., criptien see plats and records oa file n tht* nftloA of tha TrniMaa. . W H TOWNREND T P MEETZE, C E LEAPHA.RT >nstees of the Bankrupt Estate of V P Roor. - -'.j i 1 Trustees Sale f ice of Sale of Real Estate of tho Bankrupt Estate of W P Roof?In ?<*,? District4 Court of the United States?Eastero Distriot of South Carolina?State of South Carolina? Co arty of Lexington. 1:; Re W P Roof, Bankrupt. By authority o* and ia pursuance of n order of the Bankruptcy Court for be Eas em Dinf-ricfc of South Caroiua; Wrt the uu fersigned Trustees of b? Bankrupt Estate of W P. Roof, triil sell at ppblic auction before the JourtH /use door at Lexington, in the 3ounty and State aforesaid, during hM usual hours of ??. u ou the First dunday in January, 1913, the same bene the 6th day, ail that piece, parcel >r lot of land situate lying and being n the town of Lexington, county and tate aforesaid, containing one half >f an acre more or less, bounded on he North by Main street, West by 3hurch Street, 8oatb by lot formerly f L K snellgrove and on the east by j itore lot formerly of Henry Hendrix, ogether with the buildings thereon, J he same being the store formerly oc- j mpied by W P Roof, the Lexington ; Savings Bank, and buildings now oc :upied by the United Statos Post>flice. Terms of Sale; one haif cash, bal ,nce Oct. 1, 1913 with in rarest at the j ate of eight per cent, secured by a ! >ond of the purchaser and a mortgage >f the premises purchaseo. The luildiags to be insured for not le.9S han tnree thousa. J dollars at the excuse of the purchaser for the protecion of the Trustees unci' the purchase n??ney has been full pa; . Purchase to pav forah papers. W.'H. TOWNSEND T. P MEETZE C. E. LEAPHART L'rustees or tne uanKrupt i^sia e 01 W. P. Roof. WANTED?A copy of the Dispatch >f date Nov. 13, 1012. Will pay for ame. Bring or seed to tl is office. Subscribe to Dispatch and Home & ?arm, both one year for $1 25. V \ THEIR BOND WOULD YOU SAFE IfULINA i THE UNITED CS IN SOUTH ro 'ORS mBanNKMinnRnHB IS GIFTS I re the most pleasing, sver before you keep of friendship the longrmon Bazaar. IGGESTIONS Cloth Animals, Iron jves, Tea Sets, Horns, , Doll Carriages, WagPianos. Automobiles, rases, jewelry Cases, China Bowls, China H ass ware of all kinds, , \ andy of all kinds, Fruit ' >f all kinds, Cakes , of ' ' v.. BAZAAR, J t ? CH ? \ F ' . 1, Pay Income Tax. The foilowing are the perfona in Lexington county who pay income tax together with the amount: Dr. D. M. Cro??on, LeesviUe..! 6 56 2, 0. M. Eflrd, Lexington. 5 93 T. B. Kernaghan, Bateabnrg.. 7 80 T. R. Binknight, ljeesvillc 7 85 J. L. Matthews, Leesviile 7.85 Dr. W, P. Tim merman, Bate*- 3 bnrg 1.00 G. A. Gaignard, Brookland... 50.00 4 Tot&i $88.99 MANGE RECIPE. Why let your dog auffer with Mange? Yon can cure him in a few day* with a recipe 5. we guarantee. It will restore the hair in five to ten days. After trying 6 this Recipe, if you are not satisfied, we wilt cher fully refund yonr money Recipe mailed on recipt of $1 in stamps or money order. THE UNITED STATES RECIPE COOK BOOK CO., P. 0. Box 116, 8. Aiken, S. C. * i Fire, Accident * and Live Stocks inciirQiifio iiioui anuc 12 Representing old line companies I can place your insurance at lowest h' a! rates. c Write or call to see me t( be lore you insure. e ol Greer L Taylor,. GILBERT, S. C. f Si 'fin f\ 1 _ II* i fl litis is a JLiUKe s mm J Wbetber <*? smoke Duke's M 8 ette it it delightfully satisfying K choice of mcD wbo want real, natui IMJ 0 In each 5c sack there are one C ^ choice Virginia and North (Carolina 'M neb?best sort of granulated tobac " many good, satisfying cigarettes? ^ rolling popular And with each 6a k ecu poo and a book of cigarette pap< 8 Get an Umbrelk A The coupons can be exchanged 1$ able presents The list includes not ?but many desirable presents for ? ll I THE MUSIC EE' The maaieal given by Mr*. B. B. Boof'i chool Auditorium on Friday evening, Decci inp to be remembered. It wu indeed a ve i view and those who attended were folly re jnvenience to which they might have beei tarkable mniical talent and she has the ha] pUaalL?thftitiu them. The foHowlng is the programme in fall. , Exercise and Chorus by Preparatory Cias a Year.?Stacy Gayer. Brace Canghman Marti.* Kyzer Kathrine Berley Marguerite Lorick * Mary Ellen Ca?g , 8otjOs: a. Olga Rawl?"Camels Hide In their Pat b. Gladys George?"Dancing Bine Bell*'' c. Jaanifca George?"The Broken Doll" A Cnsak Ifilrl.ar) Riirlv a.\f a 'fl T Varli no1 Vi? U04caui | u 1 V/VA * J V*A H LgraNAg^. ra gniit tmjgm). BPCHJw |S a t er Coats.w?EWe Phelan. I | Geo. L. Bpaoldio# I I 5".,. II. Eneelmaj Edward Hols A. Elllnenreicl Engelmai Arnold Sart-ori !ay Day" T. Gavotte Cari Wiihelm Ken V. DolniPtsol W* F. Snddi L. M. Goftscbafa Bertha Thomai Appreciated. ' ' r>- _ v. and Mrs. r. a. Druwu ukuc ?.< ess through the Dispatch thoi: ial appreciation of the donatioi surprise party that visited th< ona?e last week and added s< ally to its larder?thanking als< e members and friends, wh< o not personally present weri osented by 1.1.< ir gifts and goo< ICS. ay Christmas jov and a happ; pr sperous year be visited upoj Hon. T C. Thompson to De* liver Address. t ; liniau9 will i 1?m r!u> announcement that Hon. T. 0. ( Thompson, mayor of Chattanooga, | Mill d- liver an address at the Fifth National Corn Exposition here next month Mr. Thompson ha9 accepted a?: iiicf'ntirtn f/\ cnii^lr nn f!arrt. j n i in ? unuwu vw r|/< k*Ck uv/Miu v ' linn Day, which has been set for Jan. 23. the second day of the Exposition. Mi*. Thompson is a distinguished South Carolinian. He is a son of the late Governor Hagh 8. Thompson, ami for a number of ypars made his home in Columbia. He ha9 many warm personal friends in this city and . other sections of the State. South Carolina Day will be a fr acture of the National Corn Exposition of especial interest and significance for all citizens of the Palmetto State. A urecial program of attractive *ventB is being arranged, and the commer- < cial organizations of a numb r of cities of the State have assured their cooperation in making the day representhrive of the various s^crions of the State. A novel parade, in which the various cities'Will be represented, will be one of the features of the day. Social Club Closed* Carrying out the instructions of Governor Cole L. Blease, to rout blind tigers wherever they exist in this county, Sheriff Sim J. Miller is making a vigorous campaign against rhe illicit dealers in intoxicating drinks in every section of the county, vfondav, assisted by Chief of Police Pete L. Redmond, of Swansea, the Sheriff made five arrest9 in that town, losing np the People's Social Club of Swansea, and arresting G 0 Gantt, manager. Gantfc was immediately Kried before Mayor Sam J. Derrick ! and was fined $30 for selling whiskey. | Tn the raid a lot^f beer and whiskey were seized by the officers. Joe Boyle3, a negro, who operate? pressing club in Swansea, was fined $40 by the mayor for transporting whiskey from the People's Social Club to outside parties. Boyles is said to have delivered whiskey frost' the club to another party, and. the distance it was carried was only short, but Mayor Derrick made the fine a heavy one, ae aa example to others. Three pother negroes were arrested for selling whiskey on the streets, and each wae Sae&fiO by the Mayor. . 8 heriffi Miller said today that he ex pected to put ft halt to tne blind tigen, end to tbif end he if lending hie , service* to the meyort of the several towns wherever they are needed. ,, 4 * \ : ?omPetithr? Examination, & There will be held in the city of , Colombia on Saturday, January 11, 1913, under tbe-aapervision of Prof, f. E. 8, Dreher, Apgjnnjfng - at 10:30 a. 'm.,a competitive ^examination from which one applicant will be selected for deUnanon to tafco the entrance ' examination at Amapo is to fill a vaeaney from the Seventh Cougreeeftmal Distriot. Any bona fide resident of the Seventh Congressional Districts, between the age < t sixteen and twenty year , and who is physically sound is eli.ible to take this compete i live examination- I would suggest that all applicants write me for taller particulars and permission to take this comjwtive examination, add res i sing me at the Hoase of Representaa tivev, Washington, D. C. t Very trulv, ^ A. F. LEVER, I M. C. Seventh & C. 3 __ * Delinquent Land Sale a State of South Caro'ina. ) County of Lexington ( By virtue of a certain t*x execution given me by E. L. Winger J, Treasurer. j I have levied on and v ill sell on the first Monday < f January, 1913, it being ? the 6th day of f-aid month during the ] legal hours of 6alet all that parcel, 1 piece or tract of land sitaated lying 3 and being in the County of Lexington, Boiling Springs township containing thirty acres mote or Je98 being for3 merlv owned by Caroline Miller, De1 ceased, and bounded on the South l and West by Queaey Shealy, and on the K.ts by Solomen Miller, and on r the Nort i by 0. E. Baling ton. l SIM J. MILLER, i Sheriff, i Dee. 2, 1912 The latest fad is a barking contest, the object being te see which of the contestants can bark the ofter.cst and I w\ 1 AY\/^ Aflf "V /.? Ytl YT A(tAV*,VA/]M ? I uc luuucBi. -.icanj cvci) iAAiy III * Lexington lias entered the contest, r 1 As we go to press we learn tha* 5 Mr. Richard Sease, a prominent farm_ er of the Hollow Creek section, died this morning. No further particulars 3 could be learned. ry e Truck Farms to Rent. 4 a } Two fine trunk farms for refit, near i Columbia, near the Augusta highway, y j new four roo.n houses. Apply to 0 ft 1 Roof in person, near Arthur. 8. C. B Sp I