The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 27, 1912, Image 6

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fi?i???iiiiiiniiiiii * Knowing the great importanc point to oorry tho boot ol every ing art. Whether for the shop < j to oonre you. You will Nnd our J lowest reasonable figure on ev Anvils $3.00 and up. Blacks Lorick & I I ] INCORPC j COLUMBIA, IPHlWllKiiBHiliilHiiil jTHEBEST IS IT: I TOO M FOR IIKIB mSTONFR . ,L yuu uvvivuim * v We are exclusive agents in Oolnmbit for the Best Furniture Mann* ! factorerwhi America. We show the lazgeet and best as sortment oMiigh grade Furniture in the entire South. 4 visit to our store will be e treat for 70a beeatse we ' wilT show yon all the new ideas in Furniture, Ton ire always weloome and you * Will not be asked to porohase. VANMETRE'S FUNERAL DIRECTOR EiBALMER, Colombia, S. C. . ! { * ' *4 . I C. 0. BROW 1730 MAIN STREET, jl Is where vou can find oi I - PAII jf OF ALL DOORS, SA BLINDS ij LIME AND | CABINET : ;!j Call or write for Prices. f Farmers' Medium and E. P. & F. 1710 MAIN STREET. f iiiiM| b.of tl??se tools,.ere make it a , . _ ly, ^ V tool known to the blacksmith* tr the farm, we are prepared > prices hammered down fo the erythlnp you need. | mith's Vises 95.50 to $7.60. .owrance, IRATED. ! I s. c. * I I f ? HRBHnS9BflflBF?35HHBE9B9^^ c ^Arelfetribtrtcrs of [ JAWOLTS^l OLLAND "DITCH HMM UTO C'CRAFTS - . |i jhtw \ Bh|E vJ&l -1 B ,f 1 If ||| [flip* 8 I^HuiSifito^IiK >... .. ' ^ I | I BnRBEBHHHnBMaMMHHH c r fc 'N & BRO., I] CQLUKBIA, S. C. | 1 ae of the best stocks of i; J KDTDS <j S __ ? i .SH, 3 & GLASS 1 < I ? CEMENT. I ! A i MANTLES. I i FALL and WINTER ^ j &F2 j . V We have b fall an-1 rem- ??n A pieta stock ot (a!i leather) j&jr J | stylish shoe# tor our Ivsxinj*- j j ton friends to inspect. W?- |*5 J kDOW we are selling the Vnt j rl solid leather tshors tor less ; money than any one in tbo $*& ' shoo business. come :it anri it? : _ _______ , j see for yorjr?olf. thai wUi W ' prove it. A jneasnte to v*i? fR 1 on you *nd jjive you our $jk prices. W-t 00:1 St. the family, Jje men, women nnd cliiidroii. &Tk I Work Shoes a Specialty &g? ' A. DAVIS 1! COLUMBIA, s. c. ay I HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS [lie. Experience of Two Girls Here Related For The Benefit of Others* Rochester, N. Y.?" I have a daugber 13 years old who has always been 'ery healthy until recently when she omplained of dizziness and cramps every nonth, so bad that I would have to keep ler home from school and put her to bed o get relief. "After giving her only two bottles of -.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com>ound she is now enjoying the best of lealth. I cannot praise your Compound oo highly. I want every good mother o read what your medicine has done for ay child."?Mrs. Richard N. Dunham, 11 Exchange St, Rochester, N.Y. Stoutsville, Ohio.?"I suffered from leadaches, backache and was very irregular* ^ a^~ SiffiSpvised me to take' m-MSmmm; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com>MjB iBii P?un<^? before I llPf ^ Sp'H had taken the whole lx?l& ^ ^l| two bottles I Pfound relief. I am Wm^m onJy shrteen years old, but I have bet\ | | I? ter health than for \\ \ v v / I i> t**0or t*iree years* ' I cannot express my hanks for what Lydia El Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. had taken other medicines but did not ind relief."?Miss Cora B. Fosnaugh, Itoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D., No. L Hundreds of such letters from mothts expressing their gratitude for what jydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com?und has accomplished for their daughers have been received by the Lydia E. j HriVhara Medicine Company,Lynn, Mass. Edmund News. It is very dnll here. The government farm in now start uk ujj. The new corn mill is in operation at 3dmund. A few days ago Mr. J, J. Jefcoat, pas run over by the street cars when a Colombia on business. He was not atally injured. We are now having a very good chool here. Madams Jefcoat and flightier paid drs Vanoe a visit a few days ago. Oor. "Tells the Whole Story." To say that Foley's Honey & Tar )omponnd is best for children and yown persons and contains noopiates ells only part of tbe tale. The whole tory is that it is the best medicine for toughs, oolds, croup; bronchitis and ither affections of the throat, chest md lungs. Stops la grippe, coughs k healing and soothing effect, uember the name, Foley's Honey & ?ar Compound, and accept no substiutes. Harmon Drag Co. Will Be Promoted. Congressman Lever, who is tbe rank ng member of the committee on agiculfcare, will, in all probability, be hairman when the committee assignnente of the Hou*e of Representaive? are made He has been one of he hardest working and most iiiflnintial members of the committee for everal terms and has done as much ks any member of Congress for the arming interest of this eonutry by riginatirig and advocating progressive egislation for the improvement of agiculfcnral methods. Ho has worked lot only for his own district, but for he entire South and the country is a whole, and his work is known and ippreciated in all sections. For this camm his campaign tour of the Vest in the interest of the Demooraio ticker was effective. since the farcers of the West knew him and vhat he had doue in Congress for their > Epfit and were glad to hear him.? Sumter Watchman and Southron. Serbs. Spices, Flavoring Extracts Fresh Coriander, Sage. Thyme, 3weet Ma?jjram, Sweet Banil. Cay mnu Ftpptr, Black Pepper, Mustard j Hid all kind* of original and pure ground Spices, mixed as wanted, tlaroring extract (the pure food kind) in he popular flavors, bottled and bulk joods. Harmon Drug Co. 1. j Mr. P. I. Lindler, of Little Mou?.t- | liu, recently brought to this office a j curiosity in the way of a com stalk [ which forked some three ?>r lour feet j from the ground aud on each of the.; two prongs an car of corn grew and ) matured. Mr. Lindler was bnt obey- t log the Scriptural injunction of mak- { lug two ears grow v. iiore but one grew } ho fore. President-elect Wilson has declared j it to be his purpOS" to r-dtiOrU his OH ill- j paign promises and v.ili prosecute the IX)Pijxj trhiriiiiJ'1 t i n lur wuic i rigorously thnn tb'-y Wt to under tho [ Repablieuu regime. j DIAMOND BRAND ( ^ur}^ \ ?T 0 LA DTE 3 ? "v?.-/' - - i.. r.? ."t:t n., t?s tree A I ji'tfr ;vi #1 i priMOND r.KAND riLI.S iu k-.t, and/Vw Goi.d metallic boxes, aesleu vriili Bluc^Oy Ribhoa. Tae.n no ornKi. BarrfTotr V/ Drnrr*^ ond ??k fo? 0Hl?rHF*>TrRS ? DIAlfOM) RKAND PILLS, for twentr-fivo jeers regarded at Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS iTi'L EVERYWHERE | THE UP TO DATE FARMER, j He Was Ready For the Bond Salesman From the Metropolis. "THE farmer is the one who is mak^ ing the progress," recently remarged bond salesman for one of the big L~_ses. just in from the road. "I've got them to let me try eastern Kansas this trip?new territory for us. I'd heard that the tillers of the soil down there were all buying automobiles and things, and that tbey were a progressive lot. 1 found them that, and then some. Here's what happened to me in a little town up near the northeast corner of the state. ? * ?? t o kau* "UDC WQCUilij^ i UlU?C nuuut ivu> miles out mto the country to try to sell some bonds to an old farmer named Pratt wht> was reported to have a pot of monej. The old man seemed to be thoroughly posted on the bond market?knew nil about the latest of ferings. etc. He seemed to like my issue, but said he was 'hung up' with ten Wabash fours, and that until he got rid of them he couldn't buy anything else. We were doing quite a little in Wabash fours at the time, and 1 offered to take them off his hands at j 06?just before leaving the hotel I had j had a wire stating that they were GOV!; j bid on the exchange. "The old man hesitated, but finally j agreed to make the exchange. He was j to take seven of my bonds at a little less than par and I was to take his ten Wabash fours at 01% I fancied I saw a twinkle in h?s eye as I wrote down the figures. The deal closed, lie offered to show ) ? - WV n-iint iincfglrvj find ! Uie IUC UUti'^C. MC 1UUi U|7CWII.7 ouv, la what he called bis 'office.' what was my amazement to find a stock ticker buzzing busily away. I walked over to the machine and pulled some of the tape out of the basket. A string of quotations caught my eye. It read something like this: Wabash fours. 10 at 07. f> at lid. 15 at &H1>. 50 at 62."Puck. Worried. The Beat Has (making arrangement*) ? A.v\A?&n?4a 4f Moatnfninr fn thA bride??Philadelphia Press. Getting It Exactly Right. Clerk?Yoar ad. reads, "Plain cook wanted." VTbey rather fight shy of that, sir. Sabbubs?How shall I put it then? Clerk?I should say. "Woman wanted to do plain cooking." Snbbubs?Change it, will you? Glad you mentioned it And, by the way, instead of "woman" you'd better make it "lady."?Boston Transcript Trouble Maker. "A newspaper can make trouble in a home." "I should say so. What came near causing my first quarrel with my wife was the fact that we had only one newspaper to read, and that had the baseball news on one side of the sheet and the fashion news on the other."Washington Star. Declare War on Colds. A crusade of education which aim* 4 that, common coJds may become uncommon within the* next generation" has been began bv prominent New York physicians. Here is a list of the don'tV which the doctors say will prevent t.i:e annual visitation of the the cold: "Don't sit in a draughty car." "Don't sleep in hot rooms" ! "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't staff yourself at meal lime. Over eating reduces your ;esistanco." To which wo would add?when yon take a oeld got rid of it u?i quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will fiud Chamberlain's Cough Remedy most excellent. Sold by ail druggists. Flagged Train With Shirt. Tearing his shirt from lii-? hack an Ohio man flagged a train and savi d it from a wreck, but 11. T. Alston. Raleigh. X. C\, once prevented a wreck with Electric Bitters. "1 whs iu a terrihir. plight when I began to use thorn,ho writes, "ruv stomach, head, hack and kidney s were ail badly r. tieded and my liver was in bad condition, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made mn h-el like a new .nan." A trial will convince you of their matchless merit for anv stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Brim. f>0rents at iiarn?m Drug Co. <a> Twinges of rheumatism, backache, stiff joints and shooting pains ail show your kidneys an.- not working rigbr. Urinary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak hack and core kidneys tell tbo need of a good ii haelr kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Fills f/\nio jtwiifHTr liu? In** nru! T u 7f.V . VA-'il H . H' MIJVA * X ? X - . tive. They build up tliM kidnevs jicu regulate tbeir ao'Jor,. They will pive yen; qdck relief and rot,tain ro habit forming tln;<rs Saf?* and aiv. ay* sun-. Try them. Harmon Drug Co. Kven i blind mar, may he able to scs f iu-j poiirj of a j'.'U*1, lu coming onf on top many a man's, hair beats bim to it. Sop onr ivw top bTiartries at $10.00 Jash. Open buggies We maka tho pfiue. firi-K'-r'.-C'aL'ler Mule Cw. I Rheumatism I I Neuralgia I I Sprains I R ATrsa C. Mahoxet, of 2708 K. St., fl "W. Washington, 1>.(JM write*: " I suf- B 9 fered Mich rheumatism for fire rears B I B and 1 have jusc got hold of your Lini- B U nient, and it has done me so much B fl good. My knee* do not pain and the fl B ft vailing ha* gone." ?( Quiets the Nerves Mrs. A.Weidmax, of 403 Thompson St., Maryville. Mo., writes : ? " The nerve in my log was destroyed five years ago ana left me with a jerking at night so that I eould not sleep. A friend told me to try your Liniment and now I could not do without it. I find after its use 1 can sleep." SLOANS LINIMENT 11 Is a good liniment IV ^ep it on hand all the time. My daughter sprained her wrist and used your Liniment, and it has not hurt her 5 ^nCe"" At All Dealers 25c., 50c., $1.00 Sloan's book on J gngj ..rrf horse?,oattle,bora yw <1 and ponltry sent />?L5 Jjgv** S_ . free. Address ii| YOU WANf. Your Watches and Clocks put in firstclass order at reasonable prices bring them to T. H. uonny, Th? WaielMwW. 1 SIS Mala 81. Parlor ltNtMra(H10?lumW?it.C. i 9 JHVZBpr^ mf M HVV^9|T7^H|Hp^L XVnEw|j| TAX NOTICE Office of County Treasurer, Lexington County, Lexington, S. C., September 20, 1912, I will be at the places and dates mentioned beiow for the collection of I all taxes dhe for 1912, and will thank I the taxpayers to meet me promptly. I Leesvillo, Wednesday, ' 27, " i Summit. Friday, a ui. " 29, * Gilbert, " p. m. " 29, " F.d. Addy's, Wed a. m. Dee. 4, " G. F. Eeisler's, " p. m. i, Brook? and Sat. all (Uv. " 7, " LET i". ! For State Purposes .VriMIIle I For Ordinary Oounty Parpoeerf .. i Mills I For Indebtedness .... 2 Anilrf ! Special County . <bridjr?s) . . Mills For lioad* . . . . 2 Mills For (Vustitutlonu! School Tax... . 3 Mills Total isV.P Mills St-e ial School levy IMs No. 1 4 Mills Special N^ooi Levy "is. No. * Mills Spotlal School Levy Die. No. is s Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. 2Ji 2 Mills Special School Levy Pis No. JP 2 Mills Special School Rwy Pis. No. 37 2 Mills Special School Levy Pis No.-ix x Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. 77> 2 Mliis i Special School Levy Pis. No. fit) rf Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. M 2 Mills I Special School Levy Pis. No. 2'-. 2 Mills } Special School Levy Pis. No. S3 2 Mills { Special School Levy Pis. No, IS x Mills ; SpecLU S- nool Levy Pis. No. 23 v Mills j School Levy DU. No. IT 2 Mills Spf'.-iul school L??vy Pis. No. 63 2 Mills J Special Set ool I.cvy PP. No. 12 2 Mtlis i Spc-'ial S"hn;! Levy Pis No. !s 2 Mills Spec;-.) School Levy Pis. No. 4s 2 Miiis j ' Sp?vi"l School Levy Pis. No. W x' Mills 1 } Special School Levy Pis. No. 2 Mil's I ) Spe.-i.ii School I..\y Pic. No. <> 2 Mills J i Sp. School Levy Pis. so. 7i 2 Mills { j Special School Levy pis. >'o. ifi 2 Mills | I Sic-'-ial S.. hi"S Levv Pis. No x* 2 Mills { j Sp' .'hi! S h>tl I.m\% Pis. No.x'X 3 Mil is | : S." i t! S--h>,.j Levy I'is. N'e.P 2 Mil is I i S.-V' ?1 l.fV) Dis Nil. 70 X viltie j ! Special S-'h'.e! I.evyPis- No. 77' 2 Mf'lr J | P !! Tax.... j i Go. m mutation ro:?<i lax fur 1912, sd j i ' dollars. in received at die lime j > as oiher State ami county taxes. ?/&* Uvjid }?: ;.?"?* before ; remit nop: j Ape lUiini: M r;u'the t.;< unfy j tor will add ti f foiiov h it y.erudiies: | (>n January ist. H ' >. 1 per rent, j | penalty will bp added > those who i ! have not paid. On 1 el- nary 1st. it1!.", | j an additional 1 per rent. *.vill be added | i to those who have not pa racking 'J ! ;kt rent. penalty for February. Htill i l an additional b i*e.r rent, penalty will ! ! be milled on Ma^ch 1st., ir.akmj* 7 per i ? eonr. n'"*al'T" r?> T-rro h** eic. ^ vrhn ? ? have not paid by March W. JObk j Tax Books H'ifi close March. In. ll#13. ; When remitting $*i ve each town-ship; ' or ecbool district your property is in. j Ctiye one came in full, not initials. ! Very trnlv, J V. L. WTXG AKP. ! i TLro < -urds, ri. C. Airex*y THE JEWELEB % 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES AM) JEWELRY Hakes Then 6ood as lev - MEDALS ~ ' AJSD BADGES Manufactures' in Our Own j Shops for Schools and Other Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Colurr^bte, S. C. iu uiOTrn nr rnr AIR IRAOlLU ur IDC OPTICAL BUSINESS Mr motto is painstaking conaci- j entiouH Optical sennet I have I one of the most completely equipped optical offices, in Columbia. Let me do your optical work and show yon how I can serve yon. Spectacle and. EVe-glasSes Vejjaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. Three graduite optician* of many ? years experience to serve yon and i we can promise yon the highest de- J eree of accuracy, reliability and sat- J i8faction in all cases entrusted to me. Come and see ue, w?- n^ake no charge for our examinaJUoc. & 8, H. Berkmair 4f * f *? ESTABLISHED 1879. 1118 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. t BEAR IN MIND C. D. Kenny Co. Is Headquarters for > Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Etc. Fresh Coffee roasted daily. Don't put off buying v your coffee and sugar. _ They're going Higher. C. D. KENNEY CO. * 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia, S. C. ? A Watch is Valuable When it Keeps lime, ir you want y~ur watch to *keep Correct Time, see M. WEISS, Waich Repairing a Speciaty Also Dealer in Watches -< and Jewelry. '336 Assembly stv Columbia. S. C. FARMS! FARMS! If you want to buy s, pood farm ai ri:;ht price anywhere in South Carolina, rail 011 or write me. If you wmiv. to seh your farm quick * for trash, make your price ripht and I will sell it for you, mo niaut-r w !K'n' *yv?i* a], { soil ?hvu>f- oiiy projykrr,r, too. * Hope A. Dickert, . 1507 Main Street, 1 Columbia, - South Carolina. "Always Hustling."