?M???? ?BOFSSSIONAL CB.BDS. | DB, G. B. HABDXNG, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, Is at his office doing good wors at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, 8. 0 ns. F. 0. QILMORE, V DENTIST., 1510 Mais Street, COLUMBIA, 8. O. -Oyviqb&oubs.' 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.. an trom I to 6 p. m. WX. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. SEW BBOOKLAND. 8. 0. A - ? It n *t 1 mCQQ6 ifl ftu uoarui' ouetonw ?uuvtuiuItoreaber 1.18* V BR. L. L. TOOLE, Dentist, tltS Main St. i Columbia, S. O, OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M.-B P. M. a M. BUD. r. B. DBUHJCB EFIRD db DREHER, ATTORNHY8 AT LAW, LEXING TON 0 a S C ? Will practice In all the Court*.. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office. Lexinjrton. 8.0. JH. FRIOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OHAFTS 8 C. Office: Hotel Marlon, 4th Boom. Second Floor. Will practice in all the Courts BOBBRT MOORMAN. ' " Attftrnev-at-L W. ? , ? Admitted to Practice In all Courts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA. S. C. rUHMONO.TIMMERMAN A CALLISON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to, at our office at any time. Office next to Caughman & Barman's. Lexington, S 0. J. WM THURM >ND. GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN " Sept 13,1911. T. C. OALLISO <. LBERT M. BOOZER^ ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA S. OfFicx: 1J36 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture Store Bsyecial attention given to business entrust* 8i to him by bis fellow citizens of LexlngtOD eountv. Rfi. D. L. HALL, ?' DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0 Lutheran Publication Building, 162K Main St. Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:50 p. m . Beo* 38, 1907?6m 03. e. J. 0LIVE30S, 1434 MAKION ST., COLUMBIA, 8. 0. It prepared to treat all troobles of Bye: Bar, Nose, Throat and Longs. The fit of Spectacles Guaranteed. ? BARNARD B. EVANS, Attorney at Law. KDCSATTOB BL2>a., COLUMBIA, ?. C. Practice in all Count. .?money to loan.?. i*w Offioea, ( Beeidenoe, 15% 1009 Wilmington f Hndleton Street. Stroot \ Ofioe Telephone No. 1879. Residence Telephone No. 1Q8C. WBOYD EVANS, LAWYER AND OOUN8HLLOB. COLUMBIA. 8. 0. |j[ A. J, ADAMS, DENTIST, SWANSEA, SO. CAROLINA. 00?Oap . , E. L HARTLEY, Batesbarq, . . S. C. Snrveyitg, TerrswiOfft I^oling. A ny ?r?? cfNitiay 8'iv.r1* !M c': i" *? > All Work and pronpu;> donts. HaU>i Ju.OOPer Day. Sterling Ms sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A tine stoic always on hand for yon i Koop u6 iu Ailiiiu Miirit wiiu^ jng anything in Jewelry qj S^vArware. Good watch work and beet ye glasses. If vofl can't cone. b*: r>r5 f^r K * . X %.*? ' ? /<. vi ? V . - - -? ' >. i v- * .1 order 10 !?. piurapprim > J* i *1 i5i**. 14*21 Mai>? Vtohimfus, NvfP:'i . Vi a - '.' ? - '". fcaee fcfi^ca h.^c. Top yuyzivs. - oasl, opeu $3^.00. Ovc -.i*iAuu Vto like the pre". Gr*,?ory-Ceod*r j?a<* CV>, Adw '. /> . 1 i. -' 0 'i-'i-i-M-i-M-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-t-t-w-H-:-:.:-!4 * Hj? Generally. j !! When a wife says. "Now, air, j. ; | listen to mel" the proverb is T ! I about to be exemplified that "lis* 4* teners never hear any good of T '! themselves."?New York Herald A $af? Deduction, Mm Haaskeep?Yea, my new girl formerly worked for Mrs. Do Style. She claims she left there of bar own accord, but I thick she wu discharged. Mrs. Kanl?What makes yea thick ml Mr?. Hauakeep?I judge so from certain things she let fall since she's bees here. Mrs. Kami?What were they? Mrs. Hauskeep?Dishes.?Photo Bits. Even the Chuniiolssr. Clarence was leaving early that night The cuckoo had Just sounded the eleventh hour. In the back yard the family rooster uttered a maudlin crow. "Clarence." ealled her father from an upper window, "will It trouble you to step around back of the house aud throttle that rooster? He heard you leave, and he thinks it's daylight"? New York American. For ths Pessimist. "Life is a burden to me." "Take an Interest In something, an avocation. Take UD 20If." I "Aw. life isn't worth living.* "Then take up aviation."?Looisrfil* Courier-Journal Where There'e a WilL Harduppe?1That fellow Bjonea maat have money. Borrowell?So must I. Introduce me to him.?Philadelphia Record. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you most take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directly upon the blood ana mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a qnack medicine. It was prescribe d by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combinPtion of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results onrincr oo.ta.rrh. Send for tpstimo ?ia - ? ni&ifi frpo, F J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Drupgist-s, price 75c. Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation. JIISI RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF r II - . J norses ana Males l | Weil broke. You wiil be ! able to find wbal you are j looking for ip *hh lot. ! Cotf-e ?r%:' - v^; - ; rvjr seieiuous. i; Vices aad terms to please. Swpert i Sill, ISFSY'lls, - SOttTH 5 s \M li Lavlon i 4-' t <+ 5 V 4 - ' ' itkVl i* i I tukUiissis, - s. e. n fiii im*? FfiWY ! , *'""*> :'' f i'.* 4 " ? * ' ? E ") \f . V- <.r ?JlT 7x?s, ? T- ,* I ' i>: ! % )._ * .? ' f'fl n' - [ v f 'I OOti *<* ~*jfcu *IJ c*?r? oVr B?' i ^^a?^?I?B? /f IF YOU EAT SOMETHING tha let it work its own way tl and makes yon feel bad. taking a pinch or two of SIMM RE LIVER RE (THE POW It drives out impurities and bi bowels; stimulates the torpid livei ments. It is a fine tonic and syste in sound, healthy condition. BOLD BY DfAUUt?. Mil Juk tor tba genuine with the Eed Z on the la. k by mall, postpaid. Sim-non* Liver Be$?Utor If ric* $1.00 per bottle. Look lor the Bed Z libel 11 J. H. ZEILIN A CO.. I fff JjfeSli Month ( B) "oor s V \ y/ Poverl N^^p/ 0n" ily be s J. T. COLEMAN HBr. Charleston, S. 0 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURAI Incorporated as a stock oomp John F. Dry den, President. Odd that so many women are willing: to lower themselves to an equality with mpre man i There sppius to he no complaint in thi? section because of the hifth price of cotton. Common sense seems to be very nn I common in this day and time. I Am Heac Doors, Sash High Grade a See me before placing you N. H. D COLUMi E. OSCAR FA I ?? aw? B. HOLMAN Really For ENTERPRISE / Is dow ready stock of Hardw plements, Mows ons, Harness, C trade ot this set see us. We gi with goods and compare with a: I I tlllbl IJ[ lift I I Next to D1 I Lexington, The Southern Railway Announces New Train Ssrvico Be* kWtdn anu August!, 3s* ginning September 15,1912. The Sotrh^rn Railway will ioaognubw local train service between Colc-oabia hid Anau&ta, beginning Sunday, Wj>T*mber l?t, a? folios: Ti oiu IL. 12 loa.i?-a Colniabia 6:40 ' i n'. 7 07 a. n't , 1-Ji'lw^r' j 7:31 a. m . Leesviile 7:47 a. m., baieubui'^r 7:?#5 a. iu., ogling 8:13 a* m., Wsrrt 8:31 a. in , Jobn.?fcon 8:29 a. m., Trenton 8:44 a. m., Oranit^villo 9:15 a. m., Warrenvllle 9:20 a. rr. and arrive Augusta 10 a. m. Traiu No 20, leaving Angutfa 4:16 o. m , War^euville 4:45 ;v, in., Granite - T'nf ?i>i. ,, ??.. '' ' ? - - - - f ? ?, !. . - - ?" . ? - ?r ?-? f Spr.i)*: J;>5 { m., BawuOmg | t>;lo p. m., Lw?viilfe G;2u p. m.t Gil| b rr 0:25 p. rn . LiZ:::?Zon 6:53 p. m, i f . r* ... ' !? 7 p rp Tmfns 131 a:*?i I 'J will not ftop At following sfp.tions expect tor^ceive ard rLisob:-rjre paweuKers w? or from po;nfcf? rrrvb oi Columbia wnere nn iv ! *)<" 3? ??. d ? * atm *??o?du>Hd to vtoo: n. v- ?*r) ioJ^ToMff tA Sm'-y Hn>ok, J "Vitl. i. i?if II: 1.. i , ftUU N*?h. i Trtua No. 209 wMl leave Kdicefleld t 8:?0a m., a?l of 9:10 a. m , ar| r< vluji' 'xT 19 U>r 'i r I I ' **! ^ ^ ,'r?Wiirf ?vr.v, i?jK Tit? :.< r 1: ^ p. jmute*u. of 4:30 j ft. ;t far w*h irtr.iii. No. Sfti t b-::> A I?-* t*. , < *:?*? F';>i!c?.v! ?:-? | p? Di.j 0?. p. Iti, I "'nd r t V ?. } !!" Jfi'l ) 4'"' J '' of.--' - Jj i ?kv . 8r9?rfrj-Oo^<*"r Mute Co ^lisagreeT^vith you, donM^^^ irough; its a slow process * Ge; rid of it quickly by |r AON6 < D 2 IGULATOR $ DEB FORM) A idly digested food in the stomach and ^ r and restores regular bowel move- ~ m purifier that puts the vital organs 6 BE. LAMOE PAOKAQE. 91.00. W beL If yon cannot get It. remit to na. we w'V g-nd A ia pot op alao In liquid form for tboao who prefer it. ^ pRO*a., St. Louis. Mo. j f J : < ^ le Prudential tly Income Policy is the eparting Comfort From ty. i ~ Of H fhch side wil| your famifter your death? *rp ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, 5 C. NCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, lany by the State of New Jersey. ? Home Office. Newark, N J. When yoa feet a cranky ; pell coming on go out and turn a grindstone. The best oapital for a man to begin life on is a capital wire, So says a woman Many a woman has found her widow- I ho d so had 'h*t she refused to keepit. Iquarters For i and Blinds. nd Low Prices r order for building material RIGGERS, 31 A, S. C. JLAW, Sales Mgr. ~ E 5S=a 1 W. J. McCARTHA, Manager R Your Trade - HARDWARE CO. 4 with a complete rare, Farming Im- < :rs, Buggies, Wag- 1 Jears, etc., for the | :tion. Come and I jarantee to please ' I prices, that will / ny market ., . 1 I 4 a Hardware Co. spateh Office I | South Carolina I | iiCflur'n l? !)r.^hr,sJ: S LUWIi (I| UIC1IC! |j_ I I KlfiiTv. ? s... . j? |] AiMiKfiiflt !: i | a*WM?mavw i ii ? m m J j FIRE | | LIFE | j IIATJTOWOBTT F;!! !' f Ij PLATE GLASS j j HVB ' TORNADO ji j ;? .a.ju?rxij ii } I 5 ?1 ' ' I (. t { [ ' rrrrru;. *i y \ ?t * r i H'iti v"..*! ?',d Jin-; * f j | 1 j *pd tiifcTf spr~?fcl f:>r L jj | j Mrr.tfrip ft'* iji.sP.railC J on rr,i:j.- j |! scy property. Il you in- j U , I surarw* of sny k4.ud w;Uo or j H I 1 f-A'l ->r ?r:* - r* C ' il I V ^ \wwv%vvv\w^ IS IT PAINT? p| | WE HAVE IT Vs^ < The Very Best Goods and S Rightly Priced, % Webb's Art Store j Mam ^trciAt Cnlumhia. S. C. ^ , ? OCCORAIORS; ?n Bunap, Tapestries and Wall Payers. 7 Out of City Work Solicited. 4r Attention Automobile Garages and Machine Shops lv. ,u-w carrx in -(-u. i . t io^uu -.z^O- red B^rs .f the famous NON> AN High Sp. h i B'-ai ide ami l .sioe dimmers, h ue?v\ ir*?"Wii li. Ord? r-Pi'led Immediately -. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, 823 West Gervam St., . . Columbia, S. C. . . -- New and Seasonable Goods. Our stock of Millinery, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes and Hats is now complete. We want our Lexington friends to call and inspect our line of Goods and make our store headquarters while in the city, whether they buy or not. Our prices are right, WM. PL ATT & SON, 1804 MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. KODAK WE CARRY A FULL L..V \ ^ *IN1E OF felMB FAOTMAN WMm I BvfoS^ESRw jBffgp mam 3^B^^^BR<&i9 * * Ak ^jfiU| K UOUH11V ILitlS, rAi-fcit /inuuiMlKstimCS. ft (SHIPMENTS FREQUENT, 2 INSURING FRESH GOODS . if Send Us Your Order Today S {THE R. L. BRYAN COMPANY | I COLUMBIA, S. C. I| j*hr. vn. -T?. Ai; ' " " -Ati S%!^tiiy*Tw" 'l*" T'" f f-- "-r- ' ? I f^NPlCVH f ^??. irf*T "Ss> * -' -.? ..- ?' :' ; .?, *? '*.. v^.' >-. v?i ^ -- - - .g; 3| An:j h-cst of work is the strong jg gj Feature that has helped to earn j? 9i Tne Statewide revision ' ' ! ri '* j^l . . ? > ^ V -4 ^V? . Vi |) ^ 3: ?-?r?? li ^ n > V * '-* - * W ( vy sy Vr^ w ?? ? ^ % ^. * - % ****** *-" -* ^ T ' *. * * (>?s#? '>/ si |dj 5! Ail work in either,m*rhii* r?r tfw'v |j M- " T' ? j ,1? "\.tV *.. ! W - '? ? * I ' ? % ? * ".* p| 1 % " ' WU ' ' s *" g| SfcO US hii(i vVt: will >?tv UuM Jfij -f ? ... L.-t ? ,r,U.:.-U 4* ^ Hi .4 t ,., * * - v .1 ? *"'< * * > *< * 1 * " ' L ^ 5 .-.'?? . * r'~'*"' .^j | . 1 :. J ?.' ?t.V. STIlteR. NaMfMf. ? ? 4 F. M. sv,.? |f * H in mi mi; l" *ra~TT*~^'i~ im,ia "T'^TA* jF'rtii M i j M