The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 20, 1912, Image 6

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Knowing the great importance ol thet?e toats, we make it a i point to carry the best ot every too! known to the Llacksmitn- t \ ing art. Whether for the shop or the farm, we are prepared ? i to serve you. You will find our p'sces hammered down fo the ? ] lowest reasonable figure on everything you nee<t. Anvils S5 00 and up. Blacksmith's Vises 35.50 to 57.50. i Loriok & Lowrance, ! < * > ! ' INCORPORATED. ! ] COLUMBIA, - S. C. |j j THE BEST IS NOT ! Iv^Are-DtstributrTs of I I J UAlBERTSfil^ T0? ?"?' F?R L ?*craK! 1 01 CUSTOMER : V" ~~ _ We are exclusive agents in Ooloro Jjjnfl Vj \ bis for the Beet Furniture Mann jji'l flHH y|| l factnrere in America. IjlB ^ We show the largest and beet ai- Kj I eortment of high grade Fnrnitur? II |BMHk kjorr^ V. | in the entire South. |J | I treat for yon because we wil jg jg g^ fl show yon all the new ideas i1 I "^ways welcome and yo, BH VAfUOliS PRICES fl will not be asked to purchase. IVANMETRE'S Gjgf?r I FUNERAL DIRECTOR HMp 5*5) I EMBALNER, ^^^CctombU^SX. i LUXURI0U5MMKMSMM3IZES " C. 0. BROWN TIt ] 1730 NAM STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. jj \\ Is where you can find one of the best stocks of i 1 ^PAINTS? I C ur Aiiii Axn uo 3 | DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLASS | ttwr and cement. ij Cabinet iiahtles. ji || Call or write for Prices. jjj r k? 1912-... '? FALL and WI&ITEE SS rfo| I ..itSkiOES ^ /./ \ Wo have a full and com- fiF* J/J ? A plet? stock of (all leather) / ,;;>+ \ stylish snots tor cur Lexibg* j?F? // I ton friends to inspect. Wo jE/Fjp/ 1 know wo avc selling me host <rfe solid leather shoos for less iDorvy than ai!> in too jSgjj enoe DriHiijHfip, come ia acu tga f see for ^onrseif, that will /I prove it. A pleasure to W3ifc ?R jSv'- SA on you and fp7o you onr jg& r |prices. "We can fit the family, Farmers' Medium and Work Shoes a Specialty ^ E. P. & F. A. DAVIS | 1710 HAIN STREET. COLUMBIA, S. C. ^ VID'SBOIMS. Candidates for Matrimony Who Are Elected. THE CAMPAIGN LOVINGLY MANAGED. Mrs Mollie B. Sox, Formerly of I<exington, Married to Rev. M. P. Porter, of Norfolk, Va., at Hendersonville, N. C?Other Marriages of Interest to Lexingtonians. JEFCOAT-JEFCOAT. Married -?November 6, 1912, by U. W. Jefcoat, Magistrate, Mr D. Leonard Jefcoat and Miss R<>9a Lee Jefcoat, all of LexiDgton county, j The groom is a son of Mr. J. F. Jef * 3 - coat, a prominent) tanner ami ? guuu business man of the Khisto section, as clever a gentleman a* ever walked the soil. The b?'ide is a charming daughter of Mr. H E. Jefcoar, of the Black C ?ek section. a prosperous farmer an 1 mechanic, and a genr-lt-man of the old school. We hope fur ike young couple a !or\g a >d prosperous life and j that their p .thwav may ever bestrewn with prett\ flowers. After the ceremi ny the paitv7 re pared to the home of the gru< m. where a j-umptc.m- sup; per whs served. The mwly wedded ! couple will si end their honeymoon in j the Land of Flowers snd then make their home in old Lexington county, A Friend. SOX-PORTER. On Tuesday evening, October 22 d, j 1912, at the Methodist Protestant I chuich, at Hendersonville, N. 0., a marriage ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. J. D. Williams, uniting together in the holy bonds of wedlock, the Rev M. P. Porter, of . N rfolk, Va , and Mrs Mollle E. Sox, | of Hendersonville, N. 0 Mrs Sox j was formerly of Lexington, S. C., j where she is well a< d favorably known ! and where she has many friends who | will be interested to learn of her marriage. May peace, happiness and saccess attend them through life is the wish of their friends here. A Witness. SIMONDS-HALL On Sunday afternoon, November 3, 1912, Miss Lillie Simonds and Mr. Henry Hall, of SteadmaD, were hapl pily married, A B. Qaattlebaum, Notaro Public, officiating. Both of the young people in the community and are the recipients of many congratulations. ROOF-BOUKNICHT. Married, October 23rd, 1912, at the Lutheran parsonage, Lexington, S. 0., by Rev. J. A. Cromer, Mr. G. Y. Bouknight and Miss Annie Mea Hoof, both of Lexington, 8. C. "Tells the Whole Story." To say that Foley's Honey & Tar Compound is best for children and grown persons and contains no opiates tells only part of the tale. The whole I story is that it is the best medicire for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and other affections of the throat, chest | and lungs. 8rops la grippe, coughs I a healing and soothing effect, member the name, Foley's Honey & Tar Compound, and accept no substitutes. Harmon Drug Co. j Don't get your colors mixed when you set out to paint the town. No man ever has to hunt temptation. He is lucky if he can dodge it. j Herbs. Spices, Flavoring Extracts Fresh Coriander, Sage. Thyme, 1 Sweet Marjoram, Sweet Basil, Cay I enne Pepper, Black Pepper, Mustard ; and all ainds of original and pure j ground 8plces, mixed as wanted, flavoring extract/the pnre food kind) in the popular flavors, bottled and bulk goods. Harmon Drug Co. 1. Many an old settler doesn't?as any grocer will inform yon. Men and women who are odd might get even by marrying. Tribute of Eespect. In remembrance of l^ora, wife 01" ; Tnmmio j. Huffman, who was born j April 1, 1835, and departed this !ue 1 Bepfc-mber 29, lril'2, making her short stay on carta 27 years, 5 months and j 29 days. She was a devoted wife, a j kind and loving mother end a faithful j member 01 Hurdis Baptist church. i Vacant is her beat in the church and } home today j In tho eilcr.t grave at Sardis church i her bodv llrh. W<? thing1 she's with the angel's still we can't help weeping, But we can meet her in the home in the skies, She leaves a husband, four email ; children and many relatives and friends to mourn her death. Respectfully submitted, Mrs Lillie M Smith, Mrs Anrie E Hntto, Mrs Mary M Rust. Cause of Insomnia, The most common cause of insomj r.ia disorders of the stomaeh and con stipation. Chamberlain's Tablets ccr; Tret these disorders and enable you ! to sleep. For sale by all dealers. WIFE'S HEALTH RESTORED Husband Declared Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Would Restore Her Health, And It Did. Ashland. Kv. ? "Four years aero 1 seemed to have everything the matter I had feMtiftMlMi ma^ and kidney trouble and was so bad off I could hardly rest $llf ??\ r%L Iw dayor nisht- 1 d?ciiS ? tored with all the gA ~ Jltll best doctors in town and took many kinds of medicine but nothing did any good unf til I tried yourwon\ ) J /jX n derful remedy,Lydia ? E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. My husband said it would restore my health and it has."? Mrs. May Wyatt, Ashland, Ky. There are probably hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefitted by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Itead What Another Woman says: Camden, N. J. ?"I had female trouble and a serious displacement and was L:red and discouraged and unable to do my work. My doctors told me I never could be cured without an operation, but ohanks to Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am cured of that affliction and have recommended it to more than one of my friends with the best results." ?Mrs. Ella Johnston, 334 Vine St If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tonr letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence* Surely he i? a wtt*e man who knows when he has enough before he gets it. Nothing please^ a grandmother more than to have a man say she doesn't look it. Declare War on Golds. A crusade of edi cation which aims 4 that common colds may become uncommon within tha next generation" has been begun bv prominent New York physicians. Here is a list of the don'ts" which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the the cold: "Don't sit in a dranghty car." "Don't sleep in hot rooms" "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't stuff yourself at meal time. Over eating reduces your jesistance." To which we would add?when you take a celd get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy mo6t excellent. Sold by all druggists. It is seldom necessary for a man who is as regular as clock work to live on tick. 1 When a boy begins to state his side of the case he is accused of * 'talking back." Flagged Train With Shirt Tearing his shirt from his back ail Ohio man flagged a train and saved it from a wreck, but H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. 0., once prevented a wreck with Electric Bitters. 4*I was in a terribie plight when I began to use them," he writes, "mv stomach, head, back and kidney s were all badly affected and my iiver was in had condition, bnt four bottles of Electric Bitters made ma feel like a new man." A trial wiJl convince you of their matchless merit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Price 50 ooute at Harman Drug Co. A pleasure, like a pipe, may bo a solace to oue man and a nuisance to others. Twinges of rheumatism, backache, stiff joints ami shooting pains all show your kidneys are not working right. Urinary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back apd sore kidneys (eJl the need of a good reliable kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthening and restorative. Thoy build up the kidneys a? ,i regulate their action. They will give yon quick relief and contain no habit forming drugs. 8afn and always euro. Try them. Harmon Drug Go. If a man ^ives you a square deal in a horse trade you can trust hiir. an^ w nrr?;. A. Mitchell, a general merchant near Bagdad. X>\, 'vrifes us:?"I thiak Fi ley Kiamy I'iih one of the greatest kidney me fiei.v-''- *hera is. T?Tv M'a; ill T T^ibie S'jUpe with V!riD ;y trouble err? I gv)t h.jr to take ir. Hno is eo-?'piotH y enrfii row I think it one of oh?- - tvh-medicines I made." H^iinon Drug Co. Occasionally a man haa nothing to say on p. subject because he knovrs all abont it. s obituabies : E. S J. Hat ess died ar. his home neai Gilbert, 8. U., Sepr>mher 19ib, 1912. in the 65th >ear of his aye, after a-verai month's illness Iu his death the community loses one of its best citizens and the county a ioyal aud patriotic son. He possessed many noble trait* of character, which commanded the respect of all with whom he had intercourse He served as a member of the 0<uuty Registration B ard up until the first of April of this)ear. At the heginning of the war between ihe 8r.aies ho enlisted and served with distinguished gallantry until the close in 1865 As a sola'er he was not known to shirk duty, no truer or braver soldier ever shouldered a musket- or wore a grey jack* fc than E. S. J. Hayes. Daring the exposure in service ho contracted rheumatism from which he suffered until death. The immediate cause of his dnath was paraly>i^. He is survived by hi* wife, Mrs. Julia A , two daughters, Mioses Pinkev and Carrie and one sou., Ioor. Toe funeral servic?a j were conducted at St. M-.tihews by | R-v. N. N. Buricn, assisted by the ! R vs. Joab Edwards and C. S Folder, I ! Et ly in life he connected hirn-eif with the Baptist church a d died a consistent, tpunh- rof the same. .Lovj injj- and tender hands covered his ! grave with beau'ilul flowers as a token of kindness to one wiio has crossed the river from whese bourne no travel lei ever returns Cor. Mrs Livy Ann, wife ?>t Jacob R< uknight, was borr June 12, 1868, and died September 29, 1912, making ber earthly 60jourii 44 years, 2 months and 17 days. She was married to Mr Boutnight in 1882 To this union was born eight children?one son and seven daughters, all of whom are living. She leaves these with their father, her deyoted husband, with a dear mother, several sisters and brothers with many relatives and friends to sorrow after her. She had the mietortnne to be badly burned, which resulted in her death twenty two hours afterwards. She suffered intense misery until death came as a relief to her aching body. It seems that she was destined by her 3od to put on the mentcn'o nmnrn fir?? nnrmnrpd riot | JliOl IJ JL a VA V TTMf ?*? _ . at her lot. She was taken by kind hands to her church where she had become a member in early life. She lived a consistent Christian life thoughont her long life. The bnrial services were rendered according to the Lutheran church. She had many relatives and friends at Bethlehem, Black Greek who saw her go the way of all flesh. 81eep mother, thy work on earth is done. A. K M. TAX NOTICE Office of County Treasurer, Lexington County, Lexington, S. C., September 20, 1912, I will be at the places and dates mentioned below for the collection of all taxes due for 1912, and will thank the taxpayers to meet me promptly. Gaston, Tuesday, a. m., 44 19, 44 Swansea, 44 p. m. 44 19, " Swansea, Wednesday all day 44 2o,44 Pelion, Thursday all day 44 21, " Sieedman, Friday, a. m. 44 22, 44 Samaria, Friday, p. m. 44 22, 44 Batesburg, Tuesday, 41 26, 44 Leesville, Wednesday, " 27, 44 Summit, Friday, am. 14 29, 4 Gilbert, 44 p. m. 44 29, 4* Ed. Addy's, Wed a. m. Dec. 4, 44 G. F. Keisler's,44 p. m. 44 4, 4 Brookland Sat. ail day, 44 7, 44 LET*. For State Purposes 5^ Mills For Ordinary County Purposes ... 4 Mills For Past Indebtedness .... 2 Mills Special County . (bridseo) . . IX Mills For Koada . . 2 Mills For Constitutional School Tax... . 3 Mills Totalise Mills Special 6eheol Levy Pis No. l 4 Mills Special School Levy Die. No. 13 3 Mills Special School ? evy Pis. No. 18 8 Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. 25 2 Mills Special School Levy Die No. 84 2 Mills Special School Kcvy Pis. No. 37 2 Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. 42 2 Mills Bpwda! School Levy Pis. No. 2 Milis 8p.?elal School Levy 01s. No. 66 8 Mills ; i special School Levy Pis. No 83 2 Mills Bpe 'iai School Levy Pis. No. 26 2 Mlils Special Jjchooi Levy Pis. No. 3r> 2 Mills Hpeciui School Levy Pis. No. 18 2 Mills Hehool Levy Pis. No. 28 2 Mills Hchool Levy Pis. No. 17 2 Mills -k . . ...? IT T?;.. VT/% ju > Villa j jjf > y A'K*. nv. vj . . j Kp> yml Scnool Levy T)i-. No. u 2 Mills ' | HlocIu! .Vvkool Levy Dis No. u 2 Mills 1 eneo'al H^hool Levy j>is. No. 4S 2 Mills f ; 1 Hchool L~vy I>ls. No. 50 2 NTilis j i oi't/ci-i: .^ohoo) L ;vy Dis. No. S4 ^ Mil s i School Levy Dis. No. 85 a Mills j | Spool I School Levy Pi?, NO. 71 2 Mills 1 j Sp-?*ial school L'*vy D'-. V">. 10 2 Mills I St.ocial School Lovv His. No ^ 2 Vjt's j J Special Seho.'l l evy Dis wo.Stf SMili.s j Spo ia> S-honl Levy Dis. N.?, 45 ii.uiiis ' j Soecial Setiool j<ovy Dis No. 70 2.>;ilis I Special School Levy Lis. No. 7s# 2 Mills j P 11 Tax ail.00 ! j Commutation road tax for 1912, $3 i i (1./tin's, is received at ihe same time j j io: i>M-,or State and county tax"4 s. i njfSr*' lie ad instructions be.uw before ! remitting: | A'-corning to law the County Audi- i tor will add the following penalties: ! On January lat, 1913, 1 pvr cent. ] penaitv will be added to these who have not paid. On February 1st, l'Ji3, j an additional 1 percent, will he a/idtd to those who have not paid, making 2 ! per cent, penalty for February. Stiil j un additional 5 per ceir.. paualtj* will ! be added on March let., making 7 pr-r cent, penalty to be paid by tho?e who have not paid by March 1st, 1913. Tax Books will close March, 13, 1313. When remitting give each township ! or school district your property is in. Give one name in full, uot initials. Very truly, E. L. WINGARD, **' ? ? ? T n?lnrrfr,n C Vn nnfv s e j ATtMiBUJtfr liCAiu^s^vu v^umwj ? ^ ' See onr new top bnpeie* at $10 00 J aa<k. Open buppiefi $,??> 00. We make | the price. Oregon -Oor.der_Mule Co. j i THE JEWELER I 1508 Main St, Colombia, 8, C. REPAIRS I WATCHES I AND I Triiri?i ii\r i JRWFJIjIU i Makes Them Good as Rev I MEDALS I AISD 1 BADGES Manufacturer in Our Own A Shops far Schools and Dthsr Fuifeses AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. im uiqttd nr the /till M/hJILU U1 1UL OPTICAL BUSINESS My motto is painstaking conscientious Optical service. I have one of the most oompletely equipped optical offices, in Colombia. Let me do your optical work and show yon how I can 6erve you. Spectacles and Eye-glasses repaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. - i Three gradu te opticians of many < years experience to serve yon and J we can promise yon the highest de- ^ gree of accuracy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to , me. Come and see ne, we make no charge for our examination. & H, Barkman SflT A "RT TQTTTT'n IfiTO XU I V, Ulb MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. BEAR IN MIND G.D. Kenny Co. Is Headquarters for Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Etc. Fresh Coffee roasted daily. Don't put off buying your coffee and sugar. " They're going Higher. C. D. KENNEY CO. 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia, S. C. , r A Watch is Valuable When it Keeps Time. If you want your watch to keep Correct Time, see M. WEISS, Walsh Repairing a Spsoisfy Also Doal;-r in Watnhes and Jewelry. 1336 Assembly stj, Columbia, C. C. FARlsn^ . FARMS! If you want to bny a pood farm at right price anywhere in South Carolina, call en or write nio. If you v<?ui lo aoii your larui quick for cash, make your price right and I will sell it for you, no matter where locat fO. t sen cnoioe city property, too. Hope A. Dickert, 1507 Main Street, Columbia, - South Carolina. "Always Hustling."