Jr\f . ' . ' tfce lesti'tun tumult '* ednesdav, Deo 25, 1912. _ - i ? U Hakm AA. IVUifc -*? . - ' J. W. Ogilvie, assistant Editor r -T. _ JB itered at tne hoot umur at ton 3. O., SR ' "ln?s- 'I'HttMT ? t CIRCULATION 2.300. 5 "= =-= Gov. Blease reiterates hi9 purpose I to pariou oooviccs anieoa tn?* incoming Legislature} ao nisties cue hosier.) Mil) in thu penitentiary. _____ Rod dan hurry ha* introduced a hi!) I'i Congress to prevent marriage behv**en the two ra tesand made * sensational speecn i > support of the mea?an. ' "H? has put me out of business " To- Gov? rii r af. South Carolina 8 a noted a- having rnadefheabove # that of Arkan aa?." G ?v^r tor Blease is alleged t? have remarked. pi - ? ^ - s r? r? l_ Tue m o^wimpvtr hh l> ?i enjoined bv J ihu \1 Ch^- I l?v, a Ffd-?r*l Ja liT"f from reviving t /i r " and transposing; for any consirierarioi xnr.oxiv!-itin{ llquo 8 of any Hass o? ^ kini fr >m aur u?*rso > o- persons en Eft'*"'"3 > ' ' g*it>-d in rhe liquor bu?.iu-?-s 'n th# 8ravO or Georgia &?? auv p rson or p r ; * ?.?a* 1? that ??. N tine was giv* i *?f an appeal for supers-da* T!W soi was brought by Jacksonville compel! tors. > Monday was a raw, damp day. A ; quantity of rain fell threnghoufc th* day, aDd it may be considered as genuine pneumonia weather bnt this did not deter Christmas Bhoppers who were oat in fall force viewing the asnr oretrv thixurs 8anta Clans had *e exhibition and making their selections for the tittle ones mad those of more mature age. V',' ??? rn wmmmmm?o? (Dr. A. P. Derrick has been on the . atek list for tfcpmurt week or tea s. He was attends#*by X>r. Kibier of OolambU, H^jf^jnany friends are pleased to learn feat he is steadily Improving. V* * ?' / a i in t .... " j' Kay the brightest hopes of every woe' for a joyous OhrstmaatSde be KM than realised. NOTICE* PENSIONERS. Pension Commissioner will be la the Aoditor's'OfBce on each 8?tnr -r~^ay hp the moathvaf darmtrv, 19i3,~ to ifivb oat blanks to each applicant. All applicant* mast appear in person a* ' "no blanks will be irivipn cmt except in extreme cases. Farther instructions .n *? _i ? will UO Kl*w WUCU *>f Wanks. The Pension Board wilt meet ou the first Monday in February, IBIS, to jkv# upon all applications that were handed to Commissioner. After that date uu blanks will be given ont. The representatives and ail others -are requested to send 10 the Commis wioner the names of all pensioners who have died or moved out the county wince last pension roll was paid. Those cat off by annexation to Richland will wend their names to the Commissioner so that roll car be made of all snch as mow live in Richland cuunfcy. 8. M. ROOP. Commissioner Lexington County i Pension Board. December 13, 1912. There will be a Cbrismas t$ee at Horeb Chorch Thursday at two o'clock. Everybody invited. - i can Km pi me i/ociors A prom tin ru New York physician nays, "If it were not for the thin stockings and thin soled shoes worn by women the doctors wonld probably be bankrupt.'' When yon contractu cold , ale b> all dealers. # ^ SHERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina / County of Lexington \ By virtue of a certain execution in ? ?r m / ? a jl A the case 01 J. jb. t , ococr, Pills helped me a great deal when [ had kidney trouble some years ago and at thai time I gave a public state in wnfch I told of my experience I got my supply of Doan's Kidne> Pills from the Kanfmann Drug Co. and was relie ved through their u*e of pains across the small of my back and a distressing difficulty with the kidney secretions. 9 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent*. Fostcr-Milburn' Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ' Remember the name?Do an'a?and ake no other. A Shooting Affray. I' A shooting affray took plaoe on the streets of Ouapin Saturday afternoon in which Fred Jackson shot and fatal* l> wounded Fred Summers, another u< g o. Jackson immediately took ieg bail a.ui Aid to parts unknown as Ut? thought, but was soon caught by it. L. Roof aud brought to Ltxingtou and lodged in jail to await the ournf Ciiinm^p's tpnnnri Summers I'UUIU Vi UU*^IUV* W ?. was taken to a hospital in Columbia, vhere an operation was performed. The Secret Terror The haunting fear of sickness and a lpiessutiss is the secret terror of the vorkmg mau Health is his capital. Kidney diseases sap a man's strength nd vitality. They lessen bis earning apacity. Foley Kidney Pills bring ?*ck health and strength by healing n. blar.ksmith sboi good water tower, corn anc wheat mill, cotton, gin and press, telephone. daily mail, neear good school and church. Easy terms. SURETY BONDS. Write or call to see me a m THE HOME RATIOHAL BMW, Lexington, 8. C. * ' The Democrats win in first skirmish by preventingexeetitive session of the Senate to confirm President Taft by breaking the quorum. T Notwithst .A Amm T\ ^ A ^ * % *. Vv I HUBS, uw^iiiut shelves. The move. Exami equalled in thi Kii Special values as long t ors made of regular Kim< 2,000 Yards of Ten yards only to a cuBtc ?? ".1.1?v A ? IUflB LHUAC Ui XXJpiUll UlUgU Calico, at On? table of Percales, Drc 1 Oc values at One lot of Ladies' $1.00 a at Sv One lot of Men's and Woi $1.00. They are drum] sizes; s ecial. your cho One lot C ildren's 35c 8? One lot of Children's $1.C to close out at One lot of Ladies' Swc at Ten pieces full 36-in. dre nels, Suitings and all ki ues, your choice now, a Paiam 10 yards for 1616 Main St. Columbia, S. C. 1^ AUGUS The 52 dc are crowded would be mos You'll find jus I you want to p Railroad ] (basis. Free deli? (exct pt grocer Double Suret; Day Mean i W AUGUSTA STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Jndge Wnereas, Geo. R Fields, Clerk of lourt made suit ro me, to grant him letters of administration of the estate f and effects of Jas. H Fields. These are therefore to cite and ad- ! nonish all and singular the kindred j tnd creditors of the said Ja?. II. | Fields, deceased, that they be and o' Par, before me. in th^ Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., 8. C., on the 27, Dec., 1912, next, after pnblication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to ehow cause, if any they have, why the said administration should nor be granted. Given under my hand, this 10th day 4 ^ I of December, a. l?., iiu*. GEO. 8. DRAFTS, (L 8.) Probate Judge Lexington Co., 8. 0. Published on the 11th day of Dec. 1912, in the Lexington Dispatch H L. Beay, writing from Banbury, N. 0., under date of November 33th last, saya: "I have plenty of books and papers to read, hat none of them satisfies me like the Dispatch." t z~ * ' Musi Be l Ten I anding the fact th >r finds us with eni i l "L season nas oeen u ine the values offe: is city. monas is lot lasts; all sizes and colona Outing goods. Poe Mil! ' eachmg >mer 5c the yd. Lams, Checked Homespuns and 4c the yd. >ss Ginghams and Flannelettes, 7c the yd. nH i] ftfi Shirtwaists! to close MM** W If v?aw?.. y 79c. ^eaters nen's Sweaters, values 50c to trier's samples, all colors and ice. at 39c. renters; to close out at 19c. f0 Sweaters in white and red; 79c. waters, $3.00 values; special $1.98 ss goods, consisting of Fianinds of fabrics, all are 50c valt 25c the yd. la Checks j 69c. J. L. H TO W! TA'S XMAS apartments of this with articles-any< t acceptable for Ch jt what you want i ay Poraa rcfnnHoH nn L KAiJL VU J. V1UUUVU VU ery of purchases o ies) within 200 mil y Coupons Before a 5 Per Cent Pisco H I T E ' I " Sale of Notes and Mortgages. By virme of the power ann ant hori ty vested in Mr- BUte R. Henerix, , W. P. Roof, on Jim 17,191J. ih - on- < ciersigned as her Httorue>!? ??v her di- < rection and authority, will sell for . s her to the highest, bidder, before the I Court House Door at Lexington, S. C , j on Monday the 30 h day of December, at 12 o'clock M the following notes executed in favor of W. P Roof, and assigned by him to Mrs. Sate R. Hendrix as collateral security, to his note of the aforesaid date. Note and M< r gage of Ore^n I. ! Richardson for $450 and interest. j Note and Mortgage of John Walker , Hendrix for $1,000 and interest. f VntA and Mnrfccace of L. W. Rt dd , for <400 and interest. Terms of Bale: Gash. BFIRD A DRKHER Attorneys for Mrs. Kate K. Hendrix December 14, 1012 ?0 * Miss Martha Dreher and Mr 0 A. Dreher were married on December J. ; ^ 1012, by Rer. P. Miller, jrrandfa*be?r of . 1 the bride, at "The Cedars'' near Irmo, ! ] * . ji - ^: ^ V I y n f ttTA Tn A TTA Tl O Of CtO W Ks JJLCt V UCbU Of 5 birely too many i ackward, and gooc red below and see 10 yards of Shirtwaist Madras 3 only 10 yds. oi Androscoggin or Frui Full 10-4 Peppere At 20c the yard; limited 10 yar ? - i2_ T)i?on i.o, same aiso iu .Dieauu uu ** *-?.< $3.25 Red Blazer Cc $1.75 Red Blazer Coats, at Best Feather Ticking, at Mattress Ticking, at Men's 50c Shirts, at Men's $1.00 Shirts, at, to close... Men's White Dress Shirts, at ... 54-in. Broadcloth, at Three pieces of black, brown a inches wide; $1.00 values, at We will sell Linen Towels, twc at All Shoes, Men's, Women3 be Sacrificed for He $1.50 Slillinery Values, at $2 00 and $2 50 Hats, at $3 00, $4.00 and $5.00 values at OPKIIM wmmmmmmm MTE'S | STORE I 3 great store 1 one of which 9 ristmas Gifts. 9 at the price I a most liberal n any amount I es of August a. I Noon Every I nnt to You. 8 * s> I GEORGIA. J Trespass Notice. Thi- is to notify ;i persons rof to hunt, fisr f -p?ssii! arjWHv whatever op m u?- land*, as th?- hw uill be enf< iced again9r -iij trf>?p-ms rP. E. Eirylf, H S'-md^mire, J VV Stood mite, W A. Biuidrick. * Nov. 15. 1912?8 Trespass Notice. A;l p*rs>ne are hereby positively forbidden r<> hunt or trespass in any m?nn? r whatever upon our land> in F?ollow Civek township as the i?d sooes in H? The. * ind*r wLU p>eaee return to H. N> iwBiner'i Store and get rewssd. * le Next ^ood fall busi?oods on the Is must now if they can be La prett^ patterns, for 69c, t of the Loom for. . . 79c II Sheeting is to a customer, c; limit to 10 yards, >ats, at $2.48 $1.39 15c the yd. 5c and 7c the yd. 39c. 59c. * 89c. 48c the yd. nd red Brcadcloth, 54 69c. i pairs to a cnstomet, 30c the pair. s and Children's to xt Ten Days. 98c. $1.48 in Ladies' Fine Hats, $1.98 SPioite | . 1576