The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 23, 1912, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, Oct 23, 1912. G M. Habman, Editor and Publisher D. R. Haltiwaxges, Assistant Editor. Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. 0., as second class matter. CIRCULATION 2.300. NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carolina^ County of Lexington. Notice is hereby given that the General Election for State and County Officers will be held at the voting precincts /prescribed by law in said County, on Tuesday, November 5, 1912, said day being Tuesday following the first Monday in November, as prescribed by the State Constitution. The qualification for suffrage: Managers of election shall require of every elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing him to vote, the production of his registration certificate and proof of the payment of all taxes, including poll tax. assessed against him and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or of the receipt of the of* 1 * 11?. hcer authorized to coneci sum shall be conclusive proof 6f * the payment thereof. There shall be separate and distinct ballots at this election for the following officers, to wit: (i) Governor and Lieutenant-Governor; (2) other State officers; (3) Circuit Solicitor; (4) State Senator ; (5) members of House of Representatives; (6) county officers. On which shall be the name or names of the person or persons voted for as such officers, respectively, and the office for which they are voted. There shall be separate boxes in which said ballots are to be deposited, and each ballot box shall be labeled in plain Roman letters with the office or officers voted for. Whenever a vote is to be. taken on any special question or questions a box shall be provided, properly labeled for that purpose, and the ballots therefor on such question or questions shall be deposited therein. Before the hour fixed for "opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the . Constitutional . oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can admit -rer the oath to the other members a id to the Clerk; a Notary Public must admin" :er the oath to the Chairman. The . 'anagers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., e-:cept in the City of Charleston, who-- hev shall be opened at 7 a. m. and ' * d at 6 p. m. The Manage: 1 uve the power to fill a vacancy, ~ i none of the Man agers att^'d e citizens can appoin. from aimn ::e qualified voters, the Manager* ' . after being sworn, can conduc* f action. At the ''' -e of the election the Managers ar'* Clerk must proceed publicly to op^n *be ballot boxes and count the ballots therein* and continue without adjournment until the same is completed. and make a statement of the result for each office and sign the same. Within three days thereafter the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the results of the election. At the said election separate boxes will be provided at which qualified electors will vote upon the adoption or rejection of an amendment to the State Constitution, as provided in the following Joint Resolutions: No. 582. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7. Article VIII of the Constitution, i Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Town of BishopTine. 'Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, be agreed to: Add at the end thereof the following words: "Provided. further, That the limitations imposed by this-section and by Section 5 of Article X of this Constitution, snail not apply to the bonded indebtedness incurred by the town: of Bishopville, in the county of Lee. when the proceeds {of said bonds are applied exclusively to aid in the building and purchase of rights-of-way of the South Carolina Western Railway, or other railroad or railroads, under such restrictions and limitations as the General Assembly may prescribe, and where the question of incurring such indebtedness is submitted to the qualified electors of said municipality, as provided in the Constitution. upon the question of bonded indebtedness." See. 2. That the question of adopting this amendment shall be submitted at the next general election for Representatives to the electors as follows: Those in favor of the amendment will deposit a'ballot with the following words plainly written' or printed thereon : "Constitutional amendment to Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness, as proposed by a Joint Resolution entitled 'A Joint Resolution to amend Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness, by adding a proviso thereto as to the town of Bishopville*?Yes." Those opposed to said amendment shall cast a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Constitutional amendment to Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness, as pro jh> cd by a Joint Resolution entitlea J ?int Resolution to amend Section 7, Article VIII of tlic Constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness, by adding a proviso thereto as to the sown of Bishopville'?No." No. 583. A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Constitution, by Adding Thereto Section 14a. to Empower the Cities of Charleston and Beaufort to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Improvements. 1 Section 1. Be it resolved by the Gen- ) ^ral Assembly of the State of South I ... I Carolina, That the following amendment to Article X of the State Constitution, to be known as Section 14a of said Article X. be agreed to by twothirds of the members elected to each house, and entered 011 the Journals respectively. with yeas and nays taken thereon, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the following section to Article X of the Constitution, to be and be known as- Section 14a: Section 14a. The General Assembly may authorize the corporate authorities of the cities of Charleston and Beaufort to levy an assessment upon abutting property for the purpose of paying for ana tne ciues ui anv. v-n.vy. town to levy an assessment upon abutting property for the purpose of paying for permanent improvements on streets and sidewalks, or streets or sidewalks, immediately abutting such property: Provided, That said improvements be ordered only upon the written consent of a majority of the owners of the property abutting upon the streets or sidewalks, or part of either proposed to ^ improved, and upon the condition that the corporate authorities shall pay at least one-half of the costs of such improvements. Sec. 2. That the electors voting at such general election in favor of the proposed amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Article X of the Constitution^ by adding Section 15, empowering the towns of Gaffney and Woodruff and the cities of Chester and Georgetown to assess abutting property for permanent improvement?Yes." And those voting against said proposed amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Section 15, empowering the towns of Gaffney and Woodruff and the cities of Chester and Georgetown to assess abutting property for permanent improvements?No." Sec. 3. The Managers of Election shall canvass said vote and certify the result as now provided by law, and shall provide a separate box for said ballots. At said election the qualified electors shall also vote upon the question of issuing bonds, not exceeding one million ($,ooo) dollars, to carry out plans to relieve the congested condition of the State Hospital for the Insane, as provided by Joint Resolution No. 578, Acts and Joint Resolutions of 1912. MANAGERS OF ELECTION. The following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said Countv: MANAGERS OF STATE ELECTION Lexington?Sim L. Hendrix, F. L. Corley, T. R. Keisler. T. J. Draft's Store?T. P. Drafts, J. L. Sease. I! M. Price. Leesville?M. G. Duncan. \Y. J. P. Kinard. I). L. Gunter. Gilbert?P. H. Craps, N. L. Price, J. D. Harman. Gaston?\Y. M. Sharpe, M. L. Pound, \Y. D. Pound. Pool's Mill?AAA Q. Jackson, J. R. Jefcoat, J. F. Jefcoat. Irmo?O. A. Dreher, Karl B. Shulcr, \Y. E. Lorick. Chapin?H, C. Shealy. AAA 0. Haiti- I wanger. R. F. Cumalander. | Ehrd's Store?AY. D. Huffstetler, AY. j | D. Cannon. Dave Epting. Pel ion?G. AAA Fallaw, C. L. AA'isc, II. AA Rish. Peak?T. AY. Amick, 0. L. Maver, AY. M. Wilson. W P. Shcaly's Store?J. S. Miller, H. A. Howard, L. AV. Ricard. Huffman's Burnt Mill?Boyd F. Berry, J. O. Spradlev. Willie Shumpert. Brookland?M. G. Caughman, L. S. Trotti. W. F. Hook. ? - ^ * tx ir Red Bank?J as. M. Justus, u. w. Wessinger. Charley Corley. Brook?W. F. Taylor, Sam Price, Geo. Shealy. Edmund?J. C. Reeder, C. W. Sox, John F. Shealy. Crout's Store?J. B. Dreher, P. W. Shealy. J. H. Crout. Steedman?W. L. Quattlebauin, E. L. Gunter. C. L. Willis. Delineo?T. A. Kaminer, A. L. Buff, D. M. Wilkins. Sandy Run at Oak Grove?H. S. Crim, W. B. Wannamaker, W. L. Whitaker. St. Matthews?J. 1). McCartha. W. H. Keisler. G. Fk Taylor. T. H. ShulIsV Store?S. O. Hook, Claude Hook, C. J. Taylor. permanent improvements on streets ami sidewalks immediately abutting such property: Provided, That said improvements be ordered only upon the written consent of two-thirds of the owners of the property abutting upon -the street, sidewalk, or part of either, proposed to be improved, and upon condition that said corporate authorities shall pay at least one-half of the costs of such improvements. Sec. 2. That those electors, at the said election, voting in favor of the said amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Article X of the State Constitution, by adding Section 14a. empowering the cities of Charleston and Beaufort to assess abutting property for permanent improvements?Yes." And those voting against the said amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Article X of the State Constitution, bv( adding Section 14a, empowering the cities of Charleston and 1?" fnr JBeautort to assess uuuluu^ permanent improvements?No.'' No. 584. A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Constitution, by Adding Theieto Section 15, to Empower the Towns of Gaffney and Woodruff and Cities of- Chester and Georgetown to Assess' Abutting Property for Permanent Improvement. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina. That the following amendment to the Constitution. Article X. to be known as Section 15 of said article, be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each house, and entered on the Journals respectively, with yeas and nays taken thereon, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election .thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the following section to Article X of the Constitution. to be and be known as Section 15: Section 15. The General Assembly may authorize the corporate authorities of the towns of Gaffney and Woodruff 1 '1 * - ? - ^ .,nr1 C,r>r\rcr(* Summit?W. A. Hare, E. W. Risinger, J. A. Sligh. Bateshurg?W. F, Fallaw, Barrett Jones, S. B. Carter. Swansea?H. \V. Xeese, J. V. Hutto, J. N. Jumper. Hilton?C. W. Smith, W. H. Derrick, E. L. Derrick. Samaria?Isaiah Howard, J. B. Johnson, C. R. Quattlebaum. The Managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election from N. P. Shipp. Secretary, at Lexington. S. C. G. A. GOODWIN. T. II. RAWL. B. K. KYZER, Commissioners of State and County Elections, for Lexington County, S. C. N. P. Shipp, Secretary. October 14. 1912. ^ ^ ^ NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. Notice is hereby given that the General Election for Presidential and VicePresidential Electors and Representatives in Congress will be held at the voting precincts fixed by law in the County of Lexington on Tuesday, November 5. 1912, said day being Tuesday following the first Monday, as prescribed by the State Constituticn* The qualification for suffrage are as follows: Residence in State for two years, in the County one year, in the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote, four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable. Provided, That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residence in the State, otherwise qualified. Registration.?Payment of all taxes, including poll tax. assessed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment tnereor. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer tiie oath to the other Managers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must .administer the oath to Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m.. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m.. except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy: and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint, from among the qualified voters, the Managers, who. after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the close of the election the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for ?ach office, and sign the same. Within three days thereafter the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commisers of Election the poll list, the boxes . containing the ballots and written state-< ments of the result of the election. Managers of Election?The following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the va ??ro 1/4 Prttmfv ' nous precincis m mc jaiu vuuiu; . MANAGERS OF FEDERAL ELECTION. Lexington?M. D. Harman, . J. F. Kleckley, J. E. R. Kyzer. T. J. Draft's Store?H. P. Price, J. D. Keisler, Geo. C. Price. Leesville?J. Y. Cooley, M. Crouch, A. P. West. Gilbert?W. E. Long, I. Taylor, W. L. Addy. Gaston?Geo. W. Pound, C. C. Goodwin, R. E. Pound. Pool's Mill?J. M. Boles, J. W. Starnes, J. L. Jefcoat. Irmo?J. H. Shealy, Heber R. Dreher, O. W. Lorick. Chapin?J. H. Roberts, J. T. Stockman, W. E. Riser. Efird's Store?E. W. Derrick, J. J. Rish. D. L. Shealy. Pelion?A. M. Hutto, A. W. Craft, L. \Y. Gardner. Peak?Jas. W. Eargle, H. P. Summers, J. F. Chapman. \Y. P. Shealy's Store?C. E. Ballington. J. D. Wise. Tally Shealy. Huffman's Burnt Mill?G. C. Gantt, S. L. Lucas. W. A. Rish. Brookland?J. D. Scnn, \\. K. Lowe, Wade Sox. Red Bank?B. B. Pound, Frank Taylor. J. J. Taylor. Jr. Brook?D. H. Price, D. L. Taylor, Vast ine Taylor. Edmund?J. A. Kyzer, I. E. Jefcoat. 0. E. Sharpe. Grout's Store?C. T. Koon, Scott P. Shi rev, D. D. Amick. Stoedman?L. W. Mitchell, IT. J. Burgess, A. B. Quattlehaum. Deliugo?T. A. Kaminer, J. E. Buff, Goo. C. Archart. Sandy Run at Oak Grove?W. Furtick, T. L. Williams, M. L. Wannaj maker. I St. Matthews?T,. M. Steele, E. W. Keisler. S. S. McCartha. T. IT. Skull's Store?Clvde Livingston, E. E. I Took. T. IT. Shull. Summit?M. A. Ricard, A. E. Craps, R. O. Shealy. Batesburg?E. L. Hartley, W. R. Shealy. Geo. Adams. Swansea?C. B. Dowling, T. W. Hutto. E. IT. Smith. Hilton?E. L. Derrick, J. W. Bick lev. A. H. Harman. Samaria?F. S. Rurgess, 0. C. Boatwright. Haskell Hall. The Managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure the boxes and blanks for the election from N. P. Shipp, Secretary, at Lexington. S. C. C. S. MATTHEWS. G. A. SHEALEY, C. E. LEAPHART, Commissioners of Federal Election for Lexington County, S. C. X. P. Shipp, Secretary. October 14. 1912. Notico, Trespassers. This is to notify all persons not to hunt or trespass in anyway whatever upo? our lands, as the law will be enforced against such trespassers. THOS. W. GTTNTER. > . J. B. D. HARMAN. JEROME RISH. Oct. 15, 11)12?2p Bank of NOW Prepared to gi vice wi Paid in Capital Surplus and Undn Stockholders Liab protect depositors. ? a cent. It is the CAPITAL ai 77" wny m 4 per cent, inter Co. Treasurers Appointments. I will be at the places and dates mentioned below for the collection of a:l taxes due for 1812, and will thank the taxpayers to meet me promptly. Irmo, Wednesday, a. m., Nov. J3, 1912 Hilton, Wednesday, p. m., " 13, " Chapin. Thursday, all day " 14, " Peak, Friday, a. m., " 15, " GastOD, Tuesday, a. m., " 19, " Swansea, ' p. m. " 19, '* Swansea, Wednesday all day " 2o, " Pplion. Thnrsdav all dav " 21. " Steedman, Friday, a. m/ " 22, " Samaria, Friday, p. m. " 22, " Batesburg, Tuesday, " 26, *' Leesville, Wednesday, '* 27, " Summit, Friday, a m. " 29, ' Gilbert, " p. m. " 29, '* Ed. Addv's, Wed a. m. Dec. 4, " G. F. Keisler's, " p. m. " 4, Brook!and, Sat. all day, 44 7, 44 E. L. WINGARD, Co. Treas. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judg*. 'Whereas, G. C. Hooker, made suit to me, to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and effects of Margaret I. Jefcoat. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Margaret I. Jefcoat, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on the Nov., 1912, next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 22ud day of October, A. D., 1912. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L.S.) Probate Judge Lexington Co., S. C. Published on the 18th day of Oct. 1912, in the Lexington Dispatch 52 Hook and Layton 1191 Cor. Gorvais and Assembly Streets, COLUMBIA, S. C. TTftvo a fnll linp of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, NEGETABLES. GRAIN, FEED, ETC. at lowest prices and solicit a share of the Lexington trade, always call and see us wheD in the city. r > Edwin 0. Dretier INSURANCE FIRE LIFE A nrrmw/NTT A*VVXJk/UJLl Jk AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS LIVE STOCK TORNADO HEALTH I represent only the strongest and best old lins Companies and have special facilities for writing fire insurance on country property. If you want insurance of anv kind write or call on me at Lexington, S 0. Western IN ITS NEW S ve you prompt and ith unquestionable s rided Profits ility . Making a total of ill this must be lost before a id SURPLUS of a Bank thai Open an Accour est payable quarterly on Sai NOTICE?On Wednesday Oct. 30th, g 1912, I will not operate my ginnery, having promised this day off to my force lor a dav at the State Fair. n Ti pom? Rorro a n U ? JL JL I K-/ V r; Sale of Personal Property. I will sell at public sale my household ana kitchen furniture, farming implemerts, one mule, buggy, wagon, milk cow and calf, hogs, food, etc., at i rriy place, near Barr's upper mill, on j Tuesday, 5th of November next. Sale commencing at 11 o'clock. Terms Cash. JNO. M. TAYLOR. - Oct. 16, 1912.?2w51 ! Notice, Trespassers. All persons are hereby notified that ! fishing, hunting or trespassing in any! manner whatsoever on the lands of the i undersigned is positively forbidden; | and thiit the law will be applied to all ' per&ons who violate this notice Lacronia Strickland. Luther Jefcuat. Venus Jefcoat. 4wol E. M. Martin. Welcome to Mimnaugh's The department store of J. L. Mimnaugh & Co., Columbia, extends a cordial invitation to the people of Lexington county to make their store headquarters while in the city during fair fcweek. A mammoth stock ot goods, in every department, awaits your inspection. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one w~ay to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is cansed by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forevet; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by, catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. FOR SALE?Five room house, on large lot, on Main street, in Lexington, S. C. For particulars apply to Box 92, Leesville, S. C. 2 U. A. Smith, Bridgeton, Ind., had kidney trouble for years, and was so cripp'ed with rheumatism he could not dress without help. He started using T>:n~ ?>>/! co.-o- "T ho. X Uiey JY1UIJCJ riwa, auu a . X gan ro get better at once, and now all j my trouble has left me and I do not- " feel that 1 ever had rheumatism, I rest well all night and tho' 59 years old can now do the work of a man of j 35 years. I would like to be the means 1 of others getting benefit from Foley j Kidney Pills.'' Refuse substitutes. Harmon Drug Co. A Good Time in Store Everyone Going to the State Fatf at Columbia October 28 to November 2. There is an old saying that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." The farmer who has been hard at work all year needs his recreation, so does the workmen and the merchant. By common consent the. time and place of recreation is at the State Fair. It is the opportunity where the farmer and merchant can get new ideas as well as have a good time. This year the State Fair will be held from October 2S to Novem* ^ ^ Der z. ? There is no need to go into tha detailed programme, suffice it to say that every day and every hour of the week will be occupied with varied attractions. If fine cattle and horses have no interest there will be football and theatres, and if pickles are of no moment then there will be flowers and fruit displays. The people of the State appreciate , and realize the efforts that President J. Arthur Banks and his coworkers are making to give a fair that will command State-wide interest. The State is prospering and that ! accounts for the unusual interest being taken in the fair to be held October 28 to November 2. The railroads are offering specially low excursion tickets to visitors attending the fair at Columbia, & Carolina! SOME H efficient sersfl fetv 9H $270,100.00 292,600.00 . 270,100.00 V| $332,809.00 to depositor can loose flH makes its Strength " it Now? k ings Accounts. | nnMBBOBOHBU 1 Alfred J, Fox, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LEXINGTON, S. C. Real Estate Bought and Sold. 140 acres two miles south of Burr, 0 miles from Lexington, 30 open, 50 acres pine timber, 6 room dwelling, a barn and stables, plenty running water. G2)-o acres 3 miles west of Gaston, 9 acres open, 3 room dwelling, some pine timber, plenty oak. 46 acres one mile from Edmund 25 acres open land, 2 room dwelling. 139)^ acres 4 mile9 from 'Lexington o the Augusta Road, 22 acres open, some pine timber, 6 room dwelling. 270 acres; 3 miles from Pelion, 50 acres open land, dwelling, plenty water. Fine land for Cotton and grain. 162 acres 5 miles from Steed man, 25 acres open land, dwelling barn and Stables. 104 acres 1 mile from Edmund, 35 acres open land, 2 room dwelling, plenty water. 76 acres 6 miles from Columbia, one mile from Arthur, pine timber, plenty water. 150 acres 7 miles from Lexingtod, 50 acres in cultivation, 9 room dwelling, 2 barns, tenant house, blacksmith shop, good water power, corn and wheat mill, cotton, gin and press, telephone, daily mail, near good school and church. Easy terms. SURETY BONDS* Write or call to see me AT THE HOME NATIONAL BANK, Lexington, S. C. . ?j * i ! AS "W^LL'''' AS 1 large ones are welcome here? | you need not wait until your bus| iness has assumed great propor| tions before opening a Checking Account, DO SO TO-DAY. Oar patrons regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us?and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. Talk it over I with our cashier. CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, COLUMBIA* S. C. N