MwananHnHMMi The leiirgters Lilr.r&tch Wednesday, Deo (8, 1912. G ML Barman. Editor amd Publisher J. W. 0gilvie, Assistant Editor Entered at the Fost Office at Lexington, S. 0., as second class matter. CmCULATI0N2.30a t\V" . \ Wmmm??mamwwwmmmmmmmmmm? i ???????? COLUMBIA. On a recent trip to Columbia we noticed many improvements. Besides three skyscrapers being erected in the city, numerous stores on Main street are having new fronts put in, adding much to their appearance and convenience. A handsome, new, six story hotel?the Greshem, jast completed, and adjoining, are now going up, a block with a number of storerooms, ntar the Union Station. The large fire proof hotel, near the post office is nearing completion. The Caldwell Hotel is undergoing man_? improvements. While many hue dwellings are going up in ail section* of the city and in her suburban dis-. triors. Columbia is surely growing, and she can pride herself on the substantial macadaui'.z d streets, b^ing up-to-date in every respect. Her street ear service is convenient to ad material points of badness, etc. of interest in all parts of the ci:y and suhurbs. Wiih the cicy's rspd growth, there is no lack of enterprise among the live business men ami -capitalist* They are graspin, ever opportunity to aid such and enterprises as the city ana her trade demands. Her merchants and business men are kind and clever and deserve praise and patronage in their business. They never do things by haives, re merabering at a'l time?, that uommbia is the ''square meal town." *-' mrnm NOTICE, PENSIONERS. | The Pension Commissioner will b? in the Auditor's office on each Satur day in the month of January. 1913, to give ont blanks to each applicant. A].applicants must appear in person as j no blanks will be given ont except in extreme oases. Farther instructions will be given when applicants applies for blanks. i The Pension Board will meet on the first Monday in February, 1913, to pass t upon all applications that were handed to Commissioner. After that date no blanks will be given out. The renresentativee and all others we requested to send to the Commis doner the names of all pensioners who have died or moved out the county since last pension roll was paid. Those ent off by annexation to Richland will iand their names to the Commissioner so that roll can be made of all such as sow live in Richland county. 8. M ROOF. Commissioner Lexing.on Conrfty Pension Board. j)eoember 18,1918. Whitelaw Raid, the American An ? bassador to the Oonrt < f St. James, died in London last week. Htw to Bankrupt the Doctors A prominent New York physician says, 4*If it were not for the' thin stockings and thin soled *?ho*s worn by women the doctors would probably be bankrupt.'' When yon < onn act a cold do not wait for if to develop into pneumonia hue freat^it at once. Chamberlain's '^ough Remedy i;? intended especially l\>r coughs at d Cold-, and lias won a with- reputation by its cures of these disi ase* It is most eff.-ctual ? and is pleasant am) safe to take. For sale by a)l d^Hicr>. The peace delegate* of the allies are in complete accord in reference to the terms that Turkey will have to submit to in order to secure peace The evacuation of Eastern Europe as far as TchataJj v is one of the main conditions. The Secret Terror * The haunting fear of sickness ar.d helplessness is the secret terror of the working mati. Health is his capital. Kidnej' diseases sop a man's strength and vitality. Ttiev lessen Ms earning capacity. Fole\ Kiduey P the highest, bidder, before the Court House door in Lexington County, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in January 1913; AU that tract- of land situated in Lexington County, and Stare aforesaid, in Broad River Town ship, and containing SO acres, more or less bounded by lands of Mrs. M. J. Oliver on the North and East, and on the South and West by lands of W. D. Rister. et al. Levied on as the property of Chancy Irish. Purchaser to pay for papers. SIM J. MILLER ? Sheriff Lexington County Dec. 14, 1912. Alikind. of candies, both plain and fancy, in varied flavors, at the very lowest prices. Como to see us for an> thing you want, II NT Kamiuer & Co. Lexington Proof if" 1 Should Convince Every J 8 Lexington Reader. The frank statement of a neighbor, 1 telling the merits of a nmiedv, Bids you pause and believe. j The same endorsement; By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here's a Lexington case. n A Lexington citizen testifies. d Read and be convinced. D Mrs. Ella V. Corley, R. F. D. No. 6. Lexirgton, S. C , says: "Doan's Kidney Pills helped me a great deal when 7 I had kidney trouole some years ago d and at that time I gave a public state- p ment in which I told of my experience. I got my supply of Doan's Kid- ^ ney Pills from the Kaufmann Drug Co. and was relieved through their use of ?I pains across the small of my back and r< a distressing difficulty with the kidney b secretions." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ir Remember the name?Doan's?and 0 take no other. MASONIC. n A regular communication of Pomiria Lodge 151 A. F. M. will convene 5( tp the Masonic Hall at Peak, S. C. . p] Saturday evening D.-c. 21st, at 7 ^ o'clock. Installation of officers, 1st. degree Ad members invited. JNO C. SWYGERT, W. M. m ? ? ii I Notice ofElection. I ciraro of Smirk tJ&roLna ,J~ j County Oi Lexington. || in Notice is hereoy given that an e!ec- | .iou wiii b'.- iieid ac the voting pre- I eiuct named below, on Tuesday ti e. I tj 31st day of December, 1912, upon the j i" question of the annexation of .1 part of I Lexington County to Richland Coun- j 1 y, embraced within the lines set out ' | ^ m the petition, and the proclamation j m f the Governor. p pi The qualification for suffrage: "The g sc Managers o; Election e^ail require 8 every elector offering to vote at any \ election before allowing him to vote, he production of his registration certificate and proof of the payment of a 1 taxes, including poll tax, assensed against him and collectable oaring the pievious year. The production of a certificate or of the re- _ eipt of the officer authorized to . ol- T ?r?r. ?nch taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof'. I Polls at each voting place must be I opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m. MANAGERS OF ELECTION. The following managers of election have been appointed to hold the elec tion at the precinct in U e said terri Bible Hilton:?G. P. Lowman, J. G. Hil- ff?'? ler, J. S. Meetz. One of the managers will please _ call on N. P. Shipp at Lexington for the Election Box and Registration ? Book. iHi G. A. GOODWIN, ffZ T. H. RAWL, I B. K. KYZER. B Oomm!~- oners of Stat3 and County 1 Electii i 3 for Lexington, Co., S. O. i , I N. P. SHIPP, Clerk. | Di cemoer 16, 1912. fi Notice, Final Discharge. | This is tonofcify all persons concern- I ed tuat I will aoply to Geo. S. Drafts, B Judgeof Probate for Lexington County, ? on tne 13th day of January, 1913, for a jf final discharge as Executor of the |i estate of D. E Shall, deceased. 3 O E. SHELL, Executor. I Dec. 17, 1912-10. j $ Notice, Final Discharge. \ | This is to notify all persons concern- K ed that I will apply to Geo. S Draft?, 3 Judge of Probate for Lexington conn- a ! ty oa the 14th day or January, 1913, ffi for a final discharge as ad n. in is r rater 9 of the estate of Win. M. Crout, d?- S: cjased. '%> W. D. CROUT, Admr. g Dee. 17 1912-10 | TRESPASS" NOTICE?All persons 1 are hereby forbidden to hunt, fish or M trespass in anv manner upon my |jj ia d? Boiling Springs township. The ^ law Wiil positively be enforced against aj all parties so tres passim?. G L. JEFF SHEALY. ? j?P I Final Discharge. | Tins is t'> notify all } ersons concern- v; ed that I will apply to Geo. S Drafts. h Ti,r?era r,PtvthalA f.v Lftxillffffln (>01111- || w Wl A c - - Wf ty 011 17th day January, 1913, for a H final discharge, aa administratrix of g the estate of J. W. Kmard. deceased. ANNIE iJ K1NARD, 1 Administratrix. fj Dec 17 A. D. 1912 10. | Tinal Discharge. | This is to notify ail pu'sois con- ?, * eerned that we will up dy o i the 13:ii Pj | "day "f Januarv, 1913, io Goo. S. rJ ! Draffs, Jedn? of Probate, L xiucton fi. jj t-oanty, for a final oiseharpe, :>s rxo ? \ ppii- ! | J ance furthesucc us or K < ak-. g I (Fir .ine consists <> i ?w mm o.-io- | i rl ir.. r.v/ifiunr? for the amateur e.r ex- w I p-?.t photograuher. C-?ll gr.d if ct I |f ' stock. ' HARMON* OUOG CO. | xington, S. C. REAL ESIAIE SSD INSURANCE | .EXINGTON, - S. C. p ^ ' ? - ? 1 * 1 A 1J MM Keai tsiaie lioiigni anu 501a, m 216 acres 5 miles from Ed- ?? lund, 20 acres open, 2 room jl9 welling, plenty water, good |jS astnre. Bg 105 acre3 7 miles from Pelion miles from Gilbert, 4 room gK welling, a barn and stable9, X lenty water. gg 140 acres two miles soath of air,' 6 miles from Lexington, 30 jgs pen, 50 acres pina timber, 6 Kg x>m dwelling, a barn and stales, plenty running witer. 6:Ho acres 3 miles west of Gas- us* )n, i) acres open, 3 room dwell- ..h jg, some pine timber, plenty 1$ 46 acres one mile from Edmund > acres open land, 2 room dwel- i ^ 270 acres; 3 miles from Pelion, ) acres cnen land, dwelling. s&a lenty water. Fine land for j?|gj otton and Tain. |Sg 1G2 acres 5 miles from S^pccl- ||| an, 25 acres open land, ^dwel- |ta ng barn and Stables. .? 101 acres 1 mile from Edmund *?? i acres open Und, 2 room a-.vcl- i ag, plenty water.' 150 acres 7 miles from Leidnghi. 50 acres in cultivation 0 i ST A >om!iin-r. 2 barns, tenant I k ?j>?. biar.k-mith slioj good I gyGe ater rower, corn ant wheat Wnt ill, cotton, gin and press, tele- p >nrt - letters lone, daily mail, nr ear good 0f and hool and church. Thei Easy terms. monis and ' SURETY BONDS. *JjJ? Trite or call to see me h.?sa AX after * in the 'lie El fine they h nC JsiSnifc tionst MATillKIAI B All If oidIc iinuiiiiNb UKnii) Lexington, S. C. ^ 1912, ii ? ~ GirU 7. F. D. Bisinger will maet his orange class at Nazareth next Saturday weddii noon at 2:30 o'clock. A full at- the col tnce is desired. nounci \ M * Notwithstanc ness, December fi shelves. The sea move. Examine equalled in this c: wmmuiin i i?. 'hjii. MJWJmmm wihi KSmona Special values as long as lot ors made of regular Ximona 0 2,000 Yards o! Poe Ten yards only to a customer.. One table of Apron Ginghams, Vvc!JLi'^U. One table of Percales, Dress Gii 10c values at One lot of Ladies' 81.00 and Si at v Vf W ^ ? X, One lot of Men's and Women's 81.00. They a re drum mer's sises; special, your choice, al One let Children's ?5c Sweat, ex One lot cf Children's $1.09 Sw< to close out. at One lot of Ladies' Sweaters. at Ten pieces full 3(Hn. dress go ncds. Suitings and all kinds o ues, your choice now, at Pajama CI 10 yards for IS is ? am St. i Ookisi'iLa, S. 0, y MMnaaraaBMnn i M I T^Tjiimni i BP? "Mi COME T( AUGUSTA'S The 52 departm are crowded with a would be most accer You'll find just whai you want to pay Railroad Fares i basis. Free delivery of (except groceries) wi BmMe Surety Coup Pay Mean a 5 Pei A U G U 31 A ,'""' $ w. .v^f' ? ""fVr "V U:i. - .* ohl'i*: J? . ^ lTE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, of 2^0r.( County of Lexington, o. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge. By virtue of .ureas, Geo. R Fielns, Clerk < f tv vested in M made suit to mo, to grant liim ^ - P. Roof, or of administration of the estate cersigned as hi . effects of Jas. H.Fields. rection and j ?e are therefore to cite and ad- j to the higl h all and singular the kindred j Court House E creditors of the said Jas. H. on Monday the , deceased, that they be and afc 12 o'clock 2 r, before me, iu the Court of executed in fat be, to be held at Lexington, C. assigned by 1 C., on the 27, Dec., 1912, next, j Hendrix as col mblication hereof at 11 o'clock note of the afo forenoon, to show cause, if any Note and ft ave, why the said administra- Richardson for lould not be granted. Note and Mo ;n under my hand, this 10th day Hendrix for $1 sember, A. D., 1912. Note and Mo GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L S.) for 400 and inl >ate Judge Lexington Co., S. O. Terms of Sal fished on the 11th day of Dec. E Attorneys for I [1 tne 1j6X1Q?IU11 J 0 _ _ _ ?======^^ December 14, >, there's the fragrance of ) blossoms and the perfnme of ? lg cake around about. Watch FOR SALEamns of the Dispatch for and ha9 for gale a fi Bmentci later on. cheap for cash ling the fact that we J .nds us with entirely ,son has been backwa the values offered bel ity. 2S | 10 yards of lasts; all sizes and col-1 '"t"iiting goods. lOyds.ot/, RfflilJ Bleaching - . J F 5c the yd. I At 20c the Checked Homespuns and j Same alsc 4c the yd. j n igharns and Flannelettes,! * TS t T 7c the yd. 31.7 a nea i .50 Shirtwaists; to cl<-se Best Fcaths 79c. Mattress Ti js's Men's 50c ? TV a* V w;f Sweaters, values 50c to | samples, all colors and l A o<\ i jsJiva' L ' ->*>'" Three r-ir-ec s; to close out at 19c. ?nl?hi? v/i eaters in white and. red; f7-'i ' w e vVxii tci * f C. 0 i , S3.00 values; special u* 81.98 A!3 Sauces ods, consisting of Fism- J be $ f fabrics, all are 50c val- 8 _ . ' i 61 r..o . t-l 25c the yd. J S* ^iUAfw, * $2.00 rum i, leeks $3 00. $4.0 69c. at ?M?^ D WHITE' i XMAS STORE ents of this great st rticles-anyone of wh )table for Christmas (iil b you want at the pi refunded on a most libe purchases on any amoi thin 200 miles of Augus tons Before Moon Ev? wriw> ?? i ihhii mmt, ul1ju jrii "11 xjw3san3tbbb ' Cent Discount to ?011 -- ??a?noaan???a?att?au?a? aicombc? a?; 1 Q si = 0EORG? i~ jz sszaHCT ?ma.i: r?aM~.aur: -iv j: vuli amm .x -..ura .rr. ss and Jfiortgages". Trespass ITc the power and authori- Tilis is to notify all pi r* K ue It. Hendrix, by hunt, fish, allow stoek r< i July 17,1911. the un- I or trespass in anyway w er attorneys ov her rli- out* lands, as toe law wi luthority, will sell for against, all trespassers, test, bidder, before the i P- B. Barbie, ^ R Sh >oor at Lexington, S. C., ! ?L W. Stbndemire, VV. I 30th day of December, j Nov. 15, 1912?8 rl the following notes j ,'orof W. P Roof, and I m ?. iim to Mrs. Sate r. j Trespass J^O lateral security, r > his j are herei resaid date. > f > ,'? x I 5 lor gage of Gwa I. J ' ? >* or tw $450 and inter, et. I ?""n' r npon ? t i_ it- : Noilotv 1 r'-*k township rtgago of John W alker j n.p] j,,, reed against i ,000 and interest. I tr*??.ps?s?.in y \ rtgage of L. W.. Rtdd | Shoiton Taylor, I. P., ] terest. j .Margie, e: Cash. IPIRD & DREHEK. j Ura. Kate R. Uendrix To Rent. 1912 ?8 j One two fl) <" * farn ? ? j *sop; huiifliu.: App.y r.> -A. Taylor, of G'lber*, : J. ii. LA? ne young Jaok. Gobi* j Sw; to a quick buyer.op 7 5 ' iave had a good fall bn too many goods on t rd, and goods must n< ow and see if they can Shirtwaist Madras in prett~r patterns mdroscoggin or Fruit of the Loom for.. u!!10 -4 Peppervll Sheeting ) ard; limited 10 yards to a customer. I in Bleach at 22 I-2c; limit to 10 yards !5 Red Blazer Coats, at $2.48 llazer Coats, at % ?r Ticking, at 15c thi eking, at 5c and 7c tin ibirts, at ) Shirts, at, to close :e Dress Shirts, at re loth, at 43c tin is o? bJsck, brown and red Br adoloth de; $ I .GO values, at .1 Linen Towels, two pairs to a cnsto: tire ] >s Women's and Ch??d?ren' 3acri?is&d 5a r Ten sSavs. nery Values, at & 50 i'i-'t.s., at $ 0 and i 5.00 values in Lidics' Fine I 8 ore I ieli 1 Ets. ice i ral I mt i ;ta. i try 1 i & ii Mn tl JR ' ; 'pTi % W ftjfc. % >J inA'S 4*iC^:. - ./J TCEVSnr. rr\rrr.i.^m tice. arsons rot to d run at larire, hatever upon il bo enfeiecd. oud^mire, L Bund rick. tice. by positively '9pass'in any our lands in * as the law ill persons so Eargle, H. E. n i. near Swangood water. TGFORD, anaea, 8. 0. Lsi- I ;he I 3W J be 1 fnv A ? a 69c, I 79c | 11.39 I - yd. a s yd. I 39c. 4 ,39 c. 1| e yd. ? 4 . 54 .63c-. "ft c> 3 N TV< J ll :air. { y / IA s to | |j 98c. ill i.48 hp! lilts, t $ j 11.98 I me a 78 1