if r. in' j|| Our Stock of Coat Suits, Coats a HI making a reduction of 25 per cei III ftOKAA R?it? WAV 1ft00. trso and tlO.OO I These were of course carried over from last season, and are slightly off in styles, but the workmanship and fine materials are jest as valuable as ever and by a plight alteration they c n be made into the prevailing styles. We ?ffer them to yon at less than they oost os, and to the lady not caring ?o much about style as economy and comfort they are a genuine snap. Big Things in the Millinery We have jost opened a lovely line of the new felts and yelonrg, J The felts are bri?ht finished and double faced, just what yon -must wear if yon care to keep in the style procession. These are perfect beauties and extremely reasonably priced.' We have also jost received a new shipment of the Bendel shapes ti 1_ A if j - m Dwctt, uavjr *uu vivujai. HI A Big $5.00 Hat Value for Only $2 05 III This is a lovely felt, trimmed in ribbons and fancy feathers; ex] { | trexnely cobby and stylish. See if yon are not charmed *?ith it ae a ill street hat for only * $2.96 ill Feathers and Flowers I j I Oar line of fine feathers and lovely flowers is indeed complete and ||| we can show yon jnst what yon want from the simplest feathers or HI bench of flowers on up to the most elaborate and expensive. HI Sample Coat Suits ]|| We have jnst received too late for fair week a large assortment of III fine Sample Ooat Suits, made to sell for $35 00 and $40.00. We are l|| now eelling these suits at $25 00, and if yon want a big coat enit III val e, in fact, the coat snit valoe of the season, this is oertsinly 111 yonr opportunity. We want yon to call, on the second flo ?r, and II [ have yon render yonr verdict as to what you think of them at the III price. These suits are strictly tailored, in mannish mixtures of ? ? :? -- ?-i? ? *1,^ 11 neavy kjiye id nruwu, utwe, grc/ ?uu umi* v iu'- dtt H r Paddings and sausage galore. Tai ll| The small grain crop is looking fine. JS Cold weather and winter has not at J 04:11 0,ipn 90 bep,nyet 1 II111 AJ_ I .11 V The sweet potato crop is ansnally in 1 Willi W^UUl V large and prices are reasonable. big t w;?l ?7 ? Beef cattle wanted by Ml IftiVI IfiHT QTORF 6 GEORGE & WINGABD. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Les~ ter Ford, of Batesbnrg, died recently. ^ for / Ts _ B.J. Winsrard spent Thursdav in 1 SELLS I | Colombia, Lexington's thriving annex. I Don't forget the entertainment at Thi the new school house tomorrow eve 4 IT FOB .. DiBR- ? Ray, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. * Yancy C. Cockrell, of Summerland, j V TBC3^ CBfc CS& died one day last week. ge. Special every Saturday Fresh Pork J^-1 " Sausage. Watch the new cash 5 GE0RGE & WINGABD- c ... Short, to the point and pithy com- Ha store with the I tnnnications are solicited ana will he Ida given the right of way. rie< CDCC WlfiflH YARD lomorrow is Thanksging Day. It wCC WAIIUII IHnil will be observed by the banks, the post *1 office and bnsinesa men generally, so ?? - we are informed. 2 We have been having lovely moon- tise ft I" light nights and none have enjoyed tha j| k : them so much as thoso who are matri- has II- I moniallr inclined. dai VI Hi ]{ ; ^ ^ ' During last weei^ the court bouse ^ "" P4bII 0 flu 7#% grounds were cleared of leaves and \T?!S Sj J fl ' V trash and the grass now looks greener rj Q ||| j Qu lllli 'n ? and fresher than ever before. lSfi; ; ; Lexington ha9 developed into a first Thi ngm iaij* ataup : elans cotton market. It reminds one DM LIGHT STORE j these days of "Cotton Town" in Co- tag . ! lumbia, a coming snourbof Lexington, ^ . _ _ j in its pristine activity. New Brookland, s S. C. ! reg 1 If you beve an oat of town friend try * visiting you; or if you or any of your I1_rT- - family intend visiting any one drop j . the Dispatch a note to this effect or s n.v r- wo' , , ? riwnpBS. We will consider it .v fa- qV Oscar Lnderwood tells of a colored v ( y . ashcart proprietor down in Alabama ' i who was twitted about the habit his The marriage of Mr. Moses Knceco , j ?, _ t+o and Mrs Clara Poole was solemnized at i horse had of letting its tongue hang th? home of the bri(le,g fa-h,r, Mr j ^ OT!L,l . Levi Poole,on the evening of Novom- vo Thats all right said the colored her 21st, the Rev. S. C. Ballentiuc offi- ty man. *'He hoi's his tongue that away coated. to Keep mm rrom stumoim_,, ... , . . , i ? ^Urinn Mr, f-?m p+t.mKirnrr )'? FOB SALE?80x200 leer- let, with j Keep hiru from storoblu ?. rope..t- d ppw 8t0re-hoi28F 26x50, m the town j . ed the white folks mockingly. Flow s ( f Chapin, S. 0. Apply at once to, J. ' that going to prevent stumbling?" boczer, Chapin, S. 0. g j "Why," said the ashman, "cain't y'all ? , _t . . j Bee ef that boss was to stumble he'd .u j Frank \v. Shealy purchased at ? ... .. . 4, the foreclosure tale la*-t Saturday, bite his tongue off. cahhyin it the way the gropk in tr?de of the L.KW[rton j he do. An jo know th aJn t no lioss Sunp!v Co. Wf know not- what his j goin' r deliber'tly bite his tongue off." intentions are regarding the disposal j ?Philadelphia Public Ledger. of the name. I " Keva. J. E. Thurston and W. D. i It's rod? in 8 gnest to ook at the ^ ^ ; initials on borrowed spoons ana ask Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of ( what they 8tand for. which they are members. A wireless i informs ns that yellow legged chickens ! Soon after marriage a gir's brain *r-> ^oo'iting high in that t-own rnd vi- I ceases to be a dream factory. . i t rHE Li * ? ,nd Ladies' Ready-to-wear, are al^ it. on this iine. It will pay invest: Lamb's Wool Blankets. Very fine, in the moat superb weave, soft, downy wool fleece, highest quality; nothing better to be had; outside sizes, at 8.00, 10.00 and 12.50. Dress Trimmings?Everything That Fashion Decrees?All the Whims of Fancy. hinestone bands and fringe metal bands, Jet, Crystal, Steel and Silver, Gold Braids, Felt Band in burnt effects, Frog's Loop, Black Braid, Tasse's, Embroidery Bands, Frog's Pink, Blue and White Beaded Chiffon, Silver, Crystal and Pearl Fringe Trimming for all occasions for evening and street wear^ Comelin and look them over. Warm Bed Covering to Suit Any Parse. 100?COTTON COMFORTS?100. Fancy Silkaline Tops, caught with pure wool zephyr, very attractive flosal design*; excellent values 1.26 iro?COTTON COMFORTS?100. Fancy floral designs with colored border and tuft cotton. 300?FANCY COMFORT?300. Covered with near silk zigzag stitching, soft, light weight, very warm; all colors. Special at k 8.50 DOWN COMFORTS. Cohered with French satin near silk and near messaline, in full sizes; soft, fluffy, light weight; very special values at 5.00, 6.50 and 8 00. 8ILK AND SATIN COLORED DOWN COMFORTS. In most exquisite range of colors, consisting of delicate pink, sky bine, canary and soft reds; full size. Price, only 10.00 BLANKETS. T arfyoiit ael/)/>tinti 5i) fVitt flfofn" fVio /-?J~ o^?vv viva* vuv v**U ?Of7Vi VLUOIJW rUlLO Ml pUHWN 20C soft vfrhite wool nap blankets, extra full sire, borders pink and bine. Price, only 2.00 150 paire of soft, fleecy woolen blankets, fit any bed, various border colors, at 3 98 800 PAIRS FANCY PLAID WOOL BLANKETS. Large black plaids; a splendid article; extra special value at, the pair 3 50 600 PAIR8JOF SUPERB ALL WOOL BLANKETS. In white pl*id6 with silk tape, extra full sire; our special leader, at 6 00 r DEPART Ml "GET IT ALL UNDER ONE ROOF" y *rrr? f , Ii88 Lena, the charming young A . n igbter of Mr. and Mrs. Valine Bftli MSS OT PTOOl ! plor, and Mr. Leopholdt Sbealy : ' re manned in St. James toberan Beports 0f30,000 Cases of Kid"^ckDmmi^n Kowmber 20th'; ney Trouble, Some of Them Lexington Cases. "he merchants are beginning to get Each of some 6;ooo newspaper, of ^ ?tock of Chnstmas koc^s. The the United state8 ia from and little folk are looking forward week to week> names people8 in its h joy on h anticipation to the an-. pgr(iCn]ar neighborhood, who have il visit of Santa Olnas, the patron ?60d and recommended Doan's Kidat of all good cuildren. ney pjjj8 ^Qr j^ney backache, weak Vo hare been having idcnl weather Sidneys, bl?^er troubles and urinary fo Ji nnonat onV tL f?ww?/iwa disorders. This mass of proof includes v j t one and t- arHiers over30,000 testimonials. Lexington is re taken advantage of it oy putting ?*e^X,n. Uoro is one of the Lexi tremendous crop of small gram r~o u v. i ^ ey have allowed no rnst to accumu- 5r A r ? r> j on their instruments of industry V "'' , ha kept then, bright and shin- 8ffl?eted ^idoeyB and suffered a great deal from pains in the rniCK STORE?Building 32x60, on * ap"el?/ f* and languid' "and SK^be^moServo^s HeaSea and Boozer, Ohapin, H. C. P?? 3. ' )n Sunday a week Mr. Lester Basil ?atlsed m ?ecd of annoyance. Doan's rfeley, of Simpson, Ala., and Miss Kidne> Pills were finally brought to i Shealy, of Batesbnrg, were mar- my .attf,ntlJn ar,d J. procured! a supply I in Augusta, Ga , by the Rev. at the kaufmann Drug Co. In a short ward T7 Cree, of the Christian time after I began their use I was reircL. The newlyweds will make hevfid. I do not hesitate to recomibama their future home. ' mend Doan's Kidney Pills to my neighbors." ly reason of a mistake in theadver- ^5>r 9~e b- Jj!j. dealers. P? ] sment of the resale of the McOar- vDtaV ^8ter;Mil,,ur" fnC(|;' , homestead on Depot street, the sale ~ j been postponed until the first Moii- ? JL' .u r? , t . i j in January, 1913. The mistake ? ^member tho :,auw-Do??V-i.nd i solely with tl.e Dispatch and Judge | 0 u ifts is in nowise responsible for it ! ?.? I ke educational rally announced Columbia, Lexington's progressive D week to take place tomorrow, I ^ ' , , , . .. anksgivirg Day, at Chapin was a j suburb, will probably be chosen by Mr. j stake. It should have been Pelion j Wilson when he becomes President, ! toad of Chapin The young lady , as the place of his winter residence, o received the information over 1 , , , < tl ohone trot the namrs confused. We i but there ^ syme Pft0Ple of th? ?P1C" j ret the mistake very much and wili | i?n that some of his time will he spoilt I and be more careful in the future, j iu the matropolis as the acoonimoda- ! i lions for his entertainment are sape- ] OR S AI.E-A four-year-old( French j rior :o tho?. 0f the suburb, ach) horse, \\ ill work anywhere, ntlc and good natnred. Apply to Killian Lindler. Chapin, 3. C. f>p j , , , , ^ i Mr. H"nry Koou having resigned iv* t w worth any lauy'a nine to see j clliet 0?p0liceof Lexington. Mr. W. i beautiful demonstration of fancy j j[ p-eklev now wears that badge and j. r?0 -on , T tV* . .Central . totes t j.P Billy, he having been apfdle Sewing Machine all this week | p0:Ille(i t<1 th?, position at the last Scott Heudm' i uraituro Store. i meetiBR o{ Council. r.,ua;t:?gaBc. ;.t- .-.-srua^c:t - ja>cgaeaaa| ^ /^|Cm Y**rr P? rs I Mlwcf Idai tea ?T? < \ A | /' The -K: ';q; ?r:..: \ The \ it/ /Latrine fc Sb-aiP' I Pr**rirt<5> fl I U y n. V'-. ^ iJ ivii ./>'- *"'" ' ^;?. Vy- M . ***** TCjjf '""" 2 * _ 6 T ^ .. . ' / ' rica I Z':z^"* c':c ;:..v r-.: :. i >.iv?i -i i: 4u i oi:r :norv?y .::::: :*. :t l::...% 1 ..*>* 1 j? .- IS 3 T. p .. ,..., tiA;^ ... " .rs'SaiS w, ff?ir If \x ! E.B Roof k Sou, Lexington, M. ? // ~ \\ M r ,) ~ D. ShnU. New Hrookliiad, Shull r ' _ t!*. \>. Niii'^vr. Nf V Brcokl^nd. 4 y / EAD ___ i.1 1 _ J A .A T * ? W /ays me latest styles, w e are igate before buying elsewhere. Velvet and Corduroy for Jaunty Costumes Corduroy?All the popular shades; extra width 75c Corded Velvet?10 pieoee. the moat wanted shades; all colors; price 1.00 Velour Costume Velvet?25 pieces; black, navy, gobler, grey, brown; 18 to 34 inches; price 1.50 to 3.50 TT.1 ^ m M? * veivei ior iTimmiDg?All tne late colors to suit anv costume; price, the yard ?... 1.00 to 2.00 V Winter Comforts for Young and Old. f OUTING?2,000 yards, heavy fleece in Hgb fc and dark colors, stripes ohecks, solid colors, extra values 8 l-2c y OUTING?2.500 y ard* velvet, soft, nap in dainty pin check stripes, solid, blue, pink and white for street wear, extra heavy lOo FLANNETTE?25 pieces of the most unique patterns, all that taste and skill oould portray for ladies' kimonos and dressing sack gowns; Fpecial 15c OOTTON FLANNEL?25 pieces in every weight, grade and quality; extra Food for the price; yard, 8 l-4c, 8 l-3c, 10c, 12 l-2c. PERCALES?80-inch, 100 pieces, big variety of colors, any patterns to choose from, fast colors. A winner, at yard *.. 10c Study These Big Values in Dress Goods Drees Fabric Meesaline?36 inches wide, in the daintiest evening shades, colors of the most sublime tints; price, the yard 1.00 Cbarmeuse?12 inches wide, exquisite fabrio for soft pannier costumes, hangs into beautiful soft folds; 2.00 value, at 1.75 Dress Good Styles Supreme, Endless Variety Mannish Serges, Water Stripe, Whipcords, Storm Serges, Homespuns, Cheviot, Diagonal Broadcloth Jersey Coating; vigorous ^ colors, designs, plain flecked and two toned effect, 50 to 56 inches j wide; price the yard 1.00 to 2.50 Fashionable Dress Goods at Popular Prices Serge, Whipcord, Bedford, Cheviots, Mixed Suitings, Shep. Plaids. 50 pieces in various widths, weight and color; all the popular shades, blue, brown, grey, garnet, navy, black, white; 38 to 46 inches wide # 50c 8torm Serge, 8ootoh Suiting, Jersey Cloth. 50 inches wide, in solid colors, fancy fleeced suiting, extra good v valae, colors and black; 50 inches wide :.... 59? ENT STORE ^ COLUMBIA, 8. C. 7 One on Father. ^ k Brightness personified is little Johnny Ml# I I ! Pule. Certain frieDds of the family J||fM?|fB I Flltf ! consider him rather precocious, but- |A||| |H| | R||l thafs Quite another story. At any. I II11 W I#I B rate, he Is the pride of his father's 4 heart, and Pule senior invariaWy re- g{JH |)|Q ||Q{j{^ fere to the youngster as a "regular _ chip of the old block.'* XiEXXNGT01J? S. C. | The other night little Johnny looked up from his stool by the fireside and Seal Estate Bought and Sold ( I ejaculated the query: ?^ "I'm a chip from the old block. 216 acres 5 miles from Edaln't I, father?" mund, 20 acres open, 2 room "Yes, my son, indeed you are," came dwelling, plenty water, good ^ the proud reply. pasture. "And yon pa you're the head of the m acres ? ffijles ^ family, am't you; asked the simple little lad. - rom Qilhert? 4 room "I am," replied Pule. dwelling, a barn and stables, | "Then," chuckled Johnny triumphant* plenty water. I lyf "you must be a blockhead!" ^140 acrds^ two miles south of But w1ll draw a kindly veil over Barr, 6 miles Irom Lexington, cJO what followed.?Answers. open, 60 aores pine timber, 6 - m ? room dwelling, a barn and staNaturally. bles, plenty running water. /rat G2% acres 3 miles west of Gas- I | C\ ton, 9 acres open, 3 room dwellf*Y ^ 1,01110 ^ine ^m^er' Plent7 v *!?)/ 46 acres one mile from Edmnnd K 25 acres open land, 2 room.dwel- .* 2~^ acrcpJ 3 miles from Pelion, in50 acres open land, dwelling, V ; ^plenty water. Fine land for Cotton and grain. > Hfl' 162 acres 6 miles] from Steedo have another piece ol' pie, Wil- Rfe I aUHALi SAWSlif "Why, really. I've already had two, j Lexington, S. C. but it's so good I believe I will have j % another." ' * "lie, he! Mother's a winner!" said ~ " ' ": little Frank excitedly. "She said she'd Rev. P. I). Ki,inper will meet his bet you'd make a pig of yourself."? Bible class at Nazareth next Saturday Harper's Magazine. af'^rnoon at 2:30 o'clock. A fell at ? ten Jane - i- dt>i red.