Hnnnsi ( fc gpt: B ?? I S wb'-' f. I HI . J ; V < . ^ #V-V. i;. I f li CDAfT \J I i9r /lvij rm.i f lyp I i NO TROUB I v I Miin I | IVIIIVI || Mail Orderf | 0, L ) Still & Co/s MYLIBHT STORE SELLS -__ ___ IT fQR w sft cr* ess. JKarii JKfttf g^ ggi ' ? :;V - . Watch the new cash store with the tyy ' ... FREE WARM YARO ~n~ ' OV.ll0- fn )ft dim Ob UU> 6 DAYLIGHT STORE Rtw Brookland, S. C. ? 1 ,1,. , i* ' ? . ? f ff- * ; John C. Swygert, of Peak, one of the brightest and most enthusiastic Masons in the State, is in Charleston jn attendanoe npon the Grand Lodge A F M., as a :epresentative as Foma2 x x Lodge. in < ' Drives Off A Terror The chief executioner of death in the winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip In any attack by one of fhp&e maladies no time should be lost in raki-tg the best medicine obtainable to drive it off. Countless thousands bare found this to be Dr. King's JN'ew ivi ac.nvftpv. 4,Mv h us band believes it ?r-* ?J has kept him from having pneumonia ^hree or four times," writes Mrs. George W. Place, PawsonviJie, Vt., ''and for co ighs. colds and croup we have never found its equal." Gi aranteed for all bronchial aftectiops. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Trial botde 'free at Harmon Drag Co. e FOB 8ALE?A gcn-d milch cow with young calf. A'dIj Luther L, Lowe, - I rooiltfid, ?. ?. | " MBBB818 WmBBBBBBBBBBBI Our Largi iill of Gc ihrisfmas sdenfed I VD TIME Wfl WE LE TO SHOW GC I 3 Filled. The Grand Theatre. This week the Grand Theare ha been the center of attraction to al theatregoers. Ludlow Allen's Oolonia Girls, composed of pretty, bewitchini young ladies, have famished th I large crowds that attend erery enter J tainment, afternoon and evening J Beautiful young ladies cutely an< handsomely dressed, witnsweec smiie and fascinating stage capers, level; tongs, and danoing With a varied pre gramme of other interesting features moving pictures, etc., hasstirely mad the grand popular this week. Hi Montgomery, the proprietor of th . Grand and Ideal, knows just wha pleases his audiences and does no spare', anything to obtain the best o: the road. If yon are in Colombia b sure and not miss this treat. fiow^to Bankrupt the Doctor; A prominent New York physiciai says, "If it were not for the thin stock ings and thin soled shoes worn h ?? ^ntAnli) nmkaVilfT K womeu UUO uuveyio wuutu ^luunutj IT bankrupt.9 * When you contract a ooh do not wait for it to develop into pneu monia but treat it at once. Chamber lain'8 Cough Remedy is intended espe cially for coughs and colds, and ha won a wide reputation by its cures o these diseases. It is most effeotua and is pleasant and safe to take. Fo sale by all dealers. Teachers' Meeting.. The next regular meeting .of th< Teachers' Association will be held ii the High School building at Lexing ton, Saturday, December 21. It ii urged upon those who attend to aesem ble promptly at 12 m. Teachers, trustees and friends of ed ucation are cordially invited' to attenc and participate in the discussions This would enable teachers and. pa rents to become better acquaintec with the needs of the pupils. The programme is as follows: ^ ' ' * v* * - - T"> ? T T" Devotional exercises?ittv . a? r Rushton. * ; ' r Music. Kaleodoscope H 'Engiemanr Miss Mea Boozer. Discussion by the Association. I 1. The Teacher Led by Prof W 1 Black. lueffiency ; ) 2. The Pupil. 1 Led Mr by J. Franl I Kyzer. J Our rural Schools?Observations (1 of things commendable, (2) Condi riens to be remedied.?Miss Kche Dreher Music. Carolina?Chrous by the Student Bodj Aceornpat i*d by Mrs E B Roof Dental Notice. P.\ R. G Killineswortb, Den{i--* wilt at lVlior?, Friday ami otUktu j; day, Dec. t n-r 1M, J. 4. ' k G-. IvfcLLtSt!? ORTrt. mr. '"4 ^ .? . jv * .? ,-V. ??if?MPPMP?P?m?? ? ?8MB? i Stores an ft.,!KLI was ouiiaa ; Holidays / low pricos. I NOT PF.RMIT GUARANTEE TO )ODS. PRESEN rs DEPJ "G-ET IT ALI- UND? Y? E? Welcome 8 The young people of the Lutheran I church will present "The Kleptoma- M mac", in High School Auditorium on, noui the evening of December 30, The /danj g programme promises to be very inter- Max e eating, as it will consist of choruses < at N u and songs of "ye olden times" by a Dew male qaarette. The small admission is cc *" * ? - ill U- | > or ana 2io cents wiu w uum^du d And all the proceeds will be given to g < ; the chorch debt. Remember the date and look for the. programme in next Mi T week's Dispatch. This is the slogan Bole of the Lutheran church? . -: Swai ; "T? R-^ Welcome." ter a e : . was tint* The Secret Terror eat< e lovii t The haunting fear of sickness and emp , helplessness is the secret terror of the itua< wonting man. Health is his capital, wall a Kidney diseases sap a man's strength - miss e and vitality. They lessen his earning socii capacity. Foley Kidney Pills bring comj . back health and' strength by healing husfc the disease. They are the best medf. 9 cine made for" kidney and bladder tronblos. The genuine are in the yela Inw nankace. Refuse any substifca te f . ^ * I " " Harmon Drug Oo, " 7 t . t * Kool i TRESPASS NOTICE?All persons bad - are hereby forbidden to hunt, fish or - trespass in any manner upon my f A i- la nout uor joy ~Yh, "I want to thank you frora the bot- moni , torn of my heart,wrote C. B. Rader, and of Lewisburg, W. Va., "for the won- Field! i .derful double benefit i got from Elec- appez trie Bitters, iu curing m ? of both a Prt)b? severe case of stomach trouble and of H., S j rheumatism, from which I had been an after i almost helpless sufferer for t> n years, in the ! It suited mv case as though made just they 1 for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, ! tion s jaundice, and to rid the system of kio- Giv I ney poisons that cause rheumatism, of De 1 Electric Bitters have no superior. Try j the'n. Every Hottle is guaranteed to ' Pro ] .Kiti-fy Only "10 cents at Harmon Put j Drug '0. r % - p * . . ' - -V . ' " MIWMRRMWU^WM If 1BMI IHMWUtMiMI t Chocki lefor th i 1 11..^.^ ii unpre US TO MEN SUIT YOU 1 rs FOR MEN, V IB ONE ROOF" To be Harried. r, and Mrs. M. L. Yonnginer an. aces the coming marriage of their jhter, Mies Carrie Mae, to Mr * ?>Uiob mill lO DHJCB^ounaiji Truiuu vw>~. azareth church Sunday evening jmber 22, at 6:80 p m. The pnblio >rdiallyfc invited. rs.?Halda\feole?,'wife of Mr. J. J. i, a prominent* citizen of the nsea section* died at tier home AN m illness of only ten days. She greatly beloved by all the people te community in which she reeid>r her charm of charaoter, her ig disposition, her beantifal ezlifloation of the graces of the beatas which shone forth in her daily : and conversation. She will be ed aronnd the fireside and in the il and religioos ciroles of the nnaity. 8he is survived by her >aud and nine children. ' < a g adi? May, the interesting young fhter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin ' 1 i-n fKo arma nf .Tpsnti k IDU CIM?mw VA Sunday. A beautiful flowed ded on earth and bloom in heaven* [kinds of candies, both plain and y, in varied flavors, at the very st prices. Come to see us for hing you want, H N Kaminer & the dry good9 line we have the iest display to be found in town, line embraces the latest novelties fashionable Christmas presents. Kaminer & Co.' Works Of all descriptions, the oise, but harmless kind. We in;he attention ef the public to onr H N Kaminer & Co. me to the Bazaar and look at fch9 Jfui gif*"8 for yonr sweetheart, j ;s Iva Bay Roof spent a few days j reek with relatives in' Cojumbi^. >s Jennie Bass Brown has returnme from.her school vin # Beaufort ty, to stay until after the vacalolidays. \TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ' County of Lexington. ?o. fe. Drafts, Esq., Pro hate Judge, leroas, Geo. R. Fielc.J., Cierk of i made suit to me, to grant him sof administration of the estate d effects'of Jas. H.Fields. -?a a iro tViorAfnrp to pitfi and fld sh ft 11 and singular the kindred creditors of the said Jas. H. 3, deceased, that they be and ir, before me, in the Court of tte. to be held at Lexington', C. . C., on the 27, Dec.. 1912, next, publication hereof at 11 o'clock forenoon, to show cause, if any have, why the said administrahould not be granted, en under my hand, tbi9 10th day cember, A. D., 1912. GEO. 8. DRAFTS; U> S.) \ bate Judge Lexington Oo., S. O. nished on the 11th day'o* Dec. in the Lexington Dispatch 1 MMMMBMB I Mill I ?a ?? ie i mON PRICE IN EVERY P/ fOMEN FOLKS / co: TRUSTEES NOTICE OP SALE REAL E8TATE OP W. P. RC BANKRUPT? IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 1 UNITED STATES?DI81 RIOT 80UTH CAROLINA?8TATE SOUTH CAROLINA* COUNTY LEXINGTON. : In Re . W. Pr Roof, Banlorapt, ? By autborft^. of and pnrsuanc* an order of the'Banfcraptey Oooii the District of Sodth Carolina; we, ( undersigned Trustees of tbe Bt rupt Estate of W. P. Roof, will ! af ruihli/> annflrk'n KoforA tVid r>, hon&A door at Lexington, in the cot and State aforesaid, at 11 o'oloofc m., on Monday, the 18th day of cember. 1812, All that certain piece, parod or t] of land, containing 83 acres, more less, si mate, lying and being in 1 ington township, connty and Si aforesaid, designated in the Banki Schednle of said W. P. Roof, as ti (b), better known as the Monts la] and sabdivided as follows: 4 Tract No 1 Containing thirty i acres, more or less, adjoining lands < E L Oorley, B B Gable, tracts nnml 2 and 3 herein described and pert lands of others. Tract No 2 Containing fifteen I acres, more or lew, adjoining lands A N Corley, J T Monte, tracts nnml 1 and 4 herein described, and pert lands of others. . Tract No 3 Containing fourteen ( acres, more or less, adjoining land* A N Oorley, Kleckley, tracts numt 1 and 4 and perhaps lands of others. Tract No 4 Containing tweucy-f (24) acres, more or less, adjoin 'kinds of J T Monts. Kleckley, Ten No 2 and 3 herein described and \ haps lands of others. TERMS OP SALE; One-third (1 cash, balance due October 1st H with interest at 8 per cent tr^in dat< sale cured by bond of purchaser} rrcitpage cf premises purchased.. F I chase i tc pay for papers. ' .-ci further information andr.-^sc: | tion see flat on file in office of 1 ustt \\ H TO WNSEND, T P MEETZE, C E LEAPflART, t rustees of the Bankrup: Etta e? W P Roof. a Mr Ernest Mo its and Miss L; Hook, both of Lexington county, w united in the holy bonds of matrimc bv Rev J A Cromer on November 1912. The Dispatch join the m?* friends of the happy couple in wish that sunshine may ever brigl, their path,say adown the journey life. ' When credit is extended all bills i job work and advertising are due a payable the trrst of each month. T business end of the Dispatch expec and insists, upou tbo prompt payme of all bills when presented. Girls, there's the fragrance orange blossoms and the perfnme w Ading cake around about. Wat flu- ohiuuEUi of hie Dispatch for s acvar cements-la- er on. % ''"a 1 - ' " ' | ?d V i he ts, 511H of I of Rev. P. D. Ri in (Sv*jje4, 4 ?????? Mgg2EBSgE3M?gBBgggggEg ] #%. > J + s. ARTICULAR \m CHILDREN LUMBIA, S. C. OF f % ,0F I Air^j i r ? Hill till J, rUA, OF J of M ESTITE1ID i? LXZDTOTOK, - 8. C. leal Estate BragH and Mi i of 216 acres 6 miles from fidmucd, 20 aeres open, .2 room ink- dwelling, plenty water, good sell pasture. aurt 105 acres 7 miles from Pelion 7 miles from Gilbert, 4 room ? - dwelling, a barn and stables, plenty water. ract 140 acres two miles south of . ! or Barr, 6 miles from Lexington, SO . 4 open, 50 acres pine timber, 8. npt ' room dwelling, a bam and ?taracfc bles, plenty running water. ads, 62^ acres 3 miles west of Gaston, 9 acres open, 3 room dwell- < ing, some pine timber, plenty taps oak. 46 acres one mile from Edmund 25 acred open land, 8 room dweljgrs ling. taps 270 acres; 3 miles from Pelion, 50 acres open land, dwelling, plenty water. Fine land Jot ^ Cotton and grain. 162 acres 5 miles jifrom ^ our man, 25 acres open la i11^ j iing barn and Stables. ?r! I 104 acres 1 mile from F ? 35 acres open land, 2 roo I*3) ' ling, plenty water. >13, I 3 of ! 150 acres 7 miles from U)(l tod. ">0 acres in cultivj oom dwelling. 2 barns rip_ h?-a^e. blacksmith sho; 50s. 'atei r .^wer, corn'am mill, cotton, gin'and pr jirtal | phone, daily mail, ue j school and clmrch. Easy terms. SURETY BONDS. ere Wl"ite or eall to see me u-.y AT Z THE HOME " NATIONAL BANK, LexiagtoiL S. C.