T" BLACKSMITH TOOLS? Knowing tin great importance of these tools, we make it a point to oarry the host of every Hoi known to the blacksmith* ? log art. Whether for the shop or the farm, we are prepared i to oenro you. You will find our pHoes hammered dooifn fo the lowest reasonable figure on everything you need. Anvils95.00 and up. Blaoksmith's Vises $5.50 to 57.50. ! Lorick & Lowrance, INCORPORATED. COLUMBIA, - - . S. C. esovossssseepeopefeeeeeeeoeoeeeoveeeoeeooeeeoeeovoeePi IDE BEST IS NOT :IS?SSu^|BB| LIMBERTSBii TOO GOOD FOR i! ABro'erwk 10UI CUSTOMER , |||^^MaJE55pypi"^y^p 64 We are exclusive agents in Oolura- HH jtl \| bia for the Beet Furniture Mann- D II mi \| : facturers in America. K[!B We show the tersest and beet as Kj sortment of >>'i * grade Furniture jl U; A yWt ' .nr store will be t fifl|^^H LIBRARY "MIS toe* f.r >oa becanee we wB . FROM 30 TO % how >", all the new .deas u MHH v. SEU' always welcome and 7m .WPS.HKS wili nut be asked to purchase. fANMETRE'S I FUNERAL DIRECTOR I H L^J I I I ENIALNER, I . wSU ^5? I I | Colombia, S.C. I LUX| | . .. Vv* * % . eagggggag 1 i i i i1 i n i i i i i > j a a BROWN & BRO, 1780 MIR STREET, COLUHRIA, S. 6. ; 1 Is where you can find one of the best stocks of l> ! ^PAINTS^ OF ALL KINDS | DOORS, SASH, I BLINDS & GLASS :j LIMB AND CEMENT. S I CABINET MANTLES. I I Call or write for Prices. - | rr_~g^=f FALL and WINTER if I ' SHOES ^ In \ ^ e ^ave a an<^ com]// */ .A plcta stock of (all leather) ? JJJ / 1 stylish shoes for our I,exingW ^ J Lon frien(^8 to inspect. We fS? ;J| JUOp ; ..** J know we are selling the heat solid leather shoes for less w money than any one in the J*J? ''b06 business, come in and J Farmers' Metfhim and Work Shoes a Specialty X I E. P. &- F. A, DAVIS ?j S trio NAM* STOEET, Sm.U?M, 8. O. ? j ' MRS. jOWSER. She Unearths a Scheme to Make $1,000,000 In Seven Yea$, ' \S AND TELLS HER HUSBAND. But He Scoffe at the Idea of Raiting Rat Rhinee and Rune For the Family Drugs rat, Who !n*erme HHn That Ho " Haa Loot 'a Fortune. By M. QUAD. {Copyright, 1I1X by Associated Literary Praaa.] MR. BOWSER was reading and smoking when Mrs. Bowser ^?j| came up irom me aining room and aat down to say: "You were saying a few evenings ago that I had spoiled many of your schemes for getting rich." "About fifty of them," he replied. "A wife shouldn't be such a holdback on her husband." "Well, some are born that way." "But tbey can change. I am going to change. The next scheme you have for making e million dollars In a year I am going to give you all possible encouragement" . .< : v "But I am done with schemes. I have been ridiculed and insulted in my own house until I no longer care whether we die in the poorhouse or not" "I hate to hear you talk like that For three days past I have been scheming myself, and this evening I have a plan to discuss with you." "Humph!" "I think it a great scheme." 4tTT L tt? nuuipu: "I am sure you will agree with me when you have heard the particulars." Mr. Bowser turned to his paper in YOUira RHINO AS A PET. an indifferent manner, but after a conple of minutes his curiosity began to stir and he observed: "It would be a wonder if you had a scheme worth listening to." "Humph T retorted Mrs. Bowser. "Is it a scheme to sell flapjacks to the neighbors?" "Humph r "If you've got a scheme why in biases don't you state it? It itttist be a sitiy thing or yon would." "Very well?listen to me. Have you noticed Chat the latest fad of society ladles is to have a young rhinoceros in the house as a pet f* "No." gsmv Statist tea. "Have you seen that they are willing to pay as high as $5,000 for s healthy specimen just weaned?" "No. sir!" "Haven't yon read that the fad will probably last for many years?" "Not by a durned sight!" "1/" UnrrmA. horA rnn onr Mof) A t UJLI 4^V TW ov If uavg J VU uuj AVftVM. V* what a full grown rhino sells for in Africa?" - " "No. of course not." "You can bur oue for an iron cooking pot costing 35 cents." "See here, woman," said Mr. Bowser as he wheeled about to glare at her. "what sort of talk is this? What are the rhinoceroses; of Africa to me? What are thirt.Wpve cent cooking pots of America to me? What are the fads of society to me?" "It is possible That you haven't linked these things together?" "There is no linking about it. It's all nonsense!" "Dear me. but it's no wonder you are not worth a million collars. Here is fortune knocking at your door, and you are turning her away. It seems queer that you cannot understand me. Let me go over it slowly: "The society ladies of America de- j i velop a new fad. | "It is a pet rhinoceros. "Ue may have one or two horns. | "He can be taught to waddle after i an auto in the street. "Tho nrir><* nf n ho.ilttir litHo wnd j dier is $3,000. "At those figures every diich digger | cannot have one. "You oan buy male and female rhi| nos in Africa at 35 cents apiece. "We have a back yard in which we [ can graze them. "You go to Africa and buy ten pairs ! as a starter. "Yon can sell ten young rhinos a year and add ten others to your herd. "Ia five years yon are worth half a million dollars. "In seven yon can retire on a million. Mr. 8ow??r Leerna. "The coat of feeding and maintaining will he a mere trifle. The rantten otteo bones fr?>w our table alettw vrilf hvog. r?ii ; i can get straw tad sawdust for to others. "If work id right in connection wit! some doctor I don't see why w couldn't build up a demand for rhinoc eroe milk. It could be advertised as i sure cure for tuberculosis." v "Tod are.quite done, are you?' aakei Mr. Bowser as she paused.' "Oh, there's more, but I think yoi can see the points I have made. Mi Bowser, do you realize that you an getting to be an old man?" "What In thunder has my age got t< do with it?" he shouted. "Why?why"? "And there isn't a gray hair In m: | head." "Because you haven't any at all. W< might as well look the situation in th< face. If it can be brought about?am I don't see why it can't?I should dear !y love to see you milking a herd o stately rhinos each mornin * the sui came up." "Woman, have you lost the littli sense you were born with?" "And wt could go together to delivei the milk." "Btopr "And the newspapers would five m< credit for the idea." "Stop it, I say!" "But you shall have your share. Mr Bowser, how soon can yon get ready t< tart for Africa*/" . "Never!" . "There is no time to lose if yoi would take advantage of this golden opportunity. The natives there may hear of the fad and run up the price There may come a rinderpest to mak< a scarcity. Some other brilliant wo man may give her husband the idea Can't yon run out this evening and en gage your passage?" "No, no, no!" he shouted as he start ed down the hall. "But the chance may slip away." "The chance to get you to an insane asylum won't slip, for I'm going out right now to make arrangements"' "I can pack a valise for yon in fifteen minutes. It will be almost crim inal if you don't go." He Rushes For Aid. "Get yourself ready for the wagon that will come op!" "Wait a moment," she asked as he stood with his hand on the doorknob. "Don't you care to be worth a million dollars?" "Not by a durned sight!" "And you won't go to Africa?" "I won't!" "Nor into the rhino scheme?" "No!" Mr. Bowser's feelings were, all mixed up as he left the house. Never in her life before had Mrs. Bowser talked that way. As he went along he tried to think if she had acted strange and queer at any time during the last two weeks, but he could not call any instance to mind. She must be wrong in the head, however. He go to Africa! He bring home rhinos! ne turn milk man! "By thunder, but she's as mad as a March hare," he exclaimed to himself, "and I can't have a doctor any too soon!" The druefirlRt! He was nassinz his family druggist's, and he baited and turned in. There were no customers in the store, and the druggist told him to go ahead with hla story. He told it with great earnestness, and when he concluded the man of drugs looked at him In a solemn way and replied: "Bowser,^ou are done for!" "Howr , "Mrs. Bowser UMleatt right about the rhifiOfP' "You can't ir-*su ftr* "And you're ?< < a million dollar*!" "But howr "A feller left here for Africa ten minutes before rot) eaxne in, and he's cabled ahead f?r erery rhino in the whole blamed country. Crazy? Why, Mrs. Bowser had a scheme to make your fo-tnno, and you're turned it liowuT' Herbs. Spices, Flavoring Extracts Fresh Coriander.T Sage. Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Sweet Basil, Cay enne Pepper,' Black Pepper, Mustard and all kinds of original and pnre ground Spices, mixed as wanted, flanrt / HiA nnra fftA/1 Virirl ^ ID CAII I I'UD pU4 v; / the popular flavors, bottled and bulk poods. Harmon Drug Co. 1. Most of us try to forget the mean thing we know about ourselves, ? ? California Woman Seriously Alarmed "A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great d^al of annoyance, I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed-I began to be seriously alarmed. A friend recommended Chamberlain's C'ongh Remedy, faying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it relieved inv cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the co'd and soreness of my Icings,'' writes Miss Marie Gerber, Saw telle. Cal. For sale by all dealers. ? ? 4 - - - ? If a man would climb he must start from where he now stands. CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND BRAND Sf ftf/ la ores f "V-^r A?% y?M.f B. miK for CRLClOtS-TRR'S A DIAMOND nkAJffD FILLS in Kkb Gold borea, ftealtd with Bluev /> Ribbon. Tax* so orwn. swrfjw v/ IMMM Mi Mi rw (aWWATttl V ?UVOW> Ml A VO ffLLA. for twwrtr^it JMT* Mgarfeii u Bw*. Surest, B*TUbt?, SOLD BY ALL BBUGGISTS ^ mutttom jsss Stiff Joints Sprains, Bruises 5 an rettcred at once by aa.appttcatkm of Sloan's Liainveot, Don't 3 rub, just lay on lightly. ** Roan's liniment has done more good than anything I hat* erar triad 0 For stiff Jointe. 1 got my hand hart so badly that I had to stop work right in the busiest time of the year. ? thought 0 at first that I would hare to hate my hand taken off, bat I got a bottle ec Sloan's Liniment and eared my hand." Wilt?* Whsslxs, Moms, Ala. f - Good for Broke* Sinews G. O. Joicaa, Baldwin, L. L, writ*: E a ?*'I used Sloan's Linimeut for broken sinews a bore the knee cap eaiued '?y a I g fall and to my great satisfaction was H j able to resume work in less than three I weeks after the aectdent." 9 SLOANS ; LINIMENT Fine for Sprain !?*. Hswrt A. Voehl, 84 Somerset St., Plainfleld, N. J., writes: ? " A a friend sprained his ankle so badly that it went black. He langhed when I told him that I would hare him oat in a week. I applied Sloan's Liniment and in four days he was working and said Sloan's was a right good l4al? ) stent." Price SSch 50c* and $1.00 8!oan's Book l on horsee, cattle, % 99) , sheep and / "VI/ poultry sent free. 6 / /If IF WANT. I Your Watches and Clocks put in firstclass order at reasonable prices bring i i.i | mem iu T. H. Donny, The Watchmaker. 1218 Main St. Parlor RestaurantsColumbia^.C. TAX NOTICE Office of County Treasurer, Lexington Countv, Lexington, 8. G., Beptembei 20, 19J 2. I will be at the places and datee mentioned below for the collection of all taxes due for 1912, and will thank the taxpayers to meet me promptly. Leesville, Wednesday, ' 27, " Summit, Friday, a ir. " 29, * Gilbert. 44 p. m. 4* 29, " Ed. Add\'?,Wed a. m. Dec. 4, 44 G. F. K^isler's.44 p m. 44 4, * Brooklancl Sat. all day. 4' 7, 44 LEWFor Stale Purposes . 5% Mills For 0' dinary County Put po^os ... 4 Mills For Pa-?r Indebtedness .... 2 Mills Special t'ounty . (bridges) . . IH Mills For ]{ojid<* . . . 2 Mills For Constitutional School Tux... .3 Mills Total 18', Mills : Kt '.?i.il School Levy Dis No. l t Mills ?ij>. -ml School Levy "is. No. 1." 8 Mills special School ?vy Di*. No. i* 8 Mills Sp>* ial School Levy Dis. No. 2." 2 Mills I Special School I.evv D*. N?? 3t 2 Mills j Special School Kcvy i^4-JsoV?>7 2 Mills special School Levy Pi.-.^No.,42 2 Mills special Sch'-ol Levy lb?-. No T" 2 Mills I Special School Lew Pis. No. t>?'. ft Mills ! victual School Levy I*;... No si 2 Mills Special Sch".n| Lmvv Lis. No. 2*; 2 NlilIt* . Sp ciai sclpioi l.c\\ Dis. No. -j Mills , Special Scpi <>! L- vy Pi*. No :r< ViiiI.e Special School Levy t'i.-. N.?. Si a .Mills i Special school f.evv Di?. No. it 2 Mill* Special Sehooi Levy Lis. No. >'i3 2 Mills Special Set oo! Lc v Pi . N'o. 12 2 Mills j ISpeeiJU ) ij?*vv i?i?< mi. 11 i?i;nr? 8pecal Seh....| Lew bi- No -is 2 Mills Hpeei 1 School L vy Dts. N<>. r?o > Mills Special School I>i- So. Si 2 Mills Special Seh-.<>! y !'i-. S'o. ST. 2 Mills 8 peri,.1 School l.?'V V hi-, No. 71 2 Mills Special s.-bo?.| r.evy pis. v o. is > Mills Snoeia,! Sehool L?*v "is No > Skills Special Scho?.I 1 ew 1 Ms > < . 8 Mills Sne i;il School I.i-vv 1M> N". !" -Mills j Special Sen . >1 i. vj I);.- No ? *. -Mills Spe-ial School Lew L i-- No. 7'.< 2 Mills L..11 Tax S1.0O Commutation road tax for 1012, dollars, is received a' he same time j as other Stare and county raxes, i MT Read instructions below before remitting: According ro law the County Auditor will add the folJow'ne penalties: On January 1st, 1913. 1 per cent, penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1913, an additional 1 p r crr.t. will be added to fbn?o who Vfl-en rot paid, making 2 per oeDt. penalty for February. Still an additional 3 per cent, panalfv will be Added on March 1st., making 7 p-r cent, penalty to be paid by those who have ret paid by March 1st. 1913. Tax Books will close March, 13. 1913. When ruiuttieggtva eaob township Or school di-dric* > ? Vf prrperty I* Jn Uh e yrif- !Htru.e. in t'?;i, Q )t. Verv L'uJv, Yl K. Mi l 1 t #;" f jr I.'\ ~*V I* >'' .1 . tv JLvery # THE JEWELEB 1108 Main St, Colombia, S. 0, REPAID WATCHES AND JEWELRY lakes Them Qood at Met MEDALS AlSD BADGES Iimrfactnrec in Our Ova * Shops for Schools sad Oihor Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. AM MASTER OF TOE OPTICAL OUSINESS My motto is painstaking: consci entioue Optical service. I have ore of the most completely I equipped optical offices, in Oolnmhia T.of. mo vnnv MVV ?MV %?V J VU& V^/|A cal work and show yon how I can serve yon. Spectacles and Eye-glasses repaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. Three gradn te opticians of many years experience to serve yon and 4 we can promise yon the highest degree of accuracy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to - t ~ me. Come and see ns, we make no charge for our examination. 6, H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA. S. 0. * BEAR IN MIND C. D. Kenny Co.. Is Headquarters for Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, r._ t: l. r< .i. 'r E/iu ricda ViUiitx ; daily. . Don't put #off buying?, ! your coffee and sugar. They're going Higher. ; C D. KENNEY CO. , 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia, S. C. * A Watch is Valuable When it Keeps Time. If j you want your watch to i I ~ keep (Jorrect lime, see I M. WEISS, ! Watch Repairing a Speciaty Also Dealer in Watches and Jewelry. 1336 Assembly St., Columbia, S. C. % ^ FARMS! If you want to buy a good farm at right price anywhere in South Carolina, ^ call on or write me. If you ^ want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price right aod I will sell it for yoo, no matter where located. I nell choice city property, too. Hope A. Dickert, j i 507 Main Street* j Columbia, - South Carolina. ~