V?* i?aft?? i BLACKSMITH | Knowing the great importance of these toots, we make it a I; point to oarry the best of every toot known to the blacksmith* | ing art.' Whether for the shop or the farm, we are prepared j to serve you. You will find our p-ices hammered down fo the lowest reasonable figure on everything you need. Anvils $5.00 and up. Blacksmith's Vises $5.50 to 87.50. Lorick & Lowrance, INCORPORATED. ! COLUMBIA C. Ihmw I THE BEST IS NOT ! ;^Are5SuT^flP^ 1 . ; UMBEFTSll TOO 000D FOB :; & ck OUR CUSTOMER *: We are exclusive agents in Colura-? !y I" Wj \ 1 bia for the Best Furniture Muno-8 !l Mil l $ S facturers in America. g jfi jjgBBHH?Jjf^J ^ We show the largest and best as | |\/| [ ..g_ 5 B sortinent of high grade Furniture Jj j-| |*]9I64 ^ A visit to our store will be al (J3K/JiYTft8iI5 ! I treat for 70a because we will | FR0i1 30 TO % ? S show 70a all the new ideas in| ?BSg9s| 51ff5IZEfiT i YtaTwe'aiways weloome and yon 1 JS|gt VARH3U5 PRICE 1 J will not be asked to purchase. | g VANMETRE'S mttgf FUXERAL DIRECTOR I |H^|j I EHBALHER, I I : Columbia. S. C. I a 0. BROWN & BRO? J j 1730 MIR STREET) COLOMBIA, 8. 6. i j la where you can find one of the best Btocka of '(< I ^PAINTS- | ![ OF ALL KINDS j[. DOORS. SASH. | BLINDS & GLASS | T.TATP, AND CEMENT. I | CABINET MAZ? Ii.ES. | ; I Gall or writ? for Prices. 3 Ir^CSS^^ FALL and WINTER || pf^| I ....SHOES * |M Id %/ \ We have failure rem S3; i a k 'it (tdi I^tiLuer) $Ja J/J! I j atyli*h sc jet* for oar Lexin*- oj*' SE* ^ % kj'-'w no t-enirg the Ve?t ?2* Bf! jLrp /,> " ebova i' >1 Icbb fcj Jtim? ^5*iJ **/ &B? in tbe 85 nh- ^ bMM io^s, *?o?nf? ;a and ftr ^ i for %<:a:^*'f, thai wiM ^ Pjf yjf pwve if. Aptairo* nra't ^ &,; j:H ?i. f :.! n ?.? : children. " jpi fjj! F?rm?r*' ??* Shoes a _ I E. P. & F. A. DAVIS 1 |? 1710 NAIX STREET. COLUMBIA, S. C. j? / | r SEE HIM | J Before the fertilizer salesman arrives, gc > I you will not buy 2 per cent, goo I IfpOTASKT V*T t0ru ^how mcX ; 8 ^ pays 5 to 10 por cent. Potash, ar > -st-r effect of crops on soiia requ > , aMJUlllliiiujD, the per cent, of Potash she ! increased until it is as great I greater than, the per cent, c: ' IBfiS$8Sv3u^] P^or^c -^cid in the fertilizer. ' and your dealer licet Tbe rj I the crops axe better and tl? LIMEKILN CLUB^ A Colored Brother Addresses It on Life. ITS "WHYS AND WHYFORES." , Hon. Antimony Johnson Aftor Spend| ing Several Week* In Jail Phiioa> ophirco Upon the Vagaries of Earthly I Existence?"The Whichness," By M. QUAD. [Copyright; 1912. by Associated Literary Press.] AT the last regular Saturday night meeting of the Limekiln club AaL Brother Gardner announced that the Hon. Antimony Johnson was In the anteroom and would deliver an address and would afterward make application for membership. The stranger, it was explained, was called the colored philosopher of the south, and many of his wise sayings had been given to the world in print. Two more kerosene lamps were or derea ugniea, tue aogs unveu out from behinu the stove, and Samuel Shin was informed that his bronchial cough must be suppressed or turned | out of doors. . The reception committee then proceeded to the anteroom and escorted the stranger in. | The Hon. Johnson appeared to be a man about forty years old. He was wide .between the eyes, baldheaded. |l># 'JtfH|MH^r m Ill/^HR^ ^HB "PAR WAS FOtJB FAT EEKS." astl fab* toes turned in, He was ft one story, bnllt on the pattern of a cake of artificial ke? the same breadth op and down -and bis serious louk showed that he had delved deep into the Boywerlp.*-* of life. As k* rnjjFt | tt> oi*?le was fa?-j rah it. ttojg.h Cin ? adaui Jon^s *o Sh> ' km* thai ins eaiiiv ccoj? *u -".a . last .yen? was stolid by just s;.rb a , taaa. , j "Outdosfc.* tonight" *iini>juiy began ! th? philaaonhpr "dar anj it? lightest J clod ' ?.' A da *?>' UTitirt >-c '4; Vt tuit am * i f?- .' ;* >(/;.}; n.j J:>{<**> >:* ?'s t1 - u:.*<< I teries around you?' * | r-i-- *? I i tWWIH ,j. Wtilt1 mo*t-of iho member* of th.r I club wpre confowing to tbcr)M4v??s j ; tbit ttiiy fci*^ T;t'f t?i ?co j tlnutnt: ' ?*" t. ,,, .t.^ _ .. ,% i , i i SOUf'Z MOt-.i /?.?. ?*J:? ui<.fc. \t>u U.i?. t . | 2 yuur ?ih}n}f?er$ : j srit tu | ! lis' i.T'? }?:.* },>.?*; 1 ;i ?:j" CS )i''U. AiJ M'J } I stiii un yr.ivf* o> wo: :.:t\ ti? , :\ : u. ' ( Cii# * i" * j mo ! ?!? !* rov/ ? fiKr* TK?: j j v.liitb^r ma m,:.;. hut. .>;> !u? '; f yon !r*:oo- yon b?**?r u j ! mlio. cfimN*/! ?? fonro. aMprtipxj .I to?: ?*ji ?*' }' ? *'?? uU .?w j ) or ;?lv >Tiiy Jh>n*. Tr -* '* v , i j * [ FIRST J ^ > to your dealer and explain to him that ds that contain only 40 pounds of Potash lern, profitable fertilizers contain from id that the composition of crops and the pPOTASH I PhosIt is this ^rade 0/ goods that pays you uantify and quality e a* tual plant fu*i ^ P?r py^Ji>L ^1? far Fr99 Book with iCZ table Formulas well rou Potash Salt howness of de whickness come abc Why do you eat half de m illy on b wakin' de fam'ly up? Why didn't go de oVler way an' sit on de chu steps, instead of toward de mill patch?" nn 1 - - nnniiApira/l aT/llamit! 1LLCIC \? CI C du^^/icooru vA^iuuiubi of "Yum. yum!" among the old erans in the audience, but they i shook their heads in a puzzled way i whispered to each other that Mr. Jo son was too deep for them. "A few evenln's ago." said the ator as he got a better hold on platform with his toes. "1 sot in study thin kin' things ober. Not mouse stirred. Not a dawg under bed sighed. De world slept Of a ? den I had a feeliu' at I was b taken out of dis sphere an* transp< ed into anothrIt was a slumberc pleasant feelin'. an' I gave up to it. "After an hour had passed I awe I was out in de kitchin takin' off muddy shoes. A bag lay at my f an' I lifted it an* emptied Its contc on de floor. Dar was four fat hens can't be sure Just what took pi when I was In de state spoken of. it's my liolief dat I went up de al four blocks an' climbed ober a fe an' broke open a Lencoop. On Getting Married. "Of course 1 had de ole woman m: a potpie of de chickens. But will so of you tell me how the whyness of whenceness come about? Had a licewan found me with dat bag: on shoulder should I have been held galiv responsible?" The consensus of opinion seemed be that be shouldn't, and when orator was satisfied of this he went "What am lub? You pass ten th sand women an' gib none o* 'em a s end look. You don't care whether ( am oid or young, good lookin' or hoi ly. Ali of a sudden you meet fate. You oome face to face wid a ^ man who gibs you a look an' a sm an' a crowbar seems to jab yon to heart Yon toiler her. You find who she apt You call an' tall her 1 you cant lire without her. In a wi or so you are married,.aa' you find i has sebea buaderd doUahs In de s la's bank. What about de wheocea of de wh stasia 7 Why did you do Wby don't yon get a freight train < beat your way to fie New QrJa races instead? MYou aid sltUa' oa fie faaee <*t summer's mawaJa', lest u you hi sot a thousand times befo'. You < wishln' your ticket Lu fie lottery w? strike s prize of a mlllyoa dolls hs, | as you hare wished ten thousand tin befo'. De flour an' do taters an* 1 con am out, an' de ole woman n? shoes. You am wonderln' If it hu to eat 'uuff possum to kill you wt a ii^htnln' rod man drives up an' off you a job at a handerfi a month i pays you fifty in advance. "Who or whftt xent fiat man del Why didn't he take another roa Why did his wagon break down be it got to you? Why wasn't you In back yard jawiu' wld de ole woma Wa kin all see fie vrhyness of wheaceoess. But what subtle pev brnag It about? Hcg Study. "ksat cuutfaued the* ora :">r-o7,$rirp liJS 2 *1*3 with t c? cider from the pitcher, r?*s in jail in my uatlve stnta. I v La de woo^js snioyto' :fead of ** " ..i- >1 . . ?r.j j ' *" . r > . \ i.' <.!,? j t.:v? in rt.n* kid me i?ixtooi von >,:ht be jui.iosopUery, Uaae 11'.. } i'vU" ?i... \-j M ?' > C.'? 1:* i 41V! ; ;??> aireot-a t> , ?. S:.UU>' 1L'.; * of ?V "V-.? li -v . 'i'*f r?~v.v^ ^ it* UiU imm v>1 u pi-it* Vo'j ll'lTc fat woman, De mule kicks out an' ^ lands her ten feet away. WhyV g "You go to de grocer to whom vol 0 are in debt an' order half a pound oi tea. He smiles an' puts it up for you. De wery nest day you go laick to dt same man an' order a pound of coffee, an' he says he'll be hanged if you can have it. Why? "What brung about de whichness ol Ide wbenceness? "Think, ponder an' study an' don't I lot these things git de best of you all de time. an' bow. thankin* you tor your metrieious an' alluvial attenshun an' bopin' to be one of you ere long. I make my bow an* respectably wish you "farewell." California! W oman Seriously Alarmed "A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which setthd on my lunge and caused me a great d?al of annoyance, I w uld have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed I began to be aerioualy alarmed. A friend recommended Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, saying she had ?^ used it for years. I bought a bottle >ut* and it relieved my cough the flr-t efo* night, and in a we*k I was rid of 'he you cold and soreness ot my lung?,'' writes reb Miss Marie Qprber, Sawti lie, Cal, yon For sale t> all ^ealprs oris All things are to be sneezed ab when pet- 011 e i? taking a cold. ilsn Ever notice how many friends yor and have when they need you? If yon have a bad habit growing oe you, be a man and cut it out or- ' H iiriiGHESTERSPILLS DIAMOND BRAND )U9. C? 1 554 & ^ LADIES t ~r >kC. Ask your for CTII-CHDS-TBR'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Rkd and//\ m5" Gold metallic boxe9, sealed with Blue(Oy eet. Ribbon. Takb no otheii. nuy?Fyoor\t/ i/rugf?iBt una bsm xor t/xxi-vux.o-A &~a a tnts OIA^OND B n A > D PILLS, for twentv-SvQ j years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. ace SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS tt?L:;> EVERYWHERE 7e?srT^ lev I : Iff YOU WANT. de ' Your Watches and my Clocks put in firsti class order at reasonable prices bring ?c- them to ley Z T. H. Donny, ? lu.i.i L._ 1 of o ucra ^ I no nuienintiKDri & i o mam ai> de Parlor Restaurant,Columbia,S.C. OUt iifc _ _ " * - ^H ut* ra^WSffffCTM u? B Axfl B B| 11 kj IB BP^w^wi^wrMBW* BBBSHHBHHHHHbHHHHHB ba- , Kl5 1 ????p??^??pi - TAX NOTICE srs aa* Office of Connty Treasurer, Lexington County, Lexington, 8. C., September 20. 1912. 1 will be at the places and dates . . mentioned below for the collection of all taxes due for 1912, and will thank oe the taxpayers to meet ine promptly. ia? LETT. fa For State Furpones. i\ Mills for Ordinary County Purposes ... 4 Mills irer 1 For Part I-.dfrfc'ednes* : : . . 2- Mills j Hpucmi County. (brldaes) . . i)v Mlllt yfct Koarts *' . . .2 Mills j For Ccoatltutionsi gohool Tax... . S Mills tor J Total iSTmhIs } Boeoial School Levy Pf* No. 1 4 Mills r i *croo- j?:, 5?). 15 W *!l!is "l j Hpeolal 8ohvoi L*?vy Die. Nv. Id S Mills "as C'-'ioo; Levy I>?-%. So. 25 2 Mills ' J gpeMfil Seiicol Lev> 2'ie. No. S4 2 Mills <3$ | Apodal So'.ool Kery Pis. ho. ffT * Mills School Levy Dig Na. 43 * Mills _ i Special Hciiool Levy Dls. No 75 2 Ml'la * j bpcoful ^.-hool Iji L?*\ y y. a it Miiis ~3 ! cii*. SeU?>*>? f.t v. Li s >> ?. io 2 Mil's n1 . f-l" ' i '-I Hebool J. .vy Die. So. iS 2 > iils i Kp^jc.l fccboo'Levy Li?. N-.?. 28 ? Mills r??*tf.v?i 4jS?> J-'ii. >0. 1? ' ? MiiiS in' j Special School Levy Pis. No. 63 i MUls Hrt'cial Kc?.o?.l L* y PI-. No. 12 2 Miiis ?a j Hpwlui School Levy Pis No. !4 5 Mills i*. I BpiVVtil M <71001 L-O.T J'IS >0 45 X Jili.r , Si-aoi I School 3>\y Dh>. No. W x Wills f hp.*Mfi' School L<$vy IMk. No. H4 i Mil Ik ilL I hi'?vial ^t'h 01 l.??* v i:!*. N<>. % * Ml:'* 1 f*!"vi 1 K'Miuol l*?vv Dl*. Ko. 71 i UP ! . .;! 'in-.I J'*';. s - M y u^j> . <" ; ' ? - <> k V-'. < ? ??% ?> ? ll-A ... ' " I... I 1 v.* . Z3 3 - . i . s.-r.-H-i L^vy Iifrt N'\ 45 iMiM* C."\ rpfvii.l !. v* lii;; No- VC X Vilja .*?> ^ oo'js-vtl L'-\y JH*. N>>. TV i MM* w ' :iTax sji.C;. an j Oomam{?tion road rax for 1912, ^ Ins ! dolUr?. > ?< or*"*<" I*,j ?iroe timo iet | &s otner J^tats and county ux*'S. I i lT i v .?j. j..- ??ir.?; ?^ \v)*c t liave ror p*i<5. On l?t, 1913, be ! as ndditioM&l 1 p?T corn, will be addod ?;m I fr' v-bo bir/v -of, r-iakin^ 2 | per :*onr. *<>r fV rr.H?v m ii ' an fldfii'S'' * ' f? T?.v- ; ' . . i ll? ' ' - - - - ....... f:o n . c;i? ; , j, .? ur I av - i w- *isf. ij>33. ?